07 - Chapter 3 PDF
07 - Chapter 3 PDF
07 - Chapter 3 PDF
Western U.P. during the Slave Dynasty
In 602 H./ 1206 A.D. after his last campaign at the time, when
took place on 17 Zilqada 602 H./25th June 1206 A.D., that is a little
over three months after Muiz-ud-din's death. In fact, long before his
title of Malik and Sipah Salar but not that of Sultan. It seems that he
did not strike coins or read the Khutba in his name. The reason,
manumission could not be obtained till 604 H/1208 A.D., But Ghias-
him the royal insignia and standard and also conferred upon him the
the entire Hindustan and established the Mamluk dynasty, which ruled
Saharanpur District :
Qutub-ud-din ruled for a few time only four years and this
district. But it is clear, however, that the district was included in the
Capital. In many parts of the country, no doubt, the conquest was but
nominal at first. The struggle between Hindu and Muslims had been
for the first time and captured Mandawar in the Bijnor district.2 In 651
crossed the Jumna at Rajghat and traversed the north of the district,
consolidating his hold over his possessions including the area covered
by this district.5
But the Jats who by now had risen into prominence in the district,
early. They gathered round one Vijai Rao of Sisauli and held meetings
rebellion blocking the roads leading to Delhi.9 But they were quickly
but the resumption order was withdrawn. However, the grantees lost
Meerut :
the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin, Sultan conferred upon the name and
Monday, the 7th of Jamadi I/14th June the extensive fief of Meerut
and city of Meerut was placed under the charge of Amir Hajib to the
under his sway those confine and districts and took possession of the
Miapur. From their he got a lot of wealth and overthrew Ranas and
the latter half of the thirteenth Century, it is likely that the inhabitants
of the district, including the Meos (who had already settled down in
the southern Parganas), also took an active part in haressing the office
of the Sultans. It is presumable that it was for this reason that a strong
man was appointed the fief holder of Meerut. Kalwars17 of Meerut and
wine having full of flagon, which was two or three years old.18
us-Siraj. We find that when Gwalior was taken (597 H./1200 A.D.),
Altamash became Amir of Gwalior town and after that he got the fief
Mubarak with the spike of his torch, unhorsed a Hindu and sent the
man to hell.
first was made Sir-i-Jandar. After that assigned him the Iqta of
subsequently the Baran was assigned21 to him and after that again the
After the Shamsi rule, during the reign of Sultan Razia, the Iqta
Sanjer-i-Tez Khan (or Taber Khan) was assigned the Iqta of Baran23
followed his policy of executing the Maliks and Amirs and further he
Malik Firoz Khilji, who was the Nayab of Samana and Sar-Jandar of
Baran was given to him and entitled Siasat Khan.25 The appointment
gave great offence to the Turkish nobles and to the people of Delhi,
who despaired his tribe and feared both his increasing power and
into two hostile groups, one led by Malik Firoz Siasat Khan Khilji and
their work on Qaikubad. Now Surkha the leader of Turks made plan to
slay the Firoz but a relative of Firoz Khilji, named Ahmad chap, who
with a large force from Baran to Delhi and occupied the Delhi.
moved his quarters to Ghiyaspur, a few miles from Delhi and then sent
for his relations from Baran, on the plea of removing them from the
beckoned to his men, who cut of his head and threw the body into the
Jamna. This action tore off the mask and the two parties now came out
in open conflict. Now Firoz sent his sons with a body of troops to
fetch Kaiumars from Delhi. They raided the palace and secured the
most of them and captured. Firoz thus became the master of the
joining him.
lay motionless on his bed. A Khilji trooper was sent by Firoz, entered
the apartment, rolled him in his bed-clothes and kicked him off into
the Jumna. Now Firoz set himself up as regent of the new inflent king.
Kaiumars, put him to death, and ascended the throne at Kilokhri with
the title of Jalaluddin in the month of Rabi II 689 H./April - May 1290
Koil, lateron, after resigning from that post he became the tutor to a
pilgrimage to Macca.28
din Firoz Shah so mismanaged affairs that rebellion ensued among the
Ruknuddin was deposed; but the wazir did not acquiesce in the
Delhi with Koil as his base for sometime before peace was made.
the powerful amir and put him to Death. Malik Badr-ud-din Nusrat
Khan, who was one of the ringleaders of this plot, was appointed as
chastise the rebels of Jalali and Datoli.34 Which was repressed by him
with much severity; and it was at this date Jalali received a Pathan
1554, the Sultan visited Koil and conferred the title of Sadr-i-Jahan,
Khan, the nephew of Ulug khan, better known as Balban, who was
where the inscription had been found and which is obviously a much
latter building. Balban assigned the Iqta of Koil to his eldest son,
prince Mohammad,40 known as the Khan Shahid, who held Koil for
several years. After this Malik Mohammad Sherandaz also held Koil41
wines of Koil and Meerut were freely served in the celebrated dancing
conquer this region. The region might have been lost to the Muslims
their hold was confined to a very few towns and in consequence the
state of anarchy which prevailed was aggravated given the local chief
this region.
was seated upon the throne, on Tuesday, the 21 Shaban 633H/6 Jun
repressed this rebellion and returned to Delhi, but the temper of the
capital was against him. He was imprisoned and probably put to death
Bader-ud-din Sunker from Badaun and confirmed upon him the office
Malik Sunqer also grew apprehensive of the sultan and his faith in the
rounded them up. The Sultan probably considered himself too weak to
either to transfer or dimiss the rebels.A mandate was issued that Badr-
ud-din Sunqer should proceed to Badaun50 and that district was made
his fief. Qazi Jalal-ud-din Qashami was dismissed from the office of
the Qazi.
having gone forth, it brought him back to the capital again without
having receive orders to return. He came to the city of Delhi and was
On Saturday, the 8th Ziqad 639H./10 May 1242 A.D., the city
province Nagaur and Mandaur and Ajmer were made over to Malik
Izzuddin Balban Kishlu Khan and the territory of Badaun51 was given
the Katehar and Badaun and performed many exploits against the
pulpits for the Khatibs.52 In the same year when the author
assigned a stipend for his family and children and treated them with all
Sanjar bestowed upon him so many gifts and treated him with honour.
his following the quantity and efficiency of his war material, the
moved them, so that they prepared some poison placed him betel leaf
646H/19 May 1248 A.D. the Sultan Nasir-ud-din Mahmud with his
Sultan, on his march back from Kara, had been nominated to the fiefs
of Sambhal and Badaun, became suddenly filled with fear and terror,
Ranthambhor. During the stay of the Sultan at the capital, Qazi Jamal-
ud-din, the Shafurqani was accused, and Friday 9th Zilbijjah (25
March) was removed from his Qazi ship and by command left the city
on from Nagaur towards Uehcha and went to Malik Sher Khan in his
camp and relinquished the Fort of Uchcha to him and leaving it,
649H./10 July 1251 A.D. he presented himself at the court and the fief
marching to Uchcha and Multan. During this March all the Khans,
Maliks and Amirs of the adjacent parts, joined the royal standards.
Qutluq Khan from Bayana and Izzuddin Balban from Badaun with
Thursday, the 13th Muharram 652H./5 March 1254 A.D., the river
Ganga was crossed by the Sultan Nasir-ud-din and his troops infront
of Mia-pur58 and in the same manner, keeping along the skirts of the
mountains, the force proceeded as far as the banks of the river Rahab
remember for the rest of their lifetime. From there he departed towards
canopy59 of state and royal standards. The Sultan halted there for nine
reached Delhi and stayed at Delhi for a period of five months. During
Maliks who had gathered about Malik Jalal-ud-din Masud Shah, the
Sunam and retired to Hansi and those Maliks moved towards Kuhram
and Kaithal. The Sultan marched from Hansi in the same direction. A
party of Amirs now interposed between the two personages about the
obtain the Iqta of Badaun.61 When Malik Qutlugh Khan, who was the
tam-i-Aor Khan to march from the capital for the purpose of repelling
the troops of Hindustan. When the two armies met within the limits of
after his accession to the throne. With the respect of law and order,
The Doab; the trade-routes, specially the roads of Awadh and the
Doab. The Qasbas (towns) and the wilayats (territories) of the Doab
ruined; the men were to be seized as spoils. The forest were to be cut
They annihilated the disobedient of doab, and cut down their jungles
and was scattered the rebels and reduced the Raiyat of the Doab to
Burni continues
Kample63 and Patiali64 and stayed in those territories for five or six
were the great centre of robbers on the road to Hindustan, strong forts
and high and spacious mosques were constructed and assigned to the
Afghans. Thus the house of robbers became a military post. The land
of Jalali was also made Mafruz (tax-free). Jalali which had formerly
While the Sultan was busy with these enterprises, the news had
was a public fact; They had become so powerful that they ignored the
Balban decided that the suppression of Kateher was a task for imperial
that the whole Katehar put to the arrows and destroy it; general
any one should left alive not even boys eight or nine years old. But
this is absurd, for the Sultan had gone there to protect the peasants
a few days and fearful massacre went on, so as the blood of the
ground. Corpses were piled before every village and jungle and the
strench of the corpses reached upto the bank of ganga. From the
were savaged and plundered by army. Wood cutters and the soldiers of
They kept on constructing the route for army and revenge from
plunderer. From that date the opponents were scattered together, till
the end of Jalaluddin's reign, no one opponent did not dare to raise in
Amroha was given to Malik Amir Ali Sirjandar. The Sultan ordered to
Amroha. At that time Malik Alauddin Kishli Khan was Amir Hajib
to Kamal Mahiyar for job and was presented before the royal throne
for the Khwajgi of Amroha. When Kamal Mahiyar kissed the ground,
Balban said his officers that ask him, what is the meaning of Mahiyar
and what is his relation with him. He answered that Mahiyar was my
Amir Hajib 74 and Khas Hajib Isami, who were concerned in making
first four high ranked officers, "Seeing such a talks I have tolerated of
Vakildar, if my own father had done I would not have tolerate." They
to Adil Khan and Temur Khan, "Both you are my old friends and
bestowed me that characteristic, due to that I can not give any post or
artery and vein in my body begins to agitate with fury.' When this
condition is mine as I told you, then I did not want to participate any
have tolerate the talk of both officers, if after it any officer requests
much competent, I will give him such hard punishment that the
people of the world will also take the lesson. The sultan sent back
those officers having warn about this matter. Balban never gave any
higher post to any petty, mean, coward and vile till his lifetime.
towards the common man came to his knowledge, he flew into a rage
and did not hesitate to punish his officers or even his relations. His
Barids (intelligence officer) kept him fully posted with the activities of
when Balban visited the Badaun, the widow of that Farrash solicited
The Barid of Badaun was hanged over the gate of Badaun for failure
A.B.M., P-92-93.
20. Reverty opp. cit P-604, Now a days Badaun was supposed
greatest aqta.
23. Rizvi, S.A.A., P-69 says Baran but Reverty P-757 says Badaun.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
34. Datoli (Datauli) stands on the south side of the metalled road
16 miles from Aligarh and ten miles south of Atrauli. c.f. District
35. Elliot and Dowson. II P-362, III P-105, Nevil H.R. Aligarh : A
gazetter P-162.
38. Barni opp. cit. P-58, See also Isami, Fatuhus Salatin, P-164.
39. See Epigraphical Supliment No. IV, Siddiqui J.M., opp.cit., P-54.
43. Majumdar R.C. The Struggle for Empire P-137, Joshi, E.B.,
44. Minhaj P-181, Rizvi, S.A.A. opp. cit., P-32, Reverty opp. cit. P-
45. Minhaj P-242, Rizvi, S.A.A. opp. cit., P-61, Reverty opp. cit., P-
46. Habib and Nizami opp. cit. P-235, Reverty opp. cit. P-633.
47. Minhaj P-253, Rizvi, S.A.A. opp. cit. P-66, Reverty opp. cit., P-
48. Rizvi, S.A.A. opp. cit. P-67, Reverty opp. cit., P-752.
49. Same copies here as well as under the reign disagree about this
date. Some have the 10th and some, the 17th, but two of the best
50. Reverty opp. cit. P-654, Rizvi S.A.A. opp. Cit., P-18, Minhaj
51. Reverty opp. cit. P-662, 755, Rizvi, S.A.A. opp. cit., P-68.
54. Reverty opp. cit. P-684, Minhaj, P-212, Rizvi S.A.A. opp. cit., P-
55. Compaire Elliot Vol. II, P-349 'Imad-ud-din did not killed him.
56. Minhaj P-215, Reverty opp. cit. P-690, Rizvi. S.A.A. opp.cit., P-
62. Barni. P-57, Rizvi. S.A.A., opp. cit., P-164, Habib and Nizami.
opp.cit., P-278
66. Ibid.
68. Ibid.
70. Accountship ( )
deputy Vakildar.
80. Barni, P-107, Rizvi. S.A.A. opp.cit., P-198, Nevil H.R. Badaun:
A gazetteer, P-135.