Root Word. (Lesson Plan)

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The key takeaways are that analyzing root words helps expand vocabulary and that roots are base words that form the basis of related words. Root words often come from Latin and Greek and retain the same core meaning in related words.

The purpose of analyzing root words is to help students expand their vocabulary by identifying and extracting root words from other words. This allows them to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words based on their root.

Some examples of root words and their meanings given are: act - to move or do, arbor - tree, crypt - to hide, dress - clothing, ego - I, acri - bitter, carn - flesh, corp - body, deca - ten.


At the end of the topic the students should be able to:
a. Define root word,
b. Expand vocabulary by analyzing and extracting root words.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Analyzing Root Words
Reference: Developmental Reading by Alejandro Bernardo, pgs. 129-136
Materials: Laptop and Projector
Values: Team Work
a. Motivation/Presentation
I will present a root word in the board and the students will make a words
from this root and they will give the meaning of each word.
b. Lesson Proper
Today, I am going to discuss the definition of root word. Roots are base
words to which other characters or letters like prefixes and suffixes are attached.
Roots constantly mean the same thing and are the base for related words.
I will give the two origin of root words, the Latin and Greek that mostly
used in Science and English and I will give you a lot of examples of it.
Common Greek Root Word

Roots Meaning Examples

axon Axis, axle Axonography, axometric
bene Good, well Beneficence, benefit
Bio life Biology, biosphere
broma Food bromatology
cata down catabolic
cylind roll cylinder
deca Ten Decade, decagon

Common Latin Root Word

Roots Meaning Examples
ambi Both, both side ambition
carbon coal carbonation
celer new acceleration
corona crown coronation
decim Tenth part decimal
decor Ornament, beauty decoeation
glutin glue glutinous
There are many root words that can be used on their own or as parts of other common
words in the English language. These are also referred to as base words. Here are the examples.

• Act - means to move or do. Acting

• Arbor - means tree. Arboreal
• Crypt - menas to hide. Cryptic
• Dress - means clothing. Undress
• Ego - mean "I". Egotist

On the other hand, some root words aren’t full words but form the basis of
many different words. Here are the examples.
• Acri - means bitter. Acrimony
• Carn - means flesh. Carnivorous
• Corp - means body. Corporate
• Deca - means ten. Decade

c. Activity
Activity 1.
I will group you into 4 and I will give 3 sets of activity that is good
for 5 minutes.
I will give 6 root words on the board and each group will give or
create a new words from the root words given to you.
Direction: Create a new words from this root words.
1. Bio 4. dyna
2. Aqua 5. poli
3. Psych 6. gen
Activity 2
I will present 10 sets of words and each sets has the same roots.
The students will write the base/root on the board.
Direction: All the words in each number are built on the same base/root word.
Write the base/root word on the blank.

1. Mimicking, mimicry, mimics mimic

2. Mystify, mystic, mystical mystic
3. Dermatology, dermatitis, epidermis derma
4. Structure, construction, deconstruct, instruct struct
5. Vacuum, evacuate, vacate vac
6. Malcontent, malicious, malignant mal
7. Bible, bibliography, bibliographical biblio
8. Infinite, infinitives, infiniteness fin, finit
9. Disgrace, graceful, graciously grace
10. Synchronize, chronology, chronic chron
Activity 3
I will give 10 words and you will extract the roots of each word.
Direction: Give the roots of each word and the meaning of extracted root
1. Beneficial 6. Portable
2. Credible 7. Dictionary
3. Domestic 8. Medium
4. Distraction 9. Pedestrian
5. Spectacle 10. temporary
1. bene-good 5. spect-look
2. cred-believe 6. port-carry
3. dom-home 7. dict-say
4. trac-drag or pull 8. med-middle
9. ped-foot 10. temp-time
d. Generalization
How do you analyze a root word?
e. Evaluation
General instructor: Answer the following questions.
I. Essay (5 pts)
Define root word in your own words.
Score Content Organization Development
Answer is appropriate Clear sense of order. Develops each point
to the question. Begins with a topic with may specific
5 Content is factually sentence. Supporting details.
correct. points are presented in a Answers question
logical progression. completely.
Answer is appropriate May lack a topic Each point supported
4 to the question. sentence, but points are with some details and
Content may have presented in a logical evidence. All important
one or two factual progression. points included.
Content relates Logic of argument is Sparse details or
3 peripherally to the minimally perceivable. evidence. Question
question; contains Points presented in a only partially
significant factual seemingly random answered.
errors. fashion, but all support
Content unrelated to Lacks clear Statements are
2 question. organizational plan. unsupported by any
Reader is confused. detail or explanation.
Repetitious, incoherent,
illogical development.

II. Give the root word of the following words.

1. credible cred
2. stable sta
3. spectacle spect
4. portable port
5. pedestrian ped
III. Create a new word from each root word.
1. vid
2. dict
3. med
4. aud
5. tract
IV. Assignment/agreement
Direction: Define the following.
1. Affixes
2. Prefix
3. Suffix

Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education
Region V (Bicol)
Polangui Community College
Polangui Albay

Lesson Plan in

Analyzing Root Word

(Developmental Reading)

Rafallo, Mark Anthony N.


Mrs. Eldelita Cedo


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