Crown RP4500 PDF
Crown RP4500 PDF
Crown RP4500 PDF
Event Codes
Event Codes
Access Module Listing:
Access 1: Display Control Module (DCM)
Access 3™: Traction Control Module (TCM)
Fig. 1 (17394-01)
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 300
02 Rev. 12/13
Event Code 313
– Then replace M1. Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
• If:M1 windings do not show a connection to the Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Con-
frame. nect the battery. Turn the truck ON.
– Then the issue could be intermittent or higher re- • If:Event code continues.
sistance than the meter can detect.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 5: Use a DVOM to check Access 3™ terminal re-
Step 2: Clear the events in the Access 1 history. Turn
sistance to the truck frame. Keep the power
the truck OFF, then back ON.
cables disconnected from Access 3™. Check
• If:Event code continues.
the resistance of each phase terminal to the
truck frame. – Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Turn the truck OFF and replace Access 3™.
• If:Any of the terminals are shorted.
Configure new Access 3™ in Utilities Menu
– Then replace Access 3™.
• If:Access 3™ terminals are OK.
• If:Event code continues.
– Then replace M1.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 3: Determine if the line contactor (L) is in good – Then proceed to Step 8.
working order with good tips and a good return Step 8: Inspect the line contactor terminal threads for
spring. excess wear. Replace the contactor if neces-
• If:The line contactor (L) tips or spring are bad. sary. Install TR1 and the power cables back on
– Then replace or repair the line contactor (L). the line contactor (L). Torque the line contactor
• If:The line contactor (L) is functioning properly. (L) bolts to the specified torque. Do not over
– Then check the wiring going to the line contactor tighten. Turn the truck on and monitor the
(L) coil. event code.
• If:Wire terminals are loose or wire is damaged. • If:Event code continues.
– Then repair or replace the harness as necessary. – Then check the battery condition under load.
• If:Harness is OK. • If:The battery condition is deteriorated.
– Then proceed to Step 4. – Then repair or replace the battery.
Step 4: Check the power connections of the line con- • If:The battery is OK.
tactor (L) and Access 3™. Make sure the ter- – Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
minals are tightened to the proper torque Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
specification and the threads are in good con-
• If:The connections are loose or corroded.
– Then tighten or replace the terminals as neces-
• If:Connections are OK.
– Then proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Turn the truck ON. Use a DVOM to measure Fig. 6 (14992-01)
the voltage of FU1 in the circuit. Measure from
the +BV side of FU1 to the Access 3™ BNEG
terminal. Then measure from the + side of FU1 Event Code 320
to the Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Access 3™ Low Supply Voltage (15 V)
• If:There is a difference in voltage of 0.5 V or more. The internally regulated voltage in Access 3™ dropped
– Then replace FU1. below a percentage of the regulated supply voltage.
• If:Voltage is +BV on both sides of FU1.
– Then proceed to Step 6. CAUTION
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Discharge the Access 3™ Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
capacitors. Check the Access 3™ battery ter-
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
minal connections. ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.1. Move
• If:Connections are loose or corroded. truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area with a
– Then tighten or replace the terminals. level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
• If:Connections are tight and in good condition. out/Tagout in this section.
– Then proceed to Step 7. 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
Step 7: Remove TR1 from the line contactor (L). Allow the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
TR1 to cool to room temperature. Use a 15 or more seconds.
DVOM to check the resistance of TR1.
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
• If:Resistance is not 39.5 ohm.
Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors. Use a
– Then replace TR1.
DVOM to check the battery voltage at the bat-
• If:Resistance is 39.5 ohm.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 321
Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
Fig. 9 (14993-01)
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
15 or more seconds. Step 4: Check the Access 3™ mounting bolts located
in each of the four corners of Access 3™.
Proper torque for the bolts is 24.5 Nm (18 ±
Step 2: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery.
5.0 ft lb) or reference section on fastener
Discharge the Access 3™ capacitors (with the
torque for an M8 8.8 bolt).
battery disconnected, discharge the capaci-
tors by placing a 100 ohm, two watt resistor • If:The bolts are loose.
across the Access 3™ BNEG and + terminals – Then completely unbolt controller from power
for a minimum of 15 seconds). Check for unit wall. Blow or wipe clean Access 3™ and the
mounting wall surfaces. Mount Access 3™ onto
loose, corroded or damaged terminal connec-
the power unit wall and torque to above specifica-
tions on Access 3™. Check +BV, + and BNEG tions.
terminals. Check U, V and W power cable ter- • If:Mounting is correct.
minals. Also check FU1 terminals.
– Then proceed to Step 5.
• If:Connections are loose. Step 5: Determine if the truck is under a heavy-duty
– Then tighten to a torque of 15 Nm (11 ± 1.5 ft lb). cycle or high ambient temperatures.
• If:Connection terminals are bad. • If:The truck is overheating due to these conditions
– Then replace cables as necessary. and performance is degraded.
• If:Terminals are OK. – Then allow the truck to cool down.
– Then proceed to Step 3. • If:The truck is not overheating due to the above
Step 3: Check the U, V and W M1 power cables for ex- conditions.
cess wear. Check +BV and BNEG power ca- – Then proceed to Step 6.
bles for excess wear. Step 6: Does this fault occur when Access 3™ is at
• If:The any cable(s) shows signs of excess wear. room temperature (after the truck has been
– Then replace the cable(s) as necessary. OFF for some time)?
• If:The power cables are OK. • If:No.
– Then proceed to Step 4. – Then proceed to Step 7.
• If:Yes.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
Step 7: Use Analyzer Menu A3.6 to check for exces-
sive current in M1 due to a mechanical condi-
tion of the drive motor, drive unit or brakes.
Refer to Control of Hazardous Energy in the
Service and Parts Manual to lift and block the
truck frame so the drive tire is off the ground.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 323
Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
Fig. 10 (28531) tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
Event Code 324 1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
DC Bus High - Software Detected (high battery volt- 2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
age at Access 3™). out/Tagout in this section.
Access 3™ software detects the DC Supply voltage, 3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
as measured at + and BNEG terminals, is 50 V or the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
more.Follow the trouble shooting steps for Event code 15 or more seconds.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 332
– Then replace the wire harness. Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Remove wire 5904 from
• If:No bad connections or broken wires are found. the line contactor coil. Turn the truck ON. Use
– Then proceed to Step 6. Access 1 to clear all events. Press the brake
Step 6: Disconnect CA201. Use a DVOM to check the pedal.
resistance of TS1 between Access 3™ • If:Event Code 332 logs again.
CA201-4 and CA201-16 on the wire harness. – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5904.
• If:Resistance is more than 330 ohm. Proceed to Step 2.
– Then proceed to Step 7. • If:Event code 332 does not log again.
• If:Resistance is less than 330 ohm. – Then turn the truck OFF. Replace the line contac-
tor (L). Connect wire 5904 to the new line contac-
– Then skip to Step 8.
Step 2: Use the lower switch (LOS1) to lower the forks
to a maximum height of 76 mm (3 in). Turn the
truck OFF. Remove wire 5901 from the raise
solenoid (P). Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1
to clear all events. Press the raise switch.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again.
– Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5901.
Proceed to Step 3.
• If:Event Code 332 does not log again.
– Then replace the raise solenoid (P). Connect
Fig. 11 (14994-01) wire 5901 to the new raise solenoid.
Step 7: Determine if the truck is under a heavy-duty Step 3: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA404 Elec-
cycle or high ambient temperatures. tric Brake connector. Turn the truck ON. Use
• If:The truck is overheating due to these conditions Access 1 to clear all events. Turn the truck
and performance is degraded. ON. Cycle BRS and DMS.
– Then allow the truck to cool down. • If:Event Code 332 logs again.
• If:The truck is not overheating due to the above – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect CA404. Pro-
conditions. ceed to Step 4.
– Then proceed to Step 8. • If:Event Code does not log again.
Step 8: Replace the M1. Monitor the event. – Then replace BRK1. Connect CA404.
• If:Event code continues and performance is de- Step 4: Turn the truck OFF. Remove wire 5902 from
graded. the steer solenoid (S). Turn the truck ON. Use
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new Access 1 to clear all events. Cycle BRS and
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. DMS.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again.
Event Code 332 – Then turn the truck OFF. Reconnect wire 5902.
Proceed to Step 5.
Open Output Circuit - Current High
• If:Event Code 332 does not log again.
One of the following Access 3™ outputs exceeded 1.5
– Then replace the steer solenoid (S). Connect
amps continuous or three amps peak: BRK (CA201-2),
wire 5902 to the new steer solenoid.
Pump Contactor (P) solenoid (CA201-18), Line
Contactor (L) coil (CA201-21) or Steer Solenoid Step 5: Turn the truck OFF. Inspect the wire harness
(CA201-22). Access 3™ disables all truck functions. connectors for a short circuit across the termi-
Likely causes are a defective contactor coil or a short nals of the connectors. Remove any debris
to +BV. The short could be internal or external to that may have accumulated on the connec-
Access 3™.
tors. Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 to clear • If:Voltage is less than 21 V.
all events. – Then check the wire harness for a shorted wire to
• If:Event Code 332 logs again. BNEG or a short of wire 5904 to the truck frame.
– Then proceed to Step 6. • If:The a wire is shorted.
Step 6: Turn the truck OFF. Replace the main wire – Then replace or repair as necessary.
harness. Turn the truck ON. Use Access 1 to • If:Wires are OK.
clear all events. – Then proceed to Step 3.
• If:Event Code 332 logs again or becomes intermit-
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. Use Access 1 to tor controller, whenever performing maintenance
clear all events and verify the event code does which may permit contact with the bus bars and asso-
not reappear. ciated power cables, discharge the capacitors.
1. Move truck to a secure non traffic maintenance area
with a level floor.
2. Lockout/Tagout truck as described in Battery - Lock-
out/Tagout in this section.
3. Place a minimum 100 ohm, 10 watt resistor between
the positive and negative terminals of the controller for
15 or more seconds.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 336
Fig. 14 (17421-01)
Fig. 15 (17422)
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 346
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code 372
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication
– Then the battery is not fully charged. Place bat- Step 1: Check that Battery Restraint (BRES) switches
tery back onto charger and set for a full charge. It (where equipped) are adjusted properly and
is also recommended to perform an equalize battery gates are fully seated. If the truck is not
charge whenever possible. equipped with BRES proceed to Step 2. View
• If:Battery does not read full voltage after being on BRES in Analyzer Menu A2.4 (F7 must be EN-
charger. ABLED).
– Then check condition of battery and charger. • If:BRES switches are not adjusted or operating
• If:Battery condition is poor. properly.
– Then lower the battery reset value as low as 60% – Then adjust or repair as necessary.
in Performance Menu P6. The deteriorated bat- • If:BRES switches are OK.
tery will not allow a long battery cycle.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Check connection CA204 for connectivity. If • If:LED is still continuously on and not flashing with
BRES option is present, PC204 and JC204 no truck functions.
fast-tabs should be connected to the battery – Then proceed to Step 6.
restraint cable. If BRES option is not present, • If:Status LED is blinking rapidly.
PC204 and JC204 should be connected to – Then check the Access 1 Event Log and proceed
each other (near the CA204 connection). En- to that Event Code diagnostic in this Quick Refer-
sure these connections are secure and wiring ence Guide. If Access 1 is not ON, then count the
is not damaged in this area. LED flash sequence to determine the Event
Code number and use that Event Code to trou-
• If:Fast-on tabs are disconnected or damaged. bleshoot the issue.
– Then replace or repair as necessary. • If:No event code is present, either on Access 1 or
• If:CA204 connection is OK. by counting the flash sequence.
– Then proceed to Step 3. – Then update Access 1 and Access 3™ with the
Step 3: Use Access 1 Analyzer Menu A2.1 to check latest revision software. Turn the truck OFF, then
back ON.
BRS. Cycle BRS.
• If:Issue still exists.
• If:A2.1 changes state as expected.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new
– Then proceed to Step 5. Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2.
• If:A2.1 does not change state. • If:Status LED is blinking slowly.
– Then check the wiring to BRS. – Then update Access 3™ with the latest revision
• If:BRS and wires are OK. software. Turn the truck OFF, then back ON.
– Then proceed to Step 4. Step 6: Use a DVOM to measure the voltage from
Step 4: Turn the truck OFF. Lift and block the truck so Access 3™ + to Access 3™ BNEG.
that the drive tire is off the ground. Refer to • If:Voltage is more than 17 V.
Control of Hazardous Energy in the Service – Then proceed to Step 7.
and Parts Manual. Check BRS adjustment for
• If:Voltage is less than 17 V.
proper range of motion.
– Then check the battery, power cables and line
• If:Switch contacting arm does not activate BRS. contactor (L) for a high resistance connection.
– Then adjust to contact BRS during typical operat- Step 7: Turn the truck ON. Check KYS for a voltage
ing range. drop. Connect the positive DVOM lead to the
• If:Switch contacting arm activates BRS as ex- supply terminal of KYS (red wire 201) and the
pected. negative DVOM lead to Access 3™ BNEG.
– Then proceed to Step 5. Then check the voltage with the positive
Step 5: Open the power unit door and check the status DVOM lead connected to the wire 2925 termi-
LED on Access 3™. nal of KYS and the negative DVOM lead to
• If:Status LED is not on. Access 3™ BNEG.
– Then check FU2. Turn the truck OFF. Remove • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is less than 17 V.
FU2. Use a DVOM to check FU2 continuity. – Then check FU2 and the FU2 wiring for shorts or
• If:FU2 is open. pinched wiring.
– Then replace FU2. Turn the truck ON. • If:Voltage on FU2 side of KYS is more than 17 V
• If:FU2 blows again. and the 2925 terminal is less than 17 V.
– Then check harness for shorts or pinched wires. – Then replace KYS.
• If:FU2 is OK. Step 8: Check condition of KYS wiring and terminals.
– Then proceed to Step 6. • If:Wiring or terminal crimps show corrosion or loose
• If:Status LED is continuously on and not flashing. connection.
– Then turn the truck OFF, then back ON. – Then repair or replace as necessary.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication
Step 9: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect the battery. – Then check the wire between CA401-4 and the
Disconnect CA201. Connect the battery. Turn Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Repair or replace
the truck ON. Connect the positive DVOM lead the harness as necessary.
to CA201-1 and the negative lead to • If:Resistance is less than 5 ohm.
Access 3™ BNEG. – Then proceed to Step 3.
• If:Voltage is less than 17 V. Step 3: With CA401 still disconnected, turn the truck
– Then check the wiring between CA201-1, raise ON. Connect the positive DVOM lead to
solenoid + connection and the KYS B+ connec- CA401-3 on the wire harness and the negative
tion. lead on the Access 3™ BNEG terminal. Mea-
• If:There is a loose connection or damaged wire. sure the voltage.
– Then repair or replace the harness. • If:Voltage is less than 24 V.
• If:Voltage is more than 17 V. – Then proceed to Step 4.
– Then replace Access 3™. Configure new • If:Voltage is greater than 24 V.
Access 3™ in Utilities Menu U2. – Then reprogram Access 1.
• If:Issue continues.
– Then replace Access 1.
Step 4: Check the voltage drops for each component
in the +BV supply line. Connect the negative
lead of the DVOM to the Access 3™ BNEG
terminal. One at a time, connect the positive
DVOM lead to check voltages at the line con-
tactor (L) terminal, each side of FU2 and each
side of KYS.
• If:The voltage drop from the line contactor (L) to
FU2 is more than 0.3 V.
– Then repair or replace wire 202 of the wire har-
ness. Make sure the FU2 terminals are secure.
Fig. 23 (17426) • If:The voltage drop from FU2 (+BV side) to FU2 (+
side) is more than 0.3 V.
– Then replace FU2. Make sure the FU2 terminals
Event Code No Indication are secure.
Access 1 is not lit • If:The voltage drop from FU2 to KYS is more than
Step 1: Turn the truck OFF. Disconnect CA401 con- 0.3 V.
nector on the back of Access 1. Make sure – Then repair or replace wire 201 of the wire har-
that all pins are fully seated in the connector. ness. Make sure the FU2 terminals are secure.
Connect CA401 back onto Access 1. Turn the • If:The voltage drop between the KYS terminals
(with KYS turned on) is more than 0.3 V.
truck ON.
– Then repair or replace KYS. Make sure the wire
• If:Connector is secure and Access 1 still does not terminals are secure.
• If:The voltage drop from KYS to CA401-3 (with KYS
– Then proceed to Step 2. turned on) is more than 0.3 V.
Step 2: Turn truck OFF. Disconnect CA401. Use a – Then repair or replace wire 2913 of the wire har-
DVOM to check the resistance between the ness. Make sure the wire terminals are secure.
Access 3™ BNEG terminal and CA401-4. Step 5: Use the DVOM to check the voltages at
• If:Resistance is more than 5 ohm. Access 3™ CA401-3 (+BV) and CA401-4
• If:Access 1 power loss is intermittent. the acceleration). Reference the front of Info-
– Then replace the wire harness. Point Quick Reference Guide or
• If:All voltages are normal and fault is not intermit- Access 1 2 3® in the Service and Parts Manu-
tent. al for menu structures.
– Then replace Access 1. • If:Increased acceleration parameters do not im-
prove acceleration rate.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check PT1 for proper operation. Lower the
forks completely to the ground. Use Access 1
Analyzer Menu A2.11 to check the value of the
load sensor counts.
01 Rev. 8/11
Event Code No Indication
01 Rev. 8/11