Dosha Evaluation

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Guidelines For Determining Your Constitution

To determine your constitution it is best to fill out the chart twice. First, base your choices on what is most consistent over a
long period of your lfie (your prakruti), then fill it out a second time responding to how you have been feeling more recently (your
vikruti). Sometimes it helps to have a friend ask you the questions and fill int he chart for you, as they may have insight (and
impartiality) to offer. After finishing the chart each time, add up the number of marks under vata, pitta, and kapha. This will help
you discover your own ratio of doshas in your prakruti and vikruti. Most people will have one dosha predominant, a few will
have two doshas approximately equal, and even fewer will have all three doshas in equal proportion. For instance, if your vikruti
shows more pitta than your prakruti, you will want to follow a pitta-soothing regimen to try and bring you vikruti back into
balance with your prakruti. If your prakruti and vikruti seem about the same, then you would choose the regimen of your
strongest dosha.

Observations V P K Vata Pitta Kapha

Body Size Slim Medium Large
Body Weight Low Medium Overweight

Chin Thin, angular Tapering Rounded, double

Cheeks Wrinkled, sunken Smooth, flat Rounded, plump
Small, sunken, dry, active, black, Sharp, bright, gray, green,
Big, beautiful, blue, calm, loving
Eyes brown, nervous yellow/red, sensitive to light

Nose Uneven shape, deviated septum Long pointed, red nose-tip Short, rounded, button nose
Lips Dry, cracked, black/brown tinge Red, inflamed, yellowish Smooth, oily, pale, whitish
Teeth Stick out, big, roomy, thin gums Medium, soft, tender gums Healthy, white, strong gums

Skin Thin, dry, cold, rough, dark Smooth, oily, warm, rosy Thick, oily, cool, white, pale
Dry, brown, black, knotted, brittle, Straight, oily, blond, gray, red,
Thick, curly, oily, wavy, luxuriant
Hair scarce bald
Nails Dry, rough, brittle, break easily Sharp, flexible, pink, lustruous Thick, oily, smooth, polished

Neck Thin, tall Medium Big, folded

Chest Flat, sunken Moderate Expanded, round
Belly Thin, flat, sunken Moderate Big, pot-bellied
Belly Button Small, irregular, herniated Oval, superficial Big, deep, round, stretched
Hips Slender, thin Moderate Heavy, big
Joints Cold, cracking Moderate Large, lubricated

Appetite Irregular, scanty Strong, unbearable Slow but steady

Digestion Irregular, forms gas Quick, causes burning Prolonged, forms mucous
Taste Sweet, sour, salty Sweet, bitter, astringent Bitter, pungent, astringent
Thirst Changeable Surplus Sparse
Elimination Constipation Loose Thick, oily, sluggish

Physical Activity Hyperactive Moderate Slow

Mental Activity Hyperactive Moderate Dull, slow

Emotions Anxiety, fear, uncertainty Anger, hate, jealousy Calm, greedy, attachment
Faith Variable Extremist Consistent
Intellect Quick but faulty response Accurate response Slow, exact
Recollection Recent good, remote poor Distinct Slow and sustained

Dreams Quick, active, many, fearful Fiery, war, violence Lakes, snow, romantic
Sleep Scanty, broken up, sleeplessness Little but sound Deep, prolonged

Speech Rapid, unclear Sharp, penetrating Slow, monotonous

Financial Poor, spends on trifles Spends money on luxuries Rich, good money preserver
Adapted from Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing by Usha and Dr. Lad, All Rights Reserved

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