Ayurveda Food Concept

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AYURVEDA FOOD CONCEPT By- Sumeet Priyadarshi

It’s a combination of two words “Ayu” meaning life and “Veda” meaning knowledge.
In simple “Knowledge Of Life”.
Considered as the oldest healing science of life originated more than 5000 years
back and is considered as a branch of Atharva Veda.
Ayurveda focuses on three basic things which are healing, prevention and health
According to Ayurveda everything absorbed by five senses like Mouth (food, water),
Nose (Breath), Ear (sound), and Skin (Sunlight), Eyes (Nature) is Food. When food is
consumed in adequate amount, it gives long and healthy life.
Having healthy food is a step towards living healthy life but having it in right
proportion according to body requirement is most important because food good for
one person might be bad for other according to the body requirement.
Sattva is a quality of mind which induces clarity, harmony and balance and satvic
food induces sattva. The following food promotes Sattva.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, fresh fruit juices, cereals(red rice), herbal tea,
fresh cow milk, dry fruits, nuts, honey, jaggery,all spices and freshly cooked Food .
Rajas is quality of mind which induces energy and action. The need to create. The
following food promotes Rajas.
Read to eat canned food, basmati rice, sour cream, paneer, ice-cream, yeast, sugar,
pickle, vinegar, garlic, onion and salted food.
Tamas is a quality of mind which evokes darkness, inertia, resistance and grounding.
The need to stop.
The following food promotes tamas.
Alcohol, Beef, Chicken, Fish, Pork, Eggs, Frozen food, Microwave food, Mushroom,
Drugs, Tea, Coffee, Fried food, Fried nuts and according to Ayurveda one should
avoid Tamsic food in order to live healthy life.
According to Ayurveda body constitute of five basic elements which are as
The Ayurveda body type is decided on the dominating dosha in the body. However, it
is common not to have the predominance of one single dosha. There are people who
have the state of combined energy, where two doshas are equally dominant. In some
cases, all the three doshas may exercises equal dominance as well.
Kapha: - Dominance of two elements, which make this Ayurveda body type are earth and water.
Kapha governs all structure and lubrication in the mind and body. It controls weight, growth,
lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the seven tissues — nutritive fluids, blood,
fat, muscles, bones, marrow and reproductive tissues.
Vata: - Dominance of two elements, which make this Ayurveda body type are air and space. It’s
light, cool, and dry in nature and it governs all movement in the mind and body, including blood
flow, elimination of wastes, breathing, and the movement of thoughts across the mind.
Since Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it, Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic
Principles in the body. It's very important to keep Vata in good balance
Pitta: - Dominance of two elements, which make this Ayurveda body type are fire and water. It’s
sharp and hot in nature and governs metabolism and all things heat-related in the mind and body.
Pitta is the dosha of transformation. Think flow and fire! Our agni—our digestive fire— is what we
use to transform food.
Pitta is responsible for this “fire” in our bellies, and if it’s out of balance, our entire physiology can
be thrown for a loop.
Kapha in balance Kapha out of balance
stable temperament gains weight easily
good long-term memory sluggish digestion
healthy robust physiology Prone to sinus & respiratory issues
strength & stamina Lethargy
compassionate & affectionate Feeling of sadness
sound sleep Diffculty waking up
Food craving
Suggestions Avoid
Go for low fat milk.  Sweet, sour and salty food.
Food which are lightly cooked, raw fruits  Butter or other fatty things.
and vegetables are good options.
Foods could be little spicy
 Frozen foods
Go for fibrous food like lettuce etc.  Deep fried foods
Buckwheat pancake or noodles are good  Salty or sour food in appetizer
Sugary pastries and milk shakes etc
Prefer Luke warm water than cold water,
honey instead of sugar, and ginger cottage
cheese. Etc.
Vata in Balance Vata out of Balance
energetic and vivacious tired and/or fatigued
learns easily lack of focus or forgetful

clear and alert mind spaced out or scattered

difficulty falling asleep
falls asleep easily at bedtime
occasional constipation
balanced digestion and elimination
can feel cold physically
good circulation and even body
temperature poor circulation - cold hands and feet
feelings of anxiousness or worry
Suggestions Avoid
Sweet, sour, salty food.
• Pungent food
Dairy products like butter, cheese,
yoghurt etc. are considered good. • Cold food like cold salads, iced
Spicy food.
drinks etc.
Warm milk.
• Raw vegetables or greens.
Sweet fruits. • Candies.
Warm or hot water • Unripe fruits
• Cold water or iced drinks
Pitta in Balance Pitta out of Balance
perfectionist (type A personality) controlling, fiery personality
strong intellect workaholic tendencies
strong digestion overheated, excess stomach acid
radiant, glowing skin skin rashes & acne
sleeps through the night interrupted sleep
inner peace & happiness loose bowel movements
Reduce oil or fat intake, prefer clarified butter
instead. • Oily foods.
Yoghurt is good and but milk, cheese and cottage • Pickles / sour food.
cheese in moderate amount.
• Fermented food.
Frozen desserts.
• Coffee.
Favor cold or warm food not steaming hot food.
• Deep fried items
Reduce oily, spicy and salty food which has
heating effect in body. • Processed or fast food items as they are
rich in fat.
Vegetarian salads, starchy food are good for
Pitta body type.
Japanese foods are considered good.

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