AT Magnet Application

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How To add Magnets to AT titans

Titans shown

1. Warlord
2. Warbringer
3. Reaver
4. Warhound

Magnets I purchased

I purchased my magnets from First4Magnets online in the UK, delivery was very quick (about 2 days)
I ordered 5mm dia x 1mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnet - 0.3kg Pull, you can get N35
strength but these are not strong enough for some of the bigger weapons so I
recommend you stick to N42


They come in packs of 50, you will need the minimum for each titan variant to magnatise 1 set of
each weapon for each titan

1. Warlord – 8 magnets plus 1 for each extra weapon

2. Warbringer – 8 magnets (4 if you don’t magnetise deck guns) and 1 for each extra weapon
3. Reaver – 10 magnets + 2 for each extra shoulder/arm and 1 for each extra weapon
4. Warhound – 4 magnets plus 1 for each extra weapon
Tools used
1. Clippers
2. Super Glue
3. Super Glue Accelerator
4. Scalpel
5. Magnets
6. Plastic top to my revel plastic glue

+++ TOP TIP +++

When adding magnets do the first weapon on your titan and stick the stick of magnets to
the first one this way you can see what the polarity is so you can use as a guide to get all
the magnets to the same polarity then use the first titan you do as a template for all other
titan (all classes) that way all weapons will be interchangeable between all titans.

I can’t stress how important this is as if you get the polarity the wrong way around it will
really bad when weapons will not be interchangeable

As en example see pic below

So I stuck the first magnet in the Carapace weapon then when the glue dry put stick on then
I can see that the top magnet Top goes into the weapon magnet slot so thus will stick to top
of magnet now repeat for each weapon

Some people paint the top of each magnet, so they know that is side to glue
1. Warlord Titan

The Warlord titan has recesses already on the weapon mounts and weapons designed for 5x1mm
magnets so this is one of the easier models to magnetise, its just a case of gluing the magnets in with
super glue (I use accelerator to dry quicker so I can test I got polarity right

So as you can see we weapons come off and below where magnets go
Carapace and weapons
2. Warbringer
The Warbringer like the warlord has built in slots for the magnets

I did not magnetise the Carapace Quake cannon as slots in and out, I did magnetise the
carapace air defence guns, but only as had 5.1mm magnet slots built in (I’m hoping upgrades
coming in future) so up to you if you want to magnetise

So no tools required except super glue

3. Reaver titan

The Reaver Titan only has 5x1mm magnets slot built in on the carapace so some tools are
required to magnetise arms, I just used clippers and a scalpel
Just glue in magnets


On the arms you can glue magnets on to the Weapons they are flat and the magnets can be
glued straight on
For Close combat weapons use a pair of clippers and cut the ball joint in half so becomes a
half ball, use a scalpel to make sure flat and smoot then glue a magnet to the weapon

Now for the arms (I call them Rex arms as short like a dinosaur) you need to again cut with
clippers the ball joint that goes into the shoulder and glue a magnet then another magnet on
the flat side of arm that connects to the weapon so each arm/weapon has 4 magnets again
follow my TIP above to make sure Polarity is correct)

You will now also need to put a magnet into the inverted dome on the Reaver so the arm
can magnetise here, you can put a dollop of glue in the socket then add a magnet I use the
plastic (don’t use metal as magnetic ) cover for my revel plastic glue pot to push magnet
is and make sure flat I also use some super glue accelerator to make sure dries quick and flat
so no tools or green stuff is needed but fell free to put a little green stuff/putty in to make
flat if you wish. See pics below
4. Warhound

The warhound does not have slots for magnets built in so you need clippers and scalpel to fit the

Like the Reaver the arms have ball joints and the guns have sockets for the ball joins.

For the arms you only need to add magnets to the one side of the arm the other can be glued to
the body as the weapons are all same connection

Cut the arm ball joint in half and glue a 5x1mm magnet to the arm, on the weapon like the
reaver shoulder a 5.1mm magnet will sit in the ball socket just add a dollop of super glue and
add magnet use non magnetic device to make sure sits straight and use accelerator. Again,
follow my top tip to make sure polarity same so all arms and weapons interchangeable on all
I hope this document helps and answers any questions on how to apply magnets to AT titan

Many Thanks

Princeps - Alistair Osborne

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