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Agricultural Crop Production (Acp) NC I: Prepare Materials, Tools and Equipment For Horticultural Production Work

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Senior High School

Agricultural Crop Production

First Quarter – Week 2
Prepare Materials, Tools and Equipment for
Horticultural Production Work
ACP – Grade 11
Curriculum Guide (CG) – Based Exemplar
Quarter 1 – Week 2: Prepare Materials, Tools and Equipment for Horticultural
Production Work.
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Development and Quality Assurance Teams

Illustrator: ALL LITO E. BAGARES
Language Editor: RUTCHEL D. SERRA Content
Layout Evaluator: RICHARD C. CRUZLITO E. BAGARES Illustrator:
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Project PPE (Portfolio Predicate on Exemplar) is a backup contingency response of the Schools
Division of Surigao del Sur for learning delivery and learning resource which parallel to the on-
going endeavors of the higher offices in the Department. It is the utilization of a lesson exemplar
that is streamlined in a teacher-and-learner-friendly format to cater to the new classroom setup in
light of the COVID-19 health crisis. These exemplars will be paired with a self- contained and
self-instructional portfolio.

The portfolio is a deliberate collection of works that highlight a learner’s effort that would enable
the him/her to see his/her growth and achievement, ability to reflect on his/her own work and
ability to establish goals for future learning.

Introductory Message

For the teacher:

Welcome to the TVL_ACP NC I -11–First Quarter Exemplar on Prepare materials, tools and
equipment for horticultural production work.

This exemplar was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from different
schools in the Division to assist you in helping the learners meet the standards anchored on
Curriculum Guide (CG) set by the Department while overcoming the constraints in schooling
brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a teacher, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this exemplar in the most fit
modality. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning through portfolio assessments.

For the learner:

Welcome to TVL_ACP NC I - 11–First Quarter) Exemplar on Prepare materials, tools and

equipment for horticultural production work.

This exemplar was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of
the learning resource while being
an active learner, either at home or in school. To help you with this, this exemplar comes with a
Weekly Portfolio Assessment. Your teacher will provide you with a template and you will be
given a privilege to organize the portfolio in your own creative way.

This exemplar has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the competencies you are

expected to learn in the exemplar and the objectives you
What I Need to Know
are expected to realize.
This part includes an activity that aims to check
what you already know about the lesson to take.
What I Know

This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson.

This aims to help you discover and understand new
What is It
concepts and skills.
This section provides an activity which will help you
transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
What I Can Do (1,2 & 3)
situations or concerns.

This task aims to evaluate your level of mastery in

What I Have Learned achieving the learning objectives.

This contains answers to all activities in the module.

Answer Key

This contain instructions about recording your positive,

realistic goals before going through this exemplar.
Portfolio Goal Setting

This contain instructions about completing the

Portfolio Completion -Your
Growth Clue! components of the portfolio. This also includes a rubric
to guide you of how your portfolio will be assessed.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this exemplar.
What I Need to Know

LO 1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work


1.2. Check farm tools materials and equipment for faults and defects based on
manufactures list and pre-operating procedures


After going through this exemplar, you are expected to:

A. Knowledge: Check farm tools materials and equipment

B. Skill: develop the value of cleanliness of farm hand tools and equipment
C. Attitude: Appreciate a proper care and maintenance of farm hand tools and

Portfolio Goal Setting

Using the Portfolio Assessment Template provided by your teacher along with this
exemplar, accomplish now your weekly goal setting. Refer to the objectives above. Think of
positive and realistic goals that you can considerably achieve with this exemplar. List them as
your plans. Remember: Do not proceed with this exemplar unless you have accomplished
your goal setting.
What I Know

Multiple Choice.
Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by writing only the letter in your
activity notebook.

1. Which of the following is NOT true a proper care and maintenance of farm tools are
necessary in order to:
A. Prolong the serviceability of the tools
B. Be available for use
C. Save time and effort
D. Serviceability of tools is not maintain and stored

2. Which of the following is NOT true farm tools, implements and equipment are very
important in pre-horticultural operations because they:
A. Make work easier
B. Make work faster
C. Save land preparation
D. Save time and effort

3. Why is it necessary to apply oil to the metal parts of tools and implements when they will
be stored for a long time
A. To prevent them from rusting
B. To retain its shiny look
C. To clean the tools
D. All of the above

4. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for cutting
A. Axe
B. Scythe
C. Pick mattock
D. Sprayer

5. Which tool resembles the appearance of a spoon and is used for transferring soil?
A. Spade
B. Shovel
C. Spading fork
D. Grub hoe
6. It is tool for cutting bigger size post.
A. Spade
B. Axe
C. Light hoe
D. Pruning shear

7. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for cutting
A. Bolo
B. Axe
C. Scythe
D. Spade

8. An open container with a single wheel at the front and two handles at the back used to
transport things is a .
A. Basket
B. Hand tractor
C. Tractor
D. Wheel barrow

9. Which of the following tools is used to harvest crops?

A. Basket
B. Knife
C. Plow
D. Spade

10. It is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees.
A. Bolo
B. Brush cutter
C. Hand Saw
D. Sickle

11. It is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and

A. Hose
B. Pail
C. Sprayer
D. Sprinkler
12. It is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for digging up stones and
tree stumps.

A. Spade
B. Pick mattock
C. Mud turtle
D. Rotavator
13. It is usually light and used without the help of animals or machines. It is also being used
in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and home garden.
A. Hand tools
B. Farm equipment
C. Farm implements
D. Farm materials

14. These are accessories which are being pulled by working animals or mounted to
machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in the preparation of land. These
are usually made of a special kind of metal.
A. Hand tools
B. Farm equipment
C. Farm implements
D. Farm materials

15. Which of the following is NOT true about care and maintenance of farm facilities?
A. Hand tools must be cleaned, dried and placed in a tool rack when not in use
B. Cutting and digging tools should be frequently sharpened.
C. Defective tools are segregated and brought to the junk shop.
D. Iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased or painted with coal tar when they are to
be stored for a long time.
What is It

Check farm tools materials and equipment

Imagine that the long, hot summer vacation has finally come to an end. the beginning
of the school year and you are ready to start working your vegetable gardens. But before that
check first the tools, implements and equipment you are going to use.
Armed with your working clothe and personal protective equipment (PPE), please
proceed to the shop to retrieve your tools so that you can start clearing away the last remnants
of summer and begin breaking the soil for a new year. Imagine your frustration as you start
pulling out all of your tools to see that they are covered with rust and dirt that has hardened
like concrete, and crusty globs of oil that have collected dust last vacation. It seems that you
are going to spend more time cleaning and repairing tools on this nice day than you will
actually use them
To facilitate any work in the field, farm tools, implements, and equipment should be
prepared ahead of time before field work starts. In doing such, you can avoid untoward
incidents that may happen due to negligence. Always remember to use the right tool for the
right task. Serviceability of tools depends on how they are being used, maintained and stored

How to clean your tools

Let’s start with the basics. Your shovel, spade, hoe, or even the blades on a hedge
trimmer will be a lot easier to use if you take a few minutes to knock some of the rust off the
blade. Not only will this extend the life of the tool, but also it will cut through the soil better,
and thus require less effort to use. It is a good idea to keep a large whetstone in your shop to
sharpen the blades of your garden tools. This tool can be purchased at most hardware stores.
A whetstone is an ideal tool to use to keep all of the cutting edges on your garden tools
honed. It will work well on your shovel, as well as many other common garden tools.
The best way to use the stone is to find a way to stabilize the tool that you want to
work on. A bench vise is ideal. You will be able to clamp the tool
into place at an angle, so you can work on it. Clamping the garden tool into place with a vise
frees up both of your hands to use the whetstone and gives you more control over what you
are doing.
Apply a little bit of lubricating oil to the end of the tool and carefully begin to work
the stone over the blade. Maintain a 30-degree angle between the stone and the blade to form
the ideal cutting edge for your tool. Not only will the edge become sharper, but you will also
be removing any pitting and rust that has formed at the edge of your tool‟s blade.

In instances where the moving parts of your garden tools (e.g. pruning shears, and
loppers) have frozen in place, like springs and pivot joints, you should disassemble them
carefully. Clean and make them free from rust and dirt that keep the tools from functioning
properly. Break free any rust or dirt that may keep the tool from functioning properly.
Remove stubborn rust with fine steel wool or wire brush. Using an old toothbrush with some
lightweight lubricating oil is a great way to work fresh oil into the joints of most garden tools.
Fresh oil will not only help your tool work as it is intended but it will also prevent the
formation of rust. Use medium-grit sandpaper to remove rust on larger tools such as shovels,
spades, and hoes.

Once your tools are clean, they're ready to be sharpened. When sharpening, try to
maintain the original factory bevel or angle. For pruners, use a whetstone because it produces
a very sharp cutting edge. Depending on the type of whetstone, apply a few drops of oil or
water to the stone. With the bevelled side of the blade against the stone, rub the sharp edge of
the blade toward the stone in a curved motion, as if you were trying to shave off a thin slice
from the stone.

Preparation of Gardening Tools

Prepare Farm Facilities for Storage: After a quite long time, farming operations
finally come to an end. This time we have to check the tools, implements, and equipment we
used and prepare them for storage.
Regarding the preparation of garden tools for long storage, you can adopt some of the
practices mentioned below:
 Begin by gathering all hand tools and removing any dirt or rust with a wire
brush, steel wool or light sandpaper. An old pro‟s tip is to keep a galvanized
tub with sand and waste oil to clean tools in. By inserting the shovels, spades
and forks into the mixture and moving them up and down, they get a good
scrubbing with the abrasive sand as well as a coat of lubricant.
 Sharpen the tools using a file that is made specifically for this task. Remember
to move the file in one direction only, and at a 45 degree angle.
 Sand wooden handles with sandpaper and follow up with a coat of paste wax
or linseed oil if necessary.
 Spray all metal parts with a good coat of lubricating oil. This will discourage
rust as your tools are stored in your tool shed or garage.

 Store your tools up off the ground and in a dry spot.
 Drain water hoses and hang them in the garage. Water hoses left out during
winter and exposed to freezing temperatures are more likely to tear and spring
 Don’t forget about the lawnmower. If you don‟t have a chance to use up the
gas before storing it, add a gas stabilizer to the fuel tank to prevent corrosion.
 Store pesticides out of reach of children and pets. Store dry pesticides in
plastic bags. Liquid pesticides should be stored in a location that will stay
above 40 degrees F.
By following these few basic preparatory steps, you can ensure that on the following
year, you’ll be working in your garden instead of working on your garden tools. With proper
care of the farm tools, implements and equipment, you can also save yourself from buying
new ones.
For proper care and maintenance of farm hand tools and equipment, the following
guidelines should be observed:
1. Hand tools must always be kept dry in a tool rack when they are not being used.
2. Tools should be washed or cleaned before keeping them in the tool rack.
3. The iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased or painted with coal tar when they are to
be stored for a long time.
4. Defective tools should be repaired immediately. Those tools, implements, and equipment
which are beyond repair should be disposed properly.
5. Cutting and digging tools (bolos, scythe, hoes and axes) should be frequently sharpened.
Using the appropriate and in good condition tools will make the work easier, faster,
less prone to accidents and minimize their wear and tear. Proper care and safekeeping of
tools, implements and equipment in accordance with the standard practices shall be done to
ensure longer usability of facilities.

Hand Tools are usually light and are used without the help of animals or machines. They are
being used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and
home garden.
Bolo is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees.

Pick-mattock is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for digging up stones and
tree stumps.

Spade is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches, and mixing soil media.

Shovel is used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from one place to
another and for mixing soil media.
Rake is used for cleaning the ground and levelling the topsoil.

Spading fork is used for loosening the soil, digging out root crops and turning over the
materials in a compost heap.

Light hoe is used for loosening and levelling soil and digging out furrows for planting.
Pruning shears is for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of plants.

Axe is for cutting bigger size post.

Knife is for cutting planting materials and for performing other operations in horticulture.

Wheel barrow is used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting materials and other

Scythe is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for
cutting weeds.
What I Can Do 1

Activity- Match Me

Identify the words being described by each of the following sentences.
Choose your answer from the given choices in the box.

A. axe B. pick mattock C. digging tools

D. wheel barrow E. hand tools F. scythe

G. bolo H. shovel I. pruning shears

J. knife K. light hoe L. spade

1. Are usually light and are used without the help of a machine They are
being used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and
home garden.
2. A small cart used to transport things, usually in the form of an open
container with a single
3. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically
used for cutting weeds.
4. It is for cutting bigger size post.
5. It is for cutting planting materials and for performing other
operations in horticulture.
6. It is used for loosening and levelling soil and digging out furrows for
7. It is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of
8. It is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for digging up
stones and tree stumps.
9. It is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches, and mixing soil
10. It is for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of

What I Can Do 2

Direction: Write your answer in the box

Conduct post operative check up of the farm tools, and equipment in the tool room and
perform the following:




What I Can Do 3

Activity – Find me


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. Work that is done regularly to keep a machine, building, or piece of

equipment in good condition and working order

2. Cutting and digging tools (bolos, scythe, hoes and axes) should
NOT be frequently sharpened.

3. Hand tools must always be kept dry in a tool rack when they are not
being used

4. The iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased or painted with coal
tar when they are to be stored for a long time.

5. Defective tools should be repaired immediately. Those tools,

implements, and equipment which are beyond repair should be disposed properly.
What I Have Learned

Activity I - Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is tool for cutting bigger size post.

A. Spade
B. Axe
C. Light hoe
D. Pruning shear

2. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically used for cutting
A. Bolo
B. Axe
C. Scythe
D. Spade

3. An open container with a single wheel at the front and two handles at the back used to
transport things is a .
A. Basket
B. Hand tractor
C. Tractor
D. Wheel barrow

4. Which of the following tools is used to harvest crops?

A. Basket
B. Knife
C. Plow
D. Spade

5. It is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees.
A. Bolo
B. Brush cutter
C. Hand Saw
D. Sickle
6. It is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides.
A. Hose
B. Pail
C. Sprayer
D. Sprinkler

7. It is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for digging up stones and
tree stumps.

A. Spade
B. Pick mattock
C. Mud turtle
D. Rotavator
8. It is usually light and used without the help of animals or machines. It is also being used in
performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and home garden.
A. Hand tools
B. Farm equipment
C. Farm implements
D. Farm materials

9. These are accessories which are being pulled by working animals or mounted to
machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in the preparation of land. These
are usually made of a special kind of metal.
A. Hand tools
B. Farm equipment
C. Farm implements
D. Farm materials

10. Which of the following is NOT true about care and maintenance of farm facilities?
A. Hand tools must be cleaned, dried and placed in a tool rack when not in use
B. Cutting and digging tools should be frequently sharpened.
C. Defective tools are segregated and brought to the junk shop.
D. Iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased or painted with coal tar when they are to
be stored for a long time.
Answer Key
Portfolio Completion – Your Growth Clue!

You now go back to your portfolio and work on the other components that follow
your Goal Setting. Remember that your portfolio is a deliberate collection of your works with
the help of the exemplar. Highlighting your efforts here enables you to see and reflect on your
growth and achievement and your ability to establish goals just to learn. Upon completion of
your portfolio, please be guided of the rubric below.

Rubric for Portfolio Assessment


Agricultural-Crops-Production NC- I- CG.pdf

AGRI-CROPS Learning_modulepdf

CBLM Horticulture

Horticulture_learning_modules (1) pdf


https://st4.depositphotos.com/14846838/25369/v/1600/depositphotos_253690 450-stock-

http://www.drawingforall.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/4-How-to-draw- a-hoe.jpg



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https://www.drawingforall.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/how-to-draw- an-axe.jpg

http://www.drawingforall.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/5-Kitchen-knife- drawing.jpg

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background-crime-symbol-stock-rastr-illustration-stock- illustration_csp43611064.jpg

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/M-1909_Bolo- Knife.jpg

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Contact Number: 09506343160
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