Leidy Dayana - Resume - Psychology Student

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Leidy Zemanate

psychology student

El Bordo cauca

Excelente formacion academica, claridad conceptual y habilidad para emprender y

liderar actividades, trabajar en equipo, alcanzar metas propuestas y mantener un
excelente ambiente laboral. Con alto grado de responsabilidad, proactiva, con buen
manejo de relaciones interpersonales y con interés por la actualización profesional
y continuo proceso de aprendizaje.

Address: Carrera 1a Nº 2-28 via Panamericana, El Bordo cauca,
Date of birth: 07-03-2002 Popayan, Cauca.
Nationality: Colombian
Driving License:
I enjoy reading and doing sports.

★★★★★ Spanish

investigative capacity
Good communication and interpersonal skills
calm and professional approach at all times

* February 2018 – December 2021
psychology student, El Bordo Cauca Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

I finished my study as an academic bachelor in the Institucion Educativa

Bachillerato Patia- El Bordo Cauca; Psychology student, next to acquire a degree as
a professional psychologist in the year 2021, also perform a system technician
approved by the Sena Institute and title as a nursing assistant.

* January 2020 – July 2020
Naturist Store Administrator at , El Bordo Cauca

I provide customer service and advice on herbal medicine.

* February 2019 – February 2020
Regency pharmacy, Sena

* academic advice, El Bordo Cauca, January 2019 – July 2020

I help primary and secondary students with activities in areas such as

chemistry, mathematics and biology.

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