1092 - Santos, Lou Andrae - Formative Assessment

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Formative Assessment 1.

1 (40 points)

Instructions: Describe the benefits and limitations of paper and electronic medication administration records (MAR). Give five (5) of
each. Do not copy and paste directly from sources. Rephrasing is the key to avoid plagiarism. Provide in-text citations and give a summary
of references used.

Distribution of Points:
Benefits (1 points each) = 10 points
Limitations (1 points each) = 10
points In-text citations = 10 points
Summary of references in APA format = 10 points

Paper Electronic

1. Reduced Upfront Costs 1. Less emphasis on paperwork and more time spent
2. Ease of Use in a Familiar Format with the patient, which increases efficiency
3. Physical Form Factor 2. Less administrative errors, with changes being
4. Easier to Customize recorded instantly
5. Don’t need extensive training programs 3. More accurate documentation of a patient’s vital
signs, problem lists, pain scales and other
4. A friendly interface that multiple users can feel
comfortable using
5. Modifications and settings that each user can change
to accommodate their own industries and
1. Storage Isn’t Scalable 1. Physicians may not do their own research as often
2. Lack of Backups & Limited Security outside of the eMAR system
3. Time Consuming & Error Prone 2. Some employees still may not feel comfortable with
ns: 4. Inconsistent Layouts recording
5. No Clear Audit Trails & Version History 3. Pulling notes forward could be glitched
4. Copy-and-paste issues
5. It cannot compromise the one-on-one level of care
for patients
Rennie, A. (n.d.). The Benefits of eMAR (Electronic Medication Administration Record). Retrieved August 27,
2020, from https://info.mede-care.com/blog/the-benefits-of-emar-electronic-medication-administration-
Referenc record
Pros and Cons of Paper Based Medical Records. (2019, September 23). Retrieved August 27, 2020, from

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