Problems Before Mahavitaran Action Plan, Achievements & Future Plans Towards Reforms
Problems Before Mahavitaran Action Plan, Achievements & Future Plans Towards Reforms
Problems Before Mahavitaran Action Plan, Achievements & Future Plans Towards Reforms
7. Employee Motivation
8. Financial Losses
Slide 2
Action Plan to Resolve the Issues
Communication Plan
Organizational Changes
Slide 3
1.Shortage of Power and Load Shedding of more than 4000 MW
A) Load Management
• Single Phasing : 7800 villages completed – Load Relief : 960 MW
2006-07 (MW):
Mahagenco – 364, Tarapur - 158, NTPC (V’chal, Sipat, K’gaon)– 316,
Ghatghar 200, RGPPL – 650: Total 1688 MW
Slide 5
Shortage of Power and Load Shedding of more than 4000
MW Contd……
• Energy Conservation-
• CFL Launch in entire Maharashtra ( 3 Crores of CFLs to be distributed in entire
Maharashtra within next 1 year)
• Capacitors-
• LTLMS on 62666 DTCs, Fixed capacitors on 19900 DTCs
Slide 6
2. High Distribution Losses (31.14% in 04-05)
Future Plans
•Distribution Losses to be reduced to 19 % by 2008-09. [with 3% reduction each year]
•Energy Audit of the remaining 2830 feeders to be completed during this year
•High Loss feeders (Losses above 50%) to be franchised out (Feeder Franchisee Scheme)
Slide 8
3. Low collection efficiency
•After Company formation Monthly repatriation has increased from Rs. 932 Cr. to Rs.
1426 Cr.
77.44% in 2004-05.
•E-billing (all Bills), Spot billing (20 Cities), ATM Cash Collection Centres (50), Drop Boxes, E-
payment Introduced.
•Special PD Arrears Recovery Team Set Up: Rs. 8.28 Crs Recovered.
Slide 9
Low collection efficiency (contd..)
Future Plans
Slide 10
4. Deteriorated Distribution Infrastructure
Action Plan & Achievements
(Infrastructure Development Plan) Objectives
Rs. 5000 Cr. MOUs Signed with REC/ PFC, (15 projects approved by REC worth
Rs.2256 Cr
Received In-Principle Go-Ahead from MERC
Slide 11
Deteriorated Distribution Infrastructure (Contd…..)
Details of Proposed Major Works
Related Related
Sub-Station (Nos.) DTC (Nos.) HT Lines HT Lines
Switchin Related
(Km) (Km)
Year g Station LT Lines
(Nos.) 11 / 0.4 22 / 0.4 (Km)
33/11 KV 22/11 KV 22 KV 11 KV
HVDS Transformer
Distribution Special Project
Year HT Line LT Line DTC (Nos.)
(Km) (Km) 63 kVA 100 kVA
06-07 4,313 2,728
07-08 18,753 11,862 6,000
24,000 4,000 4,000
08-09 18,608 11,769
Total 41,674 26,359 24,000 4,000 6,000 4,000
Slide 12
Deteriorated Distribution Infrastructure (Contd…..)
Slide 13
5. Pending Applications for Ag connections
04-05 05-06 06-07
Connections Conn Released (till
Conn Released Target
released May 06)
81,294 79,466 1,11,927 12,095
Future Plan
Bring down the Ag. pending connections to one month in 3 years
• Call Centres: 9 at Pune, Bhandup, Nagpur, Akola, Amravati, Kalyan, Ahmednagar, Nasik,
Kolhapur Set Up
• E-billing , Online payment , SEVAK ATM (50 Achieved in 2005-06), Bill junction / Bill desk
Slide 15
• 9 Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums Set Up
Poor Consumer Response (contd…..)
Future Plan
Slide 16
7. Employee Motivation
•Monthly repatriation increased from average Rs. 932 Crores to maximum Rs. 1426
• 5 years’ load Profile and Infrastructure Work Plan prepared for 580 Subdivisions of Rs.
•Enhanced Consumer Response through CFCs, Call Centres, ATMs, E-billing etc.
Corporation Areas
16.5 Lakh Ag Consumers to be metered by 2007-08
Bring down the Ag pending Connections to 1 month in 3 years
Issues with Govt. of Maharashtra
Slide 22
Major Performance Indicators Previous Years
•FY 2005-06: Genco: Profit Rs. 256 Cr, Transco: Profit Rs. 330 Cr. Net -13 Cr
Slide 24
Thank You
ARR & Tariff Petition Summary
– Total Revenue Expenditure (Rs. Crore)
Previous Current
% Inc. over Ensuing Year % Inc over FY Particulars Year (FY Year (FY
FY 2004-05 (FY 2006-07) 2005-06
2004-05) 2005-06)
1 Power Purchase Expenses 10706.91 12878.41 20.28% 16335.13 27%
2 Operation & Maintenance Expenses 1747.64 1865.48 6.74% 2045.66 10%
2.1 Employee Expenses 1360.53 1456.35 7.04% 1564.64 7%
2.2 Administration & General Expenses 121.03 127.00 4.94% 133.35 5%
2.3 Repair & Maintenance Expenses 266.08 282.12 6.03% 347.66 23%
Depreciation, including advance against depreciation
3 511.43 540.72 5.73% 599.18
4 Interest on Long-term Loan Capital 348.97 180.88 -48.17% 278.65 54%
Other Interest & Finance Charges incl. Interest on working
capital & consumer security deposits
5 123.69 260.72 110.79% 348.39
6 Bad Debts Written off 209.88 219.95 4.80% 238.08 8%
7 Other Expenses (details given separately) 130.20 122.70 -5.76% 137.40 12%
8 Income Tax 0.00 108.50 160.89 48%
9 Transmission Charges paid to Transmission Licensee 1533.89 1715.66 11.85% 1868.34 9%
10 Contribution to contingency reserves 44.83 49.65 11%
11 Total Revenue Expenditure 15312.60 17937.84 17.14% 22061.38 23%
Slide 26
MSEDCL - ARR & Revenue Gap
Rs. Cr.
Slide 27
Proposed Tariffs
Existing – Proposed –
Fixed Existing Fixed Proposed
Charges Energy Charges Energy
Category Charges Charges % Increase
(Rs) (Rs)
(Rs/ Unit) (Rs/ Unit)
20 221 25 265 28.8%
(0-30 Units)
40 386 60 480 28.8%
(31-300 Units)
Industrial LT
60 376 100 480 28.8%
(0-1000 Units)
100 386 100 500 28.8%
(0-100 Units)
Agriculture (Per Hp) 213 213 0%
Others 28.8%
Slide 28
Need for tariff increase
The average cost of supply (ACOS) has increased from Rs. 3.07
per kWh to Rs. 4.22 per kWh.
Slide 29
Circle wise Distribution loss YoY Comparison
Slide 30
Major Performance Indicators
Slide 31
Demand Supply Gap (In MW)
Instances of Peak Demand
Slide 32
Load Management
Description 2005-06
4611 Villages
No. of APY villages
960 MW
90 Feeders
Special Gaothan feeder separation
104 MW
Single Phasing Scheme
960 MW
4.5 Lakh
DSM/ Energy Conservation
9 MW
Slide 33
Power Purchase at High Cost – Monthly 2005-06
FY 05-
UTILITY UNITS Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
219. 446.
MUs 378.2 196.8 213.1 198.2 223.8 298.1 208.2 345.2 243.5 323.0 3294.0
6 3
Cost 163.
67.3 122.1 64.4 66.6 61.6 68.9 106.5 72.6 127.6 94.6 112.4 1128.2
Rs.Cr 4
207. 142.
MUs 152.5 24.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 77.7 243.2 129.9 977.8
LIQUID Cost 135. 101.
93.8 14.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 56.2 179.4 94.8 676.3
Rs.Cr 9 4
MUs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 108.3 41.0 7.7 0.0 156.9
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.3 17.9 3.3 0.0 68.6
MUs 13.5 11.9 8.3 6.5 14.8 18.0 18.0 19.0 22.0 31.0 34.0 35.0 232.1
CPP Cost
3.5 3.1 2.2 1.7 3.9 4.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 8.9 11.3 12.0 68.8
440. 660.
MUs 542.7 229.9 220.0 213.0 241.8 316.1 227.2 553.2 528.3 487.8 4660.8
2 6
Cost 206. 291.
219.0 81.3 68.5 65.5 73.6 112.3 78.5 237.1 288.5 219.3 1941.9
Rs.Cr 7 7
Communication Strategy
Communication Focused towards internal Employees
Communication of reforms to consumers
Means of Communication
Workshops with field staff and with unions
Workshops conducted by Unions for members
Staff Meetings at Division/Circle Level
House Journal (E-magazine) – “Maha Vitaran Veej Varta”
Video message on Ten Point Program
Articles in Newspapers
Slide 61
Officers KKPI
SN KKPI Weightage HOD
Below 15% ( U ) 05
1 Percentage DTC having losses CE (IR)
Below 25% ( R )
Below 15% ( U ) 05
2 Percentage Feeders having losses CE (IR)
Below 25% ( R )
3 Sub-division / Division / Circle/Zone losses 05 CE (IR)
4 Repatriation against target 10 CE (Comm)
5 Commercial efficiency : Rs. collected/ input units 10 CE (Comm)
6 Normal billing percentage 05 CE (Comm)
7 FIR lodged/Compounding cases 10 CE (Comm)
RCI Live 03 CE (Comm)
8 Arrears in Days: Others Live 02
9 Percentage DTC failure against target 05 CE (LM)
11 Reduction in Accidents 05 CE (LM)
12 Pending RCI connections beyond SOP 05 CE (Dist)
Physical 05 CE (IS)
13 Annual plan progress
Financial 05
14 Capacitors: MVAR in service out of MVAR installed 05 CE (Dist)
15 Training (mandays) 05 CE (IR)
Total : 100 Slide 62
Drive Against Corruption
Slide 63
Pune Load Shedding Model
Slide 69
Major Performance Indicators (Previous Years)
Description 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
Slide 79