The Gospel of Peace

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TEXT: Romans 5: 1 – 9; Isaiah 9: 6 – 7

Memory verse: Romans 5:1

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ came to bring peace to all people. He came to terminate pain, sickness, death, hardship
and all human griefs that we are experiencing today.

Peace is a gift from God. It is God’s will and desire for us to experience His peace, which transcends
all understanding. It is a peace even in the midst of troubles.

Biblical peace is more than just the absence of conflict or a state of rest. It means completeness or

1. Having Peace with God (Romans 5: 1; Colossians 1: 20 – 22)

Peace with God is a spiritual reconciliation and restoration of relationship between the Heavenly
Father and His earthly children which was made possible by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. Before you can experience personal peace you must receive the Prince of Peace in your life.
This is by acknowledging your sinfulness, repenting from your sins, accepting his offer of salvation
and confessing His Lordship over your life.

2. Peace with Self (Inner Peace) (Philippians 4: 7; Isaiah 26: 3; Psalm 29: 11)

Inner peace means a state of being mentally and spiritually at Peace. It doesn’t mean that there are no
challenges or adversity, it simply means to be in midst of all conflict and even tragedy the peace of
God is within your heart. It is by being in Christ, who is the Prince of Peace that we have peace.

3. Living Peacefully with Others (Hebrews 12: 14; Romans 12: 18)

As believers, we should live peaceably with all people. This includes our fellow believers in Christ,
as well as unbelievers around us. We are enjoined to follow peace with all men and be like our
heavenly Father who makes His provisions available to all men in spite of their shortcomings and

It is by doing this that we make our lights to shine among men so they may glorify God when they see
the fruits of His Spirt in our lives.

For this to be, we must be willing to admit our wrongs, to apologize, to make things right, and to
forgive. Patience is vital balance with everyman. Our own ego, pride, desires, and prejudices should
never get in the way of living peaceably with others. It therefore means that we ought not do “wrong”
things to or towards other people.


I. Can you name some things that have taken away your peace? Do you think God has been fair
to you in this life? If He has not been fair do you think you can find peace with Him? If you
should die today, are you certain that you are truly at peace with God?
II. How do you think you can find true peace with God as stated in this bible class?
III. Are you at peace in the face of all the troubles in our nation and around you? Are you angry
because of any decisions taken by the authorities? Are you at peace with the family of God or
your immediate family? And if not, what practical steps will you take right now to restore the
peace that God ordained for you?

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