Joics 5969
Joics 5969
Joics 5969
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4 authors, including:
Nithin Reddy
T K R College of Engineering and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Nithin Reddy on 19 June 2022.
B. Swapna Reddy 4
Assistant Professor,
Electronics & Communication Engineering,
TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Meerpet.
This project is primarily for the use of military and any confidential equipment
across the world, and it involves Monitoring and Controlling a Mobile Robot using 4G
dongle and Raspberry Pi board. The monitoring and control of robotic movements is
carried out through a wireless network using an android application and a live streaming
webpage. The Raspberry Pi is programmed in Python to control the movements of the robot
using an application. To gain a better view of the items, a Web Camera is installed on the
robot, and sensors are connected to the Raspberry Pi board. The PIR sensor detects when
a person or object enters a monitoring area, whereas the smoke sensor detects
fire accidents by feeling a rise in smoke levels in the atmosphere. The output of the sensors
can be shown to the user via Android application. Using the Internet of Things (IoT), this
mobile robot can be controlled from anywhere on the planet and the location can be
detected using GPS Module.
Keywords- Raspberry Pi board, Mobile robot, 4G-Dongle, Web camera, Sensors, GPS.
1. Introduction
Embedded systems are not intended to be a general-purpose computer capable of
doing numerous activities. Some require real-time performance for reasons like as safety
and usability; others may have low or no performance requirements, allowing the system
hardware to be simplified to save money.
Within the last ten years, wireless communication has become a significant
component for commercial products and a popular research area. Mobile phone
subscriptions currently outnumber wired-line subscriptions. Low-cost, low-power, and
short-range wireless communication used for "personal wireless networks" has recently
piqued commercial interest. Technological advancements are enabling smaller and more
cost-effective devices to integrate computational processing, wireless communication, and
a variety of other functions. These embedded communications devices will be used in a
variety of applications, including homeland security and industrial automation and
monitoring. They will also enable custom-tailored engineering solutions, ushering in a new
era of information dissemination and processing. With new technology and devices come
new business opportunities and the need for people who are knowledgeable in these fields.
2. Proposed Model
The major goal of this project is to develop a robot that can travel across the world
and reach locations that humans cannot. The robot displays the data that has been recorded
as well as information on the environment in that place, such as temperature, meteorological
conditions, and any fire incidents.
This project aims to monitor and manage mobile robots through the Internet using
a Raspberry Pi 4 B model board, particularly for the usage of military equipment around
the world. A wireless network is used to monitor and control robotic motions using an
android application. A Web Camera is mounted on the robot, and sensors are attached to
the Raspberry Pi board to gain a better picture of the surroundings. This mobile robot can
be operated from anywhere on the planet and we can track the live location of the mobile
robot using GPS module, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).
A Raspberry Pi Model B+, requires a 2-amp 5V USB power source with a micro-
USB connection, any standard USB keyboard and mouse, an HDMI cable, a monitor/TV
for display, and a micro-SD card with the operating system pre-installed are all required to
get started. The NOOBS (New out of the Box Software) operating system is designed for
newcomers. More GPIO, USB, micro-SD, reduced power consumption, better Arduino,
and a sleek design factor are all aspects of the Model B+. The GPIO pin count is increased
from 26 to 40 in this higher-spec model. In comparison to the Model B, there are now four
USB2.0 ports. A more recent push-push type micro-SD slot has replaced the SD card slot.
It uses a little less energy, has greater audio quality, and a cleaner form factor.
B. D.C. Motor
A dc motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy through the interplay
of magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors. An alternator, source, or dynamo
performs the reverse process, generating electrical energy from mechanical energy. Electric
motors of various sorts can be used as sources, and vice versa. A DC motor's input is
current/voltage, and its output is torque (speed). Here we use 1000 RPM – 12V Centre Shaft
DC Geared motors which makes the robot to move efficiently.
C. 4G-Dongle
A dongle is a tiny piece of computer hardware that plugs into a port on another
device to provide functionality or enable a pass-through to such a device. This dongle
connects the system to the internet at high rates of speed and assigns it a unique IP address.
D. Sensors
A sensor is a device that monitors and responds to environmental input. Light, heat,
motion, moisture, pressure, or any of a variety of other environmental phenomena might
constitute the specific input. The output is usually a signal that is transformed to a human
readable display at the sensor site or sent across a network for reading or additional
An Infrared (IR) sensor is an electrical device that emits infrared light in order to
detect certain features of the environment. An IR sensor can detect motion as well as
measure the heat of an item. A passive IR sensor is one that measures infrared radiation
rather than emitting it. Almost all items emit some type of heat radiation in the infrared
The DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor produces calibrated digital output.
The DHT11 may be connected to any microcontroller, such as an Arduino or a Raspberry
Pi, and provide instantaneous results. The DHT11 is a low-cost humidity and temperature
sensor with excellent long-term stability and dependability.
The MQ2 gas sensor is an electronic sensor that detects the presence of gases such
as LPG, propane, methane, hydrogen, alcohol, smoke, and carbon monoxide in the air.
E. USB Camera
F. GPS Module
For tracking or locating position, GPS receivers are often used in cell phones, fleet
management systems, and military applications. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a
satellite-based system that measures and computes its position on Earth using satellites and
ground stations.
4. Work Flow
Fig 6: Workflow
The figure 7 shows the model of mobile robot which is connected properly to a
Raspberry Pi.
Figure 8 shows the screenshot of the application that is used to control the
movements of the mobile robot, shows the web camera live video and displaces the
sensor outputs.
The kind and speed of the network connection cause the time delay. It will be of
very little worth. As a result, the robotic vehicle movement control and monitoring are
6. Conclusion
The creation of an android application for monitoring and controlling the mobile
robot using a 4G dongle is successful. It merely requires an Internet connection, which is
available through a wireless communication network. There can be no interruptions
between the user's orders to the robot and the robot's response to the user. The robot may
be simply controlled by computer or smartphone. There will be a slight time delay when
using the internet, which is dependent on the kind, speed, and distance of the network. The
user may control this mobile robot from anywhere on the planet thanks to the Internet of
Things (IOT). The programme used to control robotic motions is protected by a unique IP
address that no one can guess.
This project is supported by TKR College of Engineering & Technology. We
would like to express our immense gratitude to our Internal guide Mrs. B. Swapna,
Assistant Professor who moderated this project and, in that line, improved the manuscript
We express our thanks to Principal Dr. D. V. Ravi Shankar, for extending his
support and encouraging us throughout the major project.
We are also immensely grateful to all the faculty for their feedback on an earlier
version of the project, although any inaccuracies are ours and should not furnish the
reputations of these esteemed professionals.
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