Variation Letter

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: NS-PRIME JVCA/BREB/2020/08-131 Date: 24/08/2020

Project Manager (BREB UREDS; DCSD Project)
NRECA International (S & M Consultant)
House 33/A (1st floor), Road 99, Gulshan-2
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Attn: Mr. Abdur Rahman (Deputy Project Manager)

Subject: Regarding the Variation Cost of Contract Value

Name of the Work: Design Supply Installation and Construction of 03 Storied Acceptance Test Laboratory Building With
08 Storied Foundations at Savar BREB Warehouse Cum Workshop Complex Under UREDS DCSD Project.

Contract No.: 17-CWHD-20190625-UREDSG-10A at Dated: 30/06/2019

Your Letter Ref.: NRECA/UREDS; DCSD/W-10A/2020-812

Dear Sir,

Our organization NS Prime JVCA is currently working for the above-mentioned project of BREB. With reference to your
above-mentioned letter, we would like to inform you the following information about the variation of total cost:

1. Construction Area: As per tender document the above-mentioned project is turnkey basis and the measurement unit
is a lot, but the drawings which were provided along with tender documents are ground floor plan, 1 st floor plan, 2nd
floor plan, site location and x-section of building in where it was clearly mentioned the building length, width and
height. Also, there was mentioned the void area of crane bay where transformer will be tested. Considering that
supplied drawing of owner / consultant we submitted a drawing along with our tender. But as per instruction of BREB
and NRECA our submitted drawing have been changed and the void of crane testing areas has been decreased as a
result of this the construction area of the building has been increased. The number of columns has increased from 52
to 53 no’s, pile, pile cap, grade beam, floor beam, floor area, electrical work, false ceiling work, tiles work, brick work,
plastering work, form work, etc., related to the building construction have been increased. So, there are a huge cost
involvement. As the building construction didn’t done following the drawing which was provided along with tender
documents, so our claim is valid in this regard.
2. Increase of Electric Load: As per tender specification and BOQ the capacity of transformer was 315 KVA. During the
electrical design total load of the building has been recalculated. The required new transformer capacity is now 500
KVA. Also, for the increased electric load, there is required heavy electrical cable, breaker, SDB, DB, MDB, etc.,
related to the electrical work. So, our claim in this regard is valid.
3. Construction of Porch / Canopy: We would like to inform you that we submitted a 3D view of building as per
instruction of BREB / NRECA where they instructed to mention the porch / canopy. But in the supplied drawing there
was not mentioned anything about the porch / canopy. So, how can we consider the cost for construction porch /
canopy in our bidding cost. As In the specification of civil work and supplied drawing there was not mentioned about
the requirement of canopy / porch, so our claim in this regard is valid.
4. Variation Due to Auxiliary Lifting Hook of Overhead Crane: As per tender provision there was not mentioned anything
regarding auxiliary lifting hook of 100 MT overhead crane. But according to the instruction of BREB & NRECA we
had to supply an additional auxiliary lifting hook. For supplying of auxiliary lifting hook, we had paid the supplier of
crane and the additional cost is BDT. 2,204,430. So, our claim in this regard is valid.
5. Increase of Live Load in Building Design: We would like to inform you that now a days there are some practices to
consider the upper load on roof as so many equipment’s are installed on roof by the owner of building. That’s why we
didn’t raises any questions about the load which was mentioned in the specifications. Also, we know that NRECA is
an international consultant, so we never thought that this kind of mistake may be done by them. However, the
alteration of load consideration from 3.5Kn/m2 to 4.5kn/m2 has made a huge change in the total structure and there
is a huge cost involvement which we didn’t consider in our costing. If this variation is not accepted, we will make an
enormous loss in overall costing. So, we are requesting to consider our claim in this regard.
6. Increase of Floor Height of Crane Bay Area’s: We would like to inform you that in the provided drawing of owner /
consultant it was clearly mentioned that the height of building is 12 m all over the area including crane bay. So how
could we understand at the beginning that the crane will not be fitted within this area. We have submitted our tender
considering this 12 m height all over the area. But to fit crane clear hook height the carne bay portion have made as
four storied. So, it is our logical claim and our claim in this regard is valid.
7. Double Layer Cavity Brick Wall: We would like to inform you that at supplied drawing along with tender it was showed
that the periphery brick wall be 250 mm. But it has been changed as cavity type brick wall. For making the cavity wall
the lintel width have been increased. We have to constructed slab for sealing the cavity at top and bottom of wall. For
this we have estimated an extra cost BDT. 1,500,000.

Considering all above-mentioned variations, we have calculated the total variation of cost is to be BDT. 55,579,385.19
(In Word: Fifty-Five Million Five Hundred Seventy-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Five Taka and Nineteen Paisa
Only) over and above our estimated cost which we had submitted during the bidding. We are emphatically requesting to
approve this variation cost so that we can survive and complete the work satisfactorily.

Your kind understanding and approval in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours.

Engr. N C Sikder
Proprietor (Lead partner of NS-Prime JVCA)

1. Calculation Sheet of Variation
2. Drawing (Which was supplied by client / consultant)

CC: Project Director (BREB UREDS; DCSD Project)

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