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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 7 Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2020


Deployment with Location Knowledge by Multi Area

Shashidhar Kasthala
Assistant Professor Indian Naval Academy
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is profoundly imperative for securing network protection. Profoundly basic
attacks of different types have been reported in wireless sensor network till now by numerous researchers.
Various replica node detection techniques have been proposed to detect these replica nodes. These methods
incur control overheads and the detection accuracy is low when the replica is selected as a witness node. To stop
the node replica attack, e propose a location cluster detection scheme using deployment knowledge. From the
implementation results the proposed model compared with Area based cluster Approach (ABCD) and
Fingerprint based detection techniques.
Keywords: Networking, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), clustering, replica Detection, and Knowledge
discovery technique.

I. INTRODUCTION packet types. Despite that, on the grounds that

attackers can produce most packet data, describing
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless attacks as single-or multi-source and recognizing
network comprising of spatially conveyed self- the quantity of attackers is troublesome [54-60].
ruling devices utilizing sensors to screen physical RN will be deployed back into the networks to
or ecological conditions [1-6]. LEACH protocol is eavesdrop communications or launch attacks.
the primary convention of various leveled routing
which proposed data combination; it is of point of II. RELATED WORKS
reference hugeness in clustering routing protocol.
Routing procedures and security issues are Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has wide
awesome research challenge [7-16]. Replica node applications in data gathering and data transmission
attacks are very dangerous to the operation of by means of wireless networks by [61]. Because of
sensor networks. With a single captured sensor the shortcomings in the WSN, the sensor nodes
node, the adversary can create as many replica were powerless against the vast majority of the
nodes as he wants; there could easily be as many security dangers. Denial of-Service (DoS) attack is
replica nodes as uncompromised nodes [17-28]. most mainstream attack on these sensor nodes.
The time and effort needed to inject so many Some attack aversion procedures must be utilized
replica nodes into the network is much less than the against DoS attacks. There are distinctive methods
effort to compromise the equivalent number of to avert DoS attack in wireless sensor network. An
original nodes [29-35]. A witness node that invulnerable framework was proposed for the DoS
receives two conflicting location claims for a node attack on WSN which will enhance the precision
concludes that the node has been replicated and rate of attack anticipation; decrease the false alarm
initiates a process to revoke the node. In the line- rate and ready to perceive distinctive Dos attack.
selected multicast scheme, both intermediate nodes, To solve these issues by enhancing the Single Hop
which relay the claims, and witness nodes Detection (SHD) method using the Clonal
participate in detecting and revoking replicas [36- Selection algorithm to detect the clones by
46]. The objective of this attack is to make a selecting the appropriate witness nodes [62]. The
sufficiently huge nearness of false activity with the advantages of the proposed method include (i)
end goal that authentic web movement expected for increase in the detection ratio, (ii) decrease in the
real web clients is backed off and postponed [47]. control overhead, and (iii) increase in throughput.
Different works manage methods for anticipating One among them is the node replication attack. In
unapproved access to data or with the essential this, the physically insecure nodes are acquired by
safety measures to ensure data genuineness and the adversary to clone them by having the same
uprightness inside the network. DoS attacks are identity of the captured node, and the adversary
keep the source node to convey its data to the goal deploys an unpredictable number of replicas
[48-53]. The attacks which work at the network throughout the network. Hence replica node
layer are alluded to as routing attacks. Monitoring detection is an important challenge in Mobile
tools can distinguish an attack and recognize Wireless Sensor Networks.Considering the
essential properties, for example, traffic rates and limitations of centralized detection schemes for
static wireless sensor networks, a few distributed
solutions have been recently proposed [63]To

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 7 Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2020

facilitate the discovery of contradictory conflicts, • Nodes choose probabilistically regardless of

we propose a hybrid local and global detection whether to end up noticeably a CH for the
method. The local detection is performed in a local current round in view of its outstanding
area smaller than the whole deployed area to energy and globally known wanted level of
improve the meeting probability of contradictory CHs. Those will communicate a message
nodes, while the distant replicated nodes in larger promoting this reality, at a level that can be
area can also be efficiently detected by the global heard by everybody in the network.
detection. • Each node knows when it is its turn to
transmit, as per the availability plan and the
III. REPLICA NODE DETECTION CHs gather messages from all their cluster
IN WSN individuals, total this information, and send
the outcome to the BS.
• The replica nodes are controlled by the
adversary. The problem is the replica nodes 4.1 Cluster formation for Replication Detection
also contain the key that is required for
secured communication in the network. In In a centralized approach for detecting node
addition to these problems, mobility of replication, the location claim of nodes will be
nodes, the collusion of replica, and sideway forwarded to a central trusted party. The simplest
attacks are the main difficulty while solution is to send all location claims to a base
detecting and controlling these replica station. However, if the base station stays in a
nodes. hostile environment, some location claims may not
• When the replicas are not detected, then the reach to the base station. The cluster head assumes
network will be open to attackers and the the part of facilitator inside its substructure, which
network becomes more vulnerable. goes about as a medium for data exchange between
• Security in wireless sensor networks is the nodes. Each CH goes about as an impermanent
challenging due to characteristics of sensor base station inside its cluster and speaks with
networks and the lack of hardware support different CHs by utilizing gateway nodes shows in
for incursion protection. figure 1. The Gateway node has at least two cluster
• In the node replication attack, an attacker heads as its neighbor's. At the point when the
intentionally puts replicas of a clusters are disjoint, in any event there one cluster
compromised node in many places in the head and another gateway node should begin.
network to make inconsistency. In the Cluster development helps to advance data
wormhole attack, an attacker can tunnel transmission reason K means clustering procedure
packets through a secret broadband channel steps appeared in underneath segment.
between two distant places and replay them 4.2 Deployment with Location Knowledge
to distort the network topology by making (DLK)
two distant nodes believe they are
neighbours. To improve the security as well as the performance
• However, these solutions are not of this approach with additional knowledge. The
satisfactory. First, they are energy and basic approach assumes that sensor nodes are
memory demanding: A serious drawback deployed group by group, and that each group is
for any protocol that is to be used in expected to be deployed towards a deployment
resource constrained environment such as a point that can be pre-determined. Prior to
sensor network. deployment, the network operator loads the pre-
determined deployment coordinates of every group
IV. LEACH PROTOCOL onto every sensor node. The sensor nodes in the
same group are very likely to be close to each other
LEACH protocol is the principal protocol of after deployment. Our schemes use this knowledge
progressive routing which proposed data fusion; it to stop node replication. To evaluate the security of
is of point of reference criticalness in clustering Scheme , we would like to point out that it is
routing protocol. Routing methodologies and infeasible to completely eliminate replicas from the
security issues are incredible research challenge. network.
These days in WSN, quantities of routing protocols
have been proposed however most surely Detection Steps
understood protocols are hierarchical protocols like
LEACH. The principle point of this protocol is to Initialize the network topology (Size from 1 to
enhance the life expectancy of wireless sensor 500). The Base station is settled and situated a long
networks by bringing down the energy. way from the sensors with correct threshold

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 7 Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2020

V. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS replicated nodes would not trigger a revocation

procedure, and a claim message may be lost in the
Replica node detection process results are route path to the corresponding witness node. Both
discussed in Network Simulator (NS2) with of the results demonstrate that our approach
simulation parameters and IEEE 802.11b is provides better security resilience against the
connected to the MAC layer protocol. presented types of attack strategies in terms of a
higher detection rate with a reasonable increase of
communication overhead, and minimized the

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