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Mar. Drugs 2015, 13, 1925-1965; doi:10.


marine drugs
ISSN 1660-3397

Marine Extremophiles: A Source of Hydrolases for

Biotechnological Applications
Gabriel Zamith Leal Dalmaso 1,2, Davis Ferreira 3 and Alane Beatriz Vermelho 1,*

BIOINOVAR—Biotechnology laboratories: Biocatalysis, Bioproducts and Bioenergy, Institute of
Microbiology Paulo de Góes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373,
21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; E-Mail: gdalmaso@gmail.com
Graduate Program in Plant Biotechnology, Health and Science Centre, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
BIOINOVAR—Biotechnology Laboratories: Virus-Cell Interaction, Institute of Microbiology
Paulo de Góes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373,
21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; E-Mail: davisf@micro.ufrj.br

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: abvermelho@micro.ufrj.br;

Tel.: +55-(21)-3936-6743; Fax: +55-(21)-2560-8344.

Academic Editor: Kirk Gustafson

Received: 1 December 2014 / Accepted: 25 March 2015 / Published: 3 April 2015

Abstract: The marine environment covers almost three quarters of the planet and is where
evolution took its first steps. Extremophile microorganisms are found in several extreme
marine environments, such as hydrothermal vents, hot springs, salty lakes and deep-sea
floors. The ability of these microorganisms to support extremes of temperature, salinity and
pressure demonstrates their great potential for biotechnological processes. Hydrolases
including amylases, cellulases, peptidases and lipases from hyperthermophiles, psychrophiles,
halophiles and piezophiles have been investigated for these reasons. Extremozymes are
adapted to work in harsh physical-chemical conditions and their use in various industrial
applications such as the biofuel, pharmaceutical, fine chemicals and food industries has
increased. The understanding of the specific factors that confer the ability to withstand
extreme habitats on such enzymes has become a priority for their biotechnological use. The
most studied marine extremophiles are prokaryotes and in this review, we present the most
studied archaea and bacteria extremophiles and their hydrolases, and discuss their use for
industrial applications.
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Keyword: enzymes; marine extremophiles; hydrolases

1. Extremophiles from Marine Habitats: A Source of Bioproducts

The oceans cover more than 70% of the surface of the planet Earth and contain a vast biological
diversity, accounting for more than 95% of the whole biosphere. Marine habitats can be divided into
coastal and open ocean environments of various natures, supporting marine life with a wide
heterogeneity of microorganisms. They represent the largest reservoir of biodiversity on the planet, and
have a great potential for the development of new natural products including enzymes. However, in the
prokaryotic group only 1%–10% of the species has been described [1].
Extreme environments combine a range of physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, pH,
salinity, oxidative stress, radiation, chemicals (oxygen, H2S, CH4) and metals (Fe, Cu, Mo, Zn, Cd, Pb and
others). Some of these chemicals are toxic, however extremophiles microorganisms are able to adapt
due to their highly flexible metabolism, allowing them to survive and thrive in these extreme
conditions [2]. Over the last few decades, extremophiles have attracted the attention of research centers in
the search for new bioactive substances, such as enzymes and biocides to be used in major sectors of the
world economy, including the agricultural, chemical, food, textile, pharmaceutical, bioenergy and
cosmetic industries.
The global market for industrial enzymes was nearly US$ 4.8 billion in 2013, and it is expected to
reach US$ 7.1 billion by 2018, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% over the five-year
period, according to BCC Research [3]. Besides their economic value, microbial enzymes are applied in
technologies employing eco-friendly processes [4]. Microorganisms are easily cultivated in bioreactors
with controllable growth conditions such as pH, temperature, aeration, medium composition and other
parameters, leading to high reproducibility. In contrast, enzymes isolated from plant and animals present
a series of limitations like soil composition, light incidence, seed homogeneity, pathogen control and
other issues that make the reproducibility of these processes more difficult [5].
Competition for space and nutrients in the marine environment constitutes a selective force leading
to evolution and generating multiple enzyme systems to adapt to the different environments. Marine
microorganisms can be found in extreme conditions such as hypersaline habitats, high pressures and
extreme temperature. Many marine extremophiles are capable of overcoming such extreme conditions
and are a source of enzymes with special characteristics. Therefore, these microorganisms are of great
interest for industrial processes, mainly in biocatalysis [6]. This vast variation in marine habitats has led
to the development of new hydrolases with novel specificities and properties including tolerance to
extreme conditions used in industrial processes [7,8]. Metagenomic studies have revealed that
extremophile prokaryotes from marine habitats are a source of novel genes and consequently a source
of new bioproducts, including enzymes and other active metabolites. Therefore, it is important to study
and understand these microorganisms in order to be able to use the biochemical, ecological, evolutionary
and industrial potential of these marine microbes [9,10].
Hydrolases from extremophiles have advantages when compared to chemical biocatalysts. Their
catalyses are clean processes, ecologically friendly, highly specific and take place in mild reaction
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conditions. These hydrolases can also be active in the presence of organic solvents, an important feature
for the preparation of single-isomer chiral drugs. Various applications have been described for these
hydrolases. A metagenome library was created from the brine: seawater interface of the Urania
hypersaline basin. One esterase presented high enantioselectivity toward an ester of the important chiral
synthon solketal, an important drug intermediate. The esterase hydrolyzed solketal acetate, producing
building blocks for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, such as anti-AIDS drugs [11]. Lipases from
psychrophiles can be used for the synthesis of a wide range of nitrogenized compounds that are used for
the production of pharmaceuticals such as amines and amides. This procedure was studied in Candida
Antarctica, a patented eukaryote [12].
Other hydrolases with medical applications are peptidases. They are useful catalysts for inorganic
synthesis and have many industrial applications in the pharmaceutical field, such as anti-inflammatory
and digestive agents. Peptidases can be isolated from marine extremophiles [10], such as from
Thermatoga maritime, which is a hyperthermophilic isolate from a marine geothermal area near
Vulcano, Italy, and has a homomultimeric peptidase (669 kDa) based on 31 kDa subunits, named
Maritimacin [13]. This enzyme was found to have a structural and gene sequence similarity to
bacteriocin from the mesophilic bacterium Brevibacterium linens which inhibits the growth of certain
Gram-positive bacteria [14]. The thermophilic Pyrococcus horikoshii has an intracellular peptidase
(PH1704) with remarkable stability. Recently this enzyme, a cysteine peptidase, was shown to be the
first allosteric enzyme that has negative cooperativity with chloride ions (Cl−). The discovery of new
allosteric sites is very important for pharmaceutical developments [15]. Peptidases from halophiles have
been used in peptide synthesis and an example is the extracellular peptidase from Halobacterium
halobium which was exploited for efficient peptide synthesis in Water-N′-N′-dimethylformamide [16].
Given the promising potential for the biotechnological applications of these organisms, this work
presents the recent advance in the knowledge of hydrolases from marine extremophiles and their
biotechnological potential. Peptidases, lipases, amylases, cellulases and other cell wall-degrading
hydrolases in halophiles, thermophiles, psychrophiles and piezophiles will be the main focus of
this review.

2. Extremophiles

Extremophile organisms are classified as living organisms able to survive and proliferate in
environments with extreme physical (temperature, pressure, radiation) and geochemical parameters
(salinity, pH, redox potential). Polyextremophile microorganisms are those that can survive in more than
one of these extreme conditions. The vast majority of extremophile organisms belong to the prokaryotes,
and are therefore, microorganisms belonging to the Archaea and Bacteria domains [17,18]. A
phylogenetic tree showing the microorganisms of different genera and their extremophilic characteristics
is presented in Figure 1.
Extremophile microorganisms are classified according to the extreme environments in which they
grow and the major types are summarized in Table 1. Different structural and metabolic characteristics
are acquired by these organisms so that they can survive in these environments [19,20]. Because of the
ability to withstand extreme situations, possible industrial applications of extremophiles have been
widely investigated [21–25].
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One of the most well known applications of an extremophile is the DNA polymerase of the
extremophile Thermus aquaticus (Taq polymerase) [26] which is widely used in the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). The stability and enzymatic activity of extremophiles and their extremozymes are useful
alternatives to conventional biotechnological processes [27].

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree showing the extremophiles and the resistant characteristics that
appear in at least one species of each genera, identified with the color code. The phylogenetic
tree was based on Woese et al. [28], Lang et al. [29] and Dereeper et al. [30]. The * indicates
the phylogenetic branch that were according to Lang et al. [29].
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Table 1. Extremophile microorganisms and their environments (adapted from Horikoshi and
Bull [17]).
Extremophile Microorganism Favorable Environment to Growth
Acidophile Optimum pH for growth—Below 3
Alkaliphile Optimum pH for growth—Above 10
Halophile Requires at least 1M salt for growth
Hyperthermophile Optimum growth at temperatures above 80 °C
Thermophile Grows at temperatures between 60 °C and 85 °C
Eurypsychrophile (psychrotolerant) Grows at temperatures above 25 °C, but also grow bellow 15 °C
Stenopsychrophile (psychrophile) Grows at temperatures between 10 °C and 20 °C
Piezophile Grows under high pressure—Above 400 atm (40 MPa)
Endolithic Grows inside rocks
Hipolith Grows on rocks and cold deserts
Oligotroph Able to grow in environments of scarce nutrients
Radioresistant Tolerance to high doses of radiation
Metallotolerant Tolerance to high levels of heavy metals
Toxitolerant Tolerates high concentrations of toxic agents (eg. Organic solvents)
Xerophile Grows in low water availability, resistant to desiccation

2.1. Thermophiles

The thermophile marine microorganisms include several groups such as the phototrophic bacteria
(cyanobacteria, green and purple bacteria), bacteria domains (Actinobacteria sp., Bacillus sp.,
Clostridium sp., Desulfotomaculum sp., Thermus sp., Thiobacillus sp., fermenting bacteria, spirochetes
and numerous other genres) and the archaea domains (Pyrococcus sp., Sulfolobus sp., Thermococcus
sp., Thermoplasma sp. and methanogenic) [31–33]. The maximum temperature that hyperthermophile
organisms have been observed to tolerate is around 120 °C [34,35].
Thermophiles have several mechanisms to support extreme temperatures. It is believed that the
thermostability of cellular components such as ATP, amino acids, and peptides may exceed 250 °C,
suggesting that the maximum temperature for life goes beyond the temperatures that have been observed
until now [36,37]. The proteins of organisms adapted to extreme temperatures generally have similar
three-dimensional structures of mesophilic organisms but the amino acid content is different from
ordinary proteins and the number of charged residues on their surfaces is much greater than nonadapted
organisms. In addition, such proteins often have shorter loops, thus preventing the occurrence of
nonspecific interactions due to their increased flexibility at high temperatures [38,39].
Extreme thermophile bacteria produce thermostable proteins that can be readily crystallized to obtain
stable enzymes for structural and functional studies. Proteins from hyper/thermophiles require sufficient
structural rigidity to resist unfolding. This is an important feature to characterize antidrug targets. A
classical instance is the bacteria Thermus thermophilus that was originally isolated from a thermal vent
within a hot spring in Izu, Japan, and is frequently used in genetic manipulation studies. The DNA gyrase
from this extremophile has been used as an antidrug target model. DNA gyrase is a type IIA
topoisomerase that introduces negative supercoils into closed circular bacterial DNA using ATP
hydrolysis. It is an important antibacterial target that is sensitive to the widely-used fluoroquinolone
drugs [40,41].
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The thermal hypothesis determines that a G:C pair and its contents are related to thermostability. This
is observed for several thermophilic bacteria. Geobacillus thermoleovorans CCB US3UF5 is a
thermophilic bacterium that was isolated from a hot spring in Malaysia and is a source for thermostable
enzymes. The bacteria contains a circular chromosome of 3,596,620 bp with a mean G:C content of
52.3% [42]. However, a study reported a comparative analyses of G:C composition and optimal growth
temperature with 100 prokaryote genomes (Archaea and Bacteria domains) that failed to demonstrate this
correlation (G:C/thermostability). Moreover the authors related that the G:C content of structural RNA (16S
and 23S) is strongly correlated with optimal temperature and it is higher at high temperatures [43]. An
increased number of disulfide bonds improve stability within thermophilic proteins and play a role in
preventing the alteration of the quaternary structure [44].
Ether lipids are always present in thermophile archaea without exception, but mesophilic archaea also
have ether lipids. The presence of isoprenoid chains in archaea membranes is associated with two
properties to maintain the thermostability of the lipid membrane: A high permeability barrier and a liquid
crystalline state. Bacterial membranes only keep these states at the transition phase of temperature [45].
Accordingly, enzymes adapted to higher temperatures bring advantages to industrial processes,
promoting faster reactions, high solubility of the substrate, a lower risk for contamination of the system,
and also lowering the solution viscosity and increasing the miscibility of the solvent [46]. Several
thermophiles and thermostable enzymes are used in the biorefinery industry, first and second generation
biofuels, paper and bleaching industries [47–49].

2.2. Psychrophiles

Earth is primarily a cold marine planet: 90% of the water in the oceans has temperatures of 5 °C and
20% of the terrestrial region of the Earth is permafrost (frozen soils), glaciers and ice sheets, polar sea
ice and snow covered regions [50]. These regions have cold-adapted microorganisms which have a
restricted temperature range for growth. Stenopsychrophiles (formerly true psychrophiles) have an upper
temperature limit of 20 °C for growth. However, the majority of isolates are eurypsychrophile (formerly
psychrotolerant) and have a broader temperature range, tolerating warmer environments [51].
Psychrophile microorganisms are often found in other extremely cold environments such as deep oceans,
caves, land surfaces and even in the upper atmosphere [52]. They have been described performing DNA
synthesis at −20 °C and active metabolism at −25 °C [53,54].
Various stenopsychrophiles isolated from Antarctic have been studied; for example the genera
Arthrobacter, Colwellia, Gelidibacter, Glaciecola, Halobacillus, Halomonas, Hyphomonas, Marinobacter,
Planococcus, Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, Psychroflexus, Psychroserpens,
Shewanella and Sphingomona. Methanogens, members of Archaea, are the only group known to have
individual species able to grow in a very wide temperature range from subzero to 122 °C [55,56].
The adaptations and mechanisms related to life in icy environments include responses to cold shock
and RNA chaperones. Cold shock proteins (CSPs) act as cold-adaptive proteins in psychrophiles. They
are small proteins that bind to RNA to preserve its single-stranded conformation and contain a
nucleic-acid-binding domain, known as the cold shock domain (CSD), and also they have additional
roles besides serving as RNA chaperones [57,58]. Small RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) can facilitate
cold adaptation but together with the CSPs they have other functions in bacteria. RNA helicases are
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regulated during cold growth and are capable of unwinding secondary structures in an ATP-dependent
manner in some psychrophiles [58]. The presence of dihydrouridine can enhance tRNA flexibility and
is elevated in some psychrophilic bacteria and archaea [59].
Other factors involved in cold adaptation are the production of secondary cold active metabolites,
enzymes that are activated and induced by cold, antifreeze proteins, and the production of pigments and
membrane fluidity [60–62]. From the structural point of view, the proteins of these organisms have a
higher content of α-helix relative to the β-sheets, which is considered to be an important factor to
maintain flexibility even at low temperatures [63]. Also the cytoplasmic membranes of these
microorganisms contain a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (52%) compared to mesophilic
(37%) and thermophilic (10%) organisms, favoring the maintenance of the semi-fluid state of
membranes [64]. Marine psychrophiles participate in biogeochemical cycling, polar food web and
produce a wide variety of enzymes including amylases, cellulases, peptidases, lipases, xylanases and
other classes of enzymes [50,65]. High rates of catalysis at low temperatures are generally achieved by
the flexible structure and low stability of cold-active enzymes. The most common adaptive feature of
cold-active enzymes is a reaction rate (kcat) that is largely independent of temperature [56,66].
Furthermore, enzymes adapted to lower temperatures allow efficient production at low cost, save
energy, and are important in thermal protection, resulting in improvements in the quality of various
products [67]. Enzymes suited to low temperatures are used in the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and
biofuels industries; also they are applied to substances for molecular biology, nanotechnology, in the
manufacturing of household detergents, in the cleaning of animal wastes, with peptidases for cleaning
contact lenses and pectinases to extract and clear fruit juices [67,68]. A clear example of the benefit
generated by the industrial application of cold adapted microorganisms is the use in the hydrolysis of
lactose at low temperatures in the process of milk storage. This bioprocess has enabled the production
of milk for patients with milk intolerance and is now being patented for use on a large scale by Nutrilab
NV (Bekkevoort, Belgium) [69].

2.3. Halophiles

Halophiles are microorganisms that require salt (NaCl) for growth, and they can be found in lakes,
oceans, salt pans or salt marshes. Moreover about 25% of the available land on Earth is in the form of
saline deposits [70]. According to the optimal salt concentration for growth, they are classified in three
categories: (i) extreme halophile—Grows in an environment with 3.4–5.1 M (20% to 30%) NaCl;
(ii) moderate halophile—Grows in an environment with 0.85–3.4 M (3% to 25%) NaCl; and (iii) slightly
halophile—Grows in an environment with 0.2–0.85 M (1% to 5%) NaCl [31]. Halotolerant
microorganisms do not show an absolute requirement for salt to grow but grow well in high salt
concentrations [71].
Members of the family Halobacteriaceae have been isolated from different habitats including alkaline
and salt lakes, marine salterns, the Dead Sea and saline soils. Deep hypersaline anoxic basins (DHABs)
or deep-sea hypersaline anoxic lakes (DHALs) are extreme habitats that have been discovered on the sea
floor in different oceanic regions, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean
Sea. DHABs are composed by dissolution of evaporitic deposits, entrapped in the sea floor, forming a
very stable brine and sharply stratified in water columns, a chemocline. The brines enclosed in these
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basins are characterized by hypersalinity, 5–10 times higher than seawater, a lack of oxygen and highly
reducing conditions, high pressure (around 350 atm–35 MPa) and absence of light. These physicochemical
parameters make the DHABs one of the most extreme environments of the planet and they have also ensured
that those habitats have been maintained isolated for thousands of years [11,72,73].
Since the discovery of the first Mediterranean DHAB named Tyro in 1983, six others have been
unveiled: l’Atalante, Bannock, Discovery, Medee, Thetis, and Urania [74], and these habitats are a
source of anaerobic halophilic microorganisms. Prokaryotes from the Bacteria and Archaea domains
belonging to new taxonomic lineages were discovered in high abundance in DHABs by 16S rRNA
libraries and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Microbiologically DHABs of the Eastern
Mediterranean are the most studied. Halorhabdus utahensis constitutes 33% of the total archaeal
community and tolerates up to 0.8 M MgCl2 [75]. In the Mediterranean Ridge, a DHAL named Kryos
has been identified. This lake is filled with MgCl2-rich, athalassohaline brine (salinity > 470 practical
salinity units). Two groups of halophilic euryarchaeal divisions (MSBL1 and HC1) account for ~85%
of the rRNA-containing archaeal clones analyzed in the 2.27–3.03 M MgCl2 layer [74]. An earlier study
assumed that 2.3 M of MgCl2 was the upper limit of concentration for life to survive [76], despite the
fact that halophilic archaea have been identified in deep hypersaline anoxic basins composed of
saturating concentrations of MgCl2 [73,77]. Antunes et al. [78] recently published a long list of
microorganisms in a microbiological review of these unique deep-sea anoxic environments.
In addition, some halophiles are thermostable and tolerant to a wide range of pH. The metabolic
diversity of halophiles is widely spread, comprising the anoxic phototrophic, aerobic heterotrophic,
fermenter, denitrifying, sulfate reducers and methanogenic organisms [79].
Halophiles have developed different adaptive strategies to support the osmotic pressure induced by
the high NaCl concentrations in the environments they inhabit. Some extremely halophilic bacteria
accumulate inorganic ions (K+, Na+, Cl−) in the cytoplasm, which is a type of “salt-in” strategy to balance
the osmotic pressure of the environment, and they have also developed specific proteins that are stable
and active in the presence of salts [80–82]. Also, the halophile organisms contain enzymes that maintain
their activity at high salt concentrations, alkaline pH and high temperatures [71]. Most proteins and
enzymes denature when suspended in high salt concentrations. Halophilic proteins bind significant
amounts of salt and water. This characteristic is dependent on the number of acidic amino acids on the
surface of the protein.
The function of electrostatic interactions in the stability and folding of halophilic proteins has been
investigated and is an important determinant of haloadaptation. The intracellular K+ ions of haloarchaea
have been found to be extremely high, near to 5 M [83]. Based on the comparative analyses of halophile
and non-halophile proteomes, the amino acid composition of halophilic enzymes is in general
characterized by an abundant content of acidic amino acid, a high proportion of aspartic and glutamic
acids, a low frequency of lysine, and a high occurrence of amino acids with a low hydrophobic character.
Structural analyses between halophilic and mesophilic proteins reveal that the major differences are
concentrated on the surface of the protein. These characteristics allow cooperation with electrostatic
interactions and the presence of a higher number of salt bridges [84]. The stability of the enzymes
depends on the negative charge on the surface of the protein due to acidic amino acids, the hydrophobic
groups in the presence of high salt concentrations and the hydration of the protein surface due to
carboxylic groups present in aspartic and glutamic acids. In addition, negative surface charges are
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thought to be important for the solvation of halophilic proteins, to prevent denaturation, aggregation and
precipitation [85,86].
Moderate halophiles use other haloadaptations based on biosynthesis and/or accumulation in the
cytoplasm of high amounts of specific organic osmolytes, which function as osmoprotectants, providing
osmotic balance and maintaining low intracellular salt concentrations without interfering in the normal
metabolism of the cell. The osmolyte could be obtained by direct uptake from the environment [85].
These solutes can act as stabilizers for biological structures and allow the cells to adapt not only to salts
but also to heat, desiccation, cold or even freezing conditions [87]. Many halophilic bacteria accumulate
ectoine or hydroxyectoine as the predominant compatible solutes. Other types of osmolyte include
glycine, betaine and other neutral glycerols [71].
One of the adaptation mechanism developed is the lipid composition. Structural adaptations have
been observed in the S-layers of halophiles. The extreme halophile contains sulfated glucuronic acid
residues and a higher degree of glycosylation, leading to an increased density in surface charges. This
characteristic demonstrates an adaptation in response to the higher salt concentrations experienced by
Halobacterium salinarum. Moreover, in Haloarchaea, some S-layer glycoproteins are enriched in acidic
residues [88].
The halophiles have been used in biodegradation of organic pollutants, in desalinization of
wastewater, in nanotechnology, in production of biopolymers and as osmoprotectors [89,90]. The
halotolerance of hydrolases derived from halophilic bacteria can be exploited wherever enzymatic
transformations are required to function under physical and chemical conditions, such as in the presence
of organic solvents and extremes in temperature and salt content. Many halophiles can secrete
extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, such as amylases, lipases, peptidases, xylanases and cellulases that are
thermostable and adaptable to a wide range of pH [80].

2.4. Piezophiles

High hydrostatic pressure is one of the physical parameters in deep-ocean environments and it plays
a selective role in the distribution of life on the planet. The oceans, which have an average depth of 3800 m
and an average pressure of 380 atmosphere (atm) or 38 MPa, make up ~95% of the biosphere. In the
deepest parts of the oceans, pressures of 700 to 1100 atm (70 to 110 MPa) prevent the growth of most
microorganisms. Moreover, the temperature in the deep-sea is typically within the 1–3 °C range. However,
there are hydrothermal vent habitats where high pressures and high temperatures are found, and in these
regions marine microbes might be exposed to temperatures and pressures ranging from 1–300 °C and
1–1100 atm (0.1–110 MPa), respectively [91].
The effects of high hydrostatic pressure on microbial metabolisms occurs in the cellular structures
and cellular processes such as cell division and motility [92]. Microorganisms called piezophiles
(previously named barophile), such as deep-sea bacteria or archaea, live in high pressure environments
and are of interest to various sectors of biotechnology [93]. The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of
the ocean found on the planet; it has a maximum depth of 11 km and a pressure of 1100 atm
(110 MPa). This extreme habitat harbors organisms that can grow in standard pressure and temperature
and strict piezophiles, like Moritella yayanosii and Shewanella benthica, that have pressure growth
conditions of between 700 and 800 atm (70 ~80 MPa), but not less than 500 atm (50 MPa) [18,94].
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Microorganisms which possess optimal growth rates at pressures above atmospheric pressure are
classified as piezophilic; and as piezotolerant those that grow at high pressure, as well as at atmospheric
pressure but they do not have optimal growth rates at pressures above one [91]. Bacterial piezophiles are
mainly psychrophiles belonging to five genera of γ-proteobacteria, Photobacterium, Shewanella,
Colwellia, Psychromonas and Moritella, while piezophilic Archaea are mostly (hyper)thermophiles
from Thermococcales [95].
The physiological adaptations required for growth under these extreme conditions are substantial and
involve a combination of modifications of gene structure and regulation. The adaptation mechanisms of
piezophiles are under investigation. Whether piezophilic adaptation requires the modification of a few
genes, or metabolic pathways, or a more profound reorganization of the genome has not yet been fully
elucidated [95]. As with psychrophiles, piezophiles contain lipids with highly unsaturated fatty acids [96].
Other adaptation mechanisms against the high pressures include reduction of cell division, modification of
membrane and transport proteins and accumulation of osmolytes, which stabilize the proteins [94,97,98].
The occurrence of elongated helices in the 16S rRNA genes to increase adaptation to growth at elevated
pressure has also been described [99].

2.5. Polyextremophiles

Microorganisms in their natural habitats are thought to experience stress during their life cycle. Many
extremophiles inhabit environments with more than one extreme parameter, for example, extremophiles
that thrive in the depth of the oceans or close to hot springs. In the first situation, if the extremophiles
are found in ocean mud, they could be piezophiles or psychrophiles, but if they were found close to a
hydrothermal vent, they could be piezophiles, thermophiles or acidophiles, due to the minerals released
in the chimney, or even, if they were found in DHABs, they could be piezophiles, psychrophiles
or halophiles.
In an effort to provide a comprehensive look at the extremes of temperature and pH, Capece
et al. [100] tabulated over 200 extremophile species found in the literature. They are called
thermoacidophiles, thermoalkaliphiles, psychroacidophiles and psychroalkaliphiles. Since membrane
fluidity decreases at low temperatures, the lower permeability to protons (H+) becomes an advantage for
acidophiles and alkaliphiles. The pH homeostasis is controlled by H+ movements across the membrane.
The presence of psychroacidophiles and psychroalkaliphiles has not yet been found in nature; only the
presence of psychrotolerant alkaliphiles, such as Alkalibacterium psychrotolerans has been
observed [100,101].
However, the presence of thermoacidophiles is well documented. High temperatures increase the
permeability to H+ resulting in a lethal cytoplasmic acidification [102]. Modifications in RNA codon
thermostability and a neutral surface charge in proteins prevent the occurrence of an acid hydrolysis.
The existence of thermoacidophiles over 100 °C has not yet been observed [100,103]. The survival of
thermoalkaliphiles is thought to be related more to the buffering capacity to maintain a stable
intracellular cytoplasm than the maintenance of a bioenergetic gradient [100,102,104].
High salt concentrations allied to temperature extremes have been observed in psychrohalophiles and
thermohalophiles. Many environments in polar sea ice are cold brine solutions, thus some degree of
halophily is typical in most psychrophiles. Indeed, cold adaptation and salt adaptation have common
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approaches [100]. Thermohalophiles are rare. Their uncharged proteins became extremely unstable in
hypersaline solutions, and are denatured by solvents at high temperatures and by decreasing the
electrostatic interactions required to maintain the native folding [105,106]. Thermococcus waiotapuensis
is the most hyper-thermohalophilic organism discovered to date, however, the basis of its biochemical
stability is still unclear [107].
The correlation of temperature and pressure is also another parameter involved in extremophilic
survivability. Increases in volume are favored at high temperatures but disfavored at high pressures.
Thermopiezophile protein adaptations are synergistic, comprising a small surface charge with a strongly
hydrophobic core. Other biochemical responses are the induction of both heat-shock and
cold-shock response pathways reinforcing the synergistic reaction [100,108]. The cold-shock response
is extremely important in psychropiezophiles, since they do not benefit from the synergistic temperature
and pressure approach. They also incorporate monosaturated and polysaturated fatty acids to prevent
membrane crystallization, which is caused by both extremes of temperature, a characteristic already
incorporated in piezophiles [100,109].
Halo-acidophiles and halo-alkaliphiles are both found in nature. For halo-acidophiles, high
extracellular concentrations allow a more favorable efflux of H+. Halo-alkaliphiles are more commonly
found, because the monovalent cations of salts are essential for pH homeostasis and energetic
coupling [110,111]. On other hand, for halo-alkaliphiles, the less favorable influx of H+, caused by high
salt concentrations, leads to a lethal alkylation of the cytoplasm, and becomes a limitation to growth.
Halo-alkaliphiles are able to maintain a gradient of about 1.0–1.5 units [102,112]. Finally, high pressures
promote negative volume changes by the dissociation of acids and the protonation of amine groups in
proteins. This leads to an acidification of the solution, creating an environment where piezo-acidophiles
can be found. On the other hand, the alkalinification of the environment associated to high-pressures
creates a propitious site for piezo-alkaliphiles. However, both of these organisms still need to be further
investigated for systematic identification and characterization [100,113].
Polyextremophilic enzymes have been applied in the food, detergent, chemical, pulp and paper
industries. A thermo-alkali-stable enzyme from Bacillus halodurans TSEV1 has applicability in pre
bleaching of paper pulp and recently has been expressed in Pichia pastoris for the production of
oligosaccharides [114,115]. Another strain of B. halodurans PPKS-2 produced an alkaliphilic,
halotolerant, detergent and thermostable mannanase. This strain grows in agro wastes and can be applied
for mannanase production on an industrial scale for detergent and pulp and paper bleaching [116]. The
Antarctic cold-adapted halophilic Archeon Halorubrum lacusprofundi produces a recombinant
polyextremophilic enzyme that is active in cold temperatures, high salinity and is stable in aqueous-organic
mixed solvents. This enzyme is suitable for applications in synthetic chemistry [117].

3. Biocatalysis: Bioengineering and Other Strategies

The application of hydrolases in industrial processes sometimes fails due to the lack of robustness,
stability and undesirable properties [5]. Recent experimental advances, associated to novel bioinformatic
tools and protein engineering, has allowed the development of more efficient hydrolases for industrial
purposes [46,118,119]. Since the introduction of site-directed mutagenesis and other integrated modern
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techniques such as synthetic biology and system biology, it is now possible to modify the characteristics
of these enzymes, such as enhancing their stability and specificity [120,121].
Anaerobic, extremophilic and marine bacteria are a source of enzymes with superior chances of
success in biotechnological processes. A great deal of laboratory effort has been concentrated on their
production and characterization. Furthermore, the design of novel enzymes as well as molecular
approaches such as enzyme evolution and metagenomic approaches can be used to identify and develop
novel biocatalysts from uncultured bacteria—A treasure-trove of unknown proteins. Some characteristics
of extremophiles are important for obtaining recombinants with specific properties. The advantage of
psychrophile enzymes is their reduced energy consumption. Thus, psychrophiles could be used in the
production of thermolabile proteins for genetic engineering [60].
Stabilization of hydrolytic enzymes is of interest due their potential applications in the medical,
chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Methods to stabilize proteins include protein engineering or
chemical modifications [122,123]. In the past two decades, protein engineering has become a powerful
means to alter or improve enzymatic catalysis [124,125], and is divided into two methods: (1) directed
evolution—A random mutagenesis is applied to a protein; and (2) rational protein design—Knowledge
of the structure and function of the protein is necessary in order to change its characteristics. These
methods have been successfully applied to increase protein activity, selectivity or thermostability [126].
The protein engineering technique is helping to improve the production of chemicals, such as optically
pure tertiary alcohols and drugs, like the profen family (NSAIDs) [127,128]. Directed evolution has been
reported to be laborious and costly, however it does provide the means for selecting mutants with
improved properties [122,123]. Allying chemical modifications to recombinant DNA technology can
generate improvements in enzyme stability and efficiency, preventing changes in the active-site and in
targeting enzyme surface groups [129,130].
Mutations could be induced by physical and chemical methods such as UV-irradiation, γ-rays, fast
neutron irradiation, nitrosoguanidine (NTG), diethyl sulfate and nitrous acid which have been applied to
breed lipase-producing microorganisms. With these simple methods, the lipase yield can be improved
by 1 to 10-fold; however, the low positive mutation rate, the long periodicity and the laborious screening
has limited its widespread use [131].
Enhancing the stability of extremophilic enzymes is very beneficial because this could maintain the
high activity at low/high physical-chemical parameters for prolonged periods of time, a characteristic
that can be exploited in many industrial processes. However, basic issues involved in the stabilization
mechanisms need to be analysed before any modifications can be made. These issues include the type
and size of the protein, the structure and size of the modifying reagent, the chemical reactions involved
in the modification procedures and the conditions of such modifications [122,123].
Siddiqui et al. [132] demonstrated that chemical modifications could be useful in providing details of
structure, function and stability of proteins, turning them into potential guides for future target studies,
including an attempt to convert mesophilic enzymes into cold-adapted ones. Tadeo et al. [84] demonstrated
that it is possible to decrease the salt dependence of a halophilic protein to the level of a mesophilic one,
and engineering the protein in an inverse form, from mesophilic to an obligate halophilic form,
suggesting that the halophilicity is related exclusively to surface residues.
On the other hand, searching for enzymes that already exist in nature could be faster and more
straightforward than the engineering routes. Metagenomic techniques could be a powerful tool
Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1937

for making such discoveries, by trying to find novel genes and enzymes from uncultured
microorganisms [133]. Metagenomic analysis can be either sequence driven, for example, accessing the
16S rRNA, recA or other conserved sequences, or function driven, expressing features such as a specific
enzyme activity or antibiotic production [134]. The 16S rRNA metagenomic studies provide an
enormous diversity of free-living marine microorganisms from different environments and include the
discovery of new enzymes of microbial origin [135]. A list of marine enzymes discovered by
metagenomics can be found in Kennedy et al. [136].
Some advantages can be applied to functional metagenomics over the sequence methods. The
functional approach recognizes the genes by their function, rather than their sequences, avoiding
incorrect annotations or similar sequences of gene products with multiple functions. When you search
for novel functions or a complete new class of genes, this could be crucial [136]. Currently platform
databases, such as KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) and GenomeNet, are helping in
the interpretation of a large amount of data generated by metagenomic output analyses. A large number
of bioinformatic tools are now available for Data Mining of metagenomic sequences, based on a series
of features [136,137]. Combining different approaches, like activity-based mining with tailoring of
robust and selective enzymes, would give a biotechnological process a chance to take over from chemical
catalysis, transforming industrial chemistry into a more eco-friendly process [138].
Currently all these techniques are powerful tools for biocatalysis. Miyake et al. [139] constructed a
recombinant protein expression system using the psychrophilic bacterium Shewanella sp., isolated from
Antarctic seawater. This bacterium grows at temperatures close to 0 °C. The enzyme produces
β-lactamase reaching 91 mg/liter of culture at 4 °C and 139 mg/liter of culture at 18 °C. In another
study, mesophilic enzymes were expressed in psychrophilic microorganisms for efficient
3-hydroxypropionaldehyde production from glycerol, using Shewanella livingstonensis Ac10 as a
selected host [140]. A heat-sensitive esterase and two chaperones (Cpn60 and Cpn10) from a
psychrophilic bacterium, Oleispira antarctica RB-8 T were simultaneously expressed in E. coli. The
resulting enzyme from the recombinant strains was more active (180 fold) than the E. coli strain grown
at 37 °C and was also active at low temperatures [141].
Other more suitable techniques can be applied in the search for novel enzymes from rare
microorganisms, such as single cell genomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics. The single cell
genomics allow the study of the entire biochemical process of a single uncultured cell; the
metatranscriptomics can access only the transcriptionally active genes in their specific population; and
the metaproteomics can analyze the enzymes directly involved in a particular biochemical
pathway [136].
Systems Biology is another integrated strategy used in industrial biotechnology. A quantitative
analysis of biological systems is carried out using a mathematical model via computer simulation.
Cellular metabolisms are analyzed and optimized for application in the development of strains and
bioprocesses [121]. “Omics” technologies have been employed in studies such as: Transcriptome
(genome-wide study of mRNA expression levels), proteome (analysis of structure and function of
proteins and their interactions), metabolome (measurement of all metabolites to access the complete
metabolic response to a stimulus), fluxome analysis (metabolic flux) and also in advanced mathematical
modeling tools, such as genome-scale metabolic modeling [5,121].
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Synthetic Biology is a field that has been growing in the last few years and is in many ways related
to genetic engineering. It is an integrated and interdisciplinary theme including bioinformatics,
microbiology, molecular biology, systems biology and biology in order to design and construct new
biologic functions and systems not found in nature or improving certain functions through the creation
of a synthetic genome [120].

4. Hydrolases and Their Biotechnological Potential

Currently more than 500 products are produced using enzymes and about 150 industrial processes
benefit from the use of enzymes or catalysts from microorganisms. Moreover, more than 3000 enzymes
are known and approximately 65% are hydrolases used in the detergent, textile, pulp, paper and starch
industries and almost 25% of these are used for food processing [142,143]. Studies show that the
diversity of extremophile microorganisms may be higher than we think [31,144]. However, the
characterization and use of such a diversity of enzymes becomes complicated due to the difficulty of
isolating and growing these microorganisms [142].
By definition, hydrolases are enzymes that catalyze reactions with the substrate through the hydrolysis
of chemical bonds. Hydrolases are enzymes classified as Class 3 (EC 3) by the Nomenclature Committee
of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NC-IUBMB) that keeps an updated
list of all the enzymes described in a database, available at ExplorEnz [145].

5. Amylases from Marine Extremophiles

Starch comprises an abundant source of available energy and is present in almost all higher plants.
Starch is a polymer composed of glucose molecules that form a so-called straight-chain amylose via the
α 1–4 linked type. The association of α 1–4 with the α 1–6 type branches creates amylopectin, the largest
part of the starch molecule [146].
Amylases are enzymes, which hydrolyze the starch molecules to glucose monomers and can be
classified according to the specificity of the substrate in which they operate, as showed in
Table 2 [5,147]. Figure 2 illustrates the function of the three major amylolytic enzymes.
The amylolytic enzymes are one of the most interesting enzymes for industrial processes. The
α-amylase of different species of the genus Bacillus are the amylases that are the most applied in
biotechnological processes, because of their thermophilic properties and high conversion rates [148].
The research for extremozymes and their special characteristics for industrial processes has been
expanded [149], and over the years several stable amylases from thermophiles, psychrophiles, alkaliphiles,
acidophiles and halophiles have been reported [150–152]. They are found in different genera of marine
extremophile archaea and bacteria from the surface to deep sea locations, and include Desulfurococcus sp.,
Pseudoalteromonas sp., Pyrococcus sp., Rhodothermus sp. and Thermococcus sp. [153–156]. Geobacillus
sp. is an isolate from a geothermal vent, and has a remarkable alpha-amylase stability between 80 °C to
140 °C [157].
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Table 2. Classification of Amylases.

Enzyme Classification Cleavage Product
Endoamylase α-amylases EC Internal α-1,4 Dextrins
β-amylase or maltase EC Maltose
Exoamylases Glucoamylase EC3.2.1.3 Outer regions of α-1,4
β-cyclodextrin and glucose
Amylases α-glucosidase EC
Pullulanases EC α-1,6 linkages Maltotriose
Debranching Isoamylases EC Pullulan Malto-oligosaccharides
Dextrinases EC α-1,6 linkages Maltose

Figure 2. The three major amylolytic enzymes [5].

Several industrial processes can be performed with the use of amylases. The endoamylases, which
have optimum activity for temperatures between 70 °C and 95 °C have been applied in the production
of ethanol from corn starch, rice or as a pretreatment for forming sugars (saccharification) for
fermentation [158,159]. Amylases are also used in the food industry for the production of glucose syrups,
fructose and maltose, reduced viscosity of syrups, reducing the turbidity of juices and also for alcohol
fermentation. They are also involved in the textile, papermaking, detergent, chemical, pharmaceutical
and petroleum industries [5,160,161].
Thermostable amylases are important for starch hydrolysis under high temperatures, accelerating the
reactions and reducing possible contaminations [148]. Many companies sell different thermostable
and broad-range pH operating enzymes. This is the case of Fuelzyme®—Verenium Corporation
(San Diego, CA, USA), an alpha-amylase which was originated from Thermococcus sp. isolated from a
deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Fuelzyme® is applied to mash liquefaction during ethanol production,
releasing dextrins and oligosaccharides with better solubility and with low molecular weight. It operates
in a pH range of 4.0–6.5 and temperatures above 110 °C [162]. However, Fuelzyme® and Spezyme®
(DuPont-Genencor Science) are only used for biofuel production. The use of a blend of these
commercially available amylases and others from Bacillus sp. has been suggested to make industrial
starch processing more efficient, and suitable for downstream applications [163].
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Pullulanases are commonly associated to glucoamylases for the saccharification of starch, and there
is a growing demand in industry for them [164]. Marine sources have been naturally appointed as
providers of such enzymes [165]. Thermostable pullulanases from type II (amylopullulanases) are being
used in the process of starch liquefaction and saccharification combined [166,167]. The hyperthermophilic
archaea Staphylothermus marinus, an isolate from the deep-sea associated with geothermal activity or
hydrothermal vents, presents an optimum growth at 98 °C. A new thermostable amylopullulanase of the
glycosyl hydrolase family from S. marinus, has recently been described with degradation activity
towards pullulan and cyclodextrin at 105 °C [168]. One of the most thermostable and thermo-active
pullulanases type II was described for Pyrococcus furiosus and Thermococcus litoralis, with activity
ranging from 130 °C to 140 °C in the presence of 5 mM Ca++ [169].
On the other hand, cold adapted amylases also have their uses in the detergents, textile and food
industries, due to their considerable energy savings and reduction of bacterial contamination [150]. The
most studied cold active alpha-amylase originates from Alteromonas haloplanctis, which is synthesized
at 0–2 °C and has been successfully expressed in Escherichia coli [170]. The alpha-amylase from
Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis (AHA) (former Alteromonas haloplanctis) showed 80% of initial
activity at 4.5 M of NaCl at 10 °C [171]. Structural features in AHA have been studied through
site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification, including a modification performed that provides
support for the importance of arginine residues, instead of lysine, which enhances the enzyme thermostability
to cold adaptation; however, it decreases their activity [132]. Recently, Zunongwangia profunda was isolated
from the deep-sea and presented a cold adapted and salt tolerant alpha-amylase, one of the very few
alpha-amylases that can tolerate both cold and salt conditions [172]. An alpha-amylase was found in an
isolate from the genus Bacillus on a marine salt farm, with a hyperthermostable enzyme acting at 110 °C as
optimum operating temperature [173]. The Halomonas sp. strain AAD21 was found to produce a halo
and thermostable alpha-amylase [174]. The Holoarcula sp. stain S-1, produced an extracellular organic
solvent-tolerant alpha-amylase that was stable and active in benzene, toluene and chloroform, with a
maximal activity at 50 °C in 4.3 M of NaCl and pH 7.0 [175]. Extreme halophiles and piezophiles are
not common sources of amylases. Some other examples of extremophile producers of amylases are
summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Extreme amylases from marine extremophiles.

Microorganism Domain Metabolism Enzyme Type Reference
Isolation Site
Pyrococcus furiosus Thermal marine Amylase
Archaea Hyperthermophile α-amylase [176]
(recombinant) sediments Endoamylase
Fervidobacterium pennavorans Hot springs, Amylase Pullulanase
Bacteria Hyperthermophile [177]
V5 (recombinant) Azores islands debranching type I
Pseudoalteromonas Amylase
Bacteria Antarctica Psycrophille α-amylase [171]
haloplanktis Endoamylas
Tunisian salt Amylase
Halothermothrix orenii Bacteria Halophile/poliextremophile α amylase [178]
lake Endoamylase
Haloferax mediterranei Archaea Saltern, Spain Extreme halophile a-amylase [179]
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6. Cell Wall-Degrading Hydrolases from Marine Extremophiles

Along with starch, the cell wall is another element present in the structure of all plants and which also
maintains an energy reserve, although rarely used and of difficult access. This element consists of three
major polymers: Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Cellulose is the most abundant macromolecule on
Earth and one of the major constituents of plants, formed by β-1,4-linked glucose molecules. Due to its
compactness and crystalline disposition in nature, cellulose is very resistant to hydrolysis and degradation.
Hemicelluloses are non-cellulosic polysaccharides composed of complex carbohydrate polymers, where
xylan and glucomannan are the main components. Lignin, with hemicellulose and pectin, fills the spaces
between the cellulose fibers acting as a bonding material between the cell wall components [180].
Cellulases are complex hydrolases capable of degrading insoluble cellulose polymers, present in
plants, fungi and bacteria. Cellulases are among the enzymes that are the most produced for industrial
purposes and it is expected that within a few years, their production will increase further, due to their
use in biofuel conversion [181]. Regarding the hydrolysis of xylan, a wide variety of enzymes become
necessary, and they differ in their specificity and mechanism of action [5,182]. Table 4 summarizes the
classification of cellulases and xylanases. Figure 3 illustrates the dynamics of polysaccharide catalysis.
Cellulolytic microorganisms have developed complex forms of cellulolytic systems which actively
hydrolyze the cellulose fibrils, and are capable of producing cellulolytic enzymes with additional
functions. Furthermore, they are organized in the form of multiprotein complexes such as cellulosomes
and xylanossomas [180,183,184]. The use of different vegetables such as sugarcane, corn, beets, among
others for the bioenergy industry generates residues that could be reused. Biotechnological research has
been stimulated to develop technologies for second-generation ethanol production from plant biomass
containing lignocellulose [184,185]. Extremophile microorganisms, especially thermophilic and alkaliphiles,
are widely used in lignocellulolytic processes. The thermophilic and psychrophilic cellulases have also
been used in different industrial processes in the food and fermented beverages, textile, pulp and paper
and animal feed industries [47,186,187]. Glycoside hydrolases are commonly found in marine
thermophile-microorganisms, like Pyrococcus sp., Thermococcus sp., and Thermotoga sp. [156,188,189].
Beta-glycosidase from the hyperthermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima, used in transglycosylation
reactions, is thermostable and resistant to a large number of proteolytic denaturants found in nature and
the presence of alcohol or organic compounds stimulates its activities [190]. Thermostable xylanases are
being largely used in the paper bleaching industry [191]. Xylosidases and xylanases are expressed in
Thermotoga neapolitana during the bio-production of hydrogen, using many different carbohydrates as
feedstock [192]. Recombinant xylanase is being improved to achieve more extremophilic characteristics,
like XynB from T. maritima, which has been successfully expressed in E. coli, exhibiting thermo and
alkaline stability, an attractive characteristic for bleaching kraft pulp in the paper industry [193]. Aiming
for crystalline cellulose hydrolysis, a variant designed from a beta-1,4-endoglucanase (EGPh) of
P. horikoshii exhibited stronger activity than the wild type EGPh [194].
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Table 4. Classification of cell wall-degrading hydrolases.

Enzyme Classification Cleavage Product
Intramolecular bonds of
Endoglucanases Endo-β-1,4-glucanase EC New chain ends
Glucose or
Cellulases β-glucosidase EC Ends of the cellulose
soluble cellulose
EC Glycosidic terminals Cellobiose
Internal glycosidic
Polymerization degree
β-1,4-endoxylanase EC linkages along heteroxylan
of the substrate
Xylanases main skeleton
Small xylo-oligosaccharides
α-D-xylosidase EC Xylose
and xylobiose

Figure 3. (A) Enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of cellulose and (B) in xylan
hydrolysis [183]. Exo-β-1,4-glucanase and cellobiohydrolase hydrolyze the glycosidic
terminals releasing cellobiose units. The β-glucosidases act directly on cellulose, hydrolyzing
it to glucose. The 1,4-β-glucosidase is essential to complete the hydrolysis process of the
cellulose [5]. The α-D-xylosidases are exoglycosidases that act in the non-reducing end,
hydrolyzing small xylo-oligosaccharides and xylobioses, releasing xylose.
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Psychrophiles are a source of these enzymes. The first cold-active and alkali-stable β-glucosidase was
isolated from Martelella mediterranea. This enzyme retains 80% of its activity at pH 11.0 and 50% at
4 °C [195]. A deep-sea mud Exiguobacterium oxidotolerans also presents a cold active beta-glycosidase,
maintaining 61% of its maximum activity at 10 °C and a pH range from 6.6 to 9.0 [196]. The Antarctic
bacterium P. haloplanktis CelG gene was purified and expressed in E. coli for kinetic and structural
optimization purposes [197]. Psychrophilic xylanases, like TAH3a from P. haloplanktis and MSY-2 from
Flavobacterium sp. have also been used in the baking industry [198,199]. Ideal enzymes for treating
milk should work well at 4–8 °C and pH 6.7–6.8, and this is still highly desired in industrial applications.
Arthrobacter sp. is an Antarctic isolate that produces a β-D-galactosidase capable of working at 4–8 °C,
and it retains 15% of its maximum activity at 0 °C [200].
The slightly halophilic bacterium Alteromonas macleodii has been isolated from the Pacific Ocean,
Mediterranean Sea, English Channel, Black Sea and Gulf of Thailand. The activities for beta-D-
galactosidase, alpha-D-galactosidase and beta-D-glucosidase were found using a sample isolated from
the Black Sea [201].

7. Marine Extremophilic Proteases

Peptidases or proteases are proteolytic enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of peptide bonds on
proteins or peptides. Peptidases are classified in subclass 3.4 (peptide-hydrolases). The rating uses three
criteria: I—Chemical mechanism of catalysis. In this system, peptidases are classified according to their
catalytic type in serine, cysteine, threonine, aspartic, glutamic, asparagine, metallo and unknown
catalytic (S, C, T, A, G, N, M, and U, respectively) and P for peptidases with protein nucleophiles of
mixed catalytic types. II—Type of reaction they catalyze. These are subdivided into exo-peptidases
(EC 3.4.11-19), when enzymes cleave terminal amino acids, and endo-peptidases (EC 3.4.21-99), when
they hydrolyze peptide bonds in the middle of the polypeptide chain. III—Molecular structure and
homology. This is the most modern classification concept, based on amino acid sequences and
three-dimensional structures. The peptidases are classified in families and clans. In the families,
the classification of peptidases is grouped by amino acid sequence comparisons: 251 families of
peptidases can be found in MEROPS Release 9. Currently the number of peptidases described and
indexed in the MEROPS database exceeds more than 4000 enzymes [202]. Figure 4 summarizes the
classification of peptidases.
Peptidases are enrolled in different biological processes such as regulation, localization, modulation
and activities of protein interactions [203]. An important function of peptidases, is to perform
posttranslational processing events, leading to the activation or inactivation of proteins, including
enzymes [204]. Peptidases are also a potential drug target for microbial diseases, taking part in pathogenesis,
inactivating the host immune defense mediators, in the processing of host or parasite proteins and in the
digestion of host proteins. These features make peptidases very valuable to the pharmaceutical
industries [5]. Other innumerous applications of peptidases are in the detergent, cosmetic, chemical and
food industries [5,142].
Most peptidases from extremophilic archaea belong to the serine peptidases family, although, other
families are also represented. Hyperthermophilic peptidases include serine peptidases, cysteine peptidases
and the threonine-dependent proteasomes. Pyrococus sp. are archaeon hyperthermophiles, strictly
Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1944

anaerobes and obligate heterotrophs and are found in diverse habitats such as thermal marine sediments
and shallow hydrothermal vents [205]. P. furiosus was isolated from deep-sea vents and volcanic marine
mud of Italy [206]. An intracellular peptidase from P. horikoshii is an oligomeric cysteine peptidase [15]
similar to the P. furiosus intracellular peptidase I [207]. In this genus, pyrolysin, a serine peptidase,
metalopeptidases and ATP-dependent peptidases such as Lon A and subunits of proteasome have been
characterized [208]. Thermococcus litoralis is a hyperthermophile archaea that is found around deep-sea
hydrothermal vents as well as near shallow submarine thermal springs and oil wells. A proline
dipeptidase named prolidase cleaves dipeptides having proline at the C-terminus and a nonpolar residue
(Met, Leu, Val, Phe, Ala) at the amino terminus [209].

Figure 4. The classifications of peptidases [5].

Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1945

Psychrophiles are a source of peptidases and other hydrolases. The potential of the enzymes produced
by them has been reviewed [65,210,211]. The diversity of extremophile microorganisms is a valuable
resource in the search for new proteolytic enzymes, mainly those active at low temperatures derived
from psychrophiles [69,186,212]. S. livingstonensis is a psychrophilic, gram-negative, isolate from
Antarctic coastal areas that produces a serine alkaline peptidase [213]. Colwellia psychrerythraea is an
obligate psychrophile, Gram-negative bacteria that can be found in cold marine environments including
in Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice. The bacteria produce a peptidase of the family M1 aminopeptidase. The
enzyme with a molecular mass of 71 kDa displayed an optimum temperature at 19 °C [214].
Natrialba magadii is an extremophile archaea that lives in alkaline hypersaline conditions (pH 9.5,
3.5 M NaCl). A Lon peptidase from this halophile was cloned and sequenced by Sastre et al. [215]. The
ATP-dependent Lon peptidase is universally distributed in bacteria, eukaryotic organelles and archaea.
In this species, like other archaea, there is a Lon B type serine peptidase, with a molecular mass of
85 kDa. Haloferax volcanii, a haloarchaeon isolated from the Dead Sea, also presents a Lon Peptidase.
In a study by Cerletti et al. [216] of this species, the group demonstrated that a suboptimal cellular level
of the Lon protein affected its growth rate, cell shape, cell pigmentation, lipid composition and sensitivity
to various antibiotics. An extracellular serine peptidase with 45 kDa was characterized in the same
species by Gimenez et al. [217]. Natrialba asiatica, which was isolated from a beach in Japan, and
H. mediterranei isolated from seawater evaporation ponds near Alicante, Spain produced a halolysin, a
serine peptidase [218]. Other extracellular and intracellular peptidase classes including metalopeptidases,
and 20S proteasomes/threonine peptidases are also found in the group (for review see De Castro et al. [219]).
Table 5 summarizes other peptidases found in marine extremophiles.
Halophilic microorganisms present some advantages in fermentation processes that occur in the
presence of salt. The high salt tolerance of extreme halophiles enables their cultivation under
non-sterile and thus cost-reducing conditions [220]. Some peptidases such as bromelain, papain, and
pepsin have been used as biocatalysts of protein hydrolysis in fish sauce fermentation. These peptidases
are not stable in high salt concentration. In contrast, peptidases from extreme halophiles require salt to
carry out their activities. In addition, halophilic peptidases have a wide application in processing
activities for the food, leather and detergent industries [220,221].
The Deinococcus genus has been isolated from a variety of habitats including Antarctica, water and
activated sludge, hot springs and aquifers [222–224]. The fresh water radioactive site isolate,
Deinococcus aquiradiocola, proved to be a proteolytic, capable of hydrolyzing gelatin and
casein [225]. Deinococcus indicus, an arsenic-resistant bacterium isolated from an aquifer, has been
positively characterized for casein and gelatin hydrolysis [226]. Some species have been isolated from
marine habitats such as Deinococcus geothermalis from deep-ocean subsurfaces [227,228]. Pietrow
et al. [229] described the production of the thermo-alkali-stable peptidase from D. geothermalis. The
peptidase presented stability at 60 °C and pH 9.0; these properties are appropriate for the
detergent industry.
Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1946

Table 5. Peptidases from marine extremophiles.

Peptidase Extremophile Habitats Reference
Fervidobacterium pennavorans Hot spring [230]
Sulfolobus solfataricus Volcanic hot spring [231]
Deep-sea hydrothermal vent Shallow
Serine peptidase Thermococcus litoralis [232]
submarine thermal springs and oil wells
Geothermal hot stream at Sileri on Java
Thermoanaerobacter yonseiensis [34,233]
island, Indonesia
Aciduliprofundum boonei Marine hydrothermal vent [234]
Cysteine peptidase Dead Sea, the Great Salt Lake, and
Haloferax volcanii [235]
oceanic environments with high NaCl
Metallocarboxypeptidase Caldithrix abyssi Deep-sea hydrothermal chimneys [234]

8. Lipases and Esterases from Marine Extremophiles

Lipases and esterases are hydrolases that catalyze the cleavage and formation of ester bonds
(EC 3.1) and belong to Carboxylic Ester Hydrolases (EC 3.1.1) (Table 6). Both types of enzymes belong
to the family of serine hydrolases and share structural and functional characteristics, such as an
α/β-hydrolase fold in their core structure, and have a characteristic catalytic triad (serine, aspartic/
glutamic and histidine). Lipases are mainly active against water-insoluble substrates, such as triglycerides
composed of long-chain fatty acids (C ≥ 8). Esterases preferentially hydrolyze “simple” esters and
usually only triglycerides composed of fatty acids shorter than C 8. Based on amino acid sequences,
esterases and lipases have been grouped into eight families. Enzymes in Family 1 are called true lipases
and are further classified into six subfamilies. Enzymes belonging to Families 2–8 are esterases. The
genome analysis of bacteria has shown putative lipases/esterases genes that are not included in any
family [236,237].

Table 6. Lipases and esterases according the Nomenclature Committee of the International
Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NC-IUBMB) [145].
Lipases Systematic Name E.C. Reaction Catalysed
(other names: Esterases, Carboxylesterase carboxylic ester + H2O = alcohol + carboxylate
serina esterases, etc.)
Triacylglycerol lipase
(other names: Lipase; Triacylglycerol acylhydrolase triacylglycerol + H2O = diacylglycerol + carboxylate
triglyceride lipase, etc.)

The biotechnological applications of lipases have a broad spectrum of use including in the food, dairy,
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agrochemical, biosurfactant, detergent and paper industries [238–241].
Biodiesel production has been one of the major sectors stimulating the search for lipases [242,243].
Biodiesel is composed of methyl-esterified fatty acids derived from transesterification of triglycerides
by enzymatic action, providing a number of advantages such as a reduction of the operational process in
the manufacture and separation of glycerol by-products. For the environment, the advantages are
countless, such as the reduction of particles emissions, low toxicity and high biodegradability [5,244].
Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1947

The genus Pseudomonas is the most exploited for lipases [245]. The industrial use of lipases and
esterases from extremophile microorganisms has been increasing steadily in recent years [246], mainly
with the use of thermostable enzymes from thermophiles and psychrophiles [247–249].
The Thermococcus genus has been isolated from black smokers (hydrothermal vents) or freshwater
springs, with 1%–3% salt (NaCl) concentration, other marine hydrothermal areas and oil reservoirs.
Thermococcus sibiricus is a hyperthermophile from a high-temperature Samotlor oil reservoir (Western
Siberia). Genomic analysis revealed that T. sibiricus contains 15 genes that encode for lipases/esterases. Four
of these putative enzymes contain signal peptides suggesting that they are extracellular enzymes [250].
A thermostable esterase gene from the aquatic hyperthermophilic Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304
was cloned in E. coli. The esterase was tested with various acyl chains of ρ-nitrophenol and the highest
activity was found for ρ-nitrophenyl butyrate at 80 °C [251]. The archaeon Pyrobaculum calidifontis
VA1, also a hyperthermophilic isolated from a hot spring in the Philippines, presented a thermostable
carboxylesterase, with an optimum operation at 90 °C, and organic tolerance, supporting concentrations
up to 80% [252]. Other thermostable esterases have been described in S. solfataricus P1. Arylesterase,
the least understood among the esterases, showed high stability against denaturing agents at an optimum
temperature and pH of 94 °C and 7.0, respectively [253]. Esterases have been purified and studied from
the extremely Sulfolobus acidocaldarius [254] and Sulfolobus shibatae [255]. A thermostable esterase
gene from P. furiosus has been cloned in E. coli, purified and studied [256].
Lipases from psychrophile microorganisms are some of the most widely used classes of enzymes in
biotechnology applications, organic chemistry, detergent industry, for bioremediation purposes and in
the food industry [5,12,240]. A cold-adapted lipase (M37) from Photobacterium lipolyticum, previously
isolated from an intertidal flat of the Yellow Sea in Korea, maintains activity between 5 °C to 25 °C, and
was expressed in E. coli at 18 °C [257]. The lipase M37 has been tested as an alternative to C. antarctica
lipase B (Novozym435®—Novozymes Corporation (Bagsvaerd, Denmark), in the production of
biodiesel. Novozym435 is unstable in a medium containing high concentrations of methanol, required
for efficient biodiesel production [258,259].
C. antarctica was discovered to be a lipase producer in the 1980’s and it was found that two
types of lipases (A and B) were being produced. Since then, innumerous applications have been
described, such as the production of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), biofuel and
organic compounds [260–262]. Lipase B is commonly used for desymmetrization, ester synthesis and
production of peracids [130,263]. Due to such abilities, a great effort has been made to improve the
stability of lipase B through chemical modifications and directed evolution [130,261,264].
Several Antarctic isolates from Terra Nova Bay, including Pseudoalteromonas sp., Psychrobacter
sp. and Vibrio sp. have exhibited cold adapted lipases and esterases. The enzymes of six of them work
better at a 4 to 15 °C range, with pH changing from 5 to 9.0 and the NaCl concentrations between 1%
and 7.0% [265]. Until now, only a few esterases from psychrophilic microorganisms have been cloned
and characterized [156]. The cold-adapted esterase from Pseudoalteromonas arctica shows optimum
activity at 25 °C, but retains more than 50% of its activity at 0 °C [266]. In addition, after the complete
genome of P. haloplanktis was sequenced, a new cold-active lipase (Lip1) that configures a new lipolytic
family was found [237]. Other psychrophilic cold-adapted lipases and esterases are summarized in
Table 7.
Mar. Drugs 2015, 13 1948

Table 7. Lipases and esterases from psychrophiles.

Prokaryote Habitat Lipase/Esterase Reference
Desulfotalea psychrophila
Marine sediments that are permanently cold Esterase [267]
(sulfate-reducing bacteria)
Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis Marine Antarctic Lipase [237]
Psychrobacter sp. wp37 Deep-sea sediments Lipase [268]
Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H Cold marine environments including Arctic
Lipase [269]
(recombinant in E. coli) and Antarctic sea ice

One halotolerant strain identified as Salinivibrio sp. strain SA-2 was isolated from a hypersaline
brackish water with 14% salinity (Garmsar-Iran) and presented a thermostable lipase, retaining 90% of
its activity at 80 °C in a pH range of 7.5–8 for 30 min, tolerating a range of 0 to 3.0 M NaCl
concentrations [270]. The Haloarcula marismortui is an extreme halophilic archaeon isolated from the
Dead Sea, a hypersaline lake, producing different enzymes such as alkaline phosphatase, lipases, alcohol
dehydrogenases and other bio-products [271]. An esterase from H. marismortui was expressed in E. coli
and has been characterized as a salt-dependent esterase, with maximum activity at 3.0 M of KCl and no
activity in the absence of this salt [272]. A lipase was isolated from Natronococcus sp., an extremely
halophilic archaeon [273]. According to Ferrer et al. [11], five esterase genes were found in the Urania
deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basins (Eastern Mediterranean), through a screening in the metagenome
expression library. After expression in E. coli at least two were able to function in an extreme condition,
with high-pressure and saline affinity, and one possesses an adaptive structure, showing halotolerance
and conferring a wide range of catalytic activities. These esterases may possibly take part in the
production of intermediate pharmaceuticals, synthesizing optically pure biological active substances.

9. Conclusions and Future Perspectives

The study of marine extremophiles has been significantly reinforced using the modern techniques of
bioengineering and molecular biology. Such interactions have favored a better understanding of these
microorganisms and their biotechnological applications. The evolutionary adaptation to extreme
conditions has facilitated the selection of a more tolerant metabolism, of enzymes and other products
with special features not found in any other prokaryotes. Good examples are hydrolases with the ability
to operate in temperatures as low as those of the microorganisms isolated from Antarctica to those active
at high temperatures such as the hyperthermophilic microorganisms isolated from thermal fractures;
enzymes that act in high concentrations of salts found in anoxic basin environments, or high pressure,
are found in several polyextremophiles. These properties make these unique microorganisms a source
of genes that may be mapped by bio-prospecting metagenomic studies and used for cloning and
expression in other organisms to obtain enzymes with properties suitable for industrial bioprocesses.
However, although the studies related to the marine extremophiles cited here have increased greatly over
the past decade, there are still other extremozymes in promising habitats such as deep sea floors, and
also in the Red Sea that have so far attracted few studies and are open for exploration. Marine
extremophiles are a group of prokaryotic organisms that are being intensively studied worldwide.
Although major advances have been made recently, our knowledge of the physiology, metabolism,
enzymology and genetics of this fascinating group of microorganisms is still limited. Therefore, an
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important growth is expected to take place in this sector, pursuing a better understanding of the
application of these hydrolases from marine extremophiles.


The authors wish to acknowledge the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (MCT-CNPq), Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio
de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
for the financial support. This manuscript was reviewed by a professional science editor and by a native
English-speaking copy editor to improve readability.

Author Contributions

The authors contributed equally to this work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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