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Oh My Veela

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Chapter 1: I'm A What?

Draco Xavier Malfoy was lying on his four-poster bed trying to get some sleep when the sun decided to shine down and burn the pale boy's face.
He grumbled as he opened his eyes and stared out his French doors leading to the balcony of his room. The boy narrowed his eyes angrily at the
bright and shiny yellow ball of painfully annoying cheerfulness. 'Stupid bloody sun! Why doesn't it take a hint that it's not wanted and burn out
The blonde boy tried in vain to get back to sleep. He closed his silver eyes after he gave the bright orb a 'Just-you-wait-until-I-summon-enough-
will-power-to-grab-my-wand-and-move to-cast-a-spell-of-perpetual-bloody-darkness-and-we'll-just-see-if-you're-cheerful-than,-you-arse' glare.
It just didn't seem to scare his arch nemesis of that morning as it wouldn't take the hint and self-destruct. The light continued to shine down on
his face and one of the dragons of Malfoy Manor, seemingly in an agitated state that morning, started roaring loudly. The birds outside his
window also thought to serenade him with their chirping while the house elves seemed to be apparating here and there with their wretched
'Pop' noises.
His temper snapped and he bolted up in bed, ready to do some extreme harm to anyone who dared to disrupt his slumber. Glaring at the
window, he called out, "I'm up you cheerfully sadistic bastards! Are you happy now, you blood gits?"
To add to the boy's increasingly foul mood, a stray beam of sunlight hit him in the eye and he heard a wind whistle through the trees on the
grounds. It sounded far too condescending. Far too smug, really.
Draco growled, no matter how alike he was acting to the redheaded Weasel, and balled his hands into fists. "I'll hex you so bad you fu-"
He was so upset that he hadn't heard the door upon.
"Draco, darling, why are you threatening the sun?" An amused voice asked from the doorway of his chambers.
He turned his head to the person that spoke. There stood Narcissa Black Malfoy, already dressed and groomed for the day. She looked
aristocratic and noble in pale blue dress robes, her blonde hair hanging loosely down her shoulders.
Draco nodded to her and felt some of his frustration drain away. "Good morning, Mother. I trust you're feeling well this morning."
She gave him a small smile. "I'm wonderful this morning, but it seems that you, my dearest Draco, are not."
"Yes well, I woke up this morning with that dreadful light burning my face and it had the nerve to be smug about getting me up and I know that it
also made some of the creatures of the Manor join in the conspiracy as well. They are all against me Mother and they banded together to not let
me have my sleep," Draco huffed, making Narcissa laugh.
Looking at him at the moment reminded her of his 6 year old version of himself. The pout on his face and the wrinkle creasing between his brows,
the upset in his stormy grey eyes and the arms crossed over his chest brought back memories of the coddled and spoilt child, angry that things
weren't going his way. His voice may have deepened and his face may have matured, but this hadn't changed in the least.
"Mother, stop laughing at me." Draco sighed. "It's bad enough that everyone else is against me today, but not you too."
She smiled at him softly. "You, Draco, are just far too dramatic at times."
"Wonderful of you to say, Mum." Draco muttered as he rolled his eyes and fell back into his bed, trying to get some much needed sleep.
"I thought you were up now," Narcissa said amused as she sat down on the edge of his bed.
He turned over to her and replied, "Mum, you were in Slytherin so you should know that anyone from Slytherin lies."
"Darling, get up." She frowned when he didn't make a move of awakening. "Draco Xavier Black Malfoy, I have something of importance to tell you
so you will get up, prepare yourself for the day and meet me in the Library."
With that said, Narcissa strode out of the room, as regal as any Queen.
"Argh!" He growled.
He lay on his bed for a few minutes just staring up. It was pointless trying to get back to sleep now since many unseen beings were making sure
he was awake and forcing him out of bed to start his day. Even his mother was going along with their plot as well, he grumbled.
Knowing that he shouldn't keep his mother waiting since she'd become irritated and come back upstairs, twist his ear and snap angrily, Draco got
out of bed and grumpily got ready for the day.
After 45 minutes of waiting, Draco met his mother in the Library. She was sitting on a seat in front of a large open window, exposed to the
warmth of the Autumn sun. Narcissa turned and smiled at him, montioning for the blonde boy to sit beside her.
He took the offered seat and stared out the window where she was staring before turning to her and asking, "What is this about mother?"
"Draco, I know you have always been so proud of your heritage," Narcissa began. "You should be of course. You come from a long line of strong
and powerful witches and wizards."
"Yes mother but where is this going?" Draco asked.
"Darling, the war is over now and your father is gone. I've never really agreed with your father's views of 'proper' blood and what and who you
should marry." She admitted. "I just didn't have the courage to tell him."
There was silence in the library for a while before her son broke it. "It's fine mother. Father was always rather intimidating."
"I also know that he forced you and molded you into believing his ideals." Narcissa put her hand on his shoulder. "Do you believe them, Draco?"
He sighed. "No, not after father took me to a Death Eater meeting."
Draco closed his eyes as shots of his father and other Death Eaters torturing an innocent muggle family for hours than slaughtering them showed
in his mind and made him dizzy.
Narcissa sighed in relief. "That's wonderful. You aren't as narrowminded as some people you've been acquainted with over the years."
"Mother, father is gone now. As much as I loved you telling me this and me getting this out in the open, was there something more you would
like to tell me or was this it?"
"There's more Draco. It is about your blood line though." She sighed. "I've been watching you as you grew up, Draco. Have you seen any changes,
any differences in yourself than some of the boys in your class?"
He looked shocked at the question but answered it anyway. "Well I am smarter than them. I'm also richer than them and far better looking.
Especially compared to Weasel. That ghastly redhair and that face full of those blasted freckles." He shuddered at the thought of himself having
those freckles on his face.
His mother laughed. "Draco, not those differences. Well, maybe some of them."

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"Mother, why don't you tell me what you have to tell me and than we will discuss this and I might have some clue with how to answer your
questions, hm?"
Narcissa looked at her son, her blue eyes shining. "Draco, you're a Veela."
Well, he couldn't have been more floored than he was at that. He opened and closed his jaws in an undignified manner but could have cared less.
He didn't know what to say, he really didn't. He'd have been less surprised if his father had disinherited him for not becoming a Death Eater.
The blonde haired female stared at him just waiting for the explosion when her son's sack jaw started working again. She didn't have to wait long
"I'm a what?" Draco snapped heatedly.
"You're a Veela darling. Well, not full. Part actually. You're a pureblood but part of your blood, half of it, is Veela. It comes from both my side of
the family, as well as your father's."
"And neither of you could have informed me of this earlier in my life?" He asked her angrily. "Did you not think that maybe I'd want to know
She placed one of her hands on top of his and it took all he could to not pull it away from her in rage. "Draco, I had to make sure. I didn't want
you to know about this until I was positive that the Veela blood in you was actually active. Me and your father both have the blood but it was
dorminant in us."
"Lucky you than." He muttered.
"I know you're going to need some time to get used to this but there is more than just having Veela blood." She continued. "You are of age now
Draco. You turned 17 in June and since than it has only confirmed my belief that your Veela blood is active."
"How could you confirm anything, mother?" He asked her, looking into her eyes with his steely grey ones. "I mean, you may have observed me
but I think I would know if there were changes going on with my own body."
Narcissa smiled. "You weren't looking out for any signs, darling, so you wouldn't have noticed anything at all."
"Well than what changes are there?"
"For starters you will become taller, which happens to everyone, I know but their hair does not grow 4 inches every month." Narcissa smiled as
Draco looked like he was in thought, his hands running through his ungelled fair hair. "You've also become much more good looking." When he
started to open his mouth, she continued before he could say a word. "I know you've always been good looking, darling, but far more so. Once
your blood has fully awoken, than you will be absolutely gorgeous. Your sense of smell will be better as well and so will your eye sight."
Draco looked at her for a moment before he smiled gently at his mother. "I think I'm starting to like this mother."
"There is a catch though."
He sighed. Nothing ever came that good without a price. "What's that?"
"You have to find your mate, Draco."
"My what?"
"Your mate. The person that you are going to spend the rest of your life with. A Veela has a mate. A person they are bound to in ways that are
hard to explain. When they find their mate, they grow possessive and protective of them. They mark their mate to show that that person is taken
by them, almost like marking their territory."
"So what you're saying is I have to find this person?"
"Yes. A Veela is only as happy as their mate is. If the Veela has not found their mate before their 18th birthday than the Veela dies of heartbreak
and loneliness. If the Veela marks their mate before their 18th birthday, they live."
"Mother, you are asking for too much! I'm only 17! Far too young for any sort of thing like that!" Draco said. He didn't want to be attached to
anyone. "Mate! No."
Narcissa looked at him. "Draco, most Veela have already found their mate at your age. The easiest way is to think back to the age of when the
blood started awakening. Something significant happened in that year with their mate that triggered the blood."
"I don't know when my blood woke up, mother!" He snapped, his eyes darkening to a shade of dark charcoal; another Veela trait he would learn
of later. "Like you said, I bloody well wasn't paying attention to any signs!"
She took this all in stride. Normally she wouldn't have her son yelling at her but he was upset and under these circumstances, she wasn't going to
blame him for being mad. "Well, I have, darling. Your blood awoke some time around your third year while you were at Hogwarts. You were
different after that during the summer and onward."
"…Third year, mother?"
Draco looked at her and sighed. "Mother, I…I just need to think right now. It's just too much."
Narcissa stood from where she sat and nodded. "I understand that, darling. There are books about Veela's in the library. You may read about it
and I'll send a house elf to bring you some brunch."
"Thanks, mum." He said softly and she gave him a small smile before walking out of the Library and closing the doors behind her.
Draco sighed and looked around the large library, bigger than the Hogwarts collection, even. How the hell was he going to find a few books in this
place? It was bloody huge!
A half hour later, Draco sat at a table in the library with a stack of books. He opened the first one while he ate a scone that one of the house elves
had put on the tray for his breakfast.
'Veelas are almost like humans except with interesting abilities and heightened senses. They are speculated to have originated in Bulgaria but
have spread across Europe mainly, though there are very few of them.
There are certain traits to recognize a Veela. Their hair grows longer faster and they are shockingly fast. When a Veela feels threatened, angry,
possessive or aroused, their eyes turn into a dark colour.
All of their senses are heightened. Such things like smell, while humans can only smell aroma, Veelas smell emotion as well. They hear even the
softest murmurs of someone they are intent on listening to, even if they are far away since the Veela is tuned into listening for their voice and it is
what they are seeking. Viewing things at long distance isn't hard for a Veela either.'
Draco paused to take a sip of his pumpkin juice. He smirked at the thought of heightened hearing and sight. 'Catching the snitch will be extremely
easy this year.' He thought.
He bit into more of his scone before reading once again.

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'A Veela's taste buds are more attuned. Some great chefs from ages past have been known to have Veela blood. Veelas are prone to feeling
sensitive to touch, especially from their mate.
The most important thing to a Veela though is their mate. A Veela usually finds their mate at a young age. When their blood awakens, it is usually
during the year that something significant changed between their mate. A Veela mate is their perfect match; in human terms, it is their soul mate,
a person they have a connection and bond with.
There are 5 steps of actual joining. The first is the awakening of the dormant Veela blood and the second is the courtship. After the courtship, is
the 3rd step which is the marking. The mark is temporary until the last stage and is usually located in the neck on a sensitive part of skin. 4th is the
acceptance in which the mate must accept their mate and lastly is the joining in which they engage in sexual intercourse and the Veela mate gets
their permanent mark.
A Veela is only as happy as their mate, which is why the Veela goes to great lengths to ensure that their love is happy.'
"Sounds like the Veela is more whipped than anything," Draco muttered but continued reading.
'They will try to ensure that their love is happy, healthy, and protected. When their mate is injured or ill, they become far more protective then
normal, only letting family members and females close. If their mate is threatened, a Veela is known to be irrational or angry and will do anything
to keep their mate safe. If the Veela's mate is happy, than the Veela itself is happy.
These creatures live long lives, as long as both mates are happy. If the mate of a Veela dies, the Veela dies along with it of loneliness or if it is their
time to go, than they die peacefully in sleep together since their souls are tied.'
Draco closed the book when he saw that there was nothing more but origin and history. He'd read about that later. Right now he had thinking to
His mother said that he had met his mate at Hogwarts and something significant happened with them. It was third year. Something that
happened in third year.
Draco sighed.
'Third year. Let's see. Well, I was turned into a Ferret by that crazy- wait, that was 4th year and if my blood had awoken to that idiot playing Mad-
Eye Moody, I'd rather die of loneliness. Hmm… third year I was attacked by that menace hippogriff but that couldn't be it unless my mate was a
fat bloody chicken but I'd rather die than have myself attached to that thing and I know that it's impossible to be attached to a creature more
animal than anything resembling a human. Plus than I'd be dead wouldn't I? It was executed, as far as I heard from the rumours and because I
had asked for it to be so. So who could it be? …Holy Fuck!'
Draco's eyes widened when he made the realization and he summoned a house elf. He scrawled a note to her.
I've gone to Blaise Zabini's manor.
He folded it and told the house elf, "Give this to my mother."
The house elf nodded, "Yes sir. Minky be giving this to Mistress for Sir." And it disapparated with a loud pop.
He looked at the fire place in the library, took the floo powder from on top of the mantel and threw some into the flames shouting, "Zabini
Blaise Zabini was lounging about in his den when his best mate since childhood, Draco Malfoy stepped at of his fire place. The boy looked at his
friend who was brushing off soot from his robes before asking, "Draco, mate, what are you doing here?"
"I've got news." Was the reply that came and Blaise nodded to take a seat on a sofa before telling Draco to continue.
An hour and a bit later, Draco finished telling Blaise all the details and waited for his friend to say something.
"Let me get this straight, you're a Veela, well, half, and you're looking for your mate?"
"Not looking for. Found."
Blaise smirked. "Well, at least you could say that your years of stalking her have not gone to waste."
"I have not been stalking her."
The dark haired boy rolled his eyes before saying, "Right. Not stalking. You've only been vying for her attention, plotting ways to get her to like
you, being a complete arse to other guys that even looked at her in some way you didn't like and memorizing her class schedule so that you could
bump into her."
"Blaise, shut up."
"Well it's true and after all these years of you dragging me into your procrastinating plotting ways, you will finally do something about what you
Draco shrugged. "It's either that or die."
"Draco, mate, don't deny that when you found out that she was your mate, you started whooping for joy."
The blonde snorted. "Malfoy's don't start whooping for joy, Blaise. It's not becoming. It's something more like what Weasel-bee or Pothead
would do. I'm certainly neither, thank Merlin. And for your info, I came right here when I found out."
"Of course. I mean, I am the one you've been dragging along into your schemes and telling how the progress is going. Only this year we'll both
actually get somewhere."
"I thought I told you to shut up, Blaise."
"You're the one that came over here and it's my Manor."
"Right, well, anyways, back than in third year after that defining moment, I guess something happened. Don't get me wrong, it hurt like the devil
but there was something more. Her touch did something and I don't know, it was just different."
"Lets skip the sentiments, Draco. I've heard you tell me this a thousand times."
"Blaise, this year, she will fall for me."
"You've been saying that for nearly 4 years now Draco." Blaise pointed out. "Every year you tell me that she'll fall for you this year but than you
never do anything."
"I'm telling you Blaise. This year she'll fall for me or else I'm gone and I'm not just talking about heart break… I probably am though. They said that
a Veela was going to die of heart break if they don't have their mate. So it's either do or die. Literally."
"It makes matters easier though. This year she's Head Girl and I surprisingly am Head Boy."
Blaise shook his head. "I still can't believe that Dumbledore chose you."
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"Well he did and I'm thankful for it. It gives me more time to work on her." Draco told him. "Head Boy and Head Girl share common room and
bath room."
Like Draco, Blaise was smirking now. "I'm sure the stalker in you is happy dancing."
"There's a party going on in my mind as we speak, Blaise. Party in my mind."
"You're going to do everything in your power to make her fall for you within Hogwarts Rules." Laughed the boy. "Now I'm starting to feel sorry for
the poor girl."
"I'm willing to break a few rules if it means that I get to live to see my graduation." Draco told him, his voice full of determination. "Plus, I'm
starting to warm up to the idea of this mate stuff, especially since it's her."
"Who would've known that the heir to the Malfoy fortune, Hogwarts Sex God, Slytherin Prince and Pureblood Elitist would fall for and be the
mate to-"
"-Hermione Granger of the Golden Trio, Hogwarts Know-It-All Prudish bookworm, Gryffindor Lioness and Muggleborn." Draco smirked.
"I think when she slapped you, she slapped all of your senses out your ears." Blaise told him. "I'm also finding you masochistic. Only a masochist
who enjoys pain would fall for the one woman to slap him, the woman who is constantly ready to bite his head off and one that he has explosive
arguments heard from one side of the castle to the other."
"She changed me Blaise. I wouldn't be a bloody Veela if she hadn't done what she did. Call it Karma. The guy that she pretends to detest is
actually the guy she's going to spend the rest of her long life with."
"The hard part is getting her to fall for you."
"Blaise, she's in love with me. She just doesn't know it yet."
"I'm finding it hard to believe that she'd fall for the guy that has been teasing her and being a pain in her lovely arse since she's known him."
"First off, it did get her attention, didn't it? She knows me and who I am doesn't she? There is a thin line between love and hate, Blaise and she's
going to cross it. She already feels one emotion strongly for me. Now I've just got to make sure she feels the opposite for me more strongly and
I'm set." Draco than got up and stared at Blaise intently. "Second off, don't go talking about her arse, no matter how lovely it is. Don't think about
it, don't look at it, and if you even think for one fleeting moment of touching it, I will have your head."
Blaise saw his friend's eyes darken and knew that the Veela changes were already working. The possessiveness was certainly stronger than it was.
Back than he could at least joke about her a little. He rolled his eyes. 'This is going to be a long year.'
"Don't worry, mate. I didn't mean anything by it with the arse comment."
Draco nodded. "I know." He smirked. "You do have a certain fancy for-"
"But we're not talking about me, are we?" Blaise asked, looking pointedly at Draco. "We're talking about you."
"Don't worry. I've already got it worked out." Draco told him.
"You're going to drag me along into this, aren't you?" Blaise muttered.
"Yes and if I don't get her, which I find impossible, I blame you for my death and will haunt you, and haunt the guy she falls for and haunt her
"Draco, shut up and breathe and great Circe's will you relax?" He snapped at his friend when his eyes darkened at the thought of someone else
having Granger.
Malfoy took a deep breath and than looked at his friend who was still sitting down. "You are gonna help me, aren't you, Blaise?"
"Well of course I am. You can't really rely on Greg and Vin, can you?"
"Of course not."
"Than you know I'll help."
Draco nodded and smirked. "Hermione Granger is my intended mate and she will be mine."
The other Slytherin smirked along with him and shook his head. 'Oh boy is she and Hogwarts in for a major shock come the start of term. Granger
is in for it.'

Chapter 2: Cheesecake, Phase 1 and Poor, Poor Blaise

Draco, after a long evening of plotting with Blaise, apparated back to Malfoy Manor. No one ever got into any of the Malfoy Estates by apparating
unless you were a member of the family, blood related or married into. The Malfoy's that had built the estate were rather…Cautious you could
(What Draco really thought was that they were paranoid lunatics… but that was before he found one of his fan girls trying to get into his house.
When interrogated about what she was doing, she said that she wanted one of his pair of boxers to add to her shrine. He shivered remembering
how she had literally drooled when he walked into the interrogation room, eyeing him like a piece of meat.)
He walked up the stairs and down a few corridors to reach his bedroom, all the while he had a smirk that would make Salazar Slytherin proud, on
his face. Upon entering his chambers he saw that his mother was sitting on a chair at a desk close to a window.
"Mother." His voice was once again had the arrogant drawl having recovered from his shock from the news. "What are you doing here?"
Narcissa gave him a radiant smile. "It seems you're in a better mood, darling." She commented happily. He didn't seem mad at her. She had been
so worried that he was upset with her for keeping the news from him.
"I went to talk to Blaise." He told her. "I'm sure that Minky gave you the note."
"That she did." She motioned for him to join her which he did. He sat down and she continued with what she was saying. "I'm assuming that you
found out who your mate is, darling?"
Her son nodded to her. "It was quite a shock when I figured out who it was but, yes, I know who my mate is."
"Well don't keep me in suspense, Draco. It's very rude to do that. Especially to your mother!" Narcissa said huffily.
Truth be told, she really was excited. She had wanted more children after Draco but Lucius had made it clear that he only wanted one child, the
heir to all of his fortune. With Draco taking a mate, it meant that she would have another child. A daughter.
He smiled at her. His mother seemed so much more herself and much more free than she had been when his father was alive. Draco was hesitant
to tell her who his mate was even though she had confessed that she didn't believe in the same things that his father did. After all, his mother
had always seemed a regal Pureblood. "Well, mother, my mate is Hermione Granger."
Narcissa's blue eyes widened as she made the realization of who his mate was.
Draco watched her reaction and waited for her to say something. It was deathly quiet and the silence was getting to him after a few minutes
before Narcissa spoke.
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"Hermione…Granger? The muggleborn witch, best friend of Harry Potter and the Weasley family?" She questioned him.
Draco didn't like what his mother was saying and he felt the need to defend Hermione, holding in the need to snap at his mother. There was a
battle raging within him as he murmured in a deathly quiet voice, "Yes, Mother."
He didn't trust himself to talk any louder, lest he yell at his own mother. As much as he didn't like what she was implying about Hermione, she
was still his mother and someone he loved very much, having loved few people in his life.
The woman watched as her son's eyes flashed and his tone changed. 'Good.' She thought happily, inwardly cheering. She continued with what
she was saying. "The one that has always beaten your marks?"
"Draco It's rude to interrupt."
"Sorry," He grumbled begrudgingly. Merlin, it was like he was still five years old and not a 17 year old Veela with a mate…erm…soon-to-be mate.
"As I was saying. The girl that always beat your marks, a Gryffindor and a brunette?"
Draco blinked, his grey eyes full of confusion. …A brunette? What was wrong with brunettes? He happened to like Hermione's hair colour.
Narcissa had to hold back her laugh as Draco blinked looking rather lost. She loved teasing her son so. She watched him, his face turning from
confusion and shock to something akin to a wistful, almost dreamy, expression. Ah…He was thinking of her.
"Draco, darling, it would help if you stayed with me during our conversation."
He snapped out of his thoughts of Hermione and stared at her for a few moments before his cheeks turned a shade of pink and he mumbled,
"Sorry mother. I was…just thinking about…uh… a new broom I wanted to buy from Diagon Alley."
She smiled. "Well that's all good in well but it would be nice if you listened to me. After all, I thought that talking about your mate, the girl that
you are going to be bringing into our family and the person that you have had a crush on for almost four years would be something you were
more interested in."
"Yes, well, it…I-"
His mother looked down at her nails, silently counting in her head, 'Five, four, three…two, one.'
"Wait, what?"
She laughed, shaking her head. 'I know him well.' The blonde woman turned her shining blue eyes towards him. "Oh, honestly darling, did you
think I didn't know?"
"But I-" His jaw had once again failed to work that day.
Putting her hand under his chin, Narcissa closed her son's open mouth with a giggle that hadn't been let out in years. "Darling, I'm your mother.
We know these things."
"I just hadn't thought you'd be so accepting and I didn't know how you would react if I had told you about her," he finished lamely. "I always
assumed you wouldn't like it because she wasn't a pureblood."
"Darling, anyone you believe is special and worthy of your affection, I would accept." Was her answer.
"Thank you, Mother." And the beam on his face from hearing her comment made Narcissa's heart light. Growing up, Draco had always been
rather reserved because of Lucius. He rarely smiled when his father was around and she had barely seen it so it brought tears to her eyes.
He stared at her happily until her eyes started clouding over and his face contorted into one of horror. Was she crying? Oh dear Merlin, she was!
"Mother, mother, stop! Why are you crying? Oh please stop." Draco begged her, getting up from his chair and squatting down beside her. "Accio
He handed her the handkerchief with the emblem of the Malfoy family when it arrived. Narcissa started dabbing at her eyes but to his utter
dismay, she continued with the waterworks. "Mother, why are you crying?"
"You are…you were-" She wiped a tear. "You were smiling!"
The boy could not have been more taken aback. "That's it? That's why you were crying?"
"Why else?"
"How am I supposed to know? We were talking and all of a sudden you're reduced to a blubbering mess!" Came his retort.
"Oh honestly Draco! I was not, as you say, a 'blubbering mess'. I was just getting a little misty."
He threw his hands up in the air while standing. "You could've fooled me mother!"
"Well, sit down, Draco." She told him. "We're not done talking yet."
The heir to the Malfoy fortune was hesitant to get back in the chair. What if she started crying again? One moment the woman was giggling like a
school girl when her crush says hi and the next her eyes start leaking… 'Okay, bad mental image.' Draco thought, grimacing.
"I promise I won't start crying again, Draco." She sighed
He took his seat somewhat reluctantly.
"Do you have any questions or concerns about the changes going on in your body?" She asked.
Draco stared at her. "Mother, don't make it sound like I'm going through puberty or something," he said, making a face.
Another giggle resounded in the air and he knew that he would never for the life of him understand women and their changing moods. No,
scratch that. He'd never understand women, period.
"But really darling, is there something you want to know?"
He looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Well, I don't really feel any different, Mum. I mean, I read about all these changes that are
supposed to happen but I don't feel any different. Nothing's changed with any of my senses."
"You'll start changing eventually, Draco. This summer your body was adjusting, preparing and getting ready for the changes to come." Narcissa
explained. "The changes are going on as we speak and gradually over the next few days, your senses will be better."
Draco nodded his head.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"If you want to know anything else, you can ask me." She told him. "My grandfather had active Veela blood. He explained it to me before, when I
was younger. I can still remember some things that he told me."
She was about to close his door before he asked, "Mother?"
"Yes, darling?"
"How'd you know I had a crush on Hermione?"
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Narcissa hid her smile knowing it would only irritate him. "I have my sources, darling. That's all you need to know." And she closed his double
He stood there for a moment before looking over to his fireplace and glaring grumpily. Oh, he knew who her source was alright…
"Ow, ow, ow!" Blaise Zabini cried out. "Draco… Oh fuck! That hurts!"
The blonde in question had pinched the Blaise's ear and was turning it, dragging him towards the sofa in the den where they had been earlier that
day. He let go of Blaise's ear when the boy sat down. Blaise rubbed it, glaring angrily at his friend. "Well, mind explaining why I'm graced with
your presence again and what the hell I did to deserve that!" He asked sarcastically.
"You told my mother I liked Hermione?" His friend bellowed.
Blaise's eyes widened.
Oh, boy, Draco was going to kill him. "Oh that…I can explain that…" He started off.
The blonde pulled out his wand and pointed it at Blaise. "You start talking, Zabini."
Of course, like a total male, Blaise was prone to doing stupid things, especially when threatened and all sense flies out the window. "Oh yeah?
What are you gonna do about it?" He asked maturely.
"I'll get the sweetest revenge of all!" Snapped Draco evilly. His eyes had a glint that Blaise didn't trust, having known Draco well.
"And what might that be?"
"Think Zabini… What would be a suitable punishment and form of revenge for this?"
Blaise sat there for a moment before his eyes once again were the size of saucers.
"You wouldn't!"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Draco, you wouldn't!"
"Again, why wouldn't I? In fact, why shouldn't I?"
"I'm your best mate!"
"Like that stopped you!"
"Draco, you can't seriously…"
"Zabini, I'm starting to think that you forgot what I'm capable of doing. I can and will tell your mother that you like-"
"Fine fine! I'll talk!" In true Slytherin, he knew what self-preservation meant.
Draco smirked. "I thought so." And he put his wand away and sat down keeping his piercing stormy grey eyes, darker than normal, pinned on
"Begin," He gestured with his hand and said in a voice that meant no irritate and indicate that if he didn't like the explanation, he wouldn't
hesitate to use Blaise's secret against him. Ahhh…what a wonderful friendship, wouldn't you say?
Blaise rolled his eyes to the ceiling at Draco's display. He didn't take it too personally because there friendship was an odd one constructed of odd
people and their even odder personalities. "Well, it all started when you, you idiot, had to go acting all differently after third year when you were
at your Manor."
The blonde's eyes expanded for a moment before he bit out, "How the hell was I different? And how the hell would you know I was different? I
didn't even know I was acting different!"
"Well your mother thought you were!" Snapped the darker haired boy. "She had suspicions of what was going on with you, especially since she
said that you had a 'dreamy' look at times and were always distracted."
"I was not!" Draco yelled. "…Was I?"
"I don't know!"
"And I am not an idiot!"
"You could've fooled me! At times I think you're thicker than Vin and Greg!"
"Am not!" Barked the blonde angrily.
"Very mature, Drake. Very mature." Replied Blaise, his hands thrown up in exasperation.
"You know what? Why don't you keep talking before I find your Mum." Threatened Draco. Blaise was definitely lucky that he was his best friend
or he would've been hexed by now.
The boy cleared his throat. "Erm…right. Anyways, one day she trapped me. She asked me if I liked a girl. Now Draco, I didn't cave in like you think
I did. I lied smoothly and was very convincing."
"Than how'd she find out?"
"Will you quit interrupting me? It's very rude!"
"Now you're even starting to talk like my mother!"
"How about you shut up and let me finish?" Draco pursed his lips but kept them shut none the less to let Blaise go on. "Well, like I was saying, I
"We got to that part already," Malfoy told him boredly. This conversation was going nowhere but catching Blaise's glare, he asked, "Did she at
least buy it?"
"Of course she did…" He saw Draco arch an eyebrow. "…not."
"I knew it."
"Your mother is a hell of a negotiator Draco. The woman even plays dirty! She's just like you! I always thought you just got it from Lucius but it
seems both of your parents will use any means to get what they want, even if it means having to threaten someone."
Now Draco was really taken a back. "Mother threatened you?"
For as long as he could remember, Narcissa had never threatened anyone to get her way. Not even when she really, really wanted something.
"Not bodily harm. That's more your father's style than hers but she did threaten me. She took away-"
"Oh great Circes! You did not sell me out for…for-" Draco couldn't believe it but Blaise's sheepish look confirmed his thoughts. "You sold me out
for pastry!"
The dark haired boy looked at him and said, "…Maybe…"
"How could you sell me out for food? Me! Your best mate!"
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"Oh come off it, Draco. Your mum said that if I didn't tell her who you liked she wouldn't give me my chocolate and raspberry drizzle fluffy
cheesecake! No one makes cheesecake like your elves do!"
Draco rolled his eyes. "Merlin, Zabini! If you wanted cheesecake, all you would've had to do was ask me! I would've given it to you if you had kept
your big mouth closed! You're more like Greg and Vin than I am!"
"Am not!"
"You sold me out for pastry! Who does that?"
"Oh shut up!"
There was silence for a few moments before Draco spoke. "It is good cheesecake, isn't it?"
"It really is."
"I like it better with…Wait! You're not off the hook yet!"
'Good Merlin, I don't like the sound of this…' Blaise thought. He knew it was low to give away Draco's secret and he knew that he had to make it
up to his friend. "What do you want me to do, Drake?"
"You, my friend, are going to help me with all of my steps to accomplish my ultimate goal… Including my first one."
Blaise groaned. 'Stupid stomach! Stupid cheesecake! Stupid Draco! Is that boy mad! This scheme is idiotic, pathetic and includes pain if we get
caught! Draco may be a masochist but I sure as hell am not!'
"You know that I am a skilled legilimens." Draco told him, smirking once again. "And yes Zabini, this may be suicidal for you but you owe me. I
hope this teaches you not to betray for a cheesecake ever again, you fruit."
"I am not a fruit. You know damn well I like-"
"Yeah, yeah. You're still helping me with this though."
"Draco, this scheme involves you more. I don't see how I could possibly-"
"I don't care what you say Zabini. This is step one of our plot to get Hermione to fall for me."
"You can't literally mean that we are going to go to Diagon Alley every day for the next week before classes to-"
"Follow Hermione? Why yes, we are." The smirk was still on Draco's face.
Blaise groaned again.
A few days later, Draco and Blaise were in Diagon Alley. They were in Floursish and Blott's, lounging around in a few chairs in the upper part.
"Stop scratching!"
"I can't help it! It's itchy!"
"Suck it up. You owe me."
"Like you'd let me forget." He muttered darkly. "Are you sure that she'll be here today?" Blaise asked Draco discreetly.
"Yes. My sources tell me that she'll be here today."
"…I don't even want to know how you know that."
"We've bought all our stuff yesterday and the day before so we have all the time in the world to find her. She's bound to come in here."
"Of course she is. She's a damn book-" A threatening glare from Draco made Blaise laugh. "Oh relax will you?"
"Anyways, after she comes in here, we make sure we discreetly follow her."
"Draco, this is breaking laws in both muggle and wizarding standards."
"How would you know we're breaking a muggle law?"
"I don't. I'm just assuming that we are."
"Blaise, I doubt muggles have laws of following your mate around…"
"Stalking, Draco. We are stalking her Draco."
"Same difference." He muttered. "Anyways, hush, I think I hear her."
"I don't hear any…"
Down below someone said in a voice that no human would normally hear, "Harry and Ron will be at Quality Quidditch Supplies for a few hours,
Blaise looked at him and asked, "How'd you hear that?"
Draco shrugged. "I guess my hearing is improving. I heard them from out on the streets."
"Well, I think we're done for the day… Let's just go Draco…" Blaise begged. He really didn't feel like going to Azkaban anytime soon but Azkaban
was far more welcome than Granger's wrath. The swelling from Draco's face came back to Blaise's memory and he winced.
"No…now shut up Blaise and get up…"
Draco and Blaise carefully got up and peered down over the railing. The blonde boy looked at Blaise before laughing. "You look like a Weasel,
"It's your stupid plan! I didn't want to dress up in costume, but do you listen? No!"
"Well I think I look good with my hair…"
"Your hair is the same colour as Pothead's."
"Better than Weaselbee… Anyways, they're moving."
"I look like a drag queen." Blaise muttered darkly.
"What the hell is that?"
"Well it's a…Oh never mind. Forget it. Let's just go." And a black haired boy and a butch, muscularly redheaded…woman? …Carefully and sneakily
followed a brunette witch and her redheaded friend.

Chapter 3: What Friendship Makes You Do and Gryffindor-Red

"You are a bloody manipulative prat, did you know that?" Snapped Blaise as he and Draco lounged about, once again in the den of Zabini Manor.
The blonde glared at his friend. "Oh come off it! You were only hit on 4 times. It couldn't have been that bad."
"I am telling you, Draco, that one of those men that hit on me in Diagon Alley was following us until I rushed to lose him." Blaise told him
"Oh. Is that why you made all those sharp turns and detours?"
"Self-preservation, my friend." Than the boy looked thoughtful. "Why were all those men hitting on me, and flirting with me, anyway?"

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"Maybe it's cause you look like a femme boy." Draco snickered. "You know, one of those guys that look so dashing- I'm only using that word
because it's what I've heard the girls say around Hogwarts," He snapped at Blaise's raised eyebrow. "Anyways, a guy that looks dashing that it's
almost feminine and girly."
His friend looked indignant. "I am not girly!"
"I'm not!" cried Blaise angrily.
"Anyways, I think all those men hitting on you and following you around was just karma biting you back in the ass for following someone else. Just
fate giving you your own medicine." Malfoy told him.
The dark haired boy's brows came together in irritation as he looked at his friend. "Me? If anyone should be getting followed and punished, it
should be you!"
"I wasn't the one dressed up as a woman, now was I?"
"That was all your idea!"
Their conversation was interrupted by one of the house elves, bringing them their dinner. The shy little elf looked at her master and his friend.
"Ebby brings Masters' dinners sir."
Draco and Blaise nodded at the elf.
"Thank you, Ebby." Draco said as he took the tray she carried from her.
"Master Draco is most welcome, sir." She turned her big eyes to Blaise and asked, "Is Master needing more, sir? Ebby shall gets it for Master."
"No, thank you Ebby."
With a snap, the elf was gone.
Blaise smirked. "I'm betting Granger will be very happy to know that you don't mistreat your house elves." He teased.
"I never did anyway." He snapped but the thought of Hermione's pleasure of his treatment to his elves made him smirk. "Now that I think about
it, I'm sure she will but anyways, what were you complaining and whining about before Ebby came?"
"Your dressing me up as a woman!" Cried Blaise angrily. "Why did I have to dress up as a woman and all you had to do was put on a wig and
change your eye colour!"
The blonde poked at his salad and ate a bit before gracing his friend with a glance. "Well, for one, if someone like Pothead came along and we'd
have a glamour charm, we'd be dead 'cause he'd know it's us… He isn't as dense as the Weasel. He could tell from our, well, my voice, since yours
was high and screechy." The dark haired boy glared which Draco ignored. "A potion you'd have to keep drinking every few hours which gets
tiresome, you might spill a bit and some absolutely smell and taste putrid."
"Than why costumes?" He shouted. "I mean, use a different spell, a different potion! Something!"
Draco, who had just finished another bite of salad, looked like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, his smirk was wide as he said, "Well, that
was just the beginning of your punishment since you sold me out for a bit of cheesecake. I just wore one so that you wouldn't get suspicious until
we got back."
Blaise wasn't sure that his mouth could function properly. "You…I…"
"You didn't just think that I'd let you off the hook for the cheesecake incident, mate, did you?" Laughed Malfoy. "Plus, I gave you red hair. You've
got an affection for certain…firecrackers, don't you?"
"Shut up, Draco."
'That sneaky conniving little arrogant prat but I have to admit though…' Blaise thought. 'If I was in his place, I would've done the same thing.'
'Of course you would've Blaise.'
'Get out of my head, Draco.'
'Gladly. There are certain thoughts about certain firecrackers that I don't want to know about…'
"You are a downright bastard," he snapped once he was sure Draco wasn't lurking in any of his thoughts. Damn Draco and his skill of Legilimency.
Malfoy shrugged the comment off. "My parents were legally wed when they had me. Plus, I take it as a compliment. It means you're so upset
with my scheme, agreeing on some part that you actually did fall for it."
"Your mind works in twisted ways."
"And these twisted ways will win the girl."
Blaise started eating his food, having calmed down enough to actually be amused by the day, ignoring certain moments when he met certain
people… "What did we learn from this day of stalking besides the fact that women are aliens if they can wear heels while shopping for a whole
"If she has a boyfriend or not."
"Like the Weasel?"
Draco's eyes flashed before muttering, "She isn't dating him or anyone."
"That's good." He said. "That means I won't have to cover for your idiotic arse when you commit murder. What else did we learn if we haven't
been gathering favourite ice cream flavours, and what she was wearing…"
Draco stared at him weirdly. "Since when did I want you to learn what her favourite ice cream flavour was and what she was wearing?"
"…In third year, a few days after she punched you, you said that you wanted me to write down everything that she seems to like and what she
"Mate, I was only joking about that… Didn't I tell you that?"
"No…" Now Blaise really got mad. "You mean to tell me that I've been cramping my hand all these years and writing this stuff down in a large
book that I carried around everywhere and would put all of our other school books put together to shame for nothing?"
"Is that what the book was?" Draco asked. "I always thought you had a fondness for writing…"
"No, I don't have any fondness for writing!" Snapped Zabini. His face was red with rage. "I've wasted four years…four years of my life, writing this
"I guess you have." Draco answered. "I'm sorry mate. If I had known that that was what you were doing, I would have told you to stop. You never
said a word."
Blaise sighed before shrugging his shoulders and giving a nod to Draco to say that he accepted the apology. His friend rarely ever made apologies.
The two lapsed into silence for a moment before Draco asked, "So you really have a book full of what Hermione wore on what days and ate?"
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"Blaise, man, that's creepy…"
He glared, his dark eyes on Draco. "Shut up, Malfoy. You're lucky I didn't hex you."
"You've been using that threat with me for years now, Blaise and you've never turned your wand on me unless we were angry at one another.
Even than you rarely used your wand, you always just plotted something diabolical."
"They were better and far more satisfying than a quick hex." He told Draco.
"Mmm…" His friend agreed. "…What are we gonna do with that book?"
"I dunno. I guess we burn it?"
"All your hard work?"
"I've no affection for keeping useless junk in my possession, Draco." He said in a rather dry tone.
"We'll burn it after dinner."
"Fine." They ate dinner before Blaise spoke again. "So what were we doing following her if you didn't want to know any of the information I've
"I just wanted to make sure she didn't have anyone bothering her and to know where she was and who was around her…"
"So you could scare off any male that went anywhere near her?"
"And besides finding out if she had a boyfriend, what was the point of today?" He asked the blonde.
"Well, mother, a few nights ago suggested that I test out my Veela senses. She says they're going to be acting up any day so I might as well try to
get used to them in crowded places. The manor is huge and doesn't have that many people so it wouldn't overwhelm me but as big as Hogwarts
is, the halls between classes, the Great Hall and especially during a Qudditch match, there are tons of people."
"Smart woman, your mother."
"She got you to sell me out, didn't she?"
"Are you still cross about that?"
"You're still gonna make me pay for that?"
"Without a doubt."
Blaise sighed. "Fine. Anyways, is that all we had to do? Test out your senses? I had to dress like a woman for that?"
"Well, mother also said that I should familiarize my senses with Hermione's scent and voice."
"I doubt she meant we should follow her in Diagon Alley."
"Ahh…but she never said I shouldn't follow her."
"She thought you'd do whatever it is you're supposed to do at Hogwarts when you had the time."
"I had all the time in the world today, didn't I? Anyways, I think I'm getting better at handling some of my abilities; at least the hearing part. It
took a while and I know I'm gonna have a headache tonight but it's changing at least. It's only just started to act up today. The other stuff hasn't
started yet."
"So you're going to attune your senses to Hermione's, mainly?"
"Pretty much."
"Huh… I'm still confused."
"So am I. I'm pretty much learning as I go…"
"Well, training your senses to know Hermione is pretty smart, what with her being your future mate and all." Blaise agreed.
"With any luck my senses will have all started to change before we ride the train." Draco said. "It'd be easier to find her."
"Draco you are-"
His friend cut him off. "I'm not the one with the book…"
"I'm burning it! I'm burning it!"
The days that followed after that were a blur for Draco. He had been getting ready to go to school during odd parts of the week but the better
part of his time was spent trying to get control of his senses. His hearing had came and gone making him hear odd conversations, some of them
things he didn't want to hear, like what one of his elves thoughts were on Minky that weren't particularly G-rated… It had taken a while before his
hearing had finished the transition and after a few head aches, he finally got the hang of it.
His site had improved as well, though someone could have mentioned to him that his vision would be blurry for an entire day. He had panicked
when he found that he couldn't see and had called for his mother. She had assured him that it was normal. His normal human vision was gone
because it was being overtaken and replaced to have a Veela's sight. After that day of being bedridden, he once again could see but with much
more clarity.
He had come down with a cold on the next day and he hadn't been able to smell or taste anything but he knew it had to have been part of his
change. Sure enough, he was right because his taste buds came back stronger than ever and his sense of smell did as well. At the moment he was
checking his trunk that a house elf had helped him pack and he could smell the pot roast that was being cooked at the other end of the Manor.
His mum came in just as he closed his trunk. "All ready to go, darling?"
"Yeah. My trunk has everything so I'm all set for tomorrow." He nodded.
"Oh, I can't believe you're leaving me again." Sighed Narcissa and she sniffled a little.
Draco could smell the salty tears forming and the sadness wafting from her was downright uncomfortable. "Mother, please don't. It's only school
and you can even visit and come to my Quidditch games. I'll be back before you know it."
She gave a weak smile. "Come on, darling. Let's go have dinner."
The next day after that, Draco and Narcissa stepped onto the platform. It was busy and Draco was a little overpowered by it. He was a little busy
from all the chatter but his mother smiled and murmured, "You'll get used to it soon enough that you won't even feel it. I also know that you'll
most likely cause some mischief once you're able to control it."
"I'm shocked you'd even suggest me causing any trouble, Mum." He told her with an innocent look. It was the same look he'd use when he was a
child and he'd done something but didn't want to be scolded. She knew better, always had, but that look always made her forgive him.
"We'll see." She murmured with a grin. "Your senses will be completely improved in the next month, darling. They'll all probably be done with the
change after 2 weeks. The next 2 you'll spend learning to control them and handle them. I think this month will be the hardest, but after that, you
have nothing else to worry about."
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"Good to know."
The train whistled. He had 15 minutes to board it and he wanted to find Blaise before going to the Head compartment.
"I'm going to go now, Mother." Draco told her.
"Alright, darling. Off you go then." She gave him a weak and watery smile. He pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to her. Narcissa took it and
said, "Thank you, Draco."
He just nodded before she pulled him into a hug. Draco was a little embarrassed but he hugged his mum none the less and than pulled away.
"See you soon." He told her, and with that he started walking.
Just before he boarded, he gave her a final glance over his shoulder with a smile and nod. She waved him off and he stepped inside.
The train was already crowded with students so he walked up the train to the very first compartments. He found the one that said 'Head
Students' and stepped inside. Surprisingly enough, Blaise was in there, lounging about.
"What are you doing here?"
"Came to check out how much better you have it than us other poor and unfortunate students." He told his friend. "I was right. You and your girl
have it far better. Look at how big and comfy these seats are."
"Glad you are enjoying it," Draco said in a drawl.
"Oh, I am. I am."
"Well, since you're here, let's go over a few of these things on our next scheme," Draco said.
Blaise cut in. "Our scheme? Excuse my English, Draco, but I think the correct term is your scheme."
"Okay then," Draco smirked. "It's your scheme…"
"No. When I said your scheme, if it was you saying it, than it'd be my scheme."
"That's right, Blaise. I've already agreed that it's-"
"You know what, fuck it!" He swore making Draco laugh.
On the other end of the train just stepping onto the platform was the girl that all this madness centered around. Hermione Granger.
She pushed her trolley aside to let Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, her best friends, to pass through.
Since the boys were having an in-depth discussion about Quidditch plays, Ginny and Hermione were able to have a little girl chat without them
staring. Contrary to popular belief, Hermione did talk about boys as well but with far fewer irritating giggles.
"So, I heard from Parvati Patil that Draco Malfoy was looking particularly delish," Ginny told her friend. "I'm not particularly surprised. He always
was good looking from the get-go."
The brunette witch stared at her friend. "I cannot believe you just said that about Draco Malfoy, prat extraordinaire, Gin."
"Look past that horrid personality and you get this handsome looking package."
"Look past that 'handsome'-and I use that term loosely because he is the exact opposite of handsome- and you get this empty shell."
"Mmm…but he's such a-"
"If you say he's a good looking empty shell than I will whack you in the back of the head with one of the Gryffindor Beater's bats."
The youngest Weasley just laughed and said, "Wow. You aren't living with Malfoy yet and you've already got the threatening thing down. You
even have the look he makes, only feminine, if that's possible." She teased.
Hermione scowled. "Oh hush, Ginny."
"You can't deny it though, 'Mione." Her friend pointed out. "Draco Malfoy may just be the yummiest wizard alive."
The older witch raised one eyebrow. "Oh really? Weren't you last night just telling me that you thought that a certain dark haired Slytherin was
quite possibly the yummiest wizard alive?"
"Yes, well," Ginny stammered, her face flaming as red as her hair.
"Hey you two!" Ron yelled.
Hermione and Ginny looked up to find that Harry and Ron had already gone ahead to an entrance in the train. "If you don't want to get left
behind than I suggest you hurry it up. You can-" Ron stopped mid-speech and stared at his little sister. "Bloody hell, Hermione. What'd you say to
her? Ginny, your face is all Gryffindor-red."
"Oh shut up, Ron!"
After settling into the train, Hermione looked at her watch and found that it was 10:57. They'd be leaving for school soon.
"Hey, 'Mione." Ginny gestured to sit beside her and the boys took opposite seats to them, still going on about how to beat the Slytherin team for
the Cup.
"Since they're both not paying attention, we can finish that chat…"
"Oh, I for one am glad." Hermione smirked. "I mean, we've even got a new name for that blush. I do think that it's a wonderful shade on you, Gin,
that Gryffindor-red."
The witch glared but then she got a sly look on her face. "I think you've got the Slytherin smirk down, 'Mione. Could it be that you've learned that
from a certain blonde?"
"I…well…what?" Hermione felt her face flame and she was horrified.
'Why am I blushing? She's only teasing me about Malfoy!' She thought. 'He's nothing more than an arrogant, self-centered, git!'
Ginny, along with almost everyone else, rarely saw Hermione flustered and at a loss for words so she enjoyed every moment of Hermione's
stunned stupor. Her friend's face was still red and she giggled. "Why, Hermione. I do believe you yourself look wonderful with Gryffindor-red."
"Oh shut up!" Snapped Hermione, her face darkening.
Harry and Ron looked up and the spectacled boy asked, "What is it you two are talking about now that's even got Hermione looking like a
"Blimey Hermione! Your face is the same colour as your scarf!" Ron laughed along with Harry as he indicated the blood red silk neck scarf that she
had bought on a shopping trip in a shop in muggle London during the summer.
Hermione huffed with anger. "Shut up, you two!"
"We're just saying, 'Mione," laughed Harry.
"Oh but doesn't she look gorgeous?" Ginny laughed as they all continued to tease Hermione.
The brunette girl stood up with as much dignity as she could and looked at the three of them. "I think I'm going to go find the Head
They sobered a little after that and Harry smiled and said, "Aw, 'Mione. We were only joking around. We didn't mean to upset you."
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"It's fine, Harry, really." She told them. "I forgive you all for being prats but I really do have to go to the compartment, if only to show that I'm on
the train, alive and well. It's easier walking up and down the aisle when the train isn't moving yet."
Ginny stood up. "I'll go with you if you want, 'Mione." she told her.
"Sure, Gin." They stood up and Hermione glanced at Harry and Ron. "We'll be back later or I'll send Ginny if I can't come back and have to stay
"What am I? An owl?" Asked the redhead.
"Pretty much. If I have to stay there, you can even bring me back my bags when you tell Harry and Ron." Hermione told her.
"I'm telling you 'Mione. They made a mistake sorting you into Gryffindor. You are as manipulative as a Slytherin."
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." And they walked out of the compartment as Ron shut the door closed.
Draco and Blaise were just starting to talk about the strategies Draco had worked on during the summer for the Slytherin Quidditch team when
the blonde stopped mid-sentence.
"Drake… Is something wrong?" His friend asked.
He kept his eyes on the door for a few moments before turning back to his friend. "She's coming to the compartment and from the smell of
things, she's bringing the Weaslette with her."
Blaise rolled his eyes at his name for the youngest Weasley than looked at Draco and said, "I still find it freaky how you can pick up on stuff like
this now. It's brilliant, don't get me wrong; at times I wish I had them but its so hard to wrap my head around the fact that you can pick up on
sounds and smells that are too far away for me to hear or smell."
Draco shrugged before muttering, "They're almost at the door."
"Are we any closer to it?" Ginny asked. "Who knew this train was so bloody long?"
"You're starting to sound like your brother."
The younger girl's face contorted to one of pure horror. "Merlin help me!"
Hermione laughed. "Well, these are the last compartments to the front. Harry and Ron are in one of the middle compartments."
"Imagine what it'd be like to walk up here if we'd been stuck in the back compartments."
They walked for a bit more before Hermione smiled when she found it. "Here it is."
The screen was down so you couldn't see inside so Hermione assumed that someone was already in there but she couldn't hear anything. No one
seemed to be talking.
She opened it slowly with Ginny at her back, glancing over her shoulder and found Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy staring at her.
After a few moments of silence, Draco saw Hermione shifting awkwardly at the door. It appeared that the girl was uncomfortable.
'Well would you be comfortable if your best friends' enemy is just staring at you?' A voice in his head asked.
He shrugged. 'Probably not.'
'I guess I should say something.'
'That would be a good idea, you moron.'
'You're the moron! Wait…Why am I arguing with a stupid voice in my head?'
'See. You are a moron… Oh, she's staring at you by the way. Smooth move buddy. She thinks you're completely mental.'
'Shit.' He thought when he glanced up and saw Hermione staring at him.
Hermione found that she couldn't take the awkward silence anymore. "Hello Malfoy." She glanced at his friend and smiled a little. "Hey Blaise."
"Hi Hermione." Blaise waved a little.
They had been partners for a project in Ancient Runes and had formed somewhat of a friendship. She had found that not all Slytherins were bad,
even if they did hang around Draco Malfoy. The boy had even told her that Malfoy wasn't a bad guy.
'Ha!' She thought. 'Then again, he might not be. I don't know him all that well…' She shook her head slightly. 'What the hell am I thinking? It's
The Head Girl looked at the blond Slytherin. His hand was white, probably because it was balled into a fist, and his jaw was clenched. Draco's eyes
seemed to have darkened and was staring at his friend with raised eyebrows.
Hermione turned to her friend to ask what she had missed while she was thinking and Ginny just shrugged, not knowing what happened either.
Blaise saw the look on Draco's face when Hermione had given him a more familiar and friendly greeting. She hadn't seen the fact that he had
swallowed when she greeted him, nor did she know that when she smiled at him afterwards, she had placed the last nail to his coffin.
He greeted her back and looked at his friend. Seeing the look on Draco's face, Blaise wanted to groan. Perfect. Just perfect.
Draco may not live after his next birthday but he wouldn't live to see tomorrow.
Stupid Draco and his bloody possessiveness. Stupid Veela blood. Stupid Hermione for greeting him. Stupid him for getting stuck in between the
angry blond Veela and the oblivious brunette witch.
When he felt Draco in his head, not to mention the anger radiating off of his thoughts, made Blaise want to bang his head and pass out until all
this was over.
'I can explain.' Blaise thought when he felt Draco's presence.
'Start explaining before I snap your neck, Zabini.'
He groaned.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Chapter 4: Explosives, Innuendos and Old Age Bitterness

Ginny looked at Blaise right after he groaned and asked, "Are you alright, Zabini?"
He glanced up at her. "Er…yeah, Weasley. Fine."
"Well Granger, Weasley, don't just stand there." Malfoy said in his slow drawling accent. "Take a seat. It's your compartment too, if you haven't
already forgotten the perks of being a Head, Granger."
The girl in question glared sharply at him, her vibrant brown eyes flashing angrily. "For your information, Malfoy, out of the two of us, you're the
most likely to forget the responsibility of your position and just remember the things that'll benefit you."
He arched an eyebrow at her sharp tongue before smirking at Hermione. She found it a little suspicious though. There was a glint in the blonde's
eyes, almost roguish and his smirk was wide, almost as if he knew something that she didn't, which was impossible… Wasn't it?
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"I've got more important things to do this year, Granger." He told her, the glint still shining in his eyes, almost taunting Hermione. "You still
haven't sat down. What's wrong, Granger? Weaslette? Afraid of the big bad Slytherins?" Draco chuckled when they glared. The redhead's fist was
clenched. She had a temper as bad as her brother, apparently.
"Shut up, Malfoy." Ginny snapped.
Hermione put her hand on Ginny's shoulder and shook her head. "Leave it, Gin. Let's just sit."
The redhead was still fuming but took a seat…right beside Blaise. Hermione hid her smile and took the seat beside the Head Boy.
'Ginny Weasley is sitting beside me,' Blaise thought. 'Ginny Weasley is sitting…beside me.'
Draco glanced at him after he watched Hermione reluctantly take the seat beside him. 'Before you start having a revolting fantasy about the
Gryffindork, I suggest that you better start talking about how much charming you've been doing with my Hermione.'
'Erm… We just worked together for a project in Ancient Runes. I even told you I was working with her.' Blaise told him, trying to keep Draco calm.
He didn't seem as hostile as he was before, now that Hermione was sitting beside him.
'Did you?' Draco asked. 'I vaguely recall you telling me about that during dinner but I wasn't paying attention. Hermione was getting ready to go
to the Library after dinner.'
The darker haired Slytherin had to stop himself from rolling his eyes or thinking anything about how pathetic Draco was. 'Glad to know that when
I tell you something about my day, you are all ears.'
'Oh come off it, Blaise. When I told you that I had to be partners with Weasley in Herbology that one time, you weren't paying attention. The
moment I said Weasley, you started thinking about the She-Weasel.'
'Her name is Ginny, Draco. Ginny. Do you think you can contemplate that?' Blaise asked him, rolling his eyes. 'And anyways, enough with the
silence dammit. If you haven't noticed, your future mate is right beside you, moron. Start talking and showing her you aren't the complete arse
she thought you were since first year.'
Malfoy retreated from Blaise's thoughts and glanced at Hermione who was apparently having some odd conversation with the younger girl by
making faces.
Hermione was sitting there and tilted her head to Draco while staring at Ginny while shaking her head and the redhead, apparently
understanding rolled her eyes and put her hand to her forehead in a dramatic way before nodding her head and than tilting her head to Blaise.
Just as Hermione was about to reply, Draco said, "As amusing as this is, seeing you two act like a couple of lunatics, what the hell are you both
saying about us?"
Ginny grinned. "Well Hermione was just-"
"If you even breathe a word, Ginevra Molly Weasley, I will have your head…unless you wouldn't mind me opening my mouth. I mean, I do love
answering questions don't I? And Malfoy did have a question…" The Head Girl said casually.
That shut up the girl pretty good.
"Are either of you going to answer my question?"
"No!" The two girls snapped together before Ginny got up to leave. "I have to tell Ron and Harry that you're fine, anyway. I'll drop by later,
She looked up at her friend. "Sure, Gin. I'll see you soon?"
"Definitely," came the reply, the girl's brown eyes glancing at Hermione before giving a quick stare at the two boys still in the compartment, as if
warning them. Without another word, she left, closing the door.
After the Weaslette left, Draco looked at Blaise who was still staring at the place where the girl had once stood. He cleared his throat to grab
Blaise's attention and motioned for the door, telling him to exit as well.
Catching the subtle hint, the boy gave his companion a sly glance before saying, "I have to go and make sure that Vin and Greg haven't tried to
rob the Trolley woman again. Drake, Hermione." He nodded and left the two Heads alone.
The door closed with a click and Hermione sat opposite Draco in the spot his friend just vacated.
He glanced at her and decided to have some fun.
"Hey Granger, let's play a game. A question game. The questions have to be yes or no. No in betweens. Just a straightforward answer. You up for
The girl looked surprised for a moment that he was speaking to her and it wasn't rude or something that would make her irritable.
"Erm…sure, Malfoy. I'll play."
"How about you start."
"Okay. Do you…umm…" She thought for a second before saying, "Do you plan on getting married after school is done?"
Draco smirked. "Yes and it seems to me that you're interested in my love life."
Her brown eyes widened considerably before her face flamed and she answered indignantly, "I am not! It was just the first question that popped
into my head."
"Fine." The boy rolled his eyes before asking his question. "Is it true that Weasel-bee told you he was fancying that Leprechaun Gryffindor…
What's his name? Finnigan?"
"No, it's not true. And Seamus is not after my lucky charms!"
"Never mind. I went to America for the Holidays and it was on the telly."
"The what?"
"It's a muggle…Ugh, you're impossible! Forget it."
"Well anyway, no, he didn't tell you or no he's not gay?" Draco asked, arching a pale blond eyebrow as he looked at her.
"Both," She glared. "Now since your questions are getting personal, is it true that Pansy Parkinson is your sex slave?"
"Pansy is my friend. Everyone just blows things way out of proportion." He told her, rolling her eyes. "I mean, I thought of all people, you'd know
that. I grew up with her. She's like my sister for Merlin's sake! The girl is the farthest thing from what they say as possible, though she really does
have a sharp tongue…like someone I know…"
"My tongue is not sharp!"
"I didn't say it was you but now that you brought it up… And if you don't have a sharp tongue than I'm not Lucius Malfoy's heir!"
She was quiet for a moment before she couldn't help herself. "You're not?" Hermione asked seriously and she knew it was a mistake when he
stiffened in his seat.
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"Contrary to many stories, though Lucius was unfaithful to my mother, he never had any other children besides me." It stung, the thoughts of
seeing his mother in tears as a child, and he pushed the thoughts out of his mind. "It's called sarcasm, Granger. We've talked sarcasm for years."
"I didn't mean to say something rude." Was her quiet reply as she looked down at her feet. "It's your turn to ask me something."
More silence lingered in the air between them and Draco didn't like the way the tension had built in the room again so he decided to lighten the
mood. "Remember Granger, you must answer the questions with yes and no. You know the rules. No maybes and blah situations where you
'might' do this or 'might' do that, understood?" He asked, ensuring that she answer the question the way he wanted.
The smirk he had on his face made her look at him suspiciously and sure enough, he confirmed them as he asked, "If I asked you for sex, would
your answer be the same answer as the one to this question?"
Hermione stared at him. 'Ask me for…sex?' She fought to refrain from blushing at his comment. 'It's Malfoy, Hermione! Malfoy! Pain-in-the-arse
"Well Granger, are you gonna answer me or are you gonna just sit there blushing?"
"I am not blushing!" She snapped out, though the dark red tinges on her cheek told him another story, making him laugh. "Stop it, Malfoy!"
"Well, come now, Granger. What's your answer?"
"Erm…No…Wait…Yes…I mean-" Hermione huffed. This question was impossible.
'If I say yes, than if he asks me for sex it has to be yes.' She thought. 'If I say no, than my answer for sex would be yes. Either way I'm saying, 'Yes
Malfoy, take me now!''
When she chanced a glance at him, he stared intensely at her before she felt him in her mind. 'That's right, Granger. Now answer me straight.'
'Get out of my head, Malfoy.'
'Answer the question, Granger.'
"Fine, yes."
"Yes?" He asked, looking startled.
"Well if I said no, my answer would have been yes anyway."
His eyes shined happily. Ahh… She was seeing things his way already and their 'courtship', as the book he read called it, had only just started.
"I'm done playing this game with you. You cheat." The Head Girl accused.
"I did not! I played fair. You just couldn't answer the question without giving me what I wanted."
Hermione didn't answer for a moment as she looked at him. "I highly doubt that having sex with me is what you want. Now I'm going to ignore
you and you're going to help me by shutting up."
"Not gonna grace me with your witty thoughts or acknowledge me in anyway, Granger? How rude!" He told her in his usual sticky drawl. "But
come on now! Did you really think I'd let you? You must be delusional."
"Well, if I'm gonna think than I guess I'll think out loud and pretend I'm talking to someone." The Head Boy cleared his throat and started a
conversation…with himself.
"Hello Draco!"
Hermione peeked at him from the corner of her eyes and saw that his eyes were closed, his face relaxed as he spoke like a lunatic needing help
from the wonderful folks at St. Mungo's.
"Why hello, Draco! You look absolutely sexy today!"
And Draco said to Draco, "Thank you! And you my dear friend, must have worked out this summer. You are looking like one nice piece of man-
flesh yourself."
She tried to hold in her laughter as he continued. He looked ridiculous but in the adorable sort of way. Wait…she hadn't meant adorable…She
meant pukeable! That's right!
….Really! She did!
"Now you gorgeous rogue, you, why are you all by your lonesome?" He asked himself.
The boy shrugged his shoulders replying, "Well, there's this really cute, slightly violent brunette but after she got what she wanted, which was sex
from me, she totally ignored me and blew me off for air."
He huffed. "How rude of that air! Taking the brunette like that. But are you sure she isn't using you for your body? I mean, from what you've told
Hermione bit back her amusement and tried to sound irritable as she said, "Shut up! Stop talking to yourself, you bloody idiot! And I am not using
you for your body! I wasn't the one that asked to have sex! You did!"
"Small detail. In fact, many small details are usually overlooked."
"This isn't a small detail! You asked. You!"
He popped an eye open to look at her, delight and laughter in his gaze. "Well look who's talking to me…"
"I…well… How could I not respond when you-"
Draco opened his eyes and tossed a mock shocked look at Hermione. "Why Granger? Don't you have any class? That was a private conversation
you were listening in on! How could you?"
"I wasn't eavesdropping!"
"Draco, did you hear that? Wasn't eavesdropping she says…" He told himself as his silvery gaze slid away from her.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" She snapped. "I wasn't eavesdropping!" When his gaze was still away from her, Hermione said, "Will you look at me
when I'm talking to you, you prat?"
He chuckled as he turned his head towards her. "Well if you wanted my attention that badly, Hermione."
Her brown eyes were full of disbelief as she questioned, "Since when did you call me by my name?"
"Granger was always your name…"
"Well, my first name, should I say."
"I've decided that I don't want to fight with you anymore or hate you anymore." He told her. "I mean, what with the war and all that… It wasn't
something I believed in much anyway but it pleased my father. Plus we're going to be working together and living together. It was bound to
happen anyway."
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"That was smart of you, Draco."
"Mind you, I'm only calling you by your first name. St. Potter, the boy-who-just won't die, and the Weasel King, side kick of the boy-who-is-a-pain-
in the arse, though they could share that title, are another story. In fact, quite a few of you Gryffindorks are another story. Your lot is almost, very
nearly, tied with the Hufflepuffs on the annoying scale."
She sighed. "Very mature of you, Malfoy but at least you're not going to make my final year a complete nightmare."
"Oh?" Malfoy stared at her. "Did you expect me to be mean and cruel?"
"Well, what could I expect after the last 6 years, Ma-Draco."
"True." Shrugging his shoulders, he accepted her reasonable answer. "There was a war though, Granger. War changes people. And even if there
wasn't, people do change. Many do grow up."
Hermione stayed silent.
"Now Granger…speak of changes…What do you know about Veela's?"
"Quite a few things. I've read some books about them. They're fascinating. Fleur Delacour Weasley? She's half, if I remember correctly."
"But in general…What do you know about them?"
"Well, Veela's have a special bond with their mate. Their mate is someone they spend the rest of their life with and die with. If the Veela doesn't
claim their true mate by their 18th birthday, they die."
"Good job Granger. You didn't waste your time getting to where I wanted but we'll save it for another time."
Hermione looked at him curiously. "Why are we talking about Veela's?"
He shrugged. "I'll tell you soon enough."
Somehow, his answer only fuelled her curiosity.
After a long train ride full of more banter, a meeting with Professor McGonagall and the Prefects, they arrived at school. Draco and Hermione
parted to their tables after making sure that everyone had gotten off the train and that the Prefects were helping control the mass amount of
students to where they were supposed to be and what to do with their things.
The Sorting hat sang it's opening song once everyone was seated.
So you bother me to sing a song?
Well just for that, I made it long
Long ago when this school was made
And I was still fabulously brand new
The four founders thought it'd be smart if
I choose houses brats like you'd be sorted to
And these four had qualities they admired most
Qualities that they could talk and boast
There was Helga Hufflepuff
A woman incredibly full of fluff
She rambled on and on that'd if I'd have ears, they'd bleed
Basically, those Loyal and Just were who she'd really need
Next, Rowena Ravenclaw who was quite picky
Sorting for her during those times was quite tricky
She wanted those of wit and mind
Those with intelligence, I sort and find
Godric Gryffindor was brave and extremely gutsy
He only managed to live so long because he was lucky
Now those with foolhardy valour beware
I'm just nuts enough to put you there
Salazar Slytherin, whose expression was usually sour
Gave me specific orders to find those craving power
Sly and cunning, self above all others
These kids are bound to ruffle some feathers
And now that I've said my part
Take my words to heart
All fisrt years have some fear
This is going to be a bloody long year
The hat finished it's piece, leaving the room quite stunned. Ron looked at Hermione and Harry. "Bloody hell! Is it just me or has that hat gone
"He's grown bitter with old age." Hermione agreed as Professor McGonagall called the first first year up. "The song had no rhythm."
Harry chuckled. "I think he spent the better part of the summer in Snape's office."
The sorting and feast had come and gone. Some first years went to Hufflepuff, more went to Ravenclaw and the rest were probably split between
Gryffindor and Slytherin. The Prefects were taking their houses to the dorms while the Heads followed Professor McGonagall to their rooms.
"Now, I expect you two to try to be civil to one another." She told them giving them a stern look as they reached a stone wall. "First you tap on
these stones like so," she told them, knocking on three stones, revealing a portrait of a genie bottle. "You rub the lamp and when the woman in
the portrait shows, tell her your password."
Sure enough a woman of Arabian descent peeked out from the smoke and murmured, "Password?"
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and said, "Blood Pops."
The portrait swung open and they entered to the common room.
"You can change the password tomorrow if you wish." She told them as she stopped in the centre of the room. "This shall be your common room
for the year. It is quite bland in décor since your House colours don't go together and they 'clash', or so Dumbledore says. Your rooms though are
in your respective colours."

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The woman walked to a section slightly separated from the common room where there were 2 large portraits and a large door a good distance
away from one another. "Mr. Malfoy your bedroom is to the left and Ms. Granger, yours is across from Mr. Malfoy's to the right. The door farther
back from your rooms is your washroom. You both must share the washroom and inside your rooms is an adjoining door."
A knight came out of the shadows of Draco's portrait and introduced himself. "Good night my Lord and fair ladies." He bowed before looking at
the blond. "What password do you wish for your door?"
McGonagall looked at the knight before saying, "Perhaps, later, when no one else is around, Sir Brandley."
"As you wish. I must attend to my steed if you are not in need of my service," answered the knight who turned and walked away.
The Professor looked at the both of them. "As you can see, you are both allowed privacy. It was the wish of the teachers that you do not…harm
one another during the night. You two have gotten quite a reputation for rather explosive arguments."
Hermione blushed and looked down at her shoes. "Thank you for showing us to our rooms, Professor."
"You are quite welcome Ms. Granger." McGonagall nodded. "Now, I have other duties to attend to before I retire. Good night Mr. Malfoy, Ms.
With that she left them, walking out of the portrait.
Hermione stared after her Head of House before she looked at Malfoy. She didn't know why she felt awkward and a little shy around him. He was
Malfoy. She saw him get turned into a ferret for Merlin's sakes! She wasn't that should feel awkward! It should be him!
'It's just because of that question he asked you,' she told herself. 'He didn't mean it but you usually don't talk about having…well…you know…with
your arch enemy.'
"Hermione, you should learn to close your thoughts when you're around me." Came the slow drawl close by her ear, making her shiver when she
felt his hot breath.
Apparently she had been in such deep thought that Draco had been able to get closer. He backed away as Hermione glared at him and muttered,
"We may decide to be civil Draco but I want at least 2 feet between us."
"Is being so close to my presence making you swoon, Granger, darling?" He smirked, his silvery eyes twinkling.
'Since when did Malfoy's eyes twinkle? And since when did he call me darling?'
"I thought I told you to close your mind, Hermione."
"Stop reading my mind! Get out! You're invading my privacy!"
"Oh come now. It's not my fault that you're so open and willing to share your thoughts with me…"
"I am not!" She shouted as she took a step closer to him, her finger pointed threateningly.
The boy took a step closer as he replied, "Well, you should share your thoughts. I mean, how do I know you're not plotting another scheme so
that you can use my body."
Brown eyes widened and Hermione's jaw dropped. If it was anyone else, Hermione would've thought that the expression was comical but it was
her and his comment was far from amusing. "I thought I told you already! I do notwant your anything!"
"Of course you do. You wouldn't have already broken your two feet rule if you didn't." Draco chuckled as she looked down to find she was a toe
away from crashing against him and when she looked at him, she finally realized they were too close. Far too close. "But I'm not really up to the
exercise right now, Hermione. We've just had a long train ride and we still have to unpack. It's good to know you have plenty of stamina. You're
going to need that. Any other time but tonight and you can have your way with me," he winked. "Now I'm going to go to my room and take my
stuff out of my trunk."
She just stood there as he turned, her jaw once again slackened.
The Slytherin glanced back at her over his shoulder and grinned. "You might want to close your mouth, Granger. It's good to know it opens wide
for things but a fly might go in…"
And with that he murmured a password into the knight, who just reappeared's, ear. He entered his room and while she was still standing there as
still as stone, the portrait closed and he laughed.
Of course she heard all the way from outside.
"Get over yourself Malfoy!"
"Good night to you too, Hermione!"
The next morning Hermione snuck out of the room early so she wouldn't have to deal with Malfoy. If she had known that this was what being civil
with him would be like, she would've stuck with being enemy numero uno. Hatred she could deal with. In fact, their verbal sparring was
something she enjoyed but these innuendo's… well that was a whole other story.
She walked into the Great Hall and saw it was bare. Just as she was about to go sit at the Gryffindor table, she heard, "Were you trying to sneak
away from me, Granger?"
Hermione turned to find the Slytherin Prince himself leaning against the wall looking at his fingernails. "I wasn't- I thought you were asleep still."
"You thought wrong." Was what he said before he walked away. "Did you have trouble sleeping, Hermione or are you really just that affected by
The girl huffed when he tossed her an arrogant look. "Oh, go away Malfoy."
"For now." He told her. "I've got to eat, keep my energy up when I have to deal with you. Who knew you were such a feisty hellcat?"
"Bugger off, Malfoy." She yelled, loud enough for some of the Ravenclaws to glance up and stare at them before realizing it was just another
Malfoy/Granger meeting. Those happened so frequently over the past that it was a common occurrence. Only the first years stared longer.
"What?" Hermione snapped at them.
They turned away from the angry Head Girl and went back to their eating.
"You'll learn soon enough to forget that," whispered a 5th year to the younger ones. "That's nothing. One time last year I heard from my sister
who's a 7th year with them now, that they startled a student during Potions class. Heard he blew up part of the class. Snape was beyond furious."
Hermione huffed as she passed by them and sat down at her table facing away from the Slytherins, though she did feel eyes boring into her
intently from behind her. That wasn't because they were fighting. Neville always blew up something or another in Potions. Snape scared him.
As other students poured in for breakfast and after a few comments about why she wasn't sitting in her normal place facing the Slytherin table,
Hermione was able to relax with her friends and almost forget about the feeling she was being watched.
Potions was her first class of that day. She had finished the assignment and was now just thinking randomly of other things…Okay. Another
person. A certain blond person. A certain blond Slytherin person. A certain blond Slytherin Head Boy.
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Yeah yeah. Guilty as charged. She was thinking about Draco Malfoy. But it's not like she wanted to!
She glanced at him as he sat there writing on the other side of the room. His blond hair shone, even with the bad lighting and he was rather cute.
'Oh Merlin! I did not just think that. Look away now Hermione, look away now. It's making you think evil thoughts. Evil. Why the heck am I not
looking away? Okay just stop staring.' She told herself. 'That's the first thing you're going to have to do. Stop staring. Stop.'
That lasted for all of 1 minute before her brown eyes sought him out again. 'Why can't I stop? Oh that stupid ferret! Ever since he made that
comment... Those comments, actually… He couldn't have meant what it implied, right? Right?'
Oh wonderful. Now she was starting to sound like a lovesick Lavender. Ugh! She got along fine with Lavender but she had no wishes to become a
giggling school girl. That just wasn't her. She looked down at her books again and sighed.
'Get over it Hermione and great Circe's stop with the bloody staring! If he looks over this way he'll know he's getting to you! Are you forgetting
that he's a skilled Legilimens? He warned you last night to close your mind, so close your mind.'
It's not as easy as it sounds, closing your mind. Instead she left a very good and clear message about what she wasn't thinking about.
'Malfoy, if you're reading my thoughts, I'm not thinking about you. Definitely not. I'm thinking about another blond haired boy who's in our
Potions class.'
Hermione shivered when she heard his voice in her thoughts. She should've known.
'Of course you're thinking about someone else. I mean, what other boy do you call ferret?'
When she felt that burning sensation, she knew he was staring at her again. This time she glanced up and met his gaze. They stared at each other,
him with a big smirk on her face and her with a scowl.
'I-well-get out of my thoughts, Ferret! Out! Out! Out!'
'I'm more then willing to oblige you, Granger, but before I go, just to tell you, you just called me ferret. Will that be my nickname, pet?'
And as she silently fumed, she heard his laugh in her mind as he pulled out. Her eyes narrowed at him while he gave her a discreet wave.
She was about to march over there and smack him upside the head when Professor Snape said, "Class is over. You are dismissed. If you have not
finished the notes, those of you who are too slow to keep up, get them for a class as you will be writing a 15ft essay on Dragon blood and it's
purposes, origin etcetera."
The class filed out, Hermione surprisingly leading the way. She turned towards the staircases that would lead her to her Charms class with
Ravenclaw. Just as she was about to turn the last corner to the stairs, she was pulled into a dark nook without anyone noticing. Even Harry and
Ron were far too into Quidditch strategies to notice. That sure made a girl feel special…
She gasped when she was tugged in but then she heard the voice and saw the grey eyes. The girl was relieved but only marginally. Of course she
was still upset with him over Potions.
"Why did you do that? I'm going to be late for Charms!"
"You have Charms in 20 minutes, Hermione." He murmured.
"How do you know my schedule?" She snapped. "It could be less, you know."
Draco smirked. "I've got my ways and it is 20 minutes. Now, I'm only here to tell you that you should stop distracting me during class. It's hard to
concentrate when you're looking at me."
"Couldn't you have told me that in the hall? I can hardly see your face!"
"I can see just fine."
"Good for you," she told him dryly. "Now Malfoy, you might not have to prepare for a class but I do. If that's all, I'll just be going."
"Anxious to get away from me? What did I do?" Draco asked, an innocent look on his face.
Her glare was one that could kill. "You know what you did."
"I can't help it if you think about me but if it makes you feel better, I think about you too." He whispered to her as he tugged her closer to him. "I
don't have Charms with you."
"Wonderful. I can forget about you-"
Malfoy cut her off. "Forget about me? I think not…"
And he kissed her.

Chapter 5: Don't Touch Her!

When Draco pulled away, Hermione was breathless. Worst of all, she was slightly shocked with herself and how she was acting. She, Hermione
Granger, had kissed him, Draco Malfoy, back. In a dark part of the halls in the dungeons, no less! Slytherin territory!
The girl panted and she could hear him trying to breathe. She breathed in air as she tried to get her brain to function at it's normal pace. Good
Circe's, what was happening to her?
That kiss had lasted for quite a while and she had done nothing to push him away like her first instinct would normally have told her to. In fact,
while she was kissing him, she hadn't wanted to come up for air at all.
Hermione dared a peak at Malfoy and saw that though he was still quite as out of breath as she was, he had a satisfied smirk on his face. "I always
knew that girls like you were more passionate than girls like Brown."
Her eyes flashed. "Girls like me?"
"You're one of a kind sweetheart." Draco assured her with a charming grin that somehow snagged at her heart. "But I'm just saying that girls like
you who aren't desperate for a boy's attention."
"I-well… Stop it will you? This is very unlike you! Nicknames. Compliments. You're throwing me off, Malfoy!"
The blond continued grinning and his eyes told her he knew something she didn't. She had had the feeling before but she knew now that
something was going on. What did he know?
"Oh, I know many things Granger. You'll find out all about it soon. I'm just waiting for the right moment…" Was his reply.
Hermione groaned. "Stop reading my thoughts. That's rude."
"Learn Occlumency than if you find it so uncomfortable. In fact, I'll be more than willing to teach you…" Came his reply.
"You're going to teach me something that will benefit me and take away a privilege from you?" There had to be a catch. The war might be over
but he was still a Slytherin… What was the catch?
"Well, who said that the privilege would be taken away from me? I'm just doing it so others can't read you."
"If I learn Occlumency, which I have every intention of doing before the end of the day, it'll be strong enough to block you out." His expression
was amused and she had to refrain herself from slapping it off of him. "I mean it Malfoy! Just watch me!"
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"It's Draco, remember, darling?"
"Enough with the endearments!"
He stepped closer to her and she felt the hot breath on her face as he murmured, "I have no intention of stopping anything I'm doing."
The Head Girl stepped back and said, "There's a double meaning in that, M-Draco. Don't deny that there is."
"I wasn't going to deny anything. In fact I admit that there is a double meaning." Came his answer as he stared at her. "Now will you stop trying to
forget the fact that we kissed and talk about it with me?"
Hermione met his gaze and told him, "There's nothing to discuss other than the fact that it won't happen again."
Draco laughed at the ridiculous notion. "Not happen again? I think you're quite wrong with that idea, pet. It will happen again many more times.
More frequently and far more intensely than that, I assure you."
The girl flushed and tried to come back with a witty comment but her jaw just wouldn't work with her. This was not a normal day for her at all.
"And while I have you speechless and unable to protest, tell Pothead, his redheaded animal sidekick and any other guy besides me that comes
along to keep their hands to themselves before I personally remove them. I don't care if they do not know the meaning of personal space. Hands
off. This goes for everyone, do you understand me, pet? We wouldn't want any injuries occurring, would we?"
Brown eyes ignited with fury. "What do you mean hands off? No other guy besides you?"
"I mean it, Granger." He told her, his eyes still dark. "Either they learn to keep their hands off or I teach them that lesson myself."
"What do you really want with me Malfoy?" Hermione asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. What was going on with him?
"That's something to discuss later." Draco told her as his eyes started to revert back into their normal colour.
"This conversation is going nowhere." She muttered and before her eyes widened. "You bloody prat! You're making me late for Charms!"
The Head Boy shook his head. "You've been hanging around the Weasels for far too long that you've even picked up their vocabulary."
"They are not the Weasels Draco!" She protested. "In fact, if you remember the Ferret incident in fourth year, though how could you forget that I
don't know. Anyway, Ferrets are in the same family as Otters and We-"
"You're going to be late for Charms." Was his bland, monotone reply.
Remembering that fact she turned and was about to run before he snagged her hand, making her turn to face him again. "What now, ferret?
You're making me even more late!"
He kissed her forehead and looked her in the eye when he pulled away. "I'm the only one who can be this close or do that so remember my
warning, Granger."
She didn't know how to reply so she simply stared at him for a moment before pulling herself away and running off.
Hermione glared at her desk as she took a seat at the front of her Charms class. She could've just killed Malfoy. Than she'd do it to herself. How
stupid could she be for kissing him?
And of course, like every hormonal and extremely frustrated student, she banged her head against her desk rather loudly. Ugh! She'd never hear
the end of it from him. For heavens sake, she kissed him back! Plus if anyone saw them do, well, erm -you know what they did- it'd be all over the
It wasn't even noon on the first day of classes and she'd already be gossiped about. Especially those damn first years. Nosier than ever. Just look
at how they were this morning. 'They should learn to keep out of other people's lives.' She thought huffily. 'Couldn't they have eaten their eggs
instead of staring at us like we were the Fat Lady trying to sing Opera? That's a show. I'm not.'
Her dark thoughts about meddlesome people came to a halt as Neville tentatively took a seat next to her, eyeing her frightened. She turned her
dark eyes to look at him curiously. "Is everything alright, Neville?"
"Erm, yeah, Hermione."
She smiled at him and made a gesture for him to sit down. "Why are you so afraid, Neville? We're not in Potions anymore."
He looked embarrassed for just a moment before whispering to her, "I know that, Hermione. It's just, well, everyone in class is a little afraid of
you at the moment and this was the only seat left."
She looked around to find that it was in fact true. Everyone avoided looking at her and had taken seats far from her. Even Harry and Ron who
gave her a weak and guilty look had taken seats at the back.
"You looked like you were trying to burn your desk or something. Lavender said that you had a dark and broody aura," answered the boy.
The girls eyes widened and she looked sheepish. "Well, sorry Neville. I just had an encounter with Malfoy, is all."
It seemed everyone had heard that comment and she felt all the fear and wariness ease out of the room. Come on now. Was her fighting with
Malfoy that common that no one cared if he had caused her some emotional trauma?
'He caused emotional trauma, alright but it was the good kind.' A voice in her mind sang. 'And you enjoyed every breathless moment of it.'
Hermione was startled at the voice. 'Who are you? Please tell me this isn't you again, Draco. I swear to Merlin that I am going to learn
Occlumency the moment lunch rolls around. This is getting-'
'I'm not Malfoy.' The voice said snootily. 'I happen to be your, how shall I put it, advisor…'
'…My conscience?'
'Well if you want to put it into that overused phrase than fine. I'm your 'conscience'.'
She could've sworn that she saw her conscie- erm, advisor, make air quotes around the term conscience.
'I did make air quotes around the word conscience.' It told her. 'By the way, yes, I did just roll my eyes at you.'
'Hearing voices in your head isn't good. Especially when you can picture them. Go away. Professor Flitwick just walked in and I want to catch my
'Lesson-shmesson. You've already learned enough.' Her inner voice told her.
'You make a lousy advisor.' She thought. 'You're supposed to help me make wise decisions.'
'Fine. Fine. Be a good student. Get a good job.' It muttered. 'You know, the most airheaded people in the world, their advisors are never lonely.
They never get put off for work or anything. Particularly girls that daydream the most, their advisors almost always have company instead of
being shoved off for notes and things. Plus most people would feel happy they can skip doing work without feeling guilty. No. I get to be stuck in
the bookworm.'
Hermione bit back the urge to bang her head against a desk and hopefully knock this voice unconscious. 'I'm starting to act like Draco, except I
don't have conversations with myself… At least not outloud.'
'Well at least he pays attention to his advisor. I pop up and not even a few seconds later, you tell me to go away. How rude.'
'I'm not in the mood. Go. Keep Draco's voice company for all I care.'
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'I just might.' The voice thundered huffily. 'And see if I come back!'
'I could care less…'
'Of course you could. You wouldn't be any fun anyway. All you're going to think about is your stupid boyfriend and the kiss he gave you in the
hallway. You raunchy teenagers.'
'He's not my boyfriend and I wasn't even going to think about that! Or him!'
'Uh huh. For the smartest witch of your day, you sure are stupid. He even gave you hints… I'm so glad I'm not the real you…'
'Huh… You just said you were my conscience!'
'Oh that? I lied. I'm the part of your brain that's sarcastic and at times very witty. Your conscience just needed to take a break in the little
personalities room.'
'…I don't even want to ask…'
'Shouldn't you be taking notes or something?'
She looked up to see Professor Flitwick sitting at his desk speaking while everyone wrote down notes from their textbooks… 'Go away! I'm way
behind in my writing!'
'You're no fun. But fine. It's not like you'll be able to take down notes anyway…You'll be daydreaming of your lover.'
'He's not my lover!'
The voice had already popped out of her head though and she sighed but opened her books and tried writing down notes. Tried being the
It appears her sarcastic self was right after all.
When Draco's Ancient Runes class ended, he and Blaise walked up to Hermione's Charms classroom since the blond had insisted that they go.
"Why do you need to pick up Hermione when she's in our next class anyway?" Blaise asked as they walked down an empty hall.
Grey eyes alight with arrogance and mischief stared back at him before his friend answered, "We just do."
"I know that look, Draco." He muttered as he shook his head. "What did you do this time? Please tell me you didn't do the whole 'get-me-and-
her-in-detention-alone-together' scheme because the last time you did it, it backfired and it made her hate you more than she already did which
was a lot."
They reached the hallway where Hermione's class was located and Draco looked at his friend and smirked. "She doesn't seem to hate me. I mean,
take this morning for instance. A girl who hated a guy wouldn't kiss him back, would she?"
Blaise's mouth gapped open wide. Had he heard right? "She kissed you?"
"Well why wouldn't she?" The Malfoy asked huffily. "I'm brilliant, gorgeous and rich. Plus, she is secretly in love with me… She just doesn't know
"…You move fast, don't you Dray? Now if only we had any momentum four years ago…"
He earned a fierce glare as his friend replied, "Successful plans take time…"
"Anyways…" The dark haired Slytherin muttered, "You got her to kiss you, huh?"
"And Blaise let me tell you…"
And the two launched on into a talk that wouldn't be good for virgin ears to hear. Ahh… Boys and their blabber… It was almost as bad as a girl
going to an all girls Catholic school and hearing what they talk about… Almost.
"You may leave now but remember to practice the wrist motions. Especially you, Mr. Weasley and Longbottom." Called Professor Flitwick as the
class started to pack up and file out.
Hermione was gathering her things when she heard a familiar voice. "Sorry we didn't sit near you this morning, Hermione."
She looked up and stared into Harry's green eyes and than turned to see Ron standing right next to him. "It's alright, you guys."
"What was with you this morning, 'Mione?" Ron asked. "You looked even worse than Snape did when Seamus spilt that potion on his skin making
him look pink all day."
The Head Girl flushed. "I'm sure I wasn't that bad this morning and besides, it was just a run in with Malfoy, is all."
"Did that git do something to you, 'Mione?" The boys asked her, turning serious as they walked out the door.
Harry laid a hand on her shoulder and made her turn to face him. "If it was him, 'Mione, than all you have to do is tell us. We'll do something."
"What you'll do, Pothead, is get your bloody hands off of her." A cold voice muttered darkly from behind the boy.
The trio turned to face an angry Draco Malfoy with one Blaise Zabini trying and failing to restrain him. His eyes were dark, stormy and his
expression was a fierce snarl as he walked towards them.
Big and curious brown eyes watched his approach and he met her gaze for a moment. 'I thought I told you to warn them…' She shivered at the
anger under the calm tone she heard.
His eyes stared at hers for a second longer before they moved to the hand that was still on her shoulder. Draco's gaze moved to Harry's face and
she felt Harry stiffen slightly. "Can't understand English, Potter? Didn't I just tell you to get your bloody hands off of her?"
"Why do you care, Malfoy?" Her friend asked though he did remove his hand.
Hermione stepped forward when she saw Draco stepping even closer, looking even more upset and dangerous. "Draco, really. It's just Harry."
"Since when did you call him Draco?" Ron asked, his blue eyes snapping towards her.
She groaned in frustration. Would these boys ever grow up? "I call him Draco because we called a truce. The war is over, Ron."
"Still! He's a bloody git, Hermione, or have you forgotten?" He snapped.
Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and tugged her behind him, his gaze riveted on her two best friends. "Don't give her that tone, Weasel. Some
people just snap out of it and move on to bigger and better things." He said, sizing Ron up.
"No one asked you, you arsehole!" Yelled Ron, his hands clenching into fists. "And let go of her!"
Harry was already one step ahead though and had grabbed Hermione's other hand. "Come on, 'Mione. We'll talk later but lets get you away from
this slimey bastard."
"She stays with me," told Draco in a dark baritone. "In other words, St. Potter, it means fuck off."
"Would either of you care to let go of me?" Hermione bit out but none of them seemed to hear her except Blaise. "Let go! I only have a few
minutes to get onto the grounds for Care of Magical creatures!"
It appeared that the two, who were still fighting mind you, didn't hear her or were ignoring her. Draco looked ready to lunge for Harry's throat
and Blaise groaned from behind Hermione and the blond. She turned to face him. 'Help me,' she mouthed.
He cleared his throat and said, "I think it would help if you both let go of Hermione, seeing as you're both hurting her."
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That got their attention and they let go of her. Well, Harry did. Draco just loosened his hold on her hand slightly. "I'm telling you this now Potter,
and it's only because Hermione cares about you that I am. I'd love for an excuse to tear you apart but she wouldn't want that to happen so here's
what you're going to do. You're going to back off and get lost. Don't even go near her, you understand me? That goes for you too, Weaselbee."
"How about you get lost Malfoy!" Ron muttered and took a swing at Draco and just as Draco prepared to take the blow and make sure to come
back, Hermione who had missed the fact that Ron was going to hit him, went in front of him to stop the fighting.
Blaise watched it as if it was almost slow motion. Draco was warning them off as Weasley started to make a fist. Potter placing his hand on his
friend's shoulder as he tried to calm him down. Weasley shouting out a remark of his own and taking a swing just as Hermione stepped in
between them.
She cried out in pain as the blow hit her straight in the face. There seemed to be a sickening crack of bone and it was quiet for a moment as he
watched Draco hold her, steady her. The look on his face told Blaise what was going to happen next.
Weasley was dead.
Draco was beyond rage, his eyes had glazed over past pitch black. Red started seeping in until his friend looked like an avenging dark angel.
Weasley was going to die.
Something inside of Draco snapped. He knew he wasn't fully human at the moment, not with what he was feeling. Somewhere deep inside him,
he felt this incredible pain that seemed to fuel his anger, his wrath.
He had always known Weasley was a stupid idiot. That was probably one of the few things he had learned from his father and was proven true.
The fucking bastard had hurt her and caused her pain. No one was allowed to hurt her.
No one.
And as much as he warred with this need to get retribution against the person that had harmed her, that had put her in this pain, he needed to
make sure that she was okay. A possessive part of him told him not to let anyone touch her, get close enough to harm her, but at the moment he
fought it away.
When he saw the boy look sick after he saw what he had done, a dark part of him felt glad. He wanted the idiot to feel guilty for the pain he had
caused. Weasley had hurt his mate and when he stepped forward, he also heard the boy whisper, "Oh Merlin, Hermione! I'm so sorry."
Ron tried to reach out and get her but Draco wouldn't have any of that.
"Get away from her!" He yelled and he cradled her closer to him, bending down and picking her up bridal style. "You've done enough."
Draco started to walk away but before he did, he turned his red gaze upon the redheaded boy and muttered darkly, "We'll finish this later,
Blaise watched as Draco started into a run to get Hermione to the infirmary. The Veela blood was almost complete in changing him. A Veela's first
instinct is to make sure their mate was safe but after it was assured, most Veela's wanted to shed blood. It appeared, from the almost glacial tone
his friend's voice had taken on, that Weasley was Draco's target.
Yeup. Weasley was dead.

Chapter 6: Conflict of Interest

Draco ran as fast as he could to the infirmary, Hermione safely tucked in his protective arms. She was in pain, her nose was trickling blood and
she was losing consciousness from the force of Weasley's blow.
'As soon as she's alright I'll deal with Weasel,' he thought as he hugged her closer to him.
In no time at all, Draco was at Madame Pomfrey's and he nearly petrified the woman to death when his booming voice yelled out, "Madame
The mediwitch of the school jumped to attention and ran frantically over to him. "For heavens sake, Mr. Malfoy, why are you yelling?"
She looked at the young woman in her arms and cried out. "Oh good gracious, Mr. Malfoy, what did you do this time?"
His glare was severe, his voice was low and he answered her coldly. "I didn't do anything to her. I wouldn't hurt Hermione in this lifetime or the
next and I would think better on assuming that I had anything to do with her being injured."
Her eyes met his and she was shocked at the pure uninhibited emotion she saw in his gaze. "Well, Malfoy, we're not going to do her any good by
just standing there. Put Ms. Granger on a bed and tell me what happened to her."
"Weasel punched her in the face."
"Mr. Weasley?" The woman asked skeptically though she didn't look at him and moved to check on the Head Girl. "I know the boy has a temper
but Ms. Granger is one of his closest friends. What really happened Mr. Malfoy?"
"Weasley was aiming a punch at me since we were having a tiff in the hall outside her Charms class. Hermione didn't want a scene so she stepped
in between and she got hit instead."
"Well that explains it." Madame Pomfrey accioed for some water and a washcloth to wash off the blood on Hermione's face. "Why didn't Mr.
Potter or Mr. Weasley bring Ms. Granger in, instead?"
"As if I'd let those two bumbling buffoons touch her…" Draco grinded out of his clenched teeth, his blood bubbling violently at the mere thought
of anyone touching her but him. "Is she going to be alright?"
Madame Pomfrey nodded and murmured a spell to fix Hermione's broken nose. "All she needs now is some rest and she'll be fine. I'll keep her
just to make sure but I think that you should get to class before you get mixed up in any more trouble."
"I'm not leaving her," the blond stated firmly.
"That's not an option, Mr. Malfoy," snapped the mediwitch. This boy was far too accustomed to getting his way and she was adamant that he
didn't get it this time. This was an infirmary, for Merlin's sake, she needed some peace to get any work done and the tension wafting off of him
just wouldn't do to soothe the wounded. "She needs her rest and the best thing you could do for her is let her have it."
He rolled his smoky eyes towards the ceiling and muttered, "I'm not going to disturb her, Madame Pomfrey. I just want to be here when she
wakes up. What if she needs something and I'm not here to get it for her?"
"Mr. Malfoy, the moment she wakes up I'm going to give her a sleeping draught so she'll have some more rest. She needs more colour back in her
cheeks and her body needs time to make up for the blood it's lost. Ms. Granger would probably appreciate it more if you got all of her
assignments for her. That'll be all she'll likely need."
Draco growled in frustration. The woman was not going to let him win.

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'You can always finish off Weasel…' he thought and he was less reluctant to leave Hermione's side. He and the bastard had some unfinished
business to be taken care of.
An added bonus was that she wouldn't see the fight at all. 'She'd be mad if she saw you two dueling anyway… That wouldn't do. We have to stick
to the schedule and that'd just set us back a few days, a week at most. It's better if she doesn't know about it.'
Making up his mind, he heaved an unenthusiastic sigh and nodded begrudgingly. "Fine. I'll leave for now, but I'll be here every moment after
classes are over."
When he reluctantly walked out of the infirmary she sighed and spoke to the sleeping girl. "And I thought Potter and Weasley were bad."
Blaise looked at Hermione's two goons with frustration and he was hard-pressed not to choke them. Draco probably wouldn't appreciate that he
kill them first. He'd probably get even more mad and up killed by the Veela himself. No, he'd leave the maiming to Draco.
"Do you two always have to be idiots?" He snapped at them. "You're almost as bad as Crabbe and Goyle!"
"Where do you get off, Zabini?" Weasel asked him angrily.
He gave the boy a pointed look before muttering darkly to himself, "Lets see if I save him from Draco… No one would miss him… Well, maybe
Ginny and Hermione but we can always buy them a horse."
'Horses sound better than Weasel anyways. Look better too. Don't know how Ginny's related to him. Not much for conversation either… A horse
would definitely be better for them… Girls like horses, don't they? Well, ponies. But they've probably grown out of their pony stage… Horses will
do… More useful than these two at least.'
"Zabini! We're talking to you!" Harry shouted at him. "Are you too stupid to reply?"
"No. I'm just trying to forget that I have that I have the two most annoying Gryffindorks in my midst You know, like amnesia. It's what you two
have except while mine is temporary, yours is permanent. Neither of you two seem to have your acts together at all. You dress like slobs, you eat
like pigs and granted, you aren't as thick as Crabbe and Goyle, at least they know when to shut up." He retorted. "And another thing, Pothead,
the most stupid thing someone can ever do is hit their best friend."
Ron growled in loathing. "I didn't mean to hit her!"
"Rest assured though, Weasel, that Draco has every intention of hitting you and at the moment I don't feel like trying to save your fat arse. I
should probably just let him murder you." The Slytherin bit out.
Harry stepped forward. "Is that a threat Zabini?"
"Yes, Boy Wonder, it is." Blaise told him not fazed at all with the tactic for intimidation. "That heroic front may work for other people but your
eyes give you away Potter. Too scared to fight the big bad Slytherin?"
The boy-who-wouldn't-die's eyes flashed. "I'm not afraid of you, you sick bastard."
Blaise smirked. "Didn't say you should be afraid of me but I think you should be afraid of what someone else might do to you. Learn how to might
or better yet, go see Madame Pomfrey and see if she can grow you both a whole brain. You can split it since that amount of intelligence might
already be too hard for you to comprehend. And while you're on your heroic quest Potter, since you're so fond of them, maybe you should help
Weasel keep better tabs on his sister."
The two Gryffindors clenched their fists. "You leave my sister out of this!"
"We'll see." And with the arrogant flare that only Slytherins could pull off after having a juvenile threatening match, he walked off but not before
turning and looking at them. "You best watch your backs… especially you Weasel-breath. There are things already going on that neither of you
two can prevent. I suggest you let them happen."
Hermione blinked her eyes and saw the room around her spinning. 'Where am I?' She looked around and tried to get her eyes to stop blurring.
"Ms. Granger, good, you're awake." A woman's voice said smoothly. "I just shoved your keeper out the door but he promised he'll come back to
harass you after his classes."
"K-Keeper?" She asked weakly. Was that her voice? It sounded strained and scratchy. Her brown eyes met those of another and she realized that
she was in the infirmary. "Madame Pomfrey… will you be ready to release me?"
"Heavens no, child!" She answered. "I cannot let you go in your condition! I wouldn't dream of it. Now open your mouth and swallow the
draught… you need more rest."
The brunette witch shook her head. "No, I need books, get to class. Malfoy will… and Ron…" It seemed that her brain was too weary to organize
her thoughts. "I need-"
"Rest. Yes you do." The mediwitch nodded she agreed as Hermione reluctantly took the potion she was being given. "I'm sure your Professors
won't mind if you are not in class for one day."
The girl still protested no matter how much she really wanted to close her eyes. "No, Madame Pomfrey… I can't stay. Malfoy will…"
"He'll be back in the afternoon so I suggest you sleep. He'll be here before you know it and maybe then you will have your coherent ability back."
She gave up though begrudgingly. 'But he seemed upset. Ron didn't mean to but Malfoy was really angry… And coherent ability… Is that even
proper grammar? Honestly, she's like one of the professors here and…'
The young woman fell asleep with thoughts of a large snowy white ferret tattooed with the word grammar stomping on a fluffy red weasel with
coherent labeled on it.
Ahhh… Such wonderful uses of the English language.
Draco met Blaise as he walked outside for Care of Magical Creatures. Neither of them were in a good mood and they walked out together
brooding, looking very much like a yummy picture you could label 'Slyther-In-My-Bed'.
They were tall, angry and mysterious and had many of the 3rd year girls who were heading up to the castle sigh the sigh of a school girl fantasy
come to life.
The two stayed behind everyone else in their class and Blaise had to pull Draco away from Weasley. The moment that the blond had seen a touch
of that red, he had the sudden urge to kill.
"I'm going to get him back for what he did to her, Blaise." He told his friend as he tried to prevent the searing hatred from unleashing… at least
until class was over.
His friend nodded. "I swear I don't know how she lasted with those two as her friends for this long…"
Malfoy smirked arrogantly as he said, "Well, I eased her way…"
Blaise snorted. "Ha! You probably made it worse what with your taunting her and all those verbal arguments."
Draco sniffed indignantly. "I'll have you know," he said in an arrogant tone, "that those 'verbal arguments' was our way of flirtation and too much
unused sexual tension."
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"You," the dark haired boy smirked, clapping his friend on the shoulder, "are a moron. Either that or you're pussy whipped."
The blonde glared at him and shrugged away. "Oh fuck off, Zabini."
"I can't. Someone's got to make sure you don't kill Weasley." Was the simple reply.
The two stared at the redhead and Potter. Malfoy's hand clenched into a tight fist and his wand hand tingled, tempting him to attack the boy, that
he deserved it for hurting her. "He hurt her, Blaise. He made her bleed… When I got her to Madame Pomfrey she was unconscious and pale…"
Zabini looked at his friend's darkened expression, the stormy gaze bleeding red. "Draco, calm down. Don't make a scene."
"I'll try to wait until class is over but I'll make you no guarantees." He growled low and deep. "He hurt her."
When class was over, Draco waited for Weasley and Potter. The two were last as always and he waited for them behind the shadows of the trees
with Blaise. As the two came up the slope of the hill, he popped out in front of them, cutting them off.
"What do you want now, Malfoy?" Asked Potter as he grabbed his wand from his pocket.
The blond gave him a defiant stare, his eyes like a raging downpour, wild and unsettling as he held his wand, Zabini behind him.
"I think, Potter, that as much of an idiot as you are, you'll learn to not meddle in things that are none of your business." He hissed.
Weasley rolled up his sleeves and gave Harry a nod to back off a little before staring at their childhood nemesis. "Gonna fight me, ferret? No one
is here to protect you. I doubt you and Zabini even know how to fight. Your daddy's aren't here."
In a blink of an eye, Ron's crystal gaze met the dark red irises of Draco Malfoy. He was lifted off the ground rather easily and Weasley took the
first swing, his fist colliding with the Slytherin's jaw.
"I-don't-need-my-father." He ground out as he hit Weasley back. "And I'm not here for him either. I'm here for Hermione."
"She's none of your concern!" Ron yelled.
They fought for a while and there wasn't even a need for spells, but merely fists as punch after punch was delivered. This was all basically a fist
fight. Blaise and Harry, no matter how much they wanted to interfere, knew not to and stood on the sidelines waiting for a sign that their friend
might need them.
Blaise wasn't scared for Draco's safety though but more for what Draco might do. In all his years, Draco hadn't seemed as angry as he was today
when Hermione was hurt. His Veela senses were strong and it appeared that he was mastering them rather quickly.
He pinned Weasley down and uttered words only for his ears. "I don't know if you realize this Weasley but I at this moment have the power to kill
you and there is a certain law that will allow me to bypass Azkaban. You are wrong. She is my concern, not yours. The only reason I'm not killing
you is because you are one of her best friends, Merlin only knows why, and it would hurt her if you were gone but know this, if you ever hurt her
again, I will not hesitate to do some pest control."
And he pulled away from the boy and got up and turned his back on him just as the few students coming for their class started making their way
to Hagrid's hut. Ron stood up and glared. "What do you want with her, Malfoy?" He yelled as Draco walked off, conversing with Blaise.
The Slytherin turned his head slightly and yelled, "Guess."
Blaise sighed as he finished his last class and packed up. The whole school had apparently found out about the fight that happened outside. A few
stupid first years apparently had seen the last few moments of the brawl and since he was there and was one of Draco's best friend, he had been
ambushed with questions.
One of the Patil twins and Lavender Brown were especially curious as to what was going on and why they were fighting. Apparently that was the
only piece of information that everyone knew but they wouldn't leave it at that. The gossip chasers were going to hound down on him if he
stayed for one place too long. A few blissful moments of solitude in the dungeons seemed like heaven.
Slytherins knew better than to ask for information from another Slytherin. It was a fact that they'd probably lie to you anyway.
He was out the door and closed it behind him since he was the last one out. When he turned around he found a wand pointed at his face.
His dark gaze met those of the brown eyes that haunted his dreams. Ginny Weasley.
"What do you want, Red?" He asked her lightly, amused at her display more than threatened.
She growled angrily at the name. "What did you do to my brother?"
Blaise smirked at her. Hmm… She was cute when she was mad but than, he thought she was cute all the time. Even if she had her wand pointed
at his face. "I didn't do anything to him, Red."
"Stop calling me Red!" Ginny snapped out. "Now tell me what the hell did you do?"
"Calm down and put your hand away." The Slytherin said as he leaned against the door. "I'm telling you I did nothing. Pothead can even vouch for
that. Honestly, I didn't touch him. I merely watched from the sidelines."
"That's bull."
"I assure you that it's not so put your damn wand away."
The 6th year looked at him suspiciously before putting it away in a pocket of one of her robes. She eyed him for a moment before asking, "What
the hell were you all fighting about now anyway, Zabini? What does Malfoy want with Hermione? Don't tell me it's none of my concern because I
will hex you into the next time period if you give me any of that."
Ahhh… A firecracker. No wonder he liked her, no wonder she was friends with the opinionated Hermione Granger.
"Hmm… Well, it will all be revealed in due time, I believe." He told her. "It's not my place to tell you. Now let us move on from this topic of
discussion and onto another subject. Are you still chasing after Potter or have you finally realized that you aren't in love with the idiot?"
"That's none of your concern, Zabini, just like my friend is none of Malfoy's concern." And with that she turned away from him and walked down
the long hall, her footsteps light and quiet.
His gaze followed her retreating back. "That's where you are wrong, Ginny. Definitely wrong."
Draco was just glad his classes were done and he could get back to Hermione. He turned down a few corridors and stared down at anyone who
gave him questioning glances. They all wanted to know what he and the Weasel talked about but they were smart enough to know that he was
not the one to ask on that issue.
He reached the infirmary with no trouble at all and many pairs of eyes on his back when the mediwitch saw him. She seemed to give a quick
grimace before replacing it with her normal tight expression.
Madame Pomfrey inclined her head. "I see you've come returned, Mr. Malfoy."
He nodded mutely. "I told you that I would be. Is she awake?"
"Yes, Ms. Granger has just woken up after I administered the sleeping draught. You may stay for a while until I need to give her a bit more so she
can rest."
The Slytherin conceded before turning to find her. She was sitting up against the pillows with a sour expression on her face as she saw him.
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What'd he do?
He peered into her mind and found that it was all a jumbled mess of angry thoughts. There were many comments on ferrets, blonds and
Slytherins. Of course she had many more. Not just about him though, but of some 'stupid airheads that couldn't mind their own business.'
'I know you're in here Malfoy but I'd appreciate it if you'd shove off.'
'What'd I do now?'
"What you did was beat up Ron!" The brunette bit out. "Are you insane? What the hell were you fighting with him about now?"
"Who the hell told you?"
"Lavender and Parvati! They came in here asking why you and Ron were punching the lights out of one another but that's not important! Why the
hell were you two fighting?"
"It doesn't matter what we were fighting about." He told her. "It's settled now but I want you to stay away from that walking disaster before he
hurts you again!"
Hermione glared angrily. "What right do you have to tell me what I can or cannot do and who I should see? Last time I checked, you weren't my
keeper and we hated each other!"
"Well the last time you checked you were wrong!" He snapped back.
The muggle-born was now livid. "I report to no one!"
"Wrong again." Draco growled.
By now the two were shouting and causing a commotion. He saw that people were staring so he pulled the curtain around her bed closed put a
silencing spell before continuing their heated argument.
"Honestly, Malfoy, I think you've lost your remaining brain cells. I don't belong to you or anyone. I answer to myself."
"You belong to me, Granger and I'll fight you to the grave before you prove me wrong of that fact!"
"I am rarely wrong in anything!" Her eyes were dark with anger. "What is wrong with you? Why do you care about me and what happens to me
Draco hadn't meant to say it. He had meant to work her up to liking him and having her wrapped around his finger before he told her the news
which by than she'd probably be extremely happy to hear. He hadn't meant to blurt it out to her there in the infirmary while they were arguing. It
was supposed to be somewhere romantic, a moment they'd tell their great-grandchildren about and that she could brag about with her friend.
Only problem was he did blurt it out during their sparring.
"Why do I care? Why do I care? I care because I am a bloody Veela and you are my damn mate!"
They both froze after his confession and just like that the world seemed to have shifted. There was a long and pregnant pause before he heard
her whisper, "What?"

Chapter 7: Denial and The Boy Next Door…

Hermione looked at Draco with disbelief in her eyes and he had to fight back the urge to start cursing. "You're my mate, Hermione."
"This isn't funny, Malfoy." She snapped out. "First you get me into the hospital wing and now you're lying to me."
"Don't go blaming me for why you're in here!" He bit out. "If it's anyone else's fault, it's that damn Weasel! He's the one that started that bloody
fight and the stupid git that he is, hit you in the process."
Her brown eyes blazed angrily as she started to raise her voice. She barely even felt the stinging sensation, all she could think of was how
aggravating he was. "Don't you dare blame this on Ronald!"
"Oh! Ronald is it? Poor, poor Weasel. He hit you in the face so of course he's the one to be pitied." The blonde muttered sarcastically. "What a
load of- "
"It wasn't his fault He was aiming for you."
"Right now I don't care who you blame, we're going to talk about what I just told you. Stop avoiding the damn subject."
"You're the one that got us on this subject!"
They glared at each other, their gaze never leaving one another and he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
'It won't get you anywhere snapping at her to make her listen though it'd help with the frustration since she won't listen anyway.' He thought.
"Look, love, I kno-"
"I am not your love. I am not your anything! Leave me alone, Malfoy." She muttered darkly as she turned away from him. "Save it for someone
who cares."
He tugged her so that she'd face him and he looked at her with his piercing gaze. "Hermione, you are mine. No one else's. You were meant for
me. I'm a Veela and you're my mate and there's nothing you and I can do to change that. In fact, I wouldn't change it if I was given the option so
there's only one thing you can do, which is accepting it."
"There's nothing to accept. You're lying. I don't know what kind of game you're playing and I don't want to know, so just leave me alone, Malfoy."
Draco snorted. "Malfoy is it? I thought we'd have at least moved past that. I mean, after that kiss-"
"What kiss?" Hermione asked. "As far as I know, I have never kissed you. After all the girls that you've kissed, maybe the lack of oxygen to your
head has killed more brain cells than you actually thought."
"Denial, now?" The blonde smirked, downright amused and she wanted to slap that look right off of his face. "Alright, love, I'll play your game.
You didn't kiss me but I wonder what other bushy haired, brunette Gryffindor in our year it was that I kissed down in the dungeons. It was quite a
"Spare me the details, Malfoy." Hermione murmured, her face heating up.
Looking at the colour her face was turning, he chuckled deep in his throat. "You can try to pretend it isn't what it is for now, I'll give you time to
wrap that stubborn head of yours around it but in the end, you'll have to come to terms with it. I'm not planning on dying any time soon and I'm
also not planning on letting you walk away from me either."
The Slytherin leaned his face in and smirked when she squirmed. She stared back at his intense, stormy gaze before he leaned down further and
brushed a light kiss against her lips before whispering in her ear, "You were meant for me love, I'm just waiting for you to accept it."
"There's nothing to accept." She whispered breathlessly.
'Oh fantastic, Hermione. You sound like one of those fluttery little twits with no brains that you've despised all your life. One kiss from Malfoy and
you become one of them.'
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'Come now, love. I don't think you're a fluttery little twit and even if you believe you are, you are my fluttery little twit and I'm glad you are
acknowledging the kiss.'
She groaned. 'Get out, out, out of my head, Malfoy!'
"You're not doing a good job keeping me out, pet, but then again, you can never really keep me out. Not for long, at least and you probably don't
even really want to." Draco told her. "Now, it's been a tiring day and as much as I hate leaving you, Madame Pomfrey will most likely be here to
kick me out but first thing in the morning, I'll be here."
"You're right, Mr. Malfoy. It's time for you to leave. The poor girl has had a terribly exciting day but then again, she is friends with Misters Potter
and Weasley. She's seen the hospital wing almost as much as that beloved library of hers."
"I highly doubt it, Madame Pomfrey." Draco retorted. "Don't exaggerate. She practically lives in that library."
Hermione blushed and gave him a harsh look before snapping out, "In any case Malfoy, I think you should get lost."
"Anxious to get rid of me?"
"And here I thought we were having our delightful daily banter followed by a wonderful ending of plenty of snogging."
"We don't end our fights with snogging."
"Ah, but we should now, shouldn't we?"
"Get out, Malfoy."
"I'm just throwing some suggestions your way, love." He laughed. "I'll be back tomorrow, bright and early. You'll probably miss me so terribly,
thinking about me after that so-"
"I highly doubt I'll miss you being around me, Malfoy."
"You'll miss me so terribly after I'm gone from breakfast and you'll wonder what I'm doing throughout the day while I'm in classes. It'll be so
horrid for you to wait for me and miss me all day long and since I have Quidditch practice, it'll be even harder and longer a wait for you to bear. I
guess I have no choice but to join you at lunch as well."
Hermione groaned. "Get lost, Malfoy."
Madame Pomfrey bit her cheek to keep from chuckling and ushered him out the door. When he was gone, the healer sighed. While many
students might assume that Ms. Granger was lacking in the boy department, most teachers knew that was incredibly wrong. Mister Malfoy and
Mister Zabini, the bodyguards she had unknowingly had and Mister Potter and Mister Weasley that compromised the missing two thirds of their
'Golden Trio'.
Little did everyone know that Hermione would be expecting yet another male…
Hermione the very next day woke up to find Draco Malfoy's face staring back at her. She gave a yelp of surprise and he smirked widely.
"I know it's quite a shock to find an appealing face infront of you. It must be a change from seeing Potter and Weasley's almost every bloody day
but I know you'll adjust, seeing as now I'll most likely be attached to your hip."
"First of all, Harry and Ron are not horrible to the eyes. You can ask any girl you want, and they'll tell you that-"
"I highly doubt that any self-respecting Slytherin girl in her right mind would ever think that Pothead and Weasel are easy on the eyes."
"Well, no one has ever accused Slytherins of ever being in the right state of mind." Hermione retorted, amused.
"I'll have you know that if it weren't for that evil Head of House of yours, my marks would definitely have been higher than yours." He accused.
"We Slytherins are always in tip to shape. Mind and Body, we are far better than all the other houses. Name me one Slytherin who-"
"Gregory Goyle."
He rolled his eyes. "That's not-"
"If you add Goyle and Crabbe's brains together, you'd end up with a quarter of Crookshanks's intelligence."
He seemed to consider this for a moment than reluctantly conceded. "Fine, fine but that does not dissuade me from being your second shadow."
"I don't need you to hang around me, Malfoy. We already see each other far too much, seeing as we live together and have almost the same
"You're my mate, Hermione and as such you are also my soul mate. You've struck gold, Granger. I am positively all you can look for in a male
specimen. I am brilliant, dashing, brilliant, dashing, have amazing talent, rich, dashing, dashing, da-"
"I'm wondering how you manage to walk through any doors. Your ego is practically suffocating me," She muttered dryly.
Draco shook his head. "It's not ego, darling, it's truth. Now since you already know you are my mate, that saves us both a lot of trouble. Now, I
think that we should get married before we do the other ritual. I'm assuming you want to get married and really, that'll be yet another way I can
claim that you're mine-"
"Yes. Mine. I've found that I've grown quite possessive over you but that doesn't really matter now and pay attention to the more important
things I'm saying. Right, do I have your attention?" He paused for a second and she opened her mouth to say something before he continued. "Of
course Blaise will be my best man and I'm assuming that the Weaslette will be your Maid of Honor or something along the lines of that. My
mother will most likely want to help with the arrangements and…"
"There's not going to be a wedding," She told him. "I'm not going to marry you, Malfoy. I am also certain that you are not a Veela and I am not
your mate."
He sighed. "And here I thought we were moving forward."
"There's nothing to move forward to."
"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione." Draco shook his head. "The clock is ticking. We have no time to play it coy and for you to be all hard to get.
You've been hard to get since third year. I think you've overplayed that card."
"I have not overplayed anything."
"Why won't you just give in? We both know you love me."
"I don't love you!" Hermione said quickly. "Nope. It's in fact, quite the opposite of love that I feel for you. I downright hate you, I'm sorry to say."
He faked a shocked look as his eyes danced with delight. "Oh you do? I'm wounded, Hermione. I thought all this banter meant more to you. What
with that kindergarten psychology where pushing and shoving, and snide remarks really means that they love one another. I was almost at that
stage of tugging your hair."
"Your wit astounds me, Malfoy." Rolling her brown eyes, she looked to the ceiling and shook her head, biting her cheek to contain her smile.
Alright, so she found their fights amusing. Sue her.
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"Well you say you don't love me but it seems like you do. You don't act this way towards other boys, Granger. I'm assuming it is males that you
Her eyes gave him a pointed look. "I'm completely open minded to other preferences of other people but I, Draco Malfoy, happen to like the
male variety."
"Good. I wasn't worried but you never know…"
"Sod off."
"Oh, my little hell cat, what sharp claws you have."
"The better to gouge your eyes out." She snapped.
"See, Granger. This banter, this battle of wits is something you never do with anyone else but me and you don't actually hate me. Admit it,
Granger, no matter how reluctant you are, you have to admit it. You are in love with me."
"I'm not in love with you."
"If not me, tell me who."
"Ummm… well, you don't know him."
"Give me a name, Granger."
She racked her head and used the first name that popped up into her head. It was that of her childhood best friend. "Brandon."
"Yes, Brandon. He lives right next door to me and we've been friends since before I could walk. Brandon Lehti."
He looked at her and smirked. "I'll believe it when I see it."
"But you won't because he's muggle so I'm sorry, Malfoy. You'll never get to meet him."
"Than he isn't here to stop me, either, is he?" He raised a regal blonde brow before looking at the time. "It's almost time for class and you've
distracted me too long that neither of us have had any breakfast."
"Unlike you, I can still have food. I don't have any class."
"Well, I guess I'll just have to come back here and have an extra long lunch, you know? Good thing that I have no class after lunch either." He left
the comment hanging as he walked out with a bounce in his step.
When Draco left Hermione, he saw everyone whispering over something. They couldn't still be talking about what the Weasel did to Hermione,
could they? It still made his blood boil whenever he thought of the red-haired git but he'd save that anger for a more appropriate time to be
He saw Blaise standing there with most of the Slytherin Quidditch team and walked over to him asking, "Zabini, what's going on?"
"Apparently we've got a transfer from Durmstrang. Just arrived with Dumbledore this morning and he just got sorted into Slytherin. From what
Pansy is going on about, he's apparently 'so darling and quite handsome but of course not as handsome as Draco.'" Blaise laughed as he tried to
imitate Pansy.
Draco made a face. Pansy was a friend from when he was growing up and he thought she had moved on from him. Isn't that she said? He
shrugged his shoulders and ask Blaise, "What's his name?"
"Oh, I think it's Brandon something or another." The boy told him uncaringly.
The blonde's blood ran cold. It was impossible though. Hermione had either made him up or he really had to be just some muggle that lived next
door to her but he needed to know for sure. "Brandon Lehti?"
"Yeah that's it. Brandon Lehti." Blaise looked at him with his dark eyes. "Why? Do you know him?"
'No but Hermione does.'

Chapter 8: Along Came Brandon…

Draco stared at the boy in question… 'So that's Brandon Lehti, huh? Looks like a downright git to me.'
He studied the boy long and hard, ignoring Blaise's knowing gaze fixed upon him. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary that he saw from the
young wizard. He was definitely shorter than Draco, and undoubtedly less rich and less intelligent than him as well. His hair wasn't even an
interesting colour. It was sandy brown and his face wasn't really appealing.
"You know, mate, if you keep glaring at him like that, you can probably burn enough holes to make him cottage cheese…"
The blond turned his stare at the Italian for a moment, his eyes radiating as much warmth as the deep freeze. "First of all, Blaise, I wasn't glaring –
I was sizing up. Second of all…I don't really think it's cottage cheese that has the holes," he told him before once again turning to not glare at the
"Leave it to you to miss the point of what I was trying to say…" Blaise sighed but his friend was only half paying attention.
"I already knew you did ballet…" Draco replied, loud enough for a few Slytherins to hear.
Zabini turned to them and shook his head, one hand scratching the back of his head as he forced a strained smile. "Don't listen to him; he's
having a rough patch with the Mrs."
"Yes, Blaise, I'll buy you that new tutu for Christmas…" His friend murmured, still watching the new transfer's every move like a blood thirsty
The dark-haired boy groaned as a few first year Hufflepuff girls passing by stifled their laughter. He grabbed Draco, much to the young man's
protests and pulled him into a dark and quiet alcove.
The youngest Malfoy turned his gaze on his friend and narrowed his eyes. "Look, Blaise, I know it's getting hard for you to not be on the same
level of a relationship with the Weaslette as I am with Hermione but can you please find someone else to relieve your needs?"
"That's not what I pulled you here for!"
"Well then why the hell did you pull me here for? That Lehti is a shady character, Blaise! There's something not completely straight about him!"
A dark eyebrow was raised and Draco filled his best mate in on what he had missed that morning.
Hermione on the other hand was still lying down in bed when Ginny came into the infirmary, walking towards her. She smiled thankfully. It had
been getting extremely dull after Draco had left and there was now no one to have a conversation with which was why she was probably bored.
Not because she missed Draco or their banter but because no one was there to have a conversation with.
"Gin! Thank goodness!"
The redhead smiled and pulled up a chair, before sitting down in front of her friend. "Hey 'Mione. How are you feeling?"
She sighed. "Fine but I feel extremely bored."
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"Well, I've got news to perk you up." Ginny told her happily, her tone reminding Hermione of a happy bird on an early morning, chirping its little
heart out.
The brunette moved around against the pillows of the bed to get comfortable before asking, "What's this very interesting news you have that will
cheer me up? Have they come out with a new Hogwarts A History? Are there more than 12 uses for Dragon's blood? Has Rita Skeeter
mysteriously disappeared in some unknown territory while on assignment and they can't find her?"
"No, no and unfortunately for us and the rest of the wizarding population, no."
Hermione sighed. That was disappointing – she was more so disappointed about the last option than the other two though. "Well, if it's not that,
what could possibly interest me?"
"We have a new transfer from Durmstrang. He is tall, hot and gorgeous!" Ginny told her, giggling happily and bouncing a little that Hermione
could almost compare her to a few canaries that she had gotten quite close to…
"Well, that's nice…" She told her friend, even though she could care less about a transfer. Of course she'd be hospitable towards the new student
but she just wasn't as interested in gossiping about boys excessively but if talking about them made Ginny happy, she'd put up with listening to a
few comments. "I'm assuming you know a lot about him and from the bouncing I gather that you really want to tell me so let's hear it."
"His name is Brandon Lehti and he's from Durmstrang, like I told you. I'm guessing that he's around 6' since he's around Ron's height. Think
slightly shorter than Malfoy with darker hair. It's almost like a dirty sand type of colour."
The older of the two witches sat there and processed all of that given information before asking, "Brandon Lehti? Oh Merlin! Brandon!"
Draco still hadn't stopped staring at the boy and Blaise was starting to worry. Was that a hint of red he detected, bleeding into his best friend's
"Draco, mate, what's the matter?" He asked slowly. The dark haired boy didn't want to provoke the grey eyed, over protective and at times
extremely temperamental Veela. "You look like you coughed up a couple of slugs."
The blonde turned towards him. "That wasn't me, that was the Weasel and apparently Hermione knows a Brandon Lehti. Apparently she's in love
with a Brandon Lehti."
Uh oh. Blaise had an upset, angry, possessive Veela to deal with. Not good. "I'm sure she didn't mean it that way, Draco. You probably backed her
up into a corner so she said someone's name."
"You could be right but I'm not going to take any chances." He saw the grey eyes light up with something more sinister…
This was not looking to good for anyone and Blaise knew he was going to be dragged along in the whirlpool of disaster that was currently Draco
Malfoy's love life.
Hermione jumped out of the hospital bed she was on and Ginny stared at her oddly from her position on the chair. "What's wrong, 'Mione?"
The brunette witch turned to her and groaned. "I have done something truly horrible to the new transfer student. You see, I just really wanted
Draco gone and he's been saying all of these odd little things-"
"Odd little things?" Ginny asked. "Malfoy? Draco Malfoy?"
"Yes, Draco Malfoy. Anyway, what he has been saying is of no little importance but as of yet, he thinks I'm in love with Brandon Lehti who I
thought was a muggle since he lived right next door to me and never said a thing about magic though I suppose I didn't either but I'm quite
surprised he hid it from me if he knew what I was doing and I-"
"Calm down, 'Mione. Just take a deep breath, and try telling me all of this again, slowly and with less detail." The petite redhead said.
She shook her head. "It's all hard to explain, Ginny and at the moment, there's just no time. I've got to get to Brandon."
With that said, Hermione ran out of the infirmary with the youngest Weasley following up right behind her. "Hermione, wait!"
The heir to the Malfoy legacy was livid. There was just an aura about him that spoke of something dark and vile. An air of murder was coated
around him thickly.
No one had ever seen him in that sort of mood before, at least not until recently.
Harry watched under his invisibility cloak as his longtime enemy spoke with Blaise Zabini. The dark haired young man was failing to keep the
blonde's mouth shut.
He watched intently, his eyes never leaving the pair. Malfoy had been staring at the new Durmstrang transfer with eyes dark, quick flashes of red
bleeding into his irises. It had not been odd that the Pureblood had come picking a fight with him and Ron but it was about Hermione, no less.
The blonde had been transfixed with the brunette from what he had seen with their encounters. Giving up the proclamations of having better
blood was credit to Malfoy's needs to survive after the war and not be tried for discrimination but it truly did appear as if he did not care about
blood. He had even gone so far as to take care of Hermione.
Something just wasn't completely correct with this situation. He'd tried figuring it out, recalling Blaise Zabini's words. 'There are things already
going on that neither of you two can prevent. I suggest you let them happen.'
"What are you hiding?" Harry asked in a whispered voice.
He didn't want Malfoy to catch him observing. Every time he approached Malfoy, the air crackled, almost like he was being warned. Harry
remembered what had happened when he had approached Hermione while Malfoy was there. It was like his brain was slowly shutting down, like
he was an open book for the blonde to read and he was easily being pushed away. The tone of Malfoy's voice enough to make him freeze with
shock at the ice, the malice as his eyes seemed to look past him.
No. Something was happening to Malfoy but every time he tried to go closer to him, remember and figure it out, he couldn't. His thoughts
seemed to be come jumbled until he was left with nothing again on the subject.
What it was that was happening, Harry couldn't figure it out, but he knew that Hermione was at the centre of this. It most likely had not been her
intention but she was there none-the-less. He turned and walked away since he was certain that it wouldn't be too long before Malfoy caught on
someone had been watching.
"I don't like that look in your eye, Draco." Blaise told him. "They're darkening again and there are plenty of people here to see it so I suggest you
calm the fuck down."
His friend's eyes were flickering between colours before they settled back to their normal gray. "Crude language, Zabini?"
"Murder, Malfoy?" Zabini drawled. "Plus, I only learned it from you."
"No one said anything about murder."
Blaise stared at him and silently thought, 'But you are capable of it, Draco and you will be even more so in later months.'

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Zabini disregarded the thought since he knew that while Draco had the power to do it, he didn't have the heart to do it, the stomach or will to
become a murderer with that much ease of decision. The war brought about many things but death had never been welcome in his friend's eyes.
Anyone's death.
The young man shrugged his shoulders. "He's still going to find himself in a mass amount of pain, Blaise. It can be now or later but it will happen if
what Hermione told me is true…"
Draco stopped talking as he felt something prickle the base of his neck with awareness. Someone had been watching them. He knew it but he
didn't know who it was.
So caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice that someone was dragging him with them until he was far away from the gawking crowd. He
stared down at the hand before arching a regal brow at Blaise. "Explain why you have your hands on me, Blaise."
"Because the future Mrs. Draco Malfoy waved me over from this end of the hall and I'm assuming she wanted you to come since she wrote
'Ferret' with her wand…" He peered at the blond. "You are the ferret she was talking about, aren't you?"
"How many other people do you know have been referred to as Ferret?" Asked Malfoy dryly.
At the end of the corridor they saw no one and decided to walk further down before passing another alcove with a rather large statue when they
were tugged in.
He stared at the person who pulled them in and wasn't surprised to find his future mate standing there, arms across her chest, looking less than
pleased. He said the first thing that came to find. "What the bloody hell are you doing out of the infirmary?"
"I had good reason to come," she snapped.
"No you didn't so I suggest you get your arse to Madame Pomfrey."
Blaise watched warily, feeling like a useless bystander.
"It wasn't a major injury. Madame Pomfrey overreacted, Draco."
They glared hard at each other before Hermione snapped them out of their silence. "You better not hurt him, Draco."
"Hurt who, my dear?" He asked, though he had a sneaking suspicion…
"Brandon Lehti, Draco. Playing dumb is not becoming of you." She told him, sniffing the air indignantly. "Promise you won't hurt him."
He was about to give his answer when the dark alcove seemed to explode with light and voices started filling his head. Loud voices, crowding
together in his mind and increasing with sound as more voices joined in. Draco closed his eyes but the light was still blinding him, a burning
sensation behind his retinas.
Hermione watched as Draco's face contorted into pain. "Draco," she asked, reaching out to him. She turned to Blaise as the Malfoy heir grimaced
in pain. "Blaise, what's happening?"
"I think it's part of his turning," he told her.
'Turning?' The brunette witch thought as she bit the inside of her cheek, wondering. Thoughts turning over and over in her head.
Draco gasped out from all the pain and nearly doubled over.
"Make it stop… Shut up!" He shouted as he tried leaning against the wall. He opened his eyes blindly fighting the raging light and he reached out
for someone he couldn't see. "Hermione?"
"Right here, Draco." She told him and grasped his outstretched hand.
Hermione stared worriedly at him. Prat that he was, she knew he wasn't fooling around. Something was wrong.
"Hermione…" He whispered as the pain became too much. Draco vaguely heard her voice tell Blaise to get Madame Pomfrey before the footsteps
ran but even those sounds so close to him were becoming overpowered by voices.
His last thought before he fainted was, 'I didn't promise I wouldn't hurt him, love.'
He smirked through his pain and fell unconscious with Hermione holding his hand, troubled.
Recap of Chapter 8:
Harry is keeping tabs on Draco after noticing slight changes going on with him. Meanwhile Brandon, Hermione's muggle 'love' is apparently a
wizard and a new transfer at Hogwarts sending Draco's jealousy off the roof. Of course, not to be outdone, as Hermione pulls Draco aside, he
gives her a talking to due to her being out of the infirmary. Just as Hermione makes him promise not to harm Brandon, Draco starts having great
pains and he happily submits to unconsciousness since he didn't promise her.
Blaise rushed to get Madame Pomfrey, so much so that he didn't care to notice those around him or the questions being thrown at him by the
many curious students of Hogwarts. He didn't even bother swerving away from others in the hall that he was about to bump into.
The dark haired young man shrugged unfeelingly and in his mind thought, 'It's their faults if they choose to get in my way. They either move or get
It's not like he cared how he got the job done. He was a Slytherin. The Sorting Hat in Draco's year had surely said it the best. 'Those cunning folk
use any means to achieve their ends'.
Blaise glanced back at the other pairs of idiots that had failed to move out of his way before he felt the breath get knocked out of him. He gasped
as he felt a heavy weight pressed against his chest, he finding himself lying horizontally down on the floor.
Chancing a glance upwards he saw intense red, vivid red. It nearly reminded him of the way Draco's eyes would turn if Hermione was threatened
but he couldn't completely associate it with that since this was far more welcome than the bloodthirsty look on his best friend's face.
He knew that hair from anywhere. Weasley coloured hair and tons of it.
He shook himself out of his soon to be 'love-intoxicated' thoughts as the youngest Malfoy so often liked to call them. This wasn't the time since
said Malfoy was, most likely- though he hoped not-, lying somewhere on the floor in utter agony with the future Mrs. Malfoy fearing for him.
'Draco would probably care more about me keeping her unhappy longer than him being in so much agony for that long a time. And he calls me
love-intoxicated.' The young man gave a small smirk before he unkindly shoved the girl he had unrequitedly loved for a while onto the ground.
"Ouch." She murmured and glared at him, brown eyes flashing. "Could you please try not to trample everyone, Zabini? Most people don't enjoy
being on the cold stone floor."
He rolled his eyes. "As much as I'd love to verbally spar with you, Ginevra, I'm needed to fetch someone. Emergency."
"You could at least have the decency to apologize and help me up," she said indignantly as she rubbed all the spots that ached while he leaped up
from the floor. "On second thought, I don't want your help. I just want you to give me a bloody apology."
Of course, Blaise had no time to entertain the youngest Weasley. He turned to her and smirked. "I'm sorry that you chose to get in my way at a
most inappropriate time, Ms. Weasley, and made us fall on the floor in an undignified heap. I'm also quite sorry that you delayed me even further
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from getting help quickly but the thing I'm most sorry of is the fact that I did not have the time to kiss you when you were quite accessible. It shall
not happen again."
With a mocking bow, he took off but not before the youngest spitfire snapped out. "Zabini! That was not a proper apology!"
"Slytherin, love!" He called back with a chuckle. Apparently the last of his statement had not registered. Blaise couldn't wait when it did but he
didn't have to wait long.
"Kiss!" She exclaimed, startled.
Hermione was beside herself with worry as she stared at the blond boy who still moaned in great pain though he was unconscious. His brow was
sweaty and she searched for something to wipe it off with. Finding none, she tore a bit at what she was wearing and wiped his cooling brow.
"…M-M…ne…" He moaned quietly, his hand seeking something.
It was either he had muttered 'mine' or 'Mione' but she held his hand and assured him of her presence.
"I'm here, Draco, and when you're all better, I'm going to kill you in your sleep, you bloody git." It wasn't her habbit to swear. She had picked it up
after being around Ron and most of the Weasley children for so long. "Veela. Turning?" Hermione asked him silently though she was only met
with grunts of agony.
She stared at him for a while. "I didn't know what to believe when you told me the first time. You had been acting slightly different. Not so much
the paying me attention since you used to do that, though most of the time it had been to annoy me. It wasn't even the staring. Your eyes at
times seem to change, and there's just this aura about you… I think I'm going to have to reconsider what you've told me. It's either that or I've
gone quite mad."
The brunette sighed. "I probably have. Look at me. I'm talking to you and you're unconscious and in pain." Her brown eyes never left his form. "I
don't doubt that I am but what else am I to do for you besides talk to you and let you know I'm here? You're safe from my wrath for now since
I've got it in my mind to murder your best friend for taking so long. You're in pain. You could be dying and he's taking his time about it, isn't he?"
She started tapping fidgeting from her position as she thought of Blaise and how long it was taking him to get help.
"I should've been the one to leave and get help." Hermione stated upset and impatient. He looked to be in a great deal of pain.
"No…Blaise." Draco murmured upset, his brows coming together though he was still quite out of it. "Want…Mione."
"Fine, you baby, I'm here." Hermione felt him squeeze her hand. She'd grudgingly admit that she was a little worried about him. "Where are you
"Madame Pomfrey!" Blaise shouted like a madman in the infirmary, startling the elder witch.
The woman jumped out of her skin. "Mr. Zabini! What could be the matter? Don't tell me you and Mr. Malfoy have found yourselves in another
round with Misters Potter and Weasley."
"It has nothing to do with me or Malfoy. Well, actually, it does have something to do with Draco." He let out in a rush. "Don't mind the jumbled
mess of my words. What I mean to say is that it's Draco and he's with Hermione near the Great Hall. He collapsed and I think it has something to
do with his turning."
"Turning? Oh that's right! Headmaster informed all of the teachers of Draco's condition as to not punish him for something that is beyond his
control. My goodness child, take me to him."
Blaise nodded and rushed out the door with the Healer following closely behind him.
Ginny walked back to Gryffindor Common Room after her encounter with Blaise. For one of the few times in her teenage life, when she was past
all of the childhood flutters of fancying a boy, she was utterly flustered by Blaise Zabini.
She would admit and had admitted already, to herself and Hermione, that she fancied him quite a bit though that didn't stop her snappish
attitude with him. He wasn't being coy about what he wanted from her and he seemed to legitimately want her, if his words were anything to go
by but he was a Slytherin.
The redhead shook her head and uttered the password to the Fat Lady distractedly. No one was there, many off to do other things while the
weather was good and others out to get the latest gossip on the new boy. She would have continued her search for Hermione but after her
encounter with Zabini she felt drained, confused, and dammit, she felt flutters in her stomach.
'Wonderful. If that Slytherin git knew that I was even thinking these thoughts, his ego would nearly match Malfoy's on a low day… Nearly of
course being the operative word.' Ginny thought.
Of course she had noticed that Malfoy and Hermione were acting a bit odd since the beginning of the year and she knew that it went beyond
them being in close quarters. Thinking about the two should have distracted her but thoughts of Zabini still snuck in with them.
Groaning, Ginny stomped up the stairs to her dorm, pushed open her door and went to her bunk. Hopefully he wouldn't haunt her dreams.
Hopefully he wouldn't invade her dreams like he did last night…
Hermione could hear the pounding of footsteps as she stroked Draco's hair with her free hand. Running feet sounding closer to her and since it
didn't sound like a stampede she safely assumed that it wasn't those gathered at the entrance of the Great Hall.
The brunette also wished that it was Madame Pomfrey and Blaise, ready to take a look at the suffering Malfoy.
She stared down at him again, his face sweaty and his features still coated in pain.
"Hermione, Madame Pomfrey's here." A panting Blaised repored, his hand leaning against the stone wall as he took heaving breaths of air.
The Healer rushed to the heir of the Malfoy and Black fortunes and started to examine him. Hermione backed away to give the elder witch space
to work but the blonde wouldn't let go of her hand. She tried to tug it away and gave Madame Pomfrey an embarrassed smile.
The elder woman returned it with an encouraging smile before she turned her gaze back to Malfoy. She levitated Draco slowly, Hermione rising
with him due to their linked hands.
She of course would have followed the Healer to the infirmary but it seemed even in coma, the youngest Malfoy wanted to keep her close to his
Hermione swallowed.
Oh god. Was that a flutter in her stomach?
Not good…
Draco was in extreme pain. He kept coming in and out of unconsciousness, searching for Hermione's hand all the while. She was by his side, he
was sure. He had made sure.
'Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends…'
He certainly loved that phrase and it didn't matter how many times he repeated it for it held true.

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Heaven help anyone who tried to get in his way in the most important matter of his entire life, he thought, as he tugged the hand he was holding
closer to his chest though it pained him more. Knowing that she was right by his side, he gave in to the darkness pulling him under once again.
Madame Pomfrey watched the youngest Malfoy and though she worried for him, she knew there was little she could do for him. All she had given
him the moment he had gotten into the infirmary was a calming draught and a cooling potion.
Instead she chose to focus on the attention that he paid to Ms. Granger who had never left his side though they had been there in the wing for at
least an hour, just watching him.
She turned to the young woman who was biting her lip with worry. "Ms. Granger, would you care to explain what happened? It might help me
understand which stage of the turning he is undergoing…"
Hermione swallowed and turned her large brown eyes to the elder witch. "You mean to say, Madame Pomfrey, that he is a Veela? That this
turning he's undergoing is due to actual Veela blood."
"Mrs. Malfoy wrote to Professor Dumbledore and alerted teachers that might be important in this situation about what was going on with Mr.
Malfoy. We've been prepared for a while though I must say that his turning is looking to be much faster than what Mrs. Malfoy has explained."
She explained to the young woman. "He is most assuredly a Veela, Ms. Granger, but he may have more dominant Veela blood then even his
mother predicted."
"I think she'd like to know what's going on with her son, Madame Pomfrey." Hermione told her, her gaze back on the young man lying on his
back, twisting and writhing, though not as much as before. It appeared that the calming draught was working. "I'm not sure that I can leave him
though. He doesn't seem to want to let go of my hand, though I do want to be the one to write to her."
Blaise, who had been off to the side, just watching the scene and his best friend carefully, piped up and said quietly, "I'll get Draco's owl and some
ink and parchment for you, Hermione. You can stay here with him."
"Thank you, Blaise. I know he'd want you here too, though, in case he wakes up." The brunette sighed. "But I do think his mother would be of
He smiled softly. "I'll be quick and back before he wakes up again."
She nodded. "Alright… Thank you again, Blaise."
The darkhaired boy just nodded and rushed out of the wing.
Madame Pomfrey continued to watch for a moment before she said, "Ms. Granger, just take a seat. You rushed out of the infirmary without
informing me though I understand that your injury wasn't so severe that it warranted my reaction. You'll be here a while so you might as well be
Hermione agreed and took the seat close to Draco's bed. He looked so pale. Paler than he usually was which was a frightening thought, no doubt.
"Is he in a lot of pain?"
There was no use in lying to the girl since she would find out sooner or later. "More pain than you would care to realize and this is just the
"I was afraid so," the young witch sighed, staring at him.
When Blaise returned, he carried ink and parchment, Draco's owl perched on his shoulder and Blaise looking less than pleased.
Hermione arched an eyebrow at him and he scowled upset. "What's the matter, Blaise?"
"The bird and I don't get along." He informed her with a grumpy tone of voice. "It bit me, again."
She looked at the bird who seemed rather smug of the fact and back out the scowling Slytherin before giving a small laugh. "I'm sure you're over-
exaggerating things, Blaise. It seems like such a lovely owl. A gorgeous Great Horned Owl…"
The bird seemed rather pleased with her assessment and flew over to her shoulder, nipping her ear softly and affectionately. It turned it's head to
Blaise and it might have been her imagination but did the owl lift it's talons at him?
"Oh sure, of course. You and Ares are going to get along smashingly, now aren't you?" The dark-haired young man drawled sarcastically.
Hermione smiled. "Ares. Lovely and highly uncommon."
The conscious Slytherin pinned her with a glare though it did nothing to strike fear into Hermione's heart like he had hoped it would. "Wonderful
Granger. Compliment the dwarf-sized Hippogriff. I'm sure if Longbottom accidentally dumps growth potion in the Owlery, Ares will spare your
"Zabini." The Head Girl warned as she stroked Ares' dark feathers happily. "This is why, if – and it's a very large if-, Neville were to accidentally do
that, this type of childish behaviour would be why Ares would want to gouge your eyes out. He'd have just cause."
"I see." He said. "So this is where your loyalty lies."
She rolled her warm brown eyes up to the ceiling and stuck her hand out. "Parchment and ink, Zabini."
The young man walked closer to her and handed her the requested items before staring at his best friend who seemed better than he had been.
"Has he woken up at all?"
"He's been in and out of it," The Gryffindor informed him, biting her lip as she carefully removed and unlaced her fingers from Draco's.
The blond seemed to sense that she was pulling away and his mouth formed into a frown, brows furrowing. Hermione noticed and murmured,
"I'll be right beside you, Draco. I just need to write to your mother."
She removed her hand from his fully and smoothed his brow before turning to write the letter. Of course she was aware that Zabini had watched
their interactions quite intently. "Stop staring, Blaise or I will personally feed Ares the growth potion myself."
He of course, Slytherin to the core, took the road of self-preservation and stared at the Malfoy heir himself, accioing a chair and moving it to be
across from Hermione's in front of the bed.
The brown eyed witch bit her bottom lip, wondering what to write to the ever elusive and no doubt high maintenance mother of her apparent
'Wonderful,' Hermione thought. 'I get to write a letter to a woman who for all these years must have heard many things about me and my
background, giving her cause to hate me.'
She sighed. 'How shall I go about writing this letter?'
The young woman decided to write a letter that was purely ridiculous so she could get rid of such thoughts before writing her actual letter as to
not write anything that would reflect badly on herself and her thoughts on Draco's mother's character. Her gag letter went as follows:
Dearest -well, not really…at least not to me, but to your son- Mrs. Malfoy -or will you be changing it to Black since your Death Eater husband who
tried to kill me is now dead thanks to one of my friends-,

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-I didn't want to use Dearest Mummy-in-law, since that would sound too forward and my first impressions and memories of you weren't all that
pleasant so I'm rather dreading the thought of you being my mother-in-law. My cousin Penelope doesn't get along with her in-law's and does all
she can to avoid- Well that doesn't really matter… And I'm jumping ahead of myself since I'm not even sure what's going on with me and your
Ignore that top part, Mrs… Erm… Draco's mum. The real reason I've written is due to this.
Your son is currently lying on a bed in extreme pain. It seems so bad, it's almost looking worse than death. Please keep in mind that I said almost.
That's no reason to worry though. I'm sure he'll manage.
I think you're more likely to kick the bucket since I'm apparently going to be your daughter-in-law if what your son has been saying is true. How
willing are you to allow me, a muggleborn, into your family and letting me taint your bloodline? Though I think you'd be rather dim-witted if you
think that I'm tainting your bloodline. I'm sure your husband did that enough, git that he was.
I'm not sure whether to hope you were in a good mood before receiving this letter so that you at least had a pleasant morning or hoping you were
in a bad mood, tossing this large chunk of news in there and this not destroying a perfectly good day. Well, whatever the case may be, if you know
something that will help Draco, could you please send it? I don't think he's going to die any time soon but I'm not a Healer so no promises there.
-Not that I don't care whether he lives or not. Sure, he traumatized me for years but, I'm sure if what he says is true, it's basic kindergarten
psychology. I'm extremely worried about his well being at the moment, and if you have a cure to send for a fluttering stomach, please send that as
well. I'm sure there's a rational explanation beyond developing feelings of infatuation for someone. Probably a flu or a bug. One possibility, I ate
Rita Skeeter in her illegal, unregistered animagous form. Send stomach cure anyway.-
I think that basically covers all I needed to ask of you, Mrs. Draco's mum. I'm hoping that we can at least try not to kill each other during
Christmas for the children's sake… It'd be detrimental to their mental health if we painted the room red with human paint… Yet we're assuming
things again. Besides, like I said, it's Rita Skeeter, not feelings.
Yours -well, I shouldn't write that either because Draco seems to be slightly possessive of me so it's better if I put..- HIS,
Hermione Granger
She nodded. Alright, time for the actual letter. This went as follows, though much shorter than the other letter, and with better flow and
grammar, that's for certain.
To the honourable Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy-Black,
Mrs. Malfoy, I'm sorry if you finds the news distressing but Draco has found himself in the infirmary and he seems to be in a great amount of pain.
We were near the Great Hall when he suddenly fell to the floor, crying out. He seems to be in a great deal of discomfort but we have very little
idea as to what to do to help him.
Blaise Zabini, who was with us when this occurred, informed me it has something to do with his turning and Madame Pomfrey confirmed his
thoughts. His Veela blood seems to be quite strong and dominant in his system. If there is anything you know that we can do or some information
you can send so that we may help him would be much appreciated.
His pain is rather distressing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who is worried about his welfare at the moment. Any information that might help
him and his current situation is gladly accepted.
Hermione Granger,
Hogwarts Head Girl
She tied the finished letter to Ares' outstretched leg and murmured, "Narcissa Malfoy."
He hooted in understanding before taking off in an open window.
Brandon found it rather unsettling to have so many gazes on him. What did they expect of him? He couldn't entertain them, he wasn't a
performer and didn't have any performing arts talents.
'Though you do dance the Chicken Dance quite well…' he thought to himself. 'But that's besides the point. It'd be in your best interest to go see
He knew Hermione attended Hogwarts. It was hard not to hear of the Golden Trio no matter where you were in the Wizarding World. He'd kept
track of one of his best friend's of course but he hadn't told her that he was a wizard.
There just wasn't enough time to tell her. He wanted to tell her in person but with the War and everything happening all at once, Brandon
understood it would be too overwhelming and not the time to tell her.
Now, as it was, he'd have ample time and opportunity to tell her if he ever got away from the stares. If not, he'd dig himself a hole and stay there
until all the attention focused on him died down.
He had to find Hermione. Not only because he needed to see one familiar face in the crowd or the fact that he wanted to see how she was doing.
No. It was more a reason of personal safety. In the Great Hall there were many eyes on him but he had felt one in particular.
It was a rather threatening gaze that he didn't turn to meet in fear of convulsing into flames on the spot and dying a horrible and painful death.
There had been a tingling of fear running up and down his spine and it was almost like a warning… Then of course the stabbing feeling at the back
of his head like someone trying to burn holes into him...
Hopefully he hadn't done something offensive that to him would have seemed ordinary. Whatever it was, whatever he was being warned off
from, he'd stay away. That was clear and he had taken note to listen. Besides, all he was going to do was see his best friend. What could be the
Wrong move.

Chapter 10: The Fates Couldn't Wield A More Tangled Web

Hermione sat patiently by Draco's bed, refusing to leave his side to eat dinner, not that his hand grasping hers would allow her much choice, even
if she had wanted to leave.
Blaise was shifting in his chair and Hermione shot him a look, rolling her eyes. "Blaise, if you really want dinner you can go," she told him.
"If you're sure, Hermione," he said. "I'll bring you back something too."
She nodded her head in thanks and as he walked out, sighed, wondering how her life had become so intense. When she heard an almost
indiscernible whimper of pain in the quiet infirmary, she turned to look at the blond, her answer clear.
The flutter in her stomach hadn't faded since she had taken his hand in hers. She was irritated, but not so much due to the fluttering as she was
to the lack of reaction she had to the fluttering.
'Flutters aren't normal, Granger,' she thought annoyed.
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An amused voice seemed to seep in from the fog, deep within the recesses of her mind. 'Are the flutters for me, Hermione?'
Brown eyes widened and looked to find Draco's eyes peeking from heavy lids.
Well if he was stalking through her mind he must be feeling slightly better. Not enough for her to exact revenge on him for worrying her, of
course, but it was a definite improvement nonetheless.
"How do you feel?" she asked him softly.
'Pain's almost like a bee sting now,' he commented. 'My throat feels extremely raw and my ears are ringing but the rest of the body is only feeling
aches and stings.'
The brunette Gryffindor nodded before poking him in his side, causing his heavy lids to widen in pain. She nodded. "Now we're even," she told
'I wasn't aware that I did anything wrong…' When she raised a brow at him, he added, '…recently.' The single brow stayed lifted. 'To you.'
"Well besides petrifying me worse than the Basilisk, of course you haven't done anything." Her tone was artificial sugar. The kind of artificial sugar
that clogged your arteries, slowly and silently killing you.
When she saw a shaky lifting of one side of his lips, she glared darkly. "What?"
'You care.' His voice murmured teasingly in her head, echoing over and over again.
Now it was her turn to have her eyes widen. "Where in all of Wizarding London did you get such an absurd and backwards thought?"
'It's much too late for you to lie now, love. You care.' He told her matter-of-factly. 'Hmm… Well, you've always cared but now you're finally
admitting it to yourself. I'm proud. If it takes my winding up in the infirmary to get you to realize it, I'll just have to find myself in more accidents.'
Her glare was evident. "If you so much as dare to think that thought again, Draco Malfoy, I will never so much as look in your direction."
'Careful now, love. You're opening up too many cans of touchy-feely. But say it with me now. You care. You care. In fact, you're probably just
waking up to the realization that you more than care.'
She huffed choosing not to say anything that he could use against her. Or lead her to confess to something she was finding herself guilty of.
Like manslaughter isn't really murder but you did kill someone.
She gave a little mental gasp. Had she really just compared love with murder?
...Had she really just thought love?
'Love? What's this about love? Love of me?' The Slytherin sounded much too pleased with himself.
"I did not." Hermione told him primly. "You're hallucinating, I'm sure, what with the potion that Madame Pomfrey gave you."
The chuckle in her head was far from reassuring.
A retort was ready to spew forth from her lips when Blaise waltzed into the Infirmary looking quite delighted. "I come bearing food."
"Is that a whole cheesecake?" The Head Girl asked, curious amusement lacing her tone.
"Well, what if Draco needed a cheesecake?" He asked her. "To, you know, heal."
She laughed. "He says his throat is so raw water would probably hurt and you want to feed him cheesecake?"
"Cheesecake is the elixir of life except without it being an elixir," The blue eyed boy told her nodding. "Really Granger, you're supposed to be the
brightest witch of our age."
A raspy voice interrupted the friendly banter. "Could someone pay attention to the injured party on the bed?"
"You're far too needy for your own good," the brunette murmured though she gave him her full attention the moment she heard his voice. "What
is it?"
He peeked open his eyes. "Madame Pomfrey?"
"Yes, alright." The young woman nodded and was about to move from her sitting position by his bed when his pale hand grasped hers to tug her
back down.
Her large eyes turned to his but he just looked at Blaise and tilted his head slightly, his best friend standing up wordlessly to get the Healer.
When Madame Pomfrey had finished administering the potion that would ease the ache in Draco's muscles, he was told to get more rest with the
incentive of being able to leave after another quick inspection of his health the next morning.
He seemed pleased about that piece of news but had shown his dislike of Hermione having to leave his side with a deep frown marring his face.
"You'll be out tomorrow, Dra-Malfoy." Hermione had said.
'But that's tomorrow,' Came the voiced thought that she had now become much too familiar with hearing inside her own head. 'And it's so early!'
She rolled her eyes. "You'll need all the rest you can get, Malfoy. Stop arguing with me."
Blaise looked at her. "Hermione, he hasn't said anything."
"Tell that to the voice in my head," she retorted, extricating her hand from the blond on the bed's and waving goodbye before walking out.
The young witch wandered the halls wishing that there was more time for her to go the library to look up more information on Veela's. As it was,
she was feeling more than a little confused on what was going on with her. It was as if a part of her was slowly succumbing to Malfoy.
'As if you weren't already surrendering,' a voice taunted. 'He's the only person you can debate and argue with on things other than eating
A mental image of Ron popped into her mind, forcing her to grimace.
Walking down the halls towards the dorms she now shared with Draco, Hermione wondered what to do with her situation. She had read in
'Magical Breeding', which was a gift from Hagrid, that Veela's hadn't been thoroughly studied.
There were many lost books, some only a dozen copies or more printed. The largest collection was said to be owned by the black family but she
knew for a fact that Sirius' library held nothing of the sort so...
Narcissa Black.
She muttered the password to the portrait and walked in, nearly jumping in schock at the many owls waiting for her. All carried different
packages of sorts and she surveyed the room. There on the couch was Ares, apparently making his moves on a tawny owl.
'Even his owl is a flirt,' she thought amusedly before calling out, "Ares."
The owl turned it's head to look at her, swooping in regally onto her shoulder holding out his leg with a missive attached.
To Miss Hermione Granger
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dear Miss Granger,

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I have to admit that your letter was quite distressing but I am afraid that it is the only way. I'm sure by now you must have been informed but if
not, I think it best that you know now. Draco is a Veela. The strength of the blood had most likely come from my father for he was Veela three
I must say, Miss Granger, the worst of his battle is to come. Some Veela's before the turning go slightly mad from pain if they survive the pain of if
they survive the pain of the turning. Knowing my son, he will not appreciate my being there to baby him but I worry greatly for my son. I know he
is strong enough to overcome this but a mother always worries for her child. I ask, Miss Granger, that you be there for him. Under the
circumstances I think he'd trip over you being there for him in sheer happiness.
I've sent quite a few books and items that I think might be of value to you and Draco. I do hope it's enough for now. I'm doing a thorough search
of the Manor and vault for any information. Maybe you can do with a few more items... Instructions are in the package with Hades and
Persephone's picture on the cover.
Send my regards and love to Draco,
Narcissa B. Malfoy
P.S. Miss Granger, there are apparently some naughty perks to being a Veela mate and I do so wish for grandchildren...
Hermione's eyes reeled at the latter choice of words. 'Did Narcissa Malfoy give me the go ahead to sexually harass her son?'
The line of thought was cut off as the owls all hooted, lining up behind Ares who blinked at her. She sighed as he moved aside allowing the next
owl to come up.
Hours later, when she had untied fifty packages off of numerous owls, Hermione offered the bird army food before their long journey back to
Malfoy Manor.
Hermione muttered tiredly, picking up the book Narcissa had referred to her.
I do so hope none of these owls were intercepted by anyone. I fear that it might eat their hands. This is, of course one of the more tame books.
The best information on Veela's is found in the... darker books. No names will be mentioned but as his mate you will be able to open them. Those
with Veela blood, even a little, can of couse hold and open the book. It's best to keep these volumes out of the hands of those who are not Veela or
their mates.
Everything else is self-explanatory.
She eyed all of the books excitedly, as only a book aficionado would be able to. Forget the… sexual perks. There was something to be said about
the more knowledgable ones.
Brandon sighed, wondering where he was going to find Hermione in a castle this large. People had given him strange looks all morning and this
was getting absolutely ridiculous. Just as he absently bent down to tie his shoe, he accidentally made a poor young man trip over him.
Well, didn't that just make him more endearing to everyone. He sure knew how to make friends…
"I'm so sorry," he told the young man, standing up and offering his arm.
The young man grumbled, staring at his dropped cake longingly before glaring darkly at him. "As you should be."
The new boy jumped. "Well, it's only cake!"
"And you're only the new kid!" He snapped. "That was cheesecake! Cheesecake. Not sponge cake or that blasted fruit cake muggles send out for
Christmas. Cheesecake."
"Oh… Well, I'm Brandon Lehti," he introduced himself awkwardly.
He watched the boy roll his eyes. "Yes, I know exactly who you are." The young man's eyes narrowed. "If I were you I'd stay far, far away from
Hermione Granger."
Thinking he was making a joke, Brandon chuckled until he saw the other boy wasn't joining him. "What, do you have some sort of claim on her or
"I don't, but someone else does," he told him. "And he'll make you look far worse than my cheesecake could."
With that, the dark haired young man lifted his nose in disdain and stalked off, talking about tickling a pear and a house elf named Dobby.
Was it normal to feel a prickling of a noose due to a thinly veiled threat involving cake?
He groaned pitifully; there was just this feeling in the pit of his gut that someone was going to get hurt real bad and it was probably going to be
Onto Narcissa Malfoy's thoughts on Hermione and Draco!
Hermione had re-read Narcissa Malfoy's letter a good number of times before eyeing the books and making neat piles of each coloured tie. The
blond woman seemed to tie the ribbons around each book either yellown orange or red for it's potential threat.
It was all Hermione could manage to do before heading off to bed. While the books called to her inner bookworm like a Weasley brother to food,
she was too drained.
Worrying about Draco, though she wouldn't admit it, had had it's effect on her. He had just looked so pale and his face was taught with pain. It
had left her beside herself.
As Hermione drifted off to sleep, the Malfoy matriarch sat down on her chaise within the chambers of her bedroom in the Manor, sipping her tea
in quiet reflection.
Draco was undergoing the turning and it pained her with the knowledge that she could do nothing to help her son, to ease his pain, but to aid his
His mate. Hermione Granger.
Narcissa would willingly admit that at first, her son's infatuation with the girl was a constant source of irritation. She had never been a fanatic
against Muggleborns like Lucius had been, but she had been an elitist, finding that many Muggleborns she had met lacked refinement that
Pureblood families had demanded. Never had she backed Lucius in his madness but she had shared the same opinion of their less than
redeeming social grace. It had turned her blood when her son had come home and she had overheard his conversation with Blaise.
It had taken her time to come to terms with his feelings for the young witch but she did overcome them, with her son in mind. There had been
extremely difficult moments, when all she wanted to do was speak to her son and demand he get over the Granger girl. Certainly there were
moments where she had even considered underhanded Slytherin tactics to get her way in the matter. But always at the end of the day, she knew
in her heart she would do nothing to shatter the happiness her son had finally managed to find within the cold world he had unwillingly become
entrenched in. And slowly, she had come to see Hermione Granger in a better light, enough to see what had attracted her son to the brunette.
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When the war had gotten even more severe, she had seen how the young woman had held herself in the face of adversity. She was not girl, yes,
but she had barely stepped foot into womanhood yet she knew how to gain respect from those around her and had never wilted when even the
most foul of insults had been hurtled at her along with the darkest of spells and curses.
In those moments, Hermione Granger had unknowingly earned Narcissa's respect.
The time that Draco had told her who his blood had chosen, she had had some suspicions that it would be the young witch who had captivated
him for so long. When years before it would have turned her stomach that a Muggleborn would be bound to her son, it had at that moment been
a calm acceptance of the ever changing times and opinions of the world and her perception of it. She had come to respect the brilliant young
woman, enough to acknowledge that she would be a perfect balance and anchor in her son's life and what would be a tumultuous year as they
start their relationship.
In truth, she also acknowledged that even if she hadn't wanted Hermione with her son, there was nothing she could have done to change the
calling of Draco's blood. She would have lost her son if she had failed to accept the mate who was at the very core of importance to a Veela. It
was a purely selfish point but one she would admit she had included in her reasoning.
The blond sighed, swirling her tea in her tea cup before taking another sip, her mouth tugging upwards into a small smile as she thought of the
note she received.
The witch was well suited to her son and from all that she had heard and seen from Hermione, Narcissa knew her son had chosen well. Though it
pained her, like it did every mother, to watch another woman take importance in her son's life, she was assured that she wasn't putting her son's
heart in jeopardy of damage.
She put down the empty cup onto the small glass coffee table for a house elf to attend to and went to bed with the knowledge that her son
would be taken care of.
Besides, a wicked part of her thought that maybe karma had a funny sense of humour, giving her this reward, because as adorable as Draco had
been as a child, he had been and always would be quite the devil to handle. Good luck, Hermione.
Chapter 11: Where Snakes Lie
The next morning, Hermione stretched out of bed, much more refreshed though still just as confused with herself as she had been yesterday.
After righting herself for the day, Hermione grabbed a thinner book with a yellow tab from the many piles stacked within the shared Heads
Common Room, heading out with the intention of speaking with Ginny.
It was much too early for anyone to be up but Draco would whine on how she, the Gryffindor, had given her word and hadn't pulled through.
He'd do it more to annoy her than anything. That and he'd glower at her for forcing him to stay in a place he abhorred being in.
The curly haired witch knew that she probably looked strange running about so early but there really was no other solution.
She rushed towards the Gryffindor Common Room and muttered the passwors to an irritated Fat Lady who was still very much asleep if the
curlers and eyemask were to be some sort of indication.
The brunette fleetingly wondered from which portraits she had managed to nab the items from as she stepped inside, surprised to find the
redhead she had come to find, brooding infront of the unlit fire place, still in her pajamas.
"Ginny?" Hermione asked softly as she approached the comfortable red couch.
The youngest Weasley jumped in shock, pressing her hand to her throat.
"Hermione?" Ginny asked, her brown eyes still widened in alert. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"
"I needed to see someone who could provide feminine insight to a minor... predicament I've seemed to have irrevocably become intertwined
The redheaded young woman frowned, before giving her friend a wide doe-eyed look of guilt as she worriedd her lip with her teeth. "Me too."
They sat in silence for a while, neither knowing where to start and who'd speak up first.
"I'm going to make Ron and Harry go mad," Hermione murmured. "In fact, I quite think I'll make myself mad by trying to work out what's going on
inside my head and heart."
"My brother and Harry won't be happy with me either," said the youngest Weasley in response.
The brunette shook her head, curls tumbling in front of her face slightly. "Not as upset as they'll be with me, trust me."
"Hermione, you don't understand." Ginny took a deep breath and muttered, "I have a date, 'Mione. And as much of git as my brother is, his
opinion still matters to me."
"Gin, with time, I'm sure Ron will come around. He's grown from a teaspoon to a serving spoon," she teased, hoping to make the younger girl
The Gryffindor Prefect sighed. "It's not with just anyone, 'Mione, it's with Blaise."
Hermione blinked in shock. For a while she had known that Ginny had a crush on the dark, and mischevous Blaise Zabini. She also knew that
because of the coiled tension inside of her friend, she was prone to being snappish with him and left her kicking herself afterwards. It amazed her
that Ginny looked past her temporary irritation to accept an invitation from Blaise.
"What?" Hermione asked feeling less brilliant than everyone claimed she was for her stupid question.
Ginny murmured, "It happened like this..."
"Draco's not going to be too pleased with this," Blaise murmured to Pansy.
Ginny, who had been heading towards the library, paused in her steps and hid behind an alcove nearby the two Slytherin senior students.
Pansy shrugged. "The boy's in our house, now. We'll take care of him."
"Means to an ends, Pansy?" The male chuckled lowly. "I'm not saying I don't agree. Not here two weeks and he's already involved himself in
something he shouldn't meddle with."
"Your Gryffindor is in an alcove," Pansy informed, and Ginny's eyes widened.
His laugh was audible to her ears in the nearly empty corridor. "I find it amusing that they think they can sneak around."
"Well, I'll admit that Potter's group is slightly less obvious than the rest of their lot." Pansy hummed, before she placed a loose strand of dark hair
behind her ear. "Speaking of Potter, I think I'll go antagonize him now, since you'll ignore me for a ginger."
"I'm sure we'll discuss the matter with Draco." Blaise murmured.
"I still don't understand what his grudge is beyond the obvious but no matter, I'm sure Draco has his reasons." She told him. "Ciao, Blaise."
And as her footsteps trailed down the corridor, Blaise appeared before the redhead, a smirk on his face. "Hear anything interesting?"
She opened her mouth, trying to figure out who best to approach the subject of her eavesdropping.

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"Well, of course you didn't. You only heard what we wanted you to hear," The male told her smugly, finding her bristle in anger. People would be
surprised to find Ginny could be just as indignant as Hermione. "Now now, no need to tense up, love. Give me a kiss and I'll forgive you."
"I'd rather kiss a Thestral," Ginny muttered darkly.
"I'm readily available and easier to find," he murmured, leaning forward as she backed herself up further within the darkened space as she pushed
at him with her hands.
"You're disgusting, Zabini," the youngest Weasley muttered. "Utterly, irrevocably underhanded."
"Why thank you," his voice murmured against her ear.
She shivered. "I hate you."
"Do you really?" He asked.
"Am I heinous?" His eyes were bright.
"Very much so."
"Too heinous to kiss?" Said lips were turning up in a smirk.
"Undeniably." Ginny whispered.
"Go out with me anyway?"
"Obviously," she muttered without considering all he said.
His eyes were alit, as he backed away from her. "I knew you'd see things my way. I'll owl you with the date and time. Now I'll let you be on your
merry way. I've probably made you late for that study session with Luna. As it is, I need to go get some cheesecake to bring back to the infirmary."
And he turned the corner, leaving her frozen.
Hermione's eyes were slightly wide, the corners of her lips twitching upwards just slightly. 'Slytherins seem to like dark alcoves.'
'Why yes, we do. Do you need a demonstration, love?' Draco's voice came loud and clear.
'Personal space, Draco. Get out of my head.' She stated, as Ginny continued to worry her lip.
The sigh she received in her head made her roll her eyes at the theatrics. He sounded so put out. 'Dark alcoves later, I'm sure.'
And his voice echoed out as fast as it had come.
"Hermione?" Ginny called out to her, waving a freckled hand in her face, before Hermione snapped her eyes back to her. "Merlin, if you react like
that, I don't even want to know how my brothers will act."
Hermione turned her brown eyes towards the younger witch, the pupils alight with sympathy. "I'm sorry, Gin, my mind just got caught up
elsewhere." She placed a hand on her friend's. "You've had feelings for him for a while, Gin, and I'm certain that your brothers will somehow
manage to wrap their overprotective heads around the thought. They might be upset, because they think he would hurt you, but if he makes you
happy, they'll learn to move past it."
"Harry might not speak to me if I do go through with the date, 'Mione." Ginny murmured. "He's still my friend. And he's my brother's best mate."
The brunette frowned. "Harry's not going to hate you, Gin. He may be upset, but that's only because he's had feelings for you before."
Quiet settled between the two as Ginny digested the advice Hermione had given her. She turned towards her friend, tilting her head. "What's
going on with you, 'Mione? You and Malfoy…"
"Draco," Hermione murmured. "It's complicated. And not just, 'his-father-was-an-evil-sociopath-hell-bent-on-assisting-in-killing-me-and-
countless-others' type of complicated."
"I'm sure-"
"He's a Veela, Gin," Hermione murmured, unable to hide it from another friend. "I'm his mate."
"Bloody hell."
In another part of the castle, Draco Malfoy stretched in his hospital wing bed, tapping his fingers as he waited for Blaise while Madam Pomfrey
eyed him as warily as one would a caged Hippogriff.
"Mr. Malfoy, I trust you won't be looking for trouble so soon after your release?" She asked him, her lips a thin line of disapproval.
He gave her a disarming smile, charming all on its own. "Now Madam Pomfrey, I never go looking for trouble. I'm not Potter."
The Healer opened her mouth when Blaise sauntered in. "Shall I take him off your hands, Madam Pomfrey?"
"It's best that you do, Zabini," she muttered before walking off exasperatedly.
They watched her walk off, before Draco hopped off the bed. "Where has your smirk gone, Blaise? You're looking like a Hufflepuff, what with that
genuine grin lighting up your face."
The Zabini heir chuckled, his baritone echoing off the walls. "Ginny Weasley has agreed to go on a date with me."
Draco smirked at his friend's smug look. "So she's succumbed, has she? Does she know there are no chances to undo saying yes?"
Blaise chuckled. "Really Draco. Why would I give her the opportunity for escape?"
"Congratulations, mate." The blond said, all manner of teasing aside for a quick moment of bonding before they replaced them with aloof
Slytherin stares. "How did you manage to do it?"
"It was late in the evening and she was out on Patrol. Poor thing eavesdropped on the conversation."
"It baffles me that they think they can be so devious." Draco drawled. "They're about as subtle as a Weasley coughing slugs."
The dark haired Zabini shook his head. "You always have enjoyed that little…analogy."
"Blaise, one must never forget the simple pleasures." The blond smirked. "Now I think it would be in our best interest to take this conversation
somewhere else. The walls have ears."

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