Request For Publication of Vacant Positions
Request For Publication of Vacant Positions
Request For Publication of Vacant Positions
4 TEACHER II OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-542117-2017 12 24,495.00 BSED or its equivalent None Required None Required RA 1080 (Teachers) SNHS
5 TEACHER II OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-540313-2011 12 24,495.00 BSED or its equivalent None Required None Required RA 1080 (Teachers) TNAS
6 TEACHER II OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-540082-2005 12 24,495.00 BSED or its equivalent None Required None Required RA 1080 (Teachers) TNAS
7 TEACHER II OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-541283-2016 12 24,495.00 BSED or its equivalent None Required None Required RA 1080 (Teachers) TNAS
Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below not later than _FEB. 25, 2020_.
a. Letter of Intent (Citing the specific position applied for;
b. Accomplished Personal Data Sheet;
c. Photocopy of actual Performance Rating for the last 3 rating periods if there is any (Certification alone is not accepted);
d. Updated Service Roecord and/ or;
e. PRC License/ CSC Eligibility for non-teaching;
f. Photocopy of Awards/ Citations of Outsanding Accomplishment;
g. Photocopy of Transcript of Records;
h. Photocopy of Certificates of Training attended-conducted for at least 3 days and not credited during the last promotions or acquired within 5 years period only and;
i. Photocopy of the related supporting documents
*Note: One copy each only.
QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to: