Ntumi, S., Larbi, F., & Yirenkyi, L. A. Effects of Single Parenting On Student's Academic Performance: A Case Study at Amamoma Presbyterian Junior High

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Ntumi, S., Larbi, F.

, & The study sample The researchers was made up of

Yirenkyi, L. A. Effects of consisted of 47 students 47 students who were identified
single parenting on student’s who were identified to be as living with single parents. The
academic performance: A living under single parents. instrument used for collecting
case study at Amamoma The instrument used for data was primarily
Presbyterian junior high data collection was solely questionnaires. The study’s key
school. IJHSS .NET, 27. questionnaires. The key findings showed that a larger
findings of the study percentage of respondents are
revealed that, a larger anxious and not emotionally
percentage of the stable, making them feel
respondents are insecure in their academic
sometimes depressed and pursuit. The study results
not emotionally sound and showed that single parents do
this makes them feel not track and supervise their
wards’ academic progress on a
uncomfortable in their
regular basis and in effect, these
academic pursuit. Again,
children are not usually
the results of the study
provided with the requisite
showed that single parents
learning materials to assist their
do not regularly monitor
and supervise the
academic progress of their
wards and in effect, these
children are normally not
provided with the
necessary learning
materials to aid their
learning. It was concluded
that single parenting is a
social cancer in Amamoma
Presbyterian Junior High
and its leads to poor
academic performance.
Based on the findings, the
researchers recommended
that parents should be
educated on the effects of
single parenting on their
wards academic
performance through
workshops, seminars and
the mass media. This will
help them to be more
responsible towards their
children education.
Murtaugh, J. (2002). The Also investigated was the It was investigated that the
relationship of biological relationship between relationship between biological
parent or relative involvement biological parent and relative parent and perceived prese
and academic success among involvement in special
education students' lives and
special education students.
the amount of time spent out
of the classroom for
behavioral reasons. Other
variables include age at
separation, type of
placement, classification,
number of siblings, or if the
child's home school district
was urban or non-urban.
Each city of the urban
districts examined was also
analyzed. Statistical tests
were performed to establish
correlation between these
variables and GPA scores.
The subjects were seventy
special education students,
aged ten through eighteen,
who attend a private school in
New Jersey. Data was
collected from school records
to determine if any significant
relation exists between the
variables. The results suggest
the presence of biological
parents or relatives in special
education students' lives
enhance academic success.
The results also suggest that
those special education
students separated for longer
amounts of time show less
academic success than those
students who have lived
continuously with one
biological parent or relative
throughout their lives.
Viqar, A. (2012). A The present research work
comparative study of is an attempt to explore the
academic stress emotional level of academic stress,
stability and parental attitude emotional stability and
among students manifesting parental attitude among
obedient and disobedient students manifesting
tendencies (Doctoral obedient and disobedient
dissertation, Aligarh Muslim tendencies. Researches
University). suggest that experiencing
an excessive number of
events in a particular
period of time can lead to
stress. Students respond to
stress in different ways,
physically, mentally,
emotionally and
behaviorally. Students
manifest mental symptoms
such as increased
irritability, inability to
concentrate, forgetfulness
and so on. The emotional
symptoms are like fussy,
anxious feeling of
hopelessness, guilty and
insecurity. One may
experience personal
distress reduce self
confidence and feel the
inability to enjoy things.
Students particularly during
adolescence stage, find
this period quite stressful
and emotionally unstable
because of the rapid
growth and changes that
occur in one's life both
physically and mentally. 
During this period the
student is exposed to new
experiences. He has to
evaluate it and is suppose
to take decision

Jafri, S. (2011). Impact of

family climate, mental health,
study habits and self
confidence on the academic
achievement of senior
secondary students (Doctoral
dissertation, Aligarh Muslim

Phillipson, S., & Phillipson, It is generally accepted that

S. N. (2012). Children’s cognitive ability predicts
cognitive ability and their academic achievement, and
academic achievement: The that parental involvement and
mediation effects of parental expectations form part of the
expectations. Asia Pacific constellation of factors that
Education Review, 13(3), predict their children’s
495-508. academic achievement,
particularly for families
within the Chinese-heritage
Cultures. Although a number
of interactions between these
parental factors have been
proposed, the mediation
effects of parental
expectations on their
children’s cognitive ability in
predicting academic
achievement are yet to be
established. Data from 780
students from one primary
school in Hong Kong and
their parents were used to
generate structural equation
models to test the hypothesis
that parental affective factors,
as indicated by parental home
and school involvement,
parental beliefs of their
children’s ability and parental
expectations of their
children’s academic scores,
mediate the effects of student
IQ score in predicting school
achievement in English,
Chinese and Mathematics.
The results support the
hypothesis that parents help
their children to actualize
their cognitive ability by
directly communicating their
academic expectations to their

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