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Molecules 2003, 8, 207-222

ISSN 1420-3049

Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Quantum and

Electronic Confinement Effects in Nanostructured Materials
Lei Z. Zhang, Wei Sun† and Peng Cheng*

Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China

Present address: College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Abstract: Nanostructured materials have become the central subject of materials research
during the last decade in the past 20th century owing to the novel electronic, optical, and
catalytic properties observed in such materials. The unusual properties of these
nanostructured materials can be attributed to two main microscopic effects: quantum
confinement and electronic confinement. These two effects have dominated the variations
of molecular properties in a wide variety of nanostructured materials, ranging from
inorganic compounds to organic molecules. The recent advances have focused on
host-guest complex systems that have resulted in a deeper understanding of the changes in
electronic structures when being confined. In this article we cover some of the key
advances in the study of quantum and electronic confinement effects, especially in
host-guest systems.

Keywords: Nanostructured materials; Host- guest systems; Electronic structure; Quantum

confinement; Electronic confinement.


Nanostructured materials are a novel form of compounds of theoretical interest and with the potential
to develop as an important class of materials for the electronics and photonics industries in the 21th
century [1, 2, 3]. The research field of nanostructured materials has already been widely recognized as
one of the most promising and rapidly emerging research areas in nowadays materials science. A new
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era in the development of novel nanostructured materials has been opened since the discovery of the
periodic nanoporous inorganic material known as Mobil Catalytic Material 41 (MCM-41) for confining
close-packed, functionalized organic molecules within an inorganic host [4]. Since then, a wide range of
nanoporous host materials has been prepared, including alumina, zirconia, titania, niobia, tantalum
oxid e, manganese oxide, and even metals [5]. Meanwhile, numerous papers have then been published
on the preparation of nanocomposite materials of novel chemical compositions and on the fundamental
understanding of physics of materials at the nanometer scale [6, 7]. Encapsulation of conjugated
polyaniline filaments with mobile charge carriers in the nanoporous channels of MCM-41 was a
milestone in the history of nanocomposite materials, representing a step toward the design of nanometer
electronic devices [8].
The study of nanocomposite materials has become our particular interest and these host-guest
complex systems can be best described as being organized into spatially identifiable domains of an
organic and an inorganic component. They are generally produced using various methodologies of
“soft” inorganic chemistry in liquid or sol/gel media, exploiting either self-assembly mechanisms under
the influence of the template agents, or directed assembly of nano building blocks in solution or at
liquid/solid interfaces. A general classification has been proposed distinguishing “class I materials”, in
which the inorganic and organic components interact only weakly through hydrogen bonding, van der
Waals contacts, or electrostatic forces, from “class II materials”, in which the constituents are more
strongly linked through ionic/covalent bond formation [9]. Following this classification, the
nanocomposite materials involved in this present contribution can be best sorted into the former class.
The spatial organization of dissimilar and commonly incompatible components in these hybrid
materials produces a wealth of novel structural features, physical properties, and complex functions,
which arise from the synergistic interaction of the individual constituents. Further harnessing the
potential of nanocomposite materials requires fine-tuning of the sizes, topologies, and spatial assembly
of individual domains and their interfaces. This, in turn, relies on the improved fundamental
understanding of the intermolecular interactio ns in these complex systems, especially those involved
weak electron interactions. In the following two sections, we will discuss these electron interactions in
great details with the aim to facilitate our appreciation of the quantum and electronic confinement

Quantum Confinement Effect

Concept Definition

Molecules are, in general, localized entities. In a typical molecular solid, the intermolecular
interactions are much weaker than the intramolecular bonding energies so the bulk properties of a
molecular solid can usually be analyzed as the sum of individual molecular contributions, with small
perturbations from the intramolecular forces. Such weak intermolecular interactions rarely extend
beyond the nearest neighbors and the electronic structures of a molecular crystal are usually
independent of the size of the crystal. Inorganic semiconductors and metals, on the other hand, consist
of a network of ordered atoms with no discernible molecular unit. For a semiconductor crystal,
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electronic excitation consists of a loosely bounded electron-hole pair (the Mott-Wannier exciton),
usually delocalized over a length much longer than the lattice constant [10]. As the diameter of the
semiconductor crystalline approaches this exciton Bohr diameter, its electronic properties start to
change. This is the so-called quantum confinement effect, which can be observed as a blue shift in the
band gap or exciton energy [11, 12].
Typically, bulk sample of CdS, irrespective of their size once > ca. 20 nm, will absorb all
electromagnetic radiation with an energy greater than the band gap (hν > 2.42 eV); which is classified as
direct in this case. However, as particles become smaller, their electronic structure changes. Eventually,
continuous bands breaks down and there are discrete bonding and antibonding orbitals in this material
[13]. The electronic properties of such small particles are more like those of a molecule than an
extended solid [14]. A spatial electronic state diagram showing the quantum confinement effect is
shown in Figure 1. As the cluster properties are intermediate between molecules and bulk
semiconductors, the quantum size effect can best be explained with hybrid molecular and
semiconductor languages.
(a) (b)

Conduction band HOMO'

Deep trap
hv Eg' Surface

Shallow trap LUMO'

Valence band

Infinite distance Nanoscale distance

Figure 1: The spatial electronic state diagram showing the quantum

confinement effect in bulk semiconductors (a) and nanoparticles (b).

Model Design

The linear combination of atomic orbitals- molecular orbitals (LCAO -MO) method [15] provides a
natural framework to understand the evaluation of clusters from molecules to bulk and the size
dependence of the lowest excited-state energy (band gap). An infinite chain of carbon atoms, separated
by distance d, each carrying one pπ orbital (polyene, an idealized polyacetylene chain), provides a
simple one -dime nsional analogue of the bulk solid (Figure 2). The infinite chain is equivalent to a
N-annulene where N is infinite. The essential concepts behind the quantum confinement effects of
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semiconductor clusters can be understood by studying the length dependence of the N-polyene. In the
absence of any interactions, an N-atom polyene has N degenerate orbitals, φ i, each with on-site energy
(Coulomb integral) α , <φ i|H|φi> , where H is the electronic Hamiltonian. By turning on the interaction
between φi and φ j, represented by the resonance integral β , <φ i|H|φ j> , the degeneracy is removed (Figure
3). The lowest energy orbital is at α + 2β and is bonding all neighboring atoms. The highest energy
orbital is at α − 2β and is antibonding between all neighboring all neighbor ing atoms. In the middle at
energy α , there is a nonbonding orbital.

Figure 2: N-polyene, a simple one-dimensional analogue of the bulk solid

as the designed model.

α − 2β

α + 2β

Figure 3: Molecular orbital diagram for the N-polyene.

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The energy levels of these orbitals, E j, can be easily obtained on the Hückel level as
Ej = α + 2β cos(j π / N + 1), j = 1, 2, … N (1)
For an infinite chain, the energy band is continuous from α + 2β to α − 2β with a bandwidth of 4β . For
a chain of finite atoms, the eigenvalues are discrete. In the case of a linear polymer, there is no
degeneracy. So, one can easily prove, by filling electrons into these orbitals, that the HOMO-LUMO
gap increases with decreasing chain length, N.
The LCAO-MO method outlined above provides a simple framework to understand many important
solid-state concepts. The premier thing here is that as the size of the N-polyene decreases, its energy
band becomes discrete and separation between the eigenvalues, and the HOMO-LUMO gaps increase.
This is in essence the quantum confinement effect, i.e., the increase of the excited-state energy with
decreasing cluster size.
In a bulk semiconductor, the electron and hole are bound together by a screened Coulomb interaction
to form a so-called Mott-Wannier exciton [10]. This electron-hole interaction has to be induced for a
more qualitative treatment of the quantum confinement effects. By assuming the energy band to be
parabolic near the band gap (i.e., the effective mass approximation), the size-dependent shift (with
respect to the bulk band gap) in the exciton energy of a small cluster (cluster radius ~ exciton radius) can
be derived as
h 2π 2 1.786e 2
E ( R) = E g + − − 0.248E *Ry (2)
2 µR 2
where R is cluster radius, 1/µ = 1/m e* + 1/m h *, m e* is the electron effective mass, mh * is the hole
effective mass, ε is the dielectric constant, and E Ry is the effective Rydberg energy, e4 /2ε 2 h 2 (m e*-1 +

m h *-1 ). The first term in the above equation is the band gap of the bulk materials, the second represents
the particle - in-a-box quantum localization energy and has a simple 1 / R2 dependence, the third term the
Coulomb energy with a 1 / R dependence, and the last term is the result of the spatial correlation effect.
This last size-independent term is usually small but can become significant for semiconductors with
small dielectric constant. Therefore, the cluster radius can be easily determined according to the above
formula based on the absorption spectra.
Equation (2), although containing the basic physics of the quantum confinement effect, cannot be
expected to be quantitatively correct, especially for very small clusters. This is because for small
clusters the eigenvalues of the lowest excited states are located in a region of the energy band that is no
longer parabolic (the breakdown of the effective mass approximation). It may be mentioned here that
the variations of molecular properties of very small clusters can be interpreted by the electronic
confinement effect, which will be discussed in the next section.

Case Study

The search of functional nanostructured materials for information storage has stimulated great interest
in nowadays nano-science and technology [16]. The study of nanosized metal sulfide semiconductor
materials doped with impurities has been an area of intense activity in recent years [17, 18]. Zinc sulfide
is the best host for luminescent materials with the band gap of 3.7 eV. Since the rare-earth ions are
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excellent luminescence centers, nanosized ZnS doped with them is becoming a new kind of solid-state
luminescent material though the radii of rare-earth ions is larger than that of zinc ions. We present here
the synthesis of Eu-doped ZnS semiconductor nanoparticles, together with their photoluminescence
behavior [19].
ZnS:Eu nanoparticles 1 and 2 were prepared by two methods, A and B, respectively. In method A,
Na2 S serves as the inorganic sulfur donor and S2- ions from Na2S react with Zn2+ ions immediately. In
method B, Zn2+ ions react with S2- ions from the organic sulfur donor CH3 CSNH2 gradually. In order to
characterize the particle size, the diffuse reflectance absorption spectrum of ZnS:Eu nanoparticles 1 was
measured. Comparin g to the absorption maximum of ZnS bulk materials (3.7 eV), the absorption
maximum of ZnS nanoparticles blueshifted to 320 nm (3.9 eV). Estimated from the Eq. (2), it is
obtained that the grain size of the ZnS:Eu nanoparticle (sample 1) is 6.8 nm. The powder X-ray
diffraction of ZnS:Eu semiconductor nanoparticles 1 is also measured. All peaks can be ascribed to a
zinc blende crystal structure without extra phases and non-crystalline state. The peaks are markedly
broadened, which is characteristic of the nanoparticles. The average grain size of ZnS:Eu nanoparticles
can be estimated by Scherrer equation
Dh,k,l = kλ/(B0 −b0 )cosθ (3)
where the symbols have their usual meanings. The average grain size of the nanoparticles is 6.9 nm
estimating from Eq. (3), which agrees well with the result of the diffuse reflectance spectrum.

550 600 650 700

2000 2000

1500 1500
Intensity / a. u.

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
550 600 650 700
Wavelength / nm

Figure 4: The photoluminescence spectra of the sample 1 (solid line) and 2

(dashed line). λexc = 396 nm.

The photoluminescence spectra of 1 and 2 excited at 396 nm are shown in Figure 4. No further
splitting of the emission peaks is observed indicating that the site symmetry of Eu3+ belongs to Oh group
(zinc blende crystal belongs to O h group). If the site symmetry of Eu3+ belongs to O h group, the emission
at 590 nm originated from magneto-dipole allowed 5 D0 → 7F1 is dominant. When the site symmetry of
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Eu3+ is reduced, the intensity of the emission band at 616 nm, which is the electro-dipole allowed 5 D0 →
F2 transition, should increase. So it is evident that two emission peaks of Eu3+ centered at 590 and 616
nm are sensitive to site symmetry and can be used to study site symmetry, i.e., to study the
microstructure around Eu3+ and the defects caused by doping of Eu3+ in the lattice of ZnS. As the ion
size of Eu3+ is much larger than that of Zn2+, the defects and the deformation of the lattice must appear
when Eu3+ gets into the lattice of ZnS, and the site symmetry of doping Eu3+ ion must be decreased also.
Therefore, it seems plausible to deduce that ZnS:Eu nanoparticles are doped by higher dopant
concentration of Eu3+ in 2 than in 1, which is related to the difference in the preparation procedures.

Electronic Confinement Effect

Concept Definition

During the past ten years investigation in nanocomposite materials, scientists in this field have shown
a growing interest in the variations of the molecular properties of the guest organic species [20].
Encapsulation of organic molecules in the nanoporous channels host produces significant changes of the
molecular properties of the guest species. Some of these changes such as the variations in the band gap
and fluorescence lifetimes of the guest molecules in these nanocomposite materials, have been
mentioned in previous studies [6, 7, 21, 22]. These host- guest effects observed in cation exchanged
aluminosilicate sieves are even significant, which is related to the exchanged cations and associated
fields in the pores [23, 24, 25]. However, if one wants to study exclusively the host-guest effects
avoiding the interference of electrostatic effects due to the exchanged cations, it is necessary to use
samples of pure silicates, such as MCM-41. In this paper, it is our intention to showcase a new concept,
which can contribute to explain these significant changes in the orga nic-inorganic nanocomposite
materials. This new concept, electronic confinement effect, which was first introduced by A. Corma and
co-workers [26, 27], is indeed realized in larger cavities, such as nanoporous MCM-41.
It is generally accepted that the structures of channels and cavities with molecular sizes in a few
nanometers have a strong influence on diffusion and solvation effects of reactant molecules, and they
can become determinant for the catalytic activity of these materials. Diffusion, which involves the
dynamics of the molecules into the channels, is described by a statistic mechanical model which
correlates well with experimental results [28]. Solvation or cavity effects that involve physiochemical
interactions between the host inorganic pore and the guest organic molecules are not well qualified and
are still a matter of discussion [29, 30, 31]. The types of interactions normally considered are
Coulombic effects, coordination effects, and weak electron interactions. This last kind of interactions
accounts for forces of the van der Waals type, which could produce the “docking” of molecules into the
cavities of the molecular sieve. In this sense, it has been proposed that sorbate molecules in the
nanoporous solids, such as MCM-41, tend to optimize their van der Waals interaction with the
surroundings. These van der Waals interactions are amplified by the surface curvature of the pore walls,
which interact with the sorbed molecules.
Considering the partial covalent character of the aluminosilicate crystals, electrons are not localized
on the framework atoms, but they are partially delocalized through the bulk. This causes the density of
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the electrons (i.e., the probability for finding the electrons) of the guest molecules to suddenly drop to
nearly zero when reaching the walls of the cavity as a consequence of the short-range repulsion with the
delocalized electronic clouds of the lattice. This indicates that a contradiction of the orbitals of the guest
molecules will occur, with the consequent changes in its energy levels (Figure 5), which implies a
preactivation of the molecule when residing in the pore or cavity.

Infinite Distance Nanoscale Distance

Figure 5: Change of the energy levels of the particle when confining the
microscopic particle. On the left- hand side the energy levels for the
unconfined system are depicted and on the right-hand side, the
corresponding levels for the confined one.

On can now notice that electronic confinement is associated with the previous described quantum
confinement, despite the electronic confinement is induced by the intrachannel surface, not by the
exciton Bohr diameter. Moreover, quantum confinement effect cannot be expected to be quantitatively
correct for very small clusters; in contrast, the electronic confinement effect focuses on both inorganic
compounds and organic molecules within nanopores. Hence these clusters, loaded in the inorganic host,
must be extremely small, and may be even treated as single molecules in some cases. The new
phenomena for such small clusters should be exp lained by the concepts derived from electronic
confinement theory.

Model Design

For the sake of a better understanding of the electronic confinement, we present here a model study by
using the aromatic compounds as the guest organic molecules [32, 33]. HMO theory is a method that
allows one to obtain a chemical characterization of conjugated π systems without need of involved
quantum chemical calculations. One can easily notice that its goal is to give an adequate description of π
molecular orbitals (their energy and atomic orbital composition) by only two empirical parameters,
namely, the Coulomb integral α and the resonance integral β .
Molecules 2003, 8 215

A confined model system can be built by locating the conjugated molecules parallel to two surfaces,
for simplicity, may be simulated by two infinite planes located at a certain distance. In this case, the
atomic orbitals can still have as the normal 2pz orbitals a node at the molecular plane but they are
adapted to the confinement, which makes them vanish beyond the limit of the plane. The schematic
representation of the Ψ function of an aromatic molecule in unconfined and confined spaces is shown in
Figure 6.
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
4 4

3 Ψ

2 2

0 0


-2 -2


-4 d d -4
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Figure 6: The schematic representation of the Ψ function of the conjugated
molecule in unconfined (dashed line) and confined (solid line) spaces.

It is evident from the figure that the density of the confined 2pz orbitals suddenly drop to nearly zero
when reaching the infinite plane as a consequence of the short-range repulsion with the delocalized
electronic clouds. This implies that a contraction of the molecular orbitals of the guest molecules will
occur, with the consequent changes in its energy levels. Hence, the energy changes of an aromatic
compound may be expressed as
∆ E HOMO = E HOMO’ − E HOMO = (α ’ + x β ’) − (α + x β ) = ∆α + ∆β (4a)
∆ E LUMO = E LUMO’ − E LUMO = (α ’ − x β ’) − (α − xβ ) = ∆α − ∆β (4b)
where ∆α and ∆β are (in atomic units)

∆α = −
1 ∫ −∞
dydz∂ x a' ( d , y, z )a (d , y, z )
∞ (5a)
∫ dx ∫ dydza' ( x, y, z )a ( x, y, z )
0 −∞

∆β = −
1 ∫−∞
dydz∂ x a ' (d , y, z )b(d , y, z) (5a)
d ∞

dx ∫ dydza' ( x, y, z ) a( x, y, z)

In this expression a(x,y,z) and b(x,y,z) are the 2pz atomic orbitals on the neighboring carbon atoms a
and b, respectively, while a’(x,y,z) and b’(x,y,z) are the equivalent confined atomic orbitals. Since in real
Molecules 2003, 8 216

situations in real situations we do not know the actual expression of the atomic orbitals in the confined
system, we can state that ∆α and ∆β are always positive quantities. Therefore, we obtain the following
conditions for the Coulomb and resonance integrals of the confined system based on Eq. (5)
α ’ = α + ∆α > α (6a)
x β ’ = x β + ∆β > x β (6b)
Since α and β are both negative quantities, the above equations indicates that the values of α and β
increase when confining the molecule. In Figure 7 we have shown a qualitative correlation energy
spectrum of the aromatic molecule when it is confined.

− xβ’ = − xβ − ∆β

− xβ α’
α − xβ’ = − xβ − ∆β

− xβ HOMO'


Figure 7: Qualitative description of the frontier orbital energy spectrum for

the conjugated molecule.

Case Study

The salicylaldehyde-derived Schiff base molecule, which is one class of the most extensively studied
organic molecules in molecular spectroscopy, is found to be a suitable guest molecule for this purpose
[34, 35]. By means of self- assembly, we have encapsulated a new Shiff base molecule N,N'-
bis(2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzylidene)-1,2-ethanediamine (3) in the nanoporous channels of MCM-41
host [36]. The molecular structure diagram of 3 is shown in Figure 8. The C(2)-O(1) bond length
(1.348(9) Å) is longer than 1.30 Å indicating the ground state of 3 is enol form in the crystal.
Figure 9 shows the corresponding UV-Visible absorption and emission spectra of 3 at room
temperature in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) solution (1.0 × 10-4 M), in nanoporous MCM-41 and in
pure crystals, respectively. The emissions of 3 result from strictures due to excited-state intramolecular
proton transfer reaction. In DMSO the 0-0 transition of 3 appears at 23041 cm-1 (2.86 eV) and is
remarkably shifted via 21413 cm-1 (2.66 eV) of 3 in MCM-41, to 20921 cm-1 (2.60 eV) of 3 in pure
crystals. Given that the main contribution to the S0 → S1 transition is due to the HOMO and LUMO, this
bathochromic shift can be correlated with a decreasing of the HOMO-LUMO band gap. The shift of the
0-0 transitions from 3 in MCM-41 to 3 pure crystals may result from the change of lattice state due to
the increase in the surface area. It is likely that the increase in surface area causes lattice softening, and
Molecules 2003, 8 217

therefore the Coulombic interaction energies between molecules become smaller, leading to wider band
gap [37].

Figure 8: Molecular structure diagram (hydrogens omitted) of 3. Thermal

ellipsoids are drawn at 30% probability level.
45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000
1.2 900
1.4 (a)
1.2 0.08
Intensity / a. u.

0.6 0.05

0.6 0.04
0.4 300
0.2 200
× 10

0.0 0.00
45000 40000
40000 35000 30000
30000 25000 20000
20000 15000 10000
Wavelength / cm
45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000

1.4 400


Intensity / a. u.



0.0 100
40000 30000 20000 10000
Wavelength / cm- 1
Molecules 2003, 8 218

40000 30000 20000 10000

1.4 500
Intensity / a. u. 1.0

0.6 250

0.4 200

40000 30000 20000 10000
Wavelength / cm

Figure 9: The normalized absorption and emission spectra of 3 in DMSO

(λ exc = 25000 cm-1 ) (a), in nanoporous MCM-41 (λ exc = 24100 cm-1 ) (b)
and in pure crystals (λ exc = 24100 nm-1 ) (c) at room temperature.

Since 3 can be treated as dispersive molecules in both DMSO solution and nanoporous MCM-41, this
trend should be rationalized by the electronic confinement theory that all the energy levels of 3 increase
in the nanoporous channels host as a result of the confinement. Since the increase for the HOMO has
been predicted to be more sensitive than the LUMO, the overall effect is a reduction on the band gap of
the frontier orbitals.
To analyze the origin of this energy increase we have studied the composition of the HOMO orbitals.
Three-dimensional plots of the surfaces of the HOMO orbitals for 3 in gas phase and confined within
two mica sheets separated by 3.0 nm are shown in Figure 10. As can be seen from the figure, the main
components of the HOMO orbitals of the 3-mica system are localized on the methylene and hydroxyl
groups of 3, with little contributions on the mica sheets. Since the HOMO orbitals are confined within
two mica sheets, they were slightly contracted compared to those in gas phase being this deformation
the origin of the increase of the HOMO energy. These results can rationalize the variations in the 0-0
transitions observed here for this complex system.

Molecules 2003, 8 219

Figure 10: Plots of the HOMO orbitals of 3 in the gas phase (a) and upon
confinement inside two mica sheets separated by 3.0 nm (b).

Concluding Remarks

Recent advances in the study of quantum and electronic confinement effects in nanostructured
materials have opened the doorway for systematic investigations of the electronic structures at the
nanoscale. For inorganic semiconductors and metals, when their diameter approaches the exciton Bohr
diameter, its electronic properties start to change as indicated by a blue shift in the band gap. This is the
quantum confinement effect. Clusters with diameters ranging from 1.0 to 15.0 nm can be routinely
synthesized in a variety of media such as nanoporous molecular sieves, zeolites, or as polymers. The
variations of molecular properties of the guest species in these complex systems can be elucidated by
the electronic confinement effect.
In these nanocomposite materials, an asymmetric confinement will exist by molecules being much
closer to one “wall” than to the other one. So, the motion of electrons will be more restricted in one
direction (along the wall of the nanoporous channels) than in the other directions. The results presented
here may prove useful in the fabrication of optoelectronic devices, such as
Molecules 2003, 8 220

organic-light-emitting-devices (OLEDs) using electroluminescent nanotube crystals [38, 39]. Since the
pathways open for n/p migration-recombination are limited essentially to only one dimension, it may be
confer a greater degree of order on electrolumin escent processes by utilizing porous, channel- type
materials containing light-emitting and electronically interacting guest molecules (Figure 11).



.. . e- meets h+ ...
e = electron
h = hole


Figure 11: Schematic drawing of the electroluminescent properties which
may arise when confining guest molecules within parallel channels of a
porous host structure.

The last decade in the past 20th century have demonstrated the great influence of nanostructured
materials on the development of nano-science and technology. Ultimately, the scientific and
technological impact of these materials mainly depends on their novel electronic, optical, and catalytic
properties. Hence, studies concerning the quantum and electronic confinement observed in these
materials are of exceptionally importance. Nanostructured materials have introduced hierarchy into
materials science and bode well for the further development of materials and composite with novel
properties, new functions, and perceived utilities in a wide range of applications. The future looks very
bright for nanostructured materials!


The authors wish to express their gratitude to Prof. Guo -Qing Tang (Institute of Modern Optics,
Nankai University) for performing parts of the spectroscopic measurements in this work. Financial
supports of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the TRAPOYT of MOE of China are
Molecules 2003, 8 221

also acknowledged. Lei Z. Zhang thanks the Research Award Program for Undergraduate Students of
Department of Chemistry, Nankai University.


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