Esp8266 Nodemcu Kit

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Preface –Getting Started.....................................................................................................................

Par t1 Modules Introdu ction ......................................................................................................4
1. Crowta il - ES P826 6 Node MCU .................................................................................... 4
2. Crowta il - LED ................................................................................................................... 4
3.Crowtail- Button....................................................................................................................... 4
4.Crowtail- Buzzer........................................................................................................................4
5. Crowtail- Relay.........................................................................................................................5
6.Crowtail- Moisture Sensor....................................................................................................... 5
7. Crowtail- Temperature& Humidity Sensor..............................................................................6
8. Crowtail- Light Sensor............................................................................................................. 6
9. Crowtail- Vibration Motor....................................................................................................... 6
10. Crowtail- Hall Sensor............................................................................................................. 7
11.Crowtail- Tilt Switch............................................................................................................... 7
12.Crowtail- OLED........................................................................................................................7
13. Crowtail- RGB-LED................................................................................................................. 7
14. Crowtail- Water Sensor......................................................................................................... 8
15.Crowtail- Laser Pointer...........................................................................................................8
16. One Wrie Waterproof Temperature Sensor..........................................................................8
17. Crowtail- MOSFET..................................................................................................................9
28.Crowtail – Flame Sensor.........................................................................................................9
19.Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor............................................................................................... 9
20.Crowtail- 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer.................................................................................. 9
21.Crowtail- PIR Sensor............................................................................................................. 10
22.Crowtail- 9G Servo................................................................................................................10
23.Crowtail- Magnetic Switch................................................................................................... 10
24.Crowtail- Protoboard............................................................................................................11
25.Crowtail- Switch....................................................................................................................11
Par t2 Crow tai l Appli cation ...................................................................................................... 12
Less on1 : LE D Control ......................................................................................................... 12
Less on2: Bu tton Control LED .......................................................................................... 14
Lesson3: Moisture Sensor......................................................................................................... 15
Lesson4: Vibration Motor......................................................................................................... 16
Lesson5: Emergency Light.........................................................................................................17
Lesson6: Raining detect............................................................................................................ 18
Lesson7: Flame detect...............................................................................................................19
Lesson8: Motion Detect............................................................................................................ 19
Lesson9: Hall Switch.................................................................................................................. 20
Lesson10 Breathing Lamp......................................................................................................... 21
Lesson11 Laser Pointer..............................................................................................................22
Lesson12: One Wire Waterproof Temperature Sensor............................................................ 23
Lesson13: Rainbow Light...........................................................................................................27
Lesson14 MOSFET Control Fan................................................................................................. 29
Lesson15: Read Data From ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer Sensor........................................30
Lesson16: Servo Control............................................................................................................32
Lesson17: TWO NodeMCU Communication.............................................................................33
Lesson18: DHT11 Temperature Display System........................................................................35
Lesson19: Wireless Toliet Led Indicator....................................................................................40
Preface –Getting Started

Welcome to the world of ESP8266 NodeMCU. It’s an ESP8266 WiFi module with Crowtail
interface. We will use it to make some simple application of fun with various Crowtail modules .

1: How to use ESP8266 NodeMCU

1) Before you use the micro USB cable to connect the ESP8266 NodeMCU with your
computer, you need to install the cp2012 USB driver. you can download it from there:
https: //www.sil abs .com /product s/mc u/P age s/ US Bto UARTBridge VC PDrive rs .as p
2) After succeed connection, we need to choose some development tools such as LuaLoader
and luaEditor, we will provide these software. You can open them from Tools folder. The luaEditor
is used to programming and debugging, finally it will generate .lua file. The LuaLoader is used to
download and compile the .lua file, and it provides some other features. The next will introduce
the usage of LuaLoader.
*Open the LuaLoader, click the menu “Setting”, choose the “Comm port Settings”, and it will
popup a “Serial Advance Setting”, set up the right port here then click the “Connect” button on
the top of the menu.

When the information”Connected to COMX at 9600baud” display in the debug window, it means
connecting is successful, and you can input command statement into the bellow edit box. As send
command “ print(“Hello world!”) ”, then the result will display in the debug window.

Also, you can use some of the function which display on the right side of Lualoader interface.

Baud rate setting: set the baud rate that you need ,normally set at 9600.
GPIO Function: Choose different GPIO port, set its mode(Input, Output or Interrupt ),set GPIO
Pull up resistor (Floating, Pull up or Pull down), and “Read” or “Write” operation to the GPIO

Chip information check: check the information about the chip or restart the NodeMCU.
Wireless network connect: Enter the wireless network account and password, you can connect it
and get the IP.
Compile and download program: First, click “Upload File…”upload the .lua file that you want to
download. Secondly click “compile” to compile the .lua file, through the compile can click
“Download” to download the program.

This site: http://w w w. benlo.c om/es p826 6/ has its detail introduction.

Part1 Modules Introduction
1. Crowtail- ESP8266 Node MCU

Des c rip tion

Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU adds six crowtail interface on the board (one I2C port, one UART
port, one analog port and three digital port). Wired up a USB-Serial chip that can upload code.
We also provide a connector for 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries and built battery charging.

2. Crowtail- LED

Des c rip tion

The Crowtail-LED is designed for the beginners of Arduino. It is the best way to step into the
Aduino from it’s I/O pins. The LED is the best choice to help you learn I/O pins.

3.Crowtail- Button


The Crowtail-Button is a momentary push button which rebounds on its own after it is released.
The button outputs a HIGH signal when pressed, and LOW when released.

4.Crowtail- Buzzer


The Crowtail- Buzzer module is a piezo buzzer which can be connected to digital outputs, and will
emit a tone when the output is HIGH.

5. Crowtail- Relay


The Crowtail- Relay module is a digital normally-open switch. Through it, you can control circuit
of high voltage with low voltage, say 5V on the controller.

6.Crowtail- Moisture Sensor


This Moisture Sensor can be used to detect the moisture of soil or your pet plant's water level, let
the plants in your garden reach out for human help. It is connected to Analog I/O port.

7. Crowtail- Temperature& Humidity Sensor


The Crowtail- Temperature& Humidity Sensor is based on DH11 which is a complex sensor with a
calibrated digital signal out.It used to detect the temperature & humidity.

8. Crowtail- Light Sensor

The Crowtail- Light Sensor module incorporates a light dependent resistor (LDR), is a commonly
used sensor in a wide variety of applications from DIY projects to industrial automation. Typically,
the resistance of the LDR or Photo resistor will decrease when the ambient light intensity
increases. This means that the output signal from this module will be HIGH in bright light, and
LOW in the dark.

9. Crowtail- Vibration Motor

This is a mini vibration motor suitable as a non-audible indicator. When the input is HIGH, the
motor will vibrate just like your cell phone on silent mode.

10. Crowtail- Hall Sensor


The Crowtail- Hall Sensor uses the Allegro Hall-effects switches are next generation for the
population Allegro 312x and 314x lines of unipolar switches. It switches HIGH(turn off) when the
magnetic field disappears.

11.Crowtail- Tilt Switch

The Crowtail- Tilt Switch is the equivalent of a button, and is used as a digital input. Inside the tilt
switch is a pair of balls that make contact with the pins when the case is upright. Tilt the case
over and the balls don't touch, thus not making a connection.

12.Crowtail- OLED

The Crowtail- OLED is constructed from 128 x 64 dot matrix OLED module. The display offers high
brightness, self-emission, high contrast ratio, slim/thin outline, wide viewing angle, wide
temperature range and low power consumption.

13. Crowtail- RGB-LED

The Crowtail- RFB-LED module with 4 pcs of WS2812B which is a Chainable & Addressable LED.
Users can control all the LED with only one microcontroller pin! Besides, the LED bar can be also
chainable, that is, you can connect more than one LED bar together to make your project more
dreamful. In this module you can control every LED with different color at the same time.

14. Crowtail- Water Sensor

The Crowtail- water sensor detects water by having a series of exposed traces, The resistor will
pull the sensor trace value high until a drop of water shorts the sensor trace to the grounded

15.Crowtail- Laser Pointer

This laser pointer or laser pen is a small handheld device with a laser diode emitting a very
narrow coherent low-powered laser beam of visible light, it is frequently used in lecture halls and
demonstrations to point at topics of interest on a presentation board. In a school setting, they
have become ubiquitous, and they are very useful teaching aids. Please note that DO NOT Point
this module to eyes directly, It may cause some blindness, glare and afterimages.

16. One Wrie Waterproof Temperature Sensor

This is a waterproofed version of the DS18B20 Temperature sensor. Handy for when you need to
measure something far away, or in wet conditions. While the sensor is good up to 125 degree,
the cable is jacketed in PVC so we suggest keeping it under 100 degree.

17. Crowtail- MOSFET

Crowtail- MOSFET enables you to control higher voltage project, say 50VDC, with low voltage, say
5V, on microcontroller. MOSFET is also a kind of switch. There are two screw terminals on the
board. One for input power source and the other for device you want to control. Crowtail-
MOSFET will pass the power from one end to another when closed.

28.Crowtail – Flame Sensor

The Crowtail- Flame Sensor can be used to detect fire source or other light sources of the
wavelength in the range of 760nm - 1100 nm. It is based on the YG1006 sensor which is a high
speed and high sensitive NPN silicon phototransistor.

19.Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor

Rotary angle sensor for crowduino.The angular range is 300 degrees with a linear change in value.
The resistance value is 10k ohms, perfect for crowduino use. This may also be known as a
“potentiometer ”.

20.Crowtail- 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer

This is a high resolution digital accelerometer providing you at max 3.9mg/LSB resolution and
large ±16g measurement range. It's base on an advanced 3-axis IC ADXL345. Have no worry to
implement it into your free-fall detection project, cause it's robust enough to survive up to
10,000g shock. Meanwhile, it's agile enough to detect single and double taps. It's ideal for
motion detection, Gesture detection as well as robotics.

21.Crowtail- PIR Sensor

The Crowtail-PIR Motion sensor is simply connect to Crowtail base shield and program it. When
anyone moves in its detecting range, the sensor outputs HIGH on its SIG PIN.

22.Crowtail- 9G Servo

Tower Pro SG90 is a high quality, low-cost servo for all your mechatronic needs. It comes with a
3-pin power and control cable.

23.Crowtail- Magnetic Switch

The Crowtail- Magnetic Sensor is a double-ended type and may be actuated with an
electromagnet, a permanent magnet or a combination of both. The magnetic switch is a
wonderful tool for designers who would like to turn a circuit on and off based on proximity

24.Crowtail- Protoboard

This Crowtail allows you to add your own circuitry or components to your Crowtail system

25.Crowtail- Switch

The Crowtail- Switch is a Latching switch. When the first press the switch, the switch and keep the
current adjustment and the button outputs a HIGH signal,namely the self-locking. When the
second press the switch, the switch off and switch button to pop up at the same time, outputs a
LOW signal.

Part2 Crowtail Application

Lesson1: LED Control

LED control is bas ic on NodeMC U. In this lesson we will learn how to control the LED,
you can make the led blink and control the last time it shines or the brightness.
Cro wtai l- ES P8 266 NodeM CU x 1
Cro wtai l- LED x 1
Cro wtai l- Cable x 1
US B C abl e x 1
Hardware Connection
Plu g the Crow tai l-L ED to the D1 port on NodeM CU by a 3pin Crow tai l-C able
as fol lowin g.

Open the LuaL oader. Clic k the butto n in the GPIO func tion area, choo se GPIO5
port, set it as Output mo de, cli ck ” 1” the LE D will light up, cli ck “0 ” the LED will
light of f.

Also , we can downl oad the code to the NodeM CU. Copy the bellow code and
paste it to LuaEdi tor, then save the file an d named it “init.lua ”

Open the LuaL oader and fol low the below steps before downl oad pro gram.
First, cli ck “Upload File …” to choo se ES P8 266 NodeMC U kit demo code -> P01_LED
_Control -> init.lua

Secondly, cli ck “compile ” to compi le the .lua file and then clic k “ Dow nloa d ” to
downl oad the .lua file

The Crowtail- LED will be blink every 0.2 second.
Why th e led blin k every 0.2 secon d? How to control it keep li ghti ng mo re longer?
Now let me tell you. In thi s demo code, first def ine the gpi o1 into output port ,
then let the gpio 1 co nstantly switc h between high and low level , set the ti me
inter val as 0.2 second and make it cyc le. You can chan ge the tmr.delay( )
param eter in the program to chan ge the inter val.
Demo code:
fu n c t io n in i t _L E D ( )
gp i o . m o de ( 1 , gp i o .O U T P U T ) -- S e t th e po r t mo de
en d
wh i l e ( 1 ) do
gp i o .w r it e( 1 , gp i o . H I G H ) -- gp i o 5 is th e po r t 1
tm r.d e l ay ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 ) -- d el a y 0.2 s
gp i o .w r it e( 1 , gp i o . LOW )
tm r.d e l ay ( 2 0 0 0 0 0 )
en d
In this lesson we learn the following function.
gpi o.mod e ()
gpi o.wri te()
tmr.delay( )

Lesson2: Button Control LED

In the lesson1, we have learned how to control a led turn on for one second, and turn off for one
second. Do you want to control it yourself by using the button? In this lesson, we will tell you how

to realize it. When pressed the button, the led was lighten and turn off when released.
Crowtail- LED x 1
Crowtail- Button x 1
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1

Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…” and choo se ESP826 6 NodeM CU kit dem o
code -> P02_Button_Control_Led -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ”
to download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
gpio.mode(1,gpio.OUTPUT) --Setup the port mode
while(1) do -- read port 2(gpio4)
tmr.delay(200000) --Delay 0.2 s
if ( then
gpio.write(1,gpio.HIGH) -- set the port 1 high level
if ( then
gpio.write(1,gpio.LOW) --set the port 1 low level
When you press the button, the led lighting , the led out when loosen the button.

Lesson3: Moisture Sensor

Do you want to know if your pet plant need some water in garden? This Moisture sensor can
help you. This Moisture Sensor can be used to detect the moisture of soil or judge if there is
water around the sensor, let the plants in your garden reach out for human help. They can be
very easy to use, just insert it into the soil and then it will read . With the help of this sensor, it
will be realizable to make the plant remind you : hey, i am thirsty now, please give me some
Crowtail- Moisture sensor x 1
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P03_ Moisture_sensor -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ”
to download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
while(1) do -- analog read A0
print (b)
tmr.delay(2000000) --delay 2s
you can see the sensor value in the LuaLoader debug window.

Lesson4: Vibration Motor

Tilt Switch is the equivalent of a button, it can output different signal when it upright and tilt.
In this lesson, we will learn how to control the vibration motor by the tilt switch. When the tilt
switch is slant, the vibration motor will be vibrating.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Vibration Motor x 1
Crowtail- Tilt Switchx 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…” to cho ose ES P8 266 NodeM CU kit demo

code -> P04_Vibration_Motor -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ”
to download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
gpio.mode(1,gpio.OUTPUT) -- set port1 output mode
gpio.mode(2,gpio.INPUT) -- set port2 input mode
while(1) do
tmr.delay(200000) --delay 2s
if ( then
if ( then
When the tilt switch slope, the vibration motor vibrating. Otherwise, the vibration motor was
not vibrating.

Lesson5: Emergency Light

Do you want to design a emergency light, which can automatic working when the light
dimmed, and it will stop when the light brighter. So it can be used for emergency light system. In
this lesson, we will help you about this application.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Light Sensor x 1
Crowtail- LED x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…” to cho ose ES P8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P05_Emergency_Light -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.

Demo code:
while (1) do --Analog read A0
if (b<100) then
Under the environment of light, blocking light sensor , led will turn on. No block ,led turn off.

Lesson6: Raining detect

In our daily life, we play computer game or watch TV all-possessed indoor,sometime raining,
our clothes usually be wetted in the outdoor, but if there is a sensor that it can remind us that
when it begin to rain outside, tragedy will not happen to us. In this lesson, we will tell you how to
build it. When raining outside, the LED inside will be lighted.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- LED x 1
Crowtail- Water sensor x 1

Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P06_Rainning_detect -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo code: --Digital read port 2
if (a==1) then
if (a==0) then
When detect raining outside, the LED lights up.

Lesson7: Flame detect

Have you seen the fire-fighting robots? Why it can find the source of fire?In this lesson, we will
tell you the principle about it and you can make a robot like that.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Flame Sensor x 1
Crowtail- buzzer x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P07_Flame_detect -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
if (a==1) then
if (a==0) then
When detect the flame, buzzer alarming. The adjustable resistance may be adjusted to vary
sensitivity of detection.

Lesson8: Motion Detect

Do you want to make something to detect movement , there is a PIR Motion Sensor that can
help you, when there is an object in its detection range and has a movement, this action will be
captured and respond as alarm or take photo.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- PIR Motion Sensor x1
Crowtail- Buzzer x1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P08_Motion_detect -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
while(1) do
print (b)
if(b==1) then

end After successfully download the code, you will observed that: when there is a motive
object in the detection range of the sensor , the buzzer will alarm.

Lesson9: Hall Switch

In our daily life, we usually want to have an operation in certain situations, for example, the
conveyor belt transmission for a particular item to a location and then remove it, or the water
supply stop with the shower head back to the bracket when we are taking a shower, and so on. At
this moment we can place a hall sensor in a specific location of the conveyor belt, and place an
magnetic steel on the particular item package, so when the item is transferred to the specified
location it can realize automatic operation. Here is no conveyor belt, just one hall switch to
realize the automatic function.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Hall Sensor x1
Crowtail- Relay x1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P9_Hall_Switch -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
while(1) do
print (b)
tmr.delay(2000000) --delay 2s
if(a==1) then
If there is a magnetic material approaching the hall sensor, the relay will start to work, on the
contrary, the relay will be disconnected. Just like a hall switch.

10. Lesson10 Breathing Lamp

In this lesson, we through adjust the Rotary Angle Sensor to control the PWM output then
control the brightness of LED,which could be a breathing lamp.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Rotary Angle Sensor
Crowtail- LED
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P10_Breathing_Lamp -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo Code:
print("Breathing Lamp Start")
pwm.setup(1,1000,1023); -- set pot 1 PWM mode frequency 1000hz and the duty cycle 1023pwm.start(1);
tmr.alarm(2,100,1,function() --Timer 2 using the timing 100ms Repeatability
if(r<1024) then -- the most analog read is 1024 but the most PWM’ suty cycle is 1023
pwm.setduty(1,r); -- set the port 1 PWM’s duty cycle is “r”
The LED will lighten or darken with the Rotary Angle Sensor forward or reverse rotate.

11. Lesson11 Laser Pointer

This laser pointer or laser pen is a small handheld device with a laser diode emitting , it is
frequently used in lecture halls and demonstrations to point at topics of interest on a
presentation board. But please note that DO NOT Point this module to eyes directly.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- Switch x 1
Crowtail- Laser Pointer x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…” to choo se ES P8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P11_Laser_Pointer -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Demo code:
while (1) do
if (a==1) then


Lesson12: One Wire Waterproof Temperature Sensor

This sealed digital temperature probe lets you precisely measure temperatures in wet
environments with a simple 1-Wire interface.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- One wire Waterproof Temperature Sensor x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…” to choo se ES P8 266 NodeM CU kit demo
code -> P12_DS18B20_One_Wire_Waterproof_Temperature_Sensor -> ds18b20.lua. After the
upload completed then click “Download ” to download the ds18b20.lua file. Then click the
“Upload File…”choos e the init.lua in the same fol der, downlo ad it.
Demo Code:
Ds18b 20 .lua:
-- Set mo du l e na m e as pa r a m e te r of re q u i re
lo c a l mo dn a m e = .. .
lo c a l M = {}
_G [ m o d n a m e ] = M
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
-- Lo c a l us e d va r i a b l e s
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
-- DS 1 8 B 2 0 dq pi n
lo c a l pi n = ni l
-- DS 1 8 B 2 0 de fa u l t pi n
lo c a l de fa u lt P i n = 1
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
-- Lo c a l us e d mo du l e s
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
-- Tab l e mo du l e
lo c a l ta b le = ta b le
-- Str in g mo du l e
lo c a l st r i ng = st r i ng
-- On e wi r e mo du l e

lo c a l ow = ow
-- Tim er mo d u l e
lo c a l tm r = tm r
-- Li m i te d to lo c a l en v ir o n m e nt
se t fe nv ( 1 , M )
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
-- Im p l em en ta t io n
-- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -
C = 0
F = 1
K = 2
fu n c t io n se t u p( d q )
pi n = dq
if ( p i n == ni l ) th e n
pi n = de fa u lt P in
en d
ow. se t u p( p i n)
en d
fu n c t io n add r s ( )
se t u p( p i n)
tb l = {}
ow. re s e t_ s e a r c h( p i n )
re p e a t
add r = ow. s e a r c h( p i n)
if ( a dd r ~= ni l ) th e n
ta b l e. i n se r t( t bl , add r )
en d
tm r.w d c l r ( )
un t il (a d d r == ni l )
ow. re s e t_ s e a r c h( p i n )
re t ur n tb l
en d

fu n c t io n re a d N u m b e r ( a d d r, un i t)
re s u l t = ni l
se t u p( p i n)
fl a g = fa l s e
if ( a dd r == ni l ) th e n
ow. re s e t_ s e a r c h( p i n )
co u n t = 0
re p e a t
co u n t = co u n t + 1
add r = ow.s e a r c h ( p i n )
tm r.w d c l r ( )

un t il ( ( a d d r ~= ni l ) or (co u n t > 10 0 ) )
ow. re s e t_ s e a r c h( p i n )
en d
if ( a dd r == ni l ) th e n
re t ur n re s u lt
en d
crc = ow.c r c 8 ( st r i n g .s u b ( a dd r, 1 , 7 ) )
if (c r c == add r : by te ( 8 ) ) th e n
if (( a d dr : b y te ( 1 ) == 0x 1 0 ) or (a d d r : b y t e( 1 ) == 0x 2 8 ) ) th e n
-- pr in t ( " D ev i c e is a DS 1 8 S 2 0 fa m i l y de v i c e ." )
ow. re s e t( p in )
ow. se l e c t ( p i n , ad d r )
ow.w r i t e( p i n, 0x 4 4 , 1)
-- tm r.d e l ay ( 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
pr e s e nt = ow.r e s et ( pi n )
ow. se l e c t ( p i n , ad d r )
ow.w r i t e( p i n, 0 x B E , 1 )
-- pr in t ( " P = " . .p r e se n t )
da ta = ni l
da ta = st r i n g . c ha r ( o w.r e a d ( p i n ) )
fo r i = 1, 8 do
da ta = da ta .. st r i n g. c h a r ( o w. r ea d ( p i n) )
en d
-- pr in t ( d a ta : b y t e ( 1 , 9 ) )
crc = ow. c rc 8 ( st r i n g .s u b ( da ta , 1 , 8 ) )
-- pr in t ( " C R C = " . .c r c )
if (c r c == da ta : b y t e ( 9 ) ) th e n
if ( u n i t == ni l or un i t == C) th e n
t = (d at a : b y te ( 1 ) + da ta : by te ( 2 ) * 25 6 ) * 62 5
el s ei f ( u n i t == F) th e n
t = (d at a : b y te ( 1 ) + da ta : by te ( 2 ) * 25 6 ) * 11 2 5 + 32 0 0 0 0
el s ei f ( u n i t == K) th e n
t = (d at a : b y te ( 1 ) + da ta : by te ( 2 ) * 25 6 ) * 62 5 + 27 3 1 5 0 0
el s e
re tu r n ni l
en d
t1 = t / 10 0 0 0
t2 = t % 10 0 0 0
-- pr in t ( " Te m p e r at u r e =" ..t 1 . ." . " . .t2 .. " Ce n ti g r a d e" )
-- re s u l t = t1 . . " ." ..t 2
re tu r n t1 , t2
en d
tm r.w d c l r ( )
el s e

-- pr in t ( " D ev i c e fa m il y is no t re c o g ni ze d . " )
en d
el s e
-- pr in t ( " C R C is no t va li d ! " )
en d
re t ur n re s ul t
en d
fu n c t io n re a d ( a d dr, un i t )
t1 , t2 = re a d N u m b e r ( a d d r, un i t)
if ( ( t 1 == ni l ) or (t2 == n i l ) ) th e n
re t ur n ni l
el s e
re t ur n t1 . . " ." .. st r i n g .fo r m at ( " % 0 4 u " , t2 )
en d
en d
-- Re tu r n mo d u l e ta b le
re t ur n M

In i t . l u a :
fu n c t io n ge tD S d a ta ( )
pi n = 1 -- co n n e c t th e si g n a l wi r e to pi n GP IO 5
t= r e q ui r e ( " d s 1 8 b2 0 " )
t. s et u p ( p i n ) -- gp i o 0
add r s = t. a d d rs ( )
no d e _ i d = no d e . c h ip i d ( )
pr in t ( " To t a l Se n so r s .: "..ta b l e . ge t n ( a d d r s) . ." ")
pr in t ( " S e ns o r Ty p e . .. : ".. n o d e_ i d . ." ")
he x _ fo r m a t =" % 0 2 X %0 2 X % 0 2 X % 0 2 X % 0 2 X % 0 2 X % 0 2 X % 0 2 X "
se n s o r _ c o un t = ta b l e. g e tn ( a d d rs )
if (s e n so r _c o u nt > 0 ) th e n
fo r i= 1 , s en s o r _ c o u nt do
si d =s t r i n r m a t ( h e x _ fo r m a t, st r i n g .b y t e ( a d d r s[ i ] , 1 , 9 ) )
pr i n t( " t " . .i . ." Un iq u e ID : ".. s i d. . " ")
tm r.w dc l r ( )
en d
en d
t1 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 1 ] , t.C )
t5 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 2 ] , t.C )
t6 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 3 ] , t.C )
t2 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 4 ] , t.C )
t3 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 5 ] , t.C )
t4 = t. r ea d( a d d rs [ 6 ] , t.C )
pr in t ( " Te m p t1 Lo w e r.: "..t 1 . ." de g C" )
pr in t ( " Te m p t2 Up pe r.: "..t 2 . ." de g C" )

pr in t ( " Te m p t3 Mi dd l e : ". .t 3 .. " de g C" )
pr in t ( " Te m p t4 Top. . .: "..t 4 . ." de g C" )
pr in t ( " Te m p t5 Fl ow. .: "..t 5 . ." de g C" )
pr in t ( " Te m p t6 Re t u r n : "..t 6 . ." de g C" )
-- Cl e a n u p
t = ni l
ds 1 8 b2 0 = ni l
pa c ka g e .l o a d e d [" d s 1 8 b2 0 " ] =n i l
en d
tm r.a la r m ( 2 , 10 0 0 , 1, fu n c t io n ( ) get D S d at a ( ) en d )

Lesson13: Rainbow Light

Do you want to make a RGB-LED like a colorful rainbow. Here is an example of how to make it.
It is easy and only need one microcontroller pin. Now, let’s go into the colorful world.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- RGB LED x 1

Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”choos e ESP826 6 NodeM CU ki t demo co de
-> P13_Rainbow_Light -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
ON = BRIGHT * 255
TIME_ALARM = 25 -- 0.025 second, 40 Hz
TIME_SLOW = 500000 -- 0.500 second, 2 Hz

RED = string.char( 0, ON, 0)

GREEN = string.char(ON, 0, 0)
BLUE = string.char( 0, 0, ON)

WHITE = string.char(ON, ON, ON)
BLACK = string.char( 0, 0, 0)

function colourWheel(index)
if index < 85 then
return string.char(index * 3 * BRIGHT, (255 - index * 3) * BRIGHT, 0)
elseif index < 170 then
index = index - 85
return string.char((255 - index * 3) * BRIGHT, 0, index * 3 * BRIGHT)
index = index - 170
return string.char(0, index * 3 * BRIGHT, (255 - index * 3) * BRIGHT)
rainbow_speed = 8
function rainbow(index)
buffer = ""
for pixel = 0, 7 do
buffer = buffer .. colourWheel((index + pixel * rainbow_speed) % 256)
return buffer
if true then
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, RED:rep(PIXELS))
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, GREEN:rep(PIXELS))
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, BLUE:rep(PIXELS))
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, WHITE:rep(PIXELS))
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, BLACK:rep(PIXELS))
rainbow_index = 0
function rainbowHandler()
while(1) do
ws2812.write(LED_PIN, rainbow(rainbow_index))
rainbow_index = (rainbow_index + 1) % 256

14.Lesson14 MOSFET Control Fan
The MOSFET is a kind of switch. It enables you to control higher voltage project with low
voltage. There are two screw terminals on the board. One for input power source and the other
for device you want to control. In this lesson we will teach you how to use the MOSFET to control

a fan.

Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- MOSFET x1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”cho ose ESP826 6 No deMC U kit demo code
-> P14_MOSFET_Control_Fan -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
print("Crowtail- MOSFET Test")
while (1) do
if (i==0) then
for i=0,1020,4 do
if(i==1020) then
for i=0,1020,4 do
tmr.delay(20000) -- delay 20ms
After successful download the file you will see the fan rotating faster and faster, when it
reach the fastest speed, it will become rotating slower and slower, and circulating.

Lesson15: Read Data From ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer Sensor
In this lesson ESP8266 is used to read data from ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer Sensor, It
easy to use and obviously observe the result from the debug window. There is also some
application of ADXL345 accelerometer in our daily life, likes free-hall detection and so on.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”cho ose ESP826 6 No deMC U kit demo code
-> P15_Read_Data_From_ADXL345 -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ”
to download the init.lua file.
sda=5 --SDA connected to pin 5
scl=6 --SCL connected to pin 6
dev_addr=0x53 --Address of accelerometer

-- initialize i2c, set pin1 as sda, set pin2 as scl


i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.write(id,0x2D) --Power control register
i2c.write(id,0x00) --Activate standby mode to configure device

i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.write(id,0x31) --Data format register
i2c.write(id,0x0B) --Set g range to 16, Full res

i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.TRANSMITTER)

i2c.write(id,0x2C) --BW rate register
i2c.write(id,0x0A) --Data rate 100Hz

i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.write(id,0x2D) --Power control register
i2c.write(id,0x08) --Activate measure mode

-- user defined function: read from reg_addr content of dev_addr

function read_reg(reg_addr)
i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER),1)
return c

function adxl()
X0 = read_reg(0x32)
X1 = read_reg(0x33)
Y0 = read_reg(0x34)
Y1 = read_reg(0x35)
Z0 = read_reg(0x36)
Z1 = read_reg(0x37)

--Combine 2 bytes to get a single 16bit number

Xtemp = bit.lshift(string.byte(X1), 8)
Xaxis = bit.bor(Xtemp, string.byte(X0))
Ytemp = bit.lshift(string.byte(Y1), 8)
Yaxis = bit.bor(Ytemp, string.byte(Y0))
Ztemp = bit.lshift(string.byte(Z1), 8)
Zaxis = bit.bor(Ztemp, string.byte(Z0))

--Clear 3 sign extended MSB bits, Xaxis), Yaxis), Zaxis)

--Check if number is negative

31, Xaxis), Yaxis), Zaxis)

--If negative, convert twos complement number to decimal(-8193=-8192-1)

if Xn==4096 then Xaxis=Xaxis-8193 end
if Yn==4096 then Yaxis=Yaxis-8193 end
if Zn==4096 then Zaxis=Zaxis-8193 end

--4mg/LSB, multiply by 4, should divide by 1000


tmr.alarm(2, 2000, 1, function() adxl() end )

After successfully download this file you will see the measuring accelerometer of x,y,z
direction in the debug window of LuaLoader.

Lesson16: Servo Control

In this lesson, we will learn how to realize 9G servo control, and how to let it rotate. 9G servo
need a 50HZ PWM, and the HIGH level’ duty cycle of this 20ms PWM, will decide the direction of
the rotation.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 1
Crowtail- 9G Micro servo 9G x 1
Smart Phone x1

Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”cho ose ESP826 6 No deMC U kit demo code
-> P16_Servo_Remote_Control -> init.lua. After the upload completed then click “Download ” to
download the init.lua file.
Forward rotation:
for i=1,100,1 do
tmr.alarm(0,20,1,function () -- 50Hz
gpio.write(1, gpio.HIGH)
tmr.delay(2000) --Forward
gpio.write(1, gpio.LOW)

for i=1,100,1 do
tmr.alarm(0,20,0,function () -- 50Hz
gpio.write(1, gpio.HIGH)
tmr.delay(500) --Reversion
gpio.write(1, gpio.LOW)

After the su cc essfu l up lo ad ing , you will see the 9G ser vo auto rotate in two
different dir ection .

Lesson17: TWO NodeMCU Communication

The ESP8266 NodeMCU has three kinds of working mode which are “AP” 、

In this lesson we will use two NodeMCU to conmmunicate with each other. One NodeMCU to be
set as “AP” mode and another to be set as “STA” mode, then establish TCP service between them.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 2

Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, set one serial port which connect the NodeMCU (“AP mode”) and
connecting , then click the “Upload File…” after connecting successful, choo se ESP826 6
NodeM CU ki t demo code -> P17_NodeMCU_Communication ->TCP Server-> init.lua. After
the upload completed then click “Download ” to download the init.lua file.
The following, set another serial port which connect the NodeMCU (“STA mode”) and
connecting , then click the “Upload File…” after connecting successful, choo se ESP826 6
NodeM CU ki t demo code -> P17_NodeMCU_Communication ->TCP Client-> init.lua. After
the upload completed then click “Download ” to download the init.lua file.
Demo code
print("ESP8266 Server")
print("Server IP Address:",wifi.ap.getip())

sv = net.createServer(net.TCP)
sv:listen(80, function(conn)
conn:on("receive", function(conn, receivedData)
print("Received Data: " .. receivedData)
conn:on("sent", function(conn)

print("ESP8266 Client")
wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") -- connecting to server
print("Looking for a connection")
tmr.alarm(1, 2000, 1, function()
if(wifi.sta.getip()~=nil) then

print("Client IP Address:",wifi.sta.getip())
cl=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
tmr.alarm(2, 5000, 1, function()
if(wifi.sta.getip()==nil) then
wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") -- connecting to server
print("Looking for a connection")
cl:send("Hello World!")

We can according the print information display in the Lualoader debug window to judge the
two NodeMCU Whether have established a connection. If the “AP mode ” NodeMCU receive a
“Hello World!” from the “STA mode” NodeMCU that means the communication establish

Lesson18: DHT11 Temperature Display System

In this lesson you will know how to use the DHT11 temperature sensor, and display it on the
OLED, It is easy to make us always know the current temperature. And we will use two ESP8266
NodeMCU for the sake of knowing the temperature of the DHT11 that placed anywhere.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 2
Crowtail- OLED x 1
Crowtail- Temperature & humidity Sensor x 1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”cho ose ESP826 6 No deMC U kit demo code
-> P18_DHT11_Temperature_OLED_Display-> TCP Server->init.lua. After the upload completed
then click “Download ” to download the init.lua file. Then Click “Upload File”, Choose
the”main.lua” in the same folder, download it.
The following, set another serial port which connect the NodeMCU (“AP mode”) and connecting ,
then click the “Upload File…” after connecting successful, cho ose ESP826 6 NodeM CU
kit demo co de -> P18_DHT11_Temperature_OLED_Display ->DHT11-> init.lua. After the
upload completed then click “Download ” to download the init.lua file. Then Click “Upload File”,
Choose the” dht11.lua” in the same folder, download it.
TCP Serve:
-- init.lua --
--tcp server--
print("ESP8266 Server")
print("Server IP Address:",wifi.ap.getip())
-- Run the main file

-- main.lua --
function init_OLED(sda,scl) --Set up the u8glib lib
sla = 0x3c
i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
disp = u8g.ssd1306_128x64_i2c(sla)
-- Connect--
print('\nAll About Circuits main.lua\n')
init_OLED(5,6) --Run setting up
-- Start a simple http server
if srv~=nil then

disp:drawStr(0,0,payload) --Print the data out
disp:drawStr(15,15,i) --Print the data out
until disp:nextPage() == false
conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMCU!!! </h1>")
conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close() end)

-- tcp client
print("ESP8266 Client1")
wifi.sta.config("test2","12345678") -- connecting to server
tmr.alarm(0,2000, 1, function()
if wifi.sta.getip()== nil then
print("IP unavaiable, Waiting...")
if(i>10) then
print("restart nodeMCU")
print("Config done, IP is "..wifi.sta.getip())

-- Measure temperature, humidity and post data to
-- 2014 OK1CDJ
-- DHT11 code is from
---Sensor DHT11 is conntected to GPIO0
pin = 1
Humidity = 0
Temperature = 0
Checksum = 0

function getTemp()
Humidity = 0
Temperature = 0
Checksum = 0

--Data stream acquisition timing is critical. There's

--barely enough speed to work with to make this happen.
--Pre-allocate vars used in loop.
bitStream = {}
for j = 1, 40, 1 do
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW)
tmr.delay(20000) --default 20000
--Use Markus Gritsch trick to speed up read/write on GPIO
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT)
--bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin)==0 ) do end
while (gpio_read(pin)==1 and c<100) do c=c+1 end
--bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin)==0 ) do end
while (gpio_read(pin)==1 and c<100) do c=c+1 end

--acquisition loop
for j = 1, 40, 1 do
while (gpio_read(pin)==1 and bitlength<10 ) do
--bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin)==0) do end

--DHT data acquired, process.

for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i+0] > 2) then
Humidity = Humidity+2^(8-i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i+8] > 2) then
HumidityDec = HumidityDec+2^(8-i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i+16] > 2) then
Temperature = Temperature+2^(8-i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i+24] > 2) then
TemperatureDec = TemperatureDec+2^(8-i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i+32] > 2) then
Checksum = Checksum+2^(8-i)
ChecksumTest=(Humidity+HumidityDec+Temperature+TemperatureDec) % 0xFF

print ("Temperature: "..Temperature.."."..TemperatureDec)

print ("Humidity: "..Humidity.."."..HumidityDec)
print ("ChecksumReceived: "..Checksum)

print ("ChecksumTest: "..ChecksumTest)

--- Get temp and send data to

function sendData()
-- conection to
print("Sending data to TCP Server")
conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
conn:on("receive", function(conn, payload) print(payload) end)
conn:send("T="..Temperature.."."..TemperatureDec.." H="..Humidity.."."..HumidityDec.."\r\n")
print("Closing connection")
conn:on("disconnection", function(conn)
print("Got disconnection...")
-- send data every X ms to thing speak
tmr.alarm(2, 300, 1, function() sendData() end ) --60000

Lesson19: Wireless Toliet Led Indicator

When we sit on the seat of office, sometimes want to go the toilet, but do not know the toilet

there is not occupied. This lesson is designed primarily a remote indicator toilet, do not need to
go to the toilet can also know whether someone is using the toilet, this greatly facilitates our
daily life. Of course, this design idea can be applied in many other occasions of life.
Crowtail- ESP8266 NodeMCU x 2
Crowtail- Magnetic Switch x1
Crowtail- LED x1
Hardware Connection

Open the LuaLoader, click the “Upload File…”cho ose ESP826 6 No deMC U kit demo code
-> P19_Wireless_Toliet_LED_Idicator-> Client->init.lua. After the upload completed then click
“Download ” to download the init.lua file.
Note!!! This init.lua file uploaded should choose the NodeMCU which connect with Magnetic
Then open the LuaLoader, choose the correct serial port for the NodeMCU which connect with
two indicator LED click the “Upload File…”choo se ESP826 6 NodeM CU kit demo code ->
P19_Wireless_Toliet_LED_Idicator-> Server->init.lua. After the upload completed then click
“Download ” to download the init.lua file.
-- ESP8266 Client
print("ESP8266 Client1")
wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") -- connecting to server
print("Looking for a connection")
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT,gpio.FLOAT)

tmr.alarm(1, 2000, 1, function()

if(wifi.sta.getip()~=nil) then
print("Client IP Address:",wifi.sta.getip())

cl=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
tmr.alarm(2,1000, 1, function()
if(wifi.sta.getip()==nil) then
wifi.sta.config("test","12345678") -- connecting to server
if(pin_value==0) then
print("send 10")
print("send 11")

-- ESP8266 Server
print("ESP8266 Server")
print("Server IP Address:",wifi.ap.getip())
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.mode(pin1, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW) --Red LED
gpio.write(pin1, gpio.HIGH) --Green LED
sv = net.createServer(net.TCP)
sv:listen(80, function(conn)
conn:on("receive", function(conn, receivedData)
print("Received Data: " .. receivedData)
tmr.alarm(0, 100, 1, function()

print("inter tmr")
if(pin_value=="10") then
gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.write(pin1, gpio.LOW)
elseif(pin_value=="11") then
gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW)
gpio.write(pin1, gpio.HIGH)
conn:on("sent", function(conn)

The lessons are over here, and you have learned the basic application of ESP8266 NodeMCU, but the usage of
ESP8266 is not only these. There are many other examples of the ESP8266 in the folder files, you can try them by
yourself And if you need other Crowtail modules you can visit: . Hope you have a enjoy


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