Understanding Dynamics of Pandemics: Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Understanding Dynamics of Pandemics: Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Understanding Dynamics of Pandemics: Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Abstract: Along the centuries, novel strain of virus such as influenza produces pandemics which increase illness, death and
disruption in the countries. Spanish flu in 1918, Asian flu in 1957, Hong Kong flu in 1968 and swine flu in 2009 were known
pandemic which had various characteristics in terms of morbidity and mortality. A current pandemic is caused by novel corona virus
originated from China. COVID-19 pandemic is very similar to Spanish, Hong Kong, Asian and swine influenza pandemics in
terms of spreading to world by the mobilized people. Burden of pandemic is considered in terms of disease transmissibility and the
growth rate of epidemic and duration of pandemic can be calculated by transmissibility characteristic. The case definition, finding
out cases and first case cluster, proper treatment, sufficient stockpiles of medicine and population cooperation with the containment
strategy should be considered for reduction of burden of pandemic.
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AKIN and GÖZEL / Turk J Med
2 Sci (2005). The threat of pandemic influenza: are we ready? chapter 1: the story
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
of influenza [online]. Website https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK22156/pdf/Bookshelf_NBK22156.pdf [accessed 8 April
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Table. Baseline characteristics of different pandemics.
developing countries. These types of infections are asymptomaticpeople which was testing positive for
caused by viruses or mixed viral–bacterial infections and SARS- CoV-2, varied between 5% and 80%4. In China, all
spread fast. The most of the primary mode of transmission clusters investigated and 78%–85% were within
of acute respiratory diseases is transmitted via droplets, families and secondary attack rate in household was
sometimes transmission occur through contact (including found 3%–10%5. Similar study was carried out in the US
hand contamination followed by self-inoculation) or and a symptomatic secondary attack rate for all
infectious respiratory aerosols at short distance3. household contacts among all contacts was found
The distribution and the outcome of epidemic varies 10.5% [19]. Household contacts and travelling with an
according to several factors such as household infected person increased the risk (OR:6-7). The
crowding, humidity, temperature, season, hygiene, household secondary attack rate was 15%, and the
access to health- care facilities, and isolation capacity, observed serial interval mean was 6.3 days. The median
demographic characteristics of population, cigarette- incubation period was 4.8 days (95% CI 4.2–5.4).
smoking, host ability to transmit infection, immune Symptoms were manifested within 14.0 days (95% CI
status, nutritional status, prevalence of comorbidity 12.2–15.9) of infection6. R0 was likely estimated to be 5.7
diseases, characteristics of pathogenic, modes of (
transmission, transmissibility, virulence factors, etc. 95% CI 3.8–8.9) in the US [20].
COVID-19 transmitted mainly through person to The overall case-fatality rate 2.3% and this rate was
person contact via respiratory droplet by coughing and 8.0% for aged 70–79 years and 14.8% for 80 years and
sneezing. Most of the cases were 30 to 79 years of age and older. Case-fatality rate was higher and varied between
the proportion was found 87%, under 19 years and 80 5.6% and 10.5% [18].
years or older were respectively 2% and 3% [18]. The COVID-19 pandemic is very similar to Spanish,
proportion of Hong Kong, Asian and swine influenza pandemics in
terms of spreading to world. Although countries were
suffered from
World Health Organization (2014). Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory infections
in healthcare [online]. Website https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/112656/9789241507134_eng.pdf ?sequence=1
8 April
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (2020). COVID-19: what proportion are asymptomatic? [online]. Website
covid-19/covid-19-what-proportion-are-asymptomatic/ [accessed 8 April
World HealthOrganization (2020). Report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [online].
Website https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf [accessed 8
April 2020].
Bi Q, Wu Y, Mei S, Ye C, Zou X et al. (2020). Epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 in Shenzhen China: analysis of
391 cases and 1,286 of their close contacts [online]. Website
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20028423v3.article-info [accessed 8 April 2020].
Burden of pandemic is considered in terms of disease
transmissibility and the rate of epidemic grows,
time of peaks, expected how many people to be
affected, and duration of pandemic can be calculated by
transmissibility characteristic. Hospitalization and
fatality are used as the indicators of the severity. At the
beginning of a pandemic, the characteristic of pandemic
agent is unknown. Therefore, surveillance method and
analyzing data should be planned in advance [21].
Consequently, determination of the first case cluster, case
definition and finding out cases, effective treatment to
the targeted population, sufficient stockpiles of
medicine and population cooperation with the
containment strategy and, in particular, any social
distance measures introduced should be considered for
reduction of burden of pandemic.
Figure. A pandemic is a threat for all globe (Source: Courtesy Acknowledgments/disclaimers/conflict of interest
of Levent AKIN is a member of COVID-19
Merve EVREN, PhD, Ege University). Advisory Committee of Ministry of Health of Turkey.
Mustafa Gökhan GÖZEL is a member of COVID-19
Advisory Committee of Ministry of Health of
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