Sichuan Earthquake
Sichuan Earthquake
Sichuan Earthquake
could also be classified as avalanches) with volumes commonly of clearly observed. Source locations of the landslides were plotted as
several hundred thousand cubic meters. Landslides judged to be red and white dots in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. The red frame
triggered by the earthquake met the following criteria observed on shown in Fig. 5a depicts the area of concentrated landslides. Red
the satellite imagery: (1) deposits were clearly identified at the foot hollow circles and black solid lines in Fig. 5b shows aftershock
of the slope covering roads or other structures or extending into epicenters (USGS 2008) and fault traces (Densmore et al. 2007),
rivers and streams, (2) slope failures showed newly denuded respectively.
vegetation on the slope, (3) slope failures had orange or bright Based on our analysis, a total of 257 landslides were detected.
white contrast as compared to surrounding slopes of pale brown, Because of the image resolution, the smallest landslide that could
(4) slope failures were dark brown in contrast to the surrounding be recognized should have been approximately 8×8 m. However,
pale brown slopes, and/or (5) debris-movement paths could be unless landslides had an enough large area of ca. 500×100 m, we
Fig. 4 a FORMOSAT-2 image plotted on Google™ Earth base, b oblique SPOT5 image taken before the earthquake, c FORMOSAT-2 image covering same area as (b). The
number in (b) and (c) shows same points, and location in Fig. 3 shows same points as the number 1
Table 1 Location error between the same landmarks on GE-DEM and SRTM3-DEM. In the table, dE and dN is the easting and northing error component calculated from
(GE location) - (SRTM location)
Code Error, dE(m) Error, dN(m) Landmark Location on SRTM3-DEM from ArcGIS
Error (m), ðdE Þ2 þ ðdNÞ2
1. 41.7 167.9 173.0 River confluence 31° 51′ 56.70″ N 104° 30′ 36.70″ E
2. -15.7 73.1 74.7 River confluence 32° 1′ 49.58″ N 104° 34′ 39.82″ E
3. 47.7 44.8 65.4 River confluence 31° 36′ 9.96″ N 104° 12′ 51.58″ E
4. -79.0 92.1 121.4 River confluence 31° 53′ 7.57″ N 104° 7′ 51.58″ E
5. -189.1 284.0 341.2 Summit 31° 42′ 24.32″ N 104° 21′ 24.59″ E
6. -99.4 391.6 404.0 Summit 32° 9′ 46.88″ N 104° 14′ 28.94″ E
7. 292.5 -107.9 311.8 Summit 32° 4′ 39.46″ N 104° 22′ 46.65″ E
8. -95.2 47.9 106.6 Summit 31° 58′ 47.69″ N 104° 32′ 26.20″ E
9. -58.8 10.0 59.7 Summit 31° 49′ 12.50″ N 104° 22′ 14.09″ E
10. -68.7 -16.8 70.7 Summit 31° 44′ 35.49″ N 104° 12′ 47.26″ E
11. -63.1 9.9 63.9 Summit 31° 46′ 29.07″ N 104° 18′ 9.93″ E
12. -56.1 79.3 97.1 Summit 31° 50′ 11.05″ N 104° 6′ 15.16″ E
13. -69.8 138.2 154.9 Summit 31° 57′ 46.54″ N 104° 7′ 12.96″ E
14. -97.7 132.9 164.9 Summit 31° 58′ 32.96″ N 104° 11′ 51.05″ E
15. -93.6 165.3 190.0 Summit 31° 55′ 36.96″ N 104° 19′ 20.96″ E
16. -79.4 178.6 195.5 Saddle 31° 39′ 34.53″ N 104° 23′ 3.65″ E
17. 26.8 -6.5 27.6 River meander 31° 37′ 19.76″ N 104° 20′ 44.19″ E
18. 17.6 41.1 44.7 River meander 31° 50′ 40.53″ N 104° 27′ 37.42″ E
19. -2.2 115.8 115.8 River meander 31° 55′ 37.89″ N 104° 14′ 6.66″ E
average -38.2 96.9 146.5
To calculate landslide density (landslides/km2), we measured the
cloud-free area of the FORMOSAT-2 image where landslides were 3
mapped. We enlarged the FORMOSAT-2 image at full screen size of
the 20-in. monitor, then duplicated the FORMOSAT-2 image at 90- 2
m resolution. Next, we changed this color image into 256 shades of
gray scale image data. Furthermore, we changed it into black-and- 1
white image using the threshold pixel value of 254, 250, 240, 230,
220, 210, 200, and 190. Therefore, we obtained eight kinds of black- 0
and-white image data. Comparing the eight images, we found that
the threshold of 200, in other words, the area which the pixel value
less than 200 was cloud free and suitable for landslide interpre-
(GE)-(STRM) location error (m)
tation. Then, we were able to calculate an average landslide spatial
density of 0.1 landslides/km2. Fig. 6 Frequency plot of data in Table 1
Landslide distribution antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals
The landslide locations shown in Fig. 5a are concentrated in the feeding the antennas are varied in such a way that the effective
southeast portion of the image. The Geographical Survey Institute radiation pattern of the array is reinforced in a desired direction
of Japan (GSI 2008; Tobita et al. 2008) analyzed ALOS (Advanced and suppressed in undesired directions. Interferometric processes
Land Observing Satellite)/PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band between pre- and post-earthquake SAR images make it possible to
Synthetic Aperture Radar) data and constructed an In-SAR detect any LOS changes caused by crustal deformation. Figure 5b
(Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar) image. Figure 5b shows the interferogram expressed in phase-color (fringe) change
shows an overlay of the landslide distribution (white dots) on on the ALOS ascending orbit. Direction of view is from west to east;
the In-SAR image (path 473 data, taken on 18 February 2008 and 20 it shows only seismic surface deformation because any topographic
May 2008). phase contribution was retrieved using the DEM. When there is no
An active microwave device, SAR, is capable of recording the deformation on the ground surface, the color does not change;
electromagnetic echo backscattered from the ground surface and however, when there is any deformation on the ground surface,
of arranging as a 2D image map, whose dimensions are the sensor- interference colors can be perceived. In Fig. 5b, landslides are also
target distance (line of sight direction, LOS) and the platform flight concentrated on the color-phase area where interferometric
direction (Colesanti and Wasowski 2006). The PALSAR sensor uses process does not work because of the great surface disturbance
an L-band microwave (wave length=23.6 cm) that is able to due to the deformation caused by fault displacement.
penetrate leaves and tree branches. Therefore, any ground GSI (2008) revealed that the boundary where the phase colors
deformation obscured by plants is thought to be more detectable are drastically changed on the In-SAR image is along Beichuan
than with the shorter wavelength of microwave. The PALSAR fault (Densmore et al. 2007) near Beichuan and suggested that the
sensor adopted a phased array type antenna that is a group of boundary corresponds to the surface rupture fault. Furthermore,
Table 2 Location error between the same landmarks on FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT5
Landmark Location on SPOT5 image read from GE
Error (m), ðdE Þ2 þ ðdNÞ2
1,145 River meander 31° 45′ 21.75″ N 104° 16′ 14.24″ E
975 River meander 31° 48′ 13.31″ N 104° 10′ 2.17″ E
727 Road intersection 31° 50′ 3.04″ N 104° 13′ 2.63″ E
1,541 Road curve 31° 49′ 48.68″ N 104° 28′ 25.67″ E
784 Road intersection in valley bottom 31° 43′ 19.10″ N 104° 26′ 57.56″ E
1,434 Road curve 32° 1′ 26.59″ N 104° 10′ 52.56″ E
1,137 Road curve 31° 55′ 7.73″ N 104° 13′ 8.83″ E
867 Road intersection in valley bottom 31° 56′ 55.91″ N 104° 16′ 11.16″ E
906 Road curve in valley bottom 31° 53′ 54.88″ N 104° 15′ 20.22″ E
870 Road curve in valley bottom 31° 41′ 7.39″ N 104° 16′ 45.25″ E
1,038.6 (average)
wide zone centered on the fault trace. The landslide density in this
concentrated area is 0.3 landslides/km2. In the case of the 2005 Slope angle (degree)
northern Pakistan earthquake, the landslide density was 3.2
landslides/km2, which was interpreted using 2.5-m-resolution Fig. 7 Landslide density (landslide grid ratio) with respect to slope classes.
SPOT5 (System Pour l’Observation de la Terre 5) images (Sato et Because dividing the number of landslide cells in a slope category by the total
al. 2007). If higher resolution satellite images were available for this number of cells in that category, yields extremely small numbers we multiplied the
study area and the smaller landslides were mapped, we strongly ratio by 10,000
suspect that a higher landslide density would be obtained.
Location error evaluation of Digital Elevation Model on Google™ Earth view the landslides locations on GE; however, when we overlay
To investigate the slope angles of mapped landslides, it would have them on SRTM3-DEM we cannot directly calculate statistics and we
been best to calculate directly from GE, but GE gave neither a slope- have to correctly process this error as explained hereafter.
calculation function nor DEM source information. Assuming that
the slope angles calculated from the SRTM3-DEM were accurate, we Location error evaluation of FORMOSAT-2 image provided by GE
estimated the location error of the DEM provided by GE. GE also published a SPOT5 image taken before the earthquake,
Distinguished landmarks such as the confluences and meanders which is geo-rectified to fit the DEM. In the study area, the SPOT5
of rivers and summits of mountain peaks were selected. These image was taken on 10 November 2006 with an off nadir angle of
points could be identified on both the GE and the SRTM3-DEM. 28.76°, according to SPOT images browsing system (http://sirius.
Both GE and SRTM3-DEM use WGS84 ellipsoid to project locations Figure 4b shows SPOT5’s bird-eye view from south
(Google Earth 2008; NASA 2006). Nineteen points were selected as to north. As shown in Fig. 4c, an oblique aerial view from south to
shown in Table 1. Longitude and latitude of these points were north, the FORMOSAT-2 image by GE is rectified to fit the map but
independently read from GE and from the SRTM3-DEM using less precisely. We think there are two reasons for this. It is thought
ArcGIS 9.2. The location errors, i.e., discrepancy of the length that (1) the FORMOSAT-2 image was not orthorectified using a
between the same points on the GE and the SRTM3-DEM, were DEM, different from the SPOT5 image and that (2) the off nadir
measured in meters, after projecting the UTM-zone 48N on the angle is larger in FORMOSAT-2 image than in the SPOT5 image.
WGS84 ellipsoid. From these measurements, an average location The numbered locations in Fig. 4b and c indicate the same points
error was found to be 146.5 m (Table 1) with a standard deviation of on the two images. Because of location errors, slopes calculated for
105.1 m. the same points in the two images can be significantly different.
Terra ETL (2007) infers that GE projects longitude and latitude To calculate the correct slope angle of the landslides, it was also
coordinates on computer screens not by a WGS84 ellipsoid but by necessary to evaluate the FORMOSAT-2 image-location error. Ten
a sphere so that these coordinates on the sphere are treated as if landmarks were selected where they were clearly identified both on
they were on the WGS84 ellipsoid (Přidal 2008). Neilsen (2008) FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT5 images. Locations measured on the
stated that it causes position errors of up to 800 m. In Table 1 GE- SPOT5 image are assumed to be correct. Distances between the
DEM has the systematic location error of northwest direction to same landmarks of FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT5 images were
SRTM-DEM. Here, we cannot confirm whether the spherical measured using GE. Table 2 shows the average distance (or
projection error causes the 146.5 m error (Table 1) or not; however, error) was 1,038.6 m. The orthorectified SPOT5 image does not
we thought that this location error is independent of location error always indicate correct locations because the study area contains
of FORMOSAT-2 image provided by GE, as explained in the mountainous topography with large local relief; the accuracy of the
following section. orthorectified image is dependent on the quality of DEM and
Figure 6 shows location-error frequency. As shown in Fig. 6, ground control points. However, because SPOT IMAGE (2005)
error frequency of the class 45–90 m is highest; low error frequency stated that the obtained orthorectified image makes it possible to
dominates the higher error classes of 270–405 m. Because the DEM attain a 10-m-location accuracy (one sigma standard deviation), we
on GE is coarser than that of SRTM3-DEM, it was difficult to thought that the SPOT5-location accuracy in the study area was
precisely locate some broad summits on GE. Such summits are negligible when compared to the 1,038.6 m discrepancy between
codes 5–7 in Table 1. After eliminating these data, the average the two imageries. This 1,038.6 m discrepancy shows that, even if
location error was found to be 107.9 m. This error is tolerated to landslide source is plotted carefully on the FORMOSAT-2 image,