Locally Aggresive Nasal Polyp Masquerading As A Malignant Mass - A Case
Locally Aggresive Nasal Polyp Masquerading As A Malignant Mass - A Case
Locally Aggresive Nasal Polyp Masquerading As A Malignant Mass - A Case
0 531
5 authors, including:
Surabhi Mehrotra
Government Medical College, Haldwani
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All content following this page was uploaded by Surabhi Mehrotra on 26 January 2017.
Dr Arjun Raju P5
Associ.Prof. Deptt Of Radiodiagnosis GMC Haldwani
Resident Deptt Of Radiodiagnosis GMC Haldwani
Corresponding Author
Dr Rajesh Kumar Saket
P.G.Student, Deptt. Of Radiodiagnosis, Dr Shusheela Tiwari Hospital, Rampur Road Haldwani, Nainital
(UK) 263139, Mob No 09627098684
Email: rajeshsaketssmc@gmail.com
Angiomatous nasal polyp (ANP) is a rare entity of inflammatory sinonasal polyp, constituting 4 to 5% of all
nasal polyps1,2. Without knowledge of the typical clinical presentation and the complete study of imaging
findings, the entity tends to be clinically and radiologically confused with neoplastic processes and even
malignancy.5 Their diagnosis and management requires more detailed evaluation in respect to classical
antrochoanal polyps. In both antrochoanal polyps and angiomatous nasal polyps, bone destruction is seen
as a rare exceptional finding. We present an interesting case of angiomatous nasal polyp. CT finding also
supported the clinical impression of neoplastic mass but biopsy was negative for malignancy. The biopsy
confirmed the final impression of angiomatous nasal polyp.
Angiomatous antrochoanal polyps are rare variants that require special attention both at diagnosis and
during surgery. The signs of bone destruction and epistaxis suggest additional pathologies including
inverted papilloma, lobular capillary haemangioma and carcinoma as differential diagnoses.
Keywords: Antrochoanal polyp, Angiomatous nasal polyp, Bone destruction