A Report On Design & Setup of Peltier Module Based Air Cooler

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020

A Report on Design & Setup of Peltier Module

Based Air Cooler
Devjyoti Pal, Ali Ansari, Kantanu Kr. Behera

but they are being tested to use commercially in recent

Abstract: With the increase in global warming levels day by day decades, rectification is not possible.
leading to the increase in average temperature throughout the 1.1 Thermo-Electric Effect
year which makes people living in areas infested with load- Direct conversion of electric voltage to temperature
shedding more hectic and troublesome. As the contemporary
differences and vice versa with the help of a thermocouple is
cooling method including Coolers and Air-conditioners do not
work on the inverter for backup electricity purposes which make known as thermo-electric effect. The voltage is created by
them useless as such during the peak heat hours. So, as to combat thermoelectric device due to the difference in temperature on
the problem with portability, economy and cost-effectiveness in each side. Therefore, the voltage applied causes the heat
mind the concept of alternative air conditioning using TEC while transfer from one side to other creating a temperature
being used of the grid and rechargeable. While it is a common difference. According to the scale of atom the applied
knowledge that co-efficient of performance of TEC is sub-par
temperature difference is caused by the electrons or holes
when compared to vapor compression air refrigeration used today
but with optimized manufacturing techniques and forced they diffuse from hot side to cold side. The thermoelectric
convection of cold liquid increasing the effective cooling for the effect can used in generating electricity, for measuring
device and humidity controlling using moisture absorbent along temperature or it can be used in changing the temperature of
with capillary tubing as thermal siphoning for heat reduction at the objects.[2] The thermoelectric devices are for temperature
the hot sink instead of air fin to reduce ambient heat radiation. controllers because the heating and cooling depends upon the
Basically in this research we tried to increase the coefficient of
polarity of the applied voltage.
performance of the Peltier Module using various techniques. The
Module is also not power efficient , so in long run we can’t use 1.1.1 See-beck Effect
plenty of them either two or three also we need to create the [3] The electricity produced in the junction of different
cooling effect . So keeping everything in mind we use the module types of wire due to conversion of heat is known as See-beck
accordingly to achieve the goal and make it a model for mass effect. In this effect the voltage and thermoelectric EMF is
production created due to the temperature difference of two different
metals or semiconductors which causes a continuous flow of
Keywords : Fans , Forced Convection ,Peltier Module, TEC
current in the conductors. The See-beck effect used in a
(Thermo-Electric Cooling )
thermocouple for measuring the temperature difference by
I. INTRODUCTION setting one end to a known temperature. When more than one
thermocouple are connected in series it is called thermopile.
[1] In 1821, Thomas See-beck discovered that there is a 1.1.2 Peltier Effect
continuous flow of current when two wires of different [3] It occurs due to the presence of heating or cooling in the
materials are joined together and heated at one end and electrified junction of two different conductors with the
French physicist Jean Charles Peltier module discovered change in temperature is known as Peltier effect. The effect
Peltier effect in 1834.He found that the application of a will be stronger when two different semiconductors are used
current at an interface between two dissimilar materials instead of conductors in the circuit.
results in the release of heat without using of ozone depleting 1.1.3 Thomson Effect
chlorofluorocarbons. [2]This gave an alternative to the [3] The absorption of heat occurs due to the passing of
conventional air conditioners. The thermoelectric electric current through the circuit has a temperature
phenomenon has been discovered more than 150 years ago, difference along its length. When the heat transfer is forced
on the production of heat associated with the electrical
resistance to currents in the conductors.
Manuscript received on April 02, 2020. The technology is very less frequently applied as
Revised Manuscript received on April 20, 2020. compared to vapor–compression refrigeration. The primary
Manuscript published on May 30, 2020.
* Correspondence Author
advantage being lack of moving. Thus primary advantages of
Devjyoti Pal, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from KIIT University , using a thermoelectric cooler.
Bhubaneswar , Orissa , India.Email: devjyotipal215@gmail.com (i) Less maintenance is required due to no moving parts and
Ali Ansari, M.Tech in Structural Engineering from Integral University,
Lucknow, India. E-mail: Alibinhaneef@gmail.com
also doesn’t use refrigerant or CFC’s.
Kantanu Kr. Behera, Founder of K Infotech and Engineering Services, (ii) Higher degree of control of temperature by changing
Durgapur, India. Email: kkantanu@gmail.com voltage and current.
(iii) Can be used in environment which is unsuitable for
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC conventional methods.
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2458 & Sciences Publication
A Report on Design & Setup of Peltier Module Based Air Cooler

[4] A single TEC can create a temperature gradient of 70°C

between its two sides. Thus, if we are able to keep the
temperature of the hot side at ambient or room temperature
then we will be able to generate cooling from the other side of
the Peltier module.[13] In refrigeration uses, thermoelectric
junction have about 1/4th efficiency of the actual Carnot
cycle thus is used only in environments where solid state
nature outweighs pure efficiency.

Therefore the main motivation of the project lies in the facts

• Reducing the carbon footprint by manufacturing a low
cost, low maintenance high efficiency cooling devices.
• Creating the device to be portable so that can be used of Fig 2.1:-Block Diagram of the setup
grid to the places where conventional cooling is not a
viable option.
• Creating a device that can be easily manufactured and
mass produced if necessary for the poor people with low
access to electricity without complicated fitments.
[4] experimental study reveals a payback period of 0.75 years
comparable to 1 ton refrigeration which sounds profitable.

[6] The fan takes in air from the atmosphere which goes over
the cold water and looses all its moisture and heat. The water
in the cold tank is cooled with the help of the Peltier module
and the other side of the Peltier module gives out heat which
is being trapped in the hot tank containing sand. Inside the hot
tank goes a coil of copper tube through which the water is Fig: 2.2:-CAD Model of Prototype
being pumped with the help of the pump.[7] The capillary
tube of lesser cross- sectional than copper tube is attached at III. Different parts of the prototype
the out let of the pump so that with the help of throttling
effect the temperature of the water reduces on the outlet of the 2.1.1 Peltier Module
pump and it again enters the hot tank. It is being done to keep [6]Thermo electric cooling based on Peltier effect for
the temperature of the sand in the hot tank low. The water creating a heat flux between two different types of materials
with reduced temperature in the copper tube again takes heat forming a junction. An advantage of using Peltier module is
from the sand in the hot tank and goes out like this way the lack of moving parts or circulating liquid, small size,
cycle continues. And the cool air formed in the cold tank is invulnerable to leaking. Also the current consumption of the
pulled out by the other fan. The fans on the both side of the Peltier module is very less. Therefore with less current
cold tank suck in air at ambient temperature from the consumption it will provide effective cooling which is our
atmosphere. To restrict the air flow in different direction and main motto.
concentrate it inside the cold tank we use air ducts on both
fans. Also for the full contact of air from out side and water
inside the cold tank we have made two slots on both sides of
the cold tank. And for getting maximum heat transfer
between air and water forced convection is being used. Sand
is known to have good absorber of heat so the hot tank is
filled up with fine sand. Copper tube with reducing
cross-sectional area is inserted inside the hot tank to maintain
the temperature at the hot tank. For keeping a continuous Fig 1.3: CAD Model of Peltier Module[18]
flow of water inside the copper tube in the hit tank a 1.6m 2.1.2 Air duct
pump head is being used. A thin duct manufactured using Galvanized Iron sheet (GI
sheet) of 0.5 mm thickness is been used. The GI sheet is used
due to its high mach inability and flexibility. The different
parts are cut out and fixed together. The have to carry the
weight of the fan while it is operating. Also it should be able
to direct the air completely in and out of the cold tank

Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2459 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020

Two fans of 24v DC, 1.38 amps are used. One fan which is fitted
in the air duct on one side is used to draw in the outside air and sent
it through the slit over the cold water in the cold tank. The other fan
will suck out the air which has lost all its moisture and is now cold to
the outside atmosphere.

Fig 1.4: CAD Model of Side, Front & Isometric view of

air duct
Two tanks are made one big and another one small for
storing water. Bigger tank is fitted with fans and used as a Fig 1.7: CAD Model of Fan[19]
cold tank. The smaller one is completely sealed and is used to 2.1.5 Pump
store sand and is used as hot tank. A pump of 18W, head of 1.6 meters is used to pump water
a). Cold Tank: This tank will be fitted with two Peltier through copper tube and finally through the capillary tube of
Modules at the bottom which will reduce the temperature of even smaller cross-section. At first the water will absorb heat
the water in the tank. On both sides of the cold tank it will from the sand and go out then through throttling process the
contain slit which would be fitted with the air ducts. On one temperature of the water will reduce. It will again circulate
side the fan will suck in air from the atmosphere and it will be through the copper tube inside the hot tank.
sent over the cold water were the air will loss all its moisture
and temperature into the cold water and the cold air will go
out through the other side.

Fig 1.8: CAD Model of Pump

2.1.6 Voltage controller
Fig 1.5: CAD Model of Cold Tank Voltage controller is used to convert the fixed voltage and
fixed alternating current from electrical input supply to
b) Hot Tank: The tank will be filled up with sand and will obtain variable voltage in output delivered to a resistive load.
be completely sealed so that the heat cannot escape. The sand Here we convert the 220V AC to 24V, 2A DC to run the fans.
is known to be good absorber of heat so it is being used. This
tank will be placed to the other side of the two Peltier
Modules. The other side of the Peltier Module will give out
the heat which will be trapped into the sand in the hot tank. To
keep the temperature inside the hot tank in check copper tube
passes through inside the tank. The two ends of the capillary
tube are fitted with the pump to keep the water circulating
inside the tank. In the outlet of the pump is fitted with
capillary tube whose cross-sectional area is lesser than the
copper tube so that through throttling process the temperature
of the water inside the capillary tube is reduced which is Fig 1.9: Voltage Controller
connected to the other end of the copper tube. When the 2.1.7 Insulation Plate
water with lower temperature flows through the copper tube Wood is known to be a good insulator. So, wood is used to
inside the hot tank and the temperature of the water being low insulate the surface between hot and cold tank. So that heat
will absorb the temperature of the sand in the hot tank acting cannot escape to other side. Wood along with glass wool is
as a thermal siphon for hot tank. used to make a better insulation. The heat from the hot tank
may reach to the cold tank and increase the temperature of the
water in the cold tank. So for that reason an insulation plate is
placed between the hot tank and the cold tank to create a
separation and barrier to the heat from the hot tank. Wooden
plate is also used to fix two Peltier Modules.

Fig 1.6: CAD Model of Hot Tank

2.1.4 Fans

Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2460 & Sciences Publication
A Report on Design & Setup of Peltier Module Based Air Cooler

Hot Length-0.195m, Breadth-0.13m,

Tank GI Sheets 1 Heigth-0.03m

Fig 1.8:-CAD model of Hot Tank with Insulation plate

2.1.8 Copper Tube Peltier 12V , 6A Length-0.04m, Breadth-0.04m,
Module (MAX) 2 Height-0.004m
Copper tube is used to circulate the water inside the hot
tank and also take the heat from the hot sand and sent it to the
pump. The cross section of the copper tube is 0.8mm and the
copper is known to have better conductivity.
2.1.9 Capillary Tube 24v DC, 1.38
amps(brushles Length-0.12m, Breadth-0.12m,
[11] Capillary tube is made up of copper of smaller cross section
Fans s DC) 2 Width-0.038m
about 0.2mm. Water is forced to pass through the capillary tube in
order to cool through sudden decrease of cross section. So, in order
to overcome the resistance offered by the capillary tube the liquid is
sure to lose some energy and that energy in form of heat. Thus, we
can obtain cold water and can re-circulate it within the hot tank to Flow Rate-780
maintain optimum temperature. Centrifu L/HR, INPUT:
2.1.10 DC to DC Converter gal 160V-230V/5 Length-0.08m,Breadth-0.056m,h
The DC to DC Converter of 15W is used to run portable Pump 0Hz. 1 eight-0.07m
electronic devices. Here we are using it to run our two Peltier
Modules of 6V each.

Controll 220V AC to Length-0.11m, Breadth-0.075m,
er 24V 6A DC 1 Heigth-0.035

Insulati Length-0.175m, Breadth-0.1m,

on Plate Wooden plate 1 Heigth-0.004m
Fig 1.9: CAD MODEL Of Components Before
DC To Voltage:
DC 4-40V,
Convert Frequency-15 Length-0.055m,
er 0KHZ 1 Breadth-0.035m, Height0.01m

Air Length-0.14m, Breadth-0.07m,

Duct GI Sheet 2 Height-0.145m
Fig 1.10: CAD MODEL of Components after assembly
Table 1.1 – List Of Components
3.1.1 Cooling Systems
Of Table 1.2: Cost of Cooling Systems
The Components Quantity/Length Cost
Eleme Specificatio Quant Capillary
nt ns ity Dimensions tube 1 No. Rs.50
Copper tube 4 ft. /ft.
Fans 2 No. /fan
Rs 10
Length- 0.4m, Breadth-0.15m, Plastic tubes 3 ft. / ft.
Cold Depth of water it can hold – Pump 1 No. 250
Tank GI Sheets 1 0.025m

Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2461 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020

3.1.2 Storage Systems conductivity of sand and GI Sheet we get the heat transfer
Table 1.3: Cost of Storage Systems We see that the heat transfer rate of the system is lesser than
Components Quantity Cost the heat emission rate of the peltier module. So to combat
Cold tank 1 Rs 400 with this problem we apply thermal paste.
Hot tank 1 Rs 300 𝑄 = 𝐾𝐴(𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑)/𝐷
Fan casing 1 Rs 400 Table1.7: Calculation After Thermal Paste Application
∆𝑻 Heat Emission (𝑸𝒆𝒎) Heat transfer rate(Q)
3.1.3 Peltier Module 40℃ 21.33 W 10.27 W
Table 1.4: Cost of Peltier Module 70℃ 21.44 W 10.63 W
Components Quantity Cost
Peltier module 2 in quantity Rs 500 / module
3.1.4 Other Component In the previous design there was a separate cold tank and
Table 1.5: Cost Of The Other Components casing of fan but in the new one a combined chamber for cold
Components Quantity Cost tank with fan casing is to be made so that it can withstand the
vibration during motion of fan and no separate joining is
1 Rs 480 required and no chance of effective loosening of the joints.
Apart from that a honey comb structure is to be made
Battery 2 Rs 330/battery
alongside the casing of fan to absorb the moisture of the air
Battery charger 1 Rs 400 which increase the degree of comfort. Moreover, An outer
Zip tag 100 piece Rs 100 cover is made covering the hot tank and other static
M-seals 4 packets Rs 40 components. All the electrical wiring is covered properly to
2 in Rs avoid accidents. Proper coating of the material is needed for
Spray paints effective heat insulation of the hot tank. And all the electrical
quantity 139/paint
connections are taped to provide effective shock proof cooler
DC converter 1 Rs 440 in case of any emergency.


6.1 Materials
Here model no. is -12706 , which indicates its maximum
Our main aim was to build an air cooler which is both
voltage 12V and maximum current 6A. These values are
lightweight and portable so for that we choose Aluminum
theoretical but in actual it is found that maximum voltage will
which would be cheaper too. During manufacturing it will be
be around 11.06 V and maximum current be 5.27A. For the
much easier to join the ends of the sheet because brazing can
sake of calculation we take the theoretical values. Therefore,
be done on it with accuracy. Moreover, it can carry the weight
we find the resistance to be 2Ω(ohm) but in actual it is around
of fan and other parts like voltage regulator etc. alongside it
2.1Ω. As the main motto of this research paper is to dissipate
can also withstand the wear and tear during manufacturing.
the heat to achieve the optimum cooling. So, we here only
As a result, both the hot and cool tank can be built with
calculate the heat emission from the hot side.
𝑄𝑒𝑚 = 𝛼𝐼𝑇ℎ − ∆𝑇 ⁄𝜃 + .5𝐼 2 𝑅 []
6.2 Manufacturing
For example, if we take ∆𝑇 = 40℃ , R=2Ω ,we get the total
During manufacturing the main problem was lack of
heat emission to be 21.33 W. As we are going to increase the
equipment’s so bench vice, hammer and hydraulic press
temperature difference the heat emission will increase
would be required for the job to be done effectively with
according to the equation. Hence, it is proved that the Peltier
accuracy. As the shape of the tank is very important for the
Module is efficient in lower thermal gradient. In this
proper functioning of cooler. Vents had to be cut out in the
experimental setup , Peltier Module is attached with voltage
cold tank for that we would require proper cutting tool which
controller whose resistance is found to be 0.24Ω when
would cut in the exact dimension. Aluminum can also
applied to 220V AC to 24V,6A DC . So, accordingly heat
withstand high wear and tear during cutting of vents in the
emission will also increase.
tank. Many holes of accurate dimension are needed to be
Table 1.6: Calculative Values
Hot Side Cold Side ∆𝑻 Heat Emission
drilled for which dot punch and hand drill is required.
Temperature Temperature (𝑸𝒆𝒎) The sheets are folded with proper bench vice and hammer
60℃ 20℃ 40℃ 21.33W
such that there is no opening in the edges then the bending is
done by press for accurate result. Now after the bending is
80℃ 10℃ 70℃ 21.44W done properly then silica gel along with M-seal is used in the
edges to fill up any cracks or holes formed during
manufacturing to prevent any leakage. no separate air duct is
Hot tank is made up of GI Sheets and sand filled , we
to be made for the fans. For that proper bending and pressing
calculate the heat transfer rate of both the material in order to
equipment’s are required.
get the proper arrangement . After calculating we get the heat
transfer rate of sand with GI Sheet is 6.61 W. The surface
area of the hot tank is found to be .025𝑚2 multiplied by heat

Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2462 & Sciences Publication
A Report on Design & Setup of Peltier Module Based Air Cooler

VII. CONCLUSION & FUTURE SCOPE 12. “Experimental Development Of Two Phase Thermo Siphons And
Capillary Lift Which Performed Much Better In Natural Convection”
Thermoelectric coolers are used for removing heat from mili By Saket Kumar ; Ashutosh Gupta ; Gaurav Yadav ; Hemender
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power are measured by the change of their AC resistance. But Tirunelveliregion, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.
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the work status of this project as of now still remains in ahmed Al- Rubaye, Khaled Al-Farhany* And Kadhim
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machinability of the material similar to aluminum sheets 17. “Specification of thermoelectric module TEC1-12706 Creative
technology with fine manufacturing processes”, provides you the
used. reliable and quality products Tel:+86-791-88198288
• Need for a development of a more efficient thermal Fax:+86-791-88198308 Email:Sales@Thermonamic.Com.Cn
syphon for increasing the COP of the current apparatus Website:Www.Thermonamic.Com.Cn
18. https://d2t1xqejof9utc.cloudfront.net/cads/files/23ef78abaebac95620e
to compensate for the loss in operationally at higher
temperature. 19. https://d2t1xqejof9utc.cloudfront.net/cads/files/660600bf72baf4f1668
• Higher powered COP attached with voltage regulator to 53922b2814427/original.zip
augment cooling a changing the cooling temperature
with the change in voltage of the system.
Devjyoti Pal was born in 1997 in Kolkata city , West
The author would like to acknowledge Kantanu kr. Behera & Bengal . He has done his B.Tech (Mehanical Engineering)
Ali Ansari to provide the required technical guidance , from KIIT University in 2019 . He is currently working as
helping out in Ansys software. Author would also like to a junior CAD Engineer in CADD Centre , Hazratganj,
thank the reviewers for their valuable suggestion in order to Lucknow having an experience of about 4 months.
enhance the manuscript of interests regarding the publication
of this paper. Ali Ansari was born in 1996 in Lucknow city, Uttar
Pradesh. He is currently doing M.Tech (Structural
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Retrieval Number: A3010059120/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.A3010.059120 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
2463 & Sciences Publication

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