Root Word. (Lesson Plan)
Root Word. (Lesson Plan)
Root Word. (Lesson Plan)
At the end of the topic the students should be able to:
a. Define root word,
b. Expand vocabulary by analyzing and extracting root words.
On the other hand, some root words aren’t full words but form the basis of
many different words. Here are the examples.
• Acri - means bitter. Acrimony
• Carn - means flesh. Carnivorous
• Corp - means body. Corporate
• Deca - means ten. Decade
c. Activity
Activity 1.
I will group you into 4 and I will give 3 sets of activity that is good
for 5 minutes.
I will give 6 root words on the board and each group will give or
create a new words from the root words given to you.
Direction: Create a new words from this root words.
1. Bio 4. dyna
2. Aqua 5. poli
3. Psych 6. gen
Activity 2
I will present 10 sets of words and each sets has the same roots.
The students will write the base/root on the board.
Direction: All the words in each number are built on the same base/root word.
Write the base/root word on the blank.
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