Halimao v. Villanueva (Adm Case 3285 1996)
Halimao v. Villanueva (Adm Case 3285 1996)
Halimao v. Villanueva (Adm Case 3285 1996)
filed by the complainant therein, both of case.
which were denied, the first one on
September 23, 1992 and the second one on Respondent Ferrer claimed that he was
November 9, 1992. While the complainant nowhere near the compound when the
(Danilo Hernandez) in Administrative Case incident took place. He submitted affidavits
No. 3835 is different from the complainant attesting to the fact that he had spent the
in the present case, the fact is that they whole day of April 4, 1992 in Makati with his
have an identity of interest, as the family.
Investigating Commissioner ruled. Both
complainants were employed at the Oo Kian Additionally, Ferrer claimed that the two
Tiok Compound at the time of the alleged complaints were filed for the purpose of
incident. Both complain of the same act harassing him because he was the principal
allegedly committed by respondents. The lawyer of Atty. Daniel Villanueva in two
resolution of this Court in Administrative cases before the Securities and Exchange
Case No. 3835 is thus conclusive in this Commission. The cases involved the
case, it appearing that the complaint in this ownership and control of Filipinas Textile
case is nothing but a duplication of the Mills (Filtex), which is owned by Villanueva’s
complaint of Danilo Hernandez in the prior family and whose premises are the Oo Kian
case. In dismissing the complaint brought by Tiok compound.
Danilo Hernandez in the prior case, this
Court categorically found "want of a prima This case was thereafter referred to the
facie showing of professional misconduct on Integrated Bar of the Philippines for
the part of the respondents [Attorneys investigation, report and recommendation.
Daniel Villanueva and Inocencio Ferrer, Jr.]."
In its Resolution No. XI-94-017 dated
January 22, 1994, the Board of Governors of
the IBP dismissed the case against
DECISION respondents. It acted on the basis of the
report and recommendation of Atty. Victor
C. Fernandez, Investigating Commissioner,
MENDOZA, J.: who found that the complaint is barred by
the decision in Administrative Case No. 3835
which involved the same incident. Atty.
This is a complaint for disbarment against Fernandez noted that in fact the complaints
Attorneys Daniel Villanueva and Inocencio in the two cases were similarly worded.
Ferrer, Jr., for serious misconduct.
The Investigating Commissioner held that
The complaint originated from a letter dated although the complaint in the prior case was
April 14, 1992 which complainant Reynaldo initiated by a security guard (Danilo
Halimao wrote to the Chief Justice, alleging Hernandez) of the compound while the
that respondents, without lawful authority present case was filed by the caretaker,
and armed with armalites and handguns, nevertheless the complainants had
forcibly entered the Oo Xian Tiok Compound substantially the same interest. The
in Cainta, Rizal, of which complainant was Investigating Commissioner
caretaker, on April 4, 1992 at 11:00 A..M. observed:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
Complainant prayed that an investigation be
conducted and respondents disbarred. To Furthermore, Danilo Hernandez is not a
the complaint were attached the affidavits of stranger to complainant herein. Both
alleged witnesses, including that of Danilo represent the same interest as co-workers in
Hernandez, a security guard at the the Oo Kian Tiok Compound. In his letter-
compound, who had also filed a similar complaint, complainant mentions Danilo
complaint against herein respondents. Hernandez as an employee and his co-
worker at the Oo Kian Tiok Compound.
In its resolution dated July 1, 1992, the Complainant even attached to his complaint
Court required respondents to comment. the affidavit of Danilo Hernandez that was
submitted to the Municipal Trial Court of
On August 14, 1992, respondents filed a Cainta, Rizal in support of the criminal
comment in which they claimed that the complaints (Criminal Cases Nos. MTC-4700
complaint is a mere duplication of the and 4701 (92) filed against respondents
complaint filed by Danilo Hernandez in herein. In said affidavit (Magkakalakip na
Administrative Case No. 3835, which this Sinumpaang Salaysay) dated April 4, 1992,
Court had already dismissed on August 5, Danilo Hernandez also mentions the name of
1992 for lack of merit. They pointed out that complainant as a caretaker of the Oo Kian
both complaints arose from the same Tiok Compound. Clearly, the complainant
incident and the same acts complained of and Danilo Hernandez not only represent the
and that Danilo Hernandez, who filed the same interest in filing their respective
prior case, is the same person whose complaints, but have the same complaint
affidavit is attached to the complaint in this against respondents. 1
Court within fifteen (15) days from notice of
The Commissioner held that for res judicata the Board’s resolution, the Supreme Court
to apply, absolute identity of parties is not orders otherwise.
required, it being sufficient that there is
identity of interests of the parties. In this Although Rule 139-B, §12(c) makes of a
case, both complainants were present at the motion for reconsideration, nothing in its
compound when the incident allegedly text or in its history suggests that such
happened, and the acts they were motion is prohibited. from notice It may
complaining against and the relief they were therefore be filed within 15 days to a party.
seeking were the same. Indeed, the filing of such motion should be
encouraged before resort is made to this
On March 28, 1994, complainant filed a Court as a matter of exhaustion of
motion for reconsideration of the resolution administrative remedies, to afford the
of the IBP Board of Governors. His motion agency rendering the judgment an
was referred to the Court in view of the fact opportunity to correct any error it may have
that the records of the case had earlier been committed through a misapprehension of
forwarded to the Court on March 11, 1994. facts or misappreciation of the evidence. 2
Rule 139-B states in pertinent The rule does not unqualifiedly apply to a
part:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library case where the defendant files a motion to
dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction of the
§12. Review and decision by the Board of court or tribunal over the person of the
Governors. — defendant or over the subject matter or over
the nature of the action; or on improper
x x x venue; or on lack of capacity to sue of the
plaintiff or on litis pendentia, res judicata,
prescription, unenforceability, or on the
c) If the respondent is exonerated by the allegation that the suit is between members
Board or the disciplinary sanction imposed of the same family and no earnest efforts
by it is less than suspension or disbarment towards a compromise have been made. In
[such as admonition, reprimand, or fine] it such cases, the hypothetical admission is
shall issue a decision exonerating limited to the facts alleged in the complaint
respondent or imposing such sanction. The which relate to and are necessary for the
case shall be deemed terminated unless resolution of these grounds as preliminary
upon petition of the complainant or other matters involving substantive or procedural
interested party filed with the Supreme laws, but not to the other facts of the case.
not in administrative proceedings to disbar
On the other hand, when a motion to Attorney Daniel Villanueva and his counsel,
dismiss is based on payment, waiver, Attorney Inocencio P. Ferrer, Jr.
abandonment, release, compromise, or
other form of extinguishment, the motion to WHEREFORE, the complaint against
dismiss does not hypothetically, but actually, respondents Attys. Daniel Villanueva and
admits the facts alleged in the complaint, Inocencio P. Ferrer, Jr. is DISMISSED for
i.e., the existence of the obligation or debt, lack of merit.
only that the plaintiff claims that the
obligation has been satisfied. So that when a Two motions for reconsideration of this
motion to dismiss on these grounds is resolution were filed by the complainant
denied, what is left to be proven in the trial therein, both of which were denied, the first
is no longer the existence of the debt but one on September 23, 1992 and the second
the fact vel non of payment by the one on November 9, 1992.
While the complainant (Danilo Hernandez) in
The Investigating Commissioner properly Administrative Case No. 3835 is different
dismissed the complaint in this case on the from the complainant in the present case,
ground of res judicata, it appearing that it the fact is that they have an identity of
involves the same incident and the same interest, as the Investigating Commissioner
cause of action as that Administrative Case ruled. Both complainants were employed at
No. 3825. Indeed, it appears on August 5, the Oo Kian Tiok Compound at the time of
1995, the First Division of the Court the alleged incident. Both complain of the
dismissed a similar complaint filed in same act allegedly committed by
Administrative Case No. 3835. The respondents. The resolution of this Court in
resolution reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw Administrative Case No. 3835 is thus
library conclusive in this case, it appearing that the
complaint in this case is nothing but a
Adm. Case No. 3835 (Danilo Hernandez v. duplication of the complaint of Danilo
Attys. Daniel Villanueva and Inocencio Hernandez in the prior case. In dismissing
Pefianco Ferrer, Jr.). — This administrative the complaint brought by Danilo Hernandez
complaint against Attorneys Daniel in the prior case, this Court categorically
Villanueva and Inocencio P. Ferrer, Jr. is the found "want of a prima facie showing of
offshoot of a family feud involving the professional misconduct on the part of the
ownership and possession of the Filipinas respondents [Attorneys Daniel Villanueva
Textile Mills (Filtex). The contest between and Inocencio Ferrer, Jr.]"
Bernardino Villanueva and Daniel Villanueva
(probably relatives) for the control of the WHEREFORE, the resolution Governors of
corporation has escalated into a three- the Integrated Bar approving and adopting
cornered fight when Oo Kian Tiok joined the the report the Investigating Commissioner,
fray, claiming ownership of the same of the Board of the Philippines, and
property by purchase from the Equitable recommendation of is AFFIRMED and the
Banking Corporation, mortgage creditor and complaint against respondents is
highest bidder thereof at the mortgage DISMISSED.
foreclosure sale.
Respondent Daniel Villanueva believes that
Bernardino Villanueva is the evil genius
behind this complaint for his disbarment
filed by a certain Daniel Hernandez. On the
other hand, Hernandez claims to be one of
several security guards placed by Oo Kian
Tiok on the Filtex property. His allegation
that the respondents drove him and the
other security guards out of the Filtex
premises at gun point was denied by the
respondents and is not substantiated by
independent evidence.