Homework 6: Santa Clara University Department of Civil Engineering CENG 141 Hydraulic Engineering Winter 2008

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Santa Clara University CENG 141 Hydraulic Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering Winter 2008

Homework 6
In class we walked through the standard 3-reservoir problem. 3-reservoir problems are
typically included on Fundamentals of Engineering exams (as well as hydraulics class
exams) because they are a good illustration of iterative solutions using the energy equation
(conservation of energy) and the continuity equation (conservation of mass).
This is an interesting variation on this with which we all have some experience, which
includes both iterative solution and 3-reservoir problem solving techniques [see section
8.29 and sample problem 8.15 in the text]. With the toilet float valve closed the system
delivers a certain amount of cold water to the shower head (which is mixed with a fixed
amount of hot water at the shower head, not shown here). When some thoughtless person
flushes the toilet while the shower is still on, flow of cold water is also sent to the toilet
tank, which has an effect on the cold water flow rate to the shower head.

1m 2m
Pressure = 200 kPa
(gage) at point 1

Given: The system as illustrated above with pipe lengths and elevations shown, with the
following characteristics:
• Water is at 20°C
• Piping is 1.5 cm diameter copper tubing (referred to as “drawn” tubing due to the
manufacturing technique)
• Gage pressure at the inlet (point 1) is 200 kPa.
• Minor loss coefficients for the different fittings as shown, and for the standard 90°
elbows KL=0.9.
• Velocity heads are negligible (meaning in the energy equation cross out all V2/2g
terms. In many systems this can be done, since pressure and elevation heads are often –
but NOT always -- much larger)

Santa Clara University CENG 141 Hydraulic Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering Winter 2008

a) Find the flow rate (of cold water, since that’s all we’re working with here) to the
shower head (point 2) with the toilet tank full and the float valve closed. This means
you can ignore the entire branch of the system to the toilet. For the last step, calculate the
velocity and pressure head at point 1, and determine what percent of the total head is
velocity head: velocity head/total head x 100. Are you justified in ignoring velocity head in
this calculation?
Suggested steps for completing this:
1. Summarize all of the fluid and pipe properties, collecting needed data from
tables in the text.
2. Write the energy equation from point 1 to point 2, including both minor and
friction losses (as in equation 8.80 in the text; see also example prob 8.11).
Use point 1 pipe elevation as your datum.
3. Remember we are neglecting all velocity heads in the system.
4. Assume an initial friction factor, and solve the equation for velocity.
5. Calculate Reynolds number; find a new friction factor using the Moody
6. Solve for velocity again using the new friction factor
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until your answers for V and f don’t change much.
8. Calculate Q
9. Calculate V12/2g and P1/γ and the percentage of total head that is velocity
head (and answer question above).

b) Find the flow rate of cold water to the shower head after the toilet is flushed (and
the percent change from part a). In this case treat the system as a 3-reservoir system,
with a reservoir at point 1 with water surface at elevation=P1/γ (as far as the system is
concerned, it doesn’t know the difference between this reservoir or the pressurized pipe at
point 1, and will behave identically with either. See Fig 8.30 in the text for an example of
replacing a pressurized pipe with an “imaginary piezometer”, which is essentially what
we’re doing here). Assume f=0.02 for all branches for this part of the exercise.
Suggested steps for completing this:
1. Draw a schematic of the system, which can look something like Fig 8.27 in
the text (with elevation adjusted accordingly)
2. Assume flow directions for each branch (between each “reservoir” and the
junction J, which for this system is the tee). See p. 328-329 for a description
on how to do this. Directions should indicate outflow to both the toilet and
shower, but on a test you could need to determine this yourself. The tee is at
z=0. Write the conservation of mass equation at the junction J, such as
Q1=Q2+Q3 (depending on your assumed flow directions).
3. Write the energy equation (in the direction of your assumed flows, so the
left side of the equation is upstream) between the junction J and each
reservoir. Remember we are still neglecting all velocity heads. This will
result in 3 equations, each of which has a hL term on one side and z+PJ/γ on
the other.

Santa Clara University CENG 141 Hydraulic Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering Winter 2008

4. Express the hL term in each of the 3 equations in terms of the friction

(Darcy-Weisbach) and minor (KLV2/2g) losses in that branch. Leave the
minor loss at the tee (KL=0.9 for through-flow and KL=2 for branch flow
shown on the diagram) out of all equations since it is right at the junction.
5. Combining steps 3 and 4 will give you 3 equations relating the velocity in
each branch (and hence the flow rate, Q) to the value of PJ/γ.
6. Assume a value for PJ/γ, calculate the 3 velocities and Qs. Check to see if
the condition in step 2 is satisfied. If not, try a new PJ/γ and repeat until the
solution converges. A spreadsheet may help in repetitive calculations.
7. Find the final flowrate through the showerhead, and compare it to the
original flow before the toilet was flushed. Calculate the percent change
from part a)

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