Task 2 Writing Production-Dayana Zemanate
Task 2 Writing Production-Dayana Zemanate
Task 2 Writing Production-Dayana Zemanate
Código: 1002861530
Junio de 2020
Lebel B1- Module 1
(Here, I can’t understand, why was wrong some example? Because I think that some answers are
I’m a waiter
It’s a very comfortable place to eat because you can eat, watch movies or listen to music there and
the most of all of that is the food, It’s incomparable and delicious,
I always need to be on the time on my work, and also, I always stay fresh and clean.
-Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?
I Just need to take orders to the customers and then I just put the food and juices on the table y say
(Buen provecho), so. Yes, I puppose that I like my work, because is not a several work and the
I’m so fast to take orders and attend the costumers, also when I have to do any cocktail. Because
I think that when the restaurant is full, my mood changes brutally because sometimes I can’t
It was so comfortable because just a small group of people sent to the restaurant, so that night of
Maybe I think Photography because I love photography and the colors there.
Sometimes I just do my works in the computer and the exams at the university, some activities are
Yes, because it’s that I Always wanted all of my life and I love it Describe your skills and
I always think that my best skills doing my works is my quickness, and I have a good redaction to
It was a just a bit strange, because I never seen something like study virtually, but I remember that
Bibliographical references