Estructuras Conceptuales - English 2020

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 GOAL:  To understand and use basic information through everyday interaction.

RECEPTIVE SKILLS To recognize familiar Listening: The student
vocabulary and basic recognizes  simple oral
expressions The student messages and instructions.
about themselves, recognizes and
their families and their understands
sorroundings. simple messages
and instructions
basic texts, Reading: The student
posters, signs  understands the gist of
and simple basic texts, posters, signs
statements and simple statements.
regardng their

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS To use simple Speaking: The student

structures to ask and answers questions about
answer questions basic information based on
about themselves, models. 
their families and their

Writing: The student
makes relations between
iconic, non-iconic signs
and sounds. 

The student
questions about
information base
d on models, and
makes relations
between iconic,
non-iconic signs
and sounds
related to school
Grammar: The student
The student recognizes simple words
 answers and structures in a specific
questions about context. My name is…  
basic Who’s…?  
information base Can you spell…?
d on models, and Phonics.
makes relations This / these.  
between iconic, Is this a …? Yes, it is. No it
non-iconic signs isn’t.
and sounds What’s this? / What are
related to school these…?
environment.   Who’s He / She
She is… / He is…
What’s your favourite toy?
Graphs /Colours.
Family members.
The alphabet, spelling.
Numbers 1 to 20.
Classroom objects.
Prepositions: In – on –
under – next to.
Capital and small letters. 


ACTIVITIES -Listening and coloring objects in a
-Listening and placing  objects in a room.      
-Answering Yes/No questions based on
images about school.
SKILLS -Answering questions about school
vocabulary and structures learnt in class
(Reach the star).
-Short description of a picture by placing
different items in a room.
- Creating simple sentences using the school
vocabulary learned during the term.
-Unscramble sentences.

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.

TOPIC School environment

HISTORICO DE CAMBIOS: 2018: Some structur

GOAL: Can apply everyday expressions and basic phrases in real life situations, ask and answer q


RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands oral
messages and instructions
and recognise familiar
words and linguistic
The student
To understand understands
phrases and the explanations,
highest frecuency messages and
vocabulary related to instructions in
their context.  different written
To understand understands
phrases and the explanations,
highest frecuency messages and
vocabulary related to instructions in
their context.  different written Reading: The student
messages. understands instructions,
explanations and
 information in texts.

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

takes part in an interview
and gives personal

Writing: The student
composes simple
The sentences and texts using
student participat previously presented
To produce a series es in interviews models.
of short phrases and about personal
messages in terms of information using
their surroundings.  previously
Grammar: -Present
Continuous for present
actions.        -Prepositions
(above - below).    -Have
-Listening and   drawing lines to match
names to people in a picture.              
-Listening and writing words or numbers in
-Identifying simple structures and basic
vocabulary by writing Yes or No in different
-Answering yes or no questions about a short

-Interviews to family members about personal
-Writing short sentences about a friend using
the appropriate vocabulary.    
- Writing a short paragraph by using the
previously presented models.

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

TOPIC My moving world.

HISTORICO DE CAMBIOS: 2018: Some structur

 GOAL: Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and phrases about him/herself and
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands what it is said
during usual transactions
To interpret phrases
with different types of
and expressions,
short simple texts The student
containing frequency understands
vocabulary related to information about
areas of most school daily life
immediate priority; and sports orally
provided speech is and written. Reading: The student
clearly and slowly understands general ideas
articulated.  in given texts. 

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

gives short, basic
descriptions of events and

Writing: The student
creates short sentences on
To  participate in The student everyday subjects.
short conversations in creates basic and
routine contexts on short texts
topics of interest and related to school
write simple events and free
sentences and texts time activities in Grammar: Comparative
using previously oral and written adjectives.             Relative
presented models form. clauses with who/ where.  
Activities.   Adverbs of
RECEPTIVE SKILLS:              
- Identifying specific information about
places and actions.                           
-Writing words or numbers in gaps.        
-Reading a text and choosing the best
-Look, read and write Yes or No. 
-Role play in groups about topics related to
ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES his/her life at school (teachers, subjects,
classmates, restaurant, etc)
- Individual presentation about student's  
 favourite free time activity. 

-Contrasting the use of relative clauses with
who and where.    

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

TOPIC My school activities
HISTORICO DE CAMBIOS 2018: Assessment activities were standarized.

 GOAL: Can describe about  his/her background, immediate surroundings and other daily aspects.
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands and
expresses simple oral
messages and instructions
and recognises familiar
To understand The student words and linguistic
simple, short and understands structures.
illustrated texts about aural and written
everyday, ´personal messages,
and literary topics. instructions and Reading: The student
phrases related understands phrases and
to people and expressions related to
media. immediate needs.

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

communicates facts
and tasks requiring a
exchange of information.

Writing: The student

writes very short, basic
descriptions of events,
activities and personal
The student experiences
To communicate makes very short
about me, my and basic
classmates and our descriptions of
daily activities with events in a
Grammar: Present
simple sentences written and
simple. School subjects.
logically chained in a spoken way
The time.            Tv
written and oral way. about people´s
programmes. Adjectives.  
jobs and media. 
 Plans, intentions and
predictions with going to.    
- Listening for names and descriptions.          
-Listening for names, spelling and other

 - Reading and answering questions about
people’s needs and plans.
-Reading right and wrong sentences about a
picture by writing yes or no.

 - Role play about TV programmes.
 -Writing a brochure displaying the jobs
students are planning for their future.       
 - Writing a review of a tv programme or film
based on a model.  

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

People and media.
HISTORICO DE CAMBIOS 2018: No changes were made

 GOAL: The student will be able to communicate tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of informati


RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands phrases and
very high frequency
vocabulary related to
areas of the most
immediate personal

To  understand
sentences and The student
frequently-used identifies phrases Reading: The student
expressions related to and expressions reads short simple texts,
areas of most  related to including short, simple
immediate relevance familiar topics in personal letters and
(e.g. very basic oral and written emails.
personal and family texts about high
information, shopping, technology in
local geography, space travelling.

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

communicates in simple
and routine tasks requiring
a simple and
direct exchange of
information on familiar
topics and activities.

The student
communicates in
To communicate in
simple and
simple and routine
routine tasks,
tasks requiring a
writing short
simple and direct
notes, messages
exchange of
and emails about
information on familiar
high technology
and routine matters.
and space
The student
communicates in
To communicate in
simple and
simple and routine
routine tasks, Writing: The student
tasks requiring a
writing short writes short simple notes,
simple and direct
notes, messages messages, and emails
exchange of
and emails about relating to matters
information on familiar
high technology in areas of immediate
and routine matters.
and space need.

Grammar: Future with

Going to and will. Clauses:
who, where, which.

RECEPTIVE SKILLS                   
 -Listening for names and descriptions.  
-Listen, color, draw and write.  

 -Choose a word from the box and write the
correct word next to numbers 1-5. 
- Scanning: reading and answering

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS:                               
 - Presentation and mini poster displaying the
job students are planning to perform in the
- Creating and showing to the class an
imaginary means of transportation.  

-Choosing the correct word to fill in the
blanks.(vocabulary learned)         

TOPIC High technology in space travelling

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

HISTORICO DE CAMBIOS 2018: Assessment Activities were standarized
Listening:The student Listening: The student
identifies the main idea locates people, objects,
of short texts and some animals and places
details they can based on daily life
understand through the conversations. 
The student use of visual aids. The student
identifies and locates people,
understands the objects, animals
main idea and Reading: The student and places based Reading: The student
some understands and on daily life identifies key words to
details through creates very simple conversations and complete short
simple sentences sentences about taught key words in short paragraphs. 
about their homes. topics and words paragraphs. 
learning its uses in a
determinate context.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

takes part in short describes simple
dialogues (short stories, situations
role plays) by using regarding basic
simple structures such structures.  
as: verb to be and
simple present

Writing: The student Writing: The student

unscrambles and writes simple
copies simple statements by using
sentences; the student learnt structures. 
also desings an
unscramble for another
classmate to develop it.

The student uses The student says

simple structures in and writes
short conversations sentences by
and organizes locating people,
sentences with objects, animals
coherence about and places using
their their homes. learnt structures.
Grammar: The student Grammar: The student
learn how to use uses simple grammatical
personal pronouns: I, structures according to
you, we, they, he, she specific
The student uses it; reads and The student says situations. Phonics. This 
simple structures in writes simple and writes is…/That is…These
short conversations sentences in given sentences by are…/Those are…There
and organizes contexts. locating people, is… /
sentences with -Likes and dislikes objects, animals There are… Where is
coherence about -I love… and places using the…? Prepositions: in,
their their homes. -Do- do not learnt structures. on, under, behind, next
-There is /There are to, between, in front
-Phonics using (games, of. Irregularplural
songs,actions) nouns: woman/women.
-Polite requests man/men.child/children.
-Where does food come Present Continuous
from? Which fruit, with present
vegetable, food is this? actions. Questions and
Food vocabulary responses using Have/
-Household items has got. What are
-Family members you/they wearing? I’m/
-Numbers from 1 to 20 They’re wearing…What
-Punctuation marks: is he/she wearing?
Period, full stop, comma He’/she’s wearing… 

-Listening simple dialogues to identify and -Listening and drawing lines or
color household items in a room.       coloring images to locate things correctly on
-Listening and ticking the box about a picture.
activities the family members are doing.   READING:
READING:   -Reading short texts to fill in the gaps with
-Read short stories or sentences key words.
accompained with images in order to identify
household vocabulary. (circle or underline
-Dialogue about what the students’ family -Describing one’s favorite farm animal using
members are doing.     adjectives (colors and size.)
-Presentation about their favorite foods.    -Answering wh questions about quantity ,
WRITING: location and specific characteristics of
Writing short simple sentences based on a people in a city.                        
picture by using 'there is- there are' and WRITING:
household items.  -Writing short sentences locating animals
on a farm or a town.

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation. Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.

Heteroevaluation Heteroevaluation
At home Animals in town 

018: Some structures were redistributed in the four terms

, ask and answer questions about personal details interacting in a simple and clear way.  

Listening: The student Listening: The student
identifies main ideas of recognizes the gist of
conversations about simple, well structured,
family matters in which clear, slowly delivered
he/she takes part in. presentations about
family matters or matters
The student of interest. 
The student
identifies main
the main ideas of
points of
stories and texts
conversations and
about different
texts about family
matters of
The student
identifies main
the main ideas of
points of
stories and texts
conversations and
about different
texts about family
Reading: The student matters of Reading: The student
identifies specific interest.  recognizes  the idea of
information in simple well structured stories in
texts and extract key which pictures or actions
words in order to transmit a large part of
understand the main the information.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

develops short develops direct
presentations, conversations using
previously prepared short  phrases and
and practised, about expressions to make
daily subjects or things social contact.
of his/her interest such
as: hobbies, sports,

Writing: The student Writing: The student

writes sequences of writes sequences of
simple phrases and simple phrases
The student simple sentences The student says and sentences about
develops oral and (about themselves, and writes themselves, relatives
writtien texts about relatives and personal sentences and personal information
daily personal information) by using by using short by using basic and
subjets.   basic structures such phrases. appropriate structure.
as:verb to be,
pronouns, simple
Grammar:  - Grammar:   - Object
Present simple for pronouns (me, you,
routines.       - him,her, them).              
Frequency adverbs              - Possitive and
- Prepositions negative obligattions
(near,opposite)         (must-musn´t)               -
- Should- should permission and ability
not     - Can for (can-can´t).                   -
permission  Suggestions and offers
-Comparatives and (Shall I ...?)          
-Intensifiers (very basic)
RECEPTIVE SKILLS:                       RECEPTIVE SKILLS        
LISTENING: LISTENING                             
-Listening and drawing lines to match daily -Listening  to short speeches about family,
activities to moments of the day (with friends, classmates.            
READING:  -Reading a text and answering a set of
-Reading a text and fill in the gaps the multiple choice questions.      
missing information. -Identifying specific information in a text
through a set of yes or no statements. 
-Underlining specific information in a text
and answer simple questions.


- Presentations about his/her daily routine -Describe personal and other people's
using pictures or drawings and another obligations.
presentation about things or their interest. -Conversation with a partner in the country
-Role play using should-should not,can-
cannot. WRITING:
-Completing sentences about common
WRITING: aspects in the context using must and
--Writing short phrases about a character musn't.
(they choose or create one) to describe what -Writing My diary information book.
he/she does in a day.  Co-evaluation.      
Selfevaluation. Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 
My wonderful day. A healthy body.

018: Some structures were redistributed in the four terms


out him/herself and others and interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly.
Listening:The student Listening: The student
understands simple oral identifies the gist and
messages and some specific
instructions, also information from a short
The student recognises familiar The student situation from repeated
differenciates and words and different identifies general visualisations of the oral
finds specific linguistic structures. information and text.
information about gist from oral and
health facts and written texts
after school  Reading: The student related to Reading: The student
activities. finds specific nowadays topics. locates specific
information in simple information in short
everyday material. texts.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

describes everyday uses simple descriptive
aspects of his/her language to make brief
environment (what they statements with
do, what they like, some comparisons.
details about people
who lives with them)
Writing: The student Writing: The student
writes a series of simple explains events of
phrases about their his/her personal life.
hobies linked with The student
The student
simple connectors explains his/her
produces texts
(taught in class) past events by
personal health and
Grammar: comparative Grammar:
-Personal health statements. Exploring.
(hygiene, eating habits, Could - couldn´t.
mental health)    Clauses with so. 
-Past simple Comparative of two and
-irregular/ regular three syllable adjectives.
verbs. Comparative adverbs. 
-Clauses with because.
  -Going to

-Adverbs of frequency
-How much, how many
measuring; ball games;
technology; skeletons;
value: (citizenship
 -Following instructions to color, draw or  - Listening and drawing lines to match
write about a recording.     names to people.
- Ticking boxes under correct pictures.           -Listening and drawing lines from days of
   the week to correct pictures.        
-Reading comprehension about short stories READING:
related to everyday materials.   -Reading short dialogues and choosing the
 -Answering questions about given texts.   best answer.                    
-Reading and answering questions related
PRODUCTIVE SKILLS:           to nowadays topics.   
-Role-play describing health matters PRODUCTIVE SKILLS:      
including all the statements of health SPEAKING:
(healthy food, hygiene,mental health) - Dialogue in pairs by using Could/ couldn't
to compare actions in the past and present.
WRITING: -  Presenting a description about
-Writing a short paragraph about his/her last themselves by using comparatives. 
- Writing personal information using past
actions: could/ couldn't.                        

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      

 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 
My body and its care The world outside

other daily aspects.
Listening: The student Listening: The student
identifies enough analizes the gist and
information to meet specific information from
concrete needs in a short situation from
everyday life by speech repeated visualisations
provided by the teacher of the oral text.
The student (teachers can also use The student
 understands aural audiovisual aids in
interprets the
and written order to complement general idea and
 information to meet and reinforce the info)
Reading: The student details from a text Reading: The student
concrete needs
follows simple about materials understands the general
about eating
instructions in class and senses. idea and specific details
from everyday life about familiar subjects.

Speaking: The Speaking: The student

student gives basic describes his/her plans,
descriptions of events arrangements and
and activities. personal experiences.

Writing: The student Writing: Student writes

writes everyday aspects a series of simple
of his/her environment sentences about his/her
in field of interest.
linked sentences. (In
his/her house, school, The student writes
The student place of training,etc.) a series of simple
describes briefly
phrases and
events and
Grammar: City life: sentences about Grammar: Materials.
activities about
-Directions and materials and Describing objects and
eating habits.
prepositions   senses. sensations. Senses.
-Past simple Vocabulary verbs of the
-Past continuous senses
-Natural disasters. What does
-Adjectives it/he/she(feel/smell, look,
-Countables and taste/sound) like?
(much,many) Wh-Questions.
-Articles with countable
and uncontable nouns Punctuation: semicolon
-Project: Teeth.
Cooking, Giving advice:
should/ shouldn´t.
 -Matching pictures with descriptions given -Matching pictures with illustrated words or
through recordings.   names by writing a letter in the box.
 -Comprehension and answering questions -Listen, color, draw and write.
about recordings.             
READING: - Read, choose a title and answer
-Answering questions based on a mind map questions.
by giving simple directions. -  Read short paragraphs and answer WH
-Reading comprehension exercise based on questions.                   -
natural disasters, answering questions
related with the reading.


-Role play about giving and asking for -Individual oral presentation about
directions (in the city, neighborhood in which describing objects and how they are made
they live) of.
- Role play about planning a party using
WRITING: cooking vocabulary and senses.
- Describe past events such as: travels, fun
stories, scare stories,etc) by using simple WRITING:
past and past continuous; teachers can tell -Write a recipe explaining the ingredients
or show them a storie as an example of what and the preparation .
they have to do.

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      

 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 

Our eating habits. How do we use our senses?

xchange of information and describing in simple terms information on familiar and routine matters.

Listening: The student Listening: The student
catches the main idea perceives, memorizes,
in short and clear and notes down
messages and words and expressions
announcements, telling not previously
which of the options is encountered in the
the announcement for. personal,
Example: Hello Detroit! educational, and public
Our newest store is domains as well
HERE! Come say hello as note their situational
The students at the Twelve Oaks context and
Mall- We'd lovestudent
extracts general Reading: The to see functional value.
you ! (This is from a The student uses Reading: The student
information, details finds specific,
store) and so on. and perceives uses a series of phrases
and uses that predictable information and sentences to
words and
information in in simple everyday expressions about describe in simple terms
different tasks material (Using the free activities and their family and other
about adventure advertisements, menus,
living conditions. people, living conditions,
and gastronomy timetables their educational
around the world. announcements of the background.
school) such as:
advertisements, menus
and timetables.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

handles short social uses a series of phrases
exchanges with his/her and sentences
classmates about their linked onto a list to
favorite food and other communicate in
things from the place simple and routine tasks
where they live (it can within the
be other countries or personal and
cities if they want). educational domains
The student
communicates in The student
simple and routine produces simple
tasks and writes narrative texts
short simple notes, about free time in
messages and different
emails about food environments.
and countryside.
The student
communicates in The student
simple and routine Writing: The student produces simple Writing: The student
tasks and writes writes a simple letter narrative texts produces simple
short simple notes, (thanking, greeting, about free time in procedural and narrative
messages and wishing the best, telling different texts with some detail
emails about food a story) for someone environments. and variety in sentence
and countryside. they want to send the structure yet may
letter. contain some usage

Grammar: Grammar: Present
-Past continuous Perfect (still, since, for,
-Past simple ever , never) and
-Countable and quantifiers.
uncountable nouns
-Future time (will and
-Identigying in a listening people names,
-Possesives: use of 's - Listen and tick the box under the correct
numbers and other personal and s' information. pictures. 
-Matching pictures with illustrated words
-Prepositions of time:or  - Listen, draw and write.
names by writing a letter on/in/atin the box. 
-Imperatives READING:
READING: -Prepositional phrases -Look and read then write yes or no. 
 - Read and write some words
(place, to and
time complete -Read and write the right words. (Cloze
the story.                      
movement) exercise).          
-Read about other countries’ traditions,
choose one of those countries and write a
short review to present to their classmates.


-Oral presentation: Telling a story about an - Oral presentation "Sea Animals"       
outdoor experience, using visual aids.  -  Role play about free activities or
- Writing a postcard to a pen pal explaining WRITING:
a typical food from his/her country.                  - Write a short story about sea life using the
                   vocabulary learned in class.

The great outdoors Under the sea

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      

 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 
Listening: The student
understands conversations based
on people's likes, dislikes and
activities they are doing. 

The student understands
and answers information
questinos based on
pictures and simple Reading: The student answers
paragraphs information questions based on
regarding people's likes, pictures and simple paragraphs.
dislikes and activities
they are doing.

Speaking: The student interacts

with others by asking and
answering questions about
specific topics. 

Writing: The student writes basic

information based on questions
about their likes, dislikes and
things they are doing. 

The student asks and

answers questions
 about their likes,
dislikes and things they
are doing. 
Grammar: The student  uses a
wider range of vocabulary and
grammar structures in a specific
situation. I love/Ilike/ I don’t like +
verbs in ING. (Statements and
The student asks and Questions). Would youlike
answers questions a/some…Yes, I’dlove… I’d like…
 about their likes, Whatwould you like to
dislikes and things they drink/eat? Where doyou want to
are doing.  go on a holiday? I want togo…Do
you want to go to..?
Phonics. Punctuation marks:
Period, full stop, comma, and
colon. Holiday’s vocabulary.
Hobbies and sports.Likes and
dislikes about sports and

-Listening and coloring based on a short description of
people on a holiday.                READING:
-Answering questions based on short descriptions about
hobbies and holidays.
-Individual presentation about students’ favorite hobbies. 
-Role play about things students like and do not like doing. 
-Writing a short paragraph describing one’s favorite
-Writing sentences and descrbing pictures about quantity,
location and actions people are doing. 

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation. Heteroevaluation

Hobbies and holidays.


Listening: The student
distinguishes the words,
expressions, and sentences in
spoken texts related to the
social context as well as their
The student  interprets personal and
out written and oral texts educational background.
regarding the social
contexts and
The student  interprets
out written and oral texts
regarding the social
contexts and
background.  Reading: The student interprets
key information from stories,
tales, fables, among other from
their own context. 

Speaking: The student uses

spoken language in an interaction
which arises spontaneously. 

Writing: The student writes

comparative statements about
their enviroments. 

The student uses

spoken and written
language spontaneously
about their enviroments. 

Grammar: -Comparative

than: one and    two syllables: -r,
er, -ier - Doubling of consonants:
thin/thinner.                    - Past
simple: was/wasn't were/weren't 
-Completing information charts about personal and
educational background with information heard in
recordings and dictation.                           -Listening to
fables to recongnize past actions and details.

-Identifying general and secondary ideas in a text.               
-Reading a text and answering open questions.  

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS                                   SPEAKING:

-Express orally comparisons about students surroundings.

-Writing a short weather report based on given models.

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.        Heteroevaluation

Weather report.

ks slowly and clearly.

Listening: The student contrasts
the gist of simple, well structured,
clear, slowly delivered
presentations about matters of
interest helped by pictures and
The student
distinguishes well
structure presentations
about close
environments (animals,
food, containers). Reading: The student
distinguishes the general idea
and specific details about familiar

Speaking: The student takes part

in spoken interaction which arises

Writing: The student produces

short descriptions of events, past
activities and personal
The student takes part in experiences.
spoken and written
interaction by producing
texts related to personal
experiences. Grammar: Animals.  
Superlatives. Prepositions.
Containers and food. Expressions
of quantity.
- Carrying out instructions to colour and draw or write.    

 - Read a story about familiar subjects, choose a word from
the box and write the correct word.
-Completing a story according to information from a text.   

 PRODUCTIVE SKILLS              
- Inventing a super animal based on a model.  
 - Recipe using the vocabulary about containers and food.

 -Writing a short paragraph using superlatives.  

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.        Heteroevaluation

Food and feeding

Listening: The student
recognizes linked ideas and aural
items such as accent, rhythm and
correct intonation in familiar and
varied contexts

The student  deduces

information from diverse
texts about nature and Reading: The student deduces
sports. information from diverse texts
about subjects of interest.

 Speaking: The student uses

simple descriptive language to
make brief statements about his/
her environment.

Writing: The student develops

short texts with personal
information and information about
 immediate surroundings.

The student uses

simple descriptive
language to make brief
Grammar:  Nature.             
statements about nature
Describing species. Sports.          
and sports.
Seasons.             Present
perfect.  Should/ Shouldn’t
I think….I agree, I don’t agree.
-Listen and write numbers or words.  
-Carrying out instructions to colour, draw and write.

-Reading a text about the environment and answer WH
-Choosing the correct words to match given definitions.  

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS:                         
-Create a TV news giving advices to have a better natural

-To create a poster about a place environment by giving
suggestions on how to improve it.              

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.        Heteroevaluation

Taking care of you and your environment.


Listening: The student makes use
of clues such as stress and
intonation to identify and
relevant information in orally
texts within the personal and
educational domains.

The student understands Reading: The student

and identifies longer, understands and identifies
complex  and expository longer, more
texts that include taste, complex transactional and
relevant information expository
about fashion around texts (e.g. formal letters,
the world. biographies,
etc). The texts should contain
the highest frequency vocabulary
and include a proportion of
international vocabulary items
hamburger, restaurant, hospital,

Speaking: The student handles

short social exchanges
within the personal and
domains, even though they can
understand enough to keep the
conversation going themselves.

The student writes

longer descriptions
about family, tastes and
living conditions around
the world.
The student writes
longer descriptions Writing: The student writes longer
about family, tastes and descriptions about their family,
living conditions around living conditions, and educational
the world. background.

Grammar: Possibility with may

and might. Present Perfect (just,
aleady and yet)

- Listening and writing.  
 - Matching pictures with illustrated words or names by
writing a letter in the box.        
- Read and correct the mistakes.   
-Reading and completing a conversation by choosing the
best response.           

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS:              
Design a new uniform for your school.    (pair work and

 -Choose words from the box and write your own
 - Creating a magazine about fashion.      

Educational background

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.        Heteroevaluation

 Students will be able to understand and produce basic texts on familiar topics which use high frequency vocabula
phrases and sentences linked with basic connectors  and correct structures
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Students will be able to
understand phrases and
common vocabulary, as
well to catch the main Listening: The student
point in short, simple understands phrases and
texts like messages and expressions related to
announcements,  familiar topics like basic
personal letters and personal and family
emails; and to find The student information,
specific, predictable understands shopping, local geography.
information in simple phrases and
everyday material. expressions
 related to familiar
topics in aural and Reading: The student
written texts. understands basic types of
standard routine letters,
emails, short simple personal
letters etc.

Speaking: The student

participate in  simple everyday
conversations using polite
vocabulary about feelings and

Students will be able to

communicate in simple The student
and direct exchange of interacts in simple
information on familiar everyday
topics and to handle communicative
very short social situations using
exchanges using simple appropriate
vocabulary on short structures and
simple texts and vocabulary.
messages . 
 Writing: The student writes
short, simple formulaic notes
relating to matters in areas of
immediate need

Students will be able to

communicate in simple The student
and direct exchange of interacts in simple
information on familiar everyday
PRODUCTIVE SKILLS topics and to handle communicative
very short social situations using
exchanges using simple appropriate
vocabulary on short structures and
simple texts and vocabulary. Grammar: The student
messages .  understands high frequency
everyday language with
 sufficient vocabulary to
conduct routine, everyday
transactions and express basic
communicative and
survival needs. Vocabulary:
.Infinitive verbs, personal
objects,holiday activities,furni
ture,people, touristic places.


1- short description on a holiday using past
tenses.      Writing 2-
informal letter about a place (building type) you
would like to stay at using present continuous for
future - may and might. (DAILY TEST)                        
        Speaking 1.  Planning an expedition for
coming vacation ( Future with will, going to-
present continuous for future) ( Page 103)  
Speaking  2. presentation about unusual places to
visit around the world (past simple and
continuous- present simple and continuous)

Reading 1- About an expedition and signs
(skimming, scanning and inferring from context.)
(DAILY TEST)  Reading 2- Matching-
people and descriptions (tourism page 24 guide)   
        Listening 1. Listening for specific information
to write down identified items. (page 64).  (page
103)             Listening 2: Listening for gist.
Conversation between two people about an
assigned topic. (page 22)

Travel and Holidays

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       


 GOAL: The student Can understand the main points of clear standard input to deal with most situations


RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening:  The student
understands the main points
of clear
standard speech on familiar
matters regularly
in work, school, leisure, etc.

To listen and The student

understand straight understands the
forward factual main points of
information for general clear standard
and specific details and speech and texts
can identify, on familiar matters
discuss, and summarize as well as on high
main ideas and support frequency
in a variety of simplified everyday Reading: The student
text to annotate or or job-related understand texts that consist
analyse readings language.  mainly of
high frequency everyday
or job-related language.

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

briefly gives reasons and
explanations for opinions
and plans

to narrate a story or
relate the plot of a
The student
book or film and
briefly gives
describe their
reasons and
reactions by using
explanations for
opinions and
vocabulary and
plans, they
can also write
structures correctly,
personal letters
making errors when
speaking or writing
Writing: The student
to narrate a story or  writes personal letters
relate the plot of a describing experiences
The student and impressions
book or film and
briefly gives
describe their
reasons and
reactions by using
explanations for
opinions and
vocabulary and
plans, they
can also write
structures correctly,
personal letters
without Grammar: Present, simple
making errors when and continuous.
speaking or writing tenses
and impressions
about complex Comparatives and
situations. superlatives Describing
Things to wear.
Life events.
People and action verbs

Writing 1: write an online profile.
Writing 2: Writing a personal letter.                
Speaking 1: debate on Tv and sports
Speaking 2: describing a shoping anecdote

Reading 1: Reading for specific information
Assessment Activities:
on fashion and music.  
Reading 2: Reading on teenage life, past and
Listening 1: Identify specific information in
aural speech related to familiar matters.     
Listening 2: listening for specific information:
picture description                          

TOPIC A person = A world

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

GOAL:The student will be able to understand and produce different texts about experiences and/o
fixed context and taking


RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands the main
points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters
The student regularly encountered in
The student will be
understands work, school, leisure, etc
able to identify both
texts of clear
and general and
standard speech
specific ideas in
on daily life
different kinds of texts
(familiar matters, Reading: the student
within fixed contexts
school, work, understands texts that
and vocabulary.
leisure, etc) consist mainly of high
frequency everyday or job-
related language

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

connects phrases in a
simple way in order to
describe experiences and
events, dreams, hopes and

The student will be

The student can
able to describe and
express short
narrate simple written
texts and ideas,  
and spoken texts
about several
experiences and
everyday matters,
situations related
to their life and
unprepared as long
personal interest
as they use fixed
 (past events,
vocabulary and
dreams, hopes)
Writing: The student writes
straightforward connected
The student will be
The student can text on topics which are
able to describe and
express short familiar or of personal
narrate simple written
texts and ideas,   interest
and spoken texts
about several
experiences and
everyday matters,
situations related
to their life and Grammar: Determiners:
unprepared as long
personal interest Some, any, much, many,
as they use fixed
 (past events, plenty of, a lot of, no,
vocabulary and
dreams, hopes) several.-ing forms_x000D_
Present simple and
Past simple and used
Past simple and

Listening 1: Understand the main points of
clear standard speech in an interview
Listening 2 : listening true false statements
on climate and weather.
READING 1: Recognising the organisation of
a text.
Reading 2: Identifying main points

Assessment activities
write a short text with either comments or
descriptions of experiences related to
Assessment activities shopping,sports
Writing: 2) Daily test
-Interview/talk to partners about their life and
past experiences.
-Role Play: Buying/selling  things.

TOPIC My friends and me (shopping, sports)

ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

GOAL: The student will be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for eit
advantages and disadvantages of various options.
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
understands articles and
reports concerned with
contemporary problems in
The student which the writers adopt
reads and particular stances or
understands viewpoints.
written and
The student will be spoken articles
able to understand and reports
implicit information in concerning with
texts related to class contemporary Reading: The student
topics problems in reads article and reports
which the writers concerned with
adopt particular contemporary problems in
stances or which the writers adopt
viewpoints. particular stances or

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

interacts with a degree of
fluency and spontaneity

The student will be

able to produce texts
Writing: The student writes
with different
a review of a film, book or
functions (descriptive,
The student play.
interacts with a
argmentative) about
degree of fluency
personal topics and
and spontaneity.
different knowledge
topics making proper
usage of the second

Grammar: Reported
statements Reported
questions and requests 

Listening activity true or false exercise

Listen and match the speakers to the texts.

missing information to paragraphs and true-
false statements.

Daily test: Reading

skills: Write a game report Debate on
Assessment activities contemporary problems. Daily test: Write a

Contemporary problems
ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

changes are made from Reading activity related to Art is fun to crimes and criminals to enhance mo

 GOAL: The student will understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract t
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
follows the essentials of
lectures, talks and reports
and other forms of
presentation which are
The propositionally and
student follows linguistically complex.
The student will be
and understands
able to interpret and
talks, lectures
analyse codes and
and articles
various forms of
related to Reading: The student
academic texts
contemporary understands articles and
events.   reports concerned with
contemporary problems in
which the writers adopt
particular stances or

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Speaking: The student

keeps up with an animated
discussion, identifying
arguments accurately,
supporting and opposing
points of view.

Explains, synthetizes The student

and states his holds Writing: The student writes
viewpoint about an conversations formal and informal texts
article, a discourse, a and writes texts such as: reviews, reports,
debate , an interview using arguments letters.
or a documentary, as accurately to
well as answers support and
questions which oppose points of
require detail. view.

Grammar: passive and

be/get used to/the grammar
of phrasal verbs/ present
and past habits
Assessment activities Reading: Reading Research report. Plus
daily test  Listening: Gun control in Us and
UK. Writing: Persuassive essay on gun
control. Speaking: Oral report on the
TOPIC      Gun control: a hot topic
ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

 GOAL: Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, inclu
RECEPTIVE SKILLS Listening: The student
The student understands the main ideas
understands the of propositionally and
main ideas of linguistically complex
Understands most
propositionally speech on both concrete
aural and written
and linguistically and abstract topics.
texts, adapting to
complex speech
style and speed with
on both concrete
different purposes,
and abstract
normally encountered
topics, in addition
in personal, social,
to obtaining
academic or Reading: The student
vocational life, and obtains information, ideas
ideas and
using appropriate
opinions from and opinions from highly
reference sources.
highly specialised specialised sources within
sources within their field.
their field.

PRODUCTIVE SKILLS The student Speaking;    The student

writes essays carries out an effective,
conveying fluent interview. FCE style
degrees of
emotion and
Uses the language highlighting the
fluently, accurately personal
and effectively on a significance of
wide range of events and
general, academic, experiences,
vocational or leisure and, engages in
topics to extended
communicate conversation on
most general
emotion and
Uses the language highlighting the
fluently, accurately personal
and effectively on a significance of
wide range of events and
experiences, Writing: The student writes
general, academic, essays conveying degrees
vocational or leisure and, engages in
extended of emotion and highlighting
topics to the personal significance of
communicate conversation on
most general events and experiences.
spontaneously. topics.

Assorted tenses, parts of speech, phonetics and phonology, formal and informal writing, gist, attitude

Receptive skills:                          A. Daily test:

FCE: reading: parts 1, 2 and 3  and UOE
parts 1 - 4.                    B. Listening:  FCE part
2 and 3 sentence completion and multple
Assessment activities matching                                              
 Productive skills:                                A.
Speaking: part 1 and 2 Interview FCE  like.    
                          B. Daily test: writing: FCE part
1 a compulsory essay.
ATTITUDINAL Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       

h frequency vocabulary. They will be able to handle very short social exchanges and simple transactions about everyday thin

Listening The student Listening The student
identifies the topic of understands and extracts
discussion around spoken the essential information
texts that are conducted from short recorded
slowly and clearly. passages.

The student identifies The student extracts

the main topic and general information,
specific information details and uses
around spoken and that information in
written material. Reading: The student different tasks. Reading: The student
identifies specific identifies specific
information in simple information in simple
written material such as written material such as
letters, stories, short brochures.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

participate in a discussion provides personal
making suggestions, information about past
agreements/ disagreements activities , gives and
and arrangements (using the follows simple directions
different connectors, and instructions.
contrast, add information,
agreement, disagreement,
The student is able to
suggest, make The student
produces oral and
arrangements, agree written descriptions
and disagree in oral of past events using
and written situations
using the target the proper
The student is able to
The student
suggest, make produces oral and
arrangements, agree  Writing: The student writes written descriptions Writing: The student
and disagree in oral personal letters or emails
and written situations telling stories, sending of past events using writes descriptions of
the proper events, past activities and
using the target greetings, thanks, structures. personal experiences
language. congrats,etc. (study experience, living
conditions, educational
background, present or
most recent job, people
and places)

Grammar: The student uses Grammar: The student

some simple structures pronounces generally clear
correctly with a low range of enough to be understood
error.        -Past despite a noticeable
continuous and past simple  foreign accent and a low
-Comparative range of errors. The
and superlative student distinguishes and
-Zero and 1st conditional knows when to use Past
-Relative Simple and Present Perfect
pronouns -Present
-Passive form ( past and
-Broader range of
intensifiers such as: too,
enough -Will
and going to (for prediction)


writing an invitation to an event (using will or going Write a descriptions of events, past activities
to) and personal experiences. Writing 2: Writing a
Writing 2: Write a description of a website page magazine article. Speaking 1: Telling an
(using comparatives and superlatives) anecdote. Speaking 2: Giving directions and
Speaking1 : Group activity: Planning instructions using the appropiate structure.
your own festival (using zero and 1st conditional)
Speaking 2: The student
participate in a discussion about a topic given by
the teacher (in groups or pairs) making
suggestions, agreements/ disagreements and
arrangements (each team with a different topic)
Listening for specific information to write down Extract essential information from a short
identified items.  Listening 2: identify the topic of passage. Listening 2: Listening for
discussion around spoken texts that are conducted gist: multiple choice exercise.
slowly and clearly. Reading 1: Reading 1: Identify, read, and answer
Daily test matching signs and notices. information about different topics in short
Reading 2: .Answer multiple choice questions texts. Reading 2:
based on an article given by the teacher. identifyspecific information in simple written
material such as brochures.

Leisure activities  Life experiences 

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      

 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 


st situations

Listening: The student Listening: The student
 understands the main point  inferes meaning if clearly
of many radio or articulated in a standard
TV programs on current accent
affairs or topics of personal and delivered relatively
or professional interest slowly. 
when the delivery
is relatively slow and clear
The student
 understands the
The student  infers
main point of many meaning if clearly
radio and/or TV
programs as well as articulated in a
standard accent
the description of
events and feelings in and delivered
relatively slowly and
personal letters given identifies,
they are about
current affairs or discusses, and
topics of personal summarizes main
ideas and
or professional Reading: The student supporting ideas in Reading: The student
interest and the understands the description  identifies,
delivery a variety of
of events, feelings and simplified discusses, and summarizes
is relatively slow and wishes in texts main ideas and supporting
clear personal letters ideas in a variety of

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

 deals with most situations  narrates a story or
likely to arise whilst relate the plot of a book
travelling in an area where or film and describes
the language is spoken their reactions.  

The student
The student  deals
 narrates a story
with most situations
or relate the plot of
likely to arise whilst
a book or film and
travelling in an area
describes their
reactions as well
the language is
as produces
spoken and writes
straight forward
writing with clear
connected text on
thesis statements,
topics which are
topic and
familiar or of
Writing: The student Writing: The student
writes straight forward The student  produces
The student  deals connected text on topics
 narrates a story multiparagraph
with most situations which are familiar or of
or relate the plot of writing with clear
likely to arise whilst their personal
a book or film and thesis statements,
travelling in an area interest.
describes their topic and concluding
reactions as well sentences, main
the language is ideas, and details
as produces
spoken and writes
straight forward
writing with clear
connected text on
Grammar:  thesis statements, Grammar: Relative
topics which are
-Quantifiers topic and clauses, will and be
familiar or of
-Have to concluding going to.
-Must and should. sentences, main Modals of probability
-Future: going to and ideas, and details Just, already and yet.
present continuous. Present simple passive.
-Present perfect Medicine
-Past simple Technology and
-Conditionals 2nd, 3rd computers
-Future continuous Computing phrases
-Connecting words The language of
expressing cause, effect, internet,
contrast,etc Animals.
-Complex question tags Adjectives: feelings
TV, films and literature.


Writing 1: Writing an informal letter. Writing 1: Write an online comment about
Writing 2: Writing a story using one of the health and illnesses by making suggestions.
tenses taught Writing 2: Write an
Speaking 1: Active participation in a debate informal email. Speaking 2: Narrate the plot
using the taught and learned connectors of a film. Speaking 2: Reaching an
Speaking 2: Present an agreement
oral report based on a specific topic given by
the teacher
Reading 1: Skimming and scanning test Reading 1: Identify main and supporting
Reading 2: Reading for gist: descriptions     ideas in a text.
  Listening 1: Reading 2: Reading for gist                      
Listening for specific details: radio and TV Listening 1: Listening for general
programs, answer questions or complete text information and for details.     Listening
based on the information listened 2:  Infer meaning                                          
Listening 2: Identify main ideas in                                     
the description of events and feelings in   
personal letters given.                 

A world of cultures Reality or fiction?

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 


experiences and/or situations related to both general and specific topics of interest, supporting their ideas  
context and taking into account appropriate grammar and vocabulary. 

Listening: The student Listening:  The student
listen to different ted talks infers tacit information
or other academic audio from different texts and
materials in order to is able to point out the
The student identify the main idea, key supporting information.
understands and words and infer some The student infers
explains the main information related with information from
point of extracts the material different texts and
from different supports
sources and talks  Reading: the student information about Reading: The student
about events, understands the it. infers specific
feelings, wishes. description of events, information presented in
feelings and wishes in texts 
personal letters,
classmates' texts,
Speaking: The student Speaking: The student
narrates a story or relate briefly gives reasons
the plot of a book or film and explanations for
and describe their opinions and plans

The student tells The student gives

and writes stories detailed
describing descriptions, give
experiences and reasons or
impresions or explanations
related the plot of a about a specific
book or film, topic with
expressing coherence and
reactions. cohesion.
Writing: The student Writing: The student
writes different texts writes detailed
describing experiences descriptions of specific
The student tells and impressions in the The student gives events with cohesion
and writes stories different tenses taught detailed and coherence
describing descriptions, give analysing different
experiences and reasons or points of view.
impresions or explanations
related the plot of a about a specific
book or film, Grammar: topic with Grammar: past perfect
expressing -Modals (1): obligation coherence and Modals (2): obligation
reactions. and necessity: have/has cohesion. and advice: Don
to, don´t/doesn´t have to, ´t/doesn’t have to, need
should, shouldn’t, must, to, needn’t, have to,
mustn´t, ought to. Present should, shouldn’t.  
perfect and past simple The passive
Non-defining relative
-Comparative adjectives clauses: who, which,
(er than, more than, whose.  
irregular) and Articles: a, an, the and
zero article
-Superlative adjectives
(est, the most,
_x000D_-Future forms:
will, be going to_x000D_
zero, first, second, third
-Phrasal verbs
-Reported speech (range
of tenses)
-Simple passive
-Wh questions in past
Listen to the podcast. Explain what it is -Fill in the missing information in the
about/answer the questions. Page 36 1.14 spaces.  Choose the topic that is mentioned
track .
Listen, check, page 49. Track 1.21 -1.22 Prepare: Track 31, 32 (page 71)
Listen page 61  track 1.27,  Listen, tick  the Listen to a podcast from a tv show and
correct sentences and explain why the others answer. Page 84
are incorrect READING
READING Daily test
Read, match, decide which option could be Find specific information from a text and
more suitable for each person.  Pages 46-47 complete. (prepare textbook, Unit 12)  Pag
Read, correct the sentences about the text. 69
 Page 62.63./daily test Read and choose correct sentences.  Page
Describing a picture or place using adjectives. SPEAKING
 Page 49 Talking about students’ lives: a biography:
Discuss about healthy habits, sports. (unit (Every one  will talk about their life. (PP
6)36-37- 41 presentation with images. No text.)
WRITING Role play making arrangements: using
Writing a story with the basic structure. (page page 83 “prepare to speak vocabulary
35) chart”
Write personal impressions about the use of WRITING
technology and your experience./daily test  Writing a story about school (Anecdote,
story, etc. Use adverbs, past simple and
past perfect)
Write comments, analyse ads and products
according to your experience and opinion.
The world around us Places, people  and activities
 Page 85
Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 

both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation; interact
ithout strain for either party; GRADE
produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoin

Listening: The student The student Listening: The student
understands follows a short follows a short lecture or
announcements and lecture or talk talk within the
messages on concrete within the public and vocational
and abstract topics public and domain, provided
The student spoken in standard dialect vocational domain, the subject matter is
understands at normal speed. familiar, and the
the subject matter presentation is
and messages on
is familiar, and the straightforward and
concrete and
presentation is clearly
abstract topics
straightforward structured.
spoken and written Reading: The student Reading: The student
and clearly
in standard dialect  reads correspondence structured also, uses appropriate
at normal speed relating to his/her field of uses appropriate interpretation strategies
and readily grasp interest and readily grasp interpretation to deal with the
the essential the essential meaning corresponding text types
to deal with the (i.e. transactional and
corresponding text persuasive).
(i.e. transactional
and persuasive)
Speaking:The student Speaking: The student
takes an active part in presents clear, detailed
discussion in familiar descriptions on a wide
contexts, accounting for range of subjects related
and sustaining their views to their field of interest
with complete arguments
using the right connectors.

The student
presents clear,
The student takes
an active part in
descriptions on a
discussion in Writing: The student Writing: The student
wide range of
familiar contexts, writes clear detailed text writes clear detailed text
subjects related
accounting for and on a wide range of on a wide range of
to their field of
sustaining views subjects related to his/her subjects related to his
interest and writes
and writes clear interests applying what interests using clear
an essay or report,
detailed texts on a they already know, using reasons and facts that
passing on
wide range of a "new" tense. support his/ her ideas.
information or
subjects related to
giving reasons in
support of or
against a point of
support of or
against a point of

Grammar: Grammar: Present
- Future: Plans and perfect continuous Zero
intentions, predictions. and first conditional
-The passive Reported statements
Modals: ability, possibility Reported questions and
and managed to. requests.
-Present perfect and past VOCABULARY: Technol
Receptive skills: simple. Listen to what a man ogy personality
says, and choose the
-Adjectives and nouns. adjectives
1. Listening activity related to work. correct answer to the questions._x000D_ nouns in
(Completion exercise) ·         of manner reporting accidents and
Listen and select if the statements are true,
 2.  Reading-Narrative tenses
activity related emergencies facial
to food– false or not given._x000D_
-Modals of deduction and
multiple matching and gap filling. (Reading for Answer questions, underliningexpressionsimportant
specific information)          3. Daily words, true- false statements_x000D_
test     Multiple matching, multiple choice, error
 Productive skills:  ·           correction. _x000D_
   1. Collaborative task (asking and Presentation: App design._x000D_
giving advice- making recommendations or Writing a report._x000D_
suggestions)             Writing an e-mail persuading someone.
2. Write a story. _x000D_
3. Daily test

How we spend our time. Sharing my point of view

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 

nals to enhance more vocabulary in such areas.

crete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. 2. Can interact wit
Listening: The student Listening: The student
understands different understands most radio
audio materials with a documentaries and most
higher level of complexity, other recorded or
for them to uderstand broadcast audio material
different accents with a delivered in standard
The student normal or faster speed. The student dialect and can identify
understands and obtains the speaker's mood,
identifies the information, ideas tone, viewpoints, etc.
content of abstract and opinions from
topics on a while highly specialised
range of Reading: The student sources on audio Reading: The student
professional and quickly identifies the and written obtains information,
scientific texts. content and relevance of material. ideas and opinions from
new items, articles and highly specialised
reports on a wide range of sources within his/her
professional topics, field.
deciding whether closer
study is worthwhile.

Speaking: The student Speaking: The student

gives a clear, detailed carries out an effective,
description of how to carry fluent interview,
out a procedure (the departing spontaneously
procedure is chosen by from prepared
the teacher, and each questions, following up
student will have different and probing interesting
topics) replies.
The student gives
 clear, detalied
The student
descriptions on Writing: The student Writing: The student
carries out
procedures and writes clear, detailed
 effective oral and writes an essay which
experiences making descriptions of real or
written texts giving develops an argument,
relationships imaginary events and giving reasons in
reasons  by
between ideas in experiences marking the
supporting and support of or against a
clear connected relationship between particular point of view
texts and following ideas in clear connected
particular points of and explaining the
established text, and following advantages and
conventions of the established conventions disadvantages of
genre concerned. of the genre concerned. various options.

Grammar: Reported Grammar: Narrative
speech/subject-verb tenses, modals
agreement/ Passive voice review/determiners
for procedures
Passive voice: Other structures; Uses of

     Comparative World Religions Arts, photography and movies

Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 

stract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of f
Listening: The student The student Listening: The student
follows extended speech understands understands recordings
and complex lines of recordings likely to likely to be encountered
argument provided if the be encountered in in social, professional or
The student follows topic is reasonably academic life and
extended speech familiar.
professional or identifies speaker
and complex lines
academic life and viewpoints as well as the
of argument
identifies speaker information content.
provided the topic is
viewpoints as well
reasonably familiar,
as the information
he also scans
quickly through long Reading: The student Reading:   The student
identifies the
and complex texts, scans quickly through identifies the content
content and
locating relevant long and complex texts,
relevance of news and relevance of news
details. locating relevant details. items, articles and items, articles and
reports on a wide reports on a wide range
range of_x000D_ of
professional topics professional topics.
Speaking: The student The student Speaking; The student
engages in extended outlines an issue outlines an issue or a
conversation on most or a problem problem clearly,
general topics. clearly, speculating about
The student carries
speculating about causes or
out an effective, consequences,
causes or
fluent interview, as
consequences, advantages and
well as writing
advantages and disadvantages.
clear, detailed
descriptions of real
together with
or imaginary events
writing an essay or
and experiences.
report that
develops an
speculating about
out an effective,
causes or
fluent interview, as
well as writing
advantages and
clear, detailed
descriptions of real Writing: The student
together with Writing: The student
or imaginary events writes clear, detailed
writing an essay or writes an essay or report
and experiences. descriptions of real or that develops an
report that
imaginary events and develops an argument systematically.
experiences. argument

Icfes structure talking about academic travelling

Receptive skills:                                            
A. Listening excercise for gist .
Receptive skills:                                  A.
B. Daily test: Reading word
Listening:  FCE part 1 and 4 multiple choice  
transformation. Productive skills:                  
B. Daily test: reading ICFES parts 1,2,3.          
                  C. speaking: Describing and
                        Productive skills:                        
discussing advantages and disadvantages
        C. Daily test: writing FCE part 2 an open
of universities abroad and different
choice essay and  ICFES           D. Speaking:
academic institutions of their choice around
FCE interaction parts 3 and 4
the world .                                   D. Writing:
FCE - ICFES   Daily
cloze and multiple choice
Selfevaluation.   Co-evaluation.       Selfevaluation.              Co-evaluation.      
 Heteroevaluation  Heteroevaluation 
tions about everyday things, as well as write a series of simple

Listening:  The student
identifies the main point of TV
news items reporting events,
accidents etc. where
the visual supports the

The student obtains and

provides key information
in simple written and aural
Reading: The student identifies
specific information in simple
written material such as
newspaper articles , including
online material.

Speaking: The student
 performs a monologue
 following  a simple list of points
 about familiar topics and
personal experiences.( people,
places, possessions,
background,living conditions

The student creates a
coherent speech and
comprehensible written
texts .
The student creates a
coherent speech and  Writing: The student uses the
comprehensible written most frequently occurring
texts . connectors to link simple
sentences and
phrases in order to tell a story
or describe something as a
simple list of points.

Grammar: The student handles

very short social exchanges,
using everyday polite forms of
greeting and address. First
conditional. Present simple
passive. Past simple passive.


1: write short essays and argumentative texts related to a
specific topic. Writing
2: formulate and answer questions to obtaining specific
information about the countries presented. Speaking 1:
provide orally information about countries and different
cultures. Speaking 2: to promote
discussions through debates about equality and human
student will be able to understand essential information
from a short passage in order to get specific details
Listening 2: identify the main point of the importance
of equality and diversity in and out school. Reading 1:
identify specific information in simple written material such
as newspaper articles Reading 2: finds specific,
predictable information in simple everyday material such as
essays, articules, and simples texts about multicultural

Living in a multicultural environment

Selfevaluation.           Co-evaluation.        Heteroevaluation

Listening: The student
 understands straight forward
factual information about
common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both
general messages and specific
details,provided speech is
clearly  articulated in a general
standard with familiar accent
The student  understands and delivered appropriately.
straight forward factual  
information about
common everyday or job
related topics, identifying
both general messages and
specific details,provided
speech is clearly
 articulated in a general
standard with familiar
and delivered Reading: The student
appropriately, also annotates a reading to aid in
annotates a reading to aid the identification of main ideas
in the identification of and support
main ideas and support

Speaking: The student
 enters unprepared into
conversation on topics that
are familiar,
of personal interest or
pertinent to everyday life
(e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and
current events)

The student  enters

unprepared into
conversation on topics
that are familiar,
of personal interest or
pertinent to everyday life
(e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel
and current events)
also uses elementary
vocabulary and
structures correctly,
The student  enters
unprepared into Writing: The student  uses
conversation on topics elementary
that are familiar, vocabulary and grammar
of personal interest or structures correctly, without
pertinent to everyday life making errors when writing
(e.g. family, about complex
hobbies, work, travel ideas.
and current events)
also uses elementary
vocabulary and
grammar Grammar: Past perfect
structures correctly, Reported statements
without Zero and first conditional.
making errors when Second conditional
writing Past simple passive Verb +
about complex noun
ideas.  Creative lives: nouns.
Work vocabulary.
Magazines vocabulary.
Puzzle vocabulary


1: Write a biography. Writing 2: A story Speaking 1:
Describing a process Speaking 2: portaying a
famous character.


1: Guessing meaning form context. Reading 2:
Identify point of view and tone. Listening 1: listening
for specific information Listening 2:   Identify both
general messages and specific details

Biography of our lives

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.      

upporting their ideas  in standard language, interacting in a

Listening: The student
judges the veracity of the
information and is able to
propose options to complete
or correct according to the
The student judges the context.
veracity of a specific
information and is able
to propose options to
complete according to Reading: The student reads
the text. the veracity of the
information and is able to
understand according to the

Speaking: The student
enters unprepared into
conversation on topics that
are familiar,
of personal interest or
pertinent to everyday life
(e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and
current events)

The student enters

unprepared into
conversations on topics
that are familiar, express
their point of view and
can modify a text to
make it more formal or
Writing: The student modifies
a text to make it more
formal/informal and develop
The student enters writing skill through reviews.
unprepared into
conversations on topics
that are familiar, express
their point of view and
can modify a text to Grammar: Reported speech
make it more formal or Reported questions
informal Have something done
Different types of clause: so
that, whereas, as, although,
because, in order to, while.
Verbs with two objects
-Listening on celebrities’ lifestyles (multiple choice)
Page 105. Ex 2
-Listening test: (teachers choose exercise from the
book (text book or workbook)
-Film review. Exercise from the book (Exercises 2-6)  
 (page 94-95)
-Daily Test
-Speaking (about film review)
-Debate/discussion on cons and pros of being famous.
(based on book page 105 and further instructions)
-Daily test
-Write a film review (according to book´s sample: page
95 and some instructions that sts will be given)

Enterntainment and communication

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.      

pecialisation; interact with a degree of fluency and

nd explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the

Listening: The student
The student identifies identifies the main point of
the main point of television news
television news reporting public
reporting public entertainment, events,
entertainment, events, accidents, etc., where the
accidents, etc., where visuals support
the visuals support the commentary—provided
the commentary— technological
provided technological resources are available. 
resources are available
as he also scans longer Reading: The student scans
expository, procedural, longer expository,
narrative, transactional, procedural,
and persuasive narrative, transactional, and
texts than those studied persuasive
in previous texts than those studied in
years to locate desired previous
information from years to locate desired
different parts of the information from
texts different parts of the texts

Speaking: takes part in

routine formal discussion of
familiar subjects which is
conducted in clearly
articulated speech
the standard dialect and
which involves the exchange
of factual information,
receiving instructions or the
The student discussion_x000D_
summarizes, reports, of solutions to practical
and gives his problems.
Writing: The student
opinion about
summarizes, reports, and
accumulated factual
gives his
information on familiar
opinion about accumulated
matters within his fields
information on familiar
studies, Science, etc.)
matters within his fields
with some
confidence in oral and
studies, Science, etc.) with
written form.
confidence in oral and
written form.

Grammar: Second
conditional modals of
deduction (present and past)
Third conditional Ing forms.
change adjectives to
describe art,personal places
Receptive skills: and feeling  crimes and
1. Listening activity related to places. (Which
speaker said…)
2. Reading activity related to crimes
and criminals. (reading for gist)
Daily test

Productive skills:

1. Writing an essay. (opinion essay)

2. Speaking: FCE practice

3. Daily test

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.      

on. 2. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speak
Listening: The student
 understands documentaries,
live interviews, talk shows,
plays and the majority of
films in standard dialect.

The student understands

lengthy complex
discourses to carry out
different tasks. Reading: The student
understands lengthy,
complex instructions in their
field, including details on
conditions and warnings,
provided they can re-read
difficult sections.

Speaking: The student

synthesizes and report
information and arguments
from a number of sources.

Writing: The student
synthesizes information and
The student synthetizes arguments from a number of
and reports informationa sources.
and arguments from a
number of sources. 

Grammar: Future continuous
and perfect/ conditionals
Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.      

eract with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite poss
 Listening: The student
understands lectures and
conferences about films and
film industry.

The student understands

most TV and radio
programmes, and the
majority of films, and
also reads
correspondence relating
to his field of_x000D_ Reading:    The student
interest identifying the reads correspondence
essential meaning. relating to his field of interest
identifying the essential

Speaking; The student
expresses his ideas and
opinions with precision, and
presents and responds to
The student expresses complex lines of argument
his ideas and opinions convincingly.
with precision, presents
and responds to
complex lines of
argument convincingly,
plus he writes a review
of a film, book or play.
his ideas and opinions
with precision, presents
and responds to
complex lines of
argument convincingly, Writing: The student writes a
plus he writes a review review of a film.
of a film, book or play.

talking about films and film industry

Receptive skills:                                                 A.
Listening excercise for especific details: cloze. B. Daily
test reading .                                                  Productive
skills:                                     C.speaking: short film.   
D. Daily test writing.       E. Ponencia

Selfevaluation.         Co-evaluation.      

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