Application of Enzyme Immobilization in The Food Industry: M. B. Mandake, Urvashi Das, Laxman Phad, Sakshi Busamwar

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science

Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020, PP 6-10

ISSN No.: 2349-0403

Application of Enzyme Immobilization in the Food Industry

M. B. Mandake, Urvashi Das, Laxman Phad, Sakshi Busamwar*
Department of Chemical Engineering
Bharatividyapeeth College of Engineering, Kharghar, University of Mumbai, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

*Corresponding Author: Sakshi Busamwar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bharatividyapeeth

College of Engineering, Kharghar, University of Mumbai, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai

Abstract: Enzymes are complex globular proteins present in living cells where they act as catalysts that
facilitate chemical changes in substances. Enzymes promote biochemical reactions in living systems. Without
enzymes there can be no life. Although enzymes are only formed in living cells, many can be extracted or
separated from the cells and can continue in vitro. Industrial applications of enzymes include food (baking,
dairy products, starch conversion) and beverage processing (beer, wine, fruit and vegetable juices), animal
feed, textiles, pulp and paper, detergents, biosensors, cosmetics, health care and nutrition, wastewater
treatment, pharmaceuticals and chemical manufacture and, more recently, biofuels such as biodiesel and bio-
ethanol. Enzymes have several benefits over classical catalyst like high selectivity, enhances the product,
high efficiency, non-toxic, cost effective, etc. However, all these desirable characteristics of enzymes and their
widespread industrial applications are often hampered by their lack of long-term operational stability, shelf-
storage life and by their cumbersome recovery and reuse. These drawbacks can generally be overcome by
immobilization of enzymes.
Keywords: Enzymes, enzyme immobilization, applications

“Immobilized enzymes” refer to an enzyme that has been confined or localized so that it can be reused
continuously. The immobilized enzyme can be a free enzyme, cell or an organelle. There are many
advantages of immobilized enzyme over simply enzyme like ability to be confined to a place,
predetermined space, etc. in this immobilized form, the enzyme can be repeatedly and continuously
1.1. Carrier Materials for Enzyme Immobilization
The interaction between the enzyme and carrier provides an immobilized enzyme with specific
chemical, biochemical, mechanical and kinetic properties. Carriers can be classified according to their
morphology or their chemical composition. The support should have the properties such as large
surface area and high permeability; sufficient functional groups for enzyme attachment under non-
denaturing conditions; hydrophilic character; water insolubility; chemical and thermal stability;
mechanical strength; high rigidity and suitable particle form; resistance to microbial attack;
regenerability; toxicological safety; and low or justifiable price. Some of the examples of support
material are biopolymer, inorganic polymer.

Fig1. Classification of methods of Enzyme Immobilization

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Application of Enzyme Immobilization in the Food Industry


Enzyme or cell can be immobilization can be done in various methods.
Mainly classified as i) Bonding ii) Physical entrapped. The method to be adopted greatly influences
the property of result product. Selection of method of immobilization depends upon the process
specifications for the catalyst including such parameters like overall catalytic activity, effectiveness of
the catalyst utilization, deactivation, regeneration characteristic and cost.
2.1. Bonding Method
Bonding methods are further classified as:-i) Physical Bonding. ii) Co-valent Chemical Bonding.
These are very simple methods of enzyme immobilization. Typical supports for emzyme
immobilization are polysaccharides, synthetic resins, biopolymers or inorganic solids such as silica or
2.1.1. Physical Bonding
Physical Bonding is mainly used for cell only. It is carrier free. Flocculation and Adsorption to
surface careless are the major types of Physical Bonding.
2.1.2. Co-valent Chemical Bondings
In covalent chemical bonging, the enzyme immobilization method is strong bond formation that
occurs between the functional group on the enzyme and carrier molecules. This is mostly used for
enzyme molecule may be blocked during covalent bonding.
Two types i) Surface carriers ii) Cross-linking precipitate.
2.2. Physical Entrapment
In this method entrapment, enzyme inclusion occurs within a mesh network. It retains the enzymes
but substrate and products are allowed to pass through. There are two types of physical entrapment are
i) Gelation. ii) Encapsulation.
 Permit the re-use of the component enzyme(s).
 Ideal for continuous operation.
 Product is enzyme free.
 Permit more accurate control of catalytic processes.
 Improve stability of enzymes.
 Allow development of a multienzyme reaction system.
 Offer considerable potential in industrial and medical use.
 Reduce effluent disposal problems.
LIPASE- Lipases (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase) act on carboxylic ester bonds, and require no co-
factor. Long-chain fatty acids are the natural substrates for lipase. Lipases are of interest for industry
because of their natural function of hydrolyzing triglycerides into diglycerides, monoglycerides, fatty
acids, and glycerol.
AMYLASE- Enzymes which are capable of hydrolyzing the α-1,4-glucosidic linkages of starch are
called amylases (Vihinen&Mantsiila, 1989). Although amylases are found in plants and animals,
microbial amylases are most common in industry. α-Amylase (EC and glucoamylase (EC are two major amylases.
PECTIC ENZYMES- These enzymes can hydrolyze the long and complicated molecules named
pectins that are structural polysaccharides in the plant cell and maintain integrity of the cell wall. .
Pectic substances are high molecular weight (30,000–300,000 Da), negatively charged complex
polysaccharides, with a backbone of galacturonic acid residues linked by α-1,4- linkages (Kashyap et
al., 2001). The American Chemical Society has categorized pectic substances into four main groups.
The first group, called protopectins, are water-soluble pectic substances composed of pectin or pectic
acid. The second group is pectic acid and polymers of galacturonans that contain negligible amounts
of methoxyl groups. Pectinic acid, the third group, is the polygalacturonan chain with various amounts
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of methoxyl groups (0–75%). Pectin is the last group and defines the mixture of differing
compositions of galacturonate units esterified with methanol.
LACTASE- The enzyme β-galactosidase is also known as lactase. It is obtained from
microorganisms, plants, and animals. It is used for the hydrolysis of the disaccharide sugar lactose
present in milk and whey.
PROTEASES- Proteases are protein-degrading enzymes and catalyze the cleavage of peptide bonds
in the proteins. Proteases are classified according to their catalytic action into endopeptidases and
exopeptidases. Proteases are found in plants, animals, and microorganisms.
OXIDOREDUCTASE-Oxidoreductases are another group of enzymes that catalyze the
oxidation/reduction reaction. Oxidoreductases play a crucial role in foods in terms of taste, texture,
shelf life, appearance, and nutritional value. Lipoxygenase, Lactoperoxidase, Polyphenol oxidase,
peroxidase, Horseradish peroxidase, Lactoperoxidase, Catalase etc are commonly used in industries
Microbial enzymes have been used in the food industry for centuries. They also had applications in
the leather industry, such as using dung for preparation of hides (Underkofler et al., 1958). In the
1930s, enzyme technology was used for the first time in the food industry, to clarify fruit juice.
5.1. Dairy Industry
Lipases are commonly used in the dairy industry to hydrolyze milk fat, and current applications of
lipases in the dairy industry include cheese ripening, flavor enhancement, manufacturing cheese-like
products, and lipolysis of cream and butterfat . Cheese texture is dependent on fat content so lipases
that release short-chain fatty acids (C4 and C6) develop the sharp and tangy flavor, whereas release of
medium-chain fatty acids (C12 and C14) causes a soapy taste in the product (Hasan et al., 2006).
Lipases are also used for enzyme-modified cheeses (EMC) to liberate fatty acids at sn-1 and sn-3
positions on the glycerol backbone (Houde et al., 2004). EMC find applications in the food industry to
add cheese flavor to salad dressings, dips, soups, sauces, and snacks.
Proteases have a broad application in the food industry. In the dairy industry, milk-coagulating
enzymes (animal rennin, microbial coagulants, engineeredchymosin) are extensively used for cheese
making. Chymosin has advantages over animal rennin due to its specific activity and availability. The
protease-producing GRAS microorganisms are Mucormichei, Bacillus subtilis, and
Oxidoreductases are employed in the pasteurization of eggs and cheese by H2O2, desugaring of eggs
prior to spray drying, preservation of raw milk, and elimination of cooked flavor of UHT (ultra high
temperature) pasteurized milk.
The most commonly used lactases for immobilization are obtained from E. coli and A. niger. The
lactase enzyme immobilized on Teflon stirring bars that are coated with a polymer polyisocyanate
was stable up to pH8.75. It can be used continuously for 137.6h without appreciable losses in activity.
d-Tagatose is a monosaccharide naturally present in dairy products, but in small amounts. Its
sweetness is comparable with sucrose at 92% but has only 38% of the calories. From galactose, it can
be produced via isomerization using the l-arabinose isomerase enzyme in an immobilized form
obtained from Thermotoganeapolitana

Fig2. Schematic for high-fructose corn syrup production from corn starch using immobilized glucose isomerize
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5.2. Sugar Industry

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is used as a sweetener in beverages and foods. It has fewer calories
and is cheaper than sucrose. In the United States, corn is the main raw material used to produce
glucose syrup by hydrolysis of starch in the presence of amylases. After glucose syrups are produced,
glucose High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is used as a sweetener in beverages and foods. It has fewer
calories and is cheaper than sucrose. In the United States, corn is the main raw material used 6–7days
of fermentation time with large-scale fermentation and a large storage capacity. The immobilization
technique is used in the brewing industry by the entrapment of yeast cells to increase their
concentration; this reduces the process time. Immobilized yeast cells reduce processing time without
affecting the product quality.
Most alcoholic beverages, such as whiskey, vodka, and brandy, are produced from sugar containing
raw materials. Malted barley, corn, milo, and rye are common raw materials for alcohol fermentation
in the United States (Bigelis, 1993). The raw material is cooked to gelatinize the starch for enzymatic
degradation, and cooled to room temperature before saccharification by amylase is performed. Fungal
amylase, from Aspergillus or Rhizopus spp., is used for saccharification, because it increases the
reaction rate while a complete saccharification is performed. It also produces fewer by-products, for
example, maltose, isomaltose, and oligosaccharides, that are not fermentable by yeast.
5.3. Cocoa Industry
Cocoa butter fat is a high-value product with desired properties such as melting point , snap, and
gloss. It also provides a cooling sensation and smoothness for chocolate (Hasan et al., 2006; Houde et
al., 2004). However, a cheaper substitute for cocoa butter, palm oil, has a melting point of 23 C, is
liquid at room temperature, and is a low-value product. Lipases are used to convert palm oil into
cocoa butter substitute by transesterification reactions. Such modification of less expensive fats, such
as shea butter, salt fat, and palm oil, can be obtained by transesterification and provides cheap
substitutes for cocoa butter.
5.4. Juice Industry
In juice and wine making, Aspergillusnigerderivedpectic enzymes are commonly used. Sparkling
clear juices, cloudy juices, and unicellular products are created by pectic enzyme applications in the
juice industry. Enzymes for sparkling juices are employed to increase the yield and clarification of
juice (Grassin&Coutel, 2010; Kashyap et al., 2001). Filtration time is reduced up to 50% when fruit
juices are processed with pectic enzymes. Clarification is affected by pH, temperature, enzyme
concentration, and enzyme contact time. Lower pH will induce clarification rather than high pH,
while elevated temperature will also increase the clarification rate as long as they enzyme is not
denatured (Kilara, 1982). Apple, pear, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and grape juice are some
examples of sparkling clear juices. Another use of pectic enzymes in juice industry is stabilizing the
cloud of citrus juices, purees, and nectars. Orange, lemon, mango, apricot, guava, papaya, pineapple,
and banana are processed with enzymes to maintain a cloudy texture.
In the past few years, several studies have been done with a primary focus on the development of
immobilized enzymes for future commercial use. Though the immobilized enzyme has several
advantages in food processing, there are very few successful examples of immobilized enzymes in
food processing. The immobilized glucose isomerase is used in the production of HFCS. The
immobilized lipases are used in the production of diacylglycerols and transfree fats and/or oils. The
main drawback of the immobilized enzyme system is its economics, which offset most of the other
benefits of immobilized enzymes. Various other enzymes and their applications are at different stages
of development. As well as the applications discussed , it has been suggested that enzymes may find
extensive application in the production of flavourants in bread, beer, wine and other fermented foods
as well as production of synthetic foods. Of course, numerous novel concepts have been attempted or
are being pursued, such as: descaling of fish; modification of wort; beverage clarification; production
of hydrolysate-based beverages for infants, geriatrics and invalids; enzymic determination as an index
of food quality; food analyses; and removal of antinutritive factors from foods. The future of such
processes and applications will depend heavily on economics and regulatory decisions. While it might
be true that the implementation of immobilized-enzyme systems to date has not lived up to initial,
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optimistic expectations, the outlook is bright given current industry trends combined with the rapid
evolution of immobilized-enzyme technology.
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Citation: Sakshi Busamwar,, “Application of Enzyme Immobilization in the Food Industry”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science, 7(2), pp. 6-10. DOI:
Copyright: © 2020 Authors, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.

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