SP3520-Event Codes

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Event Codes

Event Codes To ensure your truck’s ACCESS 123 software is up-to-

date, use ACCESS 1 and scroll to the Utilities menu.
ACCESS 123® Module Listing: From here you will be able to view the module and soft-
ware part numbers applicable to your truck.
ACCESS 1: Display Control Module (DCM)
No Event Code?
ACCESS 3: Traction Control Module (TCM)
When the truck malfunctions and no event code is dis-
ACCESS 4: Vehicle Control Module (VCM) played it usually means the malfunction is not electri-
ACCESS 5: Steering Control Module (SCM) cal.

ACCESS 6: Guidance Control Module (GCM) If the truck powers up, but a code is not displayed, the
malfunction is probably mechanical or hydraulic rather
than electrical. Information regarding mechanical and
CAUTION hydraulic troubleshooting is located in the appropriate
section in this Manual.
When replacing an ACCESS module or updating mod-
ule software, verify settings and recalibrate as needed. To Locate Malfunctioning Components
Some Troubleshooting Basics Component and Wiring Location Maps are provided at
strategic locations to help you quickly determine the
physical location of items in question.
All components are clearly marked at the connection
Never key ON truck with any control connectors dis- points.
connected. In addition, never remove or connect any
control connectors while truck is keyed ON. Test Points

Statistically the majority of malfunctions occur in or at Test points referenced in the event code descriptions
hardware components, contactors and motors. The are located on the distribution panel.
next components to test are connectors, wiring and in- Power Cable Connections
put devices such as switches, potentiometers or en-
coders. When measuring voltage and resistance of
these components, use a Digital Volt-Ohm Meter CAUTION
(DVOM). Be sure to connect all components previously
Due to capacitance voltage present in the traction mo-
disconnected after completing event code steps. The
tor controller and lift motor controller, whenever per-
last component to suspect is the motor control system.
forming maintenance which may permit contact with
In all instances, you should begin your troubleshooting
the bus bars and associated power cables, discharge
procedure at the driven device, proceed to inputs de-
the capacitors.
vices, then, and only then, move on to the control to
• Move truck to a secure non-traffic maintenance
which these devices attach.
area with a level floor.
When a Malfunction Occurs • Lockout or tagout truck as described in Lockout -
Tagout in this section.
• Go to ACCESS 1 and access the Level 2: Field • Disconnecting the battery will discharge the capac-
Service Mode as follows. itors. Once the dash display flashes, the capacitors
are discharged. Two alternative methods of dis-
NOTE charging these capacitors are to disconnect the
battery and hold the key switch in the start position
Your monitoring system can be accessed at three lev- for 10 seconds or disconnect the battery and con-
els of authorization: nect a 200 ohm, two watt resistor between the pos-
Level 1: Operator Mode itive and negative terminals on the controller.
Level 2: Field Service Mode (Full Truck Operation) • Turn key switch to OFF, remove key.
Level 3: Analyzer/Test Mode (No Truck Operation)
This section deals with Level 2 and Level 3. For infor-
mation on Level 1, see the Operator’s Manual. Refer to
Electrical for ACCESS 1 information.

Crown 2007 PF15819-1 Rev. 9/11 M4.8-7335-001

04 Rev. 9/11
Event Codes

ACCESS 1 Display Control Module (DCM)

Figure 16722-02

1 Display Screen
2 Battery Retainer Switch Indicator*
3 Enter or Return Key - used to navigate in and out of menus
and accept inputs.
4 Wire Guidance Display (optional)
5 Navigation Keys - up, down, left and right arrows; used to
scroll through menus.
6 Operator Improper Sequence Error Indicator*
7 Service Required Indicator*
8 Battery Discharge Indicator
* NOTE: These three indicators are viewable during initial
key-on, self test and indicator functioning.

ACCESS 1 - Display Control Module (DCM)

ACCESS 3 - Traction Control Module (TCM)
ACCESS 4 - Vehicle Control Module (VCM)
ACCESS 5 - Steering Control Module (SCM)
ACCESS 6 - Guidance Control Module (GCM)

M4.8-7335-002 Crown 2007 PF15819-2 Rev. 5/09

02 Rev. 5/09
Event Codes


Crown 2007 PF15819-3 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-003

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 101

Event Code 101 Step 4: CAN communications line test:

Key OFF truck and use a DVOM to check resistance
ACCESS 1 CAN Initialization Error. between CAN_H and CAN_L on platform distribution
panel TP13 and TP14, should be 60 ohm.
All truck functions disabled.
Note: Absence of B- to ACCESSES on the CAN bus • If: Greater than 60 ohm.
will load the bus and impede CAN communications. – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Step 1:Check ACCESS 1 CAN wiring. Wire 003 Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
CA302-8 to CA105-2 and wire 004 CA302-9 to DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
CA105-8. and CA402-5.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues. • If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then proceed to Step 2. – Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Wiring incorrect. • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then repair/replace as necessary. – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
Step 2: Check power to ACCESS 1, wire 2941 DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
CA302-3 to CA103-10 and wire 513 CA302-4 to and CA302-9.
• If: Greater than 120 ohm.
• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 1.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 5: Check for CAN line short to battery negative,
• If: Wiring incorrect. battery positive and truck frame. Key OFF truck discon-
nect battery, then, using a DVOM, check resistance at
– Then repair/replace as necessary.
the power unit from CAN_L to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to
Step 3: Check for B- to other ACCESSES on CAN bus TP3 on the power unit distribution panel and CAN_L to
by verifying power lamps are ON. truck frame. Resistance should be greater than 10,000
• If: ACCESS has no power.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
– Then, using a DVOM, check for B+ and B-.
Should either be missing check associated wir- – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.
ing, connector and fuse.

M4.8-7335-004 Crown 2007 PF15819-4 Rev. 3/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 101

Figure 16649

Crown 2007 PF15819-5 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-005

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 103

Event Code 103 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
ACCESS 3 CAN Initialization Error.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 3 has not occurred within specified time. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 3 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 3 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 3 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA401-1 and -BV

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2953 CA401-1 to CA201-5,
fuse FU3 power unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses. Repair/replace as necessary.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
Figure 16651

M4.8-7335-006 Crown 2007 PF15819-6 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 104

Event Code 104 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
ACCESS 4 CAN Initialization Error.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 4 has not occurred within specified time. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 4 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 4 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 4 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA304-1 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2937, CA304-1 to CA103-12;
wire 525, CA304-3 to CA107-9 and fuse FU2
power unit distribution panel. Repair/replace as
Step 2: Check CAN Communications Lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses. Repair/replace as necessary.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a Figure 16661
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.

Crown 2007 PF15819-7 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-007

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 105

Event Code 105 Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.
ACCESS 5 CAN Initialization Error.
All truck functions disabled. • If: 0 ohm.

Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with – Then short exists between CAN_H and
ACCESS 5 has not occurred within specified time. CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses. Repair/replace as necessary.
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 5
power ON lamps. • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

• If: ACCESS 5 power lamps are ON and event code – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
continues. Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
– Then proceed to Step 2. and CA402-5.
• If: ACCESS 5 power lamps are OFF. • If: Greater than 60 ohm.
– Then check for BV between CA403-26 and – Then replace ACCESS 5.
• If: Greater than 60 ohm.
• If: 24V.
– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
– Then replace ACCESS 5. Remove CA302 from ACCESS 3 and, using a
• If: 0V. DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
– Then check wire 551 CA403-26 to CA401, wire
2966 CA403-10 to CA201-6, fuse FU3 power • If: Greater than 60 ohm.
unit distribution panel. – Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
should be greater than 10,000 ohm.

• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

– Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

M4.8-7335-008 Crown 2007 PF15819-8 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 105

Figure 16668

Crown 2007 PF15819-9 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-009

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 106

Event Code 106 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
ACCESS 6 CAN Initialization Error.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 6 has not occurred within specified time. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 6 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 6 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 6 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA601-1 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2972 CA601-1 to CA201-6,
wire 552 CA601-2 to -BV bus bar, fuse FU3
power unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.

Figure 16683

M4.8-7335-010 Crown 2007 PF15819-10 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 111

Event Code 111

ACCESS 1 Software Parameter Error.
All truck functions disabled.
Step 1: Download latest software.

Event Code 113

ACCESS 3 Software Incompatible.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Load ACCESS 3 with compatible software.

Event Code 114

ACCESS 4 Software Incompatible.
All truck functions disabled.
Step 1: Load ACCESS 4 with compatible software.

Event Code 115

ACCESS 5 Software Incompatible.
All truck functions disabled.
Step 1: Load ACCESS 5 with compatible software.

Event Code 116

ACCESS 6 Software Incompatible.
All truck functions disabled.
Step 1: Load ACCESS 6 with compatible software.

Crown 2007 PF15819-11 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-011

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 123

Event Code 123 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 3 was lost. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 3 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 3 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 3 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA401-1 and -BV

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2953 CA401-1 to CA201-5,
fuse FU3 power unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
Figure 16684

M4.8-7335-012 Crown 2007 PF15819-12 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 124

Event Code 124 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 4 was lost. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 4 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 4 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 4 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA304-1 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2937 CA304-1 to CA103-12,
wire 525 CA304-3 to CA107-9, fuse FU2 power
unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1. Check resis-
tance between CA302-8 and CA302-9 using a Figure 16661

Crown 2007 PF15819-13 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-013

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 125

Event Code 125 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 5 was lost. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 5 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 5 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 5 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA403-26 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 551 CA403-26 to CA401, wire
2966 CA403-10 to CA201-6, fuse FU3 power
unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 Ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 3 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
Figure 16685

M4.8-7335-014 Crown 2007 PF15819-14 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 126

Event Code 126 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
All truck functions disabled. frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and, using a
Note: ACCESS 1 CAN bus communication with DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from CAN_L
ACCESS 6 was lost. to -BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP3 on the power unit distri-
bution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 6 should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
power ON lamps.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 6 power lamps are ON and event code
continues. – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 6 power lamps are OFF.

– Then check for BV between CA601-1 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wire 2972 CA601-1 to CA201-6,
wire 552 CA601-2 to B- BB, fuse FU3 power
unit distribution panel. Repair/replace as nec-
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
Figure 16683

Crown 2007 PF15819-15 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-015

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 131

Event Code 131

ACCESS 1 Alarm 1 (ALM1) Driver Shorted.
No action taken.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 24V between TP8
and TP7 on platform distribution panel. Energize output
for ALM1 in analyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5917 from CA302-2 and
check for 24V between CA302-2 and TP7 on
platform distribution panel. Energize output for
ALM1 in analyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 1.

• If: 24V.
– Then check continuity of wire 5917.

• If: Open.
– Then repair/replace wiring.

Figure 16686

M4.8-7335-016 Crown 2007 PF15819-16 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 133

Event Code 133 CAN_L/CAN_H between TP15 and TP16 and CAN_L/
CAN_H to truck frame. Resistance should be greater
than 10,000 ohm.
Guidance Steer Indicator (GSI) CAN Error.
No truck functions are disabled. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of GSI. – Then repair/replace as necessary.

• If: GSI power light is on.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: GSI lights are off.

– Then check for 24V between CA201-6 and

• If: 0V.
– Then check FU3.

• If: 24V.
– Then check for 24V between CA403-10 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace GSI.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between CA403-10
or CA403-26.
Step 2: Check connection of CAN to GSI.

• If: Correct and event code continues.

– Then key OFF truck and, using a DVOM, check
resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L plat-
form distribution panels CA105-4 and
CA105-10. Resistance should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L, repair as necessary.

• If: Greater than 60 to 65 ohm with all connectors

– Then CAN bus-terminating resistor is missing
or damaged. CAN bus contains 2 terminating
resistors, one is located in the ACCESS 5 the
other in ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN lines for short -BV, +BV and
Figure 16687
truck frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and,
using a DVOM, check resistance at power unit distribu-
tion panel between CAN_L/CAN_H and -BV bus bar,

Crown 2007 PF15819-17 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-017

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 134

Event Code 134 Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L, platform distribution panel TP13
and TP14, should be 60 ohm.
Full speed traction and raise 2 disabled.
• If: 0 ohm.
Step 1: Key ON truck, check status of ACCESS 4
power ON lamps. – Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
• If: ACCESS 4 power lamps are ON. and fuses.
– Then proceed to Step 2. • If: Greater than 60 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 4 lamps are OFF. – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
– Then check for 24V between CA103-12 and
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.
• If: 24V.
• If: Greater than 120 ohm.
– Then check for 24V between CA304-1 and
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 24V.
• If: Greater than 60 ohm.
– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
• If: 0V. DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.
– Then issue exists in wiring connected to
CA304-1 to CA304-3. • If: Greater than 120 ohm.
– Then replace ACCESS 1.
Step 3: Check for CAN lines for short -BV, +BV and
truck frame. Key OFF truck, disconnect battery and,
using a DVOM, check resistance at power unit distribu-
tion panel between CAN_L/CAN_H and -BV bus bar,
CAN_L/CAN_H between TP15 and TP16 and CAN_L/
CAN_H to truck frame. Resistance should be greater
than 10,000 ohm.

• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

– Then repair as necessary.

M4.8-7335-018 Crown 2007 PF15819-18 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 134

Figure 16688

Crown 2007 PF15819-19 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-019

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 301

Event Code 301

Traction and raise disabled.
Step 1: Check CAN wires and connections.
Wire 018 CA401-15 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-7, RED wire CA203-3 to platform dis-
tribution panel CA104-3, wire 004 CA105-8 to
ACCESS 1 CA302-9.
Wire 017 CA401-23 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-1, WHITE wire CA203-2 to platform
distribution panel CA104-2, wire 003 CA105-2 to
ACCESS 1 CA302-8.

• If: Wiring and/or connections require repair.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L, platform distribution panel TP13
and TP14, should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Figure 16689
• If: Greater than 60 ohm.
– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.

M4.8-7335-020 Crown 2007 PF15819-20 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 302

Event Code 302 • If: Greater than 60 ohm.

THRU – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.

Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
Event Code 303 and CA302-9.

ACCESS 3 Internal Short.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

Traction disabled. – Then replace ACCESS 1.

Step 1: Key truck OFF then ON.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 304

Traction and raise disabled.
Step 1: Check CAN wires and connections.
Wire 018 CA401-15 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-7, wire 002 CA105-7 to ACCESS 4
Wire 017 CA401-23 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-1, wire 001 CA105-1 ACCESS 4

• If: Wiring and/or connections require repair.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L, platform distribution panel TP13
and TP14, should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5. Figure 16690

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Crown 2007 PF15819-21 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-021

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 305

Event Code 305

Traction and raise disabled.
Step 1: Check CAN wires and connections.
Wire 018 CA401-15 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-7, wire 020 CA204-8 to ACCESS 5
Wire 017 CA401-23 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-1, wire 019 CA204-2 ACCESS 5

• If: Wiring and/or connections require repair.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L, platform distribution panel TP13
and TP14, should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Figure 16695
• If: Greater than 60 ohm.
– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.

M4.8-7335-022 Crown 2007 PF15819-22 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 306

Event Code 306

Traction and raise disabled.
Step 1: Check CAN wires and connections.
Wire 018 CA401-15 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-7, wire 021 CA204-3 to ACCESS 6
Wire 017 CA401-23 ACCESS 3 to power unit distribu-
tion panel CA204-1, wire 001 CA204-9 ACCESS 6

• If: Wiring and/or connections require repair.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 2: Check CAN communications lines. Key OFF
truck and, using a DVOM, check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L, platform distribution panel TP13
and TP14, should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Check associated wiring, connections
and fuses.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA402 from ACCESS 5 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA402-4
and CA402-5.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

Figure 16696
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are open.
Remove CA302 from ACCESS 1 and, using a
DVOM, check resistance between CA302-8
and CA302-9.

• If: Greater than 120 ohm.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.

Crown 2007 PF15819-23 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-023

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 307

Event Code 307 Event Code 310


Event Code 309 Event Code 312

ACCESS 3 Short. ACCESS 3 Short Between Terminal U and V.
Traction disabled. Traction disabled.
Event Code 307: Short Between -BV and Terminal V. Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.
Event Code 308: Short Between +BV and Terminal W. • If: Cable(s) are shorted.
Event Code 309: Short between -BV and Terminal W. – Then repair as necessary.
Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.
• If: Cables correct.
• If: Cable(s) are shorted.
– Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-
– Then repair as necessary. bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

• If: Cables are correct. • If: Event code continues.

– Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca- – Then replace ACCESS 3.
bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Figure 16697

Figure 16697

M4.8-7335-024 Crown 2007 PF15819-24 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 313

Event Code 313 Event Code 316


Event Code 315 Event Code 318

ACCESS 3 Short Between Terminal W and V. ACCESS 3 Short Between Terminal W and U.
Traction disabled. Traction disabled.
Step 1: Check condition of motor cables. Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.

• If: Cable(s) are shorted. • If: Cable(s) are shorted.

– Then repair as necessary. – Then repair as necessary.

• If: Cables correct. • If: Cables correct.

– Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca- – Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-
bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck. bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

• If: Event code continues. • If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3. – Then replace ACCESS 3.

Figure 16697 Figure 16697

Crown 2007 PF15819-25 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-025

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 319

Event Code 319


Event Code 320

ACCESS 3 Internal Issue.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Key truck OFF then ON.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 322 Figure 16698

ACCESS 3 BV Low. Event Code 323

Full traction disabled.
Note: Should event code 322 log with event code 541
then refer to ED system event code 541 first. Note: Should event code 323 log with event code 541
then refer to ED system event code 541 first.
Traction disabled.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Using a DVOM, check for 24V ACCESS 3 +BV
terminal and -BV terminal. Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 24V ACCESS 3 +BV
terminal and -BV terminal.
• If: Voltage is under 24V.
• If: Voltage is over 24V (i.e. 36V).
– Then check for correct battery, power cable
connections, fuse FU10 and ED2 contactor. – Then check for correct battery.

• If: Battery, power cable connections, FU10 and • If: Battery is 24V.
ED2 are correct.
– Then check feature menu for proper battery
– Then check battery charge level. configuration.

• If: Battery is properly charged. • If: Battery is not configured correctly.

– Then check feature menu for proper battery – Then correct configuration.

• If: Battery is not configured correctly.

– Then correct configuration.

M4.8-7335-026 Crown 2007 PF15819-26 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 324

Event Code 324 Event Code 327

ACCESS 3 Internal temperature Less than -25°C ACCESS 3 Internal Temperature in Excess of 105°C
(-13°F). (221°F).
Full traction disabled. Traction disabled.
Step 1: Determine air temperature of environment. Step 1: Check mounting of ACCESS 3.

• If: Ambient temperature is below -25°C (-13°F) and • If: Mounting screws are loose.
the truck has set idle for and extended time.
– Then tighten the mounting screws.
– Then ACCESS 3 heat sink must be warmed to
operate with full traction capabilities. • If: Motor M1 is extremely hot.

• If: Ambient temperature is well above -25°C – Then check power cable connections and blow
off any dirt build up.
(-13°F) and event continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
Event Code 328
Event Code 325 ACCESS 3 Traction Motor (M1) Temperature Sen-
sor (TS1) Above Acceptable Operating Range of
ACCESS 3 Internal Temperature Less than -40°C 165°C (329°F).
No effect.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Check traction motor setups.
Step 1: Determine air temperature of environment.
• If: Incorrect setups.
• If: Ambient temperature is below -40°C (-40°F) and
– Then change.
the truck has set idle for and extended time.
– Then ACCESS 3 heat sink must be warmed to • If: Setups are correct.
operate. – Then check TS1/M1 lead/cable connections
• If: Ambient temperature is well above -40°C and clean dirt off M1.
(-40°F) and event continues. • If: This action does not correct overheating.
– Then replace ACCESS 3. – Then check battery condition.
Note: Extreme duty cycle and/or high ambient temper-
Event Code 326 atures could also cause 328 event code logging.

ACCESS 3 Internal Temperature More than 85°C

No effect.
Step 1: Check mounting of ACCESS 3.

• If: Mounting screws are loose.

– Then tighten the mounting screws.

• If: Motor M1 is extremely hot.

– Then check power cable connections and blow
off any dirt build up.

Crown 2007 PF15819-27 Rev. 9/11 M4.8-7335-027

04 Rev. 9/11
Event Code 329

Event Code 329 Event Code 330

ACCESS 3 Traction Motor M1 Temperature Sensor ACCESS 3 Encoder ECR3 Count Error.
TS1 Signal Out of Range.
Traction disabled. One or both channels lost at
Traction disabled. ACCESS 3 while truck is traveling.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check TS1 wiring for a short to Step 1: Check for event codes 366, 367, 376 and 377,
truck frame. Check CA411-1 and CA411-2 encoder which indicate that ECR3 power supply or logic ground
wires, CA411-1 wire 579 to B- BB and CA411-2 wire is out of range. If these codes have been logged, re-
105 to CA401-16 to truck frame. solve them before proceeding with procedure below.

• If: Wire(s) are shorted. • If: None of these event codes have occurred.
– Then repair as necessary. – Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Wire(s) are correct. Note: Use Service Mode 2 to view ECR3 operation.

– Then using a DVOM check TS1 wiring for an Step 2: Key truck OFF then ON.
open. Check CA411-1 and CA411-2 encoder • If: Event code 330 logs.
wires, CA411-1 wire 579 to B- BB and CA411-2
wire 105 to CA401-16. – Then check ECR3 channel A and B wiring.
WHITE and BLUE wires between ECR3 and
CA411-4, -5. Wires 028, 029 between
CA411-4, -5 and ACCESS 3 CA401-6, -5.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: No event codes slow traction and/or shut downs

– Then check ECR3 power wiring. RED and
BLACK wires between ECR3 and CA411-3, -6.
Wires 315 and 549 between CA411-3, -6 and
ACCESS 3 CA401-3 and -4.

• If: Connections are good and slow traction and/or

shut downs continue.
– Then replace M1.

Figure 16699

M4.8-7335-028 Crown 2007 PF15819-28 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 332

Event Code 332

ACCESS 3 Drive Motor (M1) Rotation More than
4000 RPM.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Check ECR3 channel A and B wiring. WHITE
and BLUE wires between ECR3 and CA411-4 and -5.
Wires 028 and 029 between CA411-4, -5 and ACCESS
3 CA401-6, -5.

• If: ECR3 channel A and B wiring is correct.

– Then check ECR3 power wiring. RED and
BLACK wires between ECR3 and CA411-3, -6.
Wires 315, 549 between CA411-3, -6 and AC-
CESS 3 CA401-3, -4.

• If: ECR3 power wiring is correct.

– Then replace ECR3.

Figure 16702

Figure 16702

Crown 2007 PF15819-29 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-029

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 334

Event Code 334 Event Code 336

ACCESS 3 BV Under Range. ACCESS 3 BV Over Range.
Full traction disabled. Full traction disabled.
Note: Should event code 334 log with event code 541 Note: Should event code 336 log with event code 541
then refer to ED system event code 541 first. then refer to ED system event code 541 first.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 24V on ACCESS 3 Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 24V on ACCESS 3
between +BV terminal and -BV terminal. between +BV terminal and -BV terminal.

• If: Under 24V. • If: Over 24V (i.e. 36V).

– Then check for correct battery, power cable – Then check for correct battery.
connections, fuse FU10 and ED2 contactor.
• If: Battery is 24V.
• If: Battery, power cable connections, FU10 and
– Then check feature menu for proper battery
ED2 correct.
– Then check battery charge level.
• If: Battery is not configured correctly.
• If: Battery is properly charged.
– Then correct configuration.
– Then check feature menu for proper battery
Event Code 337
• If: Battery is not configured correctly.
– Then correct configuration. ACCESS 3 24V Battery Voltage Fluctuating.
Full traction disabled.
Note: Battery voltage is dropping excessively under
Step 1: Check ACCESS 3 B- and B+ power cable con-

• If: Connections in poor condition.

– Then repair/replace.

• If: Connections in good condition.

– Then check condition of battery and/or install a
known good battery and monitor event code

Figure 16698

M4.8-7335-030 Crown 2007 PF15819-30 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 338

Event Code 338

ACCESS 3 +BV Under Voltage.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Check battery status.

• If: Battery has correct voltage and charged.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Battery does not have correct voltage or not

properly charged.
– Then resolve battery issue.
Step 2: Key ON truck and, using a DVOM, check for
24V between CA401-1 and -B on ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then proceed with Step 3.

• If: Voltage is above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check voltage between CA201-5 and

• If: 24V.
Figure 16704
– Then check wiring. Wire 2953 power unit distri-
bution panel CA201 5 to ACCESS 3 CA401-1.

• If: Voltage is above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check condition of power unit distribution
Step 3: Check voltage between ACCESS 3 +B and -B

• If: Voltage is below 24V.

– Then check power cable condition and connec-

Crown 2007 PF15819-31 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-031

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 339

Event Code 339

ACCESS 3 +BV Over Voltage.
Steering, traction and hydraulics disabled.
Step 1: Check feature menu for proper battery config-

• If: Configuration is correct.

– Then check for proper battery.

• If: Battery is correct.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Battery is not correct.

– Then resolve battery issue.
Step 2: Using a DVOM check for 24V between
CA401-1 and ACCESS 3 -B.

• If: 24V.
– Then proceed to Step 3.

• If: Voltage is above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check voltage between CA201-5 and Figure 16704

• If: 24V. Event Code 340

– Then check wiring. Wire 2953 power unit distri-
ACCESS 3 ED2 Contactor Coil Driver Over Current.
bution panel CA201-5 to ACCESS 3 CA401-1.
Steering, traction and hydraulics disabled.
• If: Voltage is above 0V but much less than 24V.
Step 1: Follow trouble shooting steps for event code
– Then check condition of power unit distribution 541.
Step 3: Check voltage between ACCESS 3 +B and -B

• If: Voltage is above 24V but less than 28V and

event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

M4.8-7335-032 Crown 2007 PF15819-32 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 341

Event Code 341 Event Code 342

ACCESS 3 P1 Contactor Coil Driver Over Current. ACCESS 3 P2 Contactor Coil Driver Over Current.
Raise disabled. Raise speed 2 disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2961 and 5923 from P1 con- Step 1: Disconnect wires 2962 and 5924 from P2 con-
tactor coil and, using a DVOM, check resistance of P1 tactor coil and, using a DVOM, check resistance of P2
contactor coil. contactor coil.

• If: Less than 20 ohm. • If: Less than 20 ohm.

– Then replace P1 contactor. – Then replace P2 contactor coil.

• If: 20 ohm and event code continues. • If: 20 ohm and event code continues.
– Then check P1 contactor coil wiring for a short. – Then check P2 contactor coil wiring for a short.
Wire 5923 to ACCESS 3 CA401-18 and wire Wire 5924 to ACCESS 3 CA401-21 and wire
2961 to power unit distribution panel CA202-6. 2962 to power unit distribution panel CA202-7.

• If: Wires are not shorted remove wire 5924 from P2 • If: Wires are not shorted remove wire 5923 from P1
contactor coil. contactor coil.
– Then check for 24V between wire 2961 and – Then check for 24V between wire 2962 and
5923 at P1 contactor coil while depressing 5924 at P2 contactor coil while depressing
raise 1 switch. raise 2 switch.

• If: 0V. • If: 0V.

– Then replace ACCESS 3. – Then replace ACCESS 3.

Figure 16705 Figure 16706

Crown 2007 PF15819-33 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-033

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 343

Event Code 343

ACCESS 3 Lowering Solenoid (SVL) Driver Over
Raise and lower disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wire 5925 from SVL coil and, using
a DVOM, check resistance of SVL coil.

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace SVL coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then check for 24V between wire 5925 and
wire 2959 (opposite side of SVL coil) while de-
pressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5925 from connector
CA401-22 and, using a DVOM, check for 24V
between wire 2959 and CA401-22 while de-
pressing lower switch.
Figure 16707
• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then key OFF truck reconnect wire 5925 to
SVL. Connect DVOM lead to wire 2959 and
TP3 on the power unit distribution panel. Key
ON truck, depress lower switch and check for

• If: 0V.
– Then check wiring at CA201-10 and FU3.

M4.8-7335-034 Crown 2007 PF15819-34 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 344

Event Code 344

ACCESS 3 Fan2 Driver Over Current.
Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 29122 and 5908 from Fan2
and, using a DVOM, check for 24V between wire
29122 and wire 5908. Energize output for Fan2 in ana-
lyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5908 from CA401-8 and
check for 24V between CA401-8 and TP4 on
power unit distribution panel. Energize output
for Fan2 in analyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then reconnect wire 5908 and check for 24V
between wire 29122 and TP3 on power unit
distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then check connection of wire 29122 to Figure 16708
Event Code 345
ACCESS 3 ED2 Contactor Driver Open.
Steering and traction disabled.
Step 1: Follow trouble shooting procedure for event
code 541.

Crown 2007 PF15819-35 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-035

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 346

Event Code 346

ACCESS 3 P1 Contactor Driver Open.
Raise 1 disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2961 and 5923 from P1 con-
tactor coil and, using a DVOM, check resistance of P1
contactor coil.

• If: Less than 20 ohm.

– Then replace P1 contactor coil.

• If: 20 ohm - remove wire 5924 from P2 contactor

– Then check for 24V between wires 2961 and
5923 at P1 contactor coil while depressing
raise 1 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5923 from CA401-18 and
check for 24V between CA401-18 and TP4
while depressing raise 1 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
Figure 16709
– Then, using a DVOM, check for 24V between
wire 2961 and TP3 while depressing raise 1

• If: 0V.
– Then check raise 1 switch and associated wir-

M4.8-7335-036 Crown 2007 PF15819-36 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 348

Event Code 348

ACCESS 3 Lowering Solenoid (SVL) Driver Open.
Raise disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2959 and 5925 from SVL coil
and, using a DVOM, check resistance of SVL coil.

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace SVL coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then check for 24V between wires 2959 and
5925 while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then disconnect wire 5925 from CA401-22 and
check for 24V between CA401-22 and TP4
while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
Figure 16710
• If: 24V.
– Then check for 24V between wire 2959 and
TP3 while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then check lower switch and associated wir-

Crown 2007 PF15819-37 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-037

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 349

Event Code 349 Event Code 350

ACCESS 3 FAN2 Driver Open. ACCESS 3 ED2 Contactor Driver Shorted.
Full traction disabled. Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 24V between wire Step 1: Refer to ED2 trouble shooting procedure for
29122 and 5908 at FAN2 (use analyzer mode to ener- event code 541.
gize output).

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5908 from CA401-8 and
check for 24V between CA401-8 to TP4 (use
analyzer mode to energize output).

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then check for 24V between wire 29122 and

• If: 0V.
– Then check wiring.

Figure 16715

M4.8-7335-038 Crown 2007 PF15819-38 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 351

Event Code 351

ACCESS 3 P1 Contactor Driver Shorted.
Full traction, auxiliary raise and raise2 disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2961 and 5923 from P1 con-
tactor coil and, using a DVOM, check resistance of P1
contactor coil.

• If: Less than 20 ohm.

– Then replace P1 contactor coil.

• If: 20 ohm - remove wire 5924 from P2 contactor

– Then check for 24V between wire 2961 and
5923 at P1 contactor coil while depressing
raise 1 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5923 from CA401-18 and
check for 24V between CA401-18 to TP4 while
depressing raise 1 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
Figure 16716
• If: 24V.
– Then, using a DVOM, check for 24V between
wire 2961 and TP3 while depressing raise 1

• If: 0V.
– Then check associated wiring.

Crown 2007 PF15819-39 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-039

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 352

Event Code 352

ACCESS 3 P2 Contactor Driver Shorted.
Full traction, auxiliary raise and raise2 disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2962 and 5924 from P2 con-
tactor coil and, using a DVOM, check resistance of P2
contactor coil.

• If: Less than 20 ohm.

– Then replace P2 contactor.

• If: 20 ohm - remove wire 5923 from P1 contactor

– Then check for 24V between wire 2962 and
5924 at P2 contactor coil while depressing
raise 2 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5924 from CA401-21 and
check for 24V between CA401-21 to TP4 while
depressing raise 2 switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
Figure 16717
• If: 24V.
– Then, using a DVOM, check for 24V between
wire 2962 and TP3 while depressing raise 2

• If: 0V.
– Then check associated wiring.

M4.8-7335-040 Crown 2007 PF15819-40 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 353

Event Code 353

ACCESS 3 Lowering Solenoid (SVL) Driver
Raise disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 2959 and 5925 from SVL coil
and, using a DVOM, check resistance of SVL coil.

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace SVL coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then check for 24V between wires 2959 and
5925 while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then disconnect wire 5925 from CA401-22 and
check for 24V between CA401-22 and TP4
while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
Figure 16718
– Then check for 24V between wire 2959 and
TP3 while depressing lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wiring at CA201-10 and FU3.

Crown 2007 PF15819-41 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-041

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 354

Event Code 354

ACCESS 3 FAN2 Driver Shorted.
No action taken.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 29122 and 5908 from FAN2
and, using a DVOM, check for 24V between wire
29122 and wire 5908. Energize output for FAN2 in an-
alyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5908 from CA401-8 and
check for 24V between CA401-8 and TP4 on
power unit distribution panel. Energize output
for Fan2 in analyzer mode.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then reconnect wire 5908 and check for 24V
between wire 29122 and TP3 on power unit
distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then check wiring connection at CA201-8 and

Figure 16719

M4.8-7335-042 Crown 2007 PF15819-42 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 355

Event Code 355 Event Code 356

ACCESS 3 PWM Driver Over Voltage. ACCESS 3 Detected Open Circuit in ED2 Wiring.
All functions disabled. All functions disabled.
Step 1: Using a DVOM for 24V between CA201-5 and Step 1: Follow the ED System Trouble shooting proce-
TP3 on the power unit distribution panel. dure specified for event code 541.

• If: 0V.
– Then check FU3.
Event Code 357
• If: 24V. ACCESS 3 ED2 Contactor Error.

– Then check for 24V between CA401-1 and All functions disabled.
TP3. Step 1: Check ED2 contact tips.
• If: 0V. • If: Contacts are worn.
– Then repair connection of wire 2953. – Then replace as necessary.
• If: 24V. • If: Contacts correct.
– Then replace ACCESS 3. – Then key OFF truck and check ED2 load bus

• If: Connections correct.

– Then follow procedures for event code 541.

Figure 16720

Crown 2007 PF15819-43 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-043

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 358

Event Code 358

ACCESS 3 Pre-Charge Power Limit Out of Range.
All functions disabled.
Note: Power limit of pre-charge resistor internal to
ACCESS 3 has been exceeded.
Step 1: Check battery.

• If: Battery is correct voltage and charged.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Battery is not correct voltage or not properly

– Then resolve battery issue.
Step 2: Key ON truck and cycle pedal. Using a DVOM
check for 24V between +BV and -BV power lug on

• If: 24V.
– Then proceed to Step 3.

• If: Above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check cables to ACCESS 3. Figure 16704

Step 3: Key ON truck and, using a DVOM, check for

24V between CA401-1 and -BV on ACCESS 3.

• If: Above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check for 24V between CA201-5 and

• If: 24V.
– Then check wiring. Wire 2953 power unit distri-
bution panel CA201-5 to ACCESS 3 CA401-1.

• If: Above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check condition of power unit distribution

M4.8-7335-044 Crown 2007 PF15819-44 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 359

Event Code 359

ACCESS 3 Pre-Charge Time Limit Exceeded.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Check battery status.

• If: Battery has correct voltage and charged.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Battery does not have correct voltage or not

properly charged.
– Then resolve battery issue.
Step 2: Key ON truck and, using a DVOM, check for
24V between CA401-1 and -BV on ACCESS 3.

• If: 24V.
– Then proceed to Step 3.

• If: Above 0V but much less than 24V.

– Then check voltage between CA201-5 and

• If: 24V.
Figure 16704
– Then check wiring. Wire 2953 power unit distri-
bution panel CA201-5 to ACCESS 3 CA401-1.
Event Code 360
• If: Above 0V but much less than 24V.
ACCESS 3 Pre-Charge Electrical Error.
– Then check condition of power unit distribution
panel. All functions disabled.
Note: Resistive load is present on the ED2 bus during
pre-charge this condition is most likely a driver shorted
Step 1: Check battery.

• If: Battery is correct voltage and charged.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Battery is not correct voltage or not properly

– Then resolve battery issue.
Step 2: Check other events logged along side the 360.

Crown 2007 PF15819-45 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-045

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 361

Event Code 361 Step 1: Using a DVOM, check for 12 V between wire
315 CA401-3 and TP3 (-B) power unit distribution
panel. When 12 V and event code continues, then
ACCESS 3 Error.
check for 12 V at CA411-3 and TP3 (B-).
All functions disabled.
• If: 0V.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 3.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 362 • If: Less than 12 V and event code continues.

THRU – Then remove wire 315 from CA401-3 and, us-

ing a DVOM, check for 12 V between CA401-3
and TP3 (-B). When 12 V, then replace
Event Code 363 ECR3.When less than 12 V and event code
continues, then replace ACCESS 3.
ACCESS 3 Internal Issue.
No action taken.
Step 1: Key truck OFF then ON.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 364


Event Code 365

ACCESS 3 Internal 5V Supply Out of Range.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Key truck OFF then ON.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 366


Event Code 367

ACCESS 3 +12V Power Supply for Encoder 3
(ECR3) Out of Range.
All functions disabled.
Figure 16721
Event Code 366: Supply voltage high.
Event Code 367: Supply voltage low.

M4.8-7335-046 Crown 2007 PF15819-46 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 368

Event Code 368 Event Code 374


Event Code 369 Event Code 375

ACCESS 3 15V Power Supply Out of Range. ACCESS 3 Internal 2.5V Reference Voltage Out of
All functions disabled.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Internal failure.
Step 1: Internal failure.
• If: Event code continues.
• If: Event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 370


Event Code 371

ACCESS 3 5V Power Supply Out of Range.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Internal failure.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Event Code 372


Event Code 373

ACCESS 3 Internal 227 mV Reference Voltage Out
of Range.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Internal failure.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Crown 2007 PF15819-47 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-047

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 378

Event Code 378 Event Code 381

ACCESS 3 Over Current Condition.
Traction disabled.
Event Code 382
Step 1: Disconnect traction motor (M1) phase cabling
from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.
ACCESS 3 Short.
• If: Event code continues. Traction disabled.
– Then replace ACCESS 3. Event Code 381: Short between +BV and terminal U.
• If: Event code clears. Event Code 382: Short between -BV and terminal U.

– Then using a DVOM check M1 and cabling for Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.
phase-to-phase and phase-to-frame shorts.
• If: Cable(s) are shorted.
• If: Short circuit exists between U, V, W cables or
– Then repair as necessary.
– Then remove phase cabling and check for M1
• If: Cables are correct.
winding shorts to frame. – Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-
bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.
• If: Short exists in M1.
– Then replace M1.
• If: Event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

Figure 16723

Event Code 379

THRU Figure 16697

Event Code 380

ACCESS 3 Internal Short.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Key truck OFF then ON.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.

M4.8-7335-048 Crown 2007 PF15819-48 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 383

Event Code 383 Event Code 385


Event Code 384 Event Code 386

ACCESS 3 Short. ACCESS 3 Short.
Traction disabled. Traction disabled.
Event Code 383: Short between +BV and terminal V. Event Code 385: Short between +BV and terminal W.
Event Code 384: Short between -BV and terminal V. Event Code 386: Short between -BV and terminal W.
Step 1: Check condition of motor cables. Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.

• If: Cable(s) are shorted. • If: Cable(s) are shorted.

– Then repair as necessary. – Then repair as necessary.

• If: Cables are correct. • If: Cables are correct.

– Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca- – Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-
bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck. bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

• If: Event code continues. • If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3. – Then replace ACCESS 3.

Figure 16697 Figure 16697

Crown 2007 PF15819-49 Rev. 3/08 M4.8-7335-049

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 387

Event Code 387 • If: Cables are correct.

THRU – Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-

bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

Event Code 389 • If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.
ACCESS 3 Short Terminal U to V.
• If: Event code clears.
Traction disabled.
– Then replace M1.
Event Code 387: Short U to V.
Event Code 388: Short UL to VH.
Event Code 393
Event Code 389: Short UH to VL.
Step 1: Check motor cable connections.

• If: Short exists between U and V.

Event Code 395
– Then repair as necessary.
ACCESS 3 Traction Motor (M1) Short.
• If: No short exists.
Traction disabled.
– Then disconnect motor cables from ACCESS 3
and key ON truck. Event Code 393: Short W to U.

• If: Event code continues. Event Code 394: Short WL to UH.

Event Code 395: Short WH to UL.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.
Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.
• If: Event code clears.
• If: Cable(s) are shorted.
– Then repair or replace M1.
– Then repair as necessary.

Event Code 390 • If: Cables are correct.

THRU – Then disconnect traction motor (M1) phase ca-

bling from ACCESS 3 and Key ON truck.

Event Code 392 • If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 3.
ACCESS 3 Traction Motor (M1) Short.
• If: Event code clears.
Traction disabled.
– Then replace M1.
Event Code 390: Short V to W.
Event Code 391: Short VL to WH.
Event Code 392: Short VH to WL.
Step 1: Check condition of motor cables.

• If: Cable(s) are shorted.

– Then repair as necessary.

M4.8-7335-050 Crown 2007 PF15819-50 Rev. 3/08

01 Rev. 3/08
Event Code 396

Event Code 396


Event Code 397

Pump Motor Over Temperature.
Pump motor has worn brushes. No action taken.
Event Code 396: Pump motor M3.
Event Code 397: Pump motor M4.
Step 1: Check appropriate pump motor for dirt build up.

• If: Dirt is present.

– Then clean as needed.
Step 2: Check for loose connections and corroded ter-

• If: Loose connections and corroded terminals

– Then tighten or clean as needed.
Step 3: Check pump assembly to ensure mechanical
binding does not exist.

• If: Mechanical issues exist.

– Then repair or replace pump as needed.

Event Code 398

Pump Motor Brush Wear.
Pump motor M3 or M4 has worn brushes. No action
Step 1: Check brushes.

• If: Brushes are worn.

– Then replace as needed.
Note: Brush springs should also be replaced.

Crown 2007 PF15819-51 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-051

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 401

Event Code 401 – Then CAN bus terminating resistors are miss-
ing CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in
No action taken.
• If: All wiring is correct and event continues.
Note 1: If event code 401 is displayed on ACCESS 1
issue was caused by an intermittent open wire condi- – Then replace ACCESS 1 and/or ACCESS 5.
tion. Refer to intermittent connection test at the end of Intermittent connection test.
Step 2.
Note 2: If event code 401 is flashing on ACCESS 4 but
• If: Codes 104 or 106 are also displayed.
is not displayed on ACCESS 1, then proceed to Step 1. – Then intermittent connection exists in wiring
Step 1: Key truck ON check status of ACCESS 1 lights. (003 and 004) between ACCESS 1 CA302-9,
-8 and platform distribution panel CA105-8, -2.
• If: ACCESS 1 lights are ON. Locate and repair/replace as necessary.

– Then issue exists in wiring (003 and 004) be- Step 3: Check for CAN line for short to -BV, +BV and
tween ACCESS 1 CA302-9, 8 and platform dis- truck frame. Key OFF truck and disconnect battery. Us-
tribution panel CA105-8, 2. Check connector ing a DVOM, check resistance at the power unit from
mating, connector contact condition, proper CAN_L to BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP15 and TP16 on
contact insertion, contact crimps and wire con- power unit distribution panel and CAN_L to truck
dition. Check CAN_H and CAN_L wires are not frame. Resistance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 1 lights are OFF.
– Then replace wiring as necessary.
– Then check for 24V between CA302-3 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 1.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in the wiring connected to
CA302-3 or CA302-4.

• If: Issue continues.

– Then trace wiring from ACCESS 1, CA302-8 to
platform distribution panel CA105-8, -2.
Step 2: Key OFF truck using a DVOM check resistance
between CAN_H and CAN_L platform distribution
panel TP13 and TP14. Resistance should be approxi-
mately 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unhooking AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L. Figure 16967

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

M4.8-7335-052 Crown 2007 PF15819-52 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 405

Event Code 405 Step 3: Check CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck disconnect battery, using a
DVOM check resistance at the power unit CAN_L to -
ACCESS 5 CAN timeout.
BV bus bar, CAN_L to TP15 and TP16 on power unit
No action taken. distribution panel and CAN_L to truck frame. Resis-
tance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
Step 1: Key ON truck check status of ACCESS 5 lights.

• If: ACCESS 5 lights are ON.

• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
– Then repair wiring as necessary.
– Then issue exists in wiring (019 and 020) be-
tween ACCESS 5 CA402-4, -5 and power unit • If: All wiring is correct.
distribution panel CA204-2, -8. Check connec-
tor mating, connector contact condition, proper – Then replace ACCESS 5 and/or ACCESS 4.
contact insertion, contact crimps and wire con-
dition. Verify that CAN_H and CAN_L wires are
not reversed.

• If: ACCESS 5 lights are OFF.

– Then check for 24V between CA403-10 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring to CA403-10.

• If: Event continues.

– Then check wiring between ACCESS 5,
CA402-4, -5 and power distribution panel
Figure 16968
CA204-8, -2.
Step 2: Key OFF truck check resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L at power unit distribution panel
TP15 and TP16. Resistance should be approximately
60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unhooking AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm.

– Then CAN bus terminating resistors are miss-
ing. CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in

Crown 2007 PF15819-53 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-053

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 411

Event Code 411 Step 3: Check CAN line for short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel CAN_L to BV bus bar and CAN_L to TP15 and
All functions disabled. TP16 and to truck frame. Resistance should be greater
than 10,000 ohm.
Step 1: Key ON truck check status of ACCESS 1
power light. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 1 power light is ON. – Then replace wiring as necessary.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 1 power light is OFF.

– Then check for 24V to ACCESS 1. Place
DVOM leads +BV on CA302-3 and -BV on

• If: 24V.
– Then check connector terminals and wiring for
possible intermittence.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between CA302-3,
CA105-10, CA302-4 and CA107-8 on the plat-
form distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communication lines.

• If: Event code continues and ACCESS 1 is on.

– Then key OFF truck. Check resistance be-
tween CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power
unit or platform distribution panel. Resistance
should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unplugging AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm with all connectors con-

Figure 16969
– Then CAN bus-terminating resistor is missing
or damaged, or wiring to the terminating resis-
tor is open. CAN bus contains two terminating
resistors, one in the ACCESS 5 and the other
in ACCESS 1.

M4.8-7335-054 Crown 2007 PF15819-54 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 413

Event Code 413 Step 3: Check CAN line for short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel CAN_L to -BV bus bar also CAN_L to TP15 and
All functions disabled. TP16 and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance should be
greater than 10,000 ohm.
Step 1: Turn the truck on. Verify status of ACCESS 3
power light. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 3 power light is ON. – Then replace wiring as necessary.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 3 power light is OFF.

– Then check for 24V to ACCESS 3 connect a
DVOM between +BV CA401-1 and -BV power

• If: 24V.
– Then check connector, terminals and wiring for
possible intermittence.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between CA401-1
and CA201-5 on the power unit distribution
Step 2: Check CAN communication lines.

• If: Event code continues - ACCESS 1 is ON.

– Then key OFF truck and check resistance be-
tween CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power
unit or platform distribution panels. Resistance
should be 60 ohm.
Figure 16970
• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unplugging AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L.

• If: Greater than 60 ohm with all connectors con-

– Then CAN bus-terminating resistor is missing
or damaged, or wiring to the terminating resis-
tor is open. CAN bus contains two terminating
resistors, one in ACCESS 5 and the other in

Crown 2007 PF15819-55 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-055

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 415

Event Code 415 Step 3: Check CAN line for short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel between CAN_L and -BV bus bar, CAN_L to
No action taken. TP15 and TP16 and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
Step 1: Key truck ON. Check status of ACCESS 5
power light. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 5 power light is ON. – Then replace wiring as necessary.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 5 lights are OFF.

– Then check for 24V between CA403-10 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring connected between
CA403-10 or CA403-26 and/or FU8 on the
power unit distribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communication lines.

• If: Event code continues and ACCESS 5 lights are

– Then key OFF truck and check resistance be-
tween CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power
unit or platform distribution panel. Resistance
should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unplugging AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L.
Figure 16971
• If: Greater than 60 ohm with all connectors con-
– Then CAN bus terminating resistor is missing
or damaged, or wiring to the terminating resis-
tor is open. CAN bus contains two terminating
resistors one in ACCESS 5 and the other in

M4.8-7335-056 Crown 2007 PF15819-56 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 416

Event Code 416 Step 3: Check CAN line for short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key OFF truck and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel between CAN_L and -BV bus bar also CAN_L to
No action taken. TP15 and TP16 and CAN_L to truck frame. Resistance
should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
Step 1: Key truck ON. Check status of ACCESS 6
power light. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.
• If: ACCESS 6 power light is ON. – Then replace wiring as necessary.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ACCESS 6 lights are OFF.

– Then check for 24V between CA403-10 and

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between CA403-10
or CA403-26 and/or FU8 on the power unit dis-
tribution panel.
Step 2: Check CAN communication lines.

• If: Event code continues and ACCESS 6 lights are

– Then key truck OFF and check resistance be-
tween CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power
unit or platform distribution panels. Resistance
should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Short may be present in one of the AC-
CESSES. Find short by unplugging AC-
CESSES from the CAN bus one at a time and
check resistance between CAN_H and CAN_L.
Figure 16971
• If: Greater than 60 ohm with all connectors con-
Event Code 421
– Then CAN bus terminating resistor is missing
or damaged, or the wiring to the terminating re-
ACCESS 4 Internal Fault.
sistor is open. CAN bus contains two terminat-
ing resistors one located in ACCESS 5 and the All functions disabled.
other in ACCESS 1.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 4.

Crown 2007 PF15819-57 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-057

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 422

Event Code 422

ACCESS 4 Potentiometer 1 (POT1) +5V Power Sup-
ply Out of Range.
Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Using a DVOM, check for 5V between wire 701
CA303-4 and TP16 power unit distribution panel.

• If: 5V and event code continues.

– Then check for 5V at CA309-2 and TP16.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Less than 5V and event code continues.

– Then remove wire 701 from CA303-4 and, with
a DVOM, check for 5V between CA303-4 and

• If: Less than 5V.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 5V.
– Then a short exists in wiring. Repair/replace
wiring as necessary.

Figure 16972

M4.8-7335-058 Crown 2007 PF15819-58 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 423

Event Code 423

ACCESS 4 Potentiometer 1 (POT1) is Out of Electri-
cal Limits.
Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 then Analyzer. Select
POT1 A2.3.3 on display menu and view reading on dis-

• If: Approximately 5V or greater.

– Then POT1 is either incorrectly wired, wire be-
tween POT1 and ACCESS 4 is shorted to the
truck frame or an open wire exists. Check con-
dition and correctness of wiring and connector
terminals between ACCESS 4 CA303-1, -4,
-19 and POT1.

• If: Wiring and terminals are correct.

– Then replace POT1.

• If: Between 2.1V and 2.9V.

– Then multi-task handle in center position.

• If: Between 0.7V and 1.5V.

– Then multi-task handle in full forward position.
Figure 16973
• If: Between 3.4V and 4.3V.
– Then multi-task handle in full reverse position.

• If: Correct POT1 readings are confirmed.

– Then an intermittent connection in POT1 circuit
might exist. Inspect POT1, wiring to POT1 and
terminals in connector at ACCESS 4 CA303-1,
-4, -19.

• If: All check correctly.

– Then replace POT1.

• If: Below 0.7V.

– Then POT1 is incorrectly wired, wires between
POT1 and ACCESS 4 are shorted together or
a wire is open. Check condition and correct-
ness of wiring and connector terminals be-
tween ACCESS 4 CA303-1, -4, -19 and POT1.

• If: Wiring and terminals are correct.

– Then replace POT1.

Crown 2007 PF15819-59 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-059

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 424

Event Code 424 Event Code 425

ACCESS 4 Potentiometer 1 (POT1) Does Not Match ACCESS 4 Potentiometer 1 (POT1) Does Not Match
Forward Switch (FS). Reverse Switch (RS).
Full traction disabled. Full traction disabled.
Step 1: FS/POT1 operation. Enter Service Mode 2 and Step 1: RS/POT1 operation enter Service Mode 2. Se-
select handle analyzer menu. Input status of FS, with lect handle Analyzer menu. Input status of RS, with
handle in neutral, should be open as indicated by 0 on handle in neutral, should be open as indicated by 0 on
display A2.3.7. POT1 reading on display A2.3.3 should display A2.3.6. POT1 reading on display A2.3.3 should
be between 2.1 to 2.9 volts. Moving handle to full for- be between 2.1 to 2.9 volts. Moving the handle to full
ward position should toggle switch to closed, display to forward position should toggle switch to closed, display
1 A2.3.7. Reading for POT1 A2.3.3 should go between to 1 A2.3.6. Reading for POT1 A2.3.3 should go be-
4.0 to 4.6 volts. tween 4.0 to 4.6 volts.

• If: Readings are not as listed. • If: Readings are not as listed.
– Then check switch for damaged wiring or phys- – Then check switch for damaged wiring or phys-
ical damage. Wire 2907 to FS and wire 2908 to ical damage. Wire 2907 to FS and wire 2908 to

• If: Damaged. • If: Damaged.

– Then replace switches as needed, taking care – Then replace switches as needed, taking care
to properly route harness. After switch replace- to properly route harness. After switch replace-
ment, calibrate handle. ment, calibrate handle.

• If: POT1 not within limits. • If: POT1 not within limits.
– Then recalibrate handle. – Then recalibrate handle.

M4.8-7335-060 Crown 2007 PF15819-60 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 426

Event Code 426 Event Code 427

ACCESS 4 Forward Switch (FS) and Reverse ACCESS 4 Potentiometer 1 (POT1) and Reverse
Switch (RS) Closed at Same Time. Switch (RS) Out of Range.
Full traction disabled. Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Check FS and RS for damage to wiring or Step 1: Using a DVOM, check for 5V between
switch and mounting. CA303-19 and TP16 on the platform distribution panel.

• If: Damaged. • If: Greater than 5V.

– Then replace switch and calibrate handle. – Then check wires 581 CA303-19, wire 506
CA309-3 and wire 519 CA307-5 for shorts to
• If: Correct. +BV or truck frame.
– Then proceed to Step 2. • If: 0V.
Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and select analyzer
– Then replace ACCESS 4.
menu for FS A2.3.7 and RS A2.3.6. Check status of FS
and RS with handle in neutral position.

• If: Either FS or RS is 1.
– Then select that switch to use in Step 3.

• If: Both FS and RS are 1.

– Then choose either switch and proceed to Step
Step 3: Check switch function by disconnecting output
wire of selected switch, wire 2907 on FS or wire 2908
on RS.

• If: Selected switch display changes to 0 when

switch wire is disconnected.
– Then replace switch and calibrate handle.

• If: Selected switch display is 1 with handle in neu-

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 16974

Crown 2007 PF15819-61 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-061

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 429

Event Code 429

ACCESS 4 Encoders ECR1/ECR5 Count Error.
Steering and traction disabled.
Note: Event code is logged if count between ECR1/
ECR5 is not equal. Possibly due to loss of power and
or Channel A or B of either encoder.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 and select ECR1 A2.3.2
in analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR1 operates.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ECR1 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and select ECR5 A2.3.2
in analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR5 operates.

– Then issue may exist due to intermittent ECR1,
ECR5, ACCESS 4 and/or wiring in between
these components. Proceed through Steps 3
and 4, repairing any issues encountered.

• If: ECR5 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Key truck OFF. Check steer tiller for slippage Figure 16975
between ECR1, ECR5 and steer tiller. Also check for
damaged or broken wires between ECR1 and ECR5 to

• If: Slippage is observed or any wiring issues.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 4: Key truck OFF. Check wire and terminals
where ECR1 and ECR5 enter ACCESS 4, CA304-16,

• If: Wiring and/or terminals issues are found.

– Then repair as necessary.

M4.8-7335-062 Crown 2007 PF15819-62 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 429

Step 5: Disconnect CA318 and key truck ON. Using a

DVOM, check for 12V to ECR1 at CA318-4, -3.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then reconnect CA318 and again check for

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ECR1.

• If: Between 11.5-12.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 6.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V with CA318 discon-

nected and ECR1 replaced.
– Then check for 12V at ACCESS 4 between
CA304-18, -19.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then check continuity of the harness between
CA318-3 to CA304-18 and CA318-4 to

Figure 16976

Crown 2007 PF15819-63 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-063

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 429

Step 6: Disconnect CA318 and key truck ON. Check

for 12V to ECR5 at CA318-7, -8.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then reconnect CA318 and check for 5V.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ECR5.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 7.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V with CA318 still dis-

– Then check for 12V at ACCESS 4 between
CA304-20, -21.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then check continuity of the harness between
CA318-7 and CA304-21 also from CA318-8
and CA304-20.

Figure 17024

Step 7: Reconnect CA318 and key truck ON. Check for

encoder counts to ECR1 CHA. Connect DVOM be-
tween CA304-16 (-17 on "forks first steer" trucks) and
-19 turn the steer tiller slowly.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 8.

• If: Voltage does not change back and forth from

0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then check for ECR1 CHA for 0.5V-11.5V be-
tween CA318-1, -4.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 and

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR1.

M4.8-7335-064 Crown 2007 PF15819-64 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 429

Step 8: Key truck ON. With CA318 and CA304 con-

nected, check ECR1 CHB encoder counts. Connect a
DVOM between CA304-18, -19 and slowly turn the
steer tiller.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 9.

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check voltage for CH B between
CA318-2, -4.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 to

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR1.

Figure 17025

Crown 2007 PF15819-65 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-065

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 429

Step 9: Key truck ON. With CA318 and CA304 con-

nected, check ECR5 CHA for encoder counts. Connect
a DVOM to CA304-22 (-23 on "forks first steer" trucks)
and -20 and slowly turn the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 10.

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check ECR5 CHA voltage between
CA318-5, -8.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 to

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR5.
Step 10: Key truck ON. With CA318 and CA304 con-
nected, check ECR5 CHB encoder counts. Connect
DVOM between CA304-23 (-22 on "forks first steer"
trucks) and -20 and slowly turn the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V and event

code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 4. Figure 17026

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check ECR CHB voltage between
CA318-6, -8.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 to

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR5.

M4.8-7335-066 Crown 2007 PF15819-66 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 430

Event Code 430

ACCESS 4 Encoders ECR1/ECR5 Turn Rate Error.
Full traction disabled.
Note: Event is logged should rate difference between
ECR1/ECR5 occur. ECR1/ECR5 turn at the same rate
through the steer tiller cause for this event code could
be ECR slippage, failure, open or intermittent wiring
between ECR1/ECR5 and ACCESS 4.
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 and select ECR1 A2.3.2
in analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR1 operates.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ECR1 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and select ECR5 A2.3.2
in analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR5 operates.

– Then issue may be due to intermittent ECR1,
ECR5, ACCESS 4 and/or wiring in between
these components. Proceed through Steps 3
and 4, repairing any issues encountered.

• If: ECR5 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3. Figure 16975

Step 3: Key truck OFF. Check steer tiller for slippage

between ECR1, ECR5 and steer tiller. Also check for
damaged or broken wires between ECR1 and ECR5 to

• If: Slippage is observed or any wiring issues.

– Then repair as necessary.
Step 4: Key truck OFF. Check wire and terminals
where ECR1 and ECR5 enter ACCESS 4, CA304-16,

• If: Wiring and/or terminal issues are found.

– Then repair as necessary.

Crown 2007 PF15819-67 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-067

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 430

Step 5: Disconnect CA318 and key truck ON. Using a

DVOM, check for 12V to ECR1 at CA318-4, -3.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then reconnect CA318 and again check for

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ECR1.

• If: Between 11.5-12.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 6.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V with CA318 discon-

nected and ECR1 replaced.
– Then check for 12V at ACCESS 4 between
CA304-18, -19.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.

– Then check continuity of the harness between
CA318-3 and CA304-18 also CA318-4 to
Figure 17025
Step 6: Disconnect CA318 and key truck ON to check
for 12V to ECR5 at CA318-7, -8. Step 7: Reconnect CA318 and key truck ON to check
for encoder counts to ECR1 CHA. Connect DVOM be-
• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V. tween CA304-16 (-17 on "forks first steer" trucks) and
– Then reconnect CA318 and check for 5V. -19 and turn the steer tiller slowly.

• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V. • If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR5. – Then proceed to Step 8.

• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V. • If: Voltage does not change back and forth from
0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then proceed to Step 7.
– Then check for ECR1 CHA for 0.5V-11.5V be-
• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V with CA318 still dis- tween CA318-1, -4.
• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then check for 12V at ACCESS 4 between
CA304-20, -21. – Then check wire harness between CA304 and
• If: Not between 11.5V-12.5V.
• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.
– Then replace ECR1.
• If: Between 11.5V-12.5V.
– Then check harness continuity between
CA318-7 and CA304-21, CA318-8 and

M4.8-7335-068 Crown 2007 PF15819-68 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 430

Step 8: Key truck ON with CA318 and CA304 con- Step 9: Key truck ON. With CA318 and CA304 con-
nected check ECR1 CHB encoder counts. Connect a nected, check ECR5 CHA for encoder counts. Connect
DVOM between CA304-18, -19 and slowly turn the a DVOM to CA304-22 (-23 on "forks first steer" trucks)
steer tiller. and -20 and slowly turn the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V. • If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then proceed to Step 9. – Then proceed to Step 10.

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V. • If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then check voltage for CHB between – Then check ECR5 CHA voltage between
CA318-2, -4. CA318-5 and -8.

• If: Voltage slowly changes from 0.5V to 11.5V. • If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then check wire harness between CA304 to – Then check wire harness between CA304 to
CA318. CA318.

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V. • If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.
– Then replace ECR1. – Then replace ECR5.

Figure 17025

Crown 2007 PF15819-69 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-069

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 430

Step 10: Key truck ON. With CA318 and CA304 con-
nected, check ECR5 CHB encoder counts. Connect
DVOM between CA304-23 (-22 on "forks first steer"
trucks) and -20 and slowly turn the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V and event

code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check ECR CHB voltage between
CA318-6 and -8.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 and

• If: Voltage does not change from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then replace ECR5.

Figure 17026

M4.8-7335-070 Crown 2007 PF15819-70 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 431

Event Code 431

ACCESS 4 Encoders ECR1/ECR5 Direction Error.
Steering and traction disabled.
Note: ECR1/ECR5 turn at the same time, should a dif-
ference in direction occur due to a wiring error or slip-
page event code 431 will be logged.
Step 1: Enter service mode 2 and select ECR1 A2.3.2
in analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR1 operates.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: ECR1 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 2: Enter service mode 2 select ECR5 A2.3.2 in
analyzer menu. View reading on the display.

• If: ECR5 operates.

– Then the issue may be due to intermittent
ECR1, ECR5, ACCESS 4 and/or wiring in be-
tween these components. Proceed through
Steps 3 and 4, repairing any issues encoun-

• If: ECR5 does not operate.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Key truck OFF. Check steer tiller for slippage
between ECR1, ECR5 and steer tiller. Also check for
damaged or broken wires between ECR1 and ECR5 to
Figure 17877
• If: Slippage is observed or any wiring issues.
Step 5: ECR1 test. Disconnect CA318 and key truck
– Then repair as necessary. ON. Using a DVOM check for 12V to ECR1 between
CA318-3, -4.
Step 4: Key truck OFF. Check ECR1/ECR5 wire con-
nections at ACCESS 4. ECR1 CA304-18, -16, -17, -19 • If: Between 11.5V/12.5V.
and ECR5 CA304-21, -22, -23, -20.
– Then key truck OFF and reconnect CA318 and
• If: Wire issues exist. again check for 12V.
– Then repair as necessary. • If: Not between 11.5V/12.5V.
– Then replace ECR1.

• If: Between 11.5V/12.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 6.

Crown 2007 PF15819-71 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-071

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 431

Step 6: ECR5 test. Disconnect CA318 and key truck Step 7: Connect CA318 and CA304, key truck ON.
ON. Using a DVOM check for 12V to ECR5 between Connect a DVOM between CA304-11, -19 and slowly
CA318-7, -8. turn the steer tiller.

• If: Between 11.5V/12.5V. • If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then key truck OFF and reconnect CA318 and – Then proceed to Step 8.
again check for 12V.
• If: Voltage does not change.
• If: Not between 11.5V/12.5V.
– Then check for CHA voltage between
– Then replace ECR5. CA318-1, -4.

• If: Between 11.5V/12.5V. • If: Voltage changes from 0.5 to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 7. – Then check wire harness from CA304 to

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then replace ECR1.

Figure 17937

M4.8-7335-072 Crown 2007 PF15819-72 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 431

Step 8: With power on and CA318/CA304 connected,

check for encoder counts to ECR1 CHB. Connect me-
ter between CA304-12, -19 then slowly turn the steer

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 9.

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then check for CHB voltage between
CA318-2, -4.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 to

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then replace ECR1.

Figure 17938

Crown 2007 PF15819-73 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-073

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 431

Step 9: With vehicle power ON and CA318/CA304

connected, check for encoder counts to ECR5 CHA.
Connect meter between CA304-7, -20 then slowly turn
the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then proceed to Step 10.

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then check voltage for CHA between
CA318-5, -8.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 and

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then replace ECR5.
Step 10: With vehicle power ON and CA318/CA304
connected, check for encoder counts to ECR5 CHB.
Connect meter between CA304-8, -20 then slowly turn
the steer tiller.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V and event

code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Voltage does not change.

– Then check for voltage to CHB between
CA318-6, -8.

• If: Voltage changes from 0.5V to 11.5V.

– Then check wire harness between CA304 and

• If: Voltage does not change.

Figure 17939
– Then replace ECR5.

M4.8-7335-074 Crown 2007 PF15819-74 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 432

Event Code 432 Event Code 433

ACCESS 4 Height Encoder 4 (ECR4) Power Supply ACCESS 4 5V Power Supply Out of Range.
Out of Range.
Traction and raise disabled.
Full traction and high speed raise disabled.
Step 1: Key truck OFF the ON.
Step 1: Connect DVOM leads between CA303-12 and
-BV then key truck ON. • If: Event code continues.

• If: Voltage is not between 4.75V and 5.5V. – Then replace ACCESS 4.

– Then disconnect wire from CA303-12 and

check voltage at CA303-12.

• If: Voltage is between 4.75V and 5.5V with wire re-

– Then short exists in wiring or ECR4. Check wir-
ing between ECR4 and CA303-12 thru -15.
Verify that insulation is not cut and shorted to

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ECR4.

• If: Voltage is not between 4.75-5.5V with wire re-

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 17878

Crown 2007 PF15819-75 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-075

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 433


M4.8-7335-076 Crown 2007 PF15819-76 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 435

Event Code 435 Step 5: Disconnect CA317 using a DVOM check volt-
age to ECR4 between CA317-3, -4.
ACCESS 4 Height Encoder 4 (ECR4) Reset Error. • If: 5V.
Full traction and raise speed 2 disabled. – Then reconnect CA317 and proceed to Step 6.
Step 1: Fully lower platform then raise approximately
three feet and lower.
• If: Not 5V.
– Then remove wire 703 and 516 from CA303
• If: Event code repeats.
and using a DVOM check voltage between pins
– Then proceed to Step 2. CA303-12, -15.

• If: Event code does repeat. • If: 5V.

– Then resume truck operation and monitor. – Then check all wiring. Wire 703 CA303-12 to
CA317-3 and wire 516 CA303-15 to CA317-4.
Step 2: Enter service mode 2 analyzer menu and go to
A2.3.1.1, fully lowered raise platform and observe dis- • If: Not 5V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.
• If: Height in inches changes.
– Then proceed to Step 3.

• If: Height in inches does not change.

– Then proceed to Step 4.
Step 3: Enter service mode 2 analyzer menu and go to
A2.3.10. A fully lowered raise platform approximately
three feet at 18 inches the height reset switch (HTGRS)
state should change from closed to open.

• If: State does not change.

– Then check HTGRS and associated wiring.
Step 4: Disconnect CA317 and check encoder wiring
for damaged crimps. If necessary remove wires from
connector for inspection.

• If: Wiring crimps are damaged.

– Then repair or replace ECR 4 as necessary.
Pin 1: White
Pin 2: Blue
Pin 3: Red
Pin 4: Black

Crown 2007 PF15819-77 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-077

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 440

Step 6: Check ECR4 channel wiring. Wire 007 Event Code 440
CA317-1 to CA303-13, wire 008 CA317-2 to
ACCESS 4 Zone Select (ZSS) Switch Wiring Open.
• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues. Raise disabled.
– Then disconnect CA317, remove white and Note: If the zone select option is enabled in the truck
blue wires from JC317-1 and JC317-2. Con- features the truck requires that one of the three outputs
nect a DVOM from white (ECR4 CHA) to -BV, from the switch be closed. This condition indicates that
key ON truck and check voltage. Reading the feature is enabled and none of the three outputs
should be either 0V or 5V depending on posi- are closed or the wire feeding the switch is open.
tion of ECR4. Perform the same test on the
blue wire (ECR4 CH B). Step 1: Check zone select switch.

• If: Not 0V or 5V. • If: Zone switch is broken.

– Then replace ECR4. – Then replace as necessary.

• If: 0V or 5V. • If: Zone switch is enabled and truck is not equipped
with zone select.
– Then reconnect wiring.
– Then access service level 2 mode and disable
• If: 0V or 5V and event code continues. zone select feature.

– Then replace ACCESS 4. • If: Zone switch is enabled and is present.

– Then check wiring between zone select switch
and ACCESS 4.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 17879

M4.8-7335-078 Crown 2007 PF15819-78 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 441

Event Code 441

ACCESS 4 Zone Select (ZSS) Switch Wiring
Raise disabled.
Note: If the zone select option is enabled in the truck
features the truck requires that one of the three outputs
from the switch be closed. This condition indicates that
more than one of the switch outputs are closed simul-
taneously and therefore the truck can not see the re-
quested zone.
Step 1: Check condition of wiring between switch and
CA303-23, CA304-13, -14.

• If: Wires are shorted.

– Then repair as necessary.

• If: Wires are correct.

– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Using a DVOM check the ZSS for internal
shorts. Each individual internal switch must be isolated
from the other.

• If: Switch is shorted.

– Then replace ZSS switch.

• If: Switch is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.
Figure 17880

Crown 2007 PF15819-79 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-079

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 442

Event Code 442

ACCESS 4 Zone Select Switch (ZSS) Detected, but
Feature Not Enabled.
Raise disabled.
Note: If truck has zone select option refer to Step 1. If
truck does not have zone select option, then refer to
Step 2.
Step 1: Enter service mode 2 and proceed to features
and enable zone select.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.
Step 2: Enter service mode 2 go to features and zone

• If: Zone select is enabled.

– Then disable.

• If: Zone select is disabled.

– Then connect a DVOM to TP7 on platform dis-
tribution panel and check for 24V between
CA303-23, CA304-13, -14.

• If: 24V is not present at any point.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: Any terminal is shorted to negative.

– Then repair short as necessary.

Figure 17881

Event Code 443

ACCESS 4 Invalid Zone Select Setup.
Raise disabled.
Step 1: Enter service mode 2 and proceed to features
menu, enter correct cutout configuration setups.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.

M4.8-7335-080 Crown 2007 PF15819-80 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 445

Event Code 445

ACCESS 4 (lifting fork option only) PVLF Driver
Nothing disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 29129, 29130 and 5938 from
PVLF coil using a DVOM check resistance of PVLF

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace PVLF coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then check for 24V between wires 29129,
29130 and 5938 while depressing lifting forks
lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then disconnect wire 5941 from CA304-4 and
check for 24V between CA304-4 and TP7 on
the platform distribution panel while depressing
lower switch.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 24V.
– Then check for 24V between wire 29129,
29130 and TP3 on the power unit distribution

• If: 0V.
– Then check lower switch and associated wir-

• If: 24V.
– Then check connection of CA325, CA701, and

Figure 17882

Crown 2007 PF15819-81 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-081

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 446

Event Code 446

ACCESS 4 (Lifting Fork Option Only) PVLF
Nothing disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 29129, 29130 and 5938 from
PVLF coil using a DVOM check resistance of PVLF

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace PVLF coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then, with coil disconnected, disconnect wire
5941 from CA304-4 and check for 24V be-
tween PC304-4 and TP7 on the platform distri-
bution panel.

• If: 24V.
– Then wire 5941, 5936, 5938, or the mast cable
red wire is shorted to +BV repair/ replace.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 17883

M4.8-7335-082 Crown 2007 PF15819-82 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 447

Event Code 447

ACCESS 4 (Lifting Fork Option Only) SV1 Shorted.
Nothing disabled.
Step 1: Disconnect wires 29130 and 5937 from SV1
coil using a DVOM check resistance of SV1 coil.

• If: Less than 29 ohm.

– Then replace SV1 coil.

• If: 29 ohm.
– Then, with coil disconnected, disconnect wire
5942 from CA304-5. Check for 24V between
PC304-5 and TP7 on the platform distribution

• If: 24V.
– Then wire 5942, 5935, 5937 or mast cable
green wire is shorted to +BV repair/ replace.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 17884

Crown 2007 PF15819-83 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-083

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 448

Event Code 448 Event Code 449

ACCESS 4 Travel Alarm (ALM2) Driver Shorted.
Full traction and high speed raise disabled.
Event Code 452
Step 1: Disconnect wire 5915 from CA304-7. Check for
24V between PC304-7 and TP7 on the platform distri-
ACCESS 4 Internal Driver Shorted.
bution panel.
Event Code 449 and 452: Traction and raise disabled.
• If: 24V.
Event Code 450: Raise disabled.
– Then wire 5915 is shorted to +BV repair/ re-
place. Event Code 451: Nothing disabled.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 4.
• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

Figure 17885

M4.8-7335-084 Crown 2007 PF15819-84 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 453

Event Code 453

ACCESS 4 Chain Break.
Hydraulics disabled.
Step 1: Check lift chain.

• If: Correct.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: Broken.
– Then replace as necessary.
Step 2: Check chain break switch wiring.

• If: Correct.
– Then check wire 29123, CA303-3 to CA331
and wire 29124, CA331 to CA103-14 and cable
assembly between harness and switches. Us-
ing a DVOM, check for 24V between CA303-3
and TP7 on platform distribution panel.

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 0V.
– Then check terminal conditions.

Figure 17027

Crown 2007 PF15819-85 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-085

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 460

Event Code 460 Step 4: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key truck OFF and disconnect battery. Using a
THRU DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel CAN_L to -BV bus bar then CAN_L to TP3 on the
platform distribution panel and CAN_L to truck frame.
Event Code 462 Resistance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.

ACCESS 5 CAN Error. • If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

Event Code 460: ACCESS 5 receiving packets too – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.
Event Code 461: ACCESS 5 receiving short packets.
Event Code 462: ACCESS 5 receiving long packets.
No action taken.
Step 1: Verify correct ACCESSES are in place on the

• If: Any new ACCESSES have recently been in-

– Then check connections and software.
Step 2: Determine if logged event code is associated
with specific truck functions.

• If: Event code is logged when a specific function is

started or stopped.
– Then check the function's load and suppres-
sion (for example, if event code is logging when
ED1 contactor opens or closes check ED1 con-
tactor coil and suppression).
Step 3: Check CAN communication lines. Key truck
OFF using a DVOM measure resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power unit or plat-
Figure 17886
form distribution panels, resistance should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Locate short circuit and repair. A short
may exist in an ACCESS. Determine this con-
dition by disconnecting ACCESS from the CAN
bus one at a time and measure resistance be-
tween CAN_H and CAN_L.

• If: Greater than 65 ohm with all connectors con-

– Then a CAN bus-terminating resistor is open,
damaged or wiring to terminating resistor is
open. CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in

M4.8-7335-086 Crown 2007 PF15819-86 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 463

Event Code 463 DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
panel CAN_L to -BV bus bar then CAN_L to TP3 on the
THRU platform distribution panel and CAN_L to truck frame.
Resistance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.

Event Code 465 • If: If less than 10,000 ohm.

– Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.
Event Code 463: ACCESS 6 receiving packets too
Event Code 464: ACCESS 6 receiving short packets.
Event Code 465: ACCESS 6 receiving long packets.
No action taken.
Step 1: Verify correct ACCESSES are in place on the

• If: Any new ACCESS has recently been installed.

– Then check connections and software.
Step 2: Determine if logged event code is associated
with specific truck functions.

• If: Event code is logged when a specific function is

started or stopped.
– Then check the function's load and suppres-
sion (for example, if event code is logging when
ED1 contactor opens or closes check ED1 con-
tactor coil and suppression).
Step 3: Check CAN communication lines. Key truck
OFF using a DVOM measure resistance between
Figure 17886
CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power unit or plat-
form distribution panels, resistance should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Locate short circuit and repair. A short
may exist in an ACCESS. Determine this con-
dition by disconnecting the ACCESS from the
CAN bus one at a time and measure resistance
between CAN_H and CAN_L.

• If: Greater than 65 ohm with all connectors con-

– Then a CAN bus-terminating resistor is open,
damaged or wiring to terminating resistor is
open. CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in
Step 4: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
frame. Key truck OFF and disconnect battery. Using a

Crown 2007 PF15819-87 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-087

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 466

Event Code 466 • If: Greater than 65 ohm with all connectors con-
– Then a CAN bus-terminating resistor is open,
damaged or wiring to terminating resistor is
Event Code 469 open. CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in

Event Code 466: ACCESS 1 receiving packets too Step 4: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
fast. frame. Key truck OFF and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
Event Code 467: ACCESS 1 receiving short packets. panel CAN_L to -BV bus bar then CAN_L to TP3 on the
Event Code 468: ACCESS 1 receiving long packets. platform distribution panel and CAN_L to truck frame.
Resistance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
Event Code 469: ACCESS 1 receiving duplicate ID.
No action taken.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

Step 1: Verify correct ACCESSES are in place on the – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

• If: Any new ACCESS has recently been installed.

– Then check connections and software.
Step 2: Determine if logged event code is associated
with specific truck functions.

• If: Event code is logged when a specific function is

started or stopped.
– Then check the function's load and suppres-
sion (for example if event code is logging when
ED1 contactor opens or closes check ED1 con-
tactor coil and suppression).
Step 3: Check CAN communication lines. Key truck
OFF using a DVOM measure resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power unit or plat-
form distribution panels, resistance should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Locate short circuit and repair. A short
may exist in an ACCESS. Determine this con-
dition by disconnecting ACCESS from the CAN
bus one at a time and measure resistance be- Figure 17886
tween CAN_H and CAN_L.

M4.8-7335-088 Crown 2007 PF15819-88 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 470

Event Code 470 • If: Greater than 65 ohm with all connectors con-
– Then a CAN bus-terminating resistor is open,
damaged or wiring to terminating resistor is
Event Code 473 open. CAN bus contains two terminating resis-
tors, one located in ACCESS 5 and the other in

Event Code 470: ACCESS 4 receiving packets too Step 4: Check for CAN line short to -BV, +BV and truck
fast. frame. Key truck OFF and disconnect battery. Using a
DVOM, check resistance at the power unit distribution
Event Code 471: ACCESS 4 receiving short packets. panel CAN_L to -BV bus bar then CAN_L to TP3 on the
Event Code 472: ACCESS 4 receiving long packets. platform distribution panel and CAN_L to truck frame.
Resistance should be greater than 10,000 ohm.
Event Code 473: ACCESS 4 receiving duplicate ID.
No action taken.
• If: Less than 10,000 ohm.

Step 1: Verify correct ACCESSES are in place on the – Then repair/replace wiring as necessary.

• If: Any new ACCESS has recently been installed.

– Then check connections and software.
Step 2: Determine if logged event code is associated
with specific truck functions.

• If: Event code is logged when a specific function is

started or stopped.
– Then check the function's load and suppres-
sion (for example, if event code is logging when
ED1 contactor opens or closes check ED1 con-
tactor coil and suppression).
Step 3: Check CAN communication lines. Key truck
OFF using a DVOM measure resistance between
CAN_H and CAN_L on either the power unit or plat-
form distribution panels, resistance should be 60 ohm.

• If: 0 ohm.
– Then short exists between CAN_H and
CAN_L. Locate short circuit and repair. A short
may exist in an ACCESS). Determine this con-
dition by disconnecting the ACCESS from the
CAN bus one at a time and measure resistance Figure 17886
between CAN_H and CAN_L.

Crown 2007 PF15819-89 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-089

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 473


M4.8-7335-090 Crown 2007 PF15819-90 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 501

Event Code 501 Step 2: Intermittent communication event has occurred

between ACCESS 1 and ACCESS 5. Check for addi-
tional event codes.
ACCESS 5 Communication (CAN) with ACCESS 1
Timeout. • If: Event codes 301 or 401 are logged.
Traction and hydraulics disabled. – Then disconnect plug CA302 and, using a
Note 1: Intermittent disruption of CAN communication DVOM, check for 24V between wire 513
between ACCESS 5 and ACCESS 1 will log event CA302-4 and wire 2941 CA302-3 on the plug.
code 501 (ACCESS 5 will flash event code 501).
ACCESS 1 must receive event code 501 from
• If: 24V.
ACCESS 5 to illuminate the service required indicator – Then check CAN wiring between ACCESS 1
(wrench shaped light). Illumination of the indicator and platform distribution panel. Wire 003 be-
shows communication between ACCESS 5 and tween CA302-8 and CA105-2 also wire 004 be-
ACCESS 1 has been intermittently disrupted. tween CA302-9 and CA105-8.
Note 2: Complete loss of CAN communication be- • If: Event codes 305, 405 have been logged.
tween ACCESS 5 and ACCESS 1 after power up and
initialization will log event code 501. ACCESS 5 will – Then check CAN bus wiring between power
flash event code 501. Should this condition exists CAN unit distribution panel and ACCESS 5. Wire
communication between ACCESS 5 and ACCESS 1 is 019 CA402-4 to CA204-2 and wire 020
disabled, ACCESS 1 will not log event code 501 and CA402-5 to CA204-8.
the wrench light will not illuminate.
Step 3: Communication lost between ACCESS 1 and
Step 1: Determine which ACCESS is indicating the 5. ACCESS 5 is flashing 501 event code. Key truck
event. OFF then ON.

• If: ACCESS 1 displays the wrench and event code • If: ACCESS 1 does not turn ON.
501 is logged.
– Then using a DVOM check for 24V between
– Then proceed to Step 2. wire 2941 CA103-10 and wire 513 CA107-8.

• If: ACCESS 1 has no wrench. Traction, hydraulics • If: 0V.

and steering are disabled and ACCESS 5 is flash-
– Then check wiring and connections. Wire 2941
ing event code 501.
CA302-3 to CA103-10 and wire 513 CA302-4
– Then proceed to Step 3. to CA107-8.

• If: 24V and ACCESS 1 does not turn ON.

– Then replace ACCESS 1.

• If: ACCESS 1 turns ON wrench illuminated and

logs event codes 305 and 405.
– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
power unit distribution panel and ACCESS 5.
Check wire 019 CA402-4 to CA204-2 and wire
020 CA402-5 to CA204-8.

Crown 2007 PF15819-91 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-091

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 501

Figure 16724

M4.8-7335-092 Crown 2007 PF15819-92 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 503

Event Code 503

ACCESS 5 Communication (CAN) with ACCESS 3
Traction and hydraulics disabled.
Step 1: Check power to ACCESS 3.

• If: ACCESS 3 lights are ON.

– Then issue exists in wiring between power unit
distribution panel and ACCESS 3, check wiring
and connections. Wire 018 CA401-15 to
CA204-7 and wire 017 CA401-23 to CA204-1.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then clean connections.

• If: ACCESS 3 lights are OFF.

– Then issue exists in the power wiring between
power unit distribution panel and ACCESS 3.
Using a DVOM check for 24V between
CA401-1 and ACCESS 3 -BV.

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 3.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between ACCESS 3
and power unit distribution panel check wiring
Figure 16725
and connections. Wire 2953 CA401-1 to

Crown 2007 PF15819-93 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-093

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 504

Event Code 504

ACCESS 5 Communication (CAN) with ACCESS 4
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Check power to ACCESS 4.

• If: ACCESS 4 lights are ON.

– Then issue exists in wiring between platform
distribution panel and ACCESS 4, check wiring
and connections. Wire 001 CA303-7 to
CA105-1 and wire 002 CA303-8 to CA105-7.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then clean connections.

• If: ACCESS 4 lights are OFF.

– Then issue exists in power wiring between plat-
form distribution panel and ACCESS 4, check Figure 16726
wiring and connections. Using a DVOM check
for 24V between CA304-1 and -BV.

• If: 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 4.

• If: 0V.
– Then issue exists in wiring between ACCESS 4
and platform distribution panel check wiring
and connections. Wire 2937 CA304-1 to
CA103-12 and wire 525 CA304-3 to CA107-9.

M4.8-7335-094 Crown 2007 PF15819-94 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 505

Event Code 505 • If: ACCESS 6 lights are OFF.

– Then issue exists in power wiring between plat-
ACCESS 5 CAN Reset. form distribution panel and ACCESS 6, check
No action taken. wiring and connections. Using a DVOM check
for 24V between CA601-1 and CA601-2.
Note: Should a reset occur the truck will restore func-
tionality without any changes in performance. There is • If: 24V.
no need for service intervention with occasional occur-
rences. However if this event becomes an issue, then – Then replace ACCESS 6.
follow Step 1 below. • If: 0V.
Step 1: Check CAN connections between ACCESS 5
– Then issue exists in wiring between ACCESS 6
and power unit distribution panel. Wire 019 CA402-4 to
and power unit distribution panel check wiring
CA204-2 and wire 020 CA402-5 to CA204-8.
and connections. Wire 2972 CA601-1 to
• If: Wiring is correct. CA201-6 and wire 552 CA601-2 to -BV.

– Then clean connections.

Figure 16727

Event Code 506

All functions disabled.
Step 1: Check power to ACCESS 6.

• If: ACCESS 6 lights are ON.

– Then issue exists in wiring between platform Figure 16728
distribution panel and ACCESS 6, check wiring
and connections. Wire 021 CA601-4 to
CA204-3 and wire 022 CA601-5 to CA204-9.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then clean connections.

Crown 2007 PF15819-95 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-095

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 511

Event Code 511 • If: Less than 5V.

THRU – Then remove wire 706 from CA403-20 and, us-

ing a DVOM, check for +5V between CA403-20
and -B.
Event Code 512
• If: 5V (+/- 0.1V).
ACCESS 5 Internal Issues. – Then issue exists in ECR2 or wiring. Recon-
All functions disabled. nect wire 706 and proceed to Step 2.

Step 1: Replace ACCESS 5. • If: Less than 5V.

– Then remove wire 704 from CA403-21 and, us-
Event Code 513 ing a DVOM, check for +5V between CA403-21
and -B.
Step 2: Unplug CA410 (ECR2) and, using a DVOM,
check for +5V between CA403-20 and ACCESS 5 -B.
Event Code 514 • If: Less than 5V.

ACCESS 5 Internal Issues. – Then issue exists in wiring between ACCESS 5

CA403 and CA410. Check wire 706 between
No action taken. CA410-4 and CA403 20 also wire 540 between
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 5. CA410-2 and CA403-12.

• If: 5V.
Event Code 515 – Then replace ECR2.

Event Code 521

ACCESS 5 Internal Issues.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 5.

Event Code 522


Event Code 523

ACCESS 5 +5V Power Supply Out of Range.
Steering and traction disabled. PDS/Forks First (522).
Step 1: Using a DVOM, connect the negative lead to
Figure 16729
-B on ACCESS 5 and with the positive lead check for
+5V at CA403-20 and CA403-21.

• If: 5V (+/- 0.1V) and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

M4.8-7335-096 Crown 2007 PF15819-96 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 526

Event Code 526 Step 1: Check FU6.

THRU • If: FU6 in good condition.

– Then check condition of ED2 contacts.
Event Code 527 • If: ED2 contacts in good condition.

ACCESS 5 Brake +BV Out of Range. – Then check for 24V between CA403-7 and
Event Code 526: Full traction disabled. This event code
is logged when either inner or outer brake coil is above • If: 24V and event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Event Code 527: Traction disabled. This event code is
logged when both inner and outer brake coils are below
Step 1: Check status of event codes 540, 528, 529,
530 and 531, if any of these codes have been logged
resolve them before proceeding to 526 and 527.

• If: Only event codes 526 and 527 are constantly

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Event Code 528

ACCESS 5 Inner Brake Coil +B Out of Range.
Note: Check for event code 540 and condition of ED2
contacts also if any other event codes have been
logged relating to these areas resolve them before con-
Inner Brake +BV above range. Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Check battery voltage.

• If: 36V, 48, 80V.

– Then install 24V battery.

Figure 16758
Event Code 529
ACCESS 5 Inner Brake Coil +B Out of Range.
Note: Check for event code 540 and condition of ED2
contacts also if any other event codes have been
logged relating to these areas resolve them before con-
Inner Brake +BV under range. Traction disabled.

Crown 2007 PF15819-97 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-097

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 530

Event Code 530

ACCESS 5 Inner Brake Coil +B Out of Range.
Note: Check for event code 540 and condition of ED
contacts also if any other event codes have been
logged relating to these areas resolve them before con-
Inner Brake +BV above range. Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Check battery voltage.

• If: 36V, 48, 80V.

– Then install 24V battery.

Event Code 531

ACCESS 5 Inner Brake Coil +B Out of Range.
Note: Check for event code 540 and condition of ED
contacts also if any other event codes have been
logged relating to these areas resolve them before con-
Inner Brake +BV under range - traction disabled.
Step 1: Check FU5.

• If: FU5 in good condition. Figure 16759

– Then check condition of ED2 contacts.

• If: ED2 contacts in good condition.

– Then check for 24V between CA403-9 and

• If: 24V and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

M4.8-7335-098 Crown 2007 PF15819-98 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 532

Event Code 532

ACCESS 5 +5V Power Supply Voltage Out of
No action taken.
Step 1: Check for 5V between CA403-27 and -B.

• If: 5V (+/- 0.1V).

– Then monitor for event codes 540 and 541.

• If: Not 5V.

– Then disconnect wire 705 from CA403-27 and
check voltage between ACCESS 5 and -B.

• If: 5V.
– Then reconnect wire 705 to CA403-27 and pro-
ceed to Step 2.

• If: Not 5V. Figure 16760

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Step 2: Unplug CS1 from CA406 and check for 5V be-
tween CA406-A and -B.

• If: Not 5V.

– Then check wire connections between
ACCESS 5 and CA406.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace CS1.

Crown 2007 PF15819-99 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-099

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 533

Event Code 533

ACCESS 5 +5V Power Supply Voltage Out of
No action taken.
Step 1: Check for 5V between CA403-27 and -B.

• If: 5V (+/- 0.1V).

– Then monitor for event codes 540 and 541.

• If: Not 5V.

– Then disconnect wire 705 from CA403-27 and
check voltage between ACCESS 5 and -B.

• If: 5V.
– Then reconnect wire 705 to CA403-27 and pro-
ceed to Step 2.

• If: Not 5V. Figure 16760

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Step 2: Unplug CS1 from CA406 and check for 5V be-
tween CA406-A and -B.

• If: Not 5V.

– Then check wire connections between
ACCESS 5 and CA406.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace CS1.

M4.8-7335-100 Crown 2007 PF15819-100 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 534

Event Code 534 Event Code 536

ACCESS 5 Battery Current Sensor Improperly
Event Code 535 Note: Check for event code 537 if logged resolve it
ACCESS 5 Battery Current Out of Range.
No action taken.
Note: Check for event codes 532, 533, 536 and 537 if
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 and view CS1 sensor
any of these event codes have been logged resolve
input. Command full traction then plugging while view-
ing CS1 values.
All functions disabled.
• If: Values are negative during traction acceleration.
Step 1: Check wiring between ACCESS 5 and CS1.
– Then check installation of CS1 to bus bar and
• If: Wiring is correct. wiring between ACCESS 5 and CS1.
– Then replace CS1. • If: CS1 installation is correct and event continues.
– Then replace CS1.

• If: CS1 installation is incorrect.

– Then correct.

Figure 16760

Figure 16760

Crown 2007 PF15819-101 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-101

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 537

Event Code 537 Event Code 538

ACCESS 5 Current Sensor 1 (CS1) Zero Reading
Out of Range.
Note: Check for event codes 532 and 533. If either Event Code 539
event has been logged, then resolve first.
ACCESS 5 BDI Battery Voltage Out of Range.
No action taken.
Note: Check for event code 540. If logged, then re-
Step 1: Step off truck to allow ED2 contacts to open,
solve first.
wait 2 minutes for ED2 bus to discharge then using a
DVOM check voltage between CA403-24 and -B. Event Code 538: Traction disabled.

• If: Voltage is between 2.4V/2.6V and the event Event Code 539: Full traction, auxiliary raise, auxiliary
code continues. lower and raise disabled.

– Then replace ACCESS 5. Step 1: Check FU2. Replace if open.

Step 2: Check for 24V between CA202-3 and
• If: Voltage is above or below 2.4V/2.6V.
– Then remove wire 104 from CA403-24 and
check for 2.4V/2.6V between wire 104 and -B.
• If: 24V and event continues.
– Then check for 24V between CA202-3 and
• If: Voltage is between 2.4V/2.6V.
– Then replace the ACCESS 5.
• If: 0V.
• If: Voltage is above or below 2.4V/2.6V.
– Then check wiring between CA202-3 and
– Then replace CS1. CA403-25.

Figure 16762

Figure 16761

M4.8-7335-102 Crown 2007 PF15819-102 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 540

Event Code 540 – Then issue exists in ED contact wiring follow

procedure for event 541.
ACCESS 5 Battery Voltage Out of Range.
Note: ACCESS 5 monitors +BV steering motor input
for correct battery voltage.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check battery voltage.

• If: 24V and battery is known to be good.

– Then proceed to Step 2.

• If: 12V, 36V or 48V.

– Then install correct 24V battery.
Step 2: Check the status of FU1 through FU9.

• If: Correct status and event continues.

– Then proceed to Step 3.

• If: Any fuse is open.

– Then replace it.
Step 3: Key ON the truck and check ED contactor op-
Figure 16763
• If: Contactor pulls in (even for only a short time-1/3
second) and the ED coil wiring and contacts ap-
pear to be in good condition.
– Then proceed to Step 4.

• If: Contactor does not pull in and the ED bus is not

connecting to ACCESS 5.
– Then follow the procedure of event 544.
Step 4: Key OFF truck and remove the power cable
from ACCESS 5 +B terminal. Connect DVOM between
the +B cable and -B on ACCESS 5; key ON the truck
and check for 24V.

• If: 24V with ED pulled in (about 1/3 second).

– Then key OFF truck and reinstall ACCESS 5
+B power cable. Connect DVOM between AC-
CESS +B and -B key ON truck and check for

• If: Not 24V or 24V and event code 540 continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Not 24V when ED is pulled-in.

Crown 2007 PF15819-103 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-103

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 540


M4.8-7335-104 Crown 2007 PF15819-104 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 541

Event Code 541 Step 3: Key ON truck. Using a DVOM check for 24V
between ED2 coil + terminal and -BV.
ACCESS 5 ED2 Contactor Failed to Energize. • If: 24V.
All functions disabled. – Then ED2 coil supply is correct, proceed to
Step 1: Key ON truck. Depress brake pedal to energize Step 4.
ED2 contactor.
• If: 20V.
• If: ED2 fails to energize.
– Then ACCESS 3 switch is open, replace
– Then proceed to Step 2. ACCESS 3.

• If: ED2 energizes. • If: 3V.

– Then, using a DVOM, check for 24V between – Then ACCESS 3 ED2 switch is correct, replace
-B and +B on ACCESS 5 also between -B and ED2 contactor.
CA403-7, CA403-9.
• If: 0V.
• If: Greater than 24V.
– Then remove wire 2967 from CA403-18 and
– Then key OFF truck and check for correct bat- check for 24V between wire 2967 and -BV.
• If: 24V.
• If: Each test point is 24V.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
– Then clear event codes and key ON truck.
• If: 0V.
• If: Event code continues.
– Then check wiring between +BV battery termi-
– Then replace ACCESS 5. nal and CA403-18.

• If: Each test point is less than 24V. Step 4: Key OFF truck. Remove wire 5920 from ED2
coil. Using a DVOM, check resistance of ED2 coil.
– Then turn key OFF. Remove CA403 and +B
cable from ACCESS 5, using a DVOM check • If: 0 ohm.
for shorts between CA403-7 (ACCESS pin) – Then remove wire 5920 from ED2 -BV coil ter-
(typical 10,000) and -B terminal, CA403-9 (AC- minal. Using a DVOM, check resistance of ED2
CESS pin) (typical 10,000) and -B terminal also coil.
between +B terminal and -B terminal (typical
40,000). • If: 29 ohm.

• If: Resistance is below value shown. – Then reconnect wire 5920 and proceed to Step
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
• If: Resistance is not correct.
• If: Resistance value is correct.
– Then replace ED2.
– Then issue exists in ED2 load bus wiring.
Step 5: Check resistance between ED2 +BV coil con-
Step 2: Key OFF truck check fuses FU1 through FU9. nection and CA403-19.
• If: Fuses not functioning correctly. • If: 0 ohm.
– Then replace as necessary. – Then proceed to Step 6.

• If: Not 0 ohm.

– Then repair wiring between ED2 +BV coil con-
nection and CA403-19.

Crown 2007 PF15819-105 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-105

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 541

Step 6: Enter Service Mode 2. Select ED2 test output

menu to activate ACCESS 5/ACCESS 3 ED2
switches. Connect a DVOM between ED2 -BV coil con-
nection and -BV. Check for 24V with no active

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 5920 from CA401-2 and
check for 24V.

• If: 24V.
– Then ACCESS 3 is shorted, replace

• If: Not 24V.

– Then ACCESS 5 switch open, replace

• If: 20V.
– Then activate ACCESS 5 switch and check
voltage while holding Enter Button.

• If: 20V.
– Then ACCESS 5 is open, replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 24V.
– Then activate ACCESS 3 switch and check
voltage while holding Enter Button.

• If: Less than 10V.

– Then ACCESS 5 switch is shorted (ED may
pull-in), replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 24V. Figure 16764

– Then ACCESS 3 switch is open, replace

Step 7: Activate ACCESS 3 ED2 switch and check
voltage while holding Enter Button.

M4.8-7335-106 Crown 2007 PF15819-106 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 542

Event Code 542 Event Code 544

ACCESS 5 +BV Power Supply Not Present. ACCESS 5 ED2 Turn ON Error.
All functions disabled. All functions disabled.
Step 1: Key OFF truck and check fuses FU5, FU6 and Step 1: Follow procedure for event code 541, ED2 sys-
FU11. tem troubleshooting.

• If: Fuses are correct.

– Then proceed to Step 2.
Event Code 545
• If: Fuse(s) are open. ACCESS 5 ED2 Turn OFF Error.

– Then replace as necessary. All functions disabled.

Step 2: Check power supply wiring from TP5 to Step 1: Follow procedure for event code 541, ED2 sys-
CA403-7, CA403-9 and +BV power terminal. tem troubleshooting.

Event Code 546


Event Code 548

ACCESS 3 ED Load Bus Pre-charge Error.
All functions disabled.
Event Code 546: General ED pre-charge error.
Event Code 547: ACCESS 3 pre-charge power out of
Event Code 548: ACCESS 3 pre-charge error.
Step 1: Using a DVOM, check resistance from ED bus
(output contact) to -BV.

• If: Less than 25 ohm.

– Then remove bus load fuses one at a time until
the resistance increases to normal value of
1000 ohm.

• If: ED bus resistance returns to normal.

– Then note last fuse removed and replace all
others to verify bus resistance remains the

Figure 16765

Crown 2007 PF15819-107 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-107

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 549

Event Code 549

ACCESS 3 Chain Slack.
Traction and lower disabled.
Note: Prevents issue(s) logging check lift chain adjust-
Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 and select CHS3/CHS4.

• If: Switch shows closed.

– Then status is normal, event code may have
occurred due chain adjustments.

• If: Switch shows open.

– Then check chain adjustment (see Platform in
Service and Parts Manual).

• If: Chain adjustment is correct and event code con-

– Then check CHS3/CHS4 adjustment.

• If: CHS3/CHS4 adjustment is correct.

– Then check CHS3/CHS4 resistance, should be
0 ohm.

• If: CHS3/CHS4 resistance is correct and event

code continues.
– Then check CHS3/CH4 wiring. ACCESS 3
CA401-11 wire 2973 to CA414-1, CA201-7
wire 2954 to CA415-1, CA401-20 wire 2974 to
CA416-1, CA201-8 wire 2955 to CA417-1.
Figure 16766

Event Code 551

ACCESS 5 Parameter Error.
No action taken.
Step 1: Turn key OFF then ON.

• If: Event code clears.

– Then truck is operation ready.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

M4.8-7335-108 Crown 2007 PF15819-108 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 552

Event Code 552 Step 2: Check steer wheel synchronization, enter Ser-
vice Mode 2 and select analyzer menu to view encoder
THRU counts. Rotate steer tiller in both directions while view-
ing counts, ECR2 counts should change smoothly and
continuously as steer wheel moves. Record ECR2
Event Code 553 counts once steer wheel is at zero position.

ACCESS 5 Parameter Error. • If: ECR2 counts erratic change or no change.

No action taken. – Then check wiring, wire 025 between

CA403-13 and CA410-1, wire 026 between
Step 1: Load default parameters and configure as re- CA403-14 and CA410-3, blue wire between
quired. CA410 and ECR2, orange wire between
CA410 and ECR2.
Event Code 554 • If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

ACCESS 5 EAC Parameter Error. – Then replace ECR2.

No action taken. • If: ECR2 is correct and event code continues.

Step 1: Drive truck over EAC magnets to reset data. – Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Event code clears. • If: ECR2 counts change smoothly but count does
not match wheel position.
– Then truck is operation ready.
– Then perform ECR2 alignment.
• If: Event code continues.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Event Code 555


Event Code 556

ACCESS 5 Encoder 2 (ECR2) Out of Range.
Traction disabled.
Note: Check status of event codes 522 and 523 if
logged then resolve them before proceeding to 555
and 556.
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for +5V between
CA410-2 and CA410-4. Figure 16767

• If: Less than 4.75V or more than 5.25V.

– Then follow procedures for event codes 522
and 523.

• If: 5V.
– Then proceed to Step 2.

Crown 2007 PF15819-109 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-109

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 557

Event Code 557

ACCESS 5 Encoder 2 (ECR2) Index Error.
Full traction disabled.
Note 1: ECR2 count indicates the wheel has passed
through zero position, but index signal has not indi-
cated the same.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 522 and 523 if
logged resolve them before proceeding to event code
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for +5V between
CA410-2 and CA410-4.

• If: Less than 4.75V or more than 5.25V.

– Then follow procedures for event codes 522
and 523.

• If: 5V.
– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Check ECR2 index wiring, wire 027 between
CA403-23 and CA410-5 and yellow wire between
Figure 16768
ECR2 and CA410.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then check steer wheel synchronization, enter
Service Mode 2 and select analyzer menu view
encoder counts. Rotate steer tiller in both direc-
tions while viewing counts, ECR2 counts
should change smoothly and continuously as
steer wheel moves. Record ECR2 counts once
steer wheel is at zero position.

• If: ECR2 counts erratic change or no change.

– Then check wiring, wire 025 between
CA403-13 and CA410-1, wire 026 between
CA403-14 and CA410-3, blue wire between
CA410 and ECR2 and orange wire between
CA410 and ECR2.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ECR2.

• If: ECR2 is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: ECR2 counts change smoothly but count does

not match wheel position.
– Then perform ECR2 alignment.

M4.8-7335-110 Crown 2007 PF15819-110 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 558

Event Code 558 • If: ECR2 counts change smoothly but count does
not match wheel position.
– Then perform ECR2 Alignment.

Event Code 561

ACCESS 5 Encoder 2 (ECR2) Error.
Traction and steering disabled.
Note 1: Event will occur if there is no wheel movement
upon command.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 522 and 523 if
logged resolve them before proceeding to 558, 559,
560 and 561.
Step 1: Using a DVOM, check for +5V between
CA410-2 and CA410-4.

• If: Less than 4.75V or more than 5.25V.

– Then follow procedures for event codes 522
and 523.
Figure 16767
• If: 5V.
– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 2: Check wire connections between ACCESS 5
A1 and A2 terminal and M3.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Check steer wheel synchronization, enter Ser-
vice Mode 2 and select analyzer menu view encoder
counts. Rotate steer tiller in both directions while view-
ing counts, ECR2 counts should change smoothly and
continuously as steer wheel moves. Record ECR2
counts once steer wheel is at zero position.

• If: ECR2 count change is erratic or not at all.

– Then check wiring, wire 025 between
CA403-13 and CA410-1, wire 026 between
CA403-14 and CA410-3, blue wire between
CA410 and ECR2 and orange wire between
CA410 and ECR2.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ECR2.

• If: ECR2 is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Crown 2007 PF15819-111 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-111

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 562

Event Code 562 Event Code 563

ACCESS 5 Steering Error. ACCESS 5 /ACCESS 6 Communication Error.
Traction and steering disabled. Traction disabled.
Note: Check status of event codes 540, 524 and 525 if Note: ACCESS 5 has received a wire guidance com-
logged resolve them before proceeding to 562. mand from the guidance switch but has not received
communication from ACCESS 6.
Step 1: Key OFF truck and unplug battery, remove +B
and -B cables from ACCESS 5. Install a jumper be- Step 1: Verify that truck has guidance feature.
tween +B and -B using a DVOM check the following:
Terminal A1 to +B = 15,000 ohm. • If: Feature is installed.
Terminal A1 to -B = 15,000 ohm. – Then check access wiring.
Terminal A2 to +B = 15,000 ohm.
Terminal A2 to -B = 15,000 ohm. • If: Feature is not installed.
Terminal A1 to A2 = 30,000 ohm.
– Then access the features menu and turn guid-
• If: Any are 5000 ohm below the value shown. ance off.

– Then replace ACCESS 5. • If: Event continues.

• If: Readings are correct. – Then refer to event code 506.

– Then reconnect cables and check A1 and A2

cables for a short. Event Code 564
• If: Cables are correct and the event continues.
ACCESS 5 Wire Guidance Enable Error.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Traction disabled.
Note: ACCESS 5 received a wire guidance command
from the guidance switch but wire enable setup is not
Step 1: ACCESS features menu and turn ON wire

Figure 16769

M4.8-7335-112 Crown 2007 PF15819-112 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 565

Event Code 565

ACCESS 5 /ACCESS 3 Traction Encoder 3 (ECR3)
Traction disabled. One or both channels lost at AC-
CESS 5 in idle or traveling.
Note: Check status of event codes 330 and 565 - both
pertain to ECR3. If logged, then resolve them before
proceeding with 565.
Step 1: Clear event log; key OFF truck; key ON truck
and request traction.

• If: Event 565 is logged.

– Then check wiring between FSB CA408 and

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then replace FSB.

• If: Event continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Event 330 is logged.

– Then check wiring between FSB CA408 and Figure 17944

• If: Wiring is correct.

Event Code 566
– Then replace FSB. ACCESS 5 EAC Enable Error.

• If: Event continues. Full traction disabled.

– Then replace ACCESS 3. Note: EAC feature enabled, hardware not detected.
Step 1: Verify truck has EAC feature.

• If: Truck does not have EAC feature.

– Then enter features menu and disable EAC.

• If: Truck has EAC feature.

– Then check for event code 105 if logged check
connections to ACCESS 6.

• If: Connections are correct.

– Then check for event code 506 if logged refer
to procedures for event code 506.

Crown 2007 PF15819-113 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-113

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 567

Event Code 567

ACCESS 5 EAC Sensor Latched On Error.
Full traction disabled.
Note 1: EAC sensor event code ID: 1A.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 625 and 626 - if
logged, then resolve before proceeding to 567, 568,
569 or 570.
Note 3: To perform test position truck away from EAC
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 5V between
ACCESS 6 CA602-5 wire 052 and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then check for a test voltage between
ACCESS 6 CA602-3 wire 901 and -BV.

• If: Greater than 1V.

Figure 16703
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 052 from EAC distribution
panel CA607-3, check for 5V between wire end
and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace EAC distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 052 from EAC ACCESS 6
CA602-5, check for 5V between CA602-5 and

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then check wiring between ACCESS 6
CA602-5 wire 052 and EAC distribution panel

M4.8-7335-114 Crown 2007 PF15819-114 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 568

Event Code 568

ACCESS 5 EAC Sensor Latched On Error.
Full traction disabled.
Note 1: EAC sensor event code ID: 1B.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 625 and 626 - if
logged, then resolve before proceeding to 567, 568,
569 or 570.
Note 3: To perform test position truck away from EAC
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 5V between
ACCESS 6 CA602-11 wire 054 and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then check for a test voltage between
ACCESS 6 CA602-9 wire 903 and -BV.

• If: Greater than 1V.

Figure 16778
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 054 from EAC distribution
panel CA607-9, check for 5V between wire end
and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace EAC distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 054 from EAC ACCESS 6
CA602-11, check for 5V between CA602-11
and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then check wiring between ACCESS 6
CA602-11 wire 054 and EAC distribution panel

Crown 2007 PF15819-115 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-115

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 569

Event Code 569

ACCESS 5 EAC Sensor Latched On Error.
Full traction disabled.
Note 1: EAC sensor event code ID: 2A.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 625 and 626 - if
logged, then resolve before proceeding to 567, 568,
569 or 570.
Note 3: To perform test position truck away from EAC
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 5V between
ACCESS 6 CA602-8 wire 053 and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then check for a test voltage between
ACCESS 6 CA602-6 wire 902 and -BV.

• If: Greater than 1V.

Figure 16779
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 053 from EAC distribution
panel CA607-6, check for 5V between wire end
and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace EAC distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 053 from EAC ACCESS 6
CA602-8, check for 5V between CA602-8 and

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then check wiring between ACCESS 6
CA602-8 wire 053 and EAC distribution panel

M4.8-7335-116 Crown 2007 PF15819-116 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 570

Event Code 570

ACCESS 5 EAC Sensor Latched On Error.
Full traction Disabled.
Note 1: EAC sensor event code ID: 2B.
Note 2: Check status of event codes 625 and 626 - if
logged, then resolve before proceeding to 567, 568,
569 or 570.
Note 3: To perform test position truck away from EAC
Step 1: Using a DVOM check for 5V between
ACCESS 6 CA602-14 wire 055 and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then check for a test voltage between
ACCESS 6 CA602-12 wire 904 and -BV.

• If: Greater than 1V.

Figure 16806
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 055 from EAC distribution
panel CA607-12, check for 5V between wire
end and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then replace EAC distribution panel.

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 055 from EAC ACCESS 6
CA602-14, check for 5V between CA602-14
and -BV.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then check wiring between ACCESS 6
CA602-14 wire 055 and EAC distribution panel

Crown 2007 PF15819-117 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-117

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 571

Event Code 571 Step 3: Re-key truck in normal mode. Acquire wire/rail
and stop truck outside the EAC zones, remain idle with
THRU foot on brake. Wait 20 seconds for diagnostics to exe-

Event Code 572 • If: Sensors fail.

– Then a 500 or 600 event code will be logged.
ACCESS 5 EAC Magnet Error. Follow procedures for that event code.
Full traction disabled.
• If: Time elapses and no event occurs.
Event Code 571: Inner magnet error event code.
– Then system is correct; continue to monitor.
Event Code 572: Outer magnet error event code.
Step 1: Drive truck out of guided aisle then re-enter.

• If: Event clears.

– Then monitor.

• If: Event repeats.

– Then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and select View EAC
Sensor Status in EAC monitor menu A2.5.4 and
A2.5.5. Acquire wire/rail position truck in EAC zone,
display state of corresponding sensors. Slowly drive
over EAC magnets while viewing sensor state on dis-
play. State will be closed if not detected, open if de-

• If: Any magnet fails detection.

– Then check wiring of corresponding sensor.

• If: Wiring is correct.

– Then perform the same test over another mag-
net in the aisle.

• If: Test passes.

– Then check the magnet in the floor. Using a
piece of metal, pass it over the magnet attrac-
tion should be strong. Compare it to another
magnet and if there is a dramatic different in the
magnetic attraction replace the magnet.

• If: All four magnets are detected.

– Then proceed to Step 3.

M4.8-7335-118 Crown 2007 PF15819-118 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 573

Event Code 573 disc. Perform the same test on the blue wire
(CH B).
• If: Not 0V or 5V.
– Then replace ECR4.
Event Code 574
• If: 0V or 5V.
ACCESS 4 Height Encoder 4 (ECR4) Count Error.
– Then reconnect wiring.
Full traction and raise 2 disabled.
• If: 0V or 5V and event code continues.
Event Code 573: Event code will log if the platform fails
to lower within an allotted time after operator com- – Then replace ACCESS 4.
mand. This event may occur during a lower command
and chain slack condition.
Event Code 574: Event code will log if the platform fails
to raise within an allotted time after operator command.
Step 1: Disconnect CA317, check encoder side wiring.
Make sure there are not broken crimps on the encoder
wiring into connector.

• If: Wiring crimp broken or damaged.

– Then replace ECR4.
Step 2: Disconnect CA317, using a DVOM check for
5V between CA317-3 and CA317-4.

• If: 5V.
– Then reconnect CA317 and proceed to Step 3.

• If: Less than 5V.

– Then remove wire 703 and 516 from CA303
and, using a DVOM, check for 5V between pins
CA303-12 and CA303-15. Figure 16780-01

• If: 5V.
– Then check wiring. Wire 703 CA303-12 to
CA317-3, wire 516 CA303-15 to CA317-4.

• If: Less than 5V.

– Then replace ACCESS 4.
Step 3: Check ECR4 channel wiring. Wire 007
CA317-1 to CA303-13, wire 008 CA317-2 to

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then disconnect CA317, remove white and
blue wires from JC317-1 and JC317-2. Con-
nect a DVOM from white (CH A) to -BV, key ON
truck and check voltage. Reading should be ei-
ther 0V or 5V depending on position of ECR4

Crown 2007 PF15819-119 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-119

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 576

Event Code 576 Step 1: Key OFF truck and, using a DVOM, check re-
sistance of inner coil. Unplug CA407, place DVOM
THRU leads between CA407-2 and CA407-3 on the brake coil
side, typical resistance at room temperature is 3.5
Event Code 581
• If: Resistance is significantly less than 3.5 ohm.
ACCESS 5 Brake Current or Resistance Error. – Then replace inner brake coil.
Event Code 576: Traction disabled. Inner brake low
• If: Resistance is close to 3.5 ohm and event contin-
Event Code 577: Traction disabled. Inner brake hot.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Event Code 578: Full speed traction disabled only. In-
ner brake resistance high.
Event Code 579: Traction disabled. Outer brake low
Event Code 580: Traction disabled. Outer brake hot.
Event Code 581: Full speed traction disabled only.
Outer brake resistance high.
Figure 16782
Step 1: Allow brake assembly to cool then remove
brake from traction motor and disassemble to the level
that coils can be inspected. Event Code 586
Step 2: Inspect coils for heat damage. ACCESS 5 Brake Load Error.
• If: Lamination material has broken down. Traction disabled.
– Then replace brake coils. Note: Inner coil error.
• If: Coils do not appear to be damaged. Step 1: Key OFF truck and, using a DVOM, check re-
sistance of inner coil. Unplug CA407, place DVOM
– Then, with coils at room temperature, use a leads between CA407-2 and CA407-3 on the brake coil
DVOM and check resistance, typical resistance side, typical resistance at room temperature is 3.5
of inner coil is 3.5 ohm outer coil 1.5 ohm. ohm.
• If: Either coil is significantly above value. • If: Resistance is close to 3.5 ohm and event contin-
– Then replace coil. ues.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
Event Code 582

Event Code 585

ACCESS 5 Brake Current Out of Range.
Figure 16782
Traction disabled.
Event Code 582 and 583: Inner brake resistance low.
Event Code 584 and 585: Outer brake resistance low.

M4.8-7335-120 Crown 2007 PF15819-120 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 587

Event Code 587 Event Code 588

ACCESS 5 Brake Load Error. ACCESS 5 Brake Supply Voltage Error.
Traction disabled. Traction disabled.
Note: Outer coil error. Note 1: Brake power supply voltage error could result
from a failure of ED2 contact close.
Step 1: Key OFF truck and, using a DVOM, check re-
sistance of outer coil. Unplug CA407 place DVOM Note 2: Fuse 6 circuit.
leads between CA407-1 and CA407-4 on the brake
Step 1: Check fuse 6.
side typical resistance at room temperature is 1.5 ohm.

• If: Resistance is significantly less than 1.5 ohm.

• If: Open.
– Then replace fuse 6.
– Then replace outer brake coil.

• If: Resistance is close to 1.5 ohm and event contin-

• If: Correct.
ues. – Then using a DVOM check for 24V between
CA403-7 and B-.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
• If: Less than 24V.
– Then check wiring. Wire 2902 CA206-4 to ED2
contactor, wire 2956 CA202-2 to CA403-7.

Figure 16782

Figure 16783

Crown 2007 PF15819-121 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-121

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 589

Event Code 589 Event Code 590

ACCESS 5 Brake Supply Voltage Error.
Traction disabled.
Event Code 591
Note 1: Brake power supply voltage error could result
from a failure of ED2 contact close.
ACCESS 5 Brake Driver Error.
Note 2: Fuse 5 circuit.
Steering and traction disabled.
Step 1: Event code 589 check fuse 5.
Event Code 590: Inner brake driver error.
• If: Open. Event Code 591: Outer brake driver error.
– Then replace fuse 5. Step 1: Refer to procedure for event 588 and 589. Use
event code that corresponds to the specific driver (in-
• If: Correct.
ner or outer brake coil).
– Then using a DVOM check for 24V between Step 2: Refer to procedure for event 586 and 587. Use
CA403-9 and -BV. event that code corresponds to the specific driver (in-
• If: Less than 24V. ner or outer brake coil).

– Then check wiring. Wire 2902 CA206-4 to ED2 • If: Results of Steps 1 and 2 do not indicate a brake
contactor, wire 2957 CA202-1 to CA403-9. voltage error or shorted brake load.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Event Code 592


Event Code 593

ACCESS 5 Brake Driver Error.
Traction disabled.
Event Code 592: Inner brake driver error.
Event Code 593: Outer brake driver error.
Step 1: Refer to procedure for event 582, 583, 584,
585. Use event code that corresponds to the specific
driver (inner or outer brake coil).

• If: Results of Steps 1 and 2 do not indicate a brake

low resistance.
– Then replace ACCESS 5.

Figure 16785

M4.8-7335-122 Crown 2007 PF15819-122 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 594

Event Code 594 Event Code 595

ACCESS 5 Proportional Flow Valve (PVL) Load ACCESS 5 Proportional Flow Valve (PVL) Driver
Error. Error.
Hydraulics disabled. Raise disabled.
Step 1: Key OFF truck and remove connector CA403 Step 1: Enter Service Mode 2 and select PVL monitor
from ACCESS 5, using a DVOM check resistance be- menu A3.4.10. Raise platform then lower the display
tween wire 2958 and 5926. will indicate percentage of PVL (lower valve) duty cy-
• If: Resistance is 25 to 35 ohm.
• If: Display indicates a duty cycle but the platform
– Then replace ACCESS 5.
does not lower.
• If: Resistance is 0 ohm. – Then check wiring. Wire 5926 CA403-2 to PVL
– Then disconnect wires from PVL coil and check coil, wire 2958 CA403-11 to PVL coil and wire
resistance at coil. 2960 CA201-9 to PVL coil.

• If: 0 ohm. • If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace PVL. – Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: 25 to 35 ohm.
– Then check wire 5926 CA403-2 to PVL coil,
wire 2958 CA403-11 to PVL coil, wire 2960
CA201-9 to PVL coil.

Figure 16784

Figure 16784

Crown 2007 PF15819-123 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-123

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 596

Event Code 596 Event Code 597

ACCESS 5 Proportional Flow Valve (PVL) Load ACCESS 5 Proportional Flow Valve (PVL) Driver
Error. Error.
Raise disabled. Hydraulics disabled.
Step 1: Key OFF truck and remove connector CA403 Note: Shorted driver event could be due to outside
from ACCESS 5, using a DVOM check resistance be- short, CA403-2 to -BV or internal short in ACCESS 5.
tween wire CA403-11 and CA403-2.
Step 1: Key ON truck and, using a DVOM, check for
• If: 25 to 35 ohm. 24V between wire 5926 at PVL coil and -BV.

– Then check wire 5926 CA403-2 to PVL coil, • If: Not 24V.
wire 2958 CA403-11 to PVL coil, wire 2960
– Then remove wire 2958 from CA403-11, key
CA201-9 to PVL coil.
ON truck using a DVOM check for 24V be-
• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues. tween wire 5926 and B+.

– Then replace ACCESS 5. • If: 24V.

– Then replace ACCESS 5.

• If: Not 24V.

– Then check wiring. Wire 2960 PVL to CA201-9,
wire 2958 PVL to CA403-11.

Figure 16784

Figure 16784

M4.8-7335-124 Crown 2007 PF15819-124 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 601

Event Code 601

Traction disabled.
Step 1: Verify source of event code.

• If: ACCESS 6 flashes code but is not displayed by

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 6 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA601, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 021 CA601-4 to CA204-3 and wire 022
CA601-5 to CA204-9.

• If: ACCESS 1 displays event code 601.

– Then check ACCESS 1 power ON light.

• If: ACCESS 1 power ON light is illuminated.

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 1 and platform distribution panel.
Check connectors CA302, CA105 and wiring.
Wire 003 CA302-8 to CA105-2 and wire 004
CA302-9 to CA105-8.

• If: ACCESS 1 power ON light is OFF.

– Then issue exists in wiring between platform
distribution panel and ACCESS 1. Check wire Figure 16786
2941 CA302-3 to CA103-10.

Crown 2007 PF15819-125 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-125

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 603

Event Code 603

Traction disabled.
Step 1: Verify source of event code.

• If: ACCESS 6 flashes code but is not displayed by

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 6 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA601, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 021 CA601-4 to CA204-3 and wire 022
CA601-5 to CA204-9.

• If: ACCESS 1 displays event code 603.

– Then check ACCESS 3 power ON light.

• If: ACCESS 3 power ON light is illuminated.

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 3 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA401, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 017 CA401-23 to CA204-1 and wire 018
CA401-15 to CA204-7.

• If: ACCESS 3 power ON light is OFF.

– Then issue exists in wiring between power unit
distribution board and ACCESS 3. Check wire
2953 CA401-1 to CA201-5. Figure 16787

M4.8-7335-126 Crown 2007 PF15819-126 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 604

Event Code 604

Traction disabled.
Step 1: Verify source of event code.

• If: ACCESS 6 flashes code but is not displayed by

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 6 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA601, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 021 CA601-4 to CA204-3 and wire 022
CA601-5 to CA204-9.

• If: ACCESS 1 displays event code 604.

– Then check ACCESS 4 power ON light.

• If: ACCESS 4 power ON light is illuminated.

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 4 and platform distribution panel.
Check connectors CA303, CA105 and wiring.
Wire 002 CA303-08 to CA105-7 and wire 001
CA303-07 to CA105-1.

• If: ACCESS 3 power ON light is OFF.

Figure 16788
– Then issue exists in wiring between power unit
distribution board and ACCESS 4. Check wire
2937 CA304-1 to CA103-12.

Crown 2007 PF15819-127 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-127

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 605

Event Code 605

Traction disabled.
Step 1: Verify source of event code.

• If: ACCESS 6 flashes code but is not displayed by

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 6 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA601, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 021 CA601-4 to CA204-3 and wire 022
CA601-5 to CA204-9.

• If: ACCESS 1 displays event code 605.

– Then check ACCESS 5 power ON light.

• If: ACCESS 5 power ON light is illuminated.

– Then issue exists in CAN wiring between
ACCESS 5 and power unit distribution board.
Check connectors CA402, CA204 and wiring.
Wire 019 CA402-4 to CA204-2 and wire 020
CA402-5 to CA204-8.

• If: ACCESS 5 power ON light is OFF.

– Then issue exists in wiring between power unit
distribution board and ACCESS 5. Check wire
2966 CA403-10 to CA201-6. Figure 16789

M4.8-7335-128 Crown 2007 PF15819-128 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 611

Event Code 611


Event Code 612

ACCESS 6 Internal Error.
All functions disabled.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 6.

Event Code 621


Event Code 628

ACCESS 6 Internal Error.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 6.

Event Code 631

ACCESS 6 Wire Guidance Sensor Amplifier Self-
Test Error.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Replace ACCESS 6.

Crown 2007 PF15819-129 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-129

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 632

Event Code 632 Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and view GS2 sensor
values (A2.5.3) drive slowly over the wire, values
should increase and decrease while traversing the
ACCESS 6 Load Wheel Sensor Bar GS2 Guidance
Traction disabled. • If: Any of the four coil signals fail to indicate the
presence of the wire.
Note: Event code 632 will also log if wire guidance fea-
ture is enabled and sensor bar(s) are not present. – Then check the wiring corresponding to that
coil for a short or an open issue per the dia-
Step 1: Check sensor bar 5V supply. Connect DVOM grams.
positive lead to CA602-22 and negative to -BV and key
ON truck. • If: Wiring is correct.

• If: 5V. – Then replace GS2.

– Then sensor bar power supply is correct, pro- • If: Event code continues.
ceed to Step 2.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.
• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 717 from CA602-15 (steer
wheel sensor bar GS1), check for 5V between
CA602-22 and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then issue exists in GS1 bar or the wiring from
ACCESS 6 to GS1. Repair/replace as neces-

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 718 from CA602-22 (load
wheel sensor bar GS2), check for 5V between
CA602-22 and -BV at ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then issue exists in GS2 or the wiring from
ACCESS 6 to GS2. Repair/replace as neces-

Figure 16790

M4.8-7335-130 Crown 2007 PF15819-130 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 633

Event Code 633 Step 2: Enter Service Mode 2 and view the GS1 sensor
values (A2.5.1) driving slowly over the wire, values
should increase and decrease while traversing the
ACCESS 6 Steer Wheel Sensor Bar (GS1) Guidance
Traction disabled. • If: Any one of the four coil signals fail to indicate the
presence of the wire.
Note: Event code 633 will also log if wire guidance fea-
ture is enabled and sensor bar(s) are not present. – Then check the wiring corresponding to that
coil for a short or an open issue per the dia-
Step 1: Check sensor bar 5V supply. Connect DVOM grams.
positive lead to CA602-15 and negative to -BV and key
ON truck. • If: Wiring is correct.

• If: 5V. – Then replace GS1.

– Then sensor bar power supply is correct, pro- • If: Event code continues.
ceed to Step 2.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.
• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 717 from CA602-15 (steer
wheel sensor bar GS1), check for 5V between
CA602-22 and -BV.

• If: 5V.
– Then issue exists in GS1 or the wiring from
ACCESS 6 to GS1. Repair/replace as neces-

• If: 0V.
– Then remove wire 718 from CA602-22 (load
wheel sensor bar GS2), check for 5V between
CA602-22 and -BV at ACCESS 6.

• If: 0V.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: 5V.
– Then issue exists in GS2 or the wiring from
ACCESS 6 to GS2. Repair/replace as neces-

Figure 16790

Crown 2007 PF15819-131 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-131

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 636

Event Code 636 Event Code 637

ACCESS 6 Guide Angle Beyond Acceptable Angle. ACCESS 6 Wire Guidance Signal Loss at Both Sen-
sor Bars.
Traction disabled.
Traction Disabled.
Note 1: Event code 636 could log if truck is driven be-
yond end of wire in auto guide. Step 1: Check for event codes 632/633.
Step 1: If event code 636 is logged by driving beyond • If: Event code 632 or 633 has been logged.
the end of the wire in auto guide system operation is
correct. – Then resolve these event codes before con-
• If: Event code 632/633 was also logged.
• If: Event code 632 or 633 has not been logged.
– Then follow procedures for these event codes
before continuing. – Then check line driver power.

• If: Event code 636 was logged while in aisle. • If: Line driver correct.

– Then check alignment of ECR2, condition of – Then check guide wire condition breaks may
sensor bars and wire guidance calibration. be present.

• If: ECR2 requires realignment.

– Then calibrate truck.

• If: Event code was not due to alignment or calibra-

– Then using the Crown field strength meter
(Part Number 112953) check wire guide field
strength (6.25 KHz, 168ma to 190ma, 5.2KHz
100ma - 118ma).

• If: Field strength is correct and event code contin-

– Then check floor surface.
Note 2: Floor surface irregularities, corrupted signal
due to rebar, metal pipes, underground electrical wiring
in metal and/or plastic conduit. Any of these issues can
affect wire guidance performance, which could be lo-
calized (i.e. section in one aisle) or wide spread.

M4.8-7335-132 Crown 2007 PF15819-132 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 638

Event Code 638


Event Code 639

ACCESS 6 Loss of Wire Guidance Signal from One
Sensor Bar.
Traction disabled.
Step 1: Check for event codes 632/633.

• If: Event code 632 or 633 has been logged.

– Then resolve event code 632/633 before con-

• If: Event code 638 (load wheel sensor bar GS2)

– Then check wiring. Wire 120 CA604-1 to
CA602-27, wire 119 CA604-2 to CA602-26,
wire 118 CA604-7 to CA602-25 and wire 117
CA604-8 to CA602-24.

• If: Event code 639 (steer wheel sensor bar GS1)

– Then check wiring. Wire 116 CA603-1 to
CA602-20, wire 115 CA603-2 to CA602-19,
wire 114 CA603-7 to CA602-18 and wire 113 Figure 16791
CA603-8 to CA602-17.

• If: Event code 638 or 639 continues.

– Then replace corresponding sensor bar.

• If: Event code continues after replacement of sen-

sor bar.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.

Crown 2007 PF15819-133 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-133

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 652

Event Code 652 Event Code 660


Event Code 659 Event Code 663

ACCESS 6 EAC Sensor Out of Range. ACCESS 6 EAC Sensor Digital Signal Error.
Full traction disabled. Full traction disabled.
Event Code 652 and 653: Sensor A1 over/under range. Event Code 660: Sensor A1 digital signal error.
Event Code 654 and 655: Sensor B1 over/under range. Event Code 661: Sensor B1 digital signal error.
Event Code 656 and 657: Sensor A2 over/under range. Event Code 662: Sensor A2 digital signal error.
Event Code 658 and 659: Sensor B2 over/under range. Event Code 663: Sensor B2 digital signal error.
Step 1: Enter Analyzer Mode and select view EAC sig- Step 1: Enter Analyzer Mode select view EAC digital
nal levels (A2.5.3 - A2.5.6). The signal value displayed signal state (A2.5.3 - A2.5.6). Digital state shall indicate
represents the signal strength in percentage of full opened if the magnet is not sensed and closed if it is
scale for the activated sensor. Display will hold the sensed. Acquire the wire and slowly drive over the
peak sensed value until next magnet detection cycle magnet in the position of failed sensor while viewing
occurs. sensor digital state.
Acquire wire and slowly drive over the magnet in the
position of failed sensor while viewing sensor signal • If: Digital state switches from opened to closed
strength. Signal strengths tend towards the lower back to opened as sensor passes over the magnet.
range value, rather than the upper. – Then digital sense is working properly, enter
• If: Signal is close to 100% and event continues. Button Mode select view EAC signal level cor-
responding to event code.
– Then check sensor wiring per diagram.
• If: Signal is close to 40%.
• If: Wiring is correct.
– Then strength is close to lower range thresh-
– Then replace EAC sensor that corresponds old, check sensor wiring per diagram and in-
with event code. spect magnet location and floor conditions
around the magnet.
• If: Signal is close to 40%.
• If: Correct and event code continues.
– Then strength is close to lower range thresh-
old. Check sensor wiring per diagram and in- – Then replace EAC sensor that corresponds
spect magnet location and floor conditions with event code.
around the magnet.
• If: Digital state shows opened and does not change
• If: Correct. when sensor passes over the magnet.
– Then replace EAC sensor that corresponds – Then check magnet is present and the sensor
with event code. wiring is correct per the diagram.

• If: Event code continues. • If: Correct.

– Then replace ACCESS 6. – Then replace EAC sensor that corresponds
with event code.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 6.

M4.8-7335-134 Crown 2007 PF15819-134 Rev. 8/08

02 Rev. 8/08
Event Code 664

Event Code 664 Event Code 672

ACCESS 6 Multiple EAC Sensors Active.
Full traction disabled.
Event Code 667
Step 1: Check EAC sensors for damage.
ACCESS 6 EAC Magnet Field Strength Out of • If: Sensor(s) is damaged.
– Then repair/replace as necessary.
Full traction disabled.
Step 1: Check magnet location(s) for improper installa-
• If: Sensor(s) are not damaged.
tion and/or damage (i.e. wrong pole, positional align- – Then move truck away from EAC zone where
ment, floor crack through magnet, etc.). all sensors should be inactive. Check digital
signal voltage from CA602-5, -8, -11 and -14 to
Event Code 668
• If: Digital signal is less than 1V.
– Then remove the corresponding digital signal
wire from CA602. Check the voltage at
Event Code 671 ACCESS 6 CA602 where the digital signal wire
was removed.
ACCESS 6 EAC Sensor Self-Test Error.
• If: Less than 1V.
Full traction disabled.
– Then replace ACCESS 6.
Event Code 668: Sensor A1.
Event Code 669: Sensor B1.
• If: Greater than 3.5V.

Event Code 670: Sensor A2. – Then check voltage at the corresponding test
signal at CA602.
Event Code 671: Sensor B2.
• If: CA602 pin 0V.
Step 1: Check sensor(s) wiring and connections as it
applies to event code(s). – Then replace the corresponding EAC sensor.

• If: Wiring and/or connections incorrect. • If: CA602 pin greater than 5V.
– Then repair as necessary. – Then replace ACCESS 6.

• If: Wiring is correct and event code continues.

– Then replace EAC sensor that corresponds
with event code.

• If: Event code continues.

– Then replace ACCESS 6.

Figure 16792

Crown 2007 PF15819-135 Rev. 8/08 M4.8-7335-135

02 Rev. 8/08

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