INGLES4th Year

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INGLES4th year.

Pandemics about History.

Twentieth century in- fluenza pandemics

All along the history, there were a lot of epidemics and pandemics, but they were different
things. An epidemic is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community,
population o región, while a pandemic, is a disease that spreads all over multiples countries
and continents.
In the twentieth century, the world experienced three influenza pandemics:
The Spanish flu 1918
The Spanish flu swept across the world between 1918 and 1919. It tended to affect areas for
up to 12 weeks and then would suddenly disappear only to return several months later. A lot
of peopledied during this pandemic more than in the First World War. It has been estimated
that about 25 per cent of the world's population was infected.
The Asian flu 1957
Although the proportion of people infected was high, the illness was relatively mild compared
to the Spanish flu. The first wave of this pandemic was concentrated in school children and the
second in the elderly. It is estimated that the Asian flu resulted in two million deaths.
The Hong Kong flu 1968
This pandemic affected mainly the elderly and is thought to have resulted in approximately
million deaths worldwide.

The Covid 19 influence 2019

This is the actual pandemic. It began in China, but suddenly, it speads all over the world, it
affect all peple, but it is worst with eldery people. It a flu that affects lungs, and respiratory
system. There is not even a treatment for it. People only take care with their higienic habits
and have to use a chinstrap to protect themselves, and stay at home.

As well as the influenza pandemics, there have been other types of pandemics that have
ocurred in the twentieth and twenty-first century.
One example of this is:
HIV/AIDS Pandemic
The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic is a widespread disease caused by
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV/AIDS has emerged as one of the greatest global
threats to the human population. HIV/AIDS was first recognised in 1981. Since then, it has led
to the deaths of more than 25 million people, making it one of the most destructive diseases in
recorded history. In addition to this, an estimated 33 million people are now living with
HIV/AIDS worldwide, with five million of those in the Asia.

1- Read the information again and write “ TRUE” or “FALSE”.

A- Pandemic means that the disease is within the same country or región. FALSE
B- Epidemic means that the disease spreads outside the country or región. FALSE
C- The flu disease affects people respiratory system. TRUE
D- The assian flu was worst tan the covid 19 TRUE
E- The honk Kong flu affected Young people. FALSE
F- The covid 19 began in India. FALSE
G- There is a vacumn to prevent the covid 19. FALSE
H- People can decide if they want to use or not the chinstrap. FALSE
I- Governmment say people have to stay at home. TRUE
J- The AIDS pandemics is not a flu disease. TRUE

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