Development of TEC System For Commercial Cooling Applications
Development of TEC System For Commercial Cooling Applications
Development of TEC System For Commercial Cooling Applications
This paper represents the possibility of using the TEC-Thermo Electric Coolers in cooling applications. Such
application with small area away connected is possible with the use solar energy as power source. Factors affecting the
performance of TE will discussed also. The effect of Heat Sink Extender (HSE) for TEC assembling will be considered.
TEC performance is tested for different modules. The assembling for best performance of TEC and the supply
requirements using PV as a power source is presented for potential commercialization.
Keywords: TEC, Cooling, TE performance, Heat Sink Extender, Photovoltaic
1. Introduction
A thermoelectric (TE) cooler, is a semiconductor-based electronic component that functions as a small heat pump. By
applying a low-voltage DC power source to a TE module, heat will be moved through the module from one side to the
other. One module face will be cooled while the opposite face simultaneously is heated. Thermoelectric modules as
shown in Figure 1 are solid-state heat pumps that operate on the Peltier effect.
The widely availability of Thermoelectric cooling (TEC) modules, making them a potential equipments to be apply for
the thermal run away in electronics circuits. The TEC modules, which have a maximum rated operating temperature of
200 °C makes thermoelectric cooling a possible option in the thermal management of high temperature electronic
1.1 Advantages of a thermoelectric unit over a compressor
Thermoelectric modules have no moving parts and do not require the use of chlorofluorocarbons. Therefore they are
inherently reliable and are virtually maintenance free. They can be operated in any orientation and are ideal for cooling
devices that may be sensitive to mechanical vibration. Their compact size also makes them ideal for applications that
are size or weight limited where even the smallest compressor would have excess capacity. Their ability to heat and cool
lends them to applications where both heating and cooling is necessary or where precise temperature control is critical.
1.2 TEC Operation
Electrons can travel freely in the copper conductors but not so freely in the semiconductor. As the electrons leave the
copper and enter the hot-side of the p-type, they must fill a "hole" in order to move through the p-type. When the
electrons fill a hole, they drop down to a lower energy level and release heat in the process. Essentially the holes in the
p-type are moving from the cold side to the hot side. Then, as the electrons move from the p-type into the copper
conductor on the cold side, the electrons are bumped back to a higher energy level and absorb heat in the process. Next,
the electrons move freely through the copper until they reach the cold side of the n-type semiconductor. The electrons
bump up an energy level when they move into the n-type in order to move through the semiconductor then heat is
absorbed, then the electrons leave the hot-side of the n-type and move freely in the copper and drop down to a lower
energy level and release heat in the process.
1.3 TEC reliability
Thermoelectric systems are highly reliable provided they are installed and used in an appropriate manner. The specific
reliability of thermoelectric coolers tends to be difficult to define because failure rates are highly dependent upon the
particular application. Thermoelectric modules that are at steady state (constant power, heat load, temperature, etc.) can
have mean time between failures (MTBFs) in excess of 200,000 hours.
Vol. 3, No. 4 Modern Applied Science
Modern Applied Science April, 2009
the minimum temperature of 18 °C within the compartment. This invention uses sunlight which is captured by an array
of solar panel of 70W. The coling is being preseved by a quality insulation, thus food and drinks cooled quickly even at
high outside temperature.
The operation is controlled manually by switch which is located at the back of the unit.
The TEC cooling technique is found to be free of some problems attached to traditional cooling techniques such as
noise, size and vibration. In addition it has no side effect on the environment with zero emission of CO2 gas. The paper
had discussed the use of the TEC-Thermo Electric Coolers in the off-grid mode where solar energy is used as power
source. The TE performance found to be affected by many factors such as the usage of HSE and TEC proper fit
assembling. The prototype TEC fridge has the potential for commercialization.
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Vol. 3, No. 4 Modern Applied Science
10 bad conduction
5 Good conduction
0 1 2 3 4
Modern Applied Science April, 2009
Vol. 3, No. 4 Modern Applied Science