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REMEDY; Article III state

Judiciary Court
Special Appearance In Propria Persona to challenge jurisdiction of agency
Without Prejudice UCC 1-207.
Agency of State is commercial Charter of Maritime jurisdiction; I hereby
refute agency terms of Uniform Commercial Code 3-104 "promise" and
reject "unconditional" instruments as"unconscionable" at UCC 2-302.

The Constitution is not a defense in "satisfaction and accord" commercial

venture unless "dishonor" of negotiable instrument is in dispute or
fraudulently represented. If no contract exists, there can not be an "action"
to force acceptance of obligation if the Citizen remains In Propria Persona
upon a W-4, license or summons. In Propria Persona upon an instrument
would look like this; "Without Prejudice UCC 1-207," written above your
signature reverts the burden of proof and places terms upon agency.
Individual terms are non-negotiable with agent/police power and must be
accepted. The Citizen is then protected by the very statute meant to subject
him to jurisdiction of commercial agency for same is non-assumpsit. Agency
charter must follow U.C. Code or suffer the wrath of Their father.

Black's Law 5 th : In Propria Persona. "In ones own proper person. It was a
former rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be
plead in propria persona, because if pleaded by attorney they admit the
jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is free to answer
charges after "taking leave" of the accused, which admits the jurisdiction."

In Propria Persona is "in your forehead" and guides your fleshy "right hand"
to worship foreign instruments which causes your heart and Soul worry by
subjecting your flesh "in-personam" to slavery. In-personam admits to the
jurisdiction because you waived the wisdom of God and the Bill of Rights by
accepting those of the 14th Amendment for Federal citizen "privilege and
benefit." Your attorney speaks for you by procedural process and knows
nothing of God or The Bill of Rights.

Black's Law 5 th : Non-assumpsit. "The general issue in the action of

assumpsit; being a plea by which the defendant avers that "he did not
undertake or promise as alleged."
When the Citizen is aware of a controversy regarding agency practice, they
may elect to protect their In Propria Persona Citizenship status.
Writing/signature upon a "required" "unconscionable" unit of Without
Prejudice UCC 1-207 will render the unit non-assumpsit and reserves Rights
upon the instrument. The non-assumpsit does not grant "satisfaction and
accord" to agency. Thereby no expectation or "promise" at UCC 3-104.3.

Taxes do not buy anything; they only perpetuate inferior Article II Executive
Departments to acquire more "persons" to collect them for Article I
Congress. The People get raises on wages, rent, taxes, and insurance at the
pleasure of the Federal Reserve. The wage earner is the most studied of
mankind and risk loss in case of financial emergency. Insurance, interest
rates, and medical expenses take the very little left over pocket money.
Agency is very aware of this matrix but do not offer relief or even an ear.
"Obligation of Contract" at Article I, Sec. 10, Cl.1, is the Law of the land,
even if Admiralty has a claim. We Thee People must watch the wall of Truth,
for when agency demands obedience, We The People must pray for proper

Many purchase what they may because their money does not cause inflation.
Citizens who toil daily and pay the IRS the price of a car payment or bicycle
are the ones who cause inflation. We The People are in control of the buying
if and when we may save enough to finance a vehicle, television or
refrigerator. Agency is in charge of how much we purchase by using the tax
to control this everyday life sequence.

Our seniors live on fixed income and their spare money is doled to the
pharmaceutical manufacturing stockholders which operates against the
"taxpayer" by using the same spending principal. The Federal Reserve knows
exactly how much money those on Social Security have and the agency pays
out according to the stress matrix of the senior "class." The proof is; Canada
sells U.S. drugs at far less than the price that Americans may purchase them
in the U.S. There are two laws of this principle; Power and Greed and power
and greed. No "benefit" because the "taxpayer" is tithing the wrong Master.

"Righteous" men had "entrusted" the Peoples" Lawful money to usury by

devise long before the Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devise was a reality.
The "Great Depression" should have been the first sign of today's resultant
agency power. Congress controls the flow of F.R.A.U.D.s through their banks
by raising and lowering insurance, interest and taxes. "District"
circumstances may be manipulated by agency to take advantage of currency
issues involved with as little as the Red Cross and as much as the Federal
Emergency Management Agency. Mortgages, tuition, and taxes endanger the
Citizen with threat of loss through foreclosure, confiscation of equipment,
children or a ferret in the State of California. Households must "work" all
hands in order to survive and pay interest and taxes. Farmers lose vast
acreage for lack of Frauds and thereby agency bankers, bond holders and
insurance companies prosper.

Many Patriots have fallen pray to the 13th Amendment with their lives,
property and Spirit. Those who seek Truth must be made aware of their
"worship" to this "procedural" Penumbra of "inferior" officers and agency
courts. The individual must gain knowledge of agency and rid themselves of
their inequity or be enslaved by adhesions far greater than now exist.

Black's Law 5 th : Penumbra Doctrine. "The implied powers of the federal

government predicated on the Necessary and Proper Clause of the U.S.
Const., Art. I, Sec.8 (18), permit one implied power to be engrafted on
another implied power." Kohl v. U.S., 91 U.S. 367, 23 L.Ed. 449.

This is a "stare decisis" or bench statute and does not apply to Article III
Judicial Power or "natural born Citizens" of the respective states. Article I
Legislative and Article II Executive are the implied powers which are
engrafted at the "inferior" Fed/State forum court. A contract of corporate
cause from Article I delict gives police power to agency via Article II
Executive and puts the burden on the Citizen to prove he has not violated an
agreement. Penumbra Doctrine does not include Article III, which is not an
"implied" power.

Article I, Sec. 8 Cl. (1), "The Congress shall have the power to lay and
collect Taxes, Duties, and Impost and Excises."

None of these constitute wages or Right to employment and church without

agency License. Neither is Congress authorized to delegate tax authority to
any of the other "implied powers." The Penumbra Doctrine allowed "implied
powers" to be "engrafted." Article II Executive to collect the tax with
"implied" police power, but no delict to destroy diversity of Citizenship.
Article I Legislative is the other "implied" power and together makes third
party instruments "presumed" to obligate the state Citizen.

These instruments fail to fully disclose their misrepresentation, omission,

concealment, and are of collusion and conspiracy. The flag of Article II
Admiralty is proof of third party Department of Justice Executive, using
Article I Legislative statute to dispense Law Merchant procedure. Third party
units are voidable and both inferior powers must prove their jurisdiction to
use the police power enabling clauses within their own system charter.
An Article I witness must verify accuracy and validity of its commercial
"officer of the court" summons to the proper "persons." Article II Executive
must witness to the validity of proper instruments agency is "carrying into
effect" and validate the unit's application to the proper subject and class.
Article III Judicial will not be present, only commercial entities are subject to
procedural due process "justice." All accusers within a commercial forum
have a sworn duty as "officers of the court" to protect both Articles. All three
Separation of Powers are required as witness and officials in a state Court. A
state Court using Federal Rules are of the Penumbra Doctrine and may be
made totally "dead in Law" by a Citizen who reserves his Rights to state

The Department of Justice uses Federal Code of Civil Procedure and only has
de jure power over subject corporations and resident persons "within the
jurisdiction of the United States'" Territorial limits, "(not exceeding ten Miles
square)" of the Washington "District." Police power is presumed to apply to
the "natural person" via summons, actions, and presentments which are
contracts of Maritime nexus and require a "respondent" to prove innocence
or "dishonor" of contractual "promise" will issue. The Citizen is presumed to
know what has "made liable" there "in-personam," and police power will
"Miranda" your answers to the proper authorities for "scourging."

ACTS; 22:25 And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the
centurion that stood by, "Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a
Roman, and uncondemned?"

Paul of Tarsus said to the Centurion; I am a Child of God and no man may
have sovereignty over me without permission. He would have given
jurisdiction to be scourged if he would have been "tacit" in the presence of
the agent or appealed for an attorney instead of a personal counsel from
God. Paul was being threatened within the presumed jurisdiction of de facto
Roman law or U.S. Article II. No conviction, only "public policy" of Article I
was the "cry of the people," even with Jesus. All procedure within its
Territorial limits, which were "necessary and proper" for his presumed
subject citizenship status, would have prevailed. Paul demurred by
challenging the "enabling clause" of the "police power" to scourge Him. His
Sovereignty as a "state Citizen" was "declared" and Paul was "entitled" to
"privileges or immunities," for His body was in Christ and bound thereto.

John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Jesus gave Paul marching orders to go unto the Gentiles and He would tell
Paul what to say. Paul himself had engaged in the same killing, scourging
and confiscation of property with license of State, as the centurion was
about to render unto Him. He deserved it more than those who had
preceded Him. Paul was a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ and never a more
powerful statement at Law of Gentile was made prior neither to that day nor
since. A Sovereign's prayer to God in Jesus name is intercede and Remedy,
even in these end times in the united States of America.

Many Nations have treated their Citizens the same way Paul was threatened,
with Godless Government. In these United States, agency must contract
prior to scourging, after all We Thee People must follow the "rule of Law."

Jesus was present when Citizen Paul asked about the Law of the Free Born
within an occupied Territorial State. There are those who cherish the same
ever presents of God and seek knowledge to prevent their very slavery to
man. Truth cannot Satan hear, and the dullness of Penumbras sphere hides
the bright Star that comes as a thief to reap those who have falsely taught
the Law of Man. Paul's plea was from His Spiritual heart and In Propria
Persona. Today the citizen who contracts or "tacitly" concedes to obligation
are those scourged with Maritime jurisdiction.

Acts 22; 26-28 "when the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief
captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman. 27,
Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, Tell me, art thou a Roman?
He said, Yea. 28, And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained
I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born."

The agent was put on "Notice" (UCC 1-201.26 "Color of Law") of Paul's
immunity from being held without victim, witness or warrant. The centurion
must be very careful for this type of plea from a sovereign Citizen must be
heard because even the Captain had not jurisdiction to proceed and could be
sued by the victim of false persecution. There was no victim, nor "verified
complaint," based upon "probable cause" prior to having paid a fine or
confined to hardship within Federal Rule 12 (b) commercial Tribunal. The
captain was well aware of Title 18 statute and said to Paul he was also
Roman which assented to ease Paul's issue. The Captain said he purchased
his "artificial" citizenship with approval of Congress and codified within the
14th Amendment. "BUT," Paul said, "I was free born" and God's Bill of Rights
is intercede. Paul new there were different Laws for "artificial" diversity
citizenship and made sure the agent was aware that His was Sovereign. Not
"subject" as that of the occupying "resident" captain who was an "officer of
the court" within the jurisdiction of Caesar.

The Ten Commandments are forbidden in Federal/State court because a

state Citizen has not been indicted by The People, but summoned before an
inferior magistrate for gain. The Ten Commandments stand witness to the
fact that very few of Gods Laws are broken and you are being forced into the
synagogue of false teaching. Agency uses the Bible as a convenience to
placate the victim witness of false testimony, when no crime has been
committed. If not a crime against God, State cannot bring action. Paul had
broken the law of man by teaching in Jesus name, but civil Law is forbidden
from harming Gods chosen in this Nation. When Gods children testify
"procedure" to placate the State; false witness is manifest.

Zech 5:4
"I will send out the curse," says the LORD of hosts;
"It shall enter the house of the thief
And the house of the one who swears falsely by My name.
It shall remain in the midst of his house
And consume it, with its timber and stones."


The beguiled Emperor conceived he was enthroned with the robe of

concealment, he revealed himself by violating His seat of Covenant with
God. The Ten Commandments are not the Law of his synagogue. His
subjects hide the obvious banishment of reality and tempt God to marvel
The People with blindness of elliptical Penumbra. A false witness may send
an innocent to prison and the beguiled to Purgatory.

A policeman has only the power of arrest granted them by their Masters
charter. The FBI, IRS, ATF, license bureaus, municipal tax, and police power
are all heads from the same dragon, and only differ contractually. If the
contract they presume to exist is "dishonored" for your failure to do or not to
do a thing, the centurion will summon even the free man to Tribunal if he
does not reserve his Rights as Paul had. The Bills Of Rights are "occupied" by
elliptical words of art and Maritime Contract. A commercial action must be
met with a commercial response for agency knows not the Rights of the
individual who signs their "one status fits all" instruments "unconditionally."
We the People have lost the ability to avoid agency insistence upon our
cooperation and are void of answers to their "mail box" policy and resultant
court appearance within agency jurisdiction.

Black's Law 5 th : Tacit quaedam habentur pro expressis. "Things

unexpressed are sometimes considered as expressed."

Simply responding to summons, presentments, depositions or refusing to

enter a plea are all tacit admissions to the jurisdiction of the court. Try
throwing a presentment in the trash and it will haunt you when the judge
certifies payment is due for evasion. "Dishonor" will be verified if the Citizen
does not respond with Rights reserved upon the negotiable

Black's Law 5 th : In-personam. "The action in personam is that by which we

sue him who is under obligation to do something or give something."

A W-4/summons/license is presumed to be voluntary, knowingly, willingly

and intentionally signed by the Citizen. A negotiable instrument is
Constitutional, no matter what Rights the Citizen is restricted from uttering,
for same are waived and therefore frivolous. "Obligation of Contract" applies
to all parties. Article III is bared from interfering due to the Separation of
Powers and lack of nexus, no matter which class of Citizen has promised to
"benefit." Unconstitutional will not serve Remedy to an "unconditional" and
voluntarily signed contract. Maritime Jurisdiction is not in the business of
advising its "clients" how to protect their Bill of Rights upon any negotiable

The Citizen may remain In Propria Persona and have the same "benefit" of
license if he desires. The W-4, summons, or license to practice medicine,
pilot, or contract may be made non-assumpsit by the individual Citizen who
is knowledgeable in the Law.

Black's Law 5 th : Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. "Body of procedural rules

which govern all civil actions in U. S. District Courts and after which most of
the states have modeled their own rules of procedure. These rules were
promulgated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1938 under power granted by
Congress, and have since been frequently amended. Such rules also govern
bankruptcy proceedings in the bankruptcy courts; and, Supplemental Rules,
in addition to main body of rules, govern admiralty and maritime actions."

Thereby the gold fringe which has federalized the state courthouse flag with
"forum" Article I Legislated statutes of Congress and Article II Department of
Justice Admiralty procedures. The activation clause for police power is by the
hand of the contracted "subject," which assents to agency idolatry. Congress
contracts police power when "dishonor" of its instruments may be verified
for "reasonable cause" to believe the tax, summons, or license has not been
paid as promised by the "subject" Citizen. Article II D.O.J. lends its "implied
power" Penumbra to execute procedures for collection, which violate the
Separation of Powers Doctrine. If the Citizen does not have knowledge of the
transgression, so be it, for the Citizen is presumed to know the Law and may
not use any other documents to excuse ignorance.
"Subject" citizens are bound to follow procedural rules in civil actions, even if
they do not speak the dialect or understand the law. When the Natural state
Citizen remains In Propria Persona, Article III Judiciary requires "probable
cause" or Citizen may not be "held" prior to "indictment" of The People per
the 5th Amendment. A state Citizen is only as free as his knowledge of
elliptical Citizenship devise within agency contract. A state Citizen is not
required to follow Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for same are "without"
jurisdiction. If voluntary assent is subscribed by non-disclosure or fraudulent
representation, the contract is a nullity and "dead in Law" when the
instrument is brought before the proper Tribunal as "unconscionable."

Your state "modeled" their procedures which are "necessary and proper" to
qualify for Fed funds to build the courthouse to try the state Citizen and
"occupation" Territory per District statute. Federal Rules within a state court
will not convince God of His Peoples Liberty. The Masted Federal flag is
warning to all; Maritime Jurisdictional Civil Law will dispense "forum"
procedural "due process" to any who enter by contract or "tacit" compliance.
The state only has the presumed power over the Citizen when Maritime
jurisdiction has been empowered by "subject matter and in-persona
jurisdiction" at Rule 12 (b) which delict false citizenship and obligates We
The People as "subjects."

Federal Rule 12 Defenses and Objections-(b) "_the following defenses may

at the option of the pleader be made by motion:

lack of jurisdiction over subject matter. (commercial "class")

lack of jurisdiction over the person (contracted artificial subject
v. natural born)
_a motion making any of these defenses shall be made before
pleading. (Administrative level)

(h) (3) "Whenever it appears by suggestion of the parties or

otherwise that the court lacks jurisdiction of the subject matter,
the court shall dismiss the action."

In military terms, the prisoner must be remanded to a state court for

Remedy. State court requires indictment by the People and Probable cause
to issue a warrant. No "crime" has been committed within the jurisdiction of
the People and the subject matter cannot "go forward" for no "verified
complaint" exists and the court is entirely without "cause of action."

"Without Prejudice" UCC 1-207 is much more than a "suggestion" when

written above your signature. A reservation of Rights vitiates the W-
4/license/summons by placing a non-assumpsit "condition" upon the now
non-negotiable unit at UCC 3-104.2. The "promise" of UCC 3-104.3 is void
ab initio and cannot "make liable" the "promise" under penalty of perjury at
UCC 3-104.3. No performance is required for lack of subject matter
jurisdiction and "lawful money of the United States" is not germane to "relief

Subject matter is as simple as understanding that there must be a contract,

summons, or tacit "dishonor" of Maritime jurisdiction. Subject matter is the
"nature of cause of actions and of relief sought."

Black's Law 5 th : Cause. "Something that precedes and brings about; to

effect as an agent; to bring into existence; to make to induce; to compel."

Operating a vehicle on the street "requires" license of commercial operators.

Your "unconditional" signature upon the unit gives "police power" to agency
per agreement signed with full knowledge of its content. The subject is
commercial and you are a card carrying member of Maritime Jurisdiction and
"accepting benefit" of "trafficking."

The Sheriff is the only Constitutional police officer of Article II Executive

Branch. The state Citizen who commits a crime against the People must
have "indictment" for "cause" to exist; the sheriff is the one who should pick
you up. Municipalities and state police are "resident" 14th Amendment due
process officers of the court and have very limited jurisdiction, whose
subject matter is commercial gain. Vehicles are registered and held in trust
by the "trafficker" and the summons is for "failure to perform legal obligation
to do, or refrain from performance of, some act" involving State business.

The Citizen must rebut the "cause of action" a little different than Paul did.
The Free born must deny all jurisdiction of agency to remain In Propria
Persona. We do not accept the "benefit" of agency "due process" and aver to
the God given Bill of Rights. By not accepting another "officer of the court"
as attorney, agency is estoppel of procedural "due process" by adhesion, for
no one has your "power of attorney" to "take leave" of your Bill of Rights.

A Christian Man must be aware of the Spiritual cost of waiving any Rights
whatsoever. When asked if the charges are clear, a NO will demand the
"cause of action." The "proof of the matter stated" is contract or lack thereof
and a statement of "Without Prejudice" UCC 1-207, I wish to remain silent"
will estoppel agency and stay the matter at the administrative level.
"Without Prejudice" is "notice" to agency that a "suggestion" has been made
to deny jurisdiction per Rule 12 (b). "Color of law" statutes are very clear,
and "the court shall dismiss the action." The judge would violate his oath to
act in a personal manner to harm anyone, and "made liable" and "obligated"
to the Citizen for violation of Rights. The court officers 12 (6) "failure to
state a claim upon which relief can be granted," is fatal. The officers
"service" of summons would also be flawed if a reservation of Rights were
visible above the Citizens signature on W-4/license/summons, for no
indictment, no "arrest" by surrogate is admissible.

The Supreme Court only "hears" what it may under guidelines set forth by
the commercial agency bringing action. A knowledgeable state Citizen may
not be actioned against by "persons" of Federal situs, unless they contract
via "unconditional" negotiable units activated by agency executor at
"promise." Supreme Court settles "subject matter" issues between corporate
"public policy" and subjects.

A reservation of Rights upon the W-4/license/summons, or ferret bill of sale

estoppels the collection executor, for no verification of negotiability exist.
None may be "made" for you as "single and one dependant." Resident
subject citizens are obligated by contract and an unauthorized pet may be
seized by agency contraband confiscation procedure and "mail box policy" of
fear and intimidation.

The ferret becomes property and probable cause and warrant is required to
seize property.

The Bill of Rights has already been decided as Law and therefore no reason
to go to Court unless indicted by the People for a "crime." Civil actions are
not the laws within the jurisdiction of the Bill of Rights, for same may be
amended at Congressional delict. A state Citizen of Article III may seek the
"original jurisdiction" of the Supreme Court to protect religious Rights. A
state Citizen who is in-personam/contracted to agency admits to the
jurisdiction of "subject matter" issues and succumbs to Rule 12 (b).

Amendment I stands on its own as "Congress shall make no law respecting

an establishing of religion." The IRS will license Church tithes with IRS Code
Section 501 c (3), giving de facto Federal permission to teach and
contractual exempt status to accept tithes. Paul was freer than the church
and God save us, it should be the other way around. The difference; Paul
prayed for the knowledge to free Him, the church does not seek "prognostic
counsel" nor does the "authoritive" Shepherd, ASK Luke 11:9.

"It is an elementary rule of pleading, that a plea to the jurisdiction is ... a

tacit admission that the court has a right to judge in the case, and is a
waiver to all exceptions to the jurisdiction." Girty v. Logan, 6 Bush Ky. 8.
Jesus made a "tacit" admission to Pilate when he responded to the question;
"Art thou the King of the Jews." "Thou sayest it" was not an admission, nor
was it denial, but enough for Pilate to have "clean hands" for the "tacit"
answer. The Magistrate was granted permission to heed "public Policy" and
judgment was sealed and "legalized." In today's court Jesus would have
been pled not guilty by the judge and at least would have had a real
commercial trial prior to being flogged within Caesars" synagogues. Jesus
would have been tried in-personam with "subject matter" contingent upon
the prevailing agency procedures of the Tribunal. Procedures forbade those
who would be King of anything to utter it even as "tacit" mumble. Simply
stated; a subject may be tried by any agent who has jurisdiction granted
him by the victim who has not declared Sovereign Rights. The Tribunal is
immune from violating any Rights for same have been waived and issues of
status are settled. Speak up, as Paul was instructed and reserve all your
Rights with knowledge.

A valid "writing" at UCC 3-104.1, made "unconditional" at 3-104.2, will

sustain the "promise" at 3-104.3 regardless of Constitutional arguments by
the Patriot. This is jurisdiction of agency over the subject Citizen. Negotiable
Instruments Law is UCC 3-104 and agency "must" follow the charter rules of
its Master; Congress. Remedy is UCC 1-103.6 for "The code is
'Complimentary' to the common law which remains in force except where
displaced by the code..."

A Church is not protecting its flock by "exempt" procedural contracts with

the IRS. A Church who "must" collect Social Security numbers from an infant
is not teaching posterity among the flock. Neither does "head of household"
who deducts his infant as a tax benefit. God has allowed us to fail, but now
awaits His obedient Children.

Man's Law has adulterated Gods Holy places and "works" must be completed
so the alter is made ready for Christ. Christian Men and Women are not
required by God to license any Right. What then gives the Shepherd license
to teach with Authority within a synagogue where the "marriage veil" is split
for worship of agency; Apocrypha?


Information, Presentment, or any "mail box policy" stands as truth if not

rebutted. All Legislated Statutes should be treated as rebutable presumption
and harmful to in-personam citizenship. Matters not what agency activity the
individual is involved within, jurisdiction can be challenged at any time.
"Without prejudice' UCC 1-207, will stand as rebuttal, 'answer' and
'discovery' 'prima facie' on the Administrative record as notice to 'abate."
Any of the above creates "estoppel of agency', when the issue lacks 'in-
personam" jurisdiction. There will be "no cause where relief may be granted"
to agency at the administrative level. Agency gets into much mischief if it
attempts to raise a "dead in Law" issue, without assent.

"Remedy" is final within The Uniform Commercial Code. We the People were
given "limited liability," due to the usurpation of Constitutional 'lawful
money." Government hath not the power to repeal The Bill of Rights, even at
statute Civil Liberties. Government activity only creates the allusion of
sovereignty by our birth in a corporate State hospital per certificate and
unconditional contract. A Citizen makes himself subject to the 14th
Amendment public policy by waiving their individual rights on the very forms
they fill out on any given day. These forms serve as an Affidavit in
personam, because the negotiable units are signed under penalty of perjury.
A representative statement vitiates 'promise' to appear in any capacity at
the presumptive agency tribunal. Unless rebutted, these contracts serve as
"certified' fact on the Administrative Record before the tribunal at bar, with
your 'unconditional' 'in-personam' (Fed. Rule 12. b) 'writing." Your choice
was "taxation without representation' for you did not avoid consequences of
an 'unconscionable, 'unconditional" and now negotiable unit. Your tithes are
in the synagogues of a de facto Master and our Lord is not pleased.

The Article I "inferior court', district attorney and your lawyer will only follow
the procedures set forth by the record. Your representative should be on the
record as 'without prejudice'. If you do not rebut, the 14th Amendment of
Article I 'inferior' court will try facts and subject matter only with a 'fair and
impartial jury', rather than 'peers' trying 'fact and law' of Article III. The
district attorney will not be sworn by 'Thee People' at Article II Executive to
follow the 'Public' Law at Calif. Code 22.2, he will follow The State of
California at Federal 'public policy'. Your attorney does not know "state"
Citizen Rights, only federal 'forum' 'persons' procedure of the Tribunal per
the Code of Military justice, which has been 'adopted' by most states.

Jurisdiction must be challenged at every issue to keep the controversy at the

administrative level. The two required jurisdictions of 'personam' and
'subject matter' will not be served in the same court, unless it is Article III. A
prayer to equity must only reap equity. A commercial Tribunal must be dealt
with commercially, the court must be bound to subject matter only and the
Citizen must retain his 'personam'. Your personam is 'common Law' at Bill of
Rights, not equity, unless you failed to reserve your Rights.

The rule still stands, if you are challenged by equity, you must answer with
equity. "Without prejudice" UCC1-207 is Remedy because the
'representation' in-personam reveals the 'discovery' that no Rights were
thereby waived at Bill of Rights. UCC1-103.6 is equalizer via equity and
notice, now the code must be read in harmony with the common Law at Cal.
Code. 22.2. This section of the UCC is the only place the Constitution and
equity may be joined without 'contempt' of tribunal.

A court which presumes you will appear, cannot issue a criminal warrant for
'failure to appear' at corporate bar. 'Without prejudice', written above your
'writing' at UCC 3.104.1, destroys its "unconditional" requirement at UCC 3-
104.2 and 'promise' is forfeit at UCC 3-104.3. It serves as a bar to all others
at 'Obligation of Contract' that a 'condition' is prima facie upon the unit and
it is utterly void at Law.

It is 'proclivity of your adversary not to answer', so do not expect agency to

give you any information on the above material. Stand your ground as
intended when facing an adversary. Agency may play 'ignorant' and use
'mail box policy', answer everything. Force agency to write down their issues
and mail them to you. Letters are the best facts and each failure to answer
on the part of agency is further 'estoppel.' Phone calls are 'parol' and courts
will offer you a 'parol' chance to explain yourself for 'dishonoring' agency
presentment by 'creditable' agency phone call.

Excellent Generalship knowledge will come to bear upon those who proceed
'in want of jurisdiction.' You must know what to do or fail for the lack of so
little effort at your Political Spirit. Luke 11:9 "entitles" We Thee People to
Ask and then Seek Knowledge of which door to knock upon, for it does not
open to uncertainty.

The word of Truth is binding only on those who have knowledge of it.
Perhaps you have read too far? The Lamb is in the field, and the Choice of
Him is yours. Each Citizen of us must "Ask' why he fears and 'Seek'
knowledge of which door to 'Knock" and thereby abate worry. Greed for
Power has coveted darkness to the faintest light of Sovereignty with God.
Man must walk "Thee Way" or stumble over Thee Robe of The Fisherman
and suffer the yoke of idolatry, and iniquity of Roman Lex. Truth of Church
and Grace await compliance for false Teachers may not Covenant with Thee
People, and The Robe is yet bartered to Civil Roman Lex.

© Common Law Copyright

August 29, 2003 by William Dixon
Printed in the California Republic, the united States of America
U.C.C. 1-207, U.C.C. 1-103.6
This book is protected by Common Law copyright. Permission is hereby
granted to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, as long as the content is
unchanged, i.e., nothing added to it or taken away from it as long as it is for
non-commercial purposes.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or

by any means, now known or to be invented or adapted, for the purpose of
financial gain or profit.

Author's Internet web site: God Is Sovereign First

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