Sample Paper Conputer Science Session 2012-13
Sample Paper Conputer Science Session 2012-13
Sample Paper Conputer Science Session 2012-13
Note:- You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice
which you think is correct; fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to
fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
Question A B C D
A graphic tablet is
1 Finger Joystick Stylus Trackball
commonly activated by
Laser printer is an
2 Non impact Impact Inkjet Dot matrix
example of
The top most layer of OSI
3 Network Session Transport Presentation
model is
Which of the following is
4 NOT a category of LAN MAN WAN NAN
Analog signal is measured
5 Volt Hertz WATTS Digits
An important property of
6 fiber optic cable is Noise Refraction Interference Attenuation
SECTION ------------I
2. Answer any Eight (08) parts from the followings: 8×2=16
i) Differentiate between data and information.
ii) Information Technology has made our world a global village. Justify.
iii) Define barcode.
iv) Write some benefits of using computer networks.
v) Star topology is the best topology. Justify.
vi) Internet is a single network. Explain
vii) Define analog signal.
viii) State data representation in computer.
ix) Define ASCII code.
x) Explain virus activation in computers.
xi) Elaborate the importance of backup.
xii) Give some causes of virus.
( 2 )
SECTION ------------II
SECTION ------------III
(Practical Part)
Note: Attempt any three questions from the followings. 25
10. Write down the procedure to create a table in MS Word. Also write the
Procedure to insert rows in table. 05
11. How chart is created in MS Excel? 05
12. Explain different ways for editing text in MS Word. 05
13. Write procedure for rotating and wrapping text in cell. 05
14. Write procedure to add printer in computer 05