Arellano, Ercel Q. MAN-2 Sept. 28, 2019

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28, 2019

1.) There was no exact date when primitive education started. Education experts
theorized and postulated that learning commenced when man populated the
earth. Several experts in education from antiquity to the contemporary time
postulated their theories that served as reference for the present educational
system in the country.

1.1) What help can education experts offer, as discussed in the Historical
Foundations of Education for the improvement of the current educational

- We people aim for betterment in everything. We study in order for us to

improve and to be better. Same applies to the experts before that has really
contributed a lot as to the present situation of our educational system. Those
experts started it all. They formed the basis and a foundation that we get
inspiration from for the improvement of the educational system we are
experiencing today.

1.2) What are the common subjects taught during the primitive civilization?
How will you adapt those subjects in the present educational system?

- There was really no formality in terms of the subjects being taught during
primitive civilization. Common subjects during that time was for survival which
includes hunting for food, machine/tool making for hunting, shelter making
and the like. These subjects really have of importance for the present
educational system. Though we are not hunting for food now but the idea for
survival and for us to exist continually are really being taught at school. We do
things, we improve ourselves for us to be better and to survive the high
demands of our world today.

1.3) Do you think that the present educational system has departed already from
Spanish and American methods of instruction? Support your answer.

- For me, the present educational system has really not departed totally from
the Spanish and American methods of instruction. Lecture methods and skills
demonstration are still visible in our educational system today. Also, the
subjects being taught e.g. religion, physical education and military education
are also present today in the educational system. These two civilizations have
really made an impact as to the methods of instructions that we are utilizing at
the present day.

1.4) How do the ancient methods of instruction affect the present educational
system? What is the significance of ancient educational system in the transfer of

- Ancient methods of instruction are still utilized this time. As mentioned, lecture
and demonstration are the two of the most common methods that can be
seen in the classroom today. These affect on how we deliver to our students
and how they process information. As a result, these methods have an impact
on the transfer of learning process. These are really beneficial for us teachers
and also to our students learning.

2. Education Philosophies and theories emerged in several periods in the history of

Greek Philosophy and culminated during the post modern era. Montessori
believed that the universal adoption of her educational method would of great
value to bring peace to the world.

2.1) How effective and efficient is the Montessori educational method to the young
Filipino learners?

- As for me, the Montessori educational method has achieved its efficacy and
effectiveness. With this method, it is applicable in teaching young ones and
it’s suitable for their developmental stage. This is actually based on scientific
observations to children which aids the teacher to assess children’s diverse
learning styles and with that the teachers will be able to apply appropriate
teaching approach to the students.

2.2) What kind of learning method do you want to propose to solve the difficulties of
many students in Math, Science, English and specially in Nursing Education?

- Current methods on teaching Math, Science and English is considered to me

as effective. What I can suggest to add with the teaching methods that the
teachers has been using is that they should find and make time for the
students to explore and learn on their own without pressure. It is advised that
we teachers should impose to students time for self-directed learning. With
the kinds of student that we have now. Spoon-feeding is not as effective as it
was before. Same goes to nursing education, in teaching nursing concept the
teacher should incorporate real life situations, it could be in a sort of
storytelling, role playing and the like for the students to be able to relate and
have faster learning and retention.

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