Electron Interference Effects On The Conductance of Doped Carbon Nanotubes

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Electron Interference Effects on the Conductance of Doped

Carbon Nanotubes
arXiv:cond-mat/0009335v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 21 Sep 2000

Alain Rochefort∗ and Phaedon Avouris†

∗ Centre de recherche en calcul appliqué (CERCA), Groupe Nanostructures et Biomatériaux,

5160 Boul. Décarie, bureau 400, Montréal, (Québec) Canada H3X 2H9.
† IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY

10598, USA.

(November 8, 2018)


We investigate the effects of impurity scattering on the conductance of metal-

lic carbon nanotubes as a function of the relative separation of the impuri-

ties. First we compute the conductance of a clean (6,6) tube, and the effect

of model gold contacts on this conductance. Then, we compute the effect of

introducing a single, two, and three oxygen atom impurities. We find that the

conductance of a single-oxygen-doped (6,6) nanotube decreases by about 30

% with respect to that of the perfect nanotube. The presence of a second dop-

ing atom induces strong changes of the conductance which, however, depend

very strongly on the relative position of the two oxygen atoms. We observe

regular oscillations of the conductance that repeat over an O-O distance that

corresponds to an integral number of half Fermi-wavelengths (mλF /2). These

fluctuations reflect strong electron interference phenomena produced by elec-

tron scattering from the oxygen defects whose contribution to the resistance

of the tube cannot be obtained by simply summing up their individual con-



Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have very interesting electrical properties. Depending on their

diameter and helicity it was predicted that they can be semiconductors or metals [1,2], and
this was confirmed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy [3,4]. They can also sustain large cur-
rent densities [5], and their electrical properties can be modified by doping [6]. These unique
electrical characteristics coupled with their high mechanical stability and excellent thermal

conductivity make the CNTs ideal candidates for use in nanoelectronics. Several possible
applications such as their use as channels in field-effect transistors [7,8], single electron tran-
sistors [9], and diodes [10,11] have already been successfully demonstrated. It is therefore
very important that a detailed understanding of electrical transport and energy dissipation
in CNTs be developed. In addition to the quantized resistance due to the mismatch of the

number of transmission channels in the tube and the metal contacts [12], additional sources
of resistance are provided by the formation of Schottky barriers at the contacts [13,14], and
by electron scattering from adsorbed or embedded impurity atoms and defects. A number
of theoretical studies have appeared on this last issue. These studies have, so far, considered

only scattering by individual defects [15–20], or, the contributions of a number of defects
to the resistance of the tube were treated as being additive [21]. However, one important
characteristic of transport in nanotubes is their long coherence lengths, especially at low
temperatures. This coherence allows for interference effects involving scattering from the

defect sites present in the probed nanotube segment.

Here we investigate two contributions to the resistance of nanotubes. First, we calculate

the contact resistance arising from the imperfect coupling of nanotubes with model metal
electrodes. Then we concentrate on the resistance produced by substitutional defects. We

show that the relative position of defects can have a very important influence on the strength
of scattering and on the resulting electrical resistance. Specifically, we calculate the atten-
uation of the transmission of a metallic nanotube induced by scattering from individual,

pairs, and triplets of oxygen defect sites as a function of their relative separation along the
nanotube axis. Oxygen atoms are used here as model defects, but are likely to be introduced
in nanotubes by oxidative purification of the nanotubes [22,23] or sonication.


The nanotube model used in the computations contains 948 carbon atoms (96 Å long)

forming an armchair (6, 6) nanotube. The bond distance between carbon atoms of the NT is
fixed to that in graphite 1.42 Å. This tube is bonded with its two dangling bond bearing ends
to two metal electrodes [24]. Each electrode is modeled by a layer of 22 gold atoms in a (111)
crystalline arrangement. The electrical transport properties of a system can be described in
terms of the retarded Green’s function [12,25]. The transmission function is computed by

using the Landauer-Büttiker formalism as described in detail in ref. 12, and the effects of
the semi-infinite electrodes are described by self-energies. The Green’s function GN T can be
written in the form of block matrices separating explicitly the molecular Hamiltonian:

GN T = [ESN T − HN T − Σ1 − Σ2 ]−1 (1)

where SN T and HN T are the overlap and the Hamiltonian matrices, respectively, and Σ1,2
are self-energy terms that describe the effect of the electrodes. They have the form τi† gi τi
with gi the Green’s function for the isolated semi-infinite electrodes [26,27], and τi is a ma-

trix describing the interaction between the NT and the Gold electrodes. The Hamiltonian
and overlap matrices were determined using the extended Hückel method (EHM) [28] for
the system: Gold-CNT-Gold. It has been shown that EHM gives results similar to those
obtained on extended NTs with more sophisticated methods [29].

The transmission function, T (E), that is obtained from this Green’s function is given by


T (E) = T21 = Tr[Γ2 GN T Γ1 GN T ]. (2)

In this formula, the matrices have the form:

Γ1,2 = i(Σ1,2 − Σ†1,2 ). (3)

The summation over all conduction channels in the molecule allows the evaluation of
the conductance (G(EF )) at the Fermi energy, i.e. for zero bias between the electrodes,
G(EF ) = (2e2 T (EF ))/h.

Some of the configurations investigated in our oxygen-doping study are shown at top of
Figure 1(top). The first oxygen atom (dark atom in Fig. 1) is located near the middle of the
tube between the electrodes while the position of the second oxygen atom is defined by the

spacing number, i.e. the number of carbon atoms that are separating the two oxygen defect
atoms along the zig-zag line. The distance between two adjacent circular carbon planes is
1.23 Å.


Figure 1(bottom) shows the variation of conductance (G(EF )), in units of 2e2 /h, for the
structurally perfect and oxygen-doped (6,6) nanotubes. The conductance of the perfect tube

connected to the two model Au pads is calculated to be 2.3e2 /h, i.e. about 40% smaller than
the expected 4e2 /h value for a perfect CNT with ideal contacts. [15,30] This result shows
that a sizable in series resistance can be introduced by non-ideal contacts. It is clear that
contribution to the resistance of CNTs can obscure their intrinsic resistance quantization

[24]. Depending on the nature of the interface, contact resistances can have contributions
from many sources of non-ideality such as Schottky barriers or surface roughness. The value
of the computed contact resistance (∼ 5 kΩ) in our configuration compares well with con-
tact resistances that can be inferred from experiments involving CNTs end-bonded to metal

electrodes [31].

Substitution of a carbon atom by an oxygen atom further reduces the conductance to

about 1.6e2 /h, a 30% decrease. For comparison, this reduction is similar than that produced
by the introduction of a single vacancy which leads to G(EF ) = 1.6 e2 /h. A 50% reduction
in G was calculated using a somewhat different technique for a vacancy in a (4,4) nanotube.
[15] More recently, a decrease of approximately 20% of the conductance at EF was found on

a (10,10) tube containing a vacancy with a more sophisticated technique [32]. We note that
the reduction of the conductance of an (n, n) tube introduced by a weak scatterer decreases
with increasing n [15,18].

Introduction of a second doping oxygen atom changes the conductance. Most impor-
tantly, the magnitude of the change is not constant but is strongly correlated with the
relative position of the second oxygen atom along the nanotube length. In fact, as Figure 1
shows, there is a strong oscillatory dependence of the conductance on the separation between

the two O atoms. The values of the conductance G(EF ) at the maxima are higher than the
conductance of the CNT with a single O defect, and increase gradually as the O-O distance
increases. The separation between two successive maxima (or minima) of G(EF ) is equal to
the width of three circular sections of the nanotube, i.e. 3×1.23 Å = 3.69 Å. The origin of
the oscillatory behavior of G(EF ) becomes clear by considering the electronic structure of

the armchair carbon nanotube. Figure 2 shows the highest occupied (HOMO) and lowest
unoccupied (LUMO) molecular orbitals of the (6,6) model tube. In an armchair nanotube
these orbitals cross the Fermi level at the K-point [1,33], i.e. when k = kF = 2π/3a, where

a = 3RC−C = 2.46 Å. Thus, the Fermi wavelength is λF = 3a = 7.4 Å (see Fig. 2). We

now see that the spacing between successive maxima (minima) of G(EF ) corresponds to half
a Fermi wavelength of the perfect nanotube.

In contrast to the strong dependence of G on the O-O separation, we find only a weak

dependence on the angle between the two O atoms. A calculation of G in which the O-O
separation was set at 8π/kF (29.5 Å), and where one O atom remained fixed while the
second O atom was moved around a circular carbon section gave only a weak oscillation of

G(EF ) between the values of 1.87 and 1.91 e2 /h. This invariance to a C6 (π/3) rotation can
be understood by considering the frontier orbitals in Fig. 2 from which we see that such a
symmetry operation leaves the wave function unchanged.

The effect of O atom substitution on the electronic structure of the CNT can be seen in
Figure 3 which shows wave function contours of nanotube circular sections for the perfect
tube (3A) and for the tube with two O atoms separated by 5 carbon ring sections, i.e. by
7.4 Å (3B). It can be seen that the effect of oxygen substitution is quite localized in the

vicinity of the oxygen atoms. Further removed regions (not presented) show very similar
wave function contours for both pure and doped CNTs. The main effect of O-doping is
the generation of positive charges largely localized on the adjacent C atoms. We can then
consider the two O atoms as forming a quasi-1D potential well with a length d defined

by the O-O atom separation that can scatter the Fermi level electrons. The transmission
function T of such a system can then be written as [34]: T = [1 + A sin2 (k ′ d)]−1 , where
A depends on the ratio of the wavevectors of the incident wave (k) and of the wave inside
the potential well (k ′ ). Transmission maxima will occur when k ′ d = mπ, and minima when
k ′ d = (2m − 1)π/2 (where m=1,2,3. . . ). Thus, G(EF ) will vary as a cos2 (k ′ d) with varying

O-O atom separation d. The cos2 (k ′ d) envelope is shown by the dot-dashed line in Figure 1
(we have assumed that k = k ′ = kF ).

It is clear that the simple model involving electron interference of Fermi level electrons

scattered by the potential well formed by the two O atoms can qualitatively explain the main
features of Figure 1. However, deviations from this simple picture are also evident, and are
most significant when the two O atoms are close to each other. First, in the 1-D potential
well model, impurities separated by a distance of mλF /2 should become transparent to the

incident electron waves, i.e. T = 1 [34], but although the transmission is indeed maximized
at these separations, it never reaches unity. By comparing the effect of one O atom with the
effects of two O atoms on G, and from the orbital contours of Fig. 3, we can conclude that O

doping affects the conductance in two ways. Introduction of the first O atom into the CNT
introduces a change in the local electronic structure which decreases the conductance of the
tube. The introduction of the of the second O atom which reduces the symmetry to C1 leads
to complex changes in the conductance of the tube. These changes depend on the relative

distance between the two O atoms. The resulting contribution to the resistance due to the
change in electronic structure is large, particularly when the two O atoms are close together,
indicating a cooperative distortion of the electronic structure. At larger O-O separations,
backscattering from the well becomes more important and G shows a clear O-O separation

dependence as a result of interference between incident and back-reflected electrons in the


The interference effects observed with the two oxygen atom models can be generalized to

CNTs doped with larger numbers of dopant atoms. The three oxygen atom case is partic-
ularly interesting. Some results are shown in Fig. 1 (open circles) where we have fixed the
spacing between the two first oxygen atoms (O(1) and O(2)) to correspond to a constructive
interference resonance (4π/kF ), and varied the position of the third O atom (O(3)). Again,
oscillations in G(EF ) are observed with maxima at O(2)-O(3) separations equal to mπ/kF ,

and minima when this distance is (2m − 1)π/2kF . The values of G(EF ) computed for the
three O atoms case are within the range found for the two O atoms case (Fig. 1). However,
the same resonance is not observed when the outer two O atoms, O(1) and O(3) are kept
at a distance corresponding to constructive interference, e.g. at 8π/kF , and O(2) is placed

between them at a distance corresponding to destructive interference, e.g. at 7π/2kF from

O(1). The O(2) atom causes a strong damping of the resonance leading to a G(EF ) of only
0.98e2 /h.

Next we consider the relation between G(EF ) and the density of states at the Fermi
energy, DOS(EF ). The Drude conductivity of solids is proportional to the density of states,
and a similar correlation was found by first-principles calculations on molecular wires [35].

As Fig. 4 shows, introduction of oxygen atoms in the armchair nanotube increases the
DOS(EF ). However, Fig. 4 also shows that there is an anticorrelation between G(EF )
and DOS(EF ), the latter exhibiting approximately a sin2 (kF d) dependence while the for-
mer shows a cos2 (kF d) dependence. In Fig. 5 we also show the computed local density of

states (LDOS) for nanotubes containing no oxygen atom (A), one oxygen atom (B), and two
oxygen atoms located at distances leading to constructive (C) and destructive interference
(D), respectively. These LDOS values represent the sum of the contributions to the density
of states of the first three C atoms adjacent to the O impurity and of the impurity itself

(full line). The contribution of the O atom alone is represented by the dashed-dotted line.
The clean nanotube LDOS (5A) shows the first two van Hove singularities on either side
of EF . Upon introduction of the first O atom a new quasi-bound state is formed centered
at about 0.3 eV above EF with a tail that extends to EF (5B). This state is quite similar

to that produced by the introduction of nitrogen [32]. Position dependent modifications of

the electronic structure with respect to Fermi energy are observed upon introduction of the
second O atom (5C and 5D).

The behavior of DOS(EF ) in Fig. 4 can be understood by considering the changes in

bonding produced by the substitution of a C atom by an O atom. This substitution gen-

erates non-bonding states whose center of gravity is near EF . Thus, although there is an
increase in DOS(EF ), the conductance does not increase because of the localized nature of
these O-induced states. This leads to an anti-correlation between DOS(EF ) and G(EF ).

Turning to the behavior of the LDOS (Fig. 5), we note that there is a minimum at the
O site when the O-O separation corresponds to a resonance (7π/kF ). This is likely due to
the formation of the nodal front of the standing wave between the O(1) and O(2) atoms
(Fig. 5C). The LDOS in Fig. 5D where the O-O separation (15π/2kF ) leads to destructive

interference, shows no such minimum.


In conclusion, we have shown that interference effects involving scattering from pairs of
defects in carbon nanotubes and defect-defect interactions can have a strong influence on the
electrical resistance of the tubes. Due to the long coherence lengths in carbon nanotubes,

the net contribution of a number of scatterers cannot be determined merely by the sum up
of their individual contributions.


We thank François Léonard and Massimiliano Di Ventra for their helpful comments on
the manuscript.


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FIG. 1. Top: Schematic showing the different positions of two oxygen atom dopants in the

(6,6) carbon nanotube model. The position of the first atom (dark) is fixed, while the possible

positions of the second O-atom are indicated by the numbers. Bottom: Computed conductance

(in units of 2e2 /h) of a (6,6) nanotube under diffferent conditions. The dotted line indicates the

conductance of the clean nanotube that includes a series resistance due to the imperfect contacts

with gold pads (see text). The second dotted line shows the conductance after the incorporation of

a single oxygen atom. The solid circles give the conductance of the tube after the incorporation of

a second oxygen atom as a function of the separation between the two O-atoms. The empty circles

give the conductance of the tube doped with three oxygen atoms when the distance between the

first and the second O-atoms is fixed at 4π/kF (14.8 Å) and the position of the third is varied.

FIG. 2. Representation of: (A) the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), and (B) the

lowest unoccupied (LUMO) orbital of an undoped (6,6) armchair nanotube model.

FIG. 3. Comparison of the orbital contours of the highest occupied orbital (HOMO) of (A):

a clean (6,6) tube, and (B): a tube doped by two oxygen atoms (dark circles). The contours are

generated in a plane perpendicular to the nanotube axis.

FIG. 4. Variation of the total density of states at the Fermi level DOS(EF ) of oxygen-doped

nanotubes. The dot-dashed line shows a sin2 (kF d) envelop

FIG. 5. Local density of states (LDOS) in the vicinity of the oxygen impurities in a (6,6) carbon

nanotube containing no oxygen atom (A), one oxygen atom (B), two O atoms located at a resonance

position (C), and at an antiresonance position (D). Full lines represent the DOS contributions from

the impurity itself and the first three neighboring carbon atoms, while dashed-dotted lines give the

DOS of the impurity only. The O-O separation is given in panels C and D.

2 4 6 8 10
1 3 5 7 9 11
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