Less Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients
Less Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients
Less Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients
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13 authors, including:
Christoph K Hofer
Triemli City Hospital
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Over the last decade, the way to monitor hemodynamics at the bedside has evolved considerably in the intensive
care unit as well as in the operating room. The most important evolution has been the declining use of the pulmo-
nary artery catheter along with the growing use of echocardiography and of continuous, real-time, minimally or
totally non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques. This article, which is the result of an agreement between
authors belonging to the Cardiovascular Dynamics Section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, dis-
cusses the advantages and limits of using such techniques with an emphasis on their respective place in the hemody-
namic management of critically ill patients with hemodynamic instability.
Keywords: Hemodynamic monitoring, Pulse contour analysis, Transpulmonary thermodilution, Pulse pressure
variation, Esophageal Doppler, Bioreactance
0.4 AUC
0 10 20 30 40 50 [s]
Descending aorta
Bolus RA
thermistor catheter
Fig. 1 Thermodilution method for intermittent cardiac output (CO) measurements. After injecting a cold indicator (usually saline) into the right
atrium (RA) via a central venous catheter, the resultant thermodilution curve can be derived in the descending aorta (transpulmonary thermodi-
lution). AUC area under thermodilution curve, m0 = amount (or mass) of injected cold at the time of injection (t0) = (blood temperature minus
injectate temperature) × (injectate volume minus dead space volume of catheter), −∆T = decrease in blood temperature, °C = degree Celsius, SVC
superior vena cava, RA right atrium
ver, the transpulmonary thermodilution bolus injection is tion vs. time). This technique has been validated against
being used to calibrate the artery pressure waveform anal- pulmonary artery thermodilution in humans [21]. As for
ysis that provides continuous, real-time calculation of CO transpulmonary thermodilution, three measurements
by using proprietary algorithms based on the relationship should be averaged to achieve a good precision [22]. The
between stroke volume and arterial pressure waveform. major inconvenience of this system is the need for lithium
An acceptable agreement between arterial pressure- injection, which is less safe than saline injection and can-
derived and thermodilution CO was reported in hemo- not be repeated infinitely because of lithium accumulation,
dynamically unstable patients [17]. However, frequent and moreover it is costly. The monitor also contains a pro-
recalibration is required [11]. prietary algorithm that converts an arterial blood pressure
One major advantage of the transpulmonary thermodi- waveform-based signal into an arterial blood flow meas-
lution devices is that they provide EVLW, which can be urement using a pulse power analysis. In addition the lith-
used as a safety parameter during fluid therapy, especially ium bolus injection serves to calibrate the system, which
in capillary leak states [18], where it was shown to have a then provides a beat-to-beat measurement of CO, PPV,
prognostic value [19, 20]. and SVV. The lithium dilution system can be used with
a radial artery catheter but it does not provide advanced
Lithium dilution The lithium dilution method (LiD- hemodynamic and volumetric variables such as EVLW.
COplus, LiDCO, UK) is an indicator dilution technique,
which provides intermittent CO measurements. A small Uncalibrated arterial pressure waveform analysis CO
amount of lithium chloride is injected through a central monitors
venous catheter, and changes in lithium levels are detected Some monitors provide real-time CO measurements by
in the blood drawn from a radial artery catheter over a deriving the stroke volume from the arterial pressure
lithium-selective sensor. The CO is then measured from waveform recorded from an arterial catheter, but they
analysis of the lithium dilution curve (lithium concentra- do so without external calibration. Several devices are
commercialized [FloTrac (Edwards Lifesciences, USA), constant distribution of CO between the upper territo-
LiDCOrapid (LiDCO UK), ProAQT (Pulsion Medical ries and the descending aorta, the CO value is inferred
Systems, Germany)] and use different proprietary algo- from the descending aorta blood flow value. The validity
rithms that analyze the characteristics of the arterial of CO estimation by esophageal Doppler was confirmed
pressure waveform along with patient-specific anthropo- in both critically ill and patients undergoing surgery [31].
metric and demographic data. By nature, these systems However, some limitations must be known. First, the dis-
necessarily use a statistical correction that mandates tribution of CO between the upper and the lower parts
a bias when a specific patient is out of standard range. of the arterial system can be affected by changes in the
These devices can be used with any arterial catheter. sympathetic tone, which occur frequently in patients
Knowing that frequent recalibration of pulse contour with shock and/or receiving vasoactive drugs. Second,
analysis is actually required in hemodynamically unsta- the diameter of the descending aorta is not measured but
ble patients to provide reliable data [11], it is clear that estimated from the patient’s characteristics. However,
the uncalibrated systems must become unreliable when the aorta at this level is compliant enough to change its
major hemodynamic changes are occurring. Hence, these diameter in response to changes in mean arterial pres-
systems should be restricted to hemodynamically stable sure [32]. Thus, currently available esophageal Doppler
patients or when CO monitoring is required for short systems that only estimate the aortic diameter bear a risk
periods of time, e.g., during surgery. In such situations of poorly tracking the real changes in CO during shock
and provided that CO is normal or low, the most recent resuscitation [32]. On the other hand, old models of
versions of uncalibrated CO monitoring devices provide esophageal Doppler probes that measure the aortic diam-
reliable CO measurements [23], as suggested by percent- eter carry some risk of error of measurement of stroke
age errors of less than 30 % [24] found in validation stud- volume, as even a limited error in the diameter can have
ies [23]. However, the upper limit of acceptability of the a significant impact as the radius is dependent on the
percentage error also depends on the reproducibility of square of that value. Finally, movements of the Doppler
the compared methods [25], which was not always pro- probe often occur in less-sedated patients, resulting in
vided in the studies that reported percentage error val- loss of the signal with the necessity of repositioning the
ues. The derived PPV and/or SVV is very suitable for probe. For these reasons, the use of esophageal Doppler
predicting fluid responsiveness in the operating room is more questionable in the ICU than in the operating
setting, where these indices are generally reliable [26] room setting, where its use for goal-directed hemody-
and, as such, used in many goal-directed algorithms for namic management was shown to decrease postsurgical
guiding intraoperative fluid management. Finally, the morbidity [33]. Nevertheless, esophageal Doppler can be
ability of uncalibrated CO monitors to track short-term helpful in sedated ICU patients for assessing short-term
changes in CO following fluid infusion could be accept- changes in CO such as those induced by fluid loading or
able [27], although divergent results were reported [23]. passive leg raising, especially when no other hemody-
The pressure-recording analytical method monitors namic monitoring systems are available.
CO in real time using a proprietary algorithm that takes
into account the area under the systolic part of the arte- Non-invasive techniques
rial pressure curve and the mean arterial pressure [28]. Fully non-invasive techniques providing CO estimation
This technology, implemented in the MostCare device have been introduced recently [34–36].
(Vytech, Italy), does not require any calibration or adjust- Continuous analysis of the arterial pressure waveform is
ments based on user-entered data. When compared to possible by using either the volume clamp method [Clear-
thermodilution, divergent results were reported [29, 30]. sight (Edwards Lifesciences, USA), ex Nexfin (BMYE,
Uncalibrated CO systems do not provide other hemo- NL), CNAP (CNSystems, Austria)] or the radial artery
dynamic variables than CO, PPV, or SVV. This represents applanation tonometry (T-Line, Tensys, USA) [35–37].
an important disadvantage for the complex hemody- As delineated in Fig. 2, the volume clamp method derives
namic situations compared to the advanced monitoring the finger arterial pressure waveform from the cuff pres-
methods such as the PAC or the transpulmonary ther- sure that is needed to keep the blood volume (assessed
modilution systems. by photoplethysmography) in the finger arteries constant
throughout the cardiac cycle [37]. The continuous radial
Esophageal Doppler artery applanation tonometry technique records the
Esophageal Doppler (CardioQ, Deltex Medical, UK) pro- arterial pressure waveform using a sensor that is electro-
vides real-time estimation of blood flow in the descend- mechanically driven over the radial artery [37] (Fig. 2).
ing thoracic aorta from the aortic blood velocity and By applying proprietary algorithms for pulse contour
the aortic diameter. On the basis of the hypothesis of a analysis to the non-invasively obtained arterial pressure
Radial artery applanation tonometry Volume clamp method
Control System
Arterial catheter
Fig. 2 Pulse contour analysis-derived cardiac output. Different techniques either non-invasive (radial artery applanation tonometry, volume clamp
method) or invasive (using an arterial catheter) can provide continuous and real-time CO from the pulse contour analysis
waveforms, these uncalibrated techniques provide CO surface electrodes that apply a low-amplitude and high-
estimations in a continuous manner. For the volume frequency electrical current, which traverses the thorax.
clamp method, validation studies showed good agreement Clinical validation studies showed contradicting results
and trending ability compared with reference techniques [48–50]. Bioreactance systems afforded acceptable results
in the perioperative context [38, 39]. However, poorer in cardiac surgery patients [48] but not in non-cardiac
results were reported after cardiac surgery and in ICU surgical ICU patients [49, 50]. CO measurements can be
patients [40–43], maybe as a result of alterations in vaso- disturbed by a variety of factors, such as pleural effusions,
motor tone [35, 36]. The radial applanation tonometry pulmonary edema, arrhythmias, electrical interference,
method is novel and the first clinical data are promising internal or external pacemakers, or movement.
[44, 45], but further confirmatory studies are required. The continuous and real-time estimation of CO based
Though easy to apply, each of the available systems still on the pulse wave transit time method (esCCO, Nihon
has specific limitations in its clinical applicability [35, 46]. Kohden, Japan) requires an electrocardiogram and a
The main limitations of the volume clamp method are pulse oximetry plethysmographical waveform [34, 35]. In
peripheral edema and severe vasoconstriction [35]. The theory, the pulse wave transit time (i.e., the time between
quality of the radial artery applanation tonometry signal the appearance of the R wave and the arrival of the pulse
can also be impaired by movement of the extremity where wave at the finger level) is inversely correlated with the
the sensor is placed [35]. stroke volume [35]. However, most studies comparing the
Other techniques that non-invasively estimate CO in pulse wave transit time-derived CO with reference meth-
real time are electrical bioimpedance and bioreactance as ods in ICU patients showed clinically unacceptable disa-
well as the pulse wave transit time method [34–36]. greement [51–54]. This might be explained by the fact
Bioimpedance [BioZ (Cardiodynamics, USA), Aesculon that CO estimation from pulse wave transit time can be
(Osypka Medical, Germany)] and bioreactance (NICOM, impeded in patients with vasoconstriction, cold extremi-
Cheetah Medical, Israel) systems derive CO from changes ties, and arrhythmias. Administration of vasopressors
in thoracic impedance or phase shift in voltage over the also limits the use of plethysmographic variability indices
cardiac cycle because pulsatile changes in intrathoracic to assess fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients [55,
blood volume induce changes in the electrical conduc- 56], whereas such indices are of great value in the intra-
tivity of the thorax [34, 35, 47]. These systems use skin operative setting [57, 58].
What is the place of less invasive hemodynamic as soon as possible to quickly obtain important informa-
monitoring in the ICU? tion on the systolic and diastolic ventricular functions [55].
There is a wide consensus to recommend insertion of arte- It also allows one to evaluate valvular competency and
rial and central venous catheters and early performance of diagnose/exclude obstructive shock (e.g., pericardial tam-
echocardiography in patients with shock [59]. The pres- ponade), knowing that CO measurements by echocardi-
ence of an arterial catheter allows measurements of sys- ography are not interchangeable with thermodilution CO
tolic arterial pressure (a reflection of the left ventricular measurements [66].
afterload), diastolic arterial pressure (an indicator of the Combination of all the pieces of information drawn
arterial tone), mean arterial pressure (a determinant of early from both clinical examination (mottling score, cap-
organ perfusion pressure used as a major target for hemo- illary refill time, etc.) and basic hemodynamic exploration
dynamic resuscitation), and pulse pressure, which if low is (arterial catheter, central venous catheter, and echocardi-
an indicator of a low stroke volume, especially in patients ography) is of importance to understand the underlying
with stiff arteries. In addition, the arterial catheter provides mechanisms of the shock state and to select the most log-
the value of PPV, which under appropriate conditions of ical initial therapy. If the hemodynamic status improves
interpretation is a good predictor of fluid responsiveness with this therapy, it is reasonable to continue with the
[15, 21]. In addition, the arterial catheter allows one to eas- same monitoring until complete resolution of the shock
ily perform repeated blood sampling for laboratory tests, state (Fig. 3). If, however, the patient does not respond
including arterial blood gas measurements. The presence (or insufficiently responds) to the initial therapy, it is
of a central venous catheter, which is inserted at least when recommended to obtain more information, in particular
vasoactive drugs are required, allows measurements of to measure CO to better evaluate the necessity to apply
central venous pressure (CVP) and central venous oxygen further fluids or inotropes and track the hemodynamic
saturation (ScvO2). It must be stressed that the CVP has response to these therapeutic measures [59]. In such
limited value in predicting fluid responsiveness [60–62], complex situations, the use of advanced hemodynamic
knowing that extreme values, although rarely encountered systems [59, 67] can be considered (Fig. 3). Insertion of
in ICU patients, still keep some value [62]. Nevertheless, a PAC can be indicated in the presence of a severe right
measuring changes in CVP can be helpful to monitor the ventricular dysfunction [59] diagnosed by echocardiog-
response to fluid therapy. In this regard, the CVP could raphy. This approach bears the advantage of monitoring
be used as a stopping rule (safety end-point) but not as a SvO2 and of measuring pulmonary artery pressure and
target for fluid resuscitation [63]. It is also important to pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, knowing that this
know the CVP value for estimating the perfusion pres- pressure shares the same limitations as CVP for assessing
sure of most organs, which is assumed to be reflected bet- fluid responsiveness. Transpulmonary thermodilution
ter by the difference between mean arterial pressure and systems on the other hand can take advantage of meas-
CVP rather than by the sole mean arterial pressure [64]. uring EVLW [18], especially in the context of acute res-
This could be particularly important to take into account piratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [59]. In case of severe
in cases of profound hypotension and high CVP. The ARDS associated with shock, it has been suggested to
ScvO2 is used as a surrogate of mixed venous blood oxy- consider using advanced monitoring devices at an earlier
gen saturation (SvO2), which reflects in real time the bal- phase (Fig. 3), when it is anticipated that the basic hemo-
ance between oxygen consumption and oxygen delivery. dynamic monitoring will not be sufficient to define a
Hence, a low ScvO2 may indicate insufficient global oxy- logical therapeutic approach [59, 67]. It must be stressed
gen delivery in case of shock and incite one to increase it. that a randomized study showed that hemodynamic
However, there are situations where absolute values as well management guided by transpulmonary thermodilution
as dynamic changes of ScvO2 and SvO2 differ [65]. Finally, vs. PAC did not affect outcomes of patients with shock
coupling arterial and central venous blood sampling allows [68], knowing that the use of PAC in ICU patients was
calculation of the venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide pres- never demonstrated to improve outcome [5]. On the
sure difference (PCO2 gap), which could be a good indi- other hand, it was also shown in a randomized trial that
cator of the adequacy of CO relative to the actual global fluid management guided by EVLW vs. pulmonary artery
metabolic conditions and could be helpful in conditions occlusion pressure resulted in a better maintained fluid
where oxygen extraction is altered while ScvO2 is within balance and a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation
the normal range. In this particular case, an abnormally and ICU length of stay in critically ill patients [69]. How-
high PCO2 gap (>6 mmHg) could suggest that CO should ever, results of such randomized studies [68, 69] should
be elevated to improve tissue oxygenation. Echocardiogra- be cautiously interpreted since therapeutic algorithms
phy, which is not a hemodynamic monitoring device but based on measurements with any single device can be
rather a diagnostic tool, is recommended to be performed criticized [70].
acute circulatory failure
CVP, ScvO2
Central venous catheter Clinical assessment Lactate Echocardiography Arterial catheter PaCO2
PaO2, SaO2
Fig. 3 Simplified algorithm for the choice of hemodynamic monitoring in patients with acute circulatory failure. AP arterial pressure, ARDS acute
respiratory distress syndrome, CVP central venous pressure, PaCO2 carbon dioxide pressure in the arterial blood, PaO2 oxygen pressure in the arterial
blood, PcvCO2 carbon dioxide pressure in the central venous blood, PPV pulse pressure variation, RV right ventricular, SaO2 arterial blood oxygen
saturation, ScvO2 central venous blood oxygen saturation
The place of devices using uncalibrated arterial pressure functional images, e.g., by electrical impedance tomog-
waveform analysis is more limited in the context of shock, raphy, will also increase the amount of information avail-
as they rapidly become less reliable and cannot provide able at the bedside [75, 76]. Further intelligent visual
other variables than CO, PPV, and/or SVV, which are too postprocessing of hemodynamic information in graphi-
limited in the context of complex shock when different cal displays will potentially facilitate the understanding of
mechanisms may coexist and when associated with ARDS. complex pathophysiology [77]. This will be advanced by an
Esophageal Doppler and less invasive uncalibrated increasing connectivity of different monitoring systems,
devices are predominantly reserved for the perioperative which will maybe further push the development of tools for
setting [71] where goal-directed hemodynamic optimiza- predictive analytics [78]. For sure, telemetric monitoring
tion based on algorithms using variables included these will become available for much more complex physiological
monitoring devices may result in improved outcomes signals, which will offer the opportunity to expand patient
[33], in particular when these devices allow using goal- surveillance beyond the doors of the ICU [74]. For more
directed fluid therapy based on dynamic variables of than one decade, clinical research has been performed in
preload responsiveness [72, 73]. Non-invasive hemody- the field of the monitoring of microcirculation. In spite of
namic monitors are currently not recommended for use abundant literature on the potential interest of such moni-
in patients with shock since these patients need arterial toring to manage patients with shock, in part explained by
catheterization anyway. dissociation between the macrocirculation and the micro-
circulation [79], no bedside monitors are currently available
What could the future of hemodynamic monitoring for clinical practice [59]. It is expected that technological
be? developments in this field will allow one to better select and
It is hard to predict the future, but for hemodynamic adjust therapies for treating patients with shock states.
monitoring, the future will become more non-invasive for
sure. Visualization of complex information, either by cre- Conclusion
ating more detailed real, anatomical images [74], such as During the few last years, hemodynamic monitoring
by pocket-size 2D and (in the future) 3D ultrasound, or has evolved considerably from invasiveness to less or no
invasiveness and from intermittent to continuous and 2. Saugel B, Ringmaier S, Holzapfel K, Schuster T, Phillip V, Schmid RM, Huber
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Author details 6. O’Horo JC, Maki DG, Krupp AE, Safdar N (2014) Arterial catheters as a
Service de réanimation médicale, Hôpital de Bicêtre, Hôpitaux universitaires source of bloodstream infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Paris-Sud, AP-HP, 78, rue du Général Leclerc, 94 270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France. Crit Care Med 42:1334–1339
Department of Anesthesiology, Center of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care 7. Belda FJ, Aguilar G, Teboul JL, Pestaña D, Redondo FJ, Malbrain M, Luis
Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, 20246 Hamburg, JC, Ramasco F, Umgelter A, Wendon J, Kirov M, Fernández-Mondéjar E,
Germany. 3 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, St George’s Hospital and Medi- PICS Investigators Group (2011) Complications related to less-invasive
cal School, London, UK. 4 Department of Intensive Care, CHIREC Hospitals haemodynamic monitoring. Br J Anaesth 106:482–486
(Université Libre de Bruxelles), Brussels, Belgium. 5 Department of Transversal 8. Michard F, Teboul JL (2002) Predicting fluid responsiveness in ICU
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Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. 6 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive 9. Vincent JL, Sakr Y, Sprung CL, Ranieri VM, Reinhart K, Gerlach H, Moreno
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JLT is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion Medical Systems 36:434–440
and received honoraria from Edwards Lifesciences and Masimo Inc. for 12. Michard F, Boussat S, Chemla D, Anguel N, Mercat A, Lecarpentier Y,
consulting. BS is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion Medical Richard C, Pinsky MR, Teboul JL (2000) Relation between respiratory
Systems and a received institutional research grants, unrestricted research changes in arterial pulse pressure and fluid responsiveness in septic
grants, and refunds of travel expenses from Tensys Medical Inc. BS received patients with acute circulatory failure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
honoraria for giving lectures for CNSystems Medizintechnik AG. MC consulted 162:134–138
and lectured for Edwards Lifesciences and LiDCO. He received support from 13. Marik PE, Monnet X, Teboul JL (2011) Hemodynamic parameters to guide
Edwards Lifesciences, LiDCO, Deltex Medical, Applied Physiology, Masimo, fluid therapy. Ann Intensive Care 1:1
Bmeye, Cheetah Medical, Imacor (travel expenses, honoraria, advisory board, 14. Monnet X, Osman D, Ridel C, Lamia B, Richard C, Teboul JL (2009)
unrestricted educational grant, and research material). DDB received honoraria Predicting volume responsiveness by using the end-expiratory occlusion
for lectures for Edwards Lifesciences and Nihon Kohden. DDB received grant/ in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med
material for studies for Edwards Lifesciences, Maquet, Vytech, Cheetah, Imacor, 37:951–956
and Nihon Kohden. XM is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion 15. Sakka SG, Reinhart K, Meier-Hellmann A (1999) Comparison of pulmonary
Medical systems and received honoraria from Cheetah Medical for consulting. artery and arterial thermodilution cardiac output in critically ill patients.
AP is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion Medical Systems and Intensive Care Med 25:843–846
is a consultant for Masimo Inc. MRP is a consultant for Edwards Lifesciences, 16. Monnet X, Persichini R, Ktari M, Jozwiak M, Richard C, Teboul JL (2011)
Masimo Inc., and LiDCO and has stock options in LiDCO and Cheetah Medical Precision of the transpulmonary thermodilution measurements. Crit Care
companies. DAR is a member of the medical advisory board of Pulsion Medi- 15:R204
cal Systems and gave lectures for Edwards Lifesciences. AR has no conflict of 17. Gödje O, Höke K, Goetz AE, Felbinger TW, Reuter DA, Reichart B, Friedl R,
interest to declare. PS was a consultant for Cheetah Medical and for Edwards Hannekum A, Pfeiffer UJ (2002) Reliability of a new algorithm for continu-
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for consulting. TS received honoraria from Pulsion Medical Systems for lectur- hemodynamic instability. Crit Care Med 30:52–58
ing. JLV has no conflict of interest to declare. 18. Jozwiak M, Teboul JL, Monnet X (2015) Extravascular lung water in critical
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