Skylark Enclave Apartment Owners Association: 5 Main, Jagadishnagar, Bangalore 560 075

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1.1  Short Title................................................................................................................................................ 2 

1.2  Preamble ................................................................................................................................................. 2 

1.3  DEFINITIONS: ....................................................................................................................................... 2 

1.4  Membership of SEOA .............................................................................................................................. 3 

Right to Membership & Voting ............................................................................................................................. 3 

Disqualification of Membership ...................................................................................................... 5 

Record of Members ....................................................................................................................... 5 

1.5  VOTING, QUORUM & PROXIES ...................................................................................................... 5 

1.6  AGM and Other Meetings ................................................................................................................... 5 

General Body ................................................................................................................................ 5 

Executive Committee .................................................................................................................... 6 

1.7  MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION ...................................................................................... 9 

Functions of the Owners’ Committee (EC) ..................................................................................................... 9 

1.8  ACCOUNTS, AUDIT & FUND MANAGEMENT ........................................................................ 10 

1.9  General .................................................................................................................................................. 13 

1.10  Right of Entry ....................................................................................................................................... 13 

1.11  Garbage Disposal ................................................................................................................................ 13 

1.1 Short Title


ASSOCIATION BYE LAWS” hereinafter the called the ‘Society/Association’
and an acronym for it is “SEAOA”
1.1.1 Address
The Registered office of the Society shall be situated at Skylark Enclave Apart-
ment Owners Association (SEAOA),5th Main Road, Jagadish Nagar,(New Tip-
pasandra Post),BANGALORE – 560 075.
1.2 Preamble
I. The Bye Laws aim at establishing a smooth and sustainable administration in
the Skylark Enclave Complex through the SEAOA with the collective interest
of the apartment owners into consideration and without hindering or en-
croaching upon the rights of the owners/ tenants. SKYLARK ENCLAVE ‘s all
present or future owners, tenants or their assistance, Domestic workers or any
other person that might use the facilities of the building in any manner, are
subject to the regulation set forth in these bye-laws. It is understood that these
rules and regulations are applicable to any one who takes on rent or on li-
cence, lease or on mortgage any apartment in the apartment complex.
II. The mere acquisition or rental or taking or licence of the units of the building
or mere act of occupancy of any of the said unit will signify that these bye-
laws are accepted, ratified, and will be complied with. It shall be the duty of
the apartment owner’s (or their appointed representatives) to obtain the con-
currence to these rules and regulations of the person whom the apartment is
given on rent. Bye Laws may be amended by the association in a duly consti-
tuted meeting for the purpose with the explicit consent of at least 51 % of the
III. The SEAOA will enable upkeep of the Bye Laws, effectively manage the
funds, provide an effective administrative backup to all residents of the En-
clave apartments and attend to the maintenance needs of common areas and
facilities promptly
In these bye laws, unless the context requires otherwise:-
a) ACT” means the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 and the rules
there on.
b) “Applicable Law” means any Indian statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule,
order, byelaw, administrative interpretation, writ, injunction, directive, judg-
ment or decree or other instrument which has a force of law in India applica-
ble to any Party or its Affiliates, as is in force from time to time;

c) ASSOCIATION” means the Association of all the Apartment Owners Consti-

tuted by such owners of Skylark Enclave, Jagdish Nagar acting as a group in
accordance with the bye laws and declaration.

d) “EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE” means and includes President, Secretary,

Treasurer and Sub Committee Members all of whom shall be owners of
apartments or their authorized family members informed in writing to repre-
sent them in the Association.

e) “APARTMENT” means the building located at-5th Main, Jagdish Nagar and
known as the Skylark Enclave and includes, the land forming part thereof.

f) “OWNER” or “APARTMENT OWNER” means the person owning residential

apartment in the buildings of Skylark Enclave

g) “UNIT” means a family unit in the Skylark Enclave

h) “FAMILY MEMBERS” mean – Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Son and


i) “REGISTRAR” means the Registrar of Societies.

j) Audited Accounts” means the Accounts audited by a recognized Auditor or

Audit Firm

k) Fiscal Year “Fiscal Year shall be the same as the Official Year “

1.4 Membership of SEOA

Right to Membership & Voting
a) A person who owns an apartment in ‘SKYLARK ENCLAVE’ Apartment
building and has attained the age of 18 years will be eligible for member-
ships. Membership is given on acquiring ownership to the Apartment and
on becoming the member of this association on payment of Rs.100-/- (Ru-
pees Hundred Only) as initial deposit which is non-refundable and a
monthly amount towards association maintenance as decided in General
body meeting. Upon any apartment owner selling his apartment or abso-
lutely conveying the same by way of gift under his Will or executing a Deed
of conveyance, the membership of the seller will be cancelled automatically
and the purchaser or Donnee will become a member of the Association and
shall be admitted as a member on payment of the entrance fee of Rs 100(
Hundred only) and a new membership card will be issued to him. For more
clarity, the purchaser will be become a member only after remitting the
membership fee of Rs 100 to the Association.
b) In case of Joint ownership, only one of the Joint owners will be entitled to
membership. All Members of SEAOA are eligible to vote. Membership is
limited to one irrespective of the number of apartments held by a person in
the Apartment Building. Where a single person owns more than one flat /
apartment, only a single vote for him / her will be permitted. For purposes
of membership, a family/company/ firm/ association of members shall be
considered as one unit.
c) Every resident is liable to pay the maintenance charges as are determined
from time to time by the General body of the Association, and if the pay-
ment of maintenance charges is in arrears by the resident, in respect of the
Apartment occupied by him/her/them, he/she/they shall be denied the
common amenities/services enjoyed by the members of the Association or
tenants/occupants of the flat/apartment and such amenities/services shall
not be resorted to him/her/them (of the Apartment) until the arrears are
cleared along with the payment of a penalty of delay, as decided in the
GBM. If anyone is vacating, they need to get NOC from the Association to
ensure all the dues are cleared. It’s the responsibility of the owner to com-
municate with the tenant.
d) At the time of transfer of ownership of an apartment, the member shall
submit a copy of the new sale deed/gift deed/ or the Deed of conveyance
to the association. He should return the membership card and clear the
dues with the general secretary and obtain a No Objection Certificate before
selling the property.
e) Only after the completion of the above formalities the membership will be
transferred to the new member (purchaser) after obtaining the membership
fee from the new member.
f) Upon the death of an Apartment Owner, his/her/their apartment shall be
transferred to the person or persons to whom he/she/they bequeath the
same by his/her/their/will or to the legal representatives of his/her/their
estate. In case he/she/they have not made any specific bequest of the
apartment, the name of the legatee or the names of the legal representatives
jointly shall be entered in the register of apartment owners maintained by
the Secretary for the purposes of administration of the ---------------------------
---as apartment owner or joint apartment owners and in such an event the
first legal representative of the owner mentioned in the register shall be en-
titled to participate in the meetings with the right to vote in such meetings.
  Disqualification of Membership 
If a member defaults on payment of dues of SEAOA and falls in arrears for
more than 90 days, his / her voting rights will be forfeited. Re-admission
thereafter will be decided by the OC based on merit.

           Record of Members 
A register of members will be maintained by the secretary of SEAOA. The de-
tails about the owners, their next of kin, passport size photo etc. will be re-
corded in the register. The format for this record will be available for verifica-
tion to all flat owners.
a) Voting: Every issue shall be decided by voting among members present or
their duly authorized representatives. Every member shall have one vote to
exercise for each residential unit owned / held by him in all Meetings of the
Association. In the event of tie, the Presiding Officer shall have a casting vote.
b) Proxy: Every member who does not personally occupy his unit in the build-
ings, or unable to present himself at the meetings or stand for election to the
Committee of Management shall have the rights to authorize in writing:-
a) Any member of his family, or
b) Any resident or non-voting member
c) A tenant or a licensee in occupation of the unit on behalf of the owner
or to take part and represent him and cast vote on his behalf in all
meetings of the association for such periods as he may so delegate and
such a vote shall take effect as if it has been cast by the member himself
in person. The written authorization shall be addressed to the Presi-
dent or the Secretary of the Association.
d) Tenants who are authorised representatives of the Apartment owners
are allowed for GBM but they will not be having voting power.
e) Disqualification: No member or his representative shall be entitled to
vote on the election of Members of the Committee or be entitled to
stand for election or co –opted to such office if he is in arrears in re-
spect of his contributions for common expenses () for more than 3
months after it falls due.
1.6 AGM and Other Meetings

General Body 
The prime authority of the Association will rest with the General Body. AGM
will be held in the first quarter of each financial year (i.e. April to June)
Executive Committee 
The board members also known as Owners’ Committee (EC) comprising of
President, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members will be elected by the
AGM. In addition, Executive Committee Members, not exceeding 10 mem-
bers, will also be elected by the AGM to assist the EC. Only resident owners
will be eligible to be elected as board members and Executive Committee
Members. The EC will meet minimum once in a month. The Board of Mem-
bers (EC) and executive committee members duly elected in an AGM shall
hold office for one year. However, any member will be eligible for re election
for more than one consecutive term duties of EC. If any member of OC is ab-
sent from three consecutive meetings without proper cause or warning
he/she shall forfeit EC membership. They are, however, eligible for re-
nomination and election
A. Meetings:
a) Place of the meeting: Meetings of the Association shall be held at a suitable
place convenient to the owners and as may from time to time be designated
by the Association.
b) General Body Meeting: The general body meeting, the holding of which is
mandatory, shall be called at least once in 9 months or as found necessary
by the association. A minimum of 21 days notice will be given prior to call-
ing an AGM ; such a notice will be displayed on the notice board. For spe-
cial meeting a minimum of 7 days notice will be required provided a repre-
sentation is made by 5 or more members of SEAOA.
c) Annual Meetings: The First annual meeting of the Association shall be
held within six months from the date of registration of the association An
Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting: The President or in his absence the
Secretory may call an extra ordinary General body meeting, on receipt of a
notice in writing by at least 70% of the members or their authorized repre-
sentatives addressed to the President, giving reasons for calling such meet-
ings. It will be mandatory for the President or in his absence, the Secretory,
to call such a meeting within one month from the date of receipt of such no-
d) Special Meetings: It will be a duty of the President to call a special meeting
of the apartment owners as directed by a resolution of the Executive Com-
mittee or upon a petition signed by a majority of the owners had having
been presented to the secretary. The notice of any special meeting shall
state the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. No other
business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the no-
tice without the consent of majority of the owners present in person.
e) Notice of the meeting: Secretary shall send notice of each annual or special
meeting to each member, stating the purpose thereof as well as the time
and place where it is to be held; at least 21 days prior to such meeting. The
notice shall be served through email or by post on each members of the as-
sociation besides putting up in the notice boards.
f) Adjourned Meetings: If any meetings of owners cannot be organized be-
cause a quorum has not attended, the owners who are present, may ad-
journ the meeting to a time not less than, one hour, from the time of the
original meeting was cancelled. If at such adjourned meeting also, no quo-
rum is present, the owners present in person being not less than ten shall
form a quorum.
g) Quorum of Meeting: Quorum of a meeting shall be 51% members of total
members or their authorized representatives personally present.
h) The President, or in his absence, the secretory shall preside at the General
Body Meetings. In the absence of both, the members present may choose a
chairman, one from among themselves to preside over the meetings.
i) The following matters shall be dealt exclusively by the General Body:-
1) Consideration of Annual Accounts and approving the same
2) Appointment of Auditors
3) Election and removal of Members of Executive Commit-
tee/Governing Council
4) Amendment or repeal of the rules and regulations of the associa-
tion or acts in any way against the interest of the Association.
5) Disciplinary action against any member for violation of the rules
and regulations of the association, or acts in any way against the
interest of the association.
6) Fixation or Revision of amount of fixed deposit, rate of monthly
maintenance charges and penalties for delayed payments.
7) Legal actions, suits etc. considered necessary in respect of com-
mon properties and assets, or activities of the association.
Whereas resolutions relating to items 1,2,3,6 and 7 will be on the basis of simple
majority, those relating to 4, and 5 will require 2/3 majority of those present. Any
information received via email from the registered email ID of the member will
be considered officially valid.
• Will be overall in-charge of the SEAOA and will conduct AGMs/Special
• Is in-charge of office correspondence and records
• Is in-charge of immovable and movable assets of the Skylark Enclave
Apartment common area / facilities
• Monitor and co-ordinate the function of the other members of EC, execu-
tive members and sub committees when constituted
• Call for all meetings at the appropriate time and issue intimations to all
• Operate bank account jointly with the nominated Board member
• Correspond with Government or outside organization and conduct liaison
with neighbouring organizations when need arises
• Monitor and co-ordinate all maintenance works, Annual Maintenance
Contracts (AMC), control payments thereof and ensure general supervi-
sion of general administration of all common areas and facilities
• Maintain Registers pertaining to general administration, supervise man-
power employment and prepare monthly wage payment sheets to em-
• Carry out preventive maintenance of all common facilities by timely detec-
tion of faults / failures in consultation with the President and Treasurer
• Maintain minutes of all meetings
• Custodian of all funds of SEAOA including corpus funds
• Maintain record of all payments and receipts
• Operate bank accounts jointly with secretary
• Prepare monthly maintenance charge bills and ensure timely collection
and deposit the collections in the bank in time.
• Timely issue of reminders to payment defaulters and report to the Presi-
dent on progress from time to time
• Preparation of Balance sheets, annual accounts, profit/loss statements,
property evaluation and presentation to the AGM
• Preparation of Budget
• Arrange for audit of accounts at the appropriate time
• The budget proposals for the next year will also be presented before the
AGM by the Treasurer
Functions of the Owners’ Committee (EC)
a) Promote primary aim and objectives of SEAOA
b) Preparation of Annual Report, Accounts and Budget Presentation in
the AGM
c) Operation and management of funds, bank transactions and proper-
ties, ensure prompt collection of payments from residents like mainte-
nance charges etc.
d) Ensure optimum utilization of funds
e) President may co-opt members when necessary including filling in a
vacancy caused by resignation of any member of EC
f) In the event of any member of SEAOA being rendered undesirable
(due to criminal action, instability, violation of rules & regulations) the
EC may expel such an individual by 2/3rd vote at a special AGM.
g) The EC has powers to appeal, raise funds, accept donations within the
purview of the aims and objectives of SEAOA
h) Each member of the EC will have one vote and in addition the Presi-
dent will have a casting vote if there is a tie
i) To appoint sub committees with such tasks and powers as they deem
fit for the furtherance of the Administrative functions
j) To invite experts / specialists as and when considered essential
k) Recording of minutes of AGM, Special Meetings and EC meetings and
dissemination of information
l) Appointment / dismissal of employees/ sub contracts for routine func-
m) To prepare rules and amend rules with the approval of the members of
n) Maintenance, Operation and Monitoring including repairs / replace-
ment of
ƒ Lifts
ƒ Generator
ƒ Water pumps and Water storage and supply facilities
ƒ Sewerage and Garbage disposal facilities
ƒ Electrical, plumbing, sanitary fitments of all general /
common areas
ƒ Maintenance of gardens
ƒ Club house, swimming pool & Recreational facilities
ƒ Common garages (SEAOA Parking Slots) and staff quar-
ƒ Fire fighting & other security measures.
ƒ To be the sole custodians of the corpus fund and manage
such funds as per approved laws and procedures to the
best benefit and common good of all members and resi-
dents of Skylark Enclave Apartments.
a. To garner funds for special / emergent expenditures from
A Bank Account
a) Bank account will be opened in one of the nationalized banks, in a branch
close to Skylark Enclave, with cheque book facility

b) All payments beyond Rs.10,000 will be made by cheque signed by secre-

tary and one other board member

c) Petty cash not exceeding Rs.5000/- may be kept in the personal custody of
the secretary or the treasurer

d) On or before 30th April each year, an annual financial statement in respect

of the common areas and facilities for the year ended 31st March will be
got ready by the Treasurer. This statement will include profit & loss ac-
count, receipts & expenditures of previous year, a summary of property
assets and liabilities of common areas and facilities and their value, duly
depreciated or appreciated as the case may be.

B Corpus Fund

All owners are obliged to pay a sum of Rs.10,000/- per flat / apartment of Skylark
Enclave which will be invested as per law as fixed deposit or deposits with a nation-
alized bank. This fund will be maintained as General operating reserve or for reserve
fund for improvements, replacements and re-furbishing. In case of emergency the
association may utilize the corpus fund for any capital works with in the complex
and the association will repay within one year at zero percent rate of interest thereby
absorbing the liability.

C. Sinking Fund

All residents are obliged to pay a sum as decided by the EC per flat/ apartment of
Skylark Enclave which will be invested as fixed deposit or deposits with a national-
ized bank. The sinking fund will be utilized for major/minor one-time maintenance
activity only.

C. Obligation of SEOA Members & Tenants

a) All owners and tenants are governed by the Act, Bye laws of SEAOA and its
administrative Rules and Regulations. Flat system has come up to meet the
increasing demands for housing and for all purposes provides a heritable and
transferable immovable property to the owners. In such an enterprise the En-
clave apartments become an exclusive community which will only thrive on
mutual co-operation. The EC will be able to function only if they get full co-
operation from all members. To that extent the apartment owners and tenants
bear the burden of several obligations, most important ones are given below
for strict compliance
b) Monthly assessments imposed by the Association to meet all expenses to the
condominium will be paid by due date
c) The SEAOA will be indemnified from all claims from residents (i.e. tenants /
assignees / lessees) during their occupation of the premises
d) Skylark Enclave Apartments shall exclusively be used for residential pur-
poses. No owner / resident may use the apartments & its common areas for
commercial purposes or as an office / shop / guest house / service apartment
e) To bear full responsibility for claims and damages, if any, caused to the build-
ing / premises of skylark enclave apartments by the owners / residents or
any one acting on their behalf
f) Not to display any advertisement posters or notices of any nature in the
common areas without the explicit consent of the EC
g) Fund collection for any function will not be made or notices for such collec-
tions displayed without prior approval of the EC
h) In the event of sale of any flat by the Owner, a No Objection Certificate (NOC)
will have to be obtained from the SEAOA for which a payment as fixed by the
association will be payable
i) The owner is obliged to communicate in writing to the EC the particulars of
their tenants / new occupants of the flat concerned prior to occupation by the
said persons
j) Pet animals owned by residents will not be allowed to defecate in the com-
mon areas. Pet owners should ensure that such animals do not cause any in-
convenience or pose threat to the other residents of Enclave complex
k) No external appurtenances will be kept or fixed or installed (such as electrical
wirings, gadgets, AC machine units, grills etc) without prior approval of the
EC in writing
l) The recreation facilities i.e. swimming pool, indoor game facilities, club house
etc of the complex will be for exclusive use by Skylark Enclave residents.
Payments as fixed by the Association for use of these facilities will be payable
by the users concerned. Use of swimming pool will be at the personal risk of
the users and the SEAOA will take no responsibility towards deployment of
life savers and coaches / guides at the skylark enclave swimming pool and
other recreational facilities
m) General Safety – Each resident will be responsible for their own safety in the
use of the Enclave premises such as lift, corridors, staircase, car parking areas
etc. children should not meddle with or use lifts as play gadgets. Playing
games in the car parking areas and the common areas like corridors without
regard to the convenience of other residents will be strictly prohibited
n) Lifts will be used only for the essential movement of resident individuals,
without exceeding their rated capacity. Heavy and unwieldy items will not be
transported by lifts. All servants, vendors, drivers etc will be advised to use
the staircase by the respective owners / tenants
o) When guests come to stay in any particular apartment beyond one week, ad-
ditional maintenance charges will become payable; the quantum will be fixed
by the EC
p) Owners will ensure that all their tenants are fully conversant with the “rules
of conduct” expected of them, such as avoidance of making noise, use of mu-
sical instruments, TV, radio, amplifier, drying of clothes in the common areas,
throwing of garbage all over etc.
q) Owner, residents and tenants will ensure that the caution/security deposit
and monthly maintenance and other administrative charges are paid by them
directly and well before due date to the EC or their nominated representative.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking will be strictly prohibited
in the common areas of the skylark enclave apartment. Only specific garage
space allotted to flats will be utilised by the allottee.
r) Encroachments will not be allowed. Two wheelers will be parked only in the
allotted space provided and haphazard parking will not be permitted. Those
owners who wish to hire on rent or lease their garage space allotted to outsid-
ers should take prior permission from the EC and in all such cases, the names,
address and particulars of employed / hired drivers will be recorded in the
association registers. Club house may be used by members for private func-
tions, organised by them and their families, without recourse to use of naked
s) Allotment will be based on first come – first served basis, on payment of a
cash deposit and also the charges for such use as laid down by the EC.
Wooden floor of the premises used shall be covered by suitable floor spread /
carpet to save it from damage during the functions. Not more than 50 guests
(individuals) will be permitted at one function in the clubhouse. To maintain
the facade of the enclave complex, the wall colourings will not be altered in
those affected areas. Sub-letting of any portion of a flat by the tenants is pro-
hibited. Security, staff and sweepers will not be diverted to private jobs or to
run errands. They will be required to discharge their primary duties as as-
signed by the EC
1.9 General
It is emphasized that rules and regulations are only guides and cannot be exhaus-
tive. Every owner must undertake promptly all maintenance and repair work within
his / her own unit, which, if omitted, would affect the enclave condominium in en-
tirety or in part belonging to other owners. This responsibility for damages and li-
abilities arising out of failure in this aspect will vest with the affected owner entirely.
1.10 Right of Entry

An owner or his approved tenant shall grant right of entry to the elected Board
members or by a persons nominated by them in case of any emergency originating
in or threatening his/her unit, whether the owner is present there or not
1.11 Garbage Disposal

1. Garbage in sealed bags will be kept only in the disposal installation provided
and NOT anywhere else. If any monthly payment is involved, it will be col-
lected with monthly maintenance charges.
2. Administrative rules and regulations affecting daily routines will be issued by
the EC and amended from time to time to be in-keeping with the progress of
times, circumstances and contemporary events
3. The EC will issue an Aide Memoir for each flat resident and to new residents
when they move in, covering their responsibilities to pay the monthly main-
tenance charges, charges and rules for use of recreation facilities, club-house,
security deposit for tenants, economy in the use of water, electricity and other
resources of the condominium, rules for use of garage and important aspects
of conduct

1) Seal of the Association: The Association shall have a common Seal which
shall be in the custody of the secretary and shall be used only under the au-
thority of a Resolution of the Executive committee and every Deed of Instruc-
tion to which the seal is affixed shall be attested for or on behalf of the Asso-
ciation by two members of the Committee and the Secretary or any other per-
son authorized by the Association in the behalf. The seal of the association
will be affixed only for the contracts

2) Working Hours: Notice Boards: The Association has its Notice Board fixed at
some common area, on which shall be exhibited all communications, state-
ments of Accounts, annual Reports, Circulars, etc., of which notices are re-
quired to be given to the members of the Association under the rules.

3) Inspection of the Books and Records: A member shall have the right to in-
spect the books, registers and documents, minutes etc., relating to the affairs
of the Association and get copies of the document on payment of fees as may
be prescribed by the Committee.

4) Sue and be Sued: The Association being juristic person can sue and be sued
in its own name represented by the President or Treasurer or Secretary or
Board of Members.

5) Jurisdiction: For any dispute touching or arising out of these rules, the courts
in Bangalore alone shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate such matters to the ex-
clusion of all other courts situated elsewhere in the country.

6) Dissolution: In the event of the dissolution or amalgamation of the Associa-

tion, if there remains after the satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities, any
funds or property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed
among the members of the Association or any of them, but shall be trans-
ferred to the Association / company / organization formed under any other
suitable legislation then in force or donated to any other suitable legislation
then in force or donated as may be determined by votes cast in Favour, of not
less than three fourths of the members of the Association Present and voting
at a duly constituted General Meeting.

7) Society Registration Act: All that is not herein specifically provided for and
including the dissolution or amalgamation and other matters, the provisions
contained in the Society Registration Act, 1960 shall be applicable.

We the several persons whose name and addresses are given below being desir-
ous of forming a society subscribe to this Society under the Karnataka Societies
Registration Act, 1960 in pursuance of and in terms of this Memorandum of As-
sociation and the Rules and Regulations, a true copy of which is attached hereto.

Name Fathers name Position Age Address Occupation
o Signature
Arun Gopal Karunakaran Nair 317,Skylark Software
1 President 33
Koothirezhi C.M Enclave Consultant

K.P.Nandakumar 102,Skylark Technical

2 Renu Menon Secretary 32
Sreejith G. (Husband) Enclave Writer

Balavardhan Reddy
201,Skylark Home
3 Rathna Latha Tirupati Treasurer 32
Enclave Maker
Commit- 215,Skylark
4 Gopakumar P M.S.P.Panicker 41 Deutsche
tee Mem- Enclave
Gopalakrish- Commit- 208, Skylark Hardware
5 Sankara Raman 28
nan S tee Mem- Enclave Engineer
Devanand Harish Chandra Commit- 301, Skylark
6 44 Engineer
Shukla Shukla tee Mem- Enclave
Venkata Kutumba Rao Sub-
Gayathri Praveen Mohan Commit- 214, Skylark Home
7 32
Tummallapalli Tummalla- tee Mem- Enclave Maker
palli(Husband) ber
Commit- 107, Skylark Home
8 Priya Anand Anand((Husband)
tee Mem- Enclave Maker

013, Skylark
9 Raghavendra Member
Sathyanaraya- 103,Skylark
10 Member
nan Enclave

Leelavathi /
Rajesh 318,Skylark Self em-
11 Member
Enclave ployed

304, Skylark Process Con-

12 Deepak T V Member
Enclave sultant

13 Krishna- Member Retired
Prabhat K 001,Skylark Software
14 Singh Member
Enclave Consultant

Sethuraman S 302,Skylark
15 Member Retired




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