User Guide: IBM Sterling Connect:Direct For z/OS
User Guide: IBM Sterling Connect:Direct For z/OS
User Guide: IBM Sterling Connect:Direct For z/OS
User Guide
Version 5.1.1
User Guide
Version 5.1.1
This edition applies to version 5.1.1 of IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Sterling Signing On to Multiple Sessions . . . . . . 46
Connect:Direct commands. . . . . . . 1 Swap Node Command . . . . . . . . . . 48
Supported commands . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Using SWAP NODE through the IUI . . . . . 48
Writing Sterling Connect:Direct commands . . . . 2 Using SWAP NODE through the Batch Interface 49
Native format . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sign Off Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Command example . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Using SIGNOFF Through the IUI . . . . . . 49
Command syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Using SIGNOFF through the Batch Interface . . 50
Indicating case sensitivity . . . . . . . . . 6 Sequencing the SIGNON, SWAP NODE, and
Indicating selection criteria . . . . . . . . 7 SIGNOFF Commands . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Indicating output destination . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 6. Building, Modifying, and
Chapter 2. The batch interface . . . . . 9 Submitting Processes . . . . . . . . 53
Batch interface job requirements . . . . . . . . 9 Process Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Processing rules . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Process Queuing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Sample job stream to run the batch interface . . . 10 Process Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 55
DDNAMES for DGADBATC. . . . . . . . 10 Intelligent Session Retry . . . . . . . . . 55
DGADBATC EXEC parameters . . . . . . . 11 Process Execution Example . . . . . . . . 56
DGADBATC return codes with DGADCHLA . . 11 Process Management in a Sterling
Using the MAXDELAY keyword parameter to Connect:Direct/Plex . . . . . . . . . . 60
synchronize submitted Processes . . . . . . . 12 SUBMIT Command. . . . . . . . . . . . 62
SUBMIT Command Examples . . . . . . . 70
Chapter 3. The Interactive User Submitting Processes through the Batch Interface 71
Submitting Processes through the IUI. . . . . . 71
Interface (IUI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 IUI Submit Options. . . . . . . . . . . 71
Primary Options Menu . . . . . . . . . . 15 Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI
Navigating the Interactive User Interface . . . 17 Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Using the PF Keys . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Using the SB IUI Option to Submit a Predefined
Displaying Your User Authorization . . . . . 18 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Using the DF IUI Option to Create, Edit, and
Operator Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Submit Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Modifying and Submitting a Process Using the
Message Example . . . . . . . . . . . 21 DF IUI Option . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Messages in a Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Creating and Submitting a New Process Using
Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 the DF IUI Option . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Viewing and Printing Messages Using Different Submitting a Process Using the DF IUI Option . 76
Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Using Statement Models to Create a Process . . 76
Viewing a Message List . . . . . . . . . 23 Using the CF IUI Option to Generate a COPY
Printing Messages . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Generating a COPY Process . . . . . . . . 78
Chapter 4. The Application Program
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Chapter 7. Controlling Processes in the
DGADCHLA Program. . . . . . . . . . . 25 TCQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Required Parameters for DGADCHLA . . . . 26 Controlling Processes with Commands . . . . . 83
Extracting Return Codes . . . . . . . . . 27 Setting Selection Criteria . . . . . . . . . 83
UICB Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Modifying a Process in the TCQ with CHANGE
DGADCHLA Return Codes . . . . . . . . 32 PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
DGADCHLA Examples . . . . . . . . . . 32 CHANGE PROCESS Command Format . . . . 83
Sample Job Stream for Executing the Program . . . 34 CHANGE PROCESS Command Examples . . . 88
Issuing CHANGE PROCESS through the Batch
Chapter 5. Managing Sessions . . . . 37 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Signing On to Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS . . 37 Issuing CHANGE PROCESS through the IUI . . 89
Timeout Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Suspending, Flushing, and Deleting Processes . . . 89
Using SIGNON through the IUI . . . . . . 38 SUSPEND, FLUSH, or DELETE PROCESS
SIGNON Command . . . . . . . . . . 40 Command Format . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Signing On to the API . . . . . . . . . . 45
You can use either of the following two methods to issue commands:
Method Description
Batch Interface Enables you to issue Sterling Connect:Direct commands with the
DGADBATC program in a batch environment. See Introduction to the
Batch Interface for more information about how to use the Batch
Interactive User Provides easy-to-use command entry through fill-in-the-blank screens.
The Interactive User Interface (IUI) is an ISPF Dialog online interface.
See Introduction to the Interactive User Interface (IUI), for more
information on how to use the IUI.
Some command options which you can select through the IUI do not have a batch
equivalent. The documentation notes these exceptions in option descriptions.
Supported commands
The following table lists Sterling Connect:Direct commands, which perform various
administrative and user functions.
If you are using the batch interface, operator interface, or your own user-written
application, you write the commands in this native format. If you are using the
IUI, Sterling Connect:Direct builds the commands in the format for you.
Native format
The following table shows the structure of a Sterling Connect:Direct command in
its native format.
Label Command Parameters and Subparameters
Component Description
Label (optional) You can optionally identify your Sterling Connect:Direct command
through use of a label. A label must begin in position 1 and consists of
a 1-8 character alphanumeric string, with the first character alphabetic.
Use one or more blanks to separate the command from the parameters
which follow it.
Parameters or Parameters or subparameters specify further instructions for the
Subparameters command. Separate your parameters by one or more blanks.
Parameters can be either keyword or positional.
SIGNON USERID=(ID,pswd,newpswd)
Command example
The following CHANGE PROCESS command changes a preexisting Process named
PAYROLL so that the new destination node is DALLAS1 and the Process executes
every Friday:
Command syntax
This section describes the syntax used to construct Sterling Connect:Direct
commands and Processes.
For a complete description of Process syntax and examples, see the IBM Sterling
Connect:Direct Process Language Reference Guide.
To examine records for users whose user IDs begin with ST, specify the following
Commas function to separate items within a list (except in the case of symbolic
substitution. Refer to Symbolic Substitution), and to control the order of values
specified as positional parameters. You must use a comma to indicate omission of a
positional parameter. In the following example, the omission of the pswd
subparameter is indicated by the extra comma.
Continuation Marks
A command can continue across multiple lines. Use the hyphen (-), preceded and
followed by a space, to indicate that the command continues on the following line.
The hyphen can appear anywhere in positions 3-79. The following command is
continued on a second line.
In the following example, parentheses enclose lists and associate a group of values.
Symbolic Substitution
If you have multiple symbolics, separate them with one or more spaces.
The rules for using single and double quotation marks are:
v Single-quote strings allow the parsing of parameters as typed.
v Double-quote strings allow the resolution of symbolic substitution in a quoted
The following example shows the use of single quotation marks to enable you to
embed special characters or blanks within a parameter or subparameter value.
The following example shows the use of double quotation marks to allow for the
resolution of symbolic substitution.
Single quotation marks are not valid for symbolic substitution in a Sterling
Connect:Direct command but can be used with a keyword parameter in a Process
statement (refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:DirectProcess Language Reference Guide
For example, the following SUBMIT Process command, which uses single
quotation marks:
The following example which uses the same Process information as the example
above but this time with double quotation marks:
resolves to:
All three of the following lines are valid comments, indicating that the SIGNON
command labeled DSIGN signs on to the DALLAS node.
Use the double bar ( || ) to concatenate, or link together, character strings. You
must precede the double bar and follow it with a blank. Use the double bar to join
a long value that continues over multiple records. For example, you can type the
following command.
Special Characters
Delimiters Description
< less than sign
> greater than sign
* asterisk
The following table describes the levels at which you can set the CASE parameter.
Level Description
Session The CASE parameter of the SIGNON command indicates if
commands entered during this session are case-sensitive. The
default value is NO. You can override this setting at the command
Selection subparameters are optional; however, you must specify at least one.
These subparameters are special in that they identify which records are selected for
the command activity defined by the other parameters.
Use the WHERE parameter to indicate selection criteria for commands which affect
Process, Task, Type, User, and Statistic records. The command function applies to
all records which match the selection criteria.
For example, in the CHANGE PROCESS command, you can use the WHERE
parameter with its PNUMBER subparameter to select a list of Processes by number
and release all of them through the RELEASE parameter.
In the IUI, the WHERE parameter is represented by the list of selection criteria
which precedes the command parameters themselves. For example, you see the
following on the CHANGE PROCESS screen:
==> _____ ==> _____ ==> _____ ==> _____
Additionally, you see lists for Process name and submitter to indicate the selection
criteria. The Sterling Connect:Direct IUI builds the WHERE parameter for the
command as it selects the fields from left to right on the screen.
Some screens offer additional output format, such as summary tables. These
options are listed along with the display, file, and print options.
When you submit a job stream that contains Sterling Connect:Direct commands
such as SYSIN input, DGADBATC reads the input data stream and processes the
requested functions. DGADBATC supports all Sterling Connect:Direct commands.
Processing rules
The following rules apply to Sterling Connect:Direct commands and options in the
DGADBATC job stream.
v The first command in the job stream must be a SIGNON command.
v The maximum command string length is 4,096 bytes. Each new Sterling
Connect:Direct command in the job stream must start on a separate line. You can
split a command across more than one line by using the continuation mark.
However, the first word or string of the next command must start on a new line
as shown in the following example.
The following example shows the COPY Process submitted in the previous
example as it is displayed in the Sterling Connect:Direct Public Process Library,
The following table describes the required and optional ddnames for the
DGADBATC program shown in the sample job stream example.
DDNAME Description
STEPLIB Indicates the location of the library that contains the Sterling Connect:Direct
load modules. This DD statement is required, unless the data set is in
DMNETMAP Indicates the name of the network map for the node you are signing on to.
You can also specify this name through the SIGNON command NETMAP
parameter. If you use both methods, the network map file name specified
on the SIGNON command takes precedence. This DD statement is optional.
DMPUBLIB Indicates the library that contains the Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. This
DD statement is required.
DMMSGFIL Indicates the Sterling Connect:Direct message file that contains Sterling
Connect:Direct messages. This DD statement is required.
DMPRINT Indicates the destination of the job output from DGADBATC that collects
output messages such as error messages. This DD statement is required.
Always check DMPRINT output for verification of the processing that
The characters in the PARM keyword in the DGADBATC EXEC statement are
required parameters. The output is displayed in the data set defined by DMPRINT.
In the following table which lists the positional DGADBATC EXEC parameters, Y
stands for yes, N for no, S for short text, and L for long text. No default values are
The return code from DGADBATC reflects the highest return code of all
commands processed.
If you receive a return code of 4 or 8, check the DMPRINT DD output for the exact
error that is encountered during command processing to DGADBATC.
If you receive a DGADBATC return code greater than 8, check return codes for
error information.
For more information on multiple session environments, see Sample Job Stream to
Run the Batch Interface.
To suspend the execution of the DGADBATC job step until the submitted Process
either completes or a specified interval of time elapses, use the MAXDELAY
For a detailed description of the MAXDELAY parameter, See the Submit Command
in the Connect:Direct Process Language help.
To place a job stream in a wait status for a specified period and set return codes
that indicate step or task completion, use the DGADWAIT program as a batch step
or a RUN TASK. For more information, see Run Task Wait Program (DGADWAIT).
The following example shows the MAXDELAY keyword that is coded in the
SUBMIT command.
You can also place the MAXDELAY keyword in the PROCESS statement for
PROCAAA, as in the following example.
Menu Description
The Primary Enables you to invoke screens where you can create and submit
Options Menu Processes, view statistics about your Processes, control your Processes
in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ), view your Sterling
Connect:Direct environment, access the message file, sign on, swap
nodes, and sign off Sterling Connect:Direct. This option is available to
all users, and is described in this book.
The Enables the Sterling Connect:Direct product administrator to perform
Administrative maintenance to the Type file, the Authorization file, and the network
Options Menu map and to perform functions such as selecting and flushing tasks,
initializing traces, typing native commands, displaying storage
utilization, requesting traces, and stopping Sterling Connect:Direct.
Note: You can also use the IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to
perform some of the procedures in this chapter.
To request a function, type its option identifier on the command line (CMD==>)
and press Enter. The following options enable you to create and submit Processes
to the TCQ:
Option Description
CF Displays the main Copy File Menu where you can set up a COPY Process.
The following option enables you to view statistics related to completed Processes:
Option Description
SS Displays the Select Statistics screen where you can examine the system
statistics log records with search criteria applied and select the output to go to
a file, table, or printer. See Process Results and Statistics for more information
on the Select Statistics screen.
The following options enable you to delete, flush, view, suspend, and change
Processes in the TCQ:
Option Description
CP Accesses the Change Process screen where you can change the priority and
class of a Process and the status of the Process in the TCQ. See Modifying a
Process in the TCQ with CHANGE PROCESS for more information on the
Change Process screen.
DP Displays the Delete Process screen where you remove a nonexecuting Process
from the TCQ.
FP Displays the Flush Process screen where you can remove an executing Process
from the TCQ.
SP Displays the Select Process screen where you view the status of Processes
submitted (placed in the TCQ) for execution. See Controlling Processes with
Commands for information.
PS Displays the Suspend Process screen where you put an executing Process in the
Hold TCQ. See Controlling Processes with Commands for information.
Option Description
MSG Displays the Message Maintenance screen where you can display Sterling
Connect:Direct messages or print a summary or full report of the Sterling
Connect:Direct message file. See Viewing and Printing Messages Using
Different Criteria for more information on the Message Maintenance screen.
SD Displays the Signon Defaults screen where you can examine and change your
signon default values. See Signing On to Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS for
more information on the Signon Defaults screen.
NM Displays the Select network map screen, where you choose for display or print
the defined nodes from the network map file and translate TCP/IP host names
and network addresses.
The following options enable you to sign on and swap among multiple sessions:
Option Description
MS Displays the Multiple Session Signon screen where you sign on to another DTF
session. See page 46 for information.
SW Displays the Swap/Display User Sessions screen where you view all the
multiple sessions that you are signed on to and swap sessions. See Signing On
to Multiple Sessions for more information on the Multiple Session Signon
Option Description
SPF Displays an ISPF/PDF session, one level beneath Sterling Connect:Direct
panels. See Navigating the Interactive User Interface for information on
branching to an ISPF/PDF session.
ADMIN Displays the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu with command
options used for administering the system.
For example, to go to the Select Process (SP) screen, type =SP on the command line
and press Enter.
Note: The equal sign (=) is not required before an option on the command line of
the Signon screen or the Primary Options Menu.
The following table describes two additional branch commands that you can use.
Key Result
PF1 Displays online field Help or long error message
PF3 Returns to the previous screen
PF4 Returns to the Primary Options Menu
PF7 Scrolls up
PF8 Scrolls down
PF10 Scrolls right
PF11 Scrolls left
YES or Y means you are authorized, NO or N means you are not authorized, and
SUB means you are authorized only if you submitted the Process.
Getting Help
Sterling Connect:Direct provides a Help facility which describes the parameters
that you can type through the IUI.
v Access the Help information by typing HELP on the command line and press
Enter or pressing the PF1 key.
v Press Enter to continue viewing the Help screens.
v When you have viewed the screens, you can either press PF1 to continue to the
tutorial or press PF3 to return to the screen you branched from.
Operator Tables
The Operator Table is available only under the IUI. This display enables you to
monitor and control Processes. It is accessed through the SELECT PROCESS
command and provides a summary of PNODE Processes in the TCQ. See Viewing
and Controlling a Process through the Operator Table for a description and
samples of the Operator Table.
You can press Enter to refresh the display and monitor the progress of the
Processes displayed on the screen. The following table describes the commands
that you can issue from the Operator Table.
Command Description
H Hold
D Delete
R Release
P Suspend
F Flush
V View Processes
S Show Detail
Type the option you want in the OPTION column next to the name of the Process
as shown in the previous screen.
Note: The Executing Queue version of the Operator Table displays the executing
Processes only; therefore, the options available to it are limited to the Suspend (P)
and Show detail (S) only.
You may encounter two types of messages: ISPF/PDF and Sterling Connect:Direct
Message Example
In the following example, the user typed ABC for Process Number, a numeric field,
resulting in the message PROCESS NUMBER in the upper right corner. Pressing
PF1 produces the longer message "ABC" IS INVALID...
The following is an of the short text message that is displayed at the top of the
No process(es) found matching the search criteria.
The long text provides a more detailed explanation of the message and can also
include the system action and a suggested response. Press PF1 to see the long
explanation of the error or type HELP or M on the command line and press Enter.
The following figure shows a sample message.
You can use the Message Maintenance screen to view or print Sterling
Connect:Direct Message Text. You can display messages by message ID if you need
to look up an error message in your Process statistics, or if you have a batch job
that failed.
1. Type DIR at the COMMAND prompt at the bottom of the screen to display the
directory of the module messages.
2. From the Primary Options Menu, select option MSG. The MSG command is
available only through the IUI. The following sample screen is a combination of
two panels to show the prefixes used in Sterling Connect:Direct messages:
3. Type 1 on the command line and press Enter. The Message Display Screen
4. Type the message ID and press Enter. (To check a sense code, type SENSnnnn
where nnnn is the four-digit number representing the sense code and press
Enter.) The full text of the message (or sense code) is displayed. In the
following example, the information associated with Message SCBI190I is
Note: You must specify the “old” modules names used in versions prior to the
5.1 release of Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS. For information, go to IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Release Notes and search for Upgrading to Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS Version 5.1.
3. Type an S next to the message ID for the full Message Display screen.
Printing Messages
You can print the Sterling Connect:Direct messages file in summary form or in
detail, including the long form of the message text.
1. From the Primary Options Menu, select option MSG.
You can also process Sterling Connect:Direct command strings by using the
DGADBATC batch interface program. For more information on using DGADBATC,
refer to Sample Job Stream to Run the Batch Interface.
Name Description
DGAXSAMP Assembler language user-written application, called
DGAXPLIS PL/I language user-written program, called
DGAXCOBS COBOL language user-written program, called
Note: All API programs run in 31-bit mode and they must call DGADCHLA in
31-bit mode. You can either link your program as AMODE 31, or establish 31-bit
addressability before calling DGADCHLA. See the sample program DGAXSAMP
for an example of establishing 31-bit addressability and returning to 24-bit
addressability after the call to DGADCHLA. Also execute DGADCHLA with a
BASSM rather than a BALR. Macro GENCALL is provided in the sample library to
perform a BASSM. See the sample program DGAXSAMP for an example.
The DGADCHLA program communicates with the API through a control block
interface called the User Interface Control Block (UICB). DGADCHLA works in the
following sequence:
1. DGADCHLA accepts Sterling Connect:Direct command strings from an
application program and passes the strings to the API.
2. The user-written application requests DGADCHLA to perform output
formatting routines after returning from the API. These formatting routines
display information about the Sterling Connect:Direct command that just
completed processing.
3. After execution of each command, DGADCHLA issues a return code reflecting
the status of API communications.
Parameter Description
CMDLEN Points to a variable-length character string (up to 4096 bytes) that contains
(first the string length in the first halfword and the command text in the
parameter) remainder of the string. Just as in DGADBATC, the first command string
must be a SIGNON and the last command must be a SIGNOFF. The
following figure shows the command string format.
UICB@ Points to a fullword pointer of zeroes, which is filled in with the UICB
(second address by DGADCHLA when DGADCHLA receives the SIGNON
parameter) command from the application program. Information in the UICB can now
be interrogated by the application program, if necessary. The UICB@ field
is cleared and filled again with zeroes when DGADCHLA receives the
SIGNOFF command.
OUTSPECS Points to a 7-character string containing the output format specifications.
(third The output is written to the file name defined by DMPRINT. Each
parameter) specification is one character long.
The following example shows the most common specifications for this parameter.
Positions 6 and 7 are not used by DGADCHLA unless the extract feature of
DGADCHLA is used, as explained in the next section.
To activate the optional extract feature, the program must pass the following
additional parameters to DGADCHLA:
DGADCHLA specifies either the first three required parameters or all eight
parameters which include these parameters related to return codes. If an incorrect
number of parameters is passed, DGADCHLA issues an error message and assigns
a return code of 20. Processing cannot occur during this time.
Parameter Description
EXTSTRLN The UICB extract string.The user-supplied application must set up an
(fourth extract string identifying the UICB fields to extract. The string consists
parameter) of a halfword length field containing the length of the extract string
(excluding the itself halfword length field), followed by the first UICB
field to extract, a space, the second UICB field to extract, a space, and
so on.
You can only specify the UICB fields listed in the extract string. If you
encounter an invalid keyword in the string, the extract routine
terminates execution, and no more information is extracted. The
application is informed of the error by means of the EXTRC, EXTMSG,
and INVALKEY parameters. If field 6 of the OUTSPECS parameter is
set to Y, the extract string is written to the file defined by DMPRINT.
EXTAREA (fifth Where the UICB extracted information is placed. The application is
parameter) responsible for ensuring that the area is large enough to accommodate
the information requested by the extract string. If field 7 of OUTSPECS
is set to Y, the extract string is written to the file defined by DMPRINT.
The following shows how to calculate required storage for the extract
area necessary for the extract string in the figure shown for the
EXTSTRLN parameter.
EXTRC (sixth A 4-byte binary field containing the extract feature return code.
EXTMSG An 8-character field containing an 8-character message ID from the
(seventh extract feature.
INVALKEY An 8-character field containing an invalid extract string keyword.
(eighth DGADCHLA relays the location of the extract string error to the
parameter) application in this parameter. This field contains the invalid item in the
extract string if EXTRC is nonzero.
The following table shows how to calculate required storage for the extract area
necessary for the extract string in the figure shown for the EXTSTRLN parameter:
RC Description
00000000 The command executed normally.
00000004 Signon to the master session failed, but the ESF environment is
00000008 A non-ESF command attempted in an ESF environment.
0000000C A session is lost in a multiple session environment.
00000010 The master session is lost.
00000014 The master session signed off successfully.
00000018 The master session signon failed, and no ESF ability exists.
0000001C A non-master signon failed.
00000020 DGADCHLA received an invalid number of input parameters.
00000024 The output specifications included an invalid parameter.
00000028 An invalid pointer to the UICB is passed to DGADCHLA.
For more information on master sessions and multiple session environments, refer
to Signing On to Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS.
Field Description
UIRTNCD Lists return codes. UIRTNCD is set on completion of every command
processed by the DTF.
UIMSGID Lists message IDs. UIMSGID is set on completion of every command
processed by the DTF.
UIPROC# Identifies Process numbers. UIPROC# is set for every successful Submit
The following examples show how required and optional parameters appear in
sample programs. There is also a sample job stream for executing the program.
The following example shows how the required parameters and calling sequences
appear in a sample Assembler program:
The following example shows how the required parameters and calling sequences
appear in a sample PL/I program:
* *
* *
Optional Parameters
The following example shows how the optional parameters look in a sample
Assembler program:
You must allocate several files using DD statements before executing a Sterling
Connect:Direct application program that calls DGADCHLA.
The following table defines the DD statements in the sample job stream:
Statement Definition
and SELECT USER commands is written to this DD. Also, output as a
result of the OUTSPECS specification is written to DMPRINT. DMPRINT
is optional, but often required.
DMNETMAP This definition is the name of the network map file that contains the
names of all the nodes that Sterling Connect:Direct communicates with.
DMNETMAP is required if no NETMAP keyword is specified on the
SIGNON command.
You can control access to the Sterling Connect:Direct system through the Sterling
Connect:Direct Authorization Facility and security exits. For information on
security control, go to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide
and search for Implementing Security.
If you are using the Extended Submit Facility (ESF), you can submit the SIGNON
command even though the DTF is inactive.
Timeout Problems
If you are logged off involuntarily while using Sterling Connect:Direct via TCP/IP,
your problem may be related to the TCP/IP connection not being able to
communicate with the DTF. If you see the message TCP/IP SEND error;
Connection Lost, and press F1 to see the help for this message, the following text is
displayed for message SVTC006I:
Although the TCP/IP protocol does not have a mechanism to send you a console
message indicating that the client has been dropped and your session has timed
out, you can determine if this has happened to you by looking in the statistics file
for a signoff record with an SAFA019I error message that matches your user ID (be
sure to enter Y in the CHANGE EXTENDED OPTS field on the SELECT
STATISTICS panel and then enter SO as a record type on the next screen). For
more information, go to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration
Guide and search for Signon and IUI/API Errors.
1. Select Sterling Connect:Direct from your ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu. The
Copyright and the Signon screen are displayed, unless SIGNON defaults are
previously set.
CMD ==>
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS
LEVEL : 0000
TODAY IS : 2011/02/24 (2011.055 ) THE TIME IS: 09:01
More: +
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
5655-X01 Copyright IBM Corp. 2011
All Rights Reserved .
IBM is a Trademark of International Business Machines
The Signon screen indicates the version, release, modification, and Program
Update Tape (PUT) levels of Sterling Connect:Direct.
2. Type your user ID and press Enter.
Depending upon your site configuration, you may also need to type in a
password, a new password, node name, transport, communications address,
and case sensitivity option before pressing Enter. These parameters are
described in “SIGNON Command” on page 40, or press PF1 for Help.
If you are using the Extended Submit Facility (ESF), the DTF does not need to
be active to execute the SIGNON, SIGNOFF, and SUBMIT commands.
If your signon is successful, the Primary Options Menu is displayed, unless you
have updated your SIGNON defaults to execute an initial command.
To see how your signon parameters defaults are currently set, select the WHO
option from the Primary Options Menu. The following figure shows an example of
the User Information display produced by the WHO option.
Select SD from the Primary Options Menu to access the Signon Defaults screen.
Note: Instead of users individually altering their signon defaults, the Sterling
Connect:Direct administrator can define global signon defaults. With this method,
users will not be responsible for increasing their allocation and can also avoid SB37
ABENDs. For more information, refer to Global Signon Defaults in the IBM Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.
The INITIAL COMMAND field enables you to bypass the Primary Options Menu
and have a designated command screen display automatically at signon. For
example, to have the User Information screen (WHO) display automatically at
Chapter 5. Managing Sessions 39
signon, type WHO in the Initial Command field.
Command stacking is allowed. For example, type ADMIN.ST in the INITIAL
COMMAND field to branch to the View Type Record (ST) option of the
Administration Menu (ADMIN).
By typing your user ID and other information in the SIGNON Defaults panel, you
can bypass the SIGNON panel.
SIGNON Command
The SIGNON command has the following format and associated parameters. The
required parameters and keywords are in bold print. Default values for parameters
and subparameters are underlined.
For the IUI, the network map data set name is specified in the
ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu as a parameter of the DMISTART
program. This data set name is established by your IBM Sterling
Connect:Direct administrator at installation and is not indicated
through the IUI SIGNON command screens.
CASE= Yes | No The CASE parameter determines case sensitivity. It specifies whether
parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and
data set name in the commands which follow the signon must be
case sensitive. The default is No. This parameter is optional.
The port number specifies the port number used for TCP/IP
communications. This value is the value from the TCP.API.LISTEN
initialization parameter of the DTF that you want to sign on to.
If you use the COMADDR parameter, you must specify both the
port number and IP address/alias name.
If you use alias name or long domain name resolution, you do not
need to supply the IP address in the COMADDR parameter or in
the COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESS field during Sterling
Connect:Direct SIGNON. The name resolution feature resolves a
valid alias name or long domain name to the matching IP address.
The ESF enables you to submit Processes even if the DTF is not
active. When signing on to a Sterling Connect:Direct DTF that is
active, but with no VTAM APPLID available, the ESF enables signon
to the DTF. When you submit the Process it is enabled and placed in
the TCQ as soon as the ESF.WAIT time expires.
ESF is available only for Processes submitted on the local node. You
can only issue the Sterling Connect:Direct SIGNON, SUBMIT, and
SIGNOFF commands using the ESF; all other Sterling Connect:Direct
commands are rejected.
If you use the MAXDELAY PROCESS statement keyword, the
message SCBI221I MAXDELAY not supported for ESF submits, is
displayed when the DTF is down and the Process will not submit.
FOLD= Yes | No Determines printing upper case control. It specifies whether printed
output, an option of the various SELECT commands, are all
uppercase letters. The default value is No, specifying printed output
of uppercase and lowercase letters. This parameter is optional.
NODE= node name Specifies the name of the node (DTF) you sign on to. It is the name
assigned to a node defined in the network map definitions. This
parameter is optional.
PACCT= 'pnode Specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The
accounting data' maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. If special
characters, such as a space, are part of the accounting data, you
must enclose the string in single quotation marks. Sterling
Connect:Direct uses this data as a default for each Process unless
you override it on the SUBMIT command, PROCESS statement, or
SUBMIT statement. This parameter is optional.
PRINT= destination Specifies an allocation string that determines the destination of the
of printed output printed output that you request on the various SELECT commands.
This parameter is optional. SYSOUT=A is the default value. An
You must include both FREE=CLOSE and RETURN=(DD) in the string for
this specification. When using the IUI, if you do not specify a
destination, Sterling Connect:Direct routes the output to the SYSOUT
class specified in the initialization parameters (external to Sterling
Connect:Direct) under the TSO user ID. If you modify the
destination, you need to sign off Sterling Connect:Direct after
updating the field in order for the new destination to be in effect.
RECONNECT Specifies that you can reestablish your VTAM session without
having to sign off and sign on again. You can lose a VTAM session
due to a link or line failure. This parameter is optional. The USERID
parameter is the only other parameter that you specify with the
SACCT= 'snode Specifies the accounting data for the secondary node (SNODE). This
accounting data' parameter is optional. The maximum length of the accounting data
is 256 characters. If special characters, such as a space, are part of
the accounting data, you must enclose the string in single quotation
marks. Sterling Connect:Direct uses this data as a default for each
Process unless you override it on the SUBMIT command, PROCESS
statement, or SUBMIT statement.
Do not use both the TMPDD and TMPDSN parameters at the same
time in the SIGNON command.
TRANSPORT= SNA Defines the communications protocol to use for the session. This
| TCP | NETmap parameter is optional.
pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses
this parameter to validate the current security password. It contains
1-64 alphanumeric characters, and is case-sensitive.
newpswd specifies the new security password. The security exit uses
this parameter to change the current security password to the new
security password. It contains 1-64 alphanumeric characters, and is
To use the SIGNON command from the batch interface, perform the following
1. Place the command in the DGADBATC job stream as described in Sample Job
Stream to Run the Batch Interface.
2. Submit the job while is running. If you are using the Extended Submit Facility
(ESF), the DTF does not need to be active for the SIGNON command to
process. The following example shows a SIGNON command in which the user
Master Session
The first successful SIGNON command establishes the master session. The master
session is the active session until another session is established. Each subsequent
signon becomes the active session unless sessions are swapped using the SWAP
NODE command.
Signing on to the master session and signing on to another node under the master
session requires two different signons. The parameters specified for the master
session signon dictate the environment for all sessions running under the master
Non-Master Session
For a session other than master, you are limited to the following SIGNON
command parameters.
See Using SIGNON through the Batch Interface for descriptions of these
SIGNOFF Sequence
Carefully control your SIGNOFF command sequence because if you sign off the
master session, Sterling Connect:Direct signs off all other sessions. If you sign off a
non-master session, Sterling Connect:Direct only signs off that session, and the
master session immediately becomes the active session again, regardless of the
order in which the sessions are established. See Sequencing the SIGNON, SWAP
NODE, and SIGNOFF Commands for examples of the importance of the sequence
of your SIGNOFF commands.
Switching Nodes
When you issue multiple signons, one node can perform one function and another
node a different function. The SWAP NODE command enables you to swap from
node to node. See Using SWAP NODE through the Batch Interface for the SWAP
NODE command description and examples.
See the examples in Sequencing the SIGNON, SWAP NODE, and SIGNOFF
Commands for job streams that issue SIGNON, SWAP NODE, and SIGNOFF
commands and an explanation of the significance of the command sequence in the
job stream. hh:mm
CMD ==>
The Multiple Session Signon screen enables you to sign on to more than one node
during a single ISPF/PDF session. The APPLIDS value in the network map
See “SIGNON Command” on page 40 for field descriptions, or press the PF1 key
for Help.
The SWAP NODE command has the following format and associated parameter:
The only parameter for the SWAP NODE command is node name, which specifies
which node to swap to in a multiple session environment. The node name is the
name assigned to the LOCAL.NODE field defined in the network map definitions.
1. Select option SW from the Primary Options Menu to access the
SWAP/DISPLAY User Sessions screen. The screen displays all user sessions for
this ISPF/PDF session.
Note: If you sign off the master session, the first node you signed on, all
sessions are lost.
1. Place your commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in Sample
Job Stream to Run the Batch Interface.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
3. Verify your results.
For example, the following command swaps you from your current active
remote node with a user ID of JONES2 to the local node under the user ID of
The SIGNOFF command has the following format. No associated parameters are
When you sign off Sterling Connect:Direct, the system returns you to the ISPF
1. Place your commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in “Sample
job stream to run the batch interface” on page 10.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running. If you have the
Extended Submit Facility (ESF) available, the DTF does not need to be running
in order for the SIGNOFF command to function.
3. Verify your results.
The following example shows a SIGNON command followed by a SIGNOFF
See the examples in Sequencing the SIGNON, SWAP NODE, and SIGNOFF
Commands for more examples of the SIGNOFF command used with the
Multiple Session Signon feature and the SWAP command.
The following example shows a DGADBATC SIGNON to two different nodes and
the use of the SWAP NODE command. The SIGNOFF command in this example
causes Sterling Connect:Direct to terminate both sessions, because the active
session at signoff is the master session.
If you try to swap to a node that is already active, the SWAP NODE command is
ignored. The USERID (or any other user ID specified) must be a user record in the
Sterling Connect:Direct authorization file or a valid ID for the security subsystem
in use, to sign on to the node.
You can also use the Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to perform
some Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS procedures.
State Description
EXECUTION Indicates that the Process is executing.
WAIT Indicates that the Process is waiting until a connection is established or
HOLD Indicates that the Process is held on the queue until released by an operator
or the SNODE connects with a request for held work.
TIMER Indicates that the Process is submitted to execute at the user-specified time
or date.
You can manipulate any Process in the TCQ with various Sterling
Connect:Direct commands that are described in the next chapter.
A message indicating that the Process submitted successfully is returned when
the Process is placed in the TCQ.
4. The Process is queued for execution and the submit message is issued.
You can manipulate any Process in the TCQ with various Sterling
Connect:Direct commands that are described in the next chapter.
Process Routing
The RETAIN, HOLD, and STARTT parameters route Processes as described in the
following table:
You can use RETAIN=YES combined with STARTT to run a Process at a periodic
interval. For example, RETAIN=YES and STARTT=(Tuesday, 3pm) starts the
Process every Tuesday at 3 pm; RETAIN=YES and STARTT=(,12:00) starts the
Process each day at noon.
The Timer queue is also used for session retry and file allocation retry based on
Sterling Connect:Direct initialization parameters specified by a particular
installation. When retry limits are exhausted, the Process is moved to the Hold
queue with a WC (hold queue, waiting connection) status for session retry.
Note: For allocation failures to be requeued, you must set the REQUEUE
initialization parameter to YES so that the Process is placed in the HO RA (HO =
Held by Operator, RA = Held for Restart Due to Allocation Error) queue.
Process Queuing
When you submit a Process, Sterling Connect:Direct puts the Process in a logical
queue based on the Process statement routing parameters on Process Routing.
Process Selection
Sterling Connect:Direct uses the parallel sessions capability of VTAM so that
multiple Processes can execute simultaneously between any two Sterling
Connect:Direct nodes. Process selection for each parallel session is based on a class
that the user specifies on a Process.
You define the maximum number of sessions between two nodes in the network
map. Because each session has a corresponding class value, the maximum number
of sessions and maximum number of classes are equal. Selection of a Process for
execution in a given node is based on Process priority (the PRTY parameter of the
Process statement) within session class. User-specified class values allow a Process
to execute on the session having the matching class value or on sessions with
higher class values. The default class is the value specified in the Sterling
Connect:Direct network map.
When one Process completes, Sterling Connect:Direct selects another Process (if
any) to run on the available session. Sterling Connect:Direct searches until it finds
the first Process with a class eligible to execute on the available session.
A typical use for classes is to define critical Processes with low class values so that
more sessions are available for their execution. You can specify higher class
numbers for time-consuming Processes; this enables sessions with corresponding
lower class numbers to become available more frequently.
When multiple Processes are submitted for a specific node that is down, the
Processes all initially attempt to connect. When this fails, the first Process
submitted to this node continues to retry until MAXRETRIES is exceeded. The
other Processes to this node are moved to the Hold (HO) queue with a RH (held
for retry) status and are not retried. When MAXRETRIES is exceeded for the first
Process, it is moved to the Hold (HO) queue with a WC (waiting connection)
status for session retry.
After the first Process is moved to HO WC status, it can be restarted by one of the
following ways:
v You can manually release the Process causing it to be retried until a connection
is made or MAXRETRIES is exceeded, when it will return to HO WC status
When the first Process in HO WC status connects and is released, this causes the
other Processes being held in HO RH status to be released serially. Therefore, only
one Process going to an inactive node will retry until the connection is made
resulting in less overhead, since multiple Processes going to the same node are not
all attempting to retry at the same time. This also reduces the number of statistic
records which would be produced for multiple retries.
Note: The node name used by the Intelligent Retry feature is the specific name
used for the SNODE parameter. This means that if the SNODE is known by more
than one node name or TCPNAME value, only those in the queue waiting with
that value will be recognized for release.
This site configuration enables up to four sessions to run between NODE.A and
NODE.B. Each session between NODE.A and NODE.B has its own unique class
number. Sterling Connect:Direct executes in the following order:
1. NODE.A simultaneously starts four sessions, as in the following figure.
Processes are displayed in the same order they appear in the queue. Because
the user-specified class of PROCA and PROCB is 1, they can run on the class 2,
3, or 4 sessions, if needed.
4. PROCH and PROCI are submitted. PROCF continues to wait, because it can
only run in a class 4 session.
SUBMIT Command
The SUBMIT command enables you to submit a Process to the TCQ for execution.
Parameters you specify on the SUBMIT command override any corresponding
parameters specified in the Process itself.
The SUBMIT command has the following format. The Label is optional.
Label SUBmit Parameters and Subparameters
The SUBMIT command has the following parameters. The required parameters and
keywords are in bold print. Default values for parameters and subparameters are
Parameter Description
PROC = member Specifies the Process Library member name. This name is the
member of the PUBLIB which contains the Process you are
submitting. The member name is a 1-8 character alphanumeric
string, with the first character alphabetic. This parameter is required
if the Process resides in the Sterling Connect:Direct PUBLIB.
dsn is the data set name of a sequential file that contains the
Yes specifies that the Process remains in the hold queue until either
a CHANGE PROCESS command releases the Process or a DELETE
PROCESS command deletes the Process.
unlimited specifies that the submit command waits until the Process
completes execution. This is the default when no parameters are
queued specifies that the submit command waits until the Process
completes or 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.
%USER specifies that the user who submitted the Process receives
the completion messages, if the Sterling Connect:Direct user ID that
the user is currently logged on with is the same as the TSO user ID.
If the Sterling Connect:Direct user ID is different from the TSO user
ID, the TSO user is not notified but the ID to which Sterling
Connect:Direct is logged on will be notified.
The node to which you submit the Process is always the PNODE.
You do not need to specify this parameter. It defaults to the name of
the node submitting the Process. PNODE is for documentation
purposes only.
PNODEID = (ID, pswd, newpswd) Specifies security user IDs and security passwords at the PNODE.
This parameter is optional. ID specifies the security ID that Sterling
Connect:Direct passes to a security exit for validations on the
PNODE side of the Process. The range is 1-64 alphanumeric
pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses
this parameter to validate the current security password on the
PNODE side of the Process. It can contain 1-64 alphanumeric
Yes places the requeued Process in the HOLD queue with a status of
HELD IN ERROR (HE). You can then take corrective action and
restart the Process at the step that failed. Note that you must
explicitly release the Process from the HOLD queue when the status
Yes keeps a copy of this Process in the HOLD queue after the
Process executes. The copy of the Process does not execute until you
release it through a CHANGE Process command. If you specify
RETAIN=YES, Sterling Connect:Direct automatically holds the
Process until you release it, unless you include the STARTT
parameter in your Process. Use RETAIN in conjunction with
STARTT to cause a Process to run repeatedly at a given time each
(, ) =, \, “, ‘, <, >, |, ||
pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses
this parameter to validate the current security password on the
SNODE side of the Process. It can contain 1-64 alphanumeric
characters. In the case where the SNODE can Process a PassTicket
password, the PNODE generates a PassTicket when only a SNODE
user ID override is specified. The actual generation is contingent
upon the information shared in the PNODE Authorization File and
the option that generates the stage 2 security exit. The IBM Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide contains details for the
Authorization File and stage 2 security exit characteristics.
date specifies the date to execute the Process. You can specify the
day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for
4-digit year). You can use periods or backslashes (/) to separate the
components of a date value. You can omit the separators only for
transfers between mainframe nodes. Use separators to guarantee
transfers between all platforms.
You can use the following date formats, according to which date
order is specified in the DATEFORM initialization parameter:
v DATEFORM=MDY specifies the date format as mm/dd/yy,
mm/dd/yyyy, mm.dd.yy, or mm.dd.yyyy
v DATEFORM=DMY specifies the date format as dd/mm/yy,
dd/mm/yyyy,, or
v DATEFORM=YMD specifies the date format as yy/mm/dd,
yyyy/mm/dd,, or
v DATEFORM=YDM specifies the date format as yy/dd/mm,
yyyy/dd/mm,, or
If you specify the day of the week with RETAIN=YES, the Process
executes the same day every week.
You can express the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the
12-hour clock. If you do not use AM and PM, Sterling
Connect:Direct assumes the 24-hour clock. If you use the 12-hour
clock, you can express 01:00:00 hours as 1:00A, and 13:00 hours as
1PM. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are 00:00-24:00.
You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for
execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT, which releases the Process for
execution at midnight.
Note: When you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value, the
HOLD specification takes precedence. Sterling Connect:Direct places
a Process submitted with HOLD=YES on the hold queue even if you
specify a start time.
&symbolic 1 = variable string 1 Specifies the default value substituted for the symbolic parameter in
&symbolic 2 = variable string 2... the Process. If you use a symbolic in the SUBMIT command, it
&symbolic N = variable string N overrides any default values you specify in the Process statement.
The following example shows the syntax for a Process named PAYROLL.
PACCT=’1959, DEPT 27’ -
SACCT=’1962, DEPT 24’ -
1. Place your SUBMIT command in the DGADBATC job stream as described in
Introduction to the Batch Interface.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
Note: If the Extended Submit Facility (ESF) is available, the DTF does not need
to be running to execute your command.
3. Verify your results.
Option Description
SB Enables you to submit Processes from the Sterling Connect:Direct PUBLIB or a
library you specify on the screen. You can also override certain parameters in the
existing Process.
The Interactive User Interface (IUI) enables you to submit predefined Processes
using the SB option, which is available from the PRIMARY OPTIONS MENU (see
Primary Options Menu). You can submit a Process from the Sterling Connect:Direct
PUBLIB or a library you specify and override certain parameters in the existing
1. Select option SB from the Primary Options Menu to display the SUBMIT
PROCESS screen.
Field Description
TRANSPORT Specifies the method of transport to use for the file transfer.
5. If you enable the SECURITY OVERRIDE parameter, type the security override
information in the Sterling Connect:Direct SECURITY OVERRIDE screen.
Press PF3 to exit the screen from which you submitted the Process. Each time
you press Enter, the Process is submitted.
7. If you performed the validate-only operation, press PF3 to return to the
Do not edit a sample member directly. Keep the source as is, edit a new name,
and then copy the member into the new one. Save as a new name. The
SDGAPROC Process library contains alias names that if edited and saved will
break the aliases.
The PUBLIB contains commented files and uncommented files. File names of
commented files are preceded by the at sign (@); file names with the pound sign
(#) prefix do not include comments.
See Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options for details about
how to validate the syntax of a Process with and without submitting it.
To modify a Process using the ISPF editor and submit the Process to the DTF:
1. Choose option DF from the Primary Options Menu to display the
Connect:Direct PROCESS DEFINITION screen.
2. Type the member name of the Process.
3. Verify the library location and press Enter.
The PROCESS LIBRARY NAME field is required. If the member is located in
the Sterling Connect:Direct PUBLIB, type the library name that is displayed in
4. After Sterling Connect:Direct displays the Process in ISPF edit mode, make the
desired changes.
5. Press PF3 to return to the PROCESS DEFINITION screen.
6. Specify case sensitivity. Case sensitivity applies to the SUBMIT command and
the Process.
7. Take one of the following actions:
v To validate the Process without submitting it, type SUBV and refer to the
table in “Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options” on page
72 for information on the results.
v To submit the Process, type SUBMIT (or SUB) on the command line and
press Enter.
1. Choose option DF from the Primary Options Menu to display the
Connect:Direct PROCESS DEFINITION screen.
2. Type the member name of the new Process.
3. Specify the name of the library where you want to save the new Process and
press Enter.
The member location can be your private Process library (PROCESS LIBRARY
NAME) or the Sterling Connect:Direct PUBLIC PROCESS LIBRARY.
4. After Sterling Connect:Direct displays an ISPF editor screen, type your new
5. Press PF3 to save the Process in the PROCESS LIBRARY you specified and
6. To validate the Process without submitting it, type SUBV on the command line
and press Enter. See the table in “Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF
IUI Options” on page 72 for information about the results.
7. Specify case sensitivity. Case sensitivity applies to the SUBMIT command and
the Process.
1. Choose option DF from the Primary Options Menu to display the
Connect:Direct PROCESS DEFINITION screen.
2. Type SUBMIT (or SUB) on the command line.
3. Type the member name of the Process.
4. Verify that the library name that contains the member you want to submit is
displayed in the PROCESS LIBRARY NAME field. If the member is located in
the Sterling Connect:Direct PUBLIB, type the library name that is displayed in
5. Specify case sensitivity. Case sensitivity applies to the SUBMIT command and
the Process.
6. Press Enter. See the table in “Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI
Options” on page 72 for information about the results.
1. Choose option DF from the Primary Options Menu to view the Sterling
Connect:Direct PROCESS DEFINITION screen.
2. Type the name of the new PDS member.
Note: The PUBLIC PROCESS LIB displays the partitioned data set (PDS)
allocated by the signon CLIST or the TSO logon procedure.
3. Type the PROCESS LIBRARY NAME and press Enter.
4. Type COPY on the command line at the top of the blank member and press
5. When the ISPF Edit/View-Copy screen is displayed, type the member name of
the PROCESS statement model you want to copy in the DATA SET NAME
field and press Enter.
For example, to create your Process, first copy the PROCESS statement.
Specify @PROCESS to use commented models from the PUBLIB, or
#PROCESS to use uncommented models in your Process.
6. To add a statement model, type a in the first column of the last line of the
new member and press Enter.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to copy additional statement models into the
member following the PROCESS statement.
8. Edit the statement model or models for your environment according to the
following guidelines:
v Replace underscores with the appropriate parameter values.
The Process generated through this option is a one-time only Process and and
there are no facilities to save the Process.
The COPY FILE Menu of the CF option displays a series of screens that collect
information to generate a SUBMIT PROCESS command. Sterling Connect:Direct
submits the predefined Process, COPYCF, with the appropriate command
parameters and variable substitutions based on your input. You can use four
screens to create the COPYCF Process:
1. Select the CF option from the Primary Options Menu to display the COPY FILE
YES = Enable
NO = Disable
CASE (optional) Specifies the case sensitivity not only to the SUBMIT
SENSITIVITY command, but to the COPY Process itself. Sterling Connect:Direct
provides for mixed case user input because some platforms allow it.
The default is NO, which does not allow mixed case.
7. When the RECEIVING FILE screen for the environment and node name you
specified is displayed, type appropriate values and press Enter.
Note: If the data set name does not follow z/OS naming conventions, enclose
the data set in single quotation marks. An HFS file must begin with a slash (/)
and can contain up to 251 bytes.
8. Press Enter.
v If you enabled the Validate Only parameter, a VIEW PROCESS screen with
your Process is displayed. See the table in Operation for information on the
v If you did not select the Validate Only option, the Process is executed. See
the table in “Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options” on
page 72 for information on the results.
Note: You can also use the Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to
perform some Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS procedures.
When you specify two or more WHERE subparameters, you further qualify the
selection so that all conditions must be satisfied. In this way, you can adequately
qualify your selection if you have non-unique Process names or numbers. For
example, if you specify in your selection criteria a Process name of PROCA and
Process number of 16, the Process number of PROCA must be 16 for the command
to apply.
If you specify multiple Processes by using the list option on the subparameter, the
position of the arguments in the list is significant. Elements in each list must
correspond by position. For example, PNAME=(PROCA, PROCB), PNUM=(16,17)
requires that PROCA be Process number 16 and PROCB be Process number 17 for
the command to apply.
On the screens, you can type a list of Process names, numbers, and submitters
(user ID and node ID) to obtain the same results that the WHERE parameter list
provides in batch. Sterling Connect:Direct builds the appropriate command from
the screen. Sterling Connect:Direct accesses the corresponding Process names and
numbers and submitters (user ID and node) from left to right to construct the list
form of this command.
The following table describes the parameters for the CHANGE PROCESS
Parameter Description
WHERE (NODE = node name | (list) PNAME Specifies which Process(es) to change. Name multiple Processes in
= name | (list) the command using the selection criteria method described on
“Setting Selection Criteria” on page 83 if you have to make similar
PNUMber = number | (list) changes to many Processes. This parameter is required.
SUBmitter = (node name, user ID) | (list)) The selection subparameters are optional; however, you must
specify at least one of NODE, PNAME, PNUMBER, or SUBMITTER.
These subparameters are special in that they identify which
Processes are selected for the change activity defined by the other
NODE = node name | (list) Specifies the snode or a list of snodes where the Processes to be
changed are running. If you specify a list of snodes, enclose them in
parentheses separate each snode with a comma.
You can use this subparameter with the HOLD parameter to put all
Processes on a node on hold if the node is unavailable, or if
problems exist with the node. You can restart all Processes later
using the RESTART parameter with the NODE= subparameter.
PNAME = name | (list) Specifies the name of the Process to be changed or a list of Process
names enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. This
parameter is optional.
PNUMber = number | (list) Specifies the number of the Process to be changed or a list of
Process numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
The range is 1-99999.
SUBmitter = (node name, user ID) | (list) Specifies the node name and user ID of the user that submitted the
Process to be changed. Specify a list of SUBmitter IDs by enclosing
the IDs in parentheses and separating them by commas.
Yes specifies that the Process remains in the hold queue until one of
the following events occurs:
v CHANGE PROCESS releases the Process
v DELETE PROCESS deletes the Process
The pnode class and snode class are each 1-8 characters long. An
asterisk (*) indicates that the Process runs on any server with an
asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization
parameter. If you do not specify a PLEXCLASS, the network map is
checked for a default PLEXCLASS. If the network map does not
specify a default PLEXCLASS, then an asterisk is used as the
VOLCNT = n] NO specifies that the copy step restarts at the beginning of the
Yes keeps a copy of this Process in the HOLD queue after the
Process executes. The copy of the Process does not execute until you
release it through a CHANGE Process command. If RETAIN=YES is
specified, Sterling Connect:Direct automatically holds the Process
until you release it, unless you include the STARTT parameter in
your Process. Use RETAIN in conjunction with STARTT to cause a
Process to run repeatedly at a given interval.
In the following example, the Process named PAYROLL is changed so that the new
destination node is DALLAS1 and the Process executes every Friday:
In the following example, the Process called PAYROLL with the Process number of
60584 has the RETAIN status changed so that the Process is deleted after execution:
1. Place commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in Sample Job
Stream to Run the Batch Interface.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
A report similar to the following is displayed:
Use the CHANGE PROCESS screen to change a Process and its parameters. To
issue the CHANGE PROCESS command from the Sterling Connect:Direct IUI,
perform the following steps:
1. Select option CP from the Primary Options Menu to display the CHANGE
PROCESS screen.
Process Description
SUSPEND Terminates execution and puts an executing Process in the Hold queue.
PROCESS Sterling Connect:Direct places the Process in HOLD status. You can
restart the Process through the RELEASE parameter of the CHANGE
PROCESS command, or by using the R option on the Operator Table
screen or the Selected Process screen.
If you do not specify FORCE for the FLUSH or SUSPEND command, an indicator
notifies the program executing on behalf of the Process that a FLUSH or SUSPEND
command was issued for the Process. If that program is not in control (for
example, if it is waiting on a request outside of Sterling Connect:Direct code to
complete), then it does not see the FLUSH or SUSPEND indicator and the Process
is not flushed or suspended; otherwise, the program looks for the FLUSH or
SUSPEND indicator and takes the appropriate action.
When you specify FORCE, the action taken depends on the STATE and SUBSTATE
of the Process for which you issued the FORCE FLUSH or FORCE SUSPEND.
Determine the STATE and SUBSTATE of the Process by doing a SELECT PROCESS
or SELECT TASK command.
PNUMber = number | WHERE is the only required parameter for the SUSPEND PROCESS, DELETE PROCESS,
(list) and FLUSH PROCESS commands. Its subparameters are optional. However you must
specify at least one of the PNAME, PNUMBER, and SUBMITTER subparameters.
SUBmitter = (nodeid,
user ID) | (list) PNAME = name | (list) specifies the name of the Process or a list of Process names
enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
PNUMber = number | (list) specifies the number of the Process selected or a list of
Process numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The range is 1-99999.
SUBmitter = (nodeid, user ID) | (list) specifies the nodeid and user ID of the user that
submitted the Process. Specify a list of SUBmitter IDs by enclosing the IDs in parentheses
and separating them by commas.
FORCE enables you to suspend or flush a Process waiting for unavailable resources. If
the initial suspend or flush fails, retry the command with FORCE.
Note: FORCE parameter is not valid for DELETE PROCESS. If FORCE is specified for a
Process executing on an LU6.2 session, it can terminate the session immediately, and
Sterling Connect:Direct does not exchange the Process statistics between nodes.
CASE = Yes | No Specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and
data set name are case sensitive. The designation refers only to the command, not the
Process itself. This parameter is optional.
The following command suspends any executing Process with a submitter node ID
of DALLAS and a submitter user ID of SMITH:
The following command suspends the Process named PAYROLL, which is Process
number 514 and the Process named COPY100, which is Process number 575.
FLUSH Process
DELETE Process
The following command deletes all Processes submitted by CHUCK at the node
The following command deletes all Processes in the PR queue. When specifying
QUEUE= PR, no other selection criteria are allowed.
1. Place commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in “Sample job
stream to run the batch interface” on page 10.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
3. Verify the results.
Note: If you see the option, Do not display this Confirm Delete prompt again,
you can type an X next to this option to turn off the Confirm prompt so that it
will not display again during the current session.
Note: The syntax and parameters for the VIEW PROCESS command are identical.
Parameter Description
WHERE Specifies which Processes to select. Name multiple Processes in the
(DEST = node | (list) command using the search criteria method described on “Setting
PNAME = name | (list) Selection Criteria” on page 83. The subparameters PNAME,
PNUMber = number | (list) PNUMber, and SUBmitter are optional, but you must specify at least
QUEUE = All | Exec | Hold | Timer one.
| Wait
STATUS = Process status | (list) WHERE is the only required parameter for the SELECT PROCESS
SERVER = server name | (list) command. Not all its subparameters are required.
SERVER = server name | (list)
SUBmitter = (node name, user DEST = node | (list) specifies the destination node name of the
ID) | (list) ) Process you are selecting or a list of destinations enclosed in
parentheses and separated by commas.
SUBmitter = (node name, user ID) | (list) specifies the nodeid and
user ID of the user that submitted the Process. Specify a list of
SUBmitter IDs by enclosing the IDs in parentheses and separating
them by commas.
CASE = Yes | No Specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user
ID, password, and data set name are case sensitive. The designation
refers only to the command, not the Process itself. See Indicating
Case Sensitivity for a general overview of case sensitivity. This
parameter is optional.
FILE | PRint | TABle Specifies the form in which the information is presented. TABLE is
the default. See Indicating Output Destination for detailed
information about the output format produced by each of the these
parameters. This parameter is optional.
To use the SELECT PROCESS command from the Batch Interface, perform the
following steps:
1. Place commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in “Sample job
stream to run the batch interface” on page 10.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
3. Verify your results.
Use the Select Process screen to specify the Processes that you want to display and
how you want them displayed. To issue the SELECT PROCESS command in the
Sterling Connect:Direct IUI, perform the following steps:
1. Select option SP from the Primary Options Menu to display the Select Process
2. To select the Processes, specify the parameters to use as search criteria. These
parameters are described in SELECT PROCESS Command Format.
Note: The case sensitivity designation refers only to the command parameters
on the screen, not to the parameters of the Process itself.
3. To select the destination for your output, type the letter representing one of the
following output options on the command line:
v O accesses the Operator Table and creates a one line summary of each
selected PNODE Process. For more information, see Viewing and Controlling
a Process through the Operator Table.
BROWSE -- temporary file name ----- LINE 00000000 COL 001 080
********************************* TOP OF DATA *******************************
Prc Name => PDEXCLUD Queue => EXEC
Prc Num => 4 Status => EX
Prc Debug => 00003021
Subnode => SC.MVS.USERID Time =>
Other Node => SC.MVS.USERID Date =>
Server => SERVER1 Day =>
Userid => USERID
Prty => 10 Retain => N Ret proc => NONE
Class => 2 State => FILE I/O
Step Name => EXCLUDE Xmit St =>
Sent: Blks => 371 Recs => 0 RU’s => 1,075
Prc Name => PDEXCLUD Queue => EXEC
Prc Num => 4 Status => PR.CNTL
The Operator Table displays the PNODE Processes which satisfied your selection
criteria; it does not display information about Processes submitted from another
1. After you type O on the command line of the Select Process screen, the
Operator Table/Executing Queue screen is displayed.
The first two characters of the QUEUE indicate the queue, the second two
characters indicate the status value. The OTHER.NODE is the name of the
nonsubmitting node in the session.
2. Type an option in the OPTION column next to the Process name (PNAME) and
press Enter. The following table describes each option.
Option Description
H Place a nonexecuting Process on the Hold queue.
D Delete a nonexecuting Process from the queue. For more information, see
Commands through the IUI .
R Release a held Process.
P Suspend a Process from the executing queue. For more information, see Issuing
CHANGE PROCESS through the IUI . Row 1 to 2 of 2
-----------------------OPERATOR TABLE/EXECUTING QUEUE-----------
==> Q SCROLL ===> PAGE
BENCHRC 272 Q1A.ZOS.V4600 Q1A.ZOS.V4600 ¬P EX
Blks => 6 Recs => 0 RUs => 173
I/O bytes => 177,138 Compression
VTAM bytes => 177,152 Factor => 0.0%
Blks => 7 Recs => 0 RUs => 174
I/O bytes => 195,440 Compression
VTAM bytes => 178,176 Factor => 8.8%
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
2. Type an option in the OPTION column next to the Process name (PNAME) and
press Enter. The following table describes each option.
1. From the Operator Table, type S in the OPTION column next to the name of
the Process to display the Selected Process screen. This screen displays details
about the Process that you selected from the Operator Table. The following
figure is a sample of the screen which displays all available information about
the particular Process you selected from the Operator Table.
2. Type any of the following Process control commands at the command line, and
press Enter. The following table describes each option:
Command Description
P Suspend the currently executing Process
D Delete a nonexecuting Process
H Place a nonexecuting Process in the HOLD queue
R Release a nonexecuting Process
Enter Monitor the currently executing Process execution
C Change Other Node, Queueing Priority, Scheduled Time, Scheduled
Day, and Retain Status in a nonexecuting Process
3. To change parameters, move the cursor to the appropriate field on the screen,
make the changes that you want, and press Enter.
) -
TO -
Logical Queues
The TCQ has the following logical queues:
v Wait
v Execution
v Hold
v Timer
v Process Retention
Access the queues and manipulate Processes using the following Sterling
Connect:Direct commands:
Refer to Controlling Processes with Commands, for more information the on each
of these Sterling Connect:Direct commands.
Queuing Parameters
The RETAIN, HOLD, and STARTT parameters queue Processes as described in
following table.
You can also use the Timer queue for session retry and
file allocation retry based on Sterling Connect:Direct
initialization parameters specified by a particular
installation. When you exhaust retry limits, the Process
is moved to the Hold queue with an HE status.
Value Definition
Sterling Each Process on the TCQ has an associated Sterling Connect:Direct status
Connect:Direct value. This status value has a unique meaning determined by which
Status Value queue the Process is in. The SELECT PROCESS command displays
Sterling Connect:Direct status values.
Sterling When a Process is in the Execution queue, the SELECT PROCESS
Connect:Direct command also displays a Sterling Connect:Direct task state value. The
Task State state values are provided for information purposes. You cannot modify
Values or control them using Sterling Connect:Direct commands. The task state
value shows the current state of the Process. Usually, Sterling
Connect:Direct tasks are waiting for completion of a service such as File
I/O, Sterling Connect:Direct locked resource, or VTAM I/O.
Wait Queue
The following table shows the Sterling Connect:Direct status value for the Wait
The following table shows the applicable commands for the Wait Queue:
Command Description
Change Process Modifies Process attributes
Delete Process Removes the Process from the queue
Select Process Displays Process status and state
Execution Queue
The following table shows the Sterling Connect:Direct status values for the
Execution Queue:
The following table shows Sterling Connect:Direct task state values for Processes in
the Execution Queue:
The following table shows the Subtask state values for the Execution Queue. The
first characters of the subtask request state indicate the session protocol such as
TCP or LU6.2.
The following table shows the transport state values for the Execution Queue:
The following table shows the allocate state values for the Execution Queue:
The following shows the applicable command descriptions for the Execution
Hold Queue
The following table shows the Sterling Connect:Direct Status values for the Hold
The following table shows the applicable commands for the Hold Queue:
The following table shows the applicable commands for the Timer Queue:
Process Recovery
Sterling Connect:Direct provides facilities to recover from most errors that occur
during Process execution. Recovery from the point of failure is usually
accomplished quickly. The following types of errors can occur during normal
v Link failure terminates a session between Sterling Connect:Direct systems
v File I/O error occurs during Process execution
v Sterling Connect:Direct abends because of a hardware or other error
v TCQ Corruption
Facility Description
Session When one or more Processes run with a node, Sterling Connect:Direct
establishment establishes a session with that node and begins execution. If Sterling
retry Connect:Direct cannot start the session, Sterling Connect:Direct retries the
session establishment. The initialization parameters, MAXRETRIES and
WTRETRIES, determine the number of retries and the interval between
Initialization Parameters
Sterling Connect:Direct uses the following initialization parameters with the COPY
statement checkpoint/restart facility:
This parameter does not apply to TCP/IP and LU6.2 connections. With
TCP/IP and LU6.2 connections, checkpointing is based on the
checkpoint interval requested (regardless of the data set type or
whether it is in block or record format) and on both nodes' ability to
perform the checkpoint function. When both nodes agree to do
checkpointing, the checkpoint interval is controlled by the sending
node while checkpoint record filing is done on the receiving node.
CKPT Specifies the default interval for checkpointing when it is not specified
on the COPY statement.
You should specify the CKPT value as a multiple of the value specified
for the V2.BUFSIZE initialization parameter. If you do not, performance
can seriously deteriorate.
Checkpoint/Restart File
The Sterling Connect:Direct checkpoint/restart file contains positioning information
for both files involved in executing a COPY statement. Sterling Connect:Direct
maintains the checkpoint records throughout data transmission and deletes them
when a transmission completes successfully.
Note: Checkpoints take place on the receiving end of a transfer. During restart,
this information is exchanged with the sender so that appropriate positioning can
take place.
Parameter Description
CKPT Specifies the interval Sterling Connect:Direct uses to record checkpoint
information. Sterling Connect:Direct uses this CKPT value, rounded to
the nearest block, in determining how many bytes to transfer before
taking a checkpoint.
Other Transfers
In the following table, Sterling Connect:Direct checkpoints the file in block mode
and adds seven bytes to each block transmitted. This functionality adds only 2,100
bytes to the transmission of almost 6 million bytes.
In the following table, Sterling Connect:Direct checkpoints the file in record mode
because the data is being reblocked. Sterling Connect:Direct adds 10 bytes to each
record being transmitted. This functionality adds 150,000 bytes to the transmission,
or 5 percent overall.
If a RUN TASK program is executing on the SNODE and a session failure occurs,
the PNODE recognizes the session failure and puts the Process in the Timer queue
for retry. The SNODE, however, is still running the RUN TASK program and is not
aware of the session failure until the program finishes. The checkpoint/restart
feature for RUN TASK ensures that when the Process restarts on the PNODE, the
RUN TASK program does not execute a second time on the SNODE.
At Process restart for a RUN TASK step, if the program is still executing, you see
two Processes in the EX queue for the same Process step. The first Process is
executing the program. The second Process is waiting for the first Process to
complete. When the first Process completes, it determines that the session it was
Also, if at restart, Sterling Connect:Direct cannot find the checkpoint record and
the RUN TASK program is not executing, Sterling Connect:Direct is unable to
determine what action to take for the restart. If Sterling Connect:Direct cannot
determine what action to take for the restart, it uses the RESTART parameter. You
can code the RESTART parameter on the RUN TASK step or in the initialization
Note: If you code the RESTART parameter on the RUN TASK step, it overrides the
initialization parameter. When you code RESTART=YES, Sterling Connect:Direct
executes the program again. When you code RESTART=NO, the Process skips the
RUN TASK step.
You can also use the Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to perform
some Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS procedures.
For a table of statistics record types, refer to Using Sterling Connect:Direct Exits
Note: If you specify a statistics exit in the initialization parameters, the LF and RO
records are passed to the exit.
date specifies the date to execute the Process. You can specify the
day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for
4-digit year). You can use periods or backslashes (/) to separate the
components of a date value. You can omit the separators only for
transfers between mainframe nodes. Use separators to guarantee
transfers between all platforms.You can use the following date
formats, according to which date order is specified in the
DATEFORM initialization parameter:
v DATEFORM=MDY specifies the date format as mm/dd/yy,
mm/dd/yyyy, mm.dd.yy, or mm.dd.yyyy
v DATEFORM=DMY specifies the date format as dd/mm/yy,
dd/mm/yyyy,, or
v DATEFORM=YMD specifies the date format as yy/mm/dd,
yyyy/mm/dd,, or
v DATEFORM=YDM specifies the date format as yy/dd/mm,
yyyy/dd/mm,, or
day specifies the day of the week to select. Valid names include
MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and
SUnday. You can also specify YESTER to search for statistics records
created yesterday or TODAY to
You can also specify NOON, which searches for the statistics records
at noon, or MIDNIGHT, which searches for the statistics records at
midnight. The time default is 00:00:00, the beginning of the day.
If you specify time of day but not date, the output shows the first
available entry in the statistics log for that time of day. Statistics
from all later times and dates are output up to and including the
stop time.
The date and time formats are the same as the STARTT parameter.
The time default is 24:00:00, the end of the day.
If you specify time of day but not date, all statistics through the
most recent entry for that time of day are output.
The meaning of the file name within these records is unique for each
record type. For example, the Run Job record contains the file name
of the submitted JCL. Filenames can be up to 254 characters in
length and can contain lowercase characters.
CASE=YES | NO Specifies whether lowercase or mixed-case data is permitted for the
USER, SNODE, and FNAME subparameters. The CASE
subparameter overrides the global CASE option defined at signon
for the purpose of the SELECT STATISTICS command.
NO preserves the actual case typed for the USER, SNODE, and
FNAME subparameters. The CASE defaults to the setting defined
within the session defaults if nothing is specified.
ARCHDSN=dsname | (list) Specifies that Sterling Connect:Direct is to search the archived
statistics files named, instead of the statistics log currently in use by
the DTF. Archived statistics files store old statistics data that is no
longer active in the statistics log. See your system administrator for
information about the availability of archived statistics at your site,
and for the data set names you can specify with the ARCHDSN
subparameter. See SELECT STATISTICS Command Format for
information on archiving statistics.
To use the SELECT STATISTICS command from the Batch Interface, perform the
following steps:
1. Place commands in the DGADBATC job stream as described in “Sample job
stream to run the batch interface” on page 10.
2. Submit the job while Sterling Connect:Direct is running.
The following command searches for statistics records based on start and stop date
and time, and excludes write-to-operator and PDS member copy statistics records.
The following command searches for statistics records based on Process name, and
start and stop date and time. It excludes write-to-operator statistics messages.
The following command searches for signon records for the user Mary.
The following command searches are identical and both select only WTO records.
The following command searches for statistics records based on Process start/stop
date and time that ran on a Sterling Connect:Direct Server named SERVER1.
The following command searches for Process submission records for Processes in
which the SNODE is any node in Dallas, and prints the output. Assume that the
site administrator indicates that the November statistics records are contained in a
file pair whose key sequenced data set is named SYS.ARCH.STATS.M9611. For an
explanation of statistics file pairs, search on Administering Statistics in the IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.
The following command searches for signon and signoff records that match today’s
date and the User ID SEAN.
The following command searches for the message ID SCMG010I and all message
IDs that begin with SCPA.
The following figure illustrates the commands for archiving statistics for a single
day using the Batch Interface. These commands archive the statistics from the
previous day into the preallocated data set of the API referenced by the DD
1. Select option SS from the Primary Options Menu to display the Select Statistics
2. To access the Select Statistics Extended Options screen, type Y in the CHANGE
EXTENDED OPTS field. On the command line, type the command for the
output format that you want. The following table describes each option:
Command Description
D Display the output on the screen.
P Send the output to the printer.
F View unformatted statistic records.
S Display a two-line summary per statistics record on the screen. See the
Statistics Summary figure on Statistics Summary.
Note: The records from the InterConnect Option are only retrievable through
the DISPLAY option.
The following table lists the statistics record types, their corresponding record
type identifiers, and whether they display through the Display Report
command, or the Change Extended Opts field of the Select Statistics screen.
Statistics Summary
If you selected S to display a statistics summary, the following Statistics Summary
screen is displayed:
The first and second lines of each entry identify a Process by function, Process
name and number, submitter node, other node, and user ID. The third line is the
message ID, return code, ending date and time of that Process, and Sterling
Connect:Direct Server that the Process ran on.
An asterisk (*) before the Process name indicates a nonzero return-code. You can
type M next to the Process name to display a description of the message ID
associated with the Process. Type S next to the Process name to show the statistics
in detail, as in the following figure.
Display Statistics
If you typed D to display the output on screen, it is formatted as shown in the
following example.
Note: The statistics display function supports 133 character records and horizontal
scrolling using the standard ISPF scrolling function keys.
Function => COPY Start Time => 13:00:54
Process Name => PRCDATIM Stop Time => 13:00:55
Process Num => 13273 Comp Code => 00000000
Comp Msg => SCPA000I
Userid => CBENN1
Secondary => PLEX.TOM.TCP Step Name => STEP2
Other addr =>
Other port => 02038
V2 Buffer Size => 65,536
Negotiated V2 Buffer Size => 65,536
TCP Buffer Size Used => 131,072
***** CHECKPOINTED; Interval = 1,000
From ( Pnode
recs => 0 blks => 2
I/O BYTES => 8,400
VTAM BYTES => 2,183
Cmpr Perc => 74.0% CMPrlevel=1 WINdowsize=13 MEMlevel=4
Digital Signature enabled = No
To ( Snode
recs => 0 blks => 2
I/O BYTES => 8,400
VTAM BYTES => 2,183
Cmpr Perc => 74.0%
Digital Signature enabled = No
Merged Signature enabled = No
Merged Encryption enabled = No
The following figure illustrates how output to the system console and messages in
response to console commands are formatted.
Parameter Description
WHERE Specifies the 8-character message identification. You can specify a
generic message ID.
ID | MSGID = message
[Short | Long] Specifies to display the message text in short or long format. The
short format is the default.
Use the Select network map screen to select a Network map record.
1. Select option NM from the Primary Options Menu to display the Select
Netmap or TCP Information screen.
2. Type the selection criteria for the nodes you want to examine and press Enter.
To select all nodes, you can simply press Enter.
The following is an example of a network map showing two nodes: CD.PLX44
You can make generic requests by using an asterisk. For example, type an
asterisk (*) in the first node key field to select all nodes and D* to select only
those nodes that begin with D. See SELECT NETMAP Command Format or
press PF1 for Help.
Note: The TCP information fields are for creating the SELECT TCPXLAT
command described in the next section. Do not fill them in for the SELECT
NETMAP command.
To use the SELECT NETMAP command from the Batch Interface, place your
commands in the DGADBATC job stream and submit the job while Sterling
Connect:Direct is running. The following command displays all network map
entries for node names that begin with SAN.
In the following example, the only node name in the network map which begins
with SAN is the SANFRAN node. This report contains a long DNS record, which
you can define in the Adjacent Node Definition in the network map. For more
information on the Adjacent Node Definition, search on Maintaining the Network
Map in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.
PRint | DISplay
Parameter Description
WHERE (NODE = Specifies which network map node definitions you want to examine.
(node | generic | WHERE is the only required parameter for the SELECT NETMAP
(list)) command.
1. Select option NM from the Primary Options Menu to display the Select
Netmap or TCP Information screen. (See Issuing the SELECT NETMAP
Command from the IUI to see a screen sample.)
2. Press Tab until you reach the TCP INFORMATION portion of the screen. See
the parameter descriptions in SELECT TCPXLAT Command Format or press
PF1 for Help.
3. Do one of the following:
v To translate a host address to a fully qualified host name, type the address in
dot notation form in the ADDRESS field.
v To translate a host name to a real TCP/IP address, type the host name in the
NAME field. You can also type an alias name in this field if the host name is
too long for the space provided.
The following output is displayed:
To use the SELECT TCPXLAT command from the Batch Interface, place your
commands in the DGADBATC job stream and submit the job while Sterling
Connect:Direct is running. Use the batch version of the SELECT TCPXLAT
command to make multiple requests for resolution. The maximum number of
requests is 10.
The following command produces the TCP Name/Address Translation Report. The
first two names listed in the TRTCPNAM parameter are aliases, the third is an
actual host name.
SEL TCPXLAT WHERE (TRTCPADR=(123.456.78.999, 123.456.789.012))
The following report shows the resolution of name to address or address to name.
REQUEST is what is typed in the command.
Parameter Description
WHERE Specifies which TCP host name or network address resolution you
(TRTCPNAM = want to examine. This parameter is required. Provide one of the
( | (list)) following subparameters:
( | (list)) ) TRTCPNAM = ( | (list)) specifies a translation from
host name or alias to a real address. Type this name in the standard
format with each of the qualifiers being from 1 to 64 alphanumeric
characters, with a maximum name length of 64 characters. Specify a
list of names by enclosing them in parentheses and separating each
by a comma or a blank.
Parameter Description
CL4‘GOOD' The first positional parameter tells the program the correct message to
| CL4‘FAIL' output. Code the parameter as illustrated in the following example,
including the single quotes.
The following example shows a Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Process using the
DGADTIFY program.
If the COPY statement is unsuccessful, the second RUN TASK step executes and
you see the following messages:
Note: The TSO user ID must be in the same z/OS image as the DTF where the
DGADTFY2 RUN TASK is running.
A GOOD value is relayed to the TSO users CDID1 and CDID2 on CDB in the
following message:
A FAIL value is relayed to the TSO users CDID1 and CDID2 on CDA in the
following message.
When multiple actions are contained in the parameters, the completion code
returned is the highest completion code encountered.
DGADTDYN Parameters
The RUN TASK command invokes DGADTDYN with parameters that define
allocation actions to execute. The following rules apply to the syntax of the
v Perform each allocation action with as many parameters as required.
Function Description
ALLOC Use the ALLOC function to allocate a file. The allocation request can contain
most job stream DD statement options, including DCB options applicable to
allocation. This function is the default.
UNALLOC Use the UNALLOC function to unallocate a file.
CONCAT Use the CONCAT function to concatenate two files.
DECONCAT Use the DECONCAT function to perform dynamic deconcatenation.
LOCATE Use the LOCATE function to locate cataloged data sets.
The following example calls the program DGADTDYN using the LOCATE
parameter to determine if a cataloged file exists.
If the file does not exist, the program issues a nonzero return code and makes a
call to allocate the file through the ALLOC parameter.
The first function, ALLOC, allocates the data set specifying a current status of OLD
and a secondary (or normal step completion) disposition of DELETE, which deletes
the data set.
The following example calls the program to allocate each data set through the
ALLOC parameter. Then it calls DGADTDYN again to do the concatenation
through the CONCAT parameter. The data set is concatenated under the first
DDNAME in the CONCAT list.
The following example calls the program to deconcatenate by DDNAME using the
DECONCAT parameter. Then it calls DGADTDYN again to unallocate each data
set in the concatenation with the UNALLOC command.
For minutes, specify Mxxx. The maximum is 999 minutes or about 16.6
For hours, specify Hxx. The maximum is H99 or about 4.1 days.
You can also specify ‘ABEND' and then use the actual user ABEND
code for the second positional parameter.
VALUE2 The second positional parameter specifies the return code to set. The
default is 0. The maximum is 4095.
'-' causes a -1 value (if executed as a batch step, IBM displays the return
code value as 4095).
VALUE3 The third positional parameter is only used to display diagnostics as
WTO (write-to-operator) messages. Specify 'DIAG' or leave blank. Any
other value is ignored.
The following examples show how to use DGADWAIT in a RUN TASK. In the first
example, the program waits for one second, and then sets the return code to 2.
In this example, the program does not wait, but sets the return code to 8.
DGADTAMS Parameters
DGADTAMS is invoked by the RUN TASK Process statement with the following
parameters that define allocation and AMS actions to execute.
Note: You must specify all of the sysprint output parameters on the same
line. They cannot be on separate lines.
Parameter Description
JCL source The first parameter is an allocation string to point to the job to submit.
Code it without a ddname because DGADTSUB acquires one. Sterling
Connect:Direct uses this value, along with the DISP parameter, to
allocate the data set that contains the JCL.
The following figure is an example of RUN TASK using the DGADTSUB program.
The job stream source that corresponds to this RUN TASK statement is displayed
in the following figure. The values requiring substitution are presented in bold
The following figure shows the resulting job stream after substitution has taken
place. Sterling Connect:Direct replaces the variables that began with & with the
assigned values in the DGADTSUB parameter list.
To do this, modify an existing RUN TASK statement that calls DGADTSUB to call
DGADGSUB, and add the variables you want to use in the parameter list.
The following figure is an example of RUN TASK using the DGADGSUB program.
The DGADGSUB program makes the variable substitutions and calls the
DGADTSUB program with the following parameters:
’JOB XYZ’, -
’PROCNUM 00029 ’, -
In the example, the second and subsequent parameters name the symbol, without
the &, and value that the symbol becomes in the submitted job stream. Sterling
Connect:Direct substitutes the value itself when the Process is submitted.
Error Output
DGADTSUB writes any internal error information to the data set specified on the
CDESTAE DD statement. Always include this DD statement in the Sterling
Connect:Direct startup job stream.
Return Codes
Note: You can also decompress files using a Sterling Connect:Direct Process. Refer
to Automatic Decompression for more information.
DGASACMP supports physical sequential files (PS), KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS
VSAM files. DGASACMP cannot allocate VSAM files as DISP=(NEW,CATLG), so
you must pre-define the VSAM output file when decompressing a file that was
originally VSAM.
DGASACMP does not support PDS (or PDSE) files as PDS, but you can use
IEBCOPY to unload the PDS, then compress or decompress using DGASACMP.
DGASACMP Parameters
You can pass the following parameters to DGASACMP:
Parameter Description
MODE= COMP | DECOMP Specify COMP to compress an input file. Specify DECOMP
to decompress a compressed file.
REPORT=NORMAL | Specify NORMAL to instruct DGASACMP to produce a
DEBUG summary statistics report. This value is the default. Specify
DEBUG to instruct DGASACMP to produce a detailed
statistics report.
The following sample JCL, found as member DGAXCMP in $CD.SDGASAMP,
compresses a physical sequential (PS) file and stores it as compressed data.
You can also invoke DGASACMP with the OUTPUT DD as DUMMY, indicating
that the summary report is produced, but the output data is not stored. You must
still provide the DCB attributes. The following screen shows an example.
Although extended compression using ZLIB is available on a global basis using the
ECZ initialization parameters and on a Process basis using the EXT parameters in
the COPY statement, performing compression online consumes significant CPU
resources. The DGASACMP utility produces a report (see the sample report in
DGASACMP Output), which shows how much the data was read, written,
compressed, and how long it took to compress. Another report is produced when
you use DGASACMP to decompress data and restore it to its original format.
1. Prepare a file containing the typical type of data you transfer and the average
amount of data involved in a transfer.
2. Transfer the file without using compression and record the time it takes for the
transfer to complete.
Automatic Decompression
As an alternative to storing the data as compressed data on the remote node, you
can decompress a file during Process execution. This functionality is available
between z/OS and any other platform that supports ZLIB compression.
Note: If you are decompressing a file using DGASACMP, you cannot allocate
VSAM files as DISP=(NEW,CATLG). You must predefine the VSAM output file.
Note: Refer to the $CD.SDGASAMP data set for more sample Processes.
RTBB PROCESS SNODE=your.local.node
The DGADSIOX I/O Exit utility program invokes DFSMSdss to perform requested
functions by calling the ADRDSSU utility via the cross-memory application
interface, documented in DFSMSdss Storage Administration. This cross-memory
interface causes a DFSMSdss server address space to start under the ASPACE
name of DGADSIOX.
For HFS and ZFS type files, there are restrictions related to UNIX System Services
that may result in failures or hangs without proper security. Please refer to
DFSMSdss Storage Administration (Application programming interface,
Cross-memory application interface restrictions) for a description of the restrictions
and set up requirements related to HFS and ZFS files.
Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ for z/OS provides a simple, reliable, and secure way
to transfer files between a Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS installation at a central
processing center and remote Sterling Connect:Direct sites. Sterling Connect:Direct
FTP+ for z/OS runs as the client and supports Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS,
Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows, and Sterling Connect:Direct for
UNIX as the remote system.
When the JCL is changed to use Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ for z/OS instead of
FTP, all of the supported FTP commands are interpreted into appropriate COPY or
RUNTASK and COPY steps and executed within the Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+
Client started in the user's address space.
In this example, the Global initialization parameters file, GLOBINIT, and local
initial initialization parameters file, SERVER, contain normal initialization
parameters for starting a Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Server. If
CDPLEX.SERVER= is specified in the local initialization parameters, it is ignored
and the JES jobname is used as the server name. The specification of CDFTP as the
first override parm after the specification of the location of the initialization
parameters file identifies this DTF as a Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Client.
The SYSTCPT DD is required so that the Resolver will write its trace information
into this file when a request to the Resolver, such as GETHOSTNAME, is issued.
Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ reads this trace information to get the resolved
DATASETPREFIX from the Resolver to determine which FTP.DATA file to open
and process.
A z/OS FTP client gets its configuration data from the FTP.DATA file and uses the
following search order to find this file:
v DD card - //SYSFTPD
v Tsoprefix.FTP.DATA
v Tsoid.FTP.DATA
v /etc/
v tcpip_hlq.FTP.DATA
Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Client will attempt to find the correct FTP.DATA file
using the following search order:
v DD card - //SYSFTPD
v JobUserid.FTP.DATA
v /etc/
v tcpip_hlq.FTP.DATA
If the FTP.DATA file is found, the following configuration parameters are honored
by Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Client:
v PRIMARY—used for CDFTP.TEMPFILE allocation
v SECONDARY—used for CDFTP.TEMPFILE allocation
v SPACETYPE—used for CDFTP.TEMPFILE allocation
v KEYRING—used to override Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus keyring
Note: The FTP.DATA file is used by both z/OS FTP and Sterling Connect:Direct
FTP+. Use ;CDFTPKEYRING if Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ should use a
different keyring than z/OS FTP.
v ;CDFTPKEYRING ;—used for a Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ specific override of
Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus Keyring
For more information about global and local initialization parameters, see
Initialization Parameters in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration
In this example, the JCL that starts the Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Manager is
similar to JCL that starts the Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex Manager. The initparm
override PARM CDFTP as the first override parm after the location of the global
initialization parameters makes this a Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Manager.
The following local and global initialization parameters are forced with no
v SECURITY=OFF (Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Client only. The Security
parameter is allowed for the Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Manager)
v TCP.FMH.TIMER=00:00:00
If you specify any of the following Global Initialization Parameters, they are
The local initialization parameters file for the Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+
Manager, CDFTPMGR, should specify:
For more information about global and local initialization parameters, see
Initialization Parameters in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration
The Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Manager must be running before the Sterling
Connect:Direct FTP+ Client can successfully contact the Sterling Connect:Direct
FTP+ Manager to perform its work.
For more information, see the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration
2. Change the INPUT and OUTPUT DD statements and other step statements to
specify the procedure step name. For example, change //INPUT to
3. Change the first statement in the INPUT data stream to specify the remote
Sterling Connect:Direct node name instead of the machine name for the FTP
The following is an example of JCL that executes the CDFTP procedure:
user1 S1VX$25B
cd /u/daily
You do not specify the use of Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus in the JCL. It
is determined by the initialization parameters and the Sterling Connect:Direct
Secure Plus parameter file definitions for the node named in the script.
To simplify matching up statistics in the remote node with Sterling
Connect:Direct FTP+ for z/OS, the PROCESS name is the jobname and the
process number is the jobid. The jobname is also used for the Sterling
Connect:Direct FTP+ Client server name when contacting the Sterling
Connect:Direct FTP+ Manager.
Note: Only the JCL interface is implemented. The ISPF interface (option 6;FTP)
is not supported.
Command Description
APpend Appends a data set on the local host to a file on the foreign host
BINary Sets the transfer type to IMAGE
CD Changes the working directory
CDUp Changes to the parent of the current working directory
CLEar Sets the protection level for data transfers to CLEAR
CLose Disconnects from the foreign host
COMpress Sets the data transfer mode to compressed mode
CWd Changes the working directory (Synonymous with CD)
DELEte Deletes a single file on the foreign host
DELImit Displays the delimiter character between the file_name and file_type
DIr Lists the directory entries for files on the foreign host
Note: Format is from Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Plug-in
EBcdic Sets the transfer type to EBCDIC
Get Copies a file from the foreign host to your local host
Note: "(REPLACE" supported
GLob Toggles globbing (the expansion of metacharacters in file names) for the
MDelete, MGet, and MPut subcommands
LCd Changes the working directory on the local host
LPwd Displays the name of the active working directory on the local host
LS Lists the names of files on the foreign host
MDelete Deletes multiple files on the foreign host
MGet Copies multiple files from the foreign host to the local host
Note: "(REPLACE" supported
MPut Copies multiple files on the local host to the foreign host
PRIvate Sets the protection level for data transfers to PRIVATE
PROtect CLEAR PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data
connections. CLEAR sets SECURE=(ENC=N) in COPY steps.
PROtect PRIVATE PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data
connections. PRIVATE sets SECURE=(ENC=Y) in COPY steps.
PUt Copies a file on the local host to the foreign host
PWd Displays the name of the active working directory on the foreign host
QUIt Leaves the FTP command environment
REName Renames a file on the foreign host
RMdir Removes a directory
SENDSite Enables or disables automatic transmission of the SIte subcommand
Note: Used to determine whether to propagate DCB or use
(LOC)SITE subcommands that are not supported or recognized are ignored and
do not terminate the step, even in exit mode. The exceptions to this z/OS FTP
behavior are the (LOC)SITE WRAPRECORD and TRUNCATE subcommands. If
these subcommands are specified, they always terminate the script (RC=8 when
not in exit mode and with the user's return code when in exit mode).
v ?
v !
v ACCount
v BLock
v CCc
v CProtect
v DEBug
v FEature
v FIle
v HElp
v Ibmkanji
v LANGuage
v NOop
v RECord
v REStart
v SENDPort
v SJiskanji
v SRestart
v STAtus
v STREam
v STRucture
v SYstem
v UCs2
v Verbose
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Index 175
176 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS: User Guide
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