Argument 1

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Analytical Exposition Practice.

Page 52

Introduction (Thesis)
Television is the most popular form of entertainment in every household in
Indonesia. However, I think watching television too much especially soap operas
and dramas can have negative impacts on the viewers.

Argument 1 + Elaboration
First of all, watching television for a long time can be harmful to our health. Watching
for a long period of time has been linked to obesity and numerous other heart diseases.
This is due to the fact that sitting for a long period reduces the physical activity of an
individual. Research has also shown that too much watching of television can increase
one’s chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes. Moreover, watching for a long time can also
cause an short sightedness. This is a condition whereby a person is able to see far
objects but cannot view near objects clearly. Additionally, most televisions involve
bright colors and this is likely to worsen this condition (Judith, 2004).

Argument 2 + Elaboration
Secondly, most television programs feed us with false information. Even though most
television programs appear to report reality. Action movies for instance are full of
fantasies and children might be made to believe the lies in them. Although such movies
and programs are very entertaining, they are filled with lies which can adversely affect
children. Some advertisements that are done on television too are untrue and their
prime aim is to increase awareness of the products without focusing on other
fundamental aspects like health concerns. There are very few products, if not non that
explain the negative effects of their consumption (Lawrence, 2005).

Argument 3 + Elaboration
On top of that, too much watching of television can be a real waste of time. Most of the
time that is spent on watching of television could be used for other productive
activities. We all need to place food on the table and that cannot be done by spending
too much time in front of our televisions. In fact, no one has ever been paid for watching
television. By watching TV programs of people doing thing instead of us doing them, we
are wasting a lot of time living passively. A survey carried out in the United States
revealed that most people spend five to ten hours a day just watching television. This is
a real waste of time and it can lower the GDP because less time is spent in productive
activities (Shalom, 2004).
In conclusion, watching television has more disadvantages than its advantages. Parents should be
there to control the amount of time their children spend on television. Adults too should be prudent
enough to avoid spending too much time on television. Even though watching television can be
important in numerous ways, it is not good when it is done for long hours. Spending too much time
watching television is harmful because it is bad to our health, it feeds us with false information, it
makes one dumb and it wastes one’s time.

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