Organisation: Cesu at A Glance As On 31.03.2010

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The Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission (the Commission) vide its order dated 31.03.1999 passed in case No.2/99, under
the provisions of the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995, had issued License to   Central Electricity Supply Company of Orissa
Ltd. (CESCO) Registered Office: 2nd Floor, IDCO Tower, Janpath, Bhubaneswar-751022, Dist: Khurda, Orissa, to carry out the
business of Distribution & Retail Supply in the area of supply as mentioned in the said license. Under the said license, CESCO
had been carrying out the Distribution and Retail Supply as its licensed activity in its area of supply as stated in the said
license. The Commission revoked the license of CESCO with effect from 01.04.2005 and on 18.04.2005 the Commission
appointed Chief Executive Officer and Administrator (CEO & A) to discharge the licensed activity of Central Zone Electricity
Distribution and Supply Utility (CZEDSU). Later, vide order  dt.08.09.2006, the Commission in exercise  of power u/s 22 of
the  Electricity Act,2003 has formulated a  Scheme named “ Central Electricity Supply Utility of  Orissa ( Operation  and
Management ) Scheme ,  2006 for  operation and management of the  Utility. The said Scheme shall remain in force for a
period of 2 years which may be extended by the Commission in public interest. Under the provisions of said Scheme, all
assets, liabilities, rights, proceedings and manpower as  well as the license for  distribution  and supply of electricity held by
CESCO has been developed and vested on  Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa (CESU)  and it has been authorized to
carry out the  business of distribution of electricity in accordance with license conditions in respect of area  assigned to CESCO
under revoked license  has to abide by the directions of the Commission issued from time to time. The period of the Scheme is
further extended for a period of one year w.e.f. 08.09.2010 to 07.09.2011.As per provision of last amendment on 6 th Sept,
2008  for the general / overall management of  CESU, the Commission has also constituted a  Management  Board and one
Utility Advisory Committee for development of customers services. The scheme is again amended in 2010 and 2011 extended
upto 07.09.2012 respectively. Under the aforesaid Scheme, the CESU has to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act,
2003 and other relevant statutory provisions and license conditions with regard to distribution of electricity in its area of
supply. CEO, CCO, COO, CFO, CPIO & CHRDO of CESU are the full time members.

Total customers 12,94,226

Domestic 88% (Rural Domestic-64%+ Urban Domestic-24%).
Commercial-8%, Industry-1%, Irragation-1%, Others-2%
B Total Input (in MU) 7069.310
C Total Billing (in MU) 4361.332
D Total Billing (in Rupees Cr.)    1649.00
E Total Collection (In Rupees Cr.) 1577.02
F Total Transmission  & Distribution loss (%) 38.31%
G AT &  C Loss (%)  42.49%
H BST Bill   1295.17 Cr.
I Total number of metered consumers 12,94,226
(I) Total OK Metered consumers 11,35,702
(II) Total defective metered consumers 1,23,908
J Total Inhabited Villages under CESU (After RGGVY) 11858
K Total Villages Electrified 11858
L Total Govt. LI points Energized 18526
M Total Private Points Energized 13636
N Total OLIC / KFW 4575
O Total Pumpsets under BKBY energized 315
P Total Employees of all category 8248
Q Total Numbers of Offices:
Circle 5
Divisions 20(+ 11 others)
Sub-Divisions 65(+ 12 others)
Sections 250
(i) 33KV Lines 2828 CKT Km
(ii) 11KV lines 18466 CKT Km
(iii) LT Lines 20475 CKT Km
(iv) 33 / 11KV Transformers 397 nos
(v) 11 / 0.4 KV Transformers 25848nos
(vi) 33 / 11kv feeders 110 nos
(vii) 11kv feeders 624nos


Total customers 12,94,226

Domestic 88% (Rural Domestic-64%+ Urban Domestic-24%).
Commercial-8%, Industry-1%, Irragation-1%, Others-2%
B Total Input (in MU) 7069.310
C Total Billing (in MU) 4361.332
D Total Billing (in Rupees Cr.)    1649.00
E Total Collection (In Rupees Cr.) 1577.02
F Total Transmission  & Distribution loss (%) 38.31%
G AT &  C Loss (%)  42.49%
H BST Bill   1295.17 Cr.
I Total number of metered consumers 12,94,226
(I) Total OK Metered consumers 11,35,702
(II) Total defective metered consumers 1,23,908
J Total Inhabited Villages under CESU (After RGGVY) 11858
K Total Villages Electrified 11858
L Total Govt. LI points Energized 18526
M Total Private Points Energized 13636
N Total OLIC / KFW 4575
O Total Pumpsets under BKBY energized 315
P Total Employees of all category 8248
Q Total Numbers of Offices:
Circle 5
Divisions 20(+ 11 others)
Sub-Divisions 65(+ 12 others)
Sections 250
(i) 33KV Lines 2828 CKT Km
(ii) 11KV lines 18466 CKT Km
(iii) LT Lines 20475 CKT Km
(iv) 33 / 11KV Transformers 397 nos
(v) 11 / 0.4 KV Transformers 25848nos
(vi) 33 / 11kv feeders 110 nos
(vii) 11kv feeders 624

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