DRAFT Annotated Agenda For The Standing Working Group On Whale-Watching

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DRAFT Annotated Agenda for the Standing Working Group on Whale-watching

The table below summarizes how the work of the WW SWG is expected to be handled during SC68B. Discussion of most topics are expected to be brief
and will be conducted via e-mail, with only the biennial workplan being discussed virtually via Zoom.

Table rows represent agenda items as presented in the WW Agenda. Given the limited amount of time available, the report of WW will be prepared in the
format of a draft SC report. In other words, this year’s report will be equivalent to the Chair’s summary on a normal, in-person, SC meeting. A report in
the form of an Annex will not be produced. If discussions of certain agenda items become excessively technical, an appendix may be prepared to accompany
the report of the SWG.

SC Agenda Topic Documents available Proposed process to handle discussion Report draft and approval Comments

Introductory Items

NA Opening remarks Convener (New) will discuss the plans for conducting the
work of the WW in 2020 via email.

NA Election of Chair Convener offered to chair and organize the virtual work of

NA Appointment of New and Rose (need to contact once virtual session is

Rapporteurs confirmed) will undertake the duties of rapporteur

NA Adoption of the The agenda will be adopted via email.

NA Documents WW/1-2, For Info 26,
Available 27

17.1 Assess the impacts of whale watching and swim-with-whale operations on cetaceans

17.1.1 Studies on assessing WW/01, For Info 26 Document WW/01 and For Info 26 will be reviewed via A summary of the paper and
impacts, (i) short- email. potential discussion will be
term, (ii) mid- to prepared by the Convener as
long-term, (iii) draft report for review by the
swim-with WW members.
operations, (iv)
emerging areas of

17.1.2 Review results from WW/02 Document WW/02 will be reviewed via email, and A summary of the update and
the 3rd workshop on SharePoint document will be available to sub-committee conclusions regarding the way
Modelling and members to provide detailed feedback and suggestions forward for the third MAWI
Assessment of . workshop will be prepared by
Whale-watching the Convener as a draft report
Impacts (MAWI) for review by the WW
17.2 Finalize IWC’s General Principles for Whale-watching

17.2 Finalize IWC’s Annex N, Appendix 2 The Convener (New) will discuss, via email, the plans for A summary will be prepared by
General Principles from 2019 finalizing the revised General Principles the Convener as a draft report
for Whale-watching for review by the WW

17.3 Progress with regional reviews of whale watching

17.3.1 Sri Lanka None available If any document is available, review will be done via email.

17.3.2 Latin America For Info 27 Document For Info 27 will be reviewed via email A summary of the paper and
potential discussion will be
prepared by the Convener as
draft report for review by the
WW members.

17.4 Collaborative work within the IWC

17.4.1 IWC Whale WW/03 Document WW/02, and two expected working papers, will A summary of the document
Watching Handbook be reviewed via email. and any discussion will be
prepared by the Convener as a
draft report for review by the
WW members.

17.4.2 Work of the None available If any document is available, review will be done via email
Committee Standing
Working Group on
Whale Watching

17.4.3 Collaboration with None available If any document is available, review will be done via email While this item is a priority,
other SC sub- carrying it out was deemed
committees on logistically difficult in a virtual
platforms of setting given the restrictions on
opportunity and the times at when people
citizen science would be available and the
need to interact with
individuals across multiple

17.5 Progress on previous recommendations

17.5 Progress on previous SharePoint document The SharePoint document containing previous A summary of the progress and
recommendations recommendations and their status will be reviewed via potential discussion will be
email. prepared by the Convener as
draft report for review by the
WW members.

17.6 Biennial Workplan

17.6 Biennial Workplan None available Zoom session Will be drafted by the
Convener and presented to the
WG as a draft report for
comments by WW members

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