Spillage Estimation in A Heliostats Field For Solar Field Optimization
Spillage Estimation in A Heliostats Field For Solar Field Optimization
Spillage Estimation in A Heliostats Field For Solar Field Optimization
Energy Procedia 69 (2015) 1269 – 1276
We present an accurate and simple model for calculating the spillage and the power contribution at the receiver for each heliostat
in a heliostat field, based on HFLCAL model [2]. This method is used for layout and optimization of heliostat fields of central
receiver systems. At the same time, the flux distribution on the central receiver is calculated. Computation time for flux
estimation is saved by using a simplified mathematical model for the concentrator optics: the reflected image of each heliostat is
described by a circular normal distribution. This new analytic flux density model is compared against a Monte Carlo Ray Tracer
like Tonatiuh [1]. As main conclusion this model could be quite appropriate tools for the design and optimization, as it achieves
similar results as ray tracing with much less computational costs.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer review by the scientific conference committee of SolarPACES 2014 under responsibility of PSE AG.
Peer review by the scientific conference committee of SolarPACES 2014 under responsibility of PSE AG
Keywords: solar power plant; central receiver systems; flux distribution; spillage estimation;
1. Introduction
Heliostat field optimization [3] is crucial for the design of an optimized solar power tower system. One of the
most important factors in such an optimization is maximization (in accordance with material limitations) of the
annual absorbed energy of the receiver. This is achieved amongst other factors by minimizing the losses of the solar
radiation due to spillage. To facilitate an individual optimization of possible tenth of thousands of heliostats within
the field an efficient but yet accurate method to calculate the flux onto the receiver is required.
1876-6102 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer review by the scientific conference committee of SolarPACES 2014 under responsibility of PSE AG
1270 L. García et al. / Energy Procedia 69 (2015) 1269 – 1276
The spillage is the part of the power reflected by a heliostat which is outside of the receiver domain. This loss of
power is very important for the overall efficiency of a heliostats field, and can be calculated through an integration
of the image shape produced by the mirror over the receiver domain. It is necessary to calculate this efficiency
accurately and quickly, so this model can be used for layout and optimization of heliostat field of central receiver
It is clear that the design and optimization of solar power tower systems need simple, accurate and reliable flux
density models of the sunlight reflected from an individual heliostat onto the receiver, which supply not only an
accurate and simple calculation of the intercept but also a reliable value of the maximum flux.
2. Methodology
Based on the HFLCAL model [2, 7], our method creates the reflected image of the heliostat by a circular normal
distribution of the energy flux. As shown in [4] this is an appropriate simplification for the design and optimization
of solar power tower systems, which is the main goal. For our model we assume the heliostats have a flat or only
slightly curved mirror, have no astigmatism error and the reflectivity of is 100%. The assumption of nearly flat
mirrors is frequently encountered in small sized heliostats, which are also the ones used in solar fields containing
tenth of thousands of heliostats. The reflected image of each heliostat at a given point in time is described by one
single circular normal distribution of the energy flux.
ష(ೣమ శమ )
ݔ(ܨ, = )ݕ మ݁
మమ (1)
In general the reflected image of each heliostat is influenced by the size of the sun, the quality of the mirror
curvature (which we will assume to be flat) and the mirror surface. Furthermore, the aim-point uncertainty due to the
tracking mechanism also has to be considered. Each of these factors corresponds to the convolution between the
current image and a transfer function, e.g. the image of the sun folded with the mirror surface transfer function. By
modeling the whole chain using Gaussian distributions this convolution is simplified to a simple addition of
variances from the different functions. As a result all this influences can be aggregated into a circular normal
Gaussian distribution functions considered.
ߪ௦௨ is the standard deviation of the sun shape, ߪ is the mirror slope and curvature error, and ߪ௦௧ is the
error associated to the position of the heliostat.
L. García et al. / Energy Procedia 69 (2015) 1269 – 1276 1271
This work assumes sun’s rays are parallel to simplify the calculations, but in reality the rays are not parallel [5],
they come inside of a revolution cone. Moreover, the solar intensity is not distributed uniformly across the sun disc
but decreases towards the edge To achieve a similar distribution the standard deviation used to calculate the energy
flux is a function of the size of the sun and heliostat, the position of the sun, the heliostat, and the receiver height.
The slope error is a representation of the imperfections of the mirror surface. It is divided into the surface error
ߪ௦ representing the surface roughness, i.e. the deviation of the mirror surface normal from the ideal one, and the
curvature error ߪ௨௩௧௨ representing the deviation from a desired shape of the mirror. As we consider only flat
mirrors in our case the mirror error depends only on the slope error.
2.3. Position
The distance and orientation of the heliostat with respect to the receiver influences the shape of the reflected
image, which is accounted for by ߪ௦௧ . On one hand it is influenced by the cosine factor which diminishes the
effective area of the heliostat, and on the other hand by the distance which in conjunction with the aperture angle of
the sun results in an augmentation of the reflected image.
On factor not considered so far is the tracking error of the drive mechanism. The proposed method could be
extended to consider this E\ DGGLQJLQDQRWKHUı KRZHYHUGRLQJ so has some implications to it. Adding tracking
error as another factor means the resulting Gaussian distribution is more spread out but this is not the actual effect
caused by a tracking error. A tracking error actually means that the resulting image will have basically the same
shape but will be projected to a different location on the receiver. The effect of a more widespread image is only
achieved over time, for instance if the reflected image is observed at different times and averaged. For our analysis,
therefore, we will not take tracking errors into account.
Other factors having effect onto the received radiation are atmospheric dispersion and blocking and shading
between heliostats. While atmospheric dispersion can be simulated by adding DQRWKHUı blocking and shading are
not easily calculated as they depend on the position and shape of other heliostats, the receiver and the sun position.
One possible approximation is to include a factor which reduces the overall received power. However, this is only an
approximation as blocking and shading has no uniform effect onto the resulting flux.
2.5. Spillage
Energy losses by spillage are all those losses caused for the energy directed to the receiver does not affect the
absorption area. To get the intercepted power at a certain point in time, the flux distribution has to be integrated
along the receiver aperture plane [2].
ೣమ శమ
ଵ ൬ ൰
ߟ = ݁ మ ήమ ή ݀ ݔή ݀ݕ (3)
ଶగήఙ మ
2.6. Power
To calculate the actual radiation at the receiver ܲ(ݔ, ݕ, )ݐsome additional effects need to be taken into
consideration, namely the cosine effect and the actual position of the heliostat with respect to the receiver. This
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together with the current direct normal irradiation at the site can then be used to calculate the flux at the receiver and,
therefore, the spillage for a heliostat.
ܲ (ݔ, ݕ, )ݐ(ܫܰܦ = )ݐή ߟ௦ (ݔ, ݕ, )ݐή ߟ (ݔ, ݕ, )ݐ (5)
The functions f(x, y) and g(x, y) account for the position of the heliostat in the solar field and result from the
homography between the heliostat and project image planes. Based on a set of parallel rays reflected at the corner of
the heliostat, the rectangle intersecting the receiver surface is calculated (Figure 1). From these corners a mapping
between the projected rectangle of the receiver and the rectangle of the heliostat surface is calculated. The resulting
flux on the receiver is then calculated by mapping the two dimensional Gaussian distribution on the rectangular
heliostat surface using this homography.
Fig. 1. (a) Heliostat surface parallel projected onto receiver surface; (b) Image of 4x4 m heliostat at (-200 m, -200 m) projected onto a 6x6 m
receiver surface with sun azimuth angle 160 ° and elevation 45 °.
This procedure allows calculating the incident flux on the receiver for each heliostat (Figure 2). The advantage of
this procedure is that the calculated flux is also oriented in accordance with the actual projected image giving a more
accurate representation of the actual flux for each heliostat.
Fig. 2. (a) Flux distribution for undistorted projection; (b) Flux distribution mapped onto receiver.
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3. Results
To validate our method the calculated results are compared with the Monte-Carlo-Ray-Tracer Tonatiuh. For the
comparison different positions and sizes of flat heliostats within the solar field are evaluated. The flux is calculated
for a flat receiver located 100 m above the ground. For the evaluation a DNI of 1000 W/m2 is assumed. In Table 1
the results for 1x1 m2 heliostats at different positions within a solar field and a 3x3 m2 receiver are shown. For the
simulations the sun was assumed to be at an azimuth angle of 160 º and elevation of 70 º. The results are generally
good, however, due to the simplification of the method there are some deviations near the edge of the heliostat field.
In the following sections some of the results are given in more detail.
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3.1. Position 1
To demonstrate the general accordance of our model, the results for a frontal position with the following data is
x Heliostat size: 1x1 mଶ
x Receiver size: 3x3 ݉ଶ
x Sun position: Zenith = 70 º / Azimuth = 170 º
x Total flux: 973 W
Table 2. Values obtained in Tonatiuh and in the implemented method for a heliostat situated in (0 m,-100 m)
The next picture shows the flux distribution along the receiver surface.
Fig. 3. (a) Flux distribution on the receiver (Tonatiuh); (b) Flux distribution on the receiver (implemented method).
3.2. Position 2
Table 3. Values obtained in Tonatiuh and in this implemented method for a heliostat situated in (-100,-300)
The next picture shows the flux distribution along the receiver.
Fig. 4. (a) Flux distribution on the receiver (Tonatiuh); (b) Flux distribution on the receiver (implemented method).
3.3. Position 3
Table 4. Values obtained in Tonatiuh and in this implemented method for a heliostat situated in (-200,-200)
The next picture shows the flux distribution along the receiver.
Fig. 5. (a) Flux distribution on the receiver (Tonatiuh); (b) Flux distribution on the receiver (implemented method).
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As we have seen in the tables the results between both methods are very similar and it has only little relative
errors, indicating that the method developed in this paper is accurate enough. On the other hand the flux distribution
on the receiver is calculated by this method with a similar tilt as ray tracing methods for all of reasonable positions
of the heliostats within the solar field. Figure 6 shows the difference between the flux tilt from ray tracing versus our
method. There is a deviation between the actual (Tonatiuh) and the calculated orientation of the energy flux. This is
due to the simplification of using parallel rays. However, the deviation is very small, therefore, making this method
appropriate for the design and optimization of solar power tower systems.
Fig. 6. (a) Tilted flux distribution on the receiver (implemented method); (b) Tilted flux distribution on the receiver (Tonatiuh);
(c) Comparison of tilted flux distribution for both methods.
4. Conclusions
This method is accurate and efficient for calculating the spillage for each heliostat in a solar field. It allows fast
calculations for large heliostat fields as a basis for system layout and optimization. Furthermore, the tilted flux
distribution along the receiver surface for each heliostat is also approximated. The computation time is significantly
less than in ray tracing methods because of simplifications made.
This method shows an important feature as compared to other codes ([1, 6]), like that all calculations are based on
individual heliostats and the results of a field layout are single heliostat positions. This is important, as solar field
optimization is usually based on the optimization of individual heliostats.
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