What Are The Root Races and Subraces

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What are the Root Races and Subraces?

! Category: Anthropology
Written by Gnostic Instructor

The following is an outline for reference while studying the history of the humanities that have live
planet. Regarding the veracity of the following information, we remind the reader of what Blavatsk

"In our own day we witness the stupendous fact that such comparatively recent personag
Shakespeare and William Tell are all but denied, an attempt being made to show one to
plume, and the other a person who never existed. What wonder then, that the two power
Lemurians and the Atlanteans -- have been merged into and identified, in time, with a few
peoples, who all bore the same patronymic?" - The Secret Doctrine

Therefore, let us remember that our "official" history is no more a series of facts than the daily new
know that the newspaper is nothing but manipulated opinions.

Cosmic Days and Nights

Creation unfolds as a series of epochs. For each epoch there is a day and a night.

During your life, you experience day and night. Similarly, from a higher point of view, your entire li
death is the entrance into night. After night passes, a new day arrives: a new existence. The same
worlds. And the scalable view also applies: for a planet has its days and night, and its lives...

Related to this humanity, there are have been many days and nights. We are now in the middle of
Day (Sanskrit: Mahamanvantara). We are in the fourth day, or fourth manvantara (period of time) o
are seven cycles or rounds within each day.

But within this fourth round, there are smaller measurements to be made. For this current humani
Race to exist on this Earth. There have been other races, but only traces of them remain. Traces o
in Egypt, in Mexico...
Root Races of the Fourth Terrestrial Round
Polar Race
The first Root Race of this terrestrial humanity.

"The Aztecs state that the human beings of the first Root Race were extraordinary, dark-colored giants. This
civilized, androgynous, asexual, semi-physical, semi-ethereal Root Race. Their individuals could reduce thei
of an average person of this present Aryan Root Race. Their rituals as well as their wisdom were portentous
exist in their epoch; this Root Race was devoured by the Tigers of Wisdom. The regent of the first Root Race
Tezcatlipoca. Each individual was a Master of Wisdom. Their reproduction system was effectuated by mean
act; this is a system similar to that which organic cells use for reproduction, which is the process of cellular d
the organism of the father-mother was divided into two, and the androgynous child was fastened to the fath
awhile. The first Root Race lived on the Sacred Island situated in the north polar cap. That island still exists,
state within the fourth vertical." - Samael Aun Weor, The Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries

Hyberborean Race
A nation mentioned in Greek mythology. The name means “beyond the North Wind,” thus they are
have been somewhere north of Greece, but the name also means “beyond the mountains” and “t
(merchandise) across.” Apollo was said to spend the winter months among them, and his mother L
presumed to have been born in their land. Perseus went there searching for the Gorgon, and Her
Cerynitian hind to their country. The writer Pindar represented them as a blessed people untouch
afflictions. H. P. Blavatsky places their country around the North Pole, saying it was “The Land of t
beyond Boreas, the God of Winter. She asserts that this land was of a near tropical climate. In Uni
Gnosticism, they are known to be the Second Root Race of this Terrestrial Humanity.

The second Root Race was governed by Quetzalcoatl; this was the Hyperborean humanity. The degenerate
second Root Race converted themselves into monkeys; these are the ancestors of present monkeys. They
themselves by budding, such as the plants do: from their trunk sprout many branches. They were wiped ou
hurricanes. - Samael Aun Weor, The Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries

Lemurian Race
The third Root Race was the Lemurian race, which inhabited Mu, which today is the Pacif
perished by fire raining from the sun (volcanoes and earthquakes). This Root Race was g
Aztec God Tlaloc. Their reproduction was by means of gemmation. Lemuria was a very
continent. The Lemurians who degenerated had, afterwards, faces similar to birds; this is
savages, when remembering tradition, adorned their heads with feathers. - Samael Aun W
Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries

Atlantean Race

The Atlanteans, who had bodies which were three meters in stature, created a very powe
The Atlantean continent was immense; it extended from the south to the north, from the A
the Septentrional. This Atlantean Root Race had its four seasons, or ages.
During their spring or Golden Age, borders and passports were unnecessary. Frontiers d
everywhere there was love among humanity. Innocence reigned upon the face of the ea
knew how to play the lyre could shake the universe with its melodies. At that time, the lyr
smashed into pieces by falling upon the floor of the temple. This was because the Solar
still governing.
As the Age of Silver arrived, everything from the Golden Age diminished. However, huma
still in communication with the ineffable beings who are known in Christianity as Angels,
Principates, Thrones, etc.
When the Age of Copper arrived, the radiant splendors of the Golden and Silver Ages be
same splendors of the past did not exist. People started to establish frontiers, wars were
was born, as well as selfishness, envy, greed, etc.
Finally the Age of Iron, the Black Age, arrived. Obviously, the Age of Copper was the autu
Age of Iron was the winter of the Atlantean Root Race. During the Age of Iron, the Atlante
a very powerful, materialistic science...
The Atlanteans had degenerated a great deal and had now started using their awesome
and anthropophagi. Their magical science became black and with these changes came
devices. The Atlanteans could now create a mental monster that could crystallize into ex
their willpower. This monster needed blood as food to stay alive.
The last days of Atlantis were both frightening and apocalyptic. Their beautiful cities wer
their atomic wars, and finally the solar system had completed its voyage around the zodi
this happened, there was a great disturbance in the axis of the earth. The oceans were c
displaced through the changing of their beds.
The cold points of the Earth that we refer to as the poles were converted into the Equato
Equator into the poles. Millions of people perished and all of the powerful cities of Atlant
within the ocean that now bears its name. - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message

Aryan Race

Quoted from Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary: “From Sanskrit [=a]rya excellent,
to the name of the country Iran, and perh. to Erin, Ireland, and the early name of this peo
Asia. 1. One of a primitive people supposed to have lived in prehistoric times, in Central A
Caspian Sea, and north of the Hindoo Koosh and Paropamisan Mountains, and to have b
from which sprang the Hindoo, Persian, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Teutonic, Slavonic, and other
that ethnological division of mankind called also Indo-European or Indo-Germanic.”

In Universal Gnosticism, this term "Aryan Race" refers to the vast majority of the popluation of this
noted for its close relationship with Ares or Mars, the God of War. The Aryan race, the fifth great ra
this planet, is under the guidance of Ares, Mars, the Fifth of the "Seven Spirits before the Throne o

Every Root Race has seven Subraces. The seed of our Aryan Root Race is Nordic, but wh
mixed themselves with the Atlantean survivors, they gave origin onto the Subraces of the
First Subrace: It flourished in central Asia, in those now vanished kingdoms of central As
ruins still exist in the Himalayas around the country of Tibet. Powerful spiritual civilization
Aryan Subrace existed in those regions.
Second Subrace: It flourished in India and the entire south of Asia. In Pearland, the sacre
Vedas, in the ancient Hindustan, where the second Aryan Subrace developed, formidabl
cultures and tremendous civilizations existed.
Third Subrace: It created powerful civilizations. Babylon, Chaldea, Egypt, etc., etc. were t
very rich and powerful civilizations created by the third Aryan Subrace.
Fourth Subrace: It developed in Rome, Greece, Italy, and Athens, the great city founded
Athena. Before their degeneration and destruction, Greece and Italy were marvelous sce
the powerful civilizations of the fourth Aryan Subrace developed.
Fifth Subrace: Are the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic. The First and Second World Wars, with
barbarism and moral corruption, point with their accusatory fingers to the men and wome
Aryan Subrace.
Sixth Subrace: The mixture of the Spanish Conquistadors with the Native-American tribe
form the sixth Subrace in the redskin territory was very difficult, because the English Conq
destroyed them; they assassinated them, instead of mixing themselves with the natives. O
insignificant and incipient way was the mixture of blood performed. This is why the Occul
the necessity of converting the North American territory into a melting crucible of races. S
of the sixth Subrace in the United States had enormous difficulties; there, all the races of
mixed. The sixth Subrace in Latin America was formed very easily and this is something t
ignored by the treatisers of anthropogenesis and occultism.
Seventh Subrace: The survivors of the new great cataclysm that soon will destroy this Ar
will be formed by the survivors of the Seventh Subrace; they still do not exist, but they wil
So, this Aryan Root Race, instead of evolving, has devolved, and its corruption is now worse than that of the
epoch. Its wickedness is so great that it has reached unto heaven. - Samael Aun Weor, The Kabbalah of the

Next: What are the Seve


Jehovah, Lucifer, Christ
The End of the Kali Yuga
Closing Speech at the 1975 Gnostic Congress

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