Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress: Etiology and Treatment

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Review Article

Dissociation Following
Traumatic Stress
Etiology and Treatment
Maggie Schauer and Thomas Elbert
Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany

Abstract. We postulate that the cascade ‘‘Freeze-Flight-Fight-Fright-Flag-Faint’’ is a coherent sequence of six fear responses that escalate as a
function of defense possibilities and proximity to danger during life-threat. The actual sequence of trauma-related response dispositions acted out
in an extremely dangerous situation therefore depends on the appraisal of the threat by the organism in relation to her/his own power to act (e.g.,
age and gender) as well as the perceived characteristics of threat and perpetrator. These reaction patterns provide optimal adaption for particular
stages of imminence. Subsequent to the traumatic threats, portions of the experience may be replayed. The actual individual cascade of defense
stages a survivor has gone through during the traumatic event will repeat itself every time the fear network, which has evolved peritraumatically,
is activated again (i.e., through internal or external triggers or, e.g., during exposure therapy).When a parasympathetically dominated ‘‘shut-
down’’ was the prominent peri-traumatic response during the traumatic incident, comparable dissociative responses may dominate responding to
subsequently experienced threat and may also reappear when the traumatic memory is reactivated. Repeated experience of traumatic stress forms
a fear network that can become pathologically detached from contextual cues such as time and location of the danger, a condition which manifests
itself as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Intrusions, for example, can therefore be understood as repetitive displays of fragments of the
event, which would then, depending on the dominant physiological response during the threat, elicit a corresponding combination of hyperarousal
and dissociation. We suggest that trauma treatment must therefore differentiate between patients on two dimensions: those with peritraumatic
sympathetic activation versus those who went down the whole defense cascade, which leads to parasympathetic dominance during the trauma and
a corresponding replay of physiological and dissociative responding, when reminded. The differential management of dissociative stages
(‘‘fright’’ and ‘‘faint’’) has important treatment implications.

Keywords: dissociation, complex trauma, PTSD, sexual abuse, borderline personality disorder, tonic immobility, fainting

A coherent mental structure requires organized and intercon- dissociative reactions that may even include fainting obvi-
nected representations of salient external and internal events, ously prevent the success of therapeutic measures that
including sensory perceptions, affective and behavioral attempt to integrate the trauma memory into the autobio-
responding, and the conscious implications of a given con- graphic narrative and hence pose a serious obstacle to suc-
text in terms of meaning (Marmar, Weiss, & Metzler, 1998; cessful treatment of disorders of the trauma spectrum.
Van der Hart, Nijenhuis, Steele, & Brown, 2004; Schauer, Instead of trauma-focused therapy, these patients therefore
Neuner, & Elbert, 2005). Experience of overwhelming threat typically receive skill-training, for example, how to identify
may interfere with the process of integrating active elements and avoid potential triggers that induce detachment or how to
of sensation, emotion, and cognition into the particular end dissociative responding once it has been triggered.
declarative memory of the event and thus result in disorders Current clinical practice adds to a varying degree elements
of the trauma spectrum (Brewin, 2001; Conway & Pleydell- from dialectic behavior therapy (Hunter et al., 2005; Linehan,
Pearce, 2000; Ehlers & Clark, 2000; Elbert, Rockstroh, 1993). Unfortunately, these strategies are not sufficient rem-
Kolassa, Schauer, & Neuner, 2006; Schauer et al., 2005; edies for patients with trauma-related dissociative symptoms
Van der Kolk, McFarlane, & Weisaeth, 1996). When later (Dyer, Priebe, Steil, Krüger, & Bohus, 2009) and clinical tri-
confronted with trauma reminders, survivors typically als have identified dissociative symptoms as predictive for a
‘‘replay’’ their original response of the traumatic event negative treatment outcome (Spitzer, Barnow, Freyberger, &
(e.g., Keane, Zimering, & Caddell, 1985). When a parasym- Grabe, 2007). This is not surprising, since dissociation pre-
pathetically dominated ‘‘shut-down’’ was the prominent vents emotional processing and learning (Ebner-Priemer
peritraumatic response to the traumatic incident, comparable et al., 2009) due to the ‘‘shut-down’’ symptomatology typi-
dissociative responses may dominate responding to subse- cally characteristic of dissociative states (Simeon, Guralnik,
quently experienced threat and may also reappear when Knutelska, Yehuda, & Schmeidler, 2003, p. 93).
the traumatic memory is reactivated, such as during script- The current concept of posttraumatic stress disorder
driven imagery (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1998) or (PTSD) does not distinguish whether the reminder of the
trauma-focused treatment (Schauer & Elbert, 2008). Strong traumatic experiences results in a fight-flight alarm response

 2010 Hogrefe Publishing Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127
DOI: 10.1027/0044-3409/a000018
110 M. Schauer & T. Elbert: Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress

or in a dissociative block of sympathetic arousal with a the dissociation-related obstacles during the course of
subsequent excessive vagal tone. However, Foa, Riggs, trauma-focused therapy.
and Gershuny (1995) noted that different PTSD symptoms An evolutionary perspective suggests that dissociation,
such as intense hyperarousal versus numbing may represent albeit hazarding the consequences of physical injury, is an
distinct pathological processes and that grouping PTSD sub- adaptive, and when strike is close, final remaining survival
jects with different symptom patterns in the same diagnostic response to specific types of life-threats that include near-
category may interfere with our understanding and treatment ness of a superior perpetrator or other situations dominated
of post-trauma psychopathology. Bremner et al. (1999) sug- by helplessness. Dissociation enables survival in the follow-
gested that there might be two subtypes of trauma responses, ing situations:
one characterized by intrusive memories and hyperarousal
and the other predominately dissociative. Results reviewed • when the organism is in direct and close encounter with
by Lanius, Bluhm, Lanius, and Pain (2006) indicate that a dangerous perpetrator, for example, when there is skin
comparable patterns may indeed be seen in the neuroimaging contact;
laboratory: Key brain areas involved in the hyperarousal • in the presence of body fluids with danger of contami-
response include the anterior cingulate and surrounding med- nation, for example, blood or sperm;
ial prefrontal cortex, the amygdala and possibly the thalamus, • when bodily integrity is already injured, for example,
while higher-order sensory association cortices are active invasion, penetration, sharp objects (e.g., teeth and
during dissociative responses. Based on our own observa- knife) at the skin.
tions (Kolassa & Elbert, 2007; Kolassa et al., 2007; Ray
et al., 2006), we assume that these abnormal activation
These situations require physiological adaptations,
patterns in parietal and occipital cortex might be driven by
including immobility, pain tolerance and with it ‘‘switches’’
abnormalities in the temporal cortex and possibly limbic
in consciousness, information processing, and behavior that
structures. In a meta-analysis of psychophysiological find-
are perceived as strange, because they are outside the range
ings in PTSD, Pole (2007) acknowledges the weak consis-
tency of psychophysiological responding and suggests that of ordinary experiences.
Evolution has equipped us with a defense armament to
greater consideration be given to subtyping of PTSD.
imminent threat. A coherent sequence of defense
responses that escalate as a function of proximity to dan-
ger and threat has been established by evolutionary biol-
ogy and psychophysiology alike. It seems that the defense
Understanding Dissociation Within process is a chain-linking sequence of steps that build on
each other like a cascade. Obviously the animal and
an Evolutionary-Based Framework human organism is able to orchestrate its survival strategy
of Mental Disorders according to the specific situation and along a staged pro-
cess, called ‘‘defense cascade’’ (Lang, Davis, & Öhman,
Dissociation was introduced as a term into psychiatry 2000). During life-threat, not every stage of the defense
already at the end of the 19th century (Janet, 1889; Putnam, cascade is necessarily passed through by the individual.
1989), however, a conclusive, coherent conceptualization The actual sequence of trauma-related response disposi-
has not yet been eved. Experts note that ‘‘conceptual clarity tions carried out in an extremely dangerous situation is
regarding trauma-related dissociation is urgently needed’’ dynamic and depends on several factors. It is known that
(Van der Hart, Nijenhuis, Steele, & Brown, 2004). Despite defensive reflex reactivity is organized sequentially to
the appreciated clinical significance of dissociation, there allow optimal responding depending on the proximity of
is an ongoing controversy about its theoretical foundation. the threat (Bradley, Codispoti, Cuthbert, & Lang, 2001;
It ‘‘lacks a single, coherent referent . . . that all investigators Fanselow & Lester, 1988) and with it its speed of
in the field embrace’’ (Cardena, 1994), and it still does approach. In addition, a particular response may be clas-
today: ‘‘there is no consistent agreement about precisely sically conditioned and thus depends on previous experi-
what dissociation ‘is’ . . . dissociation represents a semanti- ences with threatening events (Adenauer, Catani, Keil,
cally open term leading to conceptual confusions which – Aichinger, & Neuner, 2009). Moreover, we propose that
in turn – might restrict its value’’ (Spitzer, Barnow, Freyber- defense reactivity is organized to account for battlesome-
ger, & Grabe, 2006). The field is obviously hampered by a ness (chances to win a fight) of the threatened individual,
missing etiological model (Dutra, Bureau, Holmes, Lyubc- that is, the appraisal of the threat by the organism in rela-
hik, & Lyons-Ruth, 2009). We propose that an evolution- tion to its own power to counteract (age, gender, physical
ary-based understanding of mental disorders (Brune, 2002; condition, defensive abilities, etc.) and, not least, for the
Jones & Blackshaw, 2000; Wakefield, 1992, 1999) permits threat-specifics (type of threat, type and speed of
to sort different theoretical approaches and thus facilitates approach, context, threat involving blood loss, etc.).
the etiological modeling of such behavior. Such progress Whereas the dynamics of the defense cascade progresses
would especially be helpful for the development of effective in gradients of alternating ascending and descending acti-
therapeutic interventions; it would guide the therapist’s mea- vation, the various defense responses can be categorized
sures when confronted with a client with the potential of into two general forms, namely active defense and immo-
severe dissociative responding, and it thus would overcome bility (Vila et al., 2007).

Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127  2010 Hogrefe Publishing
M. Schauer & T. Elbert: Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress 111

immobility vasoconstriction,
(unresponsive immobility) hypertension,
4. Fright high emotional arousal
fear largely repressing anger
i.a. assaultive breakout followed by immobility
-> faster onset and termination of the immobility
Defense reaction


3. Fight

“uproar” “shut-down”

sympathetic para-sympathetic

activation activation

2. Flight bradycardia,

dizziness 5. Flag



of r
drop in arousal
dry mouth
et surrender
cognitive failure
muscle tension
numbing of all emotions
feelings of irreality
-> slower onset and
termination of immobility

1. Freeze
(attentive immobility: 6. Faint
“orienting response”)

Increasing dissociation during cascade progression

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the defense cascade as it progresses along the 6-F course of action. The ‘‘uproar’’
sympathetic arousal reaches a maximum at the fright stage, eventually superseded by the onset of dissociative ‘‘shut
down’’ (gray area).

The different suggestions for a defense cascade model after trauma exposure. Evidence has shown the predictive
consist of the following components: ‘‘freezing’’ in case value of reported peritraumatic dissociation for the develop-
of a large distance between subject and threat; ‘‘flight’’ when ment of mental health problems including PTSD (Birmes
the distance is reduced; ‘‘fight’’ when the distance is elimi- et al., 2003; Bryant, 2007; Breh & Seidler, 2007), especially
nated; and ‘‘immobility’’ in case of prolonged elimination of peritraumatic tonic immobility is a risk factor (Fusé,
distance (Ogden, Minton, & Pain, 2006). More recently, a Forsyth, Marx, Gallup, & Weaver, 2007; Fiszman et al.,
model has integrated ‘‘faint’’ as another response possibility 2008).
(Alboni, Alboni, & Bertorelle, 2008; Bracha, 2004; Lang Our model wants to fill the missing link and suggests six
et al., 2000; Moore & Amstey, 1962). defense responses, notably Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fright,
First, the freezing (orienting response – OR) facilitates a Flag, and eventually Faint, whereby during the two Fs
‘‘stop-look-listen’’ perception of the threat. Pavlov (1927) Flight and Fight bodily responses are mainly regulated via
referred to it as ‘‘Shto Eta/What is it?’’ – reflex that turns the sympathetic branch (‘‘uproar reactions’’) and the follow-
the sensory systems to the source of stimulation. This can ing three Fs, the second half of the cascade, are dominated
be viewed as a collection of bodily responses that assist in by parasympathetic arousal, determining the spectrum of
processing the stimulus further, such as pupillary dilation, dissociative responding (‘‘shut-down’’ reactions: Fright,
and a transient drop in heart rate. Then, having identified Flag, and Faint). We thus may arrange the stages of
the danger and calculated the best means to escape, the mam- the defense cascade in form of an inverted
mal typically flees. If it is unable to successfully flee and the u-shaped arousal function with the alarming flight-fight
predator is upon it, it will initially fight. However, when there responses on the ascent of the curve and the set of dissocia-
is clearly no chance of successfully fleeing or fighting, the tive variants on the descent (see Figure 1). In the next
animal may resort to immobility, in the hope that the predator section, we discuss this evolutionary repertoire of armament
will lose interest. Should the opportunity then present itself, step by step.
the animal might make a final attempt to escape.
‘‘Dissociation’’ as a defense disposition, however, has
not been systematically included in the model of the defense Stage 1 = Freeze (Attentive Immobility) –
cascade, although it accounts in large parts for an aggravated
symptom spectrum of human survivors of life-threat and has The OR
immense treatment implications. Peri-traumatic dissociation
is a set of subjective experiences, which includes alterations ‘‘Fear is often preceded by astonishment, and is so far
in perception of time, place, and self during and immediately akin to it, that both lead to the senses of sight and

 2010 Hogrefe Publishing Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127
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hearing being instantly aroused. In both cases the eyes perceptual and executive functions to better locate the
and mouth are widely opened, and the eyebrows predator and plan escape.
raised. . . .’’ (Charles Darwin, The Expression of the
Emotions in Man and Animals).
Stages 2 and 3 = Flight and Fight: Toward
The fight or flight response is preceded by a response the Arousal Peak of the Alarm Response
with a varying period of time known in ethology as freez-
ing behavior or in psychophysiology as OR. It is charac- ‘‘. . . The heart beats quickly and violently, so that it
terized by information gathering (Bracha, 2004; Gray, palpitates or knocks against the ribs . . .. That the skin
1987; Pavlov, 1927) and the activation of a set of bodily is much affected under the sense of great fear, we see
responses that assist in processing the stimulus and may in the marvellous manner in which perspiration imme-
prepare for further stages (Rockstroh et al., 1987), some-
diately exudes from it . . .. The hairs also on the skin
times referred to as hypervigilance or hyperarousal: being
stand erect; and the superficial muscles shiver. In con-
on guard, watchful, alert, ready to respond. Contrary to
the classic stress response model and in line with the nection with the disturbed action of the heart, the
defense cascade perspective (Adenauer et al., 2009), stud- breathing is hurried. The salivary glands act imper-
ies have consistently found that the initial reaction to fectly; the mouth becomes dry, and is often opened
aversive stimuli is characterized by a decrease rather than and shut . . .’’ (Charles Darwin, The Expression of
an increase of heart rate and is accompanied by an inhi- the Emotions in Man and Animals).
bition of the startle response (Bradley et al., 2001; Lang
et al., 2000). This ‘‘fear bradycardia’’ (attentional or alert- The long known ‘‘fight or flight’’ response, also called
ing response) includes motor inhibition, focused attention the ‘‘acute stress response,’’ physiologically detailed by
to the threat, and decelerating heart rate (Campbell, Wood, Walter Cannon in 1929 as a theory suggests that animals
& McBride, 1997). A few seconds after the onset of a react to threat with a general discharge of the sympathetic
threatening stimulus, the direction of the physiological nervous system, and has subsequently been advanced by
response reverses toward cardiac acceleration and an evolutionary psychologists (Bracha, 2004). If a stimulus is
increase of the startle reflex. The transient pause before perceived as a major threat, a more intense and prolonged
action mobilization is associated with heightened sensory discharge of the locus coeruleus activates the sympathetic
perception and processing of contextual details and has division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The initial
been interpreted as the human counterpart of the freezing OR is followed by attempts to flee, and, if not successful, by
state in animals (Graham, 1979; Sokolov, 1963). attempts to fight. The organism becomes extremely aroused.
Ethological research has demonstrated that prey that An ‘‘alarm response’’ is initiated, with sympathetic arousal
remain ‘‘frozen’’ during potential threat are more likely and sympathetically modulated adrenal release that enables
to avoid detection because the visual cortex and the retina the organism to counterstrike (heart rate acceleration, blood
of mammalian carnivores primarily detect shapes through pressure elevation, and vasoconstriction). At the central
moving objects rather than color (Nesse, 1999; Page, level endorphins are released to reduce pain and with it
1994). This freezing might play a role in survival if it somatosensory perception and awareness is dampened.
helps a hunted animal to blend in with its surroundings The activation of the sympathetic branch at this point
by remaining as motionless as an inanimate object, enables a reorganization of blood supply (vasoconstriction
thereby allowing the shift of attention of predators to of peripheral vessels – cold skin, dilatation of certain organ
other moving or noisy stimuli in the neighborhood. Inter- supply vessels) in order to increase blood flow to the heart
estingly, in human subjects, who have survived several and muscles while decreasing the likelihood of blood loss
traumatic events and suffer from PTSD with hyperarousal after injury through peripheral vasoconstriction. Blood pres-
as a consequence, the OR is passed by in the defense cas- sure is rising through increased cardiac output. Preparedness
cade (Adenauer et al., 2009) and the alarm response is for aggressive engagement increases. Faster and deeper
immediately initiated, that is, the defense cascade is breath facilitates increased oxygenation of important organs
adjusted to allow for a rapid flight response to threatening and muscles and increased perspiration can cool the body.
cues without any further exploration of the stimulus. This Moist palms at the same time allow a better grip to flee, low-
finding is consistent with the observation that PTSD ering the chances for injury. Activity not acutely needed is
patients react to threatening cues and trauma reminders halted, for example, digestion reduces, bowel mobility halts
with a hypersensitive alarm system (Rauch et al., 2000). to a point of emptying out.
In contrast to fright, as a measure to eliminate aggression At the height of arousal, the adaptivity to flee or fight
and prevent attack, ‘‘freezing’’ actually means the initial begins to turn: General fear symptoms are experienced,
orienting response at the beginning of the defense cas- including dizziness, nausea, palpitation, drowsiness, light-
cade, which is important to achieve concentrated attentive- headedness, tension, blurred vision, feelings of irreality,
ness to focus on the signs of threat. This attentive numbing, and tingling appear (prodromal period before
immobility is primarily a transient defense strategy, ‘‘shut-down’’/pre-syncope; see European Society of Cardiol-
preliminary to fighting or fleeing, in which the animal ogy guidelines, 2009). At the extreme apex, when the organ-
stops moving to avoid detection and shifts resources to ism experiences a climaxing activation, parasympathetic

Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127  2010 Hogrefe Publishing
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activation sets in. The acute response to extreme stress typical behavioral features include that threatened individu-
becomes a peritraumatic ‘‘panic-like’’ dual autonomic acti- als cannot hear, see, or perceive well any more. They move
vation. Stage 4 is reached, which we detail below. More- less – obviously due to excessive muscle tension – until
over, a ‘‘shut-down’’ reaction and with it the various motility stops. Furthermore, they have difficulties to under-
forms of dissociation appear. At this stage, sensation, stand language and are unable to produce speech. Functional
perception, motor abilities, and speech behavior are interruption of afferent and efferent nerve impulses is taking
dramatically altered. Before we continue in the characteriza- place. Thoughts and reasoning no longer make sense. The
tion of the stages, we therefore discuss principles of the mind is confused. Time perception changes dramatically.
shut-down. To summarize, we postulate that dissociation is adaptive
and manifests itself behaviorally on three dominant levels as
life-threat escalates: (1) rise of and finally complete func-
tional sensory deafferentation, (2) decline of and finally
The Onset of Dissociative Shut-Down: absence of efferent motor commands, and (3) decline of
Functional Sensory Deafferentation, and finally absence of speech perception and production.
If motionlessness of a human organism is of crucial impor-
Motor Paralysis, and Loss of Language tance in such moments of life-threat, nature needs to take
Functions care of systems that might corrupt adaptive behavior – sen-
sation, movement, and speech. As long as the victim can
DSM-IV characterizes dissociation as disruption of the usu- feel pain and anger and is able to act, he or she will attempt
ally integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, to move away from the aversive stimulus or fight it off.
or perception of the environment. ICD-10 acknowledges When the organism is about to be attacked, immobility tends
that it may also involve the sensory and motor systems, to be combined with analgesia, which is functional in that
leading to symptoms, which are subsumed under the term perception of pain would divert attention of the prey from
of conversion: ‘‘partial or complete loss of the normal inte- defensive concerns (Bolles & Fanselow, 1980). Further-
gration, . . . immediate sensations, and control of bodily more, tonic immobility is combined with numbing for anger
movements’’.1 In general, dissociation can be understood affect, whilst at the same time fear emotions reach their
in three distinct ways: (1) as a lack of integration of mental maximum. In order to enable a maximal defensive and
modules or systems, (2) as an altered state of consciousness, ‘‘dead’’ appearance (‘‘as if dead,’’ ‘‘playing possum’’),
and (3) as defense mechanism. All of these are partial or which provides survival advantage by complete giving in,
even complete failures to deliberately control processes and cessation of fighting, and moving, perceptions and later
and take actions that can normally be influenced by an act emotions need to be switched off or deactivated. To guaran-
of volition, for example, the ability to bring accessible infor- tee motionlessness in these highly perilous situations, the
mation into conscious awareness or move voluntary mus- organism should be unable and unwilling to use voluntary
cles. Furthermore, memory retrieval deficits appear (e.g., muscles and should feel neither anger nor pain, be finally
amnesia, conversion, somatoform disorders, ‘‘detachment,’’ emotionally numb, as if anesthetized. During this cascade
out-of-body/depersonalization, and derealization) as subjec- numbing of sensations, analgesia and anger inhibition are
tive experiences of an altered state of consciousness charac- followed, at a later stage, by numbing of fear as well. These
terized by alienation of oneself or the external world, with a effects inhibit reactions, which would compromise optimal
flattening of emotional experiences (Allen, 2001; Holmes protection in this stage of imminence. For example, groom-
et al., 2005). It is well known that dissociation involves ing and licking wounds would attract attention and would
dysregulation of the visual and somatosensory modali- elicit further attack (Siegfried, Frischknecht, & Nunez de
ties (Bernstein and Putnam, 1986; Bremner et al., 1998). Souza, 1990). It is biologically important at that point not
Nijenhuis et al. have also found a loss of normal integration to show any recuperative behavior or to care for injuries.
of somatoform components of experience, bodily reactions This is only possible through reduction of panic and fear
and functions (Nijenhuis, Spinhoven, Vanderlinden, Van (Siegfried et al., 1990; Van der Kolk, 1994), suppression
Dyck, & Van der Hart, 1998). The fact that dissociative and delay of emotional and panic escape behavior, and inhi-
symptoms also pertain to functions of movement, sensation, bition of the production of sounds (Kalin, 1993; Kalin &
and perception has been largely overlooked for quite some Shelton, 1989). Suarez and Gallup describe an inability to
time (Van der Hart et al., 2004). Previously, this was called call out and scream as a consequence of suppressed vocal
‘‘deficit symptom’’: loss of somatic function that has no evi- behavior (Suarez & Gallup, 1979). The loss of capacity to
dent organic basis, for example, numbness, or loss of sen- communicate, sometimes described as mutism (Porges,
sory function like ‘‘hysterical blindness’’ (Nijenhuis, Van 1995), or ‘‘et vox faucibus hæsit’’ (and my voice stuck in
Engen, Kusters, & Van der Hart, 2001; Nijenhuis et al., my throat) as Vergil has put it, seems adaptive at this stage.
1998). Accordingly, we have found that in stages of shut- Whereas movement and vocalization must be put on com-
down as well as during later reappearance of dissociative plete hold during contact with the offender, on termination
states, reality construction becomes more difficult. These of threat imminence, pain perception returns and instigates

World Health Organization. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines.
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1991.

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recuperative behavior (Bolles & Fanselow, 1980), including time of investigation. They reported that dissociation had
behaviors directed at injuries, grooming behavior, and rest- been a defense they had used throughout their lives to
ing behavior serving to promote healing. The recupera- escape overwhelming experiences. The lack of autonomic
tive stage may be considered mainly as a response to response often observed in PTSD patients during dissocia-
nociceptive stimulation arising from injury and tissue dam- tive states is consistent with previous findings on deperson-
age. While stimuli predicting aversive events come to elicit alization responses. Patients even showed a decrease in heart
analgesia, the presentation of a safety signal produced an rate when they became depersonalized (Kelly & Walter,
abrupt change in pain sensitivity, essentially ‘‘switching 1968; Lader, 1975; Lader & Wing, 1966; Sierra et al.,
off’’ conditioned analgesia (Wiertelak, Watkins, & Maier, 2002).
1992). The finding that (conditioned) safety signals produce In addition, peritraumatically, during life-threat, the organ-
acute anti-analgesic effects in animals is supportive of this ism becomes insensitive to internal or external stimuli, that is,
view (Fanselow & Lester, 1988). Just as (conditioned) sig- emotions (first anger, and only later fear) and pain. It is not just
nals for danger elicit analgesia, (conditioned) signals for touch-insensitivity, but reduced nociception (analgesia) and
safety inhibit (conditioned) analgesia. Nociception, subse- numbing of feelings. A large majority of Albach’s (1993) sub-
quently, evokes recuperative behavior. jects who reported childhood sexual abuse experienced anal-
The thalamus is the principal synaptic relay for informa- gesia and kinesthetic anesthesia (insensitivity for touch). In
tion reaching the cortex (Kandel & Schwartz, 1991) and fact, analgesia was the most commonly reported ‘‘hysterical’’
thus the gateway to awareness. All sensory information, symptom. Laboratory studies with nociceptive stimulation
except for olfaction, is routed through the thalamus to the found elevated pain thresholds in dissociative patients
cerebral cortex. The thalamus thus plays a major role in reg- (Ludäscher et al., 2007; Schmahl et al., 2006) and demon-
ulating arousal, the level of awareness, activity, and con- strated fear-induced hypoalgesia (Rhudy, Grimes, &
sciousness. The adaptive response at this stage, namely Meagher, 2004). Reduced pain sensitivity under conditions
functional sensory deafferentation on the thalamic level, of high stress can be central for adaptation and survival
enables to turn or shut down vision, audition, and somato- (Mayer & Fanselow, 2003; Millan, 2002). There is ample
sensory and proprioceptive information. Changes in hearing, anecdotal evidence from soldiers or survivors of disasters that
seeing, feeling occur. The thalamus has also been suggested they could still run and take survival actions, although they
to be involved in mediating the interaction between attention were severely injured, bleeding, etc. Both pathways of pain
and arousal (Portas et al., 1998), both of which are relevant processing seem to be progressively shut down along the
to the phenomenology of traumatic stress syndromes. Tha- defense cascade: the sensory-discriminative and the affec-
lamic dysfunction in PTSD has previously been shown by tive-motivational component (Schmahl et al., 2006). During
Bremner et al. (1999) and Liberzon, Taylor, Fig, and life-threat victims do not feel pain and, probably most impor-
Koeppe (1996/1997), and also in the laboratory of Lanius tant, it does not matter to them. This rising cognitive, bodily,
et al. (2001, 2003). High levels of arousal during traumatic emotional indifference for the self, when being driven through
experiences have been hypothesized to lead to altered tha- the defense cascade, is the requirement to ensure survival.
lamic sensory processing (Krystal, Bennett, Bremner, When the victim is about to be attacked, analgesia and numb-
Southwick, & Charney, 1995), which in turn results in a dis- ing is functional: Perception of pain (nociception) or fear
ruption of transmission of sensory information to the cortex, should not initiate recuperative behavior or draw attention
cingulate gyrus, amygdala, and hippocampus. Hence, and lead to defensive behavior.
Krystal, Bremner, Southwick, and Charney (1998) have sug-
gested that this mechanism may enable dissociative symp-
toms. It is interesting to note that in contrast to those with
dissociative responses, persons who showed flashback/reliv-
Stage 4 = Fright (Tonic Immobility –
ing/hyperarousal responses exhibited significantly less acti- Unresponsive Immobility) – Inhibition
vation of the thalamus when confronted with trauma of Aggression Through Muscle Restraining
scripts (Lanius et al., 2003). Survivors of traumatic events When Being Overwhelmed by Threat
who have experienced peritraumatic dissociative shut-down
(e.g., skin contact with offender, presence of contaminating ‘‘The frightened man stands like a statue motionless
body fluids, and body penetration) often do not report imme-
. . . the heart beats quickly and violently, . . . for the
diate intrusive reexperiencing after the abuse; the emergence
skin instantly becomes pale, as during incipient faint-
of involuntary sensory information about the events can be
delayed for years or decades. In the study of Lanius et al. ness. This paleness of the surface however, is proba-
(2002) PTSD subjects who experienced dissociative bly in large part, or exclusively, due to the
responses to traumatic script-driven imagery reported that vasomotor centre being affected in such a manner as
‘‘I was looking down at myself from above,’’ ‘‘I was to cause the contraction of the small arteries of the
detached from my body,’’ ‘‘I was completely zoned out skin . . . and the superficial muscles shiver . . . the
and floating,’’ or ‘‘I was emotionless’’ during the script-dri- breathing is hurried . . . the mouth becomes dry . . .
ven imagery procedure. All PTSD patients included in this one of the bestmarked symptoms is the trembling of
study had chronic histories of emotional, physical, and sex- all the muscles of the body . . . ’’ (Charles Darwin,
ual abuse beginning in childhood, often continuing to the The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals).

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Fright can be understood as the turning point at which the fixed eye gaze (Dixon, 1998), reducing visual input from
the change from the rising to the falling phase occurs, being the offender and thereby decreasing distress and arousal. At
essentially uninterrupted as it proceeds into the faint. The a later stage, a ‘‘waxy flexibility’’ is present.
imminent stage is characterized by coactivation of the sym- Thus, the core catatonic symptoms of stupor, mutism,
pathetic and parasympathetic system (Löw, Lang, Smith, & and immobility are directly linked to tonic immobility. In
Bradley, 2008; Ogden et al., 2006). The high dual auto- the past, this was for a long time seen as a consequence
nomic tone is known as a risk for sudden cardiac death of ‘‘very severe physical or mental stress . . . [such as] a very
(Skinner, 1988, 1985). terrifying experience’’ (Kahlbaum, 1874/1973, p. 31). The
The heightened muscle tonus, which enables better patient remains entirely motionless, without speaking,
action performance, causes the muscles to be overly tense devoid of any will to move or react to any stimuli. The gen-
beyond a certain threshold, as well as rigid, and movements eral impression conveyed by such patients is one of pro-
to become slow and difficult. At this stage overt behavioral found mental anguish or an immobility induced by severe
actions are not an option; skeletal muscles tense to a stage of mental shock. All in all, these patients give the impression
tonic immobility. ‘‘Playing dead’’ in the early ethological lit- of the deepest mental pain, of being paralyzed after a great
erature, or the technical term ‘‘fright,’’ best captures the fright. Finally, Krystal (1993) argued that catalepsy or cata-
Kraepelinean concept of ‘‘Schreck’’ as in ‘‘Schreckneuro- tanoid reactions seen in human beings under conditions of
sen’’ (1896). Tonic immobility has also been used to profound helplessness were akin to animal immobility, both
describe the paralysis, which often immobilizes animals of which he characterized as submissive responses in the
such as rodents or birds and a similar state is known from face of unavoidable danger.
invertebrates when they feel threatened by a predator. The The lack of movement in unresponsive immobility has a
immobility of the organism during the fright stage reminds fast on and off switch, but can last from a few seconds to
the observer of spastic paralysis. It looks as if the organism many hours (Gallup & Maser, 1977) depending on the spe-
is ‘‘frozen like ice’’ (temporary gross motor inhibition) cies and the situation. Marks (1987, pp. 68–69) conveys that
because of the stiffness involved. This metaphor is used in during extreme fear, human beings may be ‘‘scared stiff’’ or
much of the trauma literature referring to ‘‘freezing’’ as ‘‘frozen with fear.’’ A paralyzed conscious state with abrupt
immobility of the body. (Note that the term ‘‘freezing’’ in onset and termination is reported from survivors of attacks
this context should be avoided, as it is already reserved by wild animals, by shell-shocked soldiers, and by rape vic-
for the OR; see above). In tonic immobility, the organism tims (Rocha-Rego et al., 2008; Suarez & Gallup, 1979).
is emotionally aroused and full of fear, yet unresponsive Rape-induced tonic immobility was first noted by Suarez
to even painful stimulation and the posture, which may be and Gallup: inability to move, inability to call out or scream,
held for long periods of time, often appears bizarre (Gallup no loss of consciousness/recall of details of the attack,
& Rager, 1996; Ratner, 1967). Memory functions are mainly apparent analgesia, that is, numbness and insensitivity to
intact since learning is not disrupted (Gallup, Boren, Suarez, pain. The researchers noted as well a sensation of feeling
Wallnau, & Gagliardi, 1980) at this stage. While the efferent cold and shivering. We assign the feeling of cold and trem-
pathways are already inhibited, the afferent pathways and bling to the consequences of adrenaline and vasodilatation
central processing capabilities remain still intact until a later whereby body warmth is lost fast and leads to shivering
stage. Tonic immobility or ‘‘unresponsive immobility’’ has (medical ‘‘shock’’). Tonic immobility guarantees negative
been defined by Marks (1987) as ‘‘the sudden onset of pro- or quiescent behavior even in the presence of massive aver-
longed stillness and decreased responsivity in a previously sive stimulation (Foley, 1938), a stilled organism that makes
active animal in the face of threatening stimulation’’ no attempt to struggle for freedom or fight. Fear plus the
(p. 60). The organism appears dead or unresponsive to physical prevention of flight seem to bring on the response
exteroceptive stimuli, internally the animal is highly alert named catatonic trance, action inhibition, or ‘‘death feign-
(Marx, Forsyth, Gallup, Fusé, & Lexington, 2008). This ing,’’ which appears suddenly (Moore & Amstey, 1962;
unresponsive immobility is elicited most easily during Pavlov, 1923).
intense fear and some form of physical restraint or percep- In the PTSD literature tonic immobility has been referred
tion of entrapment (Marx et al., 2008; Moskowitz, 2004). to as peritraumatic panic-like symptoms. The peritraumatic
In human beings, tonic immobility can be understood as a panic reaches its maximum in the fright response, which
defensive strategy, developed during an extended period of may enhance survival when there is no longer a perceived
evolution in which human beings had to face predators in possibility of escaping or winning a fight or when there is
much the same way many animals do today, and designed direct physical contact with the perpetrator (Bracha,
to maximize the individual’s chances of surviving a poten- Williams, Ralston, Bracha, & Matsukawa, 2004). The clin-
tially lethal attack, for example a murderous killing. An ical relevance of immobility as a survival response may best
immobile prey animal is less likely to be killed and eaten be illustrated in relation to the behavior of certain victims of
(Marx et al., 2008). Tonic immobility or ‘‘thanatosis’’ is a violence or sexual assault who exhibit extreme passivity
process by which mammals feign death in order to evade during the assault. Here again, an understanding of the
unwelcome attention (Miyatake et al., 2004; Pasteur, genetically prepared nature of the response might help to
1982). Such catatonia can be understood as an evolution- ameliorate this dimension of the painful memories that pla-
ary-based fear response (Moskowitz, 2004), with features gue some victims who wonder why they did not put up
such as immobility, decreased vocalization, analgesia, more of a fight. For a long time clinicians, researchers,
‘‘waxy flexibility,’’ and evidence of alertness as well as and legal advocates wondered why only a minority

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of battered women who report childhood sexual and physi- b) ‘‘Holding still’’ to reduce risk of tissue damage: for
cal abuse actively resisted the perpetrator (Albach, 1993; example, a penetrated rape victim or a victim having
Draijer, 1990). Barlow (Barlow, 2004; Burgess & sharp objects touching the surface of the skin. When
Holmstrom, 1974, 1976) argues that immobility behavior the skin is contacted by sharp objects (a knife, teeth)
had been overlooked since motor inhibition as evidenced or penetrated at an orifice of the body, heavy move-
in animals had not been thought to occur in human beings. ments, struggling, or pulling away with a sudden move
But since the 1970s the parallel to animal immobility behav- will cause even more tissue damage and damage to
ior became obvious. For example, Suarez and Gallup (1979) mucous membranes, as well as deeper wounds. A more
described similarities between tonic immobility and rape- recent study showed that childhood sexual abuse
induced paralysis as follows: Changes in body temperature, involving attempted or completed penile/vaginal pene-
numbness, analgesia, suppressed vocal behavior, and vivid
tration was more likely to be associated with increased
recall of details. In a later stage another form of immobility
experiencing of tonic immobility, and reports of tonic
(flaccidity) will dominate (see below).
Since tonic immobility is elicited by extreme fear and help- immobility were associated with greater current psy-
lessness in animals and human beings, younger and weaker chological impairment (Heidt, Marx, & Forsyth, 2005).
organisms (i.e., children and women) will show this type of c) ‘‘Eliminating cues’’ for predatory behavior: stiffening
reaction with higher likelihood and frequency compared to of the voluntary muscles can occur during direct phys-
adults or males. Tonic immobility is most useful when a ical contact with the carnivore or the human predator.
slow-moving vulnerable organism (like the opossum) is con- Tonic immobility increases survival chances even
fronted with a life-threatening situation involving mobile, when physical contact has been made, because move-
large predators (Nesse, 1999). On the other hand, proximity ment cues are critical releasing stimuli for predatory
of danger plays a critical role for the onset of immobility. In pri- behavior, and immobility eliminates these cues. Sur-
mates, man included, ‘‘fright’’ with tonic immobility is known viving through ‘‘motionless pretending to be dead’’
to occur on seeing conspecifics that are being threatened, has its evolutionary roots as a defense mechanism
frightened, or mutilated, as a cue for live threat in the surround- against predators. Predation tests demonstrated that
ings (Azevedo et al., 2005; Facchinetti, Imbiriba, Azevedo, prey, which struggles or moves when attacked, is killed
Vargas, & Volchan, 2006; Hebb, 1946). We have many reports and eaten, but if prey remains immobile, feigning
of child soldiers showing tonic immobility (not flaccid immo- death, the predator loses interest and the prey survives
bility) when witnessing man slaughter. As accurately (Miyatake et al., 2004).
expressed in Goethe’s Faust however, ‘‘blood is a juice of very d) ‘‘Escape preparedness’’ in case there is a chance to
special kind.’’ From our recent data we conclude that opposite resume flight: captured prey that becomes tonically
to females it can act as a rewarding cue in male human hunters immobile rather than struggling and fighting may
(Elbert & Weierstall, in press). In a fighter, fainting would be increase its chance of escaping when the predator tem-
fatal or result in a drop in social hierarchy as key fitness indi-
porarily loosens the grip under the assumption that its
cator. In noncombatants, however, fainting in response to the
prey is indeed dead. In mammals, struggling prey is
sight or smell of blood may have evolved as an adaptive stress
response that aided survival of victims during combat. For a only held on to until resistance subsides. It is also a
noncombatant woman or preadolescent child, however, an response that may be adaptive in human beings when
approaching sharp object, experiencing skin penetration, or there is no possibility to escape or win a fight (Perry,
spilled fresh blood may be a crucial turning point from which Pollard, Blakely, Baker, & Vigilante, 1995) and this
onwards continued fight with its elevated sympathetic arousal behavior is in fact recommended by park authorities
may be an ineffective survival strategy, as opposed to fainting for encounters with a grizzly bear. An organism in
(Bienvenu & Eaton, 1998; Salazar, 2000). Epidemiological tonic immobility is immobile but is markedly tachycar-
data support this view as syncopal response to blood, injection, dic, vasoconstricted, hyperalert, and prepared to flee in
and injury is significantly less common among adult men, with a moment of opportunity, a state that also characterizes
puberty as a turning point (Agras, Sylvester, & Oliveau, 1969; human catatonia. It is often followed by assaultive
Costello, 1982; Trouern-Trend, Cable, Badon, Newman, & behavior, at times directly out of a stuporous state
Popovsky, 1999). Tonic immobility is almost always dis- (Fink & Taylor, 2003).
played when the person is overwhelmed by threat and not
allowed and not able to act aggressively against the threat.
Thus immobility functions to supress anger in the victim When the aggressor approaches rapidly and comes close,
and acts bidirectionally to inhibit aggression in a number of the organism can for a short time again dramatically change
ways: its behavior (Fanselow & Lester, 1988) in that it suddenly
displays an explosive escape response (Hirsch & Bolles,
1980) in conjunction with aggressive behavior (Kalin,
a) ‘‘Submission’’ after other strategies (like escaping, 1993). This fact demonstrates that high aggressive arousal
screaming, and fighting back) have failed in order to (anger) is inhibited at that stage but present. If these explo-
stop aggression (Marx et al., 2008): for example, a tod- sive responses do not eliminate contact, immobility may
dler shows a fright reaction as the adult displays rising return, reducing the likelihood of continued attack
aggression. (Fanselow & Lester, 1988). This assaultiveness, well known

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in catatonia of human beings, is only present during cata- have evolved as a guard against the danger of cardiac failure
tonic states of immobility. Further on in the cascade, once during inescapable attacks. The inhibition of the sympathetic
the vagal tone has increased and tonic immobility has chan- system in conjunction with a marked activation of the para-
ged to flaccid immobility (see next chapter), the ability of sympathetic system will lead to vasodilation and an extraor-
acting out is no longer present. dinary drop in heart rate and blood pressure. A satisfactory
A person’s sensory processing (sight, hearing, smell, theory for this vasovagal syncope, however, is still absent
taste, and touch), of kinesthetic (perception of movement (Bizios & Sheldon, 2009; Van Dijk & Sheldon, 2008).
and muscular sense) and somesthetic (sensory data derived A widely held misbelief regarding bloodletting-related faint-
from skin, muscles, and body organs) stimuli normally con- ing assumes that fainting increases the probability of sur-
tinuously serves the perceiving self as evidence that it resides vival through minimizing blood loss. This neglects the
‘‘in’’ the physical body: Somatic processing ordinarily is fact that the major loss of blood in survivors results from
integrated with a sense of self. Some patients describe that venous injury and is thus unaffected by pressure in the arter-
they leave the body during the traumatic event. Out-of-body ies. On the contrary, vasodilation will lead to a greater loss
experiences (depersonalization) seem to be a dissociation of blood in response to injury than during the Flight-Fight
between sensory processing of somatic events and the sense stages. Vasoconstriction and tachycardia rather than vasodi-
of self or identity. If all sensory and physiological informa- latation and bradycardia are the adaptive initial responses to
tion, emotions, and pain perceptions are shut down at a cer- blood loss (Bracha, Williams, Haynes, et al., 2004).
tain stage of the defense cascade and if there is no longer the Vasovagal reactions are known to be caused by excess
usual continuous feedback, the self inevitably must interpret vagal tone and decreased sympathetic skeletal muscle
its own physical position as outside of the body. response to central nervous system stimulation (for example,
There have been discussions about the question whether fear), with the outcome of a hypotensive-bradycardic reflex
dissociation exists because biology has equipped us with the syndrome: Inadequate vasoconstriction with an abrupt drop
gift of a gracious death. However, ‘‘good dying’’ does not in systolic blood pressure, followed shortly by profound bra-
underlie selection pressure in evolution. Those who have dycardia and a decrease in cardiac output (Marchiondo,
the ability to die with ease do not pass on this attribute to 2010). Threat-induced flaccid immobility up to fainting, a
their offspring through natural selection. On the contrary, response also seen in blood-injection-injury phobia, could
the shut-down reaction is solely a matter of surviving and therefore have evolved as a guard against the danger of car-
it is important to look at its survival indicators to come up diac failure during inescapable attacks to reduce myocardial
with an evidence-based model for its treatment. oxygen consumption when cardiac strain is (expected to be)
excessive (‘‘heart defense hypothesis’’; Alboni et al., 2008).
In humans, hypotension and bradycardia are finally respon-
sible for loss of consciousness as a result of global cerebral
Stages 5 and 6 = Flag and Faint: hypoperfusion (Brignole et al., 2004). A horizontal position
secures blood supply to the brain.
Facing Contamination and Fainting seems to be mediated through disgust (Curtis &
Penetration/Invasion May Result in Biran, 2001), which enables emotional responses to poten-
tially infectious or noxious material in advance of actual
Flaccid Immobility (Unresponsive contact with such material, to avoid pathogens and their tox-
Immobility) or Even Fainting ins or invasive procedures (Marchiondo, 2010). Across cul-
tures, disgust is universally elicited by disease-salient
Stage 5 of the defense armament encompasses forms of dis- contacts such as bodily secretions, viscous substances, ver-
sociation and is characterized by reduced sympathetic arou- min, and sick or dirty people (Curtis, Aunger, & Rabie,
sal and passivity or a ‘‘shut-down’’ peripherally dominated 2004). Experiencing, witnessing, or listening to situations
by vagal activity. The survival value of these massive perceived as ‘‘disgusting’’ (e.g., mucus/stool, suctioning,
threat-induced changes in CNS and ANS regulatory control wounds, colostomies) can trigger vasovagal reactions
as well as its evolutionary roots are still under debate. Some (Marchiondo, 2010). Even chimpanzees avoid faeces and
have argued that threat-induced flaccid immobility with its show disgust reactions (Goodall, 1976). Vasovagal syncopes
vasovagal shut-down may be a uniquely human response as a consequence of strong emotional stimuli such as fear,
that only evolved during middle paleolithic conspecific vio- pain, and disgust are a common problem in emergency
lence (Bracha, 2004) while others note that it involves sim- aid and critical care (Dennin & Haupt, 2009). The finding
ilar physiological mechanisms as in other vertebrates, that blood-injection-injury phobics as well as healthy people
pointing to a much earlier and common evolutionary root may faint in the presence of blood or injury (e.g.,
in mammals (Alboni et al., 2008), the ‘‘alarm bradycardia’’ Kleinknecht, Thorndike, & Walls, 1996; Kroeger, Atkinson,
as a decrease in heart rate during fear-induced immobility. Marcuse, & Pickering, 2006) also points to the possible
Probably, both views hold parts of the truth: during a long involvement of disgust, as strong and unopposed (parasym-
history of violent intraspecific attacks and violence, evolu- pathetic) disgust reactions may promote fainting. Indeed,
tion will have reshaped the pan-mammalian defense reper- vasovagal syncopes, triggered by ‘‘blood’’ as a cue, are con-
toire specifically in homo sapiens. trolled by the same pan-mammalian physiological mecha-
Threat-induced flaccid immobility up to fainting, a nism that regulates disgust (Marks, 1988; Page, 1994).
response also seen in blood-injection-injury phobia, could Sexual violence and forced penetration provoke an intense

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118 M. Schauer & T. Elbert: Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress

disgust reaction, as does the sight of blood (Berntson, effort from the survivor, language production fails; the
Cacioppo, Quigley, & Fabro, 1994; Merckelbach, Muris, mouth might open, but there is no vocal sound. The central
de Jong, & de Jongh, 1999). Disgust and the associated phe- skeletal muscles are flagging, so that the posture subsides.
nomena of nausea and vomiting are thought to have evolved The patient reports that perception of internal or external
to prevent physical contact with disgusting stimuli (Cisler, stimuli becomes attenuated, sounds and voices become dis-
Olantunji, & Lohr, 2008) and protect omnivores from the tant, visual stimuli fade or become unreal (derealization).
risk of ingesting pathogen-laden food. Spontaneous vomit- Kinesthetic, somesthetic, nociceptive stimuli no longer seem
ing is seen as an automatic reflex of involuntarily rejecting to reach the central processing units, causing changes in
material that is disgusting to see, taste, smell, or feel around body awareness and loss of control (depersonalization).
orifices of the body. Withdrawal and avoidance are likely to Numbness prevails. During reactivation of flaccid immobil-
increase survival. Page (1994) noted that ‘‘when the (para- ity, there is often a more or less intense feeling of nausea
sympathetic) processes underlying disgust combine with a present as well. Conscious processing of the events becomes
homeostatic increase in parasympathetic activity (which limited, making meaning seems irrelevant. The crucial dif-
counteracts the initial sympathetically mediated fight or ference between flaccid and tonic immobility (or catatonic
flight response), the joint effect may produce a pattern of states) is, that in a more progressed flag state, emotional
vascular and vagal responding responsible for fainting’’ involvement fades away, that is, no action dispositions are
(p. 452). People with blood-injection-injury phobia exhibit assembled and memory consolidation becomes weak and
a unique biphasic response pattern of typical sympathetic later rehearsal more difficult. It may require minutes to hours
followed by massive parasympathetic activation. This bipha- for a patient to be oriented in reality.
sic process may account for the fainting that is observed in up
to 75% of people with this condition when they are exposed
to phobic stimuli. Disgust has become implicated in the
vasovagal syncope response because it is associated with Reenactment of the Defense Stages
parasympathetic activity and reductions in diastolic blood When the Fear Network Is Triggered
pressure leading to fainting sensations (Page, 2003).
Although the disgust-fainting relationship in blood-injec- Due to Reminders or During Exposure
tion-injury phobia has not been a consistent finding (Olatunji Therapy
et al., 2006), there is consistent evidence that people with this
phobia report more intense disgust than controls. Learning associations between cues in the environment gives
While a trauma reminder may produce strong post-trau- organisms the ability to predict impending danger. The last
matic anxiety and arousal in a patient who had responded few decades of research have established that these stimu-
with flight/fight during the traumatic stressor, a patient with lus-danger or fear associations are formed in the amygdala
flag conditioning would be highly unresponsive and disen- (Schiller & Johansen, 2009). Repeated experience of trau-
gaged. In contrast to tonic immobility, flaccid immobility matic stress forms a fear network (see Figure 2) that can
has a slow onset and slow termination. Only over the course become pathologically detached from contextual cues such
of several minutes dissociative reactions begin to dominate as time and location of the danger, a condition, which mani-
(an abrupt onset is observable only, once once the response fests itself as PTSD (Brewin, 2001; Elbert & Schauer, 2002;
is conditioned). The muscle stiffening changes to flaccidity, Schauer et al., 2005). Thus, survivors of life-threatening
voluntary movements stop, so does speech. Even if there is events with PTSD become ‘‘stuck’’ in the trauma. Intrusions

Figure 2. Illustration of a fear

explosion tremor network in response to multiple
fire traumatic stressors.
It’s too
fast emotion
I will breathing
tension motorbike

I can’t do ception
nausea desperation

neighbor disgust connections
alcohol beatings


Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127  2010 Hogrefe Publishing
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can therefore be understood as repetitive displays of parts/ Those who experienced multiple and extreme trauma, how-
fragments of the events, which then elicit a corresponding ever, may soon stop to respond physiologically and report that
response set that can be dominated by hyperarousal (Stages they feel numb and unreal. This more clinical and anecdotal
2 and 3) or by dissociation (Stages 5 and 6), depending on observation suggests that, just as the mind has a way of turning
the history of conditioning of physiological responses during off strong emotions in overwhelming situations, the body can
the actual life-threatening experiences in the past. also turn off some of its stress responses, if feelings of terror
Trauma-related emotional experiences are coded in mem- and helplessness were strong. In another study (Ray et al.,
ory as networks of mutually exciting chunks or information 2006) we observed that dissociative experiences are reflected
units. When one or several units are activated by cues, the in slow abnormal brainwaves, with generators residing in left
activity spreads to adjacent units. Depending on the strength ventro-lateral frontal cortex, an area that contributes to our
of activation, the entire structure may be engaged. The post- ability to verbalize and to executive functioning, that is, the
traumatic ‘‘fear network’’ may also be activated through nar- ability to plan, prepare, and be disposed for actions. In addi-
rative techniques, for example, when the survivor reports parts tion, these brain regions mirror and reflect the behavior of oth-
of his or her experiences. This will also activate the related ers and oneself (mirror neuron system). Focally generated
support physiology of behavioral responses that have been slow waves as observed in this study often appear around
engaged during the traumatic experience (Lang, 1979, structural or functional brain lesions. Correspondingly, we
1984; Lang et al., 2000). Hence, we postulate that any activa- interpreted our findings of this left frontal brain activity as a
tion of the trauma-related fear network will facilitate action sign of decoupling of these brain regions from both sensory
replay of the defense behaviors the survivor has undergone experience and action – the only response that seems possible
peritraumatically. Repeated experience of traumatic stress during the extreme helplessness induced by serious torture but
may therefore produce at least two major subtypes of clinical that has devastating consequences later in life, as this brain
symptom profiles, observable in the physiological responding reorganization is maintained even when the torture is over.
during post-trauma exposure (Schauer & Elbert, 2008): To summarize these findings we can conclude that those
Patients who experienced sympathetic activation (only) in patients who merely underwent repeated sympathetic arou-
response to the stressor show few signs of (shut-down) disso- sal during events show activation during exposure
ciation and passive avoidance during exposure treatment (‘‘uproar-PTSD – Type 1’’; typically called ‘‘simple
(Type 1), whereas those who went down the entire 6-F defense trauma’’) and those who, at least once, reached the flag state
cascade, ending in parasympathetic dominance during the will show dissociative shut-down reactions when reminded
trauma, produce a corresponding replay of physiological of the trauma (‘‘shut-down-PTSD – Type 2’’; typically
responding when reminded by a cue (Type 2). The actual indi- called ‘‘complex trauma’’). Therefore, a trauma-focused
vidual cascade of defense stages a survivor has gone through approach, which is necessary to overcome the trauma spec-
during the traumatic event will repeat itself every time the fear trum disorders, requires the management of dissociative
network – which has evolved peritraumatically – is activated stages (fright, flag, and faint) and this has obviously impor-
again (i.e., through internal or external triggers or during expo- tant treatment implications.
sure therapy). In relation to Figure 1, the two PTSD types may
therefore be placed on the upstroke (uproar) (Type 1) or the
downfall (shut-down) (Type 2) of the curve. A third type, posi-
tioned at the top, would manifest itself clinically among other Self-Injury as a Means to Induce
symptoms in catatonia when the fear network is reactivated. Vasovagal Shut-Down
Dissociative responses are easily subject to conditioning
(Bolles & Fanselow, 1980). In addition to classical condi- Dissociative symptoms are common in borderline personal-
tioning, instrumental learning may reinforce the likelihood ity disorders (BPD) and the majority of patients meet the cri-
of dissociative responding. Survivors of trauma, who were teria for dissociative disorder diagnoses (e.g., Korzekwa,
rewarded with survival as a result of their ‘‘shut-down’’ dur- Dell, Links, Thabane, & Fougere, 2009). Characteristic for
ing the offense, will also show a strong vasovagal dissocia- BPD is self-harming behavior including severe forms, such
tive response when confronted with trauma reminders, even as cutting and burning. By self-injurious behavior patients
decades later (Pitman, van der Kolk, Orr, & Greenberg, may receive tension reduction and mood elevation from
1990; Van der Kolk, Pitman, & Orr, 1989). stress-induced aversive states or anxiety (Bohus et al.,
In our recent studies we could confirm the two subtypes 2000; Klonsky, Oltmanns, & Turkheimer, 2003; Russ
of responding. In survivors of organized violence, including et al., 1992). Hence self-injurious behavior usually occurs
sexual abuse and torture, we measured plasma and salivary in response to emotional stress or anxiety (Bierer et al.,
cortisol levels and found that physical entrapment, body and 2003; Yates, 2004). Self-injurious behavior appears to rap-
mucosa contact with the offender and penetration by the per- idly lower an escalating heart rate (Novak, 2003).
petrator (especially rape vs. not being raped) during the Based on the present model, we suggest that self-mutilat-
traumatic event, modulated later cortisol responses to trauma ing behavior facilitates tension relief through setting in
reminders (Gola et al., 2010). motion the flag state. Self-mutilating behavior serves to
When survivors of severe human rights violations first initiate dissociation in the form of flaccid immobility. When
speak about the trauma, for example, during a hearing or dur- mutilating the skin surface (i.e., cutting), a vasovagal reac-
ing exposure therapy, we can literally see that their hearts race, tion is launched. During this ‘‘shut-down’’ blood pressure
their hands become sweaty, and their breathing is heavy. and heart rate down, together with a fading emotional

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120 M. Schauer & T. Elbert: Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress

tension and a termination of ruminating thoughts, worries, c) presence of fresh blood, mutilated bodies;
and troubles, etc. The potentially reinforcing effects of d) being contaminated, contact to infectious material such
self-injurious behavior may account for the failure of some as mucosa and body fluids, including sperms, urine,
treatment regimens. We conclude that borderline patients and feces;
induce their own relaxing dissociative shut-down response e) anal, vaginal, or oral penetration of the victim;2 and
(type 2) as a learned response. f) severe pain being inflicted on the victim.

Management of Dissociative Fright, How to Notice the Onset

Flag, and Faint Reactions During of Dissociative Shut-Down During
Trauma Treatment Exposure?
Emotional engagement in traumatic memory is a necessary ‘‘I have also noticed that under fear there is a strong ten-
condition for successful processing of the event and resul- dency to yawn.’’ (Charles Darwin, The Expression of the
tant recovery (Breuer & Freud, 1895; Foa & Kozak, 1986; Emotions in Man and Animals.)
Horowitz, 1986; Jaycox et al., 1998). Fear activation during
exposure therapy is usually positively related to treatment When confronted with traumatic material, there is – at
outcome (Borkovec & Sides, 1979; Foa & Kozak, 1986; least initially – a brief increase in sympathetic arousal, the
Foa, Riggs, Massie, & Yarczower, 1995). In trauma survi- ‘‘uproar’’ branch is activated even in survivors with ‘‘shut-
vors, however, exposure may reactivate the flag state or even down’’ PTSD types. During a period of agitation, heartbeat
result in fainting. When the survivor responded peritraumat- (palpitation) and blood pressure are rising, vasoconstriction
ically with vasovagal shut-down or has even fainted during (cold hands and pale face) and elevated emotional and phys-
the event, a replay of these responses and emotions during iological arousal can be observed. However, bodily numb-
treatment will quickly result in therapeutic failure. The ing along with slight paralysis mainly in the legs are signs
patient cannot properly hear and see the therapist any longer, that dissociative shut-down stages will be entered soon. Sud-
is not capable to narrate and react, disabled to respond and den yawning in the middle of the arousing exposure or tin-
move, and incompetent to reprocess emotion or cognition. nitus may indicate that hypotension has already set in
During treatment, patients with the dissociative shut-down (yawning can support blood pressure and heartbeat fre-
form of PTSD, so called ‘‘complex trauma’’ patients, need quency elevation (Platek, Mohamed, & Gallup, 2005)).
assistance to actively fight the replay risk of vasovagal dom- The hands become warm and the skin may change slowly
inance (i.e., loss of blood pressure, bradycardia, vasodilata- from pale to red. The patient reports dizziness, blurred
tion, and eventually fainting). Activation (active motoric vision, and weakness of the muscles. The three main areas
engagement) may help to maintain arousal and prevent of behavioral changes that characterize a shut-down reaction
immobility. Relaxation techniques are at this point contrain- peritraumatically can also be observed later, when recalling
dicated since they would aggravate the cardiovascular prob- the traumatic experiences:
lem and support fainting. During the first times when
confronting such a fear network, recall of the trauma mate- 1. Functional sensory deafferentation: incoming stimuli
rial should be paralleled with forced reality testing and ther- seem not to reach beyond the gates in spinal cord
apist’s active engagement in directive guidance the very and thalamus, they are perceived as weak, distant,
moment sings of flagging or fainting appear (for specific and unreal. During treatment, the patient may become
intervention, please see Table 1). unresponsive, with unfocused gaze.
In most of the trauma-focused techniques, information 2. Reversible palsy leads to a visible decrease of bodily
about the traumatic material is available before the beginning movements and immobility, posturing and waxy flexi-
of the session, no matter whether the events are worked bility also during treatment.
through in chronological biographical order (Narrative Expo- 3. Inhibition or disconnection of areas responsible for
sure Therapy – NET, Schauer et al., 2005), or in hierarchical language processing and production of speech
order (i.e., EMDR, prolonged exposure). Characteristics of (unclear/confused speech, fragmentation of sentences,
events that may elicit dissociative fright, flag, or faint are: inability to speak, and almost no or belated response
to acoustic stimuli).
a) imminence of threat/aggressor and total helplessness,
for example, direct body contact with the perpetrator, fixa- We assume that any of these areas can be instrumentally
tion (constraint), skin contact, and danger of skin penetra- conditioned in isolation and that respective states, like
tion (specially sharp objects, for example, teeth and knife); functional blindness or palsy of a limb, may become tonic.
b) rapid arousal peak, often with startle, due to unex- Consequently, ICD-10 classifies conversion disorders as dis-
pected and sudden proximity of threat or aggressor; sociative disorders.

Fainting through penetration is not only associated with sexual penetration, it can also occur when instruments are inserted in the body. For
instance, the aspiration of lungs in a newborn baby may cause reflexive bradycardia.

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Table 1. Therapeutic intervention

Therapeutic intervention Therapeutic intervention
when ‘‘uproar’’ is dominant when ‘‘shut-down’’ is dominant
during the exposure session during the exposure session
Activation of elements of the fear Activation of elements of the fear network in relation
network in relation to their to their autobiographical context, supported
autobiographical context and interrupted by continuous reality testing and
(space and time when event has - cardiovascular activation
happened). - sensory stimulation
- encouragement of speech production
until trauma material can be processed without shut-down.

Sensory- Emphasize the exploration of Emphasize the exploration of sensory details of the
afferent sensory details of the past traumatic past traumatic event, comparing/contrasting with
event, comparing/contrasting with sensations and emotions in the present during recall.
sensations and emotions in the + stimulation of the senses in the here and now,
present during recall. for example: present positive fragrances (e.g., lemon)
or tasting samples (peppermint oil or chili gum),
switch on bright light, present tactile information
(e.g., texture, ice-packs), lead attention to auditory
stimuli in the here and now.
Motor- Emphasize activation of the skeletal muscles, enhance
afferent blood pressure and muscle tonus (above all, use applied tension,
physical exercises, leg crossing, physical counter
pressure maneuvers) and use body balancing tasks.
Language Emphasize the narration of the Emphasize the narration of the past traumatic scene,
processing past traumatic scene. supported by the facilitation of continuous narrative
engagement in the here and now (e.g., active communication;
enhance speech production).
Emotional Support the full emotional Support the full emotional expression, allowing
processing expression. and promoting specifically anger affect that has
been inhibited peritraumatically.
Nutritional Pay attention to adequate nutrition
demands (caution for malnutrition/eating disorders);
increase dietary salt and fluid intake in daily life; advise to
drink water (approx. 500 ml, if tolerated) just before exposure
to trauma material.

Counteract and abstain from:

• Termination of exposure before • Termination of exposure before contextualization and

contextualization and integration integration could take place.
could take place (i.e., avoidance). • Disengagement from the here and now.
• Relaxation (instead of activation).
• Sensory similarities between the trauma context and the
therapeutic setting.
• Stimuli that are associated with disgust or similar to
body fluids and feces (i.e., ammoniac).
• Threat cues in the here and now (instead: present safety signals).
• Semi-darkness in the room and objects for hiding
behind (e.g., large plants, furniture).

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122 M. Schauer & T. Elbert: Dissociation Following Traumatic Stress

Measures to Counteract Dissociative appear when appropriately cued. Subsyndromes, like func-
tional deafferentation or limited paralysis, may thus become
Shut-Down During the Exposure tonic like in conversion disorders. Dissociative shut-down
Therapy Session reactions following traumatic stress can be successfully trea-
ted when usual exposure techniques are complemented by
Before starting an exposure procedure with a ‘‘shut-down’’ methods that counteract flag and faint reactions. The etiolog-
prone, that is, dissociative patient, it is important that the ical model can help to understand the survivor’s psycho-
blood sugar level is in the normal range, that is, that the physiological state and provides guidelines for practical
patient has sufficient nutrition intake including salt and min- intervention techniques, depending on the particular stage
erals. Shut-down reactions like fainting and bradycardia in the cascade. The prevention of dissociative shut-down
may also be aggravated by low fluid volume such as a lack during exposure sessions not only facilitates the required
of water, low sodium intake and dehydration (Kreipe & processing of the traumatic events, it also results in a speedy
Birndorf, 2000; Pritts & Susman, 2003). On the other hand, decrease from dissociative responding in everyday life and
vasovagal reactions could be shown to decrease when hence a considerable relief for the patient. Certainly more
subjects drank water just before being exposed to sharp empirical evidence is needed to further specify the model
objects like needles or orthostatic testing (Newman et al., and to test its clinical utility for trauma-related
2007; Claydon, Schroeder, Norcliffe, Jordan, & Hainsworth, psychopathology.
Following explicit education on the causes of ‘‘shut-
down’’ reactions during recall, the therapeutic measures, Acknowledgments
which are likely to be applied during the exposure session,
must be explained and consented to by the patient. At the Research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgeme-
first signs of a shut-down process, active mobilization and inschaft and the European Refugee Fund (EFF). We thank
explicitly induced sensory contrasting of time and place con- Dr. Elisabeth Schauer and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schnyder for
texts (past vs. presence) should be initiated by the therapist their valuable comments on an earlier version of this
in parallel to the encouragement of recall of the traumatic manuscript.
event. Feared stimuli can be briefly presented, in the human
being always interrupted by reality testing, so that a vasova-
gal syncope will not be elicited and a massed series of brief
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