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IOT Based Web Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry PI: March 2019

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IOT Based Web Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry PI

Article · March 2019

DOI: 10.32628/IJSRSET196246


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4 authors, including:

Dr Joga Rao Ganta

Raghu Institute of Technology


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© 2019 IJSRSET | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099
Themed Section : Engineering and Technology
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRSET196246
IOT Based Web Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry PI
G. Joga Rao1, A. Vinod2, N. Priyanka3, Ch. Siva Hari Kumar. K4
1 Associate Professor EEE Department, Raghu Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
2-4B.Tech EEE Department, Raghu Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India


The work is mainly concentrated on IOT based home automation using raspberry PI wireless home automation
system using IOT helps us to control basic home appliances automatically through internet from anywhere
around the world by using computers or mobiles. Now coming to this project the main objective is presenting a
proposed system for smart home automation technique with Raspberry Pi using IOT and it is done by
integrating cameras and motion sensors into a web application. To design this system, we are using a Raspberry
Pi module with computer vision techniques.
Keywords : Internet of Things, Raspberry pi, Sensors, Relay.

I. INTRODUCTION Whenever motion is detected, the cameras will start

recording and Raspberry Pi device alerts the owner
Wireless home automation system using IOT helps us through an SMS and alarm call.This project provide
to control basic home appliances automatically user with remote control of various fans, lights, AC’s,
through internet from anywhere around the world by other appliances and security system within their
using computers or mobiles. To design this system, we home.
are using a Raspberry Pi module with computer
vision techniques. Raspberry Pi operates and controls II. DESCRIPTION
motion sensors and video cameras for sensing and
surveillance. For instance, it captures intruder’s We have several parts in this home automation
identity and detects its presence using simple system to explain. We can look at them one by one.
computer vision technique (CVT). Firstly, we take


The Raspberry Pi 3 is the third generation Raspberry

Pi. It replaced the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B in
February 2016. Compared to the Raspberry Pi 2 it has:

• A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU

• 802.11n Wireless LAN • Bluetooth 4.1
• Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
• Like the Pi 2, it also has:
Fig.1 Block Diagram of Home Automation • 4 USB ports
• 40 GPIO pins

IJSRSET196246 | Received : 10 March 2019 | Accepted : 22 March 2019 | March-April -2019 [ 6 (2) : 229-234]
G. Joga Rao et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. March-April-2019; 6 (2) : 229-234

• Full HDMI port SPI:

• Ethernet port >SPI0: MOSI (GPIO10); MISO (GPIO9);
• Combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video SCLK (GPIO11); CE0 (GPIO8), CE1 (GPIO7)
• Camera interface (CSI)
SCLK (GPIO21); CE0 (GPIO18); CE1 (GPIO17);
• Display interface (DSI)
CE2 (GPIO16)
• Micro SD card slot (now push-pull rather than
push-push) I2C:
• VideoCore IV 3D graphics core The Raspberry Pi >Data: (GPIO2); Clock (GPIO3)
3 has an identical form factor to the previous Pi 2 >EEPROM Data: (GPIO0); EEPROM Clock (GPIO1)
(and Pi 1 Model B+) and has complete
compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1 and 2. We
>TX (GPIO14); RX (GPIO15)
recommend the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for use in
schools, or for any general use. Those wishing to
embed their Pi in a project may prefer the Pi Zero
or Model A+, which are more useful for
embedded projects, and projects which require
very low power.

Two 5V pins and two 3V3 pins are present on the
board, as well as a number of ground pins (0V), which
are un configurable. The remaining pins are all
general purpose 3V3 pins, meaning outputs are set to
3V3 and inputs are 3V3-tolerant.

A GPIO pin designated as an output pin can be set to
high (3V3) or low (0V).

A GPIO pin designated as an input pin can be read as Fig.2 Raspberry pin diagram.
high (3V3) or low (0V). This is made easier with the
use of internal pull-up or pull-down resistors. Pins B. CAMERA
GPIO2 and GPIO3 have fixed pull-up resistors, but
for other pins this can be configured in software.

As well as simple input and output devices, the GPIO
pins can be used with a variety of alternative
functions, some are available on all pins, others on
specific pins.
>PWM (pulse-width modulation)
>Software PWM available on all pins
>Hardware PWM available on GPIO12, GPIO13,
Fig.3 Raspberry Camera.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( www.ijsrset.com)

G. Joga Rao et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. March-April-2019; 6 (2) : 229-234


Fig.4 PIR Sensor



The term PIR is the short form of the Passive Infra

Red. The term “passive” indicates that the sensor does
not actively take part in the process, which means, it
does not emit the referred IR signals itself, rather
passively detects the infrared radiations coming from Fig.5 4-relay module.
the human body in the surrounding area.
This is a 5V 4-channel relay interface board, and each
The detected radiations are converted into an channel needs a 15-20mAdriver current .It can be
electrical charge, which is proportional to the used to control various appliances and equipment
detected level of the radiation. Then this charge is with large current. It is equipped with high-current
further improved by a built in FET and fed to the relays that work under AC250V 10A or DC30V
output pin of the device which becomes applicable to 10A.It has a standard interface that can be controlled
an external circuit for further triggering and directly by microcontroller.
amplification of the alarm stages. The PIR sensor
range is up to 10 meters at an angle of +15o or -
15o.LCD.As we take read mode, we can take R/W pin
as ground that is shown in the figure.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( www.ijsrset.com)

G. Joga Rao et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. March-April-2019; 6 (2) : 229-234


TEMPERATURE SENSOR) An electromagnetic clock, magnetic clock, is a locking
device that consists of an
energized.Direct pull electromagnetic locks are
inherently fail-safe. Typically the electromagnet
portion of the lock is
Fig.6 DHT 11.
A humidity sensor senses, measures and regularly
reports the relative humidity in the air. It measures
both moisture and air temperature. Relative humidity,
expressed as a percent, is the
on.Becausethematingareaofthe electromagnet
oistureairatthattemperaturecan hold. The warmer the
gneticfluxisstrong enough to keep the door locked
air is, the more moisture it can hold, so relative
even under stress.
humidity changes with fluctuations in temperature.
themaximumamountthatcanbe held in the air at the
current temperature. As air becomes hotter, it holds
more moisture, so the relative humidity changes with
the temperature.


Fig.8 Circuit Diagram.

Firstly the program is dumped in raspberry pi board,
then the supply is given through adaptor.
Fig.7 Door Sensor. esysteminsteadofconnecting

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( www.ijsrset.com)

G. Joga Rao et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol. March-April-2019; 6 (2) : 229-234

homeappliancesandforsecuritypurposeacameraisfixedt IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

odoor.Inthissystem,wi-fi Is used in order to control
the devices in small coverage area. Raspberry Pi issue We express our sincere thanks to the support given by
dashboard controller to connect the appliances via the management in completing our project. We
input and output port. Mobile phone and Raspberry
express our sincere gratitude & deep sense of respect
Pi are connected through wi-Fi. Light, fan and
to my guide Dr. G. Joga Rao, HOD & Associate
camera are connected with Raspberrypi. The voltage
of homeappliancesis230VbuttheRaspberryPivoltage professor of the Electrical Department. We also
Is5V.Sointhissystem, relay circuitous to cover the thankful to the teaching and non-teaching staff of
high voltage to low voltage, low voltage to high Electrical department for their direct as well as
voltage which is also actasaswitch. Here four way indirect help in our project.
relay are used in order to connect zero watts bulb in
230V. Next device is DC motor. DC motor needs the
two 5V supply. But the Raspberry Pi board has only
for three5V pins .So the male header pins are used to
connect the motor.
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Cite this article as :

G. Joga Rao, A. Vinod, N. Priyanka, Ch. Siva Hari

Kumar. K, "IOT Based Web Controlled Home
Automation Using Raspberry PI", International
Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering
and Technology (IJSRSET), Online ISSN : 2394-4099,
Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Volume 6 Issue 2, pp. 229-234,
March-April 2019. Available at doi :
Journal URL : http://ijsrset.com/IJSRSET196246

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ( www.ijsrset.com)


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