Guidelines For Risk Management
Guidelines For Risk Management
Guidelines For Risk Management
Prepared by the Injury Prevention & Management Unit
ACT Department of Education and Community Services
September 1999
Also available on the the Department of Education and Community Services Injury
Prevention and Management Unit Internet Site:
Part of this document is adapted from the Education Queensland Manual Health and Safety
HS-10 Workplace Health and Safety. Full recognition is given of the work, layout and
copyright pertaining to those documents.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 6 WOODWORK
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 1
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
1.2 Implementation of this document will assist to ensure:
• the Department complies with its obligations under the modified OHS Act;
• the Department’s employees are aware of their OH&S responsibilities and
provide the impetus to maintain safe and healthy working environments in all
work areas managed by the department;
• OH&S is considered in equipment and facilities design;
• safe systems of work are maintained;
• hazards and risks are identified, considered and eliminated or minimised when
purchasing, commissioning or maintaining facilities, goods and equipment;
• the provision of appropriate information, training and safety equipment at the
local and systems level to promote support safe work;
• regular monitoring of accident, incident and illness reports and rapid response,
particularly at the local level, to eliminate identified hazards.
1.3 • management of health and safety based on a system of risk identification, risk
assessment and risk control;
• commitment at all levels of management to the maintenance and improvement
of health and safety;
• effective systems of consultation at the local level with employees and elected
health and safety representatives;
• provision of appropriate information and training to employees and students
to promote and support this policy.
1.4 Statutory obligations under the modified OHS Act and the common-law duty of
care apply to staff and others placed in a position of responsibility or who have
responsibility for the supervision of students.
1.5 The principle of “vicarious liability” means employers bear the costs resulting from
negligent acts or omissions of an employee. Thus claims for damages will usually
be made against the ACT as the employer for Departmental staff.
1.6 The Territory is normally named as the defendant if the alleged cause is faulty
equipment or premises. The Territory’s liability depends on the facts of each
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
1.8 The Department may exercise its right to take action against the employee if
evidence concludes the employee has been negligent in carrying out their duty.
1.9 Employees who as a direct result of the carrying out of their duties are subject to
claims against them will receive the protection of the Territory, provided they have
acted reasonably and have followed Departmental policies and procedures.
1.10 Principals are responsible for the implementation of these guidelines. This can be
achieved through:
• information, instruction, training and supervision which ensures staff are
familiar with and comply with statutory and departmental health and safety
• information made available to visitors and members of the public using school
• ensuring safe work practices are implemented and maintained;
• appropriate instruction and supervision arrangements for students;
• consideration of students with special needs (e.g. students of culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds, students with disabilities and students with
learning difficulties);
• ensuring staff have the appropriate qualifications or experience to facilitate
chosen or specific activities;
• consultation which precedes planning of new operations, changes in present
operations or the introduction of a new plant or equipment;
• prompt reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents and corrective
action initiated (refer ACTGS Occupational Health and Safety Policy No
P-17 Accident Investigation - Supervisor Responsibilities); and
• ensuring contractors undertake their obligations in a manner that is safe to
themselves, departmental employees, students and members of the public.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 2
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
2. Risk Management
2.1 The risk management process must be used to identify hazards and to assess and
control risks associated with activities.
2.3 The risk management process will assist teachers/leaders to make considered
decisions to discharge their “duty of care”.
2.4 The risk management process should be undertaken and reviewed at least annually.
It should also be undertaken when new staff, students, equipment or tasks are
introduced. The process should be reviewed to ensure that all potential hazards
were identified and risks involved were accurately assessed. Control measures
should also be reviewed to evaluate their effectiveness and ensure that no additional
hazards have been created by them.
Identification of Hazards
2.5 Teachers/leaders should identify potential hazards and assess the associated risks
within proposed curriculum activities. Potential hazards include but are not limited
• mechanical energy (contact with moving machinery parts causing entanglement,
friction or abrasion, cutting, shear, stabbing or puncture, impact or crushing);
• gravity (falling objects, tripping/falling);
• access/egress (slips, trips, falls, moving objects/equipment, obstructions and
• handling and lifting (large/heavy materials, equipment, student projects);
• chemicals (toxic, irritant, flammable, corrosive, explosive);
• inhalation of atmospheric contaminants (mists, fumes, vapours and dust);
• electricity (shocks, burns);
• thermal energy (spills and splashes of hot matter);
• temperature extremes (the effects of heat and cold);
• visual (inadequate lighting);
• kinetic energy (projectiles, penetrating objects);
• pressure (explosion, compressed air risks);
• radiation (ultraviolet, arc flashes, microwaves, lasers);
• biological matter (infections materials, micro-organisms);
• vibration (hands, whole body);
• suffocation;
• housekeeping (storage, combustibles);
• hygiene (amenities, first aid); and
• noise.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Risk Assessment
2.8 Teachers/leaders must examine activities related to the work processes and
equipment to be used to identify and assess potential hazards.
2.9 The following factors will affect the level of risk involved:
• the probability* of a hazardous situation occurring (how often and for how
long are persons exposed to potentially hazardous situations you’ve identified);
• the consequence and/or severity of a potential hazardous event or situation (i.e.
fatality, major, minor or negligible injuries);
• the appropriateness of the activity for students capabilities;
• the teacher's/leader's qualifications and/or experience;
• the characteristics of the students;
• the characteristics of the physical environment; and
• the level of supervision, including the ratio of students to teachers and/or leaders.
2.10 The probability of accidents occurring can range from frequent to improbable. The
consequences of accidents can be fatal in one extreme to negligible resulting injuries
at the other end of the scale. A risk table can be used to assess the level of risk for
each identified hazard. Remember that the factors outlined in section 2.9 (above)
will affect the level of risk.
Probability Fatal Major Minor Negligible
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Risk Control
2.11 Measures to eliminate or minimise the risk of injury or disease should be
considered in the following order:
• elimination of hazard at the source;
• substitution (replace with less hazardous equipment or substances);
• isolation (provision of a barrier between the hazard and person(s) at risk);
• engineering (modifying equipment, provision of mechanical ventilation);
• safe work practices (including provision of training where necessary);
• administration (reducing the person's exposure to hazard); and
• use of personal protective equipment.
2.12 Where possible the risk of injury and disease should be controlled through
elimination, substitution, engineering or isolation. These control measures
remove, reduce or minimise risk in a more reliable and permanent manner than
safe work practices, administration or personal protective equipment.
2.14 Principals should ensure that safe work practices which are developed and
implemented are documented for future reference.
2.16 Personal protective equipment provided by the school must be functionally and
hygienically maintained, worn correctly and replaced when necessary.
Appropriate training/information for correct use and maintenance requirements
should be provided prior to the use of personal protective equipment. Refer to
Section 3.6 for clothing and personal protective equipment requirements.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
2.19 Principals should be notified when the risk assessment process identifies a hazard
that cannot be reduced to an acceptable level. In this case the school should
implement short-term control measures (e.g. not using the equipment, facilities or
process). Proposed long term control measures valued over $5,000 should be
referred to the Facilities Planning & Projects Section for consideration in the minor
new works program or to the Property Management Section as appropriate. The
Injury Prevention and Management Unit may be contacted for further technical or
legal advice.
2.21 The control measures should also be assessed to determine their effectiveness and
ensure additional hazards have not been created by their implementation.
2.22 Hazard identification, risk assessment and control is an ongoing process which
should include regular reviews of the safety of equipment, hazardous substances
and systems of work. This is particularly important when changes to the
workplace environment, materials, equipment, processes or the users occur.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 3
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Allocation of Responsibilities
3.2 Principals must ensure staff are aware of and fulfill delegated specific workplace
health and safety responsibilities.
Purchasing Goods
3.3 Potential health and safety issues must be considered at the selection stage of the
purchasing process to ensure that substances, equipment or services purchased will
not lead to an unacceptable risk of injury or adverse health affects.
Goods and services should be assessed for potential risks associated with:
• manual handling hazards;
• chemical hazards;
• mechanical hazards;
• electrical hazards;
• production hazards (e.g. repetitive strain injury);
• storage hazards;
• disposal hazards; and
• other hazards (excessive noise, vibration, radiation etc.).
Hazardous Substances
3.4 Principals must ensure:
• a register of hazardous substances comprising Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) which are available from suppliers and manufacturers (other than
retailers), is maintained in each workplace;
• hazardous substances are appropriately labelled and stored;
• appropriate dangerous goods labels are displayed as necessary (e.g. flammable
liquids); and
• advice on hazardous substances is sought from the OH&S Adviser as
Plant and Equipment
3.5 Plant and equipment must be maintained in safe working order (refer to relevant
Australian Standards and manufacturer's instructions). Principals should ensure:
• where maintenance is conducted under contract, the conditions should state
defined standards (e.g. legislative requirements and Australian Standards); and
• regular checks are made of equipment.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Managing Contractors
3.5 It is common for principals to use contractors (eg. plumbers, electricians, carpet
repairers, pest controllers and grounds maintenance personnel) to undertake specific
tasks at their school. Tasks can range from minor repairs and maintenance to major
repairs, maintenance refurbishments or new works organised through Central Office.
The principal has overall responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all persons at
their school. It is important to remember that the duty of care is non-delegable. This
extends to ensuring that any contractor employed in the workplace is using reasonable
care to avoid reasonably foreseeable risk of injury or damage. It is clearly up to
principals to ensure that contractors are protecting their own health and safety, in
addition to that of all employees and third parties in the workplace. Principals should
not assume that once a contractor is engaged to perform a task, the contractor and
his/her employees have the responsibility for managing health and safety risks
associated with that task.
When engaging contractors principals can fulfil their duty of care by:
The level of monitoring and supervision will depend on such factors as:
• complexity of the tasks;
• the level of risk;
• location of work; and
• interaction with other parties (departmental employees, other contractors, third
While many of the above tasks may be undertaken by other staff, especially registrars
and bursars, the principal, as the person in charge of the workplace, retains a personal
duty of care under the modified OHS Act.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
• not wearing loose clothing, jewellery or other ornaments that could become
entangled on moving equipment or catch on stationary objects;
• wearing caps or hairnets to contain long hair and eliminate entanglement hazards;
• wearing other appropriate equipment to eliminate the risk of injury e.g. safety
goggles, face shield, bicycle helmet or a mouth guard.
Alternative activities should be arranged for students who do not meet these
Employee Training
3.7 Staff should be provided with induction, job-related and health and safety specific
Emergency Procedures
3.9 Schools must develop emergency first aid and evacuation procedures. These may be
general or specific to work areas or curriculum activities.
Further Information
3.10 Further information is available from the Department’s OH&S Adviser
on ( 620 59150.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 4
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
4. Risk Levels
4.1 To ensure that an activity is a safe yet challenging and enriching personal
experience, the level and type of risk must be managed appropriately. With that
responsibility comes the temptation to completely remove all types of risks and to
guarantee safety; the potential result can, however, be to limit the learning
outcomes and to detract from the experience of the individual. The aim must be to
manage and minimise risk and limit accidents to a level associated with everyday
living. Principals and teachers should assess the potential for injury and implement
appropriate control measures where necessary.
4.2 Risk levels or categories have been determined in the activity modules (from
Section 6) to reflect the level of risk involved or the degree of complexity
encountered in the activity. Levels of risk will vary depending on:
• the teacher/leader’s expertise;
• student/teacher ratio;
• student skills;
• diversity of student characteristics ; and
• facilities and equipment used.
4.4 Only Low Risk (Level 1) activities should be undertaken under general
supervision in primary schools. Medium risk activities may be undertaken if
the potential for injury is minimised through 1:1 adult/student supervision.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Some examples of low-risk activities are: bending; gluing; cutting; nailing; tearing;
building; designing; knotting; running; jumping; dancing; writing; moving to music;
painting; weaving; playing instruments; and working with clay.
Some examples of medium risk activities are: chiselling; heating (using a stove or
microwave); cutting metal; drilling using a low powered electric drill; using
electrical equipment; high jumping; soldering; planing and cutting with bolt
cutters/Stanley knives/lino cutters.
Some examples of high risk activities are: using a lathe; scuba diving; throwing a
javelin; using chemicals not available readily at the supermarket (e.g. copper
sulphate, mineral acids); heating using a Bunsen burner; growing micro-organisms;
fabricating; injecting; disc-sanding; bee-keeping; and strip heating.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 5
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
5. Introduction
5.1 This module outlines minimum requirements recommended to maintain a safe
classroom. Additional requirements specific to particular curriculum activities are
included in the relevant sections which follow.
5.3 These activities will require the use of various materials/equipment which may include:
• crayons/textas/pencils • plastics
• fabric • paints
• clay • adhesives
• trundle wheels • solvents
• scissors • balls
• paper and paper products • tumbling mats
• rulers • containers
• objects gathered in the local • nails
environment • musical instruments
• wool
• wood and wood based products
5.4 Classrooms could include a range of equipment, tools, work benches, storage space,
wet working areas and various types of power outlets.
Principals' responsibilities
Principals or their nominated officers should:
5.5 • approve all elements of an activity involving the maintenance of a safe classroom;
• refer teachers to their responsibilities in managing classroom activities; and
• approve the involvement of any leader.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
5.8 Teachers are responsible for managing a safe educational environment and ensuring
classroom activities address safety issues and procedures.
5.10 Teachers/leaders are reminded to refer to the Risk Management section of this
Teacher/leader Qualifications
5.11 It is recognised that all qualified teachers have general teaching competencies.
5.13 If an adult other than a qualified teacher is engaged for instruction, a qualified teacher
should be present to take overall responsibility.
Student Safety
5.14 To determine limits for safe working numbers of students, staff should consider:
• complexity of the activity being undertaken;
• the number of activities being engaged in by the student group simultaneously;
• maturity of the student group;
• skills levels of individual students;
• amount of space required by each student in the group to work safely (this is
often determined by the size of individual student projects);
• level of risk inherent in the activity being undertaken; and
• experience and qualifications of the teacher.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
5.16 Teachers should seek information from parents/care givers and students of any
condition (e.g. physical or medical) that may impair a student's capacity to engage
safely in these activities, including the use of equipment. Teachers should investigate
any reported condition before students participate in the activity and take necessary
precautions to ensure the students safe participation. This information should be
available on the medical form completed annually by parents and kept in the school.
Management of Activity
5.21 Introduction of classroom activities requires:
• theoretical instruction on equipment operation/use;
• assessment of student’s comprehension of personal safety and safe operation
procedures; and
• practical demonstrations by the leader.
5.24 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information should be obtained for all hazardous
substances used in the classroom including paints, adhesives, glues, and solvents.
Particular attention should be given to the safe and correct use, storage, disposal and
clean up of hazardous substances.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
5.25 The classroom layout should be appropriate for the activity. Arrange classroom
equipment and furniture for persons to see all work areas clearly, have ready access
and work freely.
5.26 The size of any classroom should be commensurate with its intended purpose and there
should be sufficient space for the activity
5.27 Classroom activities should not compromise the health and safety of staff or students.
5.28 Consideration should be given to providing suitable work heights and access for
students with special needs.
5.29 Equipment should be arranged to minimise any risks which may stem from their
5.30 The location of equipment and materials should allow for quick and efficient exit in
case of fire or other emergencies.
5.31 The location should be appropriate for the activity and considered in respect to the
type of equipment being used.
5.32 The location should enable sufficient supervision to be maintained at all times.
This will vary depending on the maturity and responsibility of the students.
5.33 All walkways should be left free of obstructions to reduce the risk of tripping.
5.34 Work area floors should have a non-slip surface to reduce the occurrence of slips
and falls.
5.35 First aid equipment and consumable items appropriate to the activity should be
available readily.
5.36 Any equipment used should have necessary guards fitted.
5.37 Portable electrical equipment must have current electrical test certification
(refer Section 7.13).
5.39 Privately owned equipment used at school should meet the criteria (above) and specific
criteria outlined in the appropriate sections.
5.40 Teachers should make check regularly personal protective equipment supplied by or to
students to ensure compliance with Australian Standard Specification and it is in good
serviceable condition.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
5.41 Teachers should leave the work area (including equipment and tools) in a safe, clean
and tidy condition
5.46 Appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn by all persons who may be
at risk as a result of an activity being engaged in the classroom.
5.47 Teachers should establish alternative procedures for students who are not dressed
appropriately or prepared adequately to participate safely in the activity.
5.48 For small group activities operating at any one time, teachers should take into account
the number of students in the work area, the number of activities and the level of
difficulty of each activity.
5.49 The potential for exposure to the following hazardous substances should be eliminated
or minimised by providing fume extraction in classrooms or by conducting the activity
• dusts;
• spray painting vapour;
• chemicals;
• solvents and surface finisher fume; and
• adhesives fume.
Initially, teachers/leaders should ensure the materials with the potential exposure of
the (above) hazardous substances are appropriate for the activity. An assessment of
risk and appropriate control measures should be undertaken as outlined in
Sections 2.8 - 2.22.
5.50 As far as is practicable teachers should control, administer or engineer the use of
equipment to minimise noise.
5.51 Students should be informed of increased risks which occur when more than one
person engages in an activity and uses equipment/materials at any one time.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Emergency Procedures
5.54 Teachers should develop a clearly defined emergency procedure and ensure access to a
qualified person with appropriate first aid training. (Refer to the Department’s Health
and Safety Policy - First Aid.)
5.60 Safety goggles should be worn if there is potential for injury to the eyes.
5.61 Any sustained injuries should be reported and recorded on the appropriate accident
report form.
5.62 For evacuation purposes, exits should be clearly marked and exit passages should be
clear of equipment/machines/facilities.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 6
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
6. Definition
6.1 Woodwork refers to marking, cutting, waste removal, joining, gluing and finishing
timber and timber-based products for the purpose of manipulate or work this material
to a desired shape or design.
6.2 Processes covered by this module include:
• marking;
• sawing;
• assembling;
• hand drilling;
• screwing;
• hand sanding;
• nailing;
• gluing;
• staining; and
• hammering.
6.3 Principals or their nominated officers should approve all elements of a woodwork
activity and refer teachers to their responsibilities to manage these activities.
6.4 Hazards encountered in woodwork may include:
• inhalation of sanding dusts and vapours from paints/solvents;
• sharp cutting and edged forming tools;
• ejected materials e.g. from drilling, sawing, hammering; and
• electric shock from faults in power leads or power tools.
6.5 The risk management process outlined in Section 2 requires teachers/leaders to identify
and manage additional hazards not mentioned previously.
Teacher Responsibilities
Management of Activity
6.6 Skill development in woodwork should be progressive and sequential. Initially,
leaders should supervise any practical application. Teachers/leaders are reminded to
refer to the hazards outlined in Section 2. Safety considerations should be
reinforced throughout the activity.
6.7 The location should be appropriate for the activity and be considered in respect to:
• the level of difficulty of the activity;
• the number of students involved in the activity; and
• the tools and equipment being used.
6.8 The workroom should meet the safety requirements listed in Section 5.
6.9 First aid equipment and consumable items appropriate to the activity should be
available readily.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
6.10 Aids to increase safety (e.g. in the operation of saws and hand drills) are recommended
for unskilled persons or students with disabilities.
6.13 There should be sufficient ventilation during sanding, painting and gluing, especially
when the materials used (e.g. contact adhesives, paints, solvents and glues) release
6.14 The level of difficulty of the activity should be appropriate to the number of students
involved in the activity and the selected location (Refer Section 2).
6.16 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be obtained for paints, adhesives, glues,
solvents and medium and high density fibreboards before they are used in school
6.17 Teachers should instruct/encourage students to check with the teacher/leader before an
activity commences or when in doubt as to how to proceed safely.
6.18 Blunt edge tools are more dangerous than properly maintained tools because of the
extra pressure required to use them. Tools should be maintained properly.
6.19 Students should be advised that step ladders and other student-manufactured articles
may be unsafe for use other than as a demonstration exercise because of either
manufacture defect or design fault.
6.20 All work with timber should be carried out in such a way as to minimise the generation
of dust. Hand power tools should be fitted with dust bags and used in well-ventilated
areas. A high efficiency vacuum cleaner or wet mop should be used to clean work
areas. A dry sweeping method should not be used.
6.21 Teachers should be aware of the hazards associated with poisonous or carcinogenic
wood dust produced when working with specific species of wood. The following table
provides a list of timber hazards.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
6.22 Dust from the following wood is also known to produce or is suspected of producing
respiratory health problems:
§Acacia spp. §Dahoma §Myrtle §Sandalwood
§Alpine and §Ebony §Obeche §Satinwood
Mountain Ash §Elm §Olivewood §Sassafras
§Ash §Eucalyptus spp. §Opepe §Sequoia
§Bald Cypress §Fir §Oregon §Snakewood
§Baywood §Foxwood §Pine §Spruce
§Beech Oak §Goncalo Aves §Padauk §Walnut
§Birch §Greenheart §Palm §Wenge
§Black Bean §Hemlock §Pau Ferro §White Cypress Pine
§Blackwood §Iroko §Peroba Rosa §White Handlewood
§Boxwood §Indian §Poison Walnut §Willow
§Brigalow Sandlewood §Purpleheart §Teak
§Cashew §Jacaranda §Quebracho §Yellow Gum,
§Chestnut §Mahogany §Red Cabbage Spotted Gum
§Cedar §Mansonia Tree §Yew
§Cocobolo §Maple §Redwood §Zebrawood
§Coolibah §Mimosa §Rosewood
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
6.23 The wood listed in Sections 6.22 and 6.23 are provided as examples. Staff are
advised to seek hazard information associated with any type of wood before
purchasing/using the material. Additional information about wood and associated
hazards is available from the Department’s OH&S Adviser in the Injury
Prevention and Management Unit.
6.24 High density fibreboards are made using up to 13% formaldehyde resin.
Formaldehyde is classified as a probable human carcinogen and may be released
during machining. The fine softwood dust from this product is a sensitiser and
may cause allergic dermatitis or asthma. Respiratory protection as specified on
the MSDS must be worn when machining. The risk of nasal or paranasal sinus
cancers is increased if the work practices noted in the MSDS are not followed.
6.25 Softwood timbers from coniferous trees such as pine and chipboard (which is
largely composed of chipped softwood) may be less of a risk to a person’s health
and should be used where practicable. Protection should, however, be provided
against the inhalation of all dusts.
6.26 Many tropical timbers are spalted (i.e. black lines are present within the timber). These
black lines are caused by a fungus. Any timber with fungal spores will grow fungus in a
bag. When this timber is worked (by hand or machine) the dust may be toxic.
6.27 Apart from the effects of the wood itself, risks posed by the use of chemicals in wood
treatment, preservation and finishing should be considered.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Section 7
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
7 Definition
7.1 Portable electrical power equipment refers to appliances or tools that are portable by
nature in their use. They may be battery-operated or run on electricity from a power
source. In some instances, tools/equipment can be fixed temporarily for ease of use.
Principals' Responsibilities
7.2 Principals or their nominated officers should approve all elements of an activity
involving the use of portable electrical power equipment.
Principals should ensure that portable electric power equipment fitted with a flexible
power supply cord is checked and tagged annually by an authorised electrician.
Risk Levels
7.3 • The equipment is categorised in risk levels depending on:
• the complexity of the operation;
• the degree of rish associated with the operation of the machine; and
• the severity of the consequences of any potential accident.
7.4 Low risk activities using low-risk equipment are appropriate for primary school students.
Low-risk equipment may include: battery-operated tools with low power and capacity,
engravers, low-voltage electric pencils, electric pencil sharpeners, electric mixers,
photocopiers, computers, facsimile machines, overhead projectors and slide projectors.
7.5 Teachers should note risk levels are subjective and the degree of risk will vary
according to local conditions such as teacher's experience and expertise, student
abilities and competence, the location and the equipment used.
7.6 Hazards encountered in operating portable electrical power equipment may include:
• electricity (power faults, faulty equipment, incorrect use);
• inhalation (fumes, dust);
• moving and rotating parts (blades and bits, tool disintegration, entanglement);
• movement (artefact moving or unstable) and;
• heat (burns from hot materials or friction).
7.7 The risk management process requires all teachers/leaders to identify and manage
additional hazards not mentioned previously.
Teacher Responsibilities
7.8 Teachers are responsible for managing a safe educational environment and ensuring
that activities involving the operation of portable electrical power equipment address
safety issues and procedures.
Student Safety
7.9 Teachers should determine the students' capabilities to engage in the operation of
portable power equipment.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Management of Activity
7.11 Safety considerations should be reinforced throughout the activity.
7.13 • The location should be appropriate to the operation of portable power
equipment and be considered in respect to the type of equipment being used;
• First aid equipment and consumable items appropriate to the activity should be
7.14 All portable electrical equipment should be inspected and tagged annually by a
licensed electrical contractor in accordance with Australian Standard
3760-1990. A record of the testing including the contractor’s name, date of
inspection, details of equipment inspected and test results should be kept for a
period of 2 years.
7.15 All mains voltage portable electrical equipment and extension lead, if attached, should
be protected by an earth leakage circuit breaker.
7.16 Guards and safety devices designed for the portable machine must be in place.
7.17 Use of extension leads should be restricted where possible. Extension leads need to be
visually checked for cuts and defects each time they are used and be stored in a neat
and tidy manner with plug ends secured and out of the way. This will minimise both
electrical and trip hazards.
7.18 Privately owned equipment used at school should meet the criteria described in the
previous paragraphs.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
7.20 The number of students involved to operate the equipment and the level of difficulty of
the activity should be appropriate to the selected location (refer Section 5).
7.21 Teachers should establish alternative procedures/activities for students not dressed
appropriately or prepared to participate safely in the operation of the equipment.
7.22 Students should be alerted of the need to report immediately to the teacher/leader any
damage or problem associated with the safe operation of equipment.
7.23 Adequate ventilation should be available to limit inhalation of dust or fumes from
classroom activities. Refer Section 5.53.
7.24 Electric extension leads are not to be laid across walkways or placed in an area where
they may be subjected to danger.
7.25 Teachers should develop safe work practices for the handling of materials or tools with
cutting edges and/or that cause friction and generate heat. Formal student instruction
should then include these appropriate safe work practices to eliminate/minimise
potential injuries.
7.26 Waste materials control and disposal measures should be developed and reflect the
type and volume of waste being generated.
7.27 Appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn by all persons operating
portable power equipment. This equipment should:
• be appropriate to the risk associated with the machine process; and
• conform to Australian Standards specifications, if applicable. See
Sections 2.15 and 3.6.
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
The list below is intended as a guide; it is not exhaustive. More recent versions of codes and standards apply as
they become available. Enquiries in relation to these documents can be made to the Departmental OHS
Adviser on ( 620 59150.
ACT Public Service Workplace Injury Prevention and Management Internet site:
ACT Government Service Occupational Health and Safety Policy Manual
ACT Department of Education & Training Injury Prevention and Management Policy
Policy and Procedures Document for Occupational Health and Safety in ACT Government Secondary
Technology Programs
Policy and Procedures Document for Occupational Health and Safety in ACT Government Secondary Science
Guidelines for Risk Management in Primary Schools
Australian Standards
Safety and Health in Work areas of Educational Establishments AS 1485-1983
Rules for the Design and Use of Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment AS 1319-1984
Recommended Practices for Eye Protection in the Industrial Environment AS 1336-1997
Code of General Principles for Safe Working in Industry AS 1470-1986
Guarding and Safe Use of Woodworking Machinery AS 1473-1991
Interior Lighting - General Principles and Recommendations AS 1680.1-1990
Interior Lighting- Educational and Training Facilities AS 1680.2.3-1994
Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Devices AS 1715-1994
Respiratory Protective Devices AS 1716-1994
Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment
- Part 1 Portable Fire Extinguishers AS 1851-1995
Code of Practice for the Guarding and Safe Use of Metal and Paper Cutting Guillotines AS 1893-1977
Code of Practice for Guarding and Safe Use of Portable Electric Tools for Domestic Use AS 1895-1977
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code AS 1940-1993
Laser Safety AS 2211-1997
Approval and Test Specification for Hand-held Portable Electric Tools AS 3160-1996
Approval and Test Specification for Residual Current Devices
- (Current Operated Earth Leakage Devices) AS 3190-1994
Approval and Test Specification Electric Flexible Cords AS 3191-1996
Plant in the Workplace, Making it Safe, Worksafe Australia (AGPS Bookshop).
Artist Beware; Michael McCann, Watson Guptill, New York.
Bartlett Report. Occupational Health and Safety in the Arts; Australia Council, 1985.
Control of health hazards in screen printing, Printing Industry Advisory Committee, Health and Safety
Commission, England, 1988.
Guidelines on Chemical Hazards, Health and Safety Bulletin No. 16, ACTU-VTHC, 1982.
Guidelines on Occupational Skin Diseases, Parts 1 and 2, Health and Safety Bulletin No's 49 and 50, ACTU-
VTHC 1987.
Guidelines on Working with Solvents, Health and Safety Bulletin, No. 48, ACTU-VTHC 1986.
Health and Safety at Work; John Mathews, Pluto Press, 1993.
Health Hazards Manual for Artists; Michael McCann, Nick Lyons Books, New York.
Occupational Diseases of the Skin, Worksafe Australia Guide, November 1990.
Occupational Health and Safety in the Arts; A General Approach, Australia Council, Sydney, 1987.
Portrait of an Art Teacher; Art Craft Teachers Association of Victoria
Ventilation: A Practical Guide, Nancy Clark et al, Centre for Occupational Hazards inc., New York, 1984.
Your Body at Work, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Canberra.