Task 2 Writing Production-Dayana Zemanate

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Task 2: Writing Production


Leidy Dayana Zemanate Calderón

Código: 1002861530



Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades - ECSAH

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Junio de 2020
Lebel B1- Module 1

Exercise 5. Home remedies

Exercise 6. Reading e-mail messages

Exercise 11. Understanding phrasal verbs in context.

Lebel B1- Module 2

Exercise 9. Talking about actions that are not necessary.

Exercise 11 & 12. Understanding necessity and obligation

Lebel B1- Module 3

Exercise 3. Infinitive after certain verbs

Exercise 7. Infinitives after adjectives

Exercise 11. Understanding important decisions.

Exercise 12. Understanding a text about study abroad.

Lebel B1- Module 4

Exercise 9. identifying verbs followed by gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning.

Exercise 11. Understanding qualities and skills employers look for

Exercise 12. Understanding people’s personality and skills.

Exercise 11. Understanding qualities and skills employers look for.

Exercise 12. Understanding people’s personality and skills.

(Here, I can’t understand, why was wrong some example? Because I think that some answers are


-What is your job?

I’m a waiter

-Where do you work?

I work in a restaurant next to the San Silvestre’s mall

-Describing the place of work.

It’s a very comfortable place to eat because you can eat, watch movies or listen to music there and

the most of all of that is the food, It’s incomparable and delicious,

-What responsibilities do you have at work?

I always need to be on the time on my work, and also, I always stay fresh and clean.

-Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?

I Just need to take orders to the customers and then I just put the food and juices on the table y say

(Buen provecho), so. Yes, I puppose that I like my work, because is not a several work and the

customers are so friendly

-Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job


I’m so fast to take orders and attend the costumers, also when I have to do any cocktail. Because

it’s a Grill and Bar restaurant


I think that when the restaurant is full, my mood changes brutally because sometimes I can’t

attend to all the customers, so, I hate that.

What was your first day at work like?

It was so comfortable because just a small group of people sent to the restaurant, so that night of

work…. It was amazing and quiet.


What do you study?

I Study Visual Arts

Where do you study?

I’m Studying at UNAD University

What is your favorite subject?

Maybe I think Photography because I love photography and the colors there.

What are your responsibilities at university?

Jut I need to do my works and my exams any date.

Describe your activities at University

Sometimes I just do my works in the computer and the exams at the university, some activities are

so hard but it’s not a west of time.

Do you like your career? Yes, No. Why?

Yes, because it’s that I Always wanted all of my life and I love it Describe your skills and

weaknesses for this job.

I always think that my best skills doing my works is my quickness, and I have a good redaction to

all of my works and exams.

What was your first day at university like?

It was a just a bit strange, because I never seen something like study virtually, but I remember that

tutor was so friendly with me and they explain me some things.

Do you have or know about any superstition in your school/University?

Bibliographical references


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