Exercise 8: LQG
Exercise 8: LQG
Exercise 8: LQG
Theoretical Exercises
1. Consider a dynamic system of the form
(a) If the system is LQG controlled, the closed loop system can be described by
ẋ x w
˙x̂ = Ã x̂ + B̃ v .
with e := x − x̂.
2. Write down the recursive Kalman filter equations for continuous time and explain them.
iL (t) L
v(t) C vC (t)
ẋ = Ax + Bu,
y = Cx,
0 L L
1 0
A= 1 ,B = and C = . (1)
0 0 0 1
The state vector is defined as x := iL vC and the input as u := v.
The initial state of the simulation used in this exercise is x0 = [0, 5]. Our aim is to design an LQG controller
that stabilizes the system.
1. Open the Simulink template ex08_sim.slx and implement a continuous Luenberger observer with
poles [−1, −1]. Use the ex08_init.m file to define the observer gain L. Compare x and x̂luen .
2. Add process disturbance w and measurement noise v, such that the system becomes stochastic:
rw1 0 0.001 0 rv1 0 1 0
Qw = = , Rv = = .
0 rw2 0 0.001 0 rv2 0 1
Hint: Use the Band-Limited White Noise block with noise powers rw1 , rw2 , rv1 , rv2 and a
sampling time t = 10 µs. Also use different integer seeds for all random signals.
3. Implement the continuous recursive Kalman filter for the stochastic system. Use
0 1 1
x̂0 = and P0 =
5 1 1
4. Observe the trajectory of the error covariance matrix of the Kalman filter. How can we simplify the
filter structure?
0.1 0
Q= and R = 0.1
0 1
6. Now we will remove the voltage measurement of our system. Copy the plant and the Kalman filter in
a new subsystem and replace the output matrix C by an appropriate matrix C2 . You will also have to
adapt the measurement noise in your plant as well as in the Kalman filter.
and explain the behavior of the LQG controlled closed loop system.