BG101-S20P4A: 1、Functional keys introduction

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1、Functional keys introduction
"Panel mode" (P01.00=1), in status function code interface, constantly press left key to open the door, and release the button, to
stop opening.
Inverter mode (P01.00=5), in status function code interface, press once left key to make motor running, press it once again,
motor shall stop.
Left key In the interface "password login", left key realizes the left shift of position of password value modified. In the interface "system
function code", left key enables the switching of system function code group. In the interface "parameters modification", left key
realizes the left shift of position of parameters value modified.

"Panel mode" (P01.00), in status function code interface, constantly press right key to open the door, and release the button, door
will stop closing.
In the interface "password login", right key realizes the function of right shift of password change
Right key In the interface "system function code", right key enables the switching of system code group.
In the interface "parameters modification", right key enables the right shift of position of parameters
value modification.

In status function code interface, press upward key to progressively increase status function code,
In the interface "password login”, upward key realizes the function of increasing of password change
Up key In the interface "system function code", upward key enables the increasing of system function code
In the interface "parameters modification", upward key enables the increasing of revision value.

In status function code interface, press downward key to progressively decrease status function code,
Down In the interface "password login”, downward key realizes the negative cycle of value
key In the interface "system function code", downward key enables the decreasing of system function code
In the interface "parameters modification", downward key enables the decreasing of revision value.

In the interface "status function code", press confirm key to enter the interface "status parameters"
In the interface "status function code", press confirm key to enter the interface "status parameters" which is corresponding to
next interface "status function code"
In the interface "password login", press confirm key to enter the interface of "password input"
In the interface "password input", press confirm key to enter the interface of "system function code" (if password is correct.)
ENT Confirm ke In the interface "system function code", press confirm key to enter the interface of "system parameters"
I the
In th interface
i t f ""system
t parameters",
t " press confirm
fi key
k to
t enter
t the
th iinterface
t f off ""parameters
t modification"
difi ti "
In the interface "parameters modification", press confirm key to complete modification and enter next interface of "system
function code"

In the interface "parameters modification", press cancel key to exit, and enter the interface of "system parameters"
Cancel In the interface "system parameters", press cancel key to exit, and enter the interface of "system function code"
ESC key In the interface "system function code", press cancel key to exit, and enter the interface of "status function code"
In the interface "password login", press cancel key to exit, and enter the interface of P0.00 of "status function code"

2、The preparation before self‐study

Keep the door half ‐open

Check if the connection line is right
Center/Left Open,Right Open Wiring illustration

3、Password login




Half‐open status
4、Self‐study on door slowly



Half‐open status


Start ti close the door 
Open the door slowly

Close the door in place
Close the door normally

OPen the door in place

close the door in place
5、Open/close the door manually



6、Open/close the door automatically


7、Signal observation


Four inputs indicate:
1. Open input
2. Close input
3. Nudging input
4. Inspection input
If the decimal point in the right bottom 
illumines, the signal input are valid(Opening 
ENT signal is valid in this example)

Four outputs indicates:
1. Open limit signal output
2. Close limit signal output
3. Obstruction signal output
4. fault signal output
If the decimal point in the right bottom 
illumines, the signal output are 
correspondingly valid (close limit signal is 
valid in this example)

8、dual asynchronous motor setting


"0"Single induction motor
"1"Dual induction motor

9、Signal wiring diagram

10、Paramrter initialization




11、Parameters Group
“●”:Means the parameter shall not be changed regardless of the
t iis running
i or not.
“★”:Means the parameter can be changed regardless of the motor
is running or not.
“☆”:Means the parameter shall only be changed during the motor

Function Function
Description Setting Range Unit Factory Setting Property
group code
P00.00 Feedback speed —— 0.01Hz —— ●
P00.01 Reference speed —— 0.01Hz —— ●

P00.02 Speed deviation —— 0.01Hz —— ●

P00.03 DC bus voltage —— 1V —— ●

P00.04 Door width low bit —— 0.01A —— ●

P00.05 Door width low bit —— —— —— ●

P00.06 Door width high bit —— —— —— ●

P00.07 Door position low bit —— —— —— ●
Parameter P00.08 Door position high bit —— —— —— ●

P00.09 Output voltage —— 1V —— ●

P00.10 Input signal state —— —— —— ●

P00.11 Output signal state —— —— —— ●

P00.12 Heatsink temperature —— 1℃ —— ●

P00.13 Software version —— —— —— ●
P00.14 —— 1V —— ●
DC bus voltage
P00.15 —— 1V —— ●
DC bus voltage
0:IO mode
Operating command
P01.00 selection 1:Panel mode 1 0 ☆
4:Demo mode

P01.03 Low speed operating 1.00~10.00Hz 0.01Hz 6.00Hz ★

P01 0:Same as the setting

Basic Operation direction direction
P01.04 1 0 ☆
Parameter setting 1:Opposite to the setting
0:No operation
P01.14 Parameters restoration 1 0 ☆
21:factory settings

0:No operation
P01.15 Manual stop 1000:Forced stop 1 0 ★
2000:Resume normal
P02 0:Single induction
Motor motor
P02.00 Motor Number 1 0 ☆
1:Dual induction motor
Encoder pulse number
P03.00 0~9999 1 4 ☆
per revolution
Door width 1:Enable
P03.02 self-study enable (under P01.00 = 1) 1 0 ☆
parameter P03.03 Door width low bit 0~9999 1 104 ☆
Door width
P03.04 Door width high bit 1 0 ☆
= P03.04*10000+
P04.00 OD Startup distance 0~65535 1 14 ★

P04.01 OD startup ACC time 0.1~20.0s 0.1s 0.2s ★

P04.02 OD Startup speed 0~15.00Hz 0.01Hz 2.50Hz ★

P04 P04.03 OD ACC time 0.1~20.0s 0.1s 0.6s ★
Open Door
P04.06 OD DEC time 0.1~20.0s 0.1s 0.6s ★
(OD) P04.09 OD High speed 0~P01.02 0.01Hz 15.00Hz ★
Low speed in OD
P04.10 0.~15.00Hz 0.01Hz 2.2Hz ★
ending phase
OD DEC point
P04.11 1~65535 1 33 ★
OD limit point
P04.12 1~ P04.11 1 6 ★

P05.00 CD startup distance 0~65535 1 8 ★

P05.01 CD startup ACC time 0.1~20.0s 1.0s 0.1s ★

P05.02 CD startup speed 0~15.00Hz 0.01Hz 2.50Hz ★
P05.03 CD ACC time 0.1~20.0s 0.1s 0.6s ★
P05.06 CD DEC time 0.1~20.0s 0.1s 0.6s ★
P05.09 CD high speed 0~P01.02 0.01Hz 12.00Hz ★
P05.10 CD low speed 0~15.00Hz 0.01Hz 1.50Hz ★
Close Door
Parameter CD DEC point
P05.11 1~65535 1 40 ★
CD limit point
P05.12 1~ P05.11 1 10 ★

P05.13 CD creeping distance 1~ P05.12 1 10 ★

P05.14 CD creeping speed 0~50.00Hz 0.01Hz 3.00Hz ★

Close creeping DEC

P05.15 0~P05.13 1 0 ★
point distance
10.0%~100 .0%
P06.00 OD startup torque (Motor rated torque) 0.10% 60.00% ★

P06.01 OD holding torque (Motor rated torque) 0.10% 60.00% ★

Motor maximum 30.0%~100.0%

P06.02 torque (Motor rated torque) 0.10% 85.00% ★
OD limit final holding 20.0%~100.0%
P06.03 torque (Motor rated torque) 0.10% 55.00% ★

Time of switching
P06.04 OD holding torque to 0.1~60.0s 0.1s 1.0s ★
P06 Auxiliary final holding torque
P06.05 CD startup torque 0.10% 60.00% ★
rated torque)
P06.06 CD holding torque 20.0%~100.0% 0.10% 55.00% ★
Maximum torque 30.0%~150.0%(Motor
P06.07 for CD 0.10% 70.00% ★
rated torque)
Creeping distance 10.0%~100.0%(Motor
P06.08 0.10% 30.00% ★
torque for CD rated torque)

Final holding torque 20.0%~100.0%(Motor

P06.09 0.10% 30.00% ★
for CD limit rated torque)

The time of switching

P06.10 CD holding torque to 0.1~60.0s 0.1s 1.0s ★
final holding torque

P07.00 IO filter time 1~200ms 1ms 20ms ★

OD limit 0: Delay mode
P07.01 mode 1 1 ★
1: Block mode
CD limit 0: Delay mode
P07.02 selection 1 1 ★
1: Block mode

OD limit mode 0
P07.03 0~10.0s 0.1s 0.6s ★
delay time to output

CD limit mode 0
P07 P07.04 0~10.0s 0.1s 1.0s ★
delay time to output
Parameter 0: Find the right door
width and then enter the
normal mode
Operation mode for at
P07.05 1 1 ★
Power on
1: Enter the normal
mode after a block

0: IO CMD and panel

CMD are both valid; IO
CMD is prior to panel
P07.06 Inspection Mode CMD 1 1 ★

1: Panel CMD only is


P08 CD Speed deviation

P08.05 0~10.00Hz 0.01Hz 2.00Hz ●
Performance setting
Parameter OD Speed deviation
P08.07 0~10.00Hz 0.01Hz 5.00Hz ●
P09.00 OD time setting 0-3600s 0.1s 15.0s ★

P09.01 CD time setting 0-3600s 0.1s 15.0s ★

0: follow elevator
P09.02 Obstruction handling 1 0 ★
P09 1: automatic anti-open
0: no action

Action setting for

P09.05 1 0 ●
Power on
1: close when no
elevator command

Login password
P09.13 0~9999 0 ★

P10.00 First Fault code ●

P10.01 Second Fault code ●

P10.02 Third Fault code ●

P10.03 Fourth Fault code ●

P10.04 Fifth Fault code ●

High operating
P10.09 ●

Low operating
P10.10 ●

DC voltage max value

P10.11 ●
during operation

DC voltage min value

P10.12 ●
during operation
Code Name Possible reason Solution

1) power off
Err01 Under-voltage check power supply voltage
2) abnormal power supply
1) abnormal power supply 1) check power supply voltag
Err02 Over-voltage
2) Sensing circuit is abnormal 2) seek for service

1) temperature is too high 1)check working environment

Err03 Heat-sink overheat
2) load is too high 2)check door operation smoothly

1) wrongly wiring of motor 1)check wiring of U/V/W of motor

Err04 lack of phase 2) check if motor is well
2) load is serious imbalance 3) seek for service
1)Door blocked 1) check door
Err05 motor block
2)unreasonable parameter setting 2) check parameter

Err06 E2 PROM EEPROM R/W fault seek for service

1)error wiring of motor 1)check wiring

Err07 auto-learning fault
2)encoder fault 2)check encoder

Err08 AD fault main board abnormal seek for service

Err09 AD offset fault main board abnormal seek for service

1) belt broken 1)check belt condition

Err10 belt slipped fault 2) door width learning 2)check door width and real condition

3) belt seriously loosen 3)check belt condition

1) Motor or door is blocked 1)self-recovery

Err11 over torque
2)Torque are set too little 2)check torque parameters
1)encoder wiring problem 1)check encoder wiring
Err12 encoder fault 2)encoder invalid 2)change encoder

Err13 temperature fault short circuit or open circuit check temperature sensor

DC voltage sensing
Err14 Short circuit or open circuit seek for service

1) Over-current 1)check motor wiring

Err15 IPM fault
2) IPM damage 2)seek for service

1) AC voltage is too low 1)check AC voltage

Err16 over load 2) Load is too high 2)check door

3) Encoder problem 3)check encoder

1) Door operator blocked 1)check door operator

Err17 door open timeout 2) Encoder problem 2)check encoder

3) P09.00 is set too small 3)check P09.00

1) Door operator blocked 1)check door operator

Err18 door close timeou 2) Encoder Fault 2)check encoder

3) P09.01 is set too small 3)check P09.01

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