MSN Practical 3RD Sem

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no Procedures Observed Assisted Practised Remarks


1 Nursing Management of Patients with

medical conditions;

 Intravenous therapy

 IV cannulation

 IV maintenance and monitoring

 Administration of IV Medication

 Care of patient with central line

 Preparation and assisting and

monitoring of patients undergoing
diagnostic procedures : Thoracentesis ,
abdominal paracentesis

Management of patient with respiratory


 Administration of Oxygen through;

o Mask

o Nasal Prong

o Venturi Mask

 Pulse Oximetery

 Nebulization

 Chest Physiotherapy

 Postural drainage

 Oropharyngeal Suctioning

 Care of Patient with Chest Drainage

 Diet Planning

o High protein diet

o Diabetic Diet
o Low salt Diet

o Cardiac Diet

o Insulin administration

o Monitering GRBS

2 Nursing management of Patient with surgical


 Pre-operative care

 Immediate postoperative care

 Post Operative exercise

 Pain assessment

 Pain management

 Assisting in diagnositc procedures and

after care of patients undergoing:

o Colonoscopy

o Endoscopy

o Liver Biopsy

 Nasogastric aspiration

 Gastrostomy/jejunostomy feeds

 Ileostomy/colostomy care

 Surgical dressing

 Suture removal

 Surgical soak

 Sitz bath

 Care of drain
3 Nursing management of Patient with cardiac

 Cardiac Monitoring

 Recording/Interpretation of ECG

 Administration of cardiac drugs

 Prepration/after care of Patient for

cardiac Catheterization


 Collection of Blood sample for ;

o Blood grouping and cross matching

o Bood sugar

o Serum electrolytes

 Assisting in Blood transfusion

 Application/Maintenance of sequential
compression device

4 Nursing management of integrity disorders:

Procedure competences and clinical skills

Intradermal infection-skin allergy testing

Application of Topical medication

Medicated Bath

5 Management of patients with communicable


 Barrier Nursing

 Reverse barrier Nursing

 Standard Universal precautions

o Use of PPE

o Needle stick injuries and sharp injury


o Cleaning and disinfection

o Respiratory hygiene

o Waste disposal

o Safe infection practice

6 Nursing management of Patients with

Musculoskelton problems

 Preparation of pateint for diagnostic


 Mylogram

 CT


 Assisting in application and removal of


 Preparation of patient for assisting of

patient with skin and skeleton traction

 Care of arthritis

 Crutch walking

 Rehabilitation

7  Management of Patient in operating


 Positioning and draping

 Preparation of operating Table

 Set up trolley with instrument

 Assisting in major and minor surgeries

 Disinfection and sterilisation of

 Scrubbing

 Gowning

 Masking

 Gloving

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